F R A U N H O F E R I N S T I T U T e F o R a p p l ie d so l i d state p h y si c s I A F 42 nd Freiburg Infrared Colloquium preliminary program © Karl-Heinz Raach Freiburg Infrared Colloquium March 3 – 4 , 2015 1 4 2 nd F r e i b u r g I n f r a r e d C o l l o q u i u m 42nd Freiburg Infrared Colloquium March 3–4, 2015 Fraunhofer IAF Tullastrasse 72 79108 Freiburg Germany Phone +49 761 5159-411 Fax +49 761 5159-219 [email protected] www.infrared-workshop.de 2 With support of 4 2 nd F r e i b u r g I n f r a r e d C o l l o q u i u m Tuesday, March 3, 2015 08:00 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 09:10 Welcome Type-II Superlattices & MWIR-HOT 09:10 – 09:40 1.1 Invited Paper: InAs/GaSb Type-II Superlattice Development at SCD P. Klipstein Semiconductor Devices , P.O. Box 2250, Haifa 31021, Israel 09:40 –09:55 1.2 Advances in Characterization and Manufacturing of Bi-Spectral InAs/GaSb Superlattice Imagers for the Mid-infrared T. Stadelmann1, T. Hugger1, W. Luppold1, J. Niemasz1, R. Rehm1, M. Riedel2, Th. Simon2, C. Schüle2, M. Wauro1, J. Wendler2, A. Wörl1, M. Walther1 1 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, Tullastrasse 72, 79108 Freiburg, Germany 2 AIM Infrarot-Module GmbH, Theresienstraße 2, 74072 Heilbronn, Germany 09:55 – 10:10 1.3 Mid-wave Infrared Cut-off Wavelengths HgCdTe FPA Based on P-on-N-Technology at Sofradir: High Operating Temperature Developments A. Kerlain, D. Sam-Giao, L. Rubaldo, N. Péré-Laperne, L. Dargent, C. Cassillo, R. Taalat, Y. Reibel SOFRADIR, Avenue de la Vauve, CS 20018, 91127 Palaiseau, France 10:10 – 10:25 1.4 Influence of Process Parameters on HOT Performance of HgCdTe MWIR Devices W. Schirmacher, H. Lutz, T. Schallenberg, J. Wendler, H. Figgemeier AIM Infrarot-Module GmbH, Theresienstraße 2, 74072 Heilbronn, Germany 10:25 – 10:40 1.5Contributions to the Dark Current in HOT MWIR HgCdTe Photodetectors: Experiments and Numerical Modeling M. Vallone1, M. Mandurrino1, M. Goano1, F. Bertazzi1, G. Ghione1, W. Schirmacher2, S. Hanna2, H. Figgemeier2 1 DET, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy 2 AIM Infrarot-Module GmbH, Theresienstraße 2, 74072 Heilbronn, Germany 10:40 – 11:15Coffee Break 3 4 2 nd F r e i b u r g I n f r a r e d C o l l o q u i u m Quantum Cascade Lasers & Applications 11:15 – 11:45 2.1 Invited Paper: Mid-IR Spectroscopy in Medical Diagnostics Using FTIR-spectroscopy and Tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers W. Mäntele, M. Pleitez, O. Hertzberg, T. Lieblein, A. Bauer, M. Seeger, H. v. Lilienfeld-Toal1 Institut für Biophysik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Max-von-Laue-Strasse 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 1 Elté Sensoric GmbH, Wilhelm-Schoeffer-Strasse 33, Gelnhausen, Germany 11:45 – 12:00 2.2 Breath Analysis with Mid-infrared Diagnostics E. Tütüncü1, V. Kokoric1, F. Seichter1, A. Wilk1, C. Carter2, P. R. Fortes3, I. M. Raimundo Jr.3, B. Mizaikoff1 1 University of Ulm, Institute of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (IABC), 89081 Ulm, Germany 2 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore CA 94550, USA 3 University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Institute of Chemistry, Campinas - SP, Brazil 12:00 – 12:15 2.3 QCL Frequency Comb Technology for Mid-infrared Sensing M. Mangold1,2, A. Hugi1,3, M. Geiser1,3, G. Villares3, L. Emmenegger2, J. Faist3 1 IRsweep GmbH, Burgstrasse 20, 8037 Zürich, Switzerland 2 Empa, Laboratory for Air Pollution and Environmental Technology, Überlandstr. 