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V. Hauptstraße 5 53604 Bad Honnef Tel.: 02224 / 9232-0 Fax: 02224 / 9232-50 [email protected] www.dpg-physik.de Gerichtsstand: Königswinter Eingetragen in das Vereinsregister (VR 90474) des Amtsgerichtes Siegburg. Die DPG fördert wissenschaftliche Zwecke. Sie ist nach § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 KStG von der Körperschaftsteuer befreit, weil sie ausschließlich und unmittelbar steuerbegünstigten gemeinnützigen Zwecken i. S. der §§ 51 ff. AO dient. Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Dr. Bernhard Nunner (Hauptgeschäftsführer) © Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft Table of Content Greeting 4 Organisation 6 Organiser / Local Organiser 6 Scientific Organisation 6 Chair of the AMOP Section 6 Chairs of the Participating Divisions and Working Group 6 Symposia 7 Information for Participants 8 Conference Venue / Conference Office Information Desk 8 Express Check-in at Hannover Central Station 8 Message Board 9 DPG-App 9 Presentation 9 Poster Presentation 10 Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Communication Programme 11 Communication / Internet Access 11 Catering 11 Annual General Meetings of the DPG Divisions and Working Group 12 Cloakroom 12 Labtours 12 Room of Silence 13 Social Events 13 Welcome Evening 13 Prize Talks 13 Public Evening Talk 14 jDPG Panel Discussion 14 Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature 14 Sponsors 15 Synopsis of the Daily Programme 16 Exhibitors 50 Exhibition Map 58 Building Overview 60 Maps Public Transport 64 Overview GVH-Kombiticket 70 2 n. or Precisio f A Passion LASERS FOR SCIENTIFIC CHALLENGES Tunable Diode Lasers Frequency-Converted Lasers Ultrafast Fiber Lasers Frequency Combs Terahertz Systems WWW.TOPTICA.COM Greeting Dear conference guests, I cordially welcome you at the Leibniz Universität Hannover to the DPG-Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics Section (SAMOP) together with the Physics Education division and the working group young DPG. The DPG Spring Meetings with an outstanding scientific programme have been very successful for many years and are visited by thousands of physicists – from students to Nobel laureates. In 2015, more than 10,000 people took part in the overall four DPG conferences, and the number of participants continues to grow. In addition, an exhibition of industrial equipment and literature will take place in Hannover with more than 50 national and international exhibitors. The DPG Spring Meeting in Hannover with almost 2,000 physicists will send a signal from DPG to decision makers in our science institutes, in politics and industry, that science, scientific dialogue combined with knowledge and technology transfer are our way to make a strong contribution to our society. We also want to stress that the fostering of physics at school and of young scientists is of central importance. The future of Germany and Europe depends on high tech talents. This conference makes an important contribution to this point: By far the most scientific contributions are submitted by young researchers who report on results of their doctoral or master’s theses. SAMOP also honours young scientists with a prize for the best dissertation. The promotion of physics and natural sciences is a societal challenge. It is gaining even more importance through the arrival of many young migrants in Germany. As a first step to integration, the DPG has launched in December 2015 a project for refugees “Physics for all” in collaboration with the University of Göttingen and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). With this project, the DPG provides children and young people in 20 refugee facilities (so called 4 “Landeserstaufnahmeeinrichtungen”) in Germany instructive and exciting entertainment with small physics experiments. In order to perform such experiments there is no need for a special language, religion or a particular place – natural laws are the same all over the world. More than 1,000 volunteers nation-wide already support DPG in this project. The programme will be continued in 2016 in a similar form. We would be pleased if you support the DPG with a donation for “Physics for all”. Such a conference is only feasible thanks to the great effort of everyone involved. Firstly I would like to thank the Leibniz Universität Hannover for being our hosts and for their assistance as well as the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation once again for their generous financial support for all DPG Spring Meetings. Many thanks also to the speakers of SAMOP and the divisions and working group involved for their successful work. My very special thanks go to the Local Organiser, Professor Eberhard Tiemann, Institut für Quantenoptik, and his team for organising this conference. Furthermore, I am particularly grateful to the DPG Head Office for the support and assistance it provides for all DPG Spring Meetings. Prof. Dr. Edward G. Krubasik President of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft 5 Organisation Organiser Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. Hauptstraße 5, 53604 Bad Honnef Phone +49 (0) 2224 9232-0 Fax +49 (0) 2224 9232-50 [email protected] Homepagewww.dpg-physik.de Local Organiser Prof. Dr. Eberhard Tiemann Leibniz University Hannover Institute of Quantum Optics Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover Phone +49 (0) 511 762-3306 Fax +49 (0) 511 762-2211 [email protected] Scientific Organisation Chair of the AMOP Section (SAMOP) Prof. Dr. Andreas Buchleitner Quantum Optics and Statistics Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg Hermann-Herder-Str. 3, 79104 Freiburg Phone +49 (0) 0761 203 5830 Fax +49 (0) 0761 203 5967 [email protected] Chairs of the Participating Divisions and Working Group (A) Atomic Physics – Prof. Dr. Dieter Bauer ([email protected]) (DD) Physics Education – Prof. Dr. Johannes Grebe-Ellis ([email protected]) (K) Short Time-scale Physics – Dr. Andreas Görtler ([email protected]) (MO) Molecular Physics – Prof. Dr. Dr. Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg 6 ([email protected]) (MS) Mass Spectrometry – Prof. Dr. Robin Golser ([email protected]) (P) Plasma Physics – Dr. Navid Mahdizadeh ([email protected]) (Q) Quantum Optics and Photonics – Prof. Dr. Vahid Sandoghdar ([email protected]) (jDPG) Young DPG – Georg Winner ([email protected]) Symposia SYAD – SAMOP Dissertation Prize SYBO – Biomedical Optics SYML – From First Molecules to Life SYPS – PhD Symposium Synthesized Gauge Fields and Experimental Realizations SYUL – Advanced Concepts for High Peak Power Ultrafast Lasers Organisation of the Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature DPG-Kongreß-, Ausstellungs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH Hauptstraße 5, 53604 Bad Honnef Phone +49 (0) 2224 9232-0 Fax +49 (0) 2224 9232-50 [email protected] Homepagewww.dpg-gmbh.de Programme The scientific programme consists of 1.620 contributions: 10 Plenary talks 6 Group reports 1 Evening talk 832Talks 2 Prize talks 695Posters 74 Invited talks 7 Information for Participants The conference will be held February 29 – March 4, 2016. Conference Information Conference Venue Leibniz Universität Hannover Welfengarten 1 30167 Hannover Most of the activities will take place in the main building of the university (Welfengarten 1). For a detailed map of the campus and the buildings please see the end of this booklet. Conference Office – Information Desk The conference office and the information desk are located in room C 109 on the right side of the “Lichthof” in the Main Building of the Leibniz Universität Hannover. The opening hours are the following: Registration Information Desk Sunday Feb. 28 closed 15:30 – 19:00 Monday Feb. 29 07:30 – 19:00 07:30 – 19:00 Tuesday March 1 08:00 – 16:00 08:00 – 18:30 Wednesday March 2 08:00 – 16:00 08:00 – 18:30 Thursday March 3 08:00 – 16:00 08:00 – 18:30 Friday March 4 08:00 – 12:00 08:00 – 15:00 Direct Express Check-in at Hannover Central Station Sunday Feb. 28 13:30 – 22:00 Monday Feb. 29 07:30 – 17:00 At the conference office or at the central train station you will receive a receipt for your conference fee, a ticket for public transportation (valid from February 29 to March 4), the login-password for using WiFi, the printed programmes, and your name tag. The name tag must be worn visibly during the entire conference. The organisers, staff of the conference desk, and the 8 student assistants will be identifiable by coloured name tags and Ф-T-shirts. Please contact them if you have any questions. Do not hesitate to inquire about all necessary information concerning the conference, orientation in Hannover, accommodation, restaurants, going out, and cultural events at the information desk. During the conference you can contact the information desk by telephone +49 (0) 511 762-2589 or fax +49 (0) 511 762-2211. Message Board All changes of the scientific programme and other important information for participants will be announced on a message board near the conference office / information desk and via the homepage http://hannover16.dpg-tagungen.de. Please check regularly. With the DPG-App through the Spring Meetings! The updated DPG-App is ready-to-use and contains additional functions/features: In addition to the option of target groups, the Programme Booklets for DPG Conferences (VERHANDLUNGEN) are accessible and it is possible to compile a “favourite list” regarding events one wants to attend. Just download the DPG-App for Android or iOS now and utilise the supplemental offerings. You will find more information under https://www.dpg-physik.de/service/dpg-app.html. Presentation Scientific presentations will be held either orally or by poster and will be given in English or German. All plenary talks will be given in English. All lecture halls and seminar rooms are equipped with electronic presentation technique. You can connect your own laptop (please check connection before the start of your session) or you might bring your presentation (pdf or PowerPoint “2007”) on an USB memory stick and transfer it to the computer in the lecture hall before the start of the session. In all lecture halls there will be service staff to help you with your presentation. 