【学費に関する重要なお知らせ】 国際関係学部に 4 年を超えて在学されている皆さんへ 「在学期間が修業年限を超えた学生の学費に関する取り扱い(単位料)」について、お知ら せします。 「学修要覧」にも記載されているとおり、以下のすべての条件に該当する場合、当該セメ スターの学費は、当該セメスターの通常学費(授業料)の 2 分の 1 となります。なお本取 り扱いは、長期履修生には適用しません。 (1)在学期間が修業年限(4年)を超える学生。 (2)当該セメスターに成績評価の対象となる授業科目の受講登録単位数、および留学や 単位互換等で卒業に必要な単位として認定される単位数の合計が 8 単位以下である学生。 ※受講登録後に単位が認定されたり、修正期間後に8単位を超えた場合は、通常学費となりま す。 ご自身の履修計画をふまえた上で、受講登録を慎重に行ってください。 本件について不明な点があればすぐに、国際関係学部事務室(窓口開室時間内)へお越 しください。 [Important Information about Tuition] For College International Relations Students was in college for more than 4 years. The following information is about tuition for students who exceed the standard enrollment period. As stated in the Academic Handbook (“Conditions Pertaining to Tuition Payable by Students whose Total Enrollment Period Exceeds the Standard Enrollment Period”), for students who meet all of the following requirements, the tuition for a semester after the standard enrollment period will be ½ of the standard tuition amount for that semester. Please note that this policy does not apply to long-term degree students. To be eligible for the tuition reduction, students must meet all of the following requirements: 1. Students must have an enrollment period which exceeds the standard enrollment period. 2. For semesters beyond the standard enrollment period, the total number of credits a student can register for a semester and/or earn towards graduation (recognized study abroad or transfer credits) cannot exceed 8. Note: The standard tuition amount will be charged if the total number of credits exceeds 8—for instance if more credits are recognized (earned) after the registration period, or more credits are added after the Regular Course Registration period, etc. Therefore please plan ahead and register for courses with care. If you have any questions about this, please come to the IR Office during open hours.
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