Pu Songling Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio

Pu Songling
Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio
Title: Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio
Author: Pu Songling
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 608
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0140447407
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.2 MB
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Eminent Chinese scholar John Minford's superb translation captures the consummate skill and
understated humor of Pu Songling's classic Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio (also known
as Strange Tales from Liaozhai). With elegant prose, witty wordplay, and subtle charm, the 104
stories (selected out of over 400 from the original work) in this collection reveal a world in which
nothing is as it seems. In his tales of shape-shifting spirits, bizarre phenomena, haunted
buildings, and enchanted objects, Pu Songling pushes the boundaries of human experience and
enlightens as he entertains.
* Includes an introduction, suggestions for further reading, glossary, notes, and illustrations
Insightful reviews
Helmut: A Chinese Ghost Story
"Wer diese Geschichten des Liaozhai Zhiyi liest wegen ihrer Handlung und nicht wegen ihres
Stils, ist ein Narr."
So hart kommentierte ein chinesischer Gelehrter diese Sammlung von Geschichten, die Pu
Songling am Ende des 17.Jh. in China gesammelt und aufgeschrieben hat.
Nun bleiben die allermeisten westlichen Leser wohl Narren, denn der Stil, der diese
Geschichten auszeichnet, kann natürlich nur schwer über eine Übersetzung transportiert
werden: Gerade das klassische Chinesisch ist kaum so zu übersetzen, dass diese sehr eigene
Schriftsprache so wie im Original wirkt.
Doch trotz dieser Einschränkung ist auch die Handlung der 104 in diesem Band gesammelten
Übersetzungen, einer Auswahl aus über 400, durchaus in der Lage, zu überzeugen. Wenn auch
wenig gruslig oder unheimlich, sind die Geschichten meist doch bizarr und seltsam; neben den
in chinesischer Literatur allgegenwärtigen Sukkubus-Fuchsgeistern geben sich auch
Poltergeister, Gestaltwandler, Zauberer und anderes Gelichter ein Stelldichein, und so müssen
die Stories auf die damaligen Leser wohl wie Akte-X-Folgen gewirkt haben.
Die Geschichten schwanken zwischen einer halben und 10 Seiten in der Länge.
Besonders hervorheben und loben möchte ich darüber hinaus die vorbildliche Aufbereitung:
Anmerkungen zu historischen Persönlichkeiten und Kommentatorenhinweise erlauben ein
tieferes Verständnis der so fremdartigen Welt. Insgesamt ist in dieser Penguin-Ausgabe der
Apparat um den Text selbst herum sehr beeindruckend und umfassend; neben Anmerkungen
sind Karten, ein Glossar, umfangreiche Literaturhinweise und ein detailliertes Vorwort
vorhanden. Dazu kommen die Illustrationen: zu fast jeder Geschichte ist eine ganzseitige
Reproduktion eines zeitgenössischen Holzschnitts vorhanden, der eine Szene der Geschichte
Die Übersetzung von John Minford gibt ihr bestes und liest sich flüssig und verständlich. Wer
mehr lesen möchte, greift auf die vollständige deutsche Übersetzung zurück, die alle an die 500
Geschichten erzählt (Umgang mit Chrysanthemen).
Matus: I was pretty excited when this edition came out--I had read a few of these years before,
and was having trouble finding a large collection.
these stories are almost relentlessly exotic. this can be attributed in part to the removed culture
of the author (hundreds of years ago in china), and to the fact that they are heavily dream
inspired (he carried a notebook within which he recorded many dreams). Additionally though
there is a clear amount of brilliance on his part..
admittedly the stories become a little repetitive, and the sexual fascination grated on me a good
even so, this is some of the most unique writing i have ever encountered.