9 Speakers are requested to be in the lecture hall at least 25 minutes prior to the start of the session, reporting to the chairperson of the session as well as the technical staff to ensure the laptops handshake with the projectors (“beamers”) and to receive a brief introduction to the equipment in the lecture hall. If you need other presentation facilities please ask for availability at the information desk as soon as you arrive at the conference or better in advance via telephone +49 (0) 511 762-2589 Usually, presentations will have the following durations. For exact information, please refer to your division. • Contributed talks are 15 minutes including discussion and speaker change • (12 min talk + 3 min discussion/speaker change) • Invited talks are 30 minutes including discussion and speaker change • (25 min talk + 5 min discussion/speaker change) • Plenary presentations are 45 minutes without discussion Poster Presentation The poster sessions (Monday – Friday) will take place in the Gallery of the Lichthof (main building) from 16:30 to 19:00. The poster boards will be marked with the number according to the scientific programme. Authors are asked to mount their poster before their session. Each poster should display the number according to the scientific programme. Each poster should be no larger than 90 cm x 120 cm (DIN A0). For the mounting of the poster please use the provided mounting material at the poster frame or contact the student staff available at the poster area. The presenting authors should be at hand for discussion at their poster during at least half of the poster session and should note this time at the poster. The posters have to be removed after the session. Any posters remaining on poster boards will be removed early in the next morning and disposed without re10 questing your permission. The conference management accepts no liability for the posters. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Communication Programme Important notes for participants who apply for a grant of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation: At the beginning of the conference you will receive an identification form at the conference office. The participation in the conference must be certified by the conference desk. You have the possibility to leave this certificate with the staff members of the DPG (recommended!) in the conference office or submit it to the DPG Head Office (DPG-Geschäftsstelle, Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany) by April 1, 2016 at the latest. For more detailed information refer to http://hannover16.dpg-tagungen.de. The Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft thanks the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation for the generous financial support of young academic talents. We hope that young physicists will continue to seize the offered opportunity for active scientific communication at scientific conferences. A total of about 27,850 young academics were supported by this programme so far. Communication / Internet Access WiFi access will be provided at the campus of the Leibniz Universität Hannover. You will get login and password with your registration documents. Additionally, PCs will be available for email and internet applications in the main building of the university, ask at the information desk for locations. There is a printing facility in den DocuLounge (level 0 in the main building). You will get a copycard at the information desk. Catering In the “Lichthof” and in the “Foyer Ost/Audimax” coffee and tea will be available all-day free of charge for participants. In addition, coffee will be provided at coffee corners near the lecture halls during breaks. Lunch will be on offer at the Mensa Callinstraße/Schneider11 berg (11:40 – 14:30, meals from 11:40 - 14:10) as well as in the Contine, Königsworther Str. 1 (08:00 – 18:00, meals from 11:00 – 17:30). Within walking distance (about 10 minutes) to the university there are different opportunities for snack and restaurants (you will receive a list at the information desk). Annual General Meetings of the DPG Divisions Division Date Time and Allocation Atomic Physics (A) Thursday, March 3 13:15 – 14:00, f107 Physics Education (DD) Tuesday, March 1 17:00 – 19:00, f107 Short Time-scale Physics (K) Monday, February 29 17:00 – 17:30, f428 Molecular Physics (MO) Wednesday, March 2 13:00 – 13:30, e415 Mass Spectrometry (MS) Thursday, March 3 12:45 – 13:15, f128 Plasma Physics (P) Wednesday, March 2 12:30 – 13:30, b305 Quantum Optics and Photonics (Q) Wednesday, March 2 13:15 – 14:15, a310 Cloakroom Participants are asked to look carefully after their wardrobe, valuables, laptops, and other belongings for which the organisers are not liable. You will find a cloakroom in the “Foyer Ost/Audimax” of the Leibniz Universität Hannover. Labtours Lab visits of the local institutes are offered, see the announcement at the board close to the conference desk. There will be also a tour to Braunschweig, for visiting labs at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) on Wednesday afternoon, March 2. Trip details, no fees: 14:00 departure by bus at the main entrance of the university 12 15:00 – 18:00 lab tour at PTB 18:10 departure for returning to Hannover, arrival at the university 19:10 Registration is required at the information desk for all lab tours. Room of Silence, Meditation and Praying The room in the lower floor, F031 ”Raum der Stille” is open for all people at any time. All religions are welcome and should be respected by entering the room. Social Events Welcome Evening Date: Monday, February 29, 19:30 The Opening by the Lord Mayor of Hannover City, Stefan Schostock, and the President of the Leibniz Universität Hannover, Prof. Volker Epping and the Welcome Evening will be held in the Mensa of the Leibniz Universität Hannover, Callinstr. 