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland 3 Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich, Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland 12:15 – 12:30 2.4 Application Grade Monomode Interband Cascade Lasers J. Scheuermann1, M. von Edlinger1, R. Weih2, L. Nähle1, M. Fischer1, J. Koeth1, S. Höfling2, M. Kamp2 1 nanoplus GmbH, Oberer Kirschberg 4, 97218 Gerbrunn, Germany 2 Technische Physik, Physikalisches Institut and Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Research Center for Complex Material Systems, Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany 12:30 – 12:45 2.5 Modulated Distributed Feedback Gratings for Dual Wavelength Emission in Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers F. Demmerle, W. Oberhausen, J. Bissinger, H. Schmeiduch, G. Böhm, M.-C. Amann Walter Schottky Institut, Am Coulombwall 4, 85748 Garching, Germany 12:45 – 14:00Lunch 4 4 2 nd F r e i b u r g I n f r a r e d C o l l o q u i u m SWIR & uncooled 14:00 – 14:30 3.1 Invited Paper: InAs Based Avalanche Photodiodes for the SWIR Region J. David, C. H. Tan Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, United Kingdom 14:30 – 14:45 3.2 Overview of German IR Activities 14:45 – 15:00 M. Gebauer Bundeswehr Technical Center for Weapons and Ammunition (WTD91), Am Schießplatz, 49716 Meppen, Germany 3.3 SWIR-detectors for Night-vision A. Sieck1, M. Benecke1, J. Wendler1, W. Schirmacher1, H. Figgemeier1, W. Bronner2, F. Rutz2 1 AIM Infrarot-Module GmbH, Theresienstraße 2, 74072 Heilbronn, Germany 2 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, Tullastrasse 72, 79108 Freiburg, Germany 15:00 – 15:15 3.4 Sensitivity Performance of SWIR Imager in a Multispectral VIS/SWIR Zoom Camera for Long-range Surveillance Tasks M. Hübner, B. Achtner, M. Gerken, M. Kraus, M. Münzberg AIRBUS DS OPTRONICS GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 22, 73447 Oberkochen, Germany 15:15 – 15:30 3.5 Uncooled Digital QVGA-IRFPA with 17 µm Pixel-pitch Based on Amorphous Silicon with Massively Parallel Sigma-Delta-ADC Readout D. Weiler, F. Hochschulz, D. Würfel, R. Lerch, T. Geruschke, S. Wall, J. Heß, Q. Wang, H. Vogt Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS, Finkenstraße 61, 47057 Duisburg, Germany 15:30 – 16:00Coffee Break 5 4 2 nd F r e i b u r g I n f r a r e d C o l l o q u i u m CMT Detector technology 16:00 – 16:30 4.1 Invited Paper: MOVPE-grown IR Detector Development Based on CdHgTe Heterostructures on GaAs Substrates C. Maxey, S. Bains, L.Hipwood, I. Baker Selex-ES Limited, Millbrook Industrial Estate, First Avenue, Southampton, United Kingdom, SO15 0LG 16:30 – 16:45 4.2Low Dark Current MCT-based LWIR and VLWIR Focal Plane Detector Arrays at AIM S. Hanna, D. Eich, M. Mahlein, W. Fick, W. Schirmacher, J. Wendler, R. Wollrab, H. Figgemeier AIM Infrarot-Module GmbH, Theresienstraße 2, 74072 Heilbronn, Germany 16:45 – 17:00 4.3 Improvements of Long Wave P-on-N-HgCdTe Infrared Technology N. Péré-Laperne1, A. Kerlain1, L. Rubaldo1, E. Carrère1, L. Dargent1, R. Taalat1, O. Gravrand2, F. Rochette2 1 SOFRADIR, Avenue de Vauve - CS20018, 91127 Palaiseau, France 2 CEA-LETI, MINATEC Campus, 17 Rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 17:00 – 17:15 4.4 Recent Developments in High-speed HgCdTe Detectors at VIGO System A. Piotrowski, J. Pawluczyk, J. Piotrowski, W. Pusz, A. Koźniewski, M. Romanis, Z. Orman, W. Gawron VIGO System S.A. 129/133 Poznanska St. 05-080 Poland 18:15 – 19:15 Freiburg City Tour 19:30 – 23:00Dinner 6 4 2 nd F r e i b u r g I