Edward: Acknowledgements
Note on the Text, Translation and Illustrations
Note on Names and Pronunciation
--An Otherworldly Examination
--Living Dead
--Spitting Water
--Talking Pupils
--The Painted Wall
--The Troll
--Biting a Ghost
--Catching a Fox
--The Monster in the Buckwheat
--The Haunted House
--Stealing a Peach
--Growing Pears
--The Taoist Priest of Mount Lao
--The Monk of Changqing
--The Snake-Charmer
--The Wounded Python
--The Fornicating Dog
--The God of Hail
--The Golden Goblet
--Grace and Pine
--A Most Exemplary Monk
--Magical Arts
--Wild Dog
--Past Lives
--Fox in the Bottle
--Wailing Ghosts
--Thumb and Thimble
--Scorched Moth the Taoist
--Friendship Beyond the Grave
--Karmic Debts
--Ritual Cleansing
--The Door God and the Thief
--The Painted Skin
--The Merchant's Son
--A Passion for Snakes
--A Latter-Day Buddha
--Fox Enchantment
--Eating Stones
--The Laughing Girl
--The Magic Sword and the Magic Bag
--The Devoted Mouse
--An Earthquake
--Snake Island
--The Giant Fish
--The Giant Turtle
--Making Animals
--The Little Mandarin
--Dying Together
--The Alligator's Revenge
--Sheep Skin
--Sharp Sword
--Lotus Fragrance
--King of the Nine Mountains
--The Fox of Fenzhou
--Vocal Virtuosity
--Fox as Prophet
--This Transformation
--Fox Control
--Dragon Dormant
--Cut Sleeve
--The Girl from Nanking
--Twenty Years a Dream
--Mynah Bird
--Lamp Dog
--Doctor Five Hides
--The Black Beast
--The Stone Bowl
--A Fatal Joke
--Raining Money
--Twin Lanterns
--Ghost Foiled, Fox Put to Rout
--Frog Chorus
--Performing Mice
--The Clay Scholar
--Flowers of Illusion
--Princess Lotus
--The Girl in Green
--Duck Justice
--Big Sneeze
--Steel Shirt
--Fox Trouble
--Lust Punished by Foxes
--Mountain City
--A Cure for Marital Strife
--A Prank
--Adultery and Enlightenment
--Up His Sleeve
--Silver Above Beauty
--The Antique Lute
--Waiting Room for Death
--The Southern Wutong-Spirit
--The Male Concubine
--Mutton Fat and Pig Blood
--Dung-Beetle Dumplings
Author's Preface
Finding List
Further Reading
Rowena: The title, and the truth that it is a Penguin classic, attracted me. I really, quite loved
this read. The tales have been relatively short, a few just a paragraph in length, and the longest
ones being might be 4-5 pages. and so they have been unusual indeed, unusual is easily an
understatement. They have been very candid tales, specially contemplating they have been
written nearly four hundred years ago. Many tales have been of a sexual nature which
additionally stunned me due to whilst the tales have been written. a number of tales have been
distressing, i have to admit. I’m serious about the assumption of chinese language ghosts; they
really bleed if injured. And the belief of fox spirits that tackle human shape and act like succubi.
Ensiform: Translated through Denis C. and Victor H. Mair. This lengthy choice of fifty one stories
from the 500s that Pu Songling accrued all focus on the supernatural: ghosts, werefoxes, and
portentous dreams. Like Aesop's fables do with animals, those stories use the spirit
international to illustrate morals concerning the human world. Belligerent humans (the Manchus)
and corrupt officers are often Pu Songling's targets, even supposing the stories additionally
compliment the traits that make stable marriages. many of the morals rigidity the chinese
language values of filial piety, learning, restraint, and forthrightness, even though one or two,
oddly, chastise the characters for loving books an excessive amount of and never having fun
with existence enough. regardless of the frequently ethical stance, the stories necessarily have
very robust girls characters (albeit supernatural ones), indicating Pu Songling's curiosity in
breaking clear of the restrictive feudal tradition of his times. greater than informative, though, the
stories are enjoyable to read, stunning occasionally of their photograph depiction of hell, lust,
etc. unusual stories indeed.
LordofDorkness: comic story approximately my deciding to buy this.Picked it up from a used
bookstore. many of the tales appeared neat, yet basically simply neat. not anything to move
loopy about. it has been your time on account that then, and as my clutch of them has grown, i
believe i have fallen in love with them. a part of what threw me I think, used to be how
understated each one tale was.And how uncharacteristic the turns or endings were. The tales
do not healthy into smartly into the field of 'beginning, center and end' i used to be used to in
what I read. I mean, all these components are there, yet there is these types of peculiar bits and
items protruding everywhere. it is the type of factor you may get by way of conversing
approximately anything that truly occurred to you. these types of ordinary unrelated bits might
be there, simply because actual existence does not healthy right into a tale so neatly, and
perhaps that is why i admire those so much. i do not know. i am gushing. The tales inside of are
masterful. I hugely suggest them.
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