23 to which all registered participants are kindly invited. Snacks, beer and soft drinks will be served. You will receive three vouchers for drinks at the entrance. Do not miss this opportunity to meet people in an informal atmosphere. Prize Talks (All Prize Talks will be held in lecture room E415 Audimax) Herbert-Walther-Prize 2016 Combined award with the Optical Society of America (OSA) – the prize will be awarded subsequently to the Prize Talk Monday, February 29, 11:00 – 11:45 (including Award Ceremony) Prof. Dr. Peter Zoller, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, and Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, will speak about: “Chiral Quantum Networks with Photons and Atoms” 13 Georg-Kerschensteiner-Prize 2016 Monday, February 29, 11:45 – 12:15 Nina und Ingo Wentz, Gesamtschule Hennef-Meiersheide, will speak about: „Gedankliche Lawinen“ SAMOP Dissertation Prize 2016 Tuesday, March 1, 11:00 – 13:00 Talks by the four finalists will be given at this symposium. The laureate will be chosen after the SAMOP Dissertation Prize Symposium and the award will presented during the plenary session Wednesday morning, March 2, 2016. Public Evening Talk Wednesday, March 2, 19:30 – 21:00 Prof. Dr. Karsten Danzmann, Universität Hannover, will speak about „Gravitationswellenastronomie: Neues von der dunklen Seite des Universums!“ The Public Evening Talk is open for the interested public and all conference participants. The entrance is free. jDPG Panel Discussion “Promotion heute – Wozu?” Wednesday, March 2, 11:00 – 12:30 Room: F 102 See additional information page 1 in this booklet and on the conference web page. Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature From Tuesday, March 1, to Thursday, March 3, there will be an exhibition of scientific instruments and literature in the “Lichthof”. Several companies (see list of exhibitors at the end of this booklet) will present their products. Opening hours are from 09:00 to 17:00. All conference participants are welcome to attend the exhibition. The entrance is free. Liability Exclusion Participants are asked to look carefully after their wardrobe, valuables, laptops and other belongings. There can be no liability assumed. 14 Acknowledgement The organisers and the local secretary want to thank the following institutions for supporting the conference: • Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation • Leibniz Universität Hannover • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) • all industrial sponsors • and all staff, who contribute the success of the conference. Sponsors of the DPG-Frühjahrstagung Hannover 2016 15 Synopsis of the Daily Programme Monday, February 29, 2016 Mon Plenary Talks, Prize Talks PV I 09:00 — 09:45 e415 „Atomic physics‘‘ with diatomic molecules“ •David DeMille PV II 09:45 — 10:30 e415 Processing of transparent materials by ultrashort laser pulses: fundamentals and applications •Stefan Nolte PV III 11:00 — 11:45 e415 Chiral Quantum Networks with Photons and Atoms •Peter Zoller (Laureate of the Herbert-Walther-Prize) PV IV 11:45 — 12:15 e415 Gedankliche Lawinen Nina Wentz, •Ingo Wentz (Laureates of the Georg-Kerschensteiner-Prize) Atomic Physics Division (A) Invited Talks A 3.1 11:00 — 11:30 f303 Interaction of atoms and ions with twisted light •Stephan Fritzsche, Daniel Seipt, Andrey Surzhykov A 7.1 14:30 — 15:00 f107 Probing QED in strong fields via the magnetic moment of highly charged ions •Sven Sturm A 7.4 15:30 — 16:00 f107 X-ray emission from highly charged ions •Andrey Surzhykov, Stephan Fritzsche, Andrey Volotka, Vladimir Yerokhin, Thomas Stöhlker 16 A1 11:00 — 12:45 a310 Precision Measurements and Metrology I (with Q) A2 11:00 — 13:00 e001 Ultracold Atoms, Ions and Molecules I (with Q) A3 11:00 — 13:00 f303 Atomic systems in external fields I A4 11:00 — 12:15 f107 Collisions, scattering and correlation phenomena I A5 14:30 — 16:15 a310 Precision Measurements and Metrology II (with Q) A6 14:30 — 16:30 e001 Ultracold Atoms, Ions and Molecules II (with Q) A7 14:30 — 16:30 f107 Highly charged ions and their applications A8 14:30 — 16:15 f303 Atomic systems in external fields II A9 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC (with Q) A 10 17:00 — 18:15 a310 Precision Measurements and Metrology III (with Q) A 11 17:00 — 18:45 f107 Atomic clusters I (with MO) A 12 17:00 — 18:45 f303 Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems I (with Q) Physics Education Division (DD) Sessions DD 1 14:30 — 16:30 V 407 Hochschuldidaktik 1 17 Mon Sessions Mon DD 2 14:30 — 16:30 Neue Medien V 404 DD 3 14:30 — 16:30 V 405 Lehr- und Lernforschung 1 DD 4 14:30 — 16:30 V 108 Neue Konzepte 1 DD 5 16:30 — 19:00 Postersitzung Empore Lichthof Short Time-scale Physics Division (K) Invited Talk K 1.1 14:30 — 15:10 f428 Information und Grenze physikalischer Erkenntnis •Rudolf Germer Sessions K1 14:30 — 15:30 f428 Optical Methods and New Applications K2 15:50 — 16:30 f428 Light Sources EUV and Lasers 17:00 — 17:30 f428 Annual General Meeting of the Short Time-scale Division Molecular Physics Division (MO) Sessions MO 1 11:00 — 13:00 f102 Quantum Control and Femtosecond Spectroscopy 1 MO 2 11:00 — 12:30 f142 Collisions, Energy transfer and ab initio Modelling MO 3 14:30 — 16:30 f102 Electronic Spectroscopy 1 18 14:30 — 16:00 f142 Cold Molecules & Helium Droplets 1 MO 5 17:00 — 18:45 f107 Atomic clusters I (with A) MO 6 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Posters: Novelties in Molecular Physics I: Femtosecond Spectroscopy Mon MO 4 Mass Spectrometry Division (MS) Invited Talks MS 1.1 11:00 — 11:30 f128 Towards a nuclear clock: On the direct detection of the Thorium-229 isomer •Lars von der Wense, Benedict Seiferle, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Peter G. Thirolf MS 2.1 14:30 — 15:00 f128 High Precision Comparison of the Antiprotonto-Proton Charge-to-Mass Ratio •Stefan Ulmer MS 3.1 15:15 — 15:45 f128 Mass-Spectroscopic Trace of Transient Reaction Kinetics of CO Oxidation Catalyzed by UniSized Pt Clusters Directly Bound to Si Surface •Hisato Yasumatsu Sessions MS 1 11:00 — 13:00 f128 Precision Mass Spectrometry and Fundamental Applications I MS 2 14:30 — 15:15 f128 Precision Mass Spectrometry and Fundamental Applications II MS 3 15:15 — 17:30 f128 Ion Traps, Ion Storage Rings, Molecules, Clusters, Decays and Reactions 19 Plasma Physics Division (P) Invited Talks 11:00 — 11:30 b305 Mid-infrared cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy of gas and surface species •Jean-Pierre van Helden, Norbert Lang, Andy Nave, Jürgen Röpcke P 3.1 14:30 — 15:00 b302 Advances in Laser Manipulation of Dusty Plasmas •Jan Schablinski, Frank Wieben, Dietmar Block P 4.1 14:30 — 15:00 b305 Impact of electron attachment processes on nonthermal plasmas •Jürgen Meichsner, Sebastian Nemschokmichal, Robert Tschiersch, Thomas Wegner Mon P 2.1 Sessions P1 11:00 — 13:05 b302 Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physics I P2 11:00 — 13:10 b305 Plasma Diagnostics I P3 14:30 — 16:10 b302 Dusty Plasmas I P4 14:30 — 16:35 b305 Plasma Technology P5 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physics Quantum Optics and Photonics Division (Q) Sessions Q1 11:00 — 12:45 a310 Precision Measurements and Metrology I (with A) Q2 11:00 — 13:00 e001 Ultracold Atoms, Ions and Molecules I (with A) 20 Q3 11:00 — 13:00 e214 Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods I Q4 11:00 — 12:45 Photonics I Q5 11:00 — 13:00 f442 Quantum Optics I Q6 14:30 — 16:15 a310 Precision Measurements and Metrology II (with A) Q7 14:30 — 16:30 e001 Ultracold Atoms, Ions and Molecules II (with A) Q8 14:30 — 16:30 e214 Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods II Q9 14:30 — 16:15 Photonics II Q 10 14:30 — 16:30 f442 Quantum Optics II Q 11 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Quantum Optics and Photonics I Q 12 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC (with A) Q 13 17:00 — 18:15 a310 Precision Measurements and Metrology III (with A) Q 14 17:00 — 18:45 f303 Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems I (with A) Q 15 17:00 — 18:15 f442 Quantum Effects: Disorder Mon f342 f342 Opening and Welcome Evening (for registered participants only) 19:30 Mensa __________________________________________________ 21 Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Plenary Talks 09:00 — 09:45 e415 The first operation of the superconducting optimized stellarator fusion device Wendelstein 7-X •Thomas Klinger PV VI 09:45 — 10:15 e415 Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP): a concept conquering new territory. •Klaas Bergmann Tue PV V Symposium SAMOP Dissertation-Prize 2016 (SYAD) Invited Talks SYAD 1.1 11:00 — 11:30 e415 Artificial gauge fields and topology with ultracold atoms in optical lattices •Monika Aidelsburger SYAD 1.2 11:30 — 12:00 e415 Many-body physics with impurities in ultracold quantum gases •Fabian Grusdt SYAD 1.3 12:00 — 12:30 e415 How to determine the handedness of single molecules •Martin Pitzer SYAD 1.4 12:30 — 13:00 e415 Quantum systems under gravitational time dilation • Magdalena Zych Session SYAD 1 22 11:00 — 13:00 e415 SAMOP Dissertation-Prize PhD Symposium Synthesized Gauge Fields and Experimental Realizations (SYPS) Invited Talks SYPS 1.1 14:30 — 15:00 e415 Artificial magnetism and cold atomic gases •Jean Dalibard Tue SYPS 1.2 15:00 — 15:30 e415 Gauge fields in multi-level atoms: a tutorial •Ian B. Spielman SYPS 1.3 15:30 — 16:00 e415 Controlling and Exploring Topological Bloch Bands Using Ultracold Atoms •Immanuel Bloch SYPS 1.4 16:00 — 16:30 e415 Observing edge states with ultracold neutral fermions in synthetic dimensions •Leonardo Fallani Session SYPS 1 14:30 — 16:30 e415 Promovierendensymposium Atomic Physics Division (A) Invited Talk A 16.1 14:30 — 15:00 f142 Observation of the Efimov state of the helium trimer •Maksim Kunitski, Stefan Zeller, Jörg Voigtsberger, Anton Kalinin, Lothar Ph. H. Schmidt, Markus Schöffler, Achim Czasch, Wieland Schöllkopf, Robert E. Grisenti, Till Jahnke, Dörte Blume, Reinhard Dörner Sessions A 13 11:00 — 13:00 a310 Precision Measurements and Metrology IV (with Q) A 14 11:00 — 13:15 f342 Ultracold Atoms, Ions and Molecules III (with Q) 23 Tue A 15 14:30 — 16:30 f107 Atomic clusters II (with MO) A 16 14:30 — 16:30 f142 Collisions, scattering and correlation phenomena II A 17 14:30 — 16:30 f303 Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems II (with Q) A 18 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Highly charged ions and their applications A 19 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Collisions, scattering and correlation phenomena A 20 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Atomic