Active Sourcing - IHK für München und Oberbayern

Giorgio Laguzzi
Family name: Laguzzi
First Name: Giorgio
Nationality: Italian
Date of Birth: 06.11.1984
email: [email protected], [email protected]
Current and past positions
• Assistant Professor (akademischen Rat) at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universit¨at
in Freiburg, “Mathematical Logic Group” led by Prof. Dr. Heike Mildenberger and by Prof. Dr. Martin Ziegler, October 2014 - current.
• Postdoctoral researcher (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Universit¨at
Hamburg, working in the “Logic Group” led by Prof. Dr. Benedikt L¨owe,
October 2013 - today.
• Postdoctoral researcher (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the AlbertLudwigs-Universit¨
at in Freiburg, “Mathematical Logic Group” led by Prof.
Dr. Heike Mildenberger and by Prof. Dr. Martin Ziegler, October 2012 September 2013.
• PhD student at the Kurt G¨odel Research Center for Mathematical Logic,
under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sy David Friedman, October 2008
- July 2012. My doctoral studies were funded by the FWF (Austrian
Science Fund) through the research project P22430-N13.
Education and Qualifications
• PhD degree, University of Vienna, Kurt G¨odel Research Center, June 4th
2012. Thesis’ title: “Arboreal forcing notions and regularity properties
of the real line”. Supervisor: Prof. Sy David Friedman. Mark: with
• Master degree in Mathematics, University of Torino, October 1st 2008.
Thesis’ title:“Lebesgue measurability and inaccessible cardinals”. Advisor: Prof. Alessandro Andretta. Mark: 110/110 e lode (con menzione
speciale) (Summa cum laude).
Papers and Publications
1. Arboreal forcing notions and regularity properties of the real line, PhD
thesis, University of Vienna, April 2012.
2. On the separation of regularity properties of the reals, Archive for Mathematical Logic (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s00153-014-0386-7.
3. Some considerations on amoeba forcing notions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic (2014), DOI: 10.1007/s00153-014-0375-x.
4. Generalized Silver and Miller measurability, Mathematical Logic Quarterly (2014), accepted, to appear.
5. Full-splitting Miller trees and infinitely often equal reals, (joint with Yurii
Khomskii), submitted.
6. Two Marczewski-style null ideals, (joint with Yurii Khomski and Wolfgang
Wohofsky), in preparation.
7. Generalized random forcing, (joint with Sy Friedman), in preparation.
Seminar Talks
Student seminar at the KGRC:
1. Cichon’s diagram, December 2009, 3 lectures.
2. Baire property without inaccessible, April 2010, 4 lectures.
3. Perfect set property without Baire property and Lebesgue measurabiltiy,
October 2010, 2 lectures.
4. Lebesgue measurability and Baire property for ∆12 -sets, march 2011, 3 lectures.
5. Negligible sets in the generalized Baire space ω1ω1 , October 2011, 2 lectures.
6. Solovay-type characterizations for Σ12 -sets, March 2011, 3 lectures.
7. Uncountable Sacks forcing, October 2011, 2 lectures.
8. Applications of tree-forcing notions to the regularity properties, November
and December 2011, 5 lectures.
9. (F, g)-preservation: adding random reals without adding Cohen reals, March
2012, 2 lectures.
Other seminars:
10. Separation of regularity properties, KGRC, research seminar, March 15th
11. Arboreal forcing e propriet`
a di regolarit`
a, Universit`a di Torino, April 5th
12. Generalised Amoeba forcing and Σ12 -measurability, Prague mini-workshop
(KGRC), June 20th 2012.
13. Silver measurability without Miller measurability, Alberts-Ludwig-Universit¨at
Freiburg, Oberseminar, November 28th 2012.
14. Amoeba Sacks without Cohen reals, Alberts-Ludwig-Universit¨at Freiburg,
Oberseminar, January 23rd 2013.
15. Set theory, forcing and real line, Universit`a del Piemonte Orientale, March
27th 2013.
16. Generalized random forcing for weakly compact, Alberts-Ludwig-Universit¨at
Freiburg, Oberseminar, June 5th 2013.
17. Silver without Lebesgue and Miller, Christian-Albrechts-Universit¨at Kiel,
Seminar zur Logik, November 19th 2013.
18. Regularity properties and tree-like forcings in the generalized Cantor space,
Christian-Albrechts-Universit¨at Kiel, Seminar zur Logik, November 21st
19. Silver versus club-Silver in the generalized Cantor space, Alberts-LudwigUniversit¨
at Freiburg, Oberseminar, December 18th 2013.
20. Roslanowski and Spinas dichotomies, Universit¨at Bonn, Oberseminar, July
14th 2014.
Seminar talks in conferences and international workshops (plan for
• Tree forcing and regularity properties, AILA conference, Pisa, April 2014
(contributed talk).
• Generalized Silver measurability, Freiburg Set Theory Workshop, June
2014 (invited speaker).
• Roslanowski and Spinas dichotomies, Munich, September 2014 (contributed
• Full splitting Miller trees and ioe reals, Set Theory Thematic Session,
Poznan, September 2014 (invited speaker).
Teaching experience
• Winter semester 2012/2013, Universit¨at Freiburg:
– Assistant for the course Mathematische Logik f¨
ur Informatiker, given
by Prof. Dr. Martin Ziegler;
– Assistant for the seminar Game theory, given by Dr. Luca Motto
• Summer semester 2013, Universit¨at Freiburg:
– Assistant for the seminar Kardinalzahlinvarianten, given by Prof. Dr.
Heike Mildenberger;
– Assistant for the course Descriptive set theory, given by Dr. Luca
Motto Ros.
• Winter semester 2013/2014, Universit¨at Hamburg:
– Assistant for the course Topologie, given by Prof. Dr. Janko Latschev;
– Assistant for the course H¨
ohere Analysis, given by Prof. Dr. Timo
• Summer semester 2014, Universit¨at Hamburg:
– Descriptive Set Theory, together with Dr. Stefan Geschke.
– ML seminar, seminar-talks in set theory and mathematical logic.
Organizational activity
• Hamburg Set Theory Workshop (co-organizer), February 2014. (Main organizer: Benedikt L¨
• Amsterdam Set Theory Workshop (co-organizer), November 2014. (Main
organizer: Benedikt L¨
Conferences and meetings attended (and plan for 2014)
• ESI workshop on large cardinals and descriptive set theory, Vienna, June
• Young set theory workshop 2011, Bonn, March 2011.
• Prague mini-workshop, KGRC Vienna, June 2012.
• Young set theory workshop 2013, Torino, June 2013.
• Sy Friedman’s 60th birthday, Vienna, July 2013.
• INFTY Conference 2014, Bonn, March 2014.
• AILA Conference 2014, Pisa, April 2014.
• Freiburg set theory workshop, Freiburg, June 2014.
• Algebra and literature: different languages, same model - in honour of
Carlo Toffalori on his 60th birthday, Florence, June 2014.
• Colloquium Logicum 2014, Munich, September 2014.
• Set Theory Thematic Session, Poznan, September 2014.
• Workshop in Set Theory, Bedlewo, September 2014.
• Referee for the JSL.
• Member of the AILA (Associazione Italiana Logica e Applicazioni - Italian
Association for Logics and Applications).
• Member of the ESTS (European Set Theory Society).
• Prof. Sy David Friedman, Kurt G¨odel research center, Universit¨at Wien.
• Prof. Otmar Spinas, Universit¨at Kiel.
• Prof. Benedikt L¨
owe, Universit¨at Hamburg/University of Amsterdam.
• Prof. Heike Mildenberger, Universit¨at Freiburg.