n f r a r e d C o l l o q u i u m Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Integrated Photonics & Sensing 08:30 – 09:00 5.1 Invited Paper: Silicon-based Photonic Integrated Circuits for the Mid-infrared G. Roelkens Photonics Research Group, Ghent University - imec, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Gent, Belgium 09:00 – 09:15 5.2 Widely Tuneable External Cavity QCL with MOEMS Diffraction Grating for Spectral Scan Rates in the kHz Range R. Ostendorf1, A. Merten2, J. Grahmann2, S. Hugger1, F. Fuchs1, J. Wagner1 1 Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, Tullastrasse 72, 79108 Freiburg, Germany 2 Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems, Maria-Reiche-Strasse 2, 01109 Dresden, Germany 09:15 – 09:30 5.3 Applications of Hyper-Spectral-Imaging with QCLs in Microscopy M. Godejohann1, B. Bird2, M. Barre2 1 MG Optical Solutions GmbH, Hauptstraße 35c, 86922 Eresing, Germany 2 Daylight Solutions, 15378 Avenue of Science, Suite 200, CA-92128 –San Diego, USA 09:30 – 09:45 5.4 Mid-infrared Sensor Systems For Monitoring Dissolved Greenhouse Gases T. Schädle1,2, B. Pejcic2, B.Mizaikoff1, Institute of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany 1 2 CSIRO, Earth Science and Resource Engineering, Wealth from Oceans Flagship, Perth, Australia 09:45 – 10:00 5.5 Mid-infrared Sensors for Determining Dissolved VOCs and PAHs in Seawater R. Stach1,2, B. Pejcic1, E. Crooke1, X. Qi1, A. Ross1, M. Myers1, B. Mizaikoff2 1 CSIRO, Wealth from Oceans Flagship, Kensington, WA, Australia 2 Institute of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany 10:00 – 10:15 5.6 Miniaturized Enhanced Sensing Systems for Molecular Detection L. A. Dunbar, L. Duchêne, R. Eckert, R. P. Stanley CSEM Centre Suisse d‘Electronique et de Microtechnique SA, Jaquet-Droz 1, Case postal, 2002 Neuchâtel, Switzerland 10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break 7 4 2 nd F r e i b u r g I n f r a r e d C o l l o q u i u m »Advanced« 2D Sensors 10:45 – 11:15 6.1 Invited Paper: Ultra-fine Pixel Pitch Quantum IR Sensors O. Gravrand CEA-LETI MINATEC Optronics Dept., OPT/STM/LPA, 17 Rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 11:15 – 11:30 6.2 Excess Noise Performance Limitations in MWIR and LWIR Detectors F. Zehetmair Diehl BGT Defence GmbH & Co. KG, Alte Nussdorfer Strasse 13, 88662 Überlingen, Germany 11:30 – 11:45 6.3 MTF Performance: Measurements, Modelization and Optimization for Sofradir IR II-VI and III-V Photodetectors J. Berthoz1, L. Rubaldo1, M. Maillard1, N. Péré-Laperne1, A. Kerlain1, A. Nedelcu1, A. Cordat1, O. Gravrand2 1 SOFRADIR, Avenue de la Vauve, CS 20018, 91127 Palaiseau, France 2 CEA-LETI, MINATEC Campus, 17 Rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 11:45 – 12:00 6.4 Infrared Detector Systems at MPIA V. Naranjo, J. Panduro, P. Bizenberger Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany 12:00 – 12:15 6.5 Standoff Detection of Explosives by Quantum Cascade Laser-based Hyperspectral Imaging S. Hugger, F. Fuchs, J. Jarvis, Q. K. Yang, M. Rattunde, R. Ostendorf, C. Schilling, R. Driad, W. Bronner, R. Aidam Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, Tullastrasse 72, 79108 Freiburg, Germany 12:15 – 12:30 6.6Late news paper: Selected Mature Commercial Infrared Room-temperature Detector Technologies: Are There Ways to Improve State-of-the-art Performance? A. Doctor1, D. Grubisic2, J. Kunsch3 Laser Components Pyro Group Inc., Stuart, FL 34994, USA 1 2 Laser Components DG Inc, Tempe, AZ 8528, USA 3 Laser