systems in external fields A 21 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Interaction with strong or short laser pulses A 22 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Interaction with VUV and X-ray light Physics Education Division (DD) Invited Talks DD 6.1 11:00 — 12:00 f303 Experimente mit Smartphone, Tablet-PC & Co.: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen in Physikunterricht und -studium •Jochen Kuhn DD 7.1 12:00 — 13:00 f303 Fachdidaktische Forschung in Physikalischen Praktika – Einblicke und Ausblicke •Heidrun Heinke Sessions DD 6 24 11:00 — 12:00 f303 Hauptvortrag 1 12:00 — 13:00 f303 Hauptvortrag 2 DD 8 14:30 — 16:30 V 407 Hochschuldidaktik 2 DD 9 14:30 — 16:30 V 404 Lehreraus- und Lehrerfortbildung DD 10 14:30 — 16:10 V 405 Neue Konzepte 2 DD 11 14:30 — 16:30 V 108 Neue Konzepte 3 / Praktika, neue Praktikumsversuche DD 12 14:30 — 16:30 Sonstiges V 110 17:00 — 19:00 f107 Annual General Meeting of the Physics Education Division Short Time-scale Physics Division (K) Invited Talk K 3.1 14:30 — 15:10 f428 Vibrational-rotational and electronic temperatures in laser induced plasma of polyethylene determined by optical emission spectroscopy •Johannes Heitz, Juraj Jasik, Johannes D. Pedarnig, Pavel Veis Sessions K3 14:30 — 16:30 f428 Laser Applications and Laser Matter Interactions I K4 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster Session 25 Tue DD 7 Molecular Physics Division (MO) Invited Talks Tue MO 7.1 11:00 — 11:30 f102 Monitoring ultrafast excited-state intramolecular proton transfer by ultrafast electronic and fluorescence spectroscopy •Andreas Steinbacher, Pramod Kumar Verma, Frederico Koch, Alexander Schmiedel, Patrick Nuernberger, Tobias Brixner MO 9.1 14:30 — 15:00 f102 Structural investigations on a linear depsipeptide and cyclopeptides by combined IR/UV spectroscopy: Importance of dispersion interactions Anke Stamm, Dominic Bernhard, •Markus Gerhards Sessions MO 7 11:00 — 13:00 f102 Femtosecond Spectroscopy 2 MO 8 11:00 — 13:00 f142 Experimental Techniques MO 9 14:30 — 16:30 f102 Biomolecules and Photochemistry MO 10 14:30 — 16:30 f107 Atomic clusters II (with A) MO 11 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Novelties in Molecular Physics II: Femtosecond Spectroscopy, Quantum Control, Electronic Spectroscopy, Biomolecules and Photochemistry Mass Spectrometry Division (MS) Invited Talk MS 4.1 14:30 — 15:00 f128 Applications of ISOLTRAPs multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer •Frank Wienholtz Sessions MS 4 26 14:30 — 16:30 f128 Resonance Ionization MS and others MS 5 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster session I Plasma Physics Division (P) Invited Talks 11:00 — 11:30 b302 ns-Pulsed Micro-Plasmas at Atmospheric Pressures •Uwe Czarnetzki P 7.1 11:00 — 11:30 b305 Erste Ergebnisse an Wendelstein 7-X •Hans-Stephan Bosch, W7-X Team P 8.1 14:30 — 15:00 b302 Nanometer-scale characterization of laserdriven plasmas, compression, shocks and phase transitions, by coherent small angle x-ray scattering •Thomas Kluge, Melanie Rödel, Alexander Pelka, Emma McBride, Luke Fletcher, Christian Rödel, Siegfried Glenzer, Michael Bussmann, Ulrich Schramm, Thomas Cowan P 9.1 14:30 — 15:00 b305 Computer simulations of correlated fermions – from quantum plasmas to ultracold atoms and plasma-surface interaction •Michael Bonitz Tue P 6.1 Sessions P6 11:00 — 12:55 b302 Low temperature plasmas I P7 11:00 — 12:55 b305 Magnetic Confinement I P8 14:30 — 17:00 b302 Laser Plasmas I P9 14:30 — 16:40 b305 Theory and Modelling I P 10 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Dusty Plasmas 27 P 11 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Plasma Wall Interaction P 12 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Magnetic Confinement Quantum Optics and Photonics Division (Q) Sessions 11:00 — 13:00 a310 Precision Measurements and Metrology IV (with A) Q 17 11:00 — 13:00 e001 Quantum Gases: Bosons I Q 18 11:00 — 13:00 e214 Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods III Q 19 11:00 — 13:15 f342 Ultracold Atoms, Ions and Molecules III (with A) Q 20 11:00 — 13:00 f442 Quantum Optics III Q 21 14:30 — 16:30 a310 Matter Wave Optics Q 22 14:30 — 16:30 e001 Quantum Gases: Bosons II Q 23 14:30 — 16:30 e214 Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods IV Q 24 14:30 — 16:30 f303 Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems II (with A) Q 25 14:30 — 16:45 Nano-Optics I Q 26 14:30 — 16:00 f442 Quantum Optics IV Q 27 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Quantum Optics and Photonics II Tue Q 16 28 f342 Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature 09:00 — 17:00 Lichthof Tue __________________________________________________ 29 Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Plenary Talks PV VII 09:00 — 09:45 e415 Smoking guns of Anderson localization •Dominique Delande PV VIII 09:45 — 10:30 e415 Organic chemistry in space and the challenge of searching for life beyond Earth •Pascale Ehrenfreund Symposium From First Molecules to Life (SYML) Wed Invited Talks SYML 1.1 11:00 — 11:30 e415 Laboratory studies of interstellar molecules: from the first molecules to complex organics in space •Holger Kreckel SYML 1.2 11:30 — 12:00 e415 Detecting astrophysically relevant ions in laboratory and space •Stephan Schlemmer SYML 1.3 12:00 — 12:30 e415 