AST / GOT 11.007.00 INTENDED USE Kit intended to determination of AST/GOT activity in serum. PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD The Aspartate Transaminase (AST or GOT) catalyses the transference of amino group from aspartate to alpha-ketoglutarate. This transference produces oxaloacetate and glutamate. The activity is then determined by coupling this reaction to Malate Dehydrogenase (MDH) enzyme that transforms the oxaloacetate product in malate consuming NADH, which is measured at 340 nm. AST L - aspartate + alpha-ketoglutarate oxaloacetate + NADH + H+ LDH oxaloacetate + L-Glutamate Malate + NAD+ REAGENT COMPOSITION Tris buffer 100 mM pH 7.8; L-aspartate 240 mM, Sodium azide 0.09% w/v; Malate Dehydrogenase > 600 U/L; Lactate dehydrogenase > 1200 U/L. NADH 0,18 mM; alpha–ketoglutarate 12 mM Sodium azide 0.09% w/v STORAGE AND STABILITY • The reagents are stable up to the date stated on the label. • Do not use reagents over the expiration date. • Store at 2 to 8 ºC. • Do not freeze and protect from light. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Spectrophotometer or photometer with a thermostatized cuvette able to read at 340 nm. Pipettes and micropipettes. Clock or chronometer. Assay tubes. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS • The kit is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only. • All specimens and controls should be handled as potentially infective. • Wear the individual protection equipment accordingly to Good Laboratory Practice. • Discard the reactions surplus according to Good Laboratory Practice in a proper place for potentially infective material. • The information for Disposing, Security and First Aid are described in the Manual Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of this product available at or calling for 55-35-3214-4646. • Do not combine reagents from different batches. • Do not exchange the caps from different reagents in order to avoid cross contamination. • Do not use the reagent if it displays any sign of contamination. • The reagents must be kept out of specified temperatures only the time necessary for the realization of the tests. • Use glass pipettes and disposable tips for each sample, control, standard/calibrator and reagent. SAMPLE – PREPARATION AND STABILITY Serum The AST is stable for 3 days in serum if stored at 2 to 8 ºC. TECHNICAL PROCEDURE A) REAGENT PREPARATION Work reagent Mix in proportion: 4 parts of R 1 + 1 part of R 2. Homogenize it gently. The Work Reagent is stable for two weeks at 2 to 8 ºC. NOTE: The absorbance of the reagent must be higher than 0,800 at 340 nm, with the instrument adjusted to zero with distilled or deionized water. B) PROCEDURE 1. Heat the reagent for 3 minutes at 37 oC. 2. Pipette in the assay tube: Work Reagent Sample Volume 1.0 mL 100 µL 3. Homogenize and insert it immediately in the thermostatized cuvette at 37 ºC. 4. After 1 min. note the initial absorbance (A0) and read again after exactly 1, 2 and 3 minutes (A1, A2 and A3, respectively). CALIBRATION/CALCULATION PROCEDURES Using the measured absorbances, calculate the mean variation of absorbance per minute (∆A/min): (∆A/min) = (A1 - A0) + (A2 - A1) + (A3 - A2) 3 The activity of the AST is then calculate by multiplying the ∆A/min by the factor below: AST (U/L) = ∆A/min x 1746 BIOTÉCNICA IND.COM. LTDA. Rua Ignácio Alvarenga nº 96, Vila Verônica, Varginha MG BRASIL CEP: 37026-470 Tel/fax: +55 35 3214 4646 Example: A0 = 1.268; A1 = 1.228; A2 = 1.189; A3 = 1.152 (∆A/min.= (1.268 – 1.228) + (1.228 – 1.189) + (1.189 – 1.152) 3 AST (U/L) = 0.039 x 1746 = 68.1 U/L Note: To calculate the Factor for automatic analyzers use the absorption coefficient of NADH = 6.3 SENSITIVITY AND LINEARITY Methodological Sensitivity: Calculated method: 1.746 U/L Linearity: 440 U/L. For values higher than 440 U/L, dilute the sample with NaCl (0.9%) solution, repeat the assay and multiply the obtained result by the dilution factor. TECHNICAL LIMITATIONS • Anticoagulants Fluoride and oxalate inhibits the enzyme and may interfere in the reaction. • Hemolyzed, Jaundice and Lipemic Sera Hemoglobin > 180 mg/dL Bilirubin > 19 mg/dL Triglyceride > 350 mg/dL • Other interferences False High results: Serum with high concentration of endogen keto acids. False Low results: Salycilate (aspirin), patients in haemodialysis, with hypovitaminosis and other pathologies related to the Pyridoxal phosphate deficiency. QUALITY CONTROL Any clinical laboratory must keep an internal quality control program, which defines the aids, procedures and criteria for the tolerance limits, corrective actions and registration of the activities. Also, it must be kept a defined system for verification of the analytical variability that occurs in any measuring system. The use of controls to evaluate the imprecision of the analysis must be a routine practice in the lab. It’s suggested to use a control within the reference range and other control within the clinical significance range. The application of the Multiple Rules of Westgard for evaluation of the control state is recommended. The lab must participate of external quality control programs. For the internal quality control of the lab it’s indicated the use of the calibrator serum and control sera below: Calibrator Serum - Autocal H 13.002.00 Normal Control Serum – Quantinorm 13.003.00 Pathological Control Serum – QuantiAlt 13.004.00 REFERENCE RANGES MEN WOMEN ACTIVITY AT 37ºC Up to 37 U/L Up to 31 U/L These values are intended for orientation only. It’s recommended that each lab establishes its own reference range. Conversion for International System of Units (SI): AST (U/L) X 0.017 = AST (µKat) PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Intra-Assay The realization of 20 determinations of the same sample at the same day showed a Coefficient of Variation of 3.69%. Inter-Assay The realization of 10 determinations of the same sample at different days showed a Coefficient of Variation of 2.39%. Analytical Specificity A comparison with a reference method showed a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.998 obtained from ambulatory samples. The result equation of the linear regression is Y = 1.0216 X – 0.6448. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase (GOT) or Aspartate Transaminase (AST) is an intracellular enzyme present in high quantities in cardiac and skeletal muscles, liver, kidney and brain. Elevated levels of AST help the diagnostic of cardiac, hepatic and muscle diseases. The activity of this enzyme in the myocardial infarction is elevated within the first 12 hours, reaching a peak in 24 hours and come back to normal in the fifth day. Discrete elevations are observed in pregnancy. Elevated levels are also found in hepatic necrosis, hemolytic anemias, acute pancreatitis, cirrhosis, hepatites, obstructive jaundice, mononucleosis, hipothyroidism, brain necrosis and trauma, severe burns, muscle distrophies, skeletal muscle injuries, cardiac cateterism and angioplasty. Several common drugs may increase the level of AST (isoniazide, erithromycin, progesterone, anabolic steroids, etc.), being then used in monitoring therapies which uses hepatotoxical drugs. Revision: 01 – JUN/2011 OBSERVATIONS 1. The cleaning and drying of the lab material are fundamental factors for the stability of the reagents to reach correct results. The water used in cleaning must be recent and free of contaminating agents. The cleaning of the glassware must be done with neutral detergent. The rinsing must be exhaustive being the last ones with distilled or deionised water. 2. The water used in the lab must have the specified quality for each application. Thus, to prepare reagents the water must be of Type II, with resistivity > 1 megaohms/cm or conductivity < 1 microsiemens and silicate concentration < 0.1 mg/L. For the initial rinsing of the glassware, the water may be of Type III, with resistivity > 0.1 megaohms/cm or conductivity < 10 microsiemens. In the final rinse, the water must be of Type II. Saturated deionising columns releases alkaline water, several ions and oxidizing or reducing agents that deteriorate the reagents in a few days or even hours, changing the results in an unpredictable way. Finally, it’s imperative to establish a program for the quality control of the water. PRESENTATIONS Presentation 1 Presentation 2 R1 R2 R1 R2 1 x 40 m L 1 x 10 m L 1 x 200 mL 1 x 50 mL 50 tests of 1 mL 250 tests of 1 mL QUALITY ASSURANCE Before being approved for use BioTécnica reagents are tested in the Quality Control Department. The quality of the reagents is assured up to the expiring date stated in the label of the external packaging, since it is stored and transported in the specified conditions. The quality control data concerning this product are available at AUTOMATION This product is compatible to the most types of biochemical automatic analysers. The applications are available at CUSTOMER TECHNICAL SERVICE Any technical doubt on handling this product or this procedure, contact us calling +55 35 3214 4646, your local distributor or sending an e-mail: [email protected] REFERENCES • SCIENTIFIC DIVISION, WORKING GROUP ON ENZYMES. International Federation of Clinical Chemistry IFCC methods for measurement of catalytic concentration of enzymes Clin. Chim. Acta. v. 281, v.1-2, p.S5S39, 1999. • YOUNG, D.S. Effects of drugs on clinical laboratory tests - vol. 2, 5 ed. Washington DC: AACC Press, 2000. • WESTGARD, J. O. et al. A multi-rule shewhart chart quality control in clinical chemistry. Clin. Chem. v.27 p.493-501, 1981. TECHNICAL RESPONSIBILITY Dr. Gilson Sério Pizzo - CRF MG - 5310 ANVISA REGISTRATION NUMBER 80027310186 TABLE OF INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS SYMBOL LANGUAGE Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español Português English Español EXPLANATION Consultar Instruções de Uso Consult instructions for use Consultar la metódica Código Code Código Número de lote Batch code Denominación de lote Para uso diagnóstico in vitro For in vitro diagnostic medical device Para uso em diagnostico in vitro Conteúdo do kit Contents of kit Contenido del estuche Conteúdo suficiente para <n> testes Contains sufficient for <n> tests Contenido suficiente para <n> ensayos Calibrador Calibrator Calibrador Controle Control Control Padrão Standard Patrón Reagente e seu número/abreviação Reagent and its number/abbreviation Reactivo e su número/abreviación Limite de temperatura Temperature limitation Temperatura límite Data limite de utilização (último dia do mês) Use by (last day of the month) Estable hasta (ultimo día del mes) Fabricado por Manufactured by Elaborado por Risco biológico Biological risk Riesgo biológico Corrosivo Corrosive Corrosivo Tóxico Toxic Tóxico Inflamável Flammable Inflamable Nocivo / Irritante Harmful / Irritant Nocivo / Irritante Material reciclável Recyclable material Material reciclable Não descartar diretamente no ambiente Dispose properly Desechar adecuadamente
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