5 th Minisymposium Molecular Forage Crop Breeding

5th Minisymposium
Molecular Forage Crop Breeding
ETH Research Station Lindau-Eschikon
May 2, 2016, 13.00 - 18.00 h
We kindly invite you to attend the fifth edition of the bi-annual meeting of the Molecular Plant
Ecology (Agroscope) and Forage Crop Genetics (ETH) groups. The minisymposium will
take place in the framework of the visit of ca. 25 breeders and scientists of the forage
crop section of the German "Gemeinschaft zur Förderung von Pflanzeninnovationen
e.V." GFPi. In addition to interesting presentations, you will have the opportunity to interact
with our German partners and exchange ideas and opinions. The minisymposium is open to all
interested in grassland sciences and genetics.
Please register by e-mail before April 25 ([email protected]).
13:00 - 13:15
13:15 - 14:30
Welcome and introduction (Bruno Studer & Roland Kölliker)
Presentations of GFPi:
• Vorstellung der GFPi e. V. und des Forschungsprogramms der Abteilung
Futterpflanzen (Dr. Dieter Stelling)
• Übersicht über Forschungsaktivitäten im Bereich Futterpflanzen an der Bayerischen Landesanstalt (Dr. Stephan Hartmann)
• Arbeiten zu pflanzengenetischen Ressourcen an Futterpflanzen an der IPK
Genbank-Aussenstelle Nord (Evelin Willner)
14:30 - 15:00
Coffee break
15:00 - 17:00
Short presentations of the Forage Crop Genetics and Molecular Plant Ecology
groups, visit to the field and glasshouses:
• Modelling leaf growth and transcriptional response of perennial ryegrass to
drought stress (Dr. Steven Yates)
• Doubled haploid induction in perennial ryegrass (Rachel Begheyn)
• High Energy Red Clover (Dr. Mike Ruckle)
• Automated high throughput phenotyping in perennial ryegrass (Prof. Dr.
Bruno Studer)
• The ryegrass microbiome ? hidden life in and on leaves (Martina Birrer)
• Sainfoin: new insights in its biology and genetics (Katharina Kempf)
Vorstellung der Einrichtung AgroVet-Strickhof
17:00 - 18:00
sig. R. Kölliker & B. Studer