Components GmbH, Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 15, 82140 Olching, Germany 12:30 – 14:00Lunch 8 4 2 nd F r e i b u r g I n f r a r e d C o l l o q u i u m IR Lasers 14:00 – 14:30 7.1 Invited Paper: Quasi-phase-matched GaAs for Versatile Mid-IR Frequency Conversion A. Grisard1, E. Lallier1, B. Gérard2 1 Thales Research & Technology, Campus Polytechnique, 1 Avenue Augustin Fresnel, 91767 Palaiseau Cedex, France 2 14:30 – 14:45 III-V Lab, Campus Polytechnique, 1 av. Augustin Fresnel, 91767 Palaiseau Cedex, France 7.2 High-performance Infrared (0.8 μm – 3 μm) Laser Diodes for Defense and Sensing Applications A. Vizbaras, I. Šimonytė, E. Dvinelis, A. Trinkūnas, K. Vizbaras Brolis Seminconductors UAB, Moletu pl. 73, 14259 Vilnius, Lithuania 14:45 – 15:00 7.3 Mid-infrared Diode Lasers Between 1.8 and 2.9 μm S. Hilzensauer, M. Kelemen m2k-Laser GmbH, Hermann-Mitsch Str. 36a, 79108 Freiburg, Germany 15:00 – 15:15 7.4 InP-based Type-II Heterostructure Lasers for up to 2.7 μm Wavelength S. Sprengel, G. K. Veerabathran, A. Koeninger, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M.-C. Amann Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universität München, Am Coulombwall 4, 85748 Garching, Germany 15:15 – 15:30 7.5 Midwave-infrared (MWIR) Photoluminescence of InAs1-xSbx Nanopillars Grown by Catalyst-free Selective-area Metal-organic Chemical Vapor Deposition A. C. Farrell1, W.-J. Lee1, T. Mirabito1, C.-H. Hung2, Z. Loh1, P. Senanayake1, D. L. Huffaker1,3 Electrical Engineering, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095 1 2 Nanopixel Technologies, LLC. Los Angeles, CA 90095. 3 California NanoSystems Institute, University of California 15:30 – 16:00Coffee Break 9 4 2 n d F reiburg I nfrare d Co l l oquium Type-II Superlattices Heterostructures 16:00 – 16:30 8.1 Invited Paper: Optimization of Type-II Superlattice Heterojunction Infrared Detectors S. Bandara, N. Baril, P. Maloney, C. Billman, N. Henry, A. Brown, E. Nallon, M. Tidrow U.S. Army RDECOM CERDEC NVESD, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060, USA. 16:30 – 16:45 8.2 Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice Interband Cascade Photodetectors W. Pusz1, A. Kowalewski1, P. Martyniuk1, W. Gawron1, E. Plis2, S. Krishna2, A. Rogalski1 1 Military University of Technology, Institute of Applied Physics, 2 Kaliskiego Street, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland 2 University of New Mexico, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Center for High Technology Materials, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106, USA 16:45 – 17:00 8.3 Analysis and Optimization of InAs/GaSb Superlattice Infrared Detectors R. Rehm, T. Hugger, F. Lemke, W. Luppold, J. Niemasz, F. Rutz, J. Schmidt, J. Schmitz, A. Wörl, M. Walther Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF, Tullastrasse 72, 79108 Freiburg, Germany 17:00 – 17:15 8.4 Radiometric Temperature Measurements Using In(Ga)As(Sb) Backside Illuminated Photodiodes G. Yu. Sotnikova1, S. E. Aleksandrov1, G. A. Gavrilov1, A. A. Kapralov1, B. A. Matveev1,2, M. A. Remennyi1,2, M. Saadaoui3, D. Zymelka3 1 Ioffe Institute, Polytekhnicheskaya 26, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia 2 IoffeLED Ltd., Polytekhnicheskaya 26, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia 3 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Centre of Microelectronics in Provence, 880, Avenue de Mimet, 13120 Gardanne, France 17:15 – 17:30 Closing 10
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