Interstellar ice – a hot topic •Harold Linnartz SYML 1.4 12:30 — 13:00 e415 Exoplanets: The Thorny Path to Habitable Conditions •Manuel Güdel SYML 2.1 14:30 — 15:00 e415 Physics with keV Ion Beams in the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR •Andreas Wolf SYML 2.3 15:15 — 15:45 e415 A generalized theory for rovibrational motion in cold, extremely floppy molecules •Hanno Schmiedt, Per Jensen, Stephan Schlemmer 30 SYML 2.6 16:15 — 16:45 e415 Lead-cluster investigations at ClusterTrap Stephan König, Paul Fischer, Gerrit Marx, •Lutz Schweikhard, Markus Wolfram, Albert Vass Sessions SYML 1 11:00 — 13:00 e415 From First Molecules to Life SYML 2 14:30 — 16:45 e415 Molecules and Ions in Isolation Atomic Physics Division (A) A 25.1 14:30 — 15:00 f107 Describing the correlated electron dynamics in atoms and molecules •Sebastian Bauch A 27.1 14:30 — 15:00 f428 Atomic level scheme of neutral actinium •Sebastian Raeder, Randolf Beerwerth, Rafael Ferrer, Camilo Granados, Amin Hakimi, Mustapha Laataoui, Volker Sonnenschein, Norbert Trautmann, Klaus Wendt Sessions A 23 11:00 — 13:00 f107 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC I (with Q) A 24 11:00 — 13:00 f303 Interaction with strong or short laser pulses I A 25 14:30 — 16:30 f107 Interaction with strong or short laser pulses II A 26 14:30 — 16:30 f303 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC II (with Q) A 27 14:30 — 16:30 f428 Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions I (with Q) A 28 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems (with Q) 31 Wed Invited Talks A 29 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Atomic clusters (with MO) A 30 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions (with Q) A 31 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Attosecond physics Physics Education Division (DD) Invited Talk DD 18.1 Wed 14:30 — 15:30 f102 Experimentieren im Physikunterricht: eigentlich klar – oder doch nicht? •Peter Labudde Sessions DD 13 11:00 — 13:00 V 407 Neue Konzepte 4 DD 14 11:00 — 13:00 V 404 Anregungen aus dem Unterricht für den Unterricht DD 15 11:00 — 13:00 V 111 Lehr- und Lernforschung 2 DD 16 11:00 — 13:00 Astronomie DD 17 11:00 — 13:00 V 108 Präsentation von Experimenten DD 18 14:30 — 15:30 f102 Hauptvortrag 3 V 110 Short Time-scale Physics Division (K) Invited Talk K 5.1 32 11:00 — 11:40 f428 Strahl- und Optikcharakterisierung für Anwendungen in der Laser-Materialbearbeitung •Bernd Schäfer, Klaus Mann Session K5 11:00 — 13:00 f428 Laser Applications and Laser Matter Processing II Molecular Physics Division (MO) Sessions 11:00 — 13:00 e415 Symposium SYML: From First Molecules to Life (with MS) 13:00 — 13:30 e415 Annual General Meeting of the Molecular Physics Division MO 13 14:30 — 16:45 e415 Symposium SYML: Molecules and Ions in Isolation (with MS) MO 14 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Novelties in Molecular Physics III: Theory of Molecular Dynamics, Collisions and Energy Transfer, and Experimental Techniques Mass Spectrometry Division (MS) Session MS 6 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster session II Plasma Physics Division (P) Invited Talks P 13.1 11:00 — 11:30 b302 Power exhaust by impurity seeding in fusion reactors •Matthias Bernert, Felix Reimold, Arne Kallenbach, Bruce Lipschultz, Ralph Dux, Marco Wischmeier, the ASDEX Upgrade team, the EUROfusion MST1 Team 33 Wed MO 12 P 17.1 14:30 — 15:00 b305 Plasma measurement and control: challenges and recent advances •Timo Gans Sessions Wed P 13 11:00 — 12:15 b302 Plasma Wall Interactions P 14 11:00 — 12:25 b305 Dusty Plasmas II P 15 12:30 — 13:30 b305 Annual General Meeting of the Plasma Physics Division P 16 14:30 — 16:55 b302 Theory and Modelling II P 17 14:30 — 16:35 b305 Plasma Diagnostics II P 18 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Plasma Technology P 19 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Laser Plasmas P 20 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Low Temperature Plasmas Quantum Optics and Photonics Division (Q) Sessions Q 28 11:00 — 13:00 a310 Laser Development I Q 29 11:00 — 13:00 e001 Quantum Gases: Bosons III Q 30 11:00 — 13:00 e214 Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods V Q 31 11:00 — 13:00 f107 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC I (with A) 34 11:00 — 13:00 Biophotonics f342 Q 33 11:00 — 13:00 f442 Quantum Effects: Entanglement and Decoherence I Q 34 13:15 — 14:15 a310 Annual General Meeting of the Quantum Optics and Photonics Divsions Q 35 14:30 — 16:00 a310 Laser Development II Q 36 14:30 — 16:15 e001 Quantum Gases: Bosons IV Q 37 14:30 — 16:30 e214 Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods VI Q 38 14:30 — 16:30 f303 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC II (with A) Q 39 14:30 — 16:30 Nano-Optics II Q 40 14:30 — 16:30 f428 Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions I (with A) Q 41 14:30 — 16:30 f442 Quantum Effects: Entanglement and Decoherence II Q 42 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Quantum Optics and Photonics III Q 43 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg systems (with A) Q 44 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions (with A) Wed Q 32 f342 35 Working Group „Young DPG“ (AGjDPG) Session AGjDPG 1 11:00 — 12:30 f102 Panel Discussion „Promotion heute – Wozu?“ Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature 09:00 — 17:00 Lichthof Public Evening Talk (Free Entrance) PV IX 19:30 — 20:30 e415 Gravitationswellenastronomie: Neues von der dunklen Seite des Universums! •Karsten Danzmann Wed __________________________________________________ 36 Thursday, March 3, 2016 Plenary Talks PV X 09:00 — 09:45 e415 Femtosecond x-ray induced dynamics of fullerenes using FELs and IR •Nora Berrah PV XI 09:45 — 10:30 e415 Quantum gas of polar molecules •Jun Ye Symposium Biomedical Optics (SYBO) SYBO 1.1 11:00 — 11:30 e415 Recent advances of Optical Coherence Tomography •Wolfgang Drexler SYBO 1.2 11:30 — 12:00 e415 Vortex-beams for precise and gentle dissection in refractive corneal surgery •Alfred Vogel, Sebastian Freidank, Norbert Linz SYBO 1.3 12:00 — 12:30 e415 Structured Illumination and the Analysis of Single Molecules in Cells •Rainer Heintzmann SYBO 1.4 12:30 — 13:00 e415 Biophotonics – a potential solution to unmet medical needs!? •Juergen Popp SYBO 2.1 14:30 — 15:00 e415 Smart and multimodal light sheet microscopy •Jan Huisken SYBO 2.2 15:00 — 15:30 e415 Laser Applications at the Cochlea: Imaging and Stimulation •Alexander Heisterkamp, Nicole Kallweit, Peter Baumhoff, Alexander Krueger, Nadine Tinne, Heiko Meyer, Andrej Kral, Hannes Maier, Tammo Ripken 37 Thu Invited Talks SYBO 2.3 15:30 — 16:00 e415 Scuplted light landscapes for optical micromanipulation Christina Alpmann, Alvaro Barroso Pena, Eileen Otte, Kathrin Dieckmann, •Cornelia Denz SYBO 2.4 16:00 — 16:30 e415 Optogenetics: Lighting Up the Brain •Gero Miesenboeck Sessions SYBO 1 11:00 — 13:00 e415 Symposium Biomedical Optics 1 SYBO 2 14:30 — 16:30 e415 Symposium Biomedical Optics 2 Atomic Physics Division (A) Invited Talks Thu A 33.1 11:00 — 11:30 f303 Imaging single nanoparticles with intense XUV pulses from a high-order harmonic generation source •D. Rupp, B. Langbehn, M. Sauppe, N. Monserud, A. Ulmer, J. Zimmermann, T. Möller, F. Frassetto, A. Trabattoni, F. Calegari, M. Vrakking, A. Rouzee A 34.1 11:00 — 11:30 f428 The magnetic moment of the antiproton •Stefan Sellner, Klaus Blaum, Matthias Borchert, Takashi Higuchi, Nathan Leefer, Yasuyuki Matsuda, Andreas Mooser, Hiroki Nagahama, Christian Ospelkaus, Wolfgang Quint, Georg Schneider, Christian Smorra, Toya Tanaka, Jochen Walz, Yasunori Yamazaki, Stefan Ulmer A 35.1 14:30 — 15:00 f107 History and current status of the Keldysh theory •Sergey Popruzhenko 38 A 35.2 15:00 — 15:30 f107 Multidimensional control of XUV-initiated high harmonic generation Doron Azoury, •Michael Krüger, Henrik R. Larsson, Sebastian Bauch, David J. Tannor, Barry D. Bruner, Nirit Dudovich Sessions A 32 11:00 — 13:00 f107 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC III (with Q) A 33 11:00 — 12:45 f303 Interaction with strong or short laser pulses III A 34 11:00 — 13:00 f428 Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions II (with Q) A 35 14:30 — 16:30 f107 Attosecond physics A 36 14:30 — 16:30 f303 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC IV (with Q) Thu 13:15 — 14:00 f107 Annual General Meeting of the Atomic Physics Division Molecular Physics Division (MO) Invited Talks MO 15.1 11:00 — 11:30 f102 Imaging of an autoionizing resonance using time-, energy- and angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. Martin Eckstein, Chung-Hsin Yang, Fabio Frassetto, Luca Poletto, Giuseppe Sansone, Marc J. J. Vrakking, •Oleg Kornilov MO 16.1 11:00 — 11:30 f142 Vibrational spectra, structures, and chemical bonding of silicon hydride cluster cations •Otto Dopfer 39 MO 16.2 11:30 — 12:00 f142 Far-infrared spectroscopy of metal cluster raregas complexes David Yubero Valdivielso, Valery Chernyy, Dennis Palagin, Joost M. Bakker, •André Fielicke Sessions 11:00 — 13:15 f102 Femtosecond Spectroscopy 3 MO 16 11:00 — 13:15 f142 Molecular Clusters MO 17 14:30 — 16:00 f102 Electronic Spectroscopy 2 MO 18 14:30 — 16:15 f142 The Modelling of Molecular Dynamics MO 19 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Novelties in Molecular Physics IV: Femtosecond Spectroscopy, Molecular Clusters, Cold Molecules and Helium Droplets Thu MO 15 Mass Spectrometry Division (MS) Invited Talks MS 7.1 11:00 — 11:30 f128 The ILIAS project – Isobar suppression in AMS by laser photodetachment •Martin Martschini, Pontus Andersson, Oliver Forstner, Dag Hanstorp, Johannes Lachner, Yuan Liu, Tobias Moreau, Johanna Pitters, Alfred Priller, Peter Steier, Robin Golser MS 9.1 14:30 — 15:00 f128 Multi-actinide analysis with AMS for ultra-trace determination and small sample sizes: advantages and drawbacks •Francesca Quinto, Markus Lagos, Markus Plaschke, Thorsten Schäfer, Peter Steier, Robin Golser, Horst Geckeis Sessions MS 7 40 11:00 — 12:45 f128 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Applications I MS 8 12:45 — 13:15 f128 Annual General Meeting of the Mass Spectrometry Division MS 9 14:30 — 16:15 f128 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Applications II MS 10 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster session III Plasma Physics Division (P) P 21.1 11:00 — 11:30 b302 The behavior of helium in fusion plasmas •Athina Kappatou, Rachael M. McDermott, Clemente Angioni, Thomas Pütterich, Ralph Dux, Michael G. Dunne, Rudolf Neu, Alexander Lebschy, Eleonora Viezzer, Marco Cavedon, the EUROfusion MST1 Team, the ASDEX Upgrade Team P 21.2 11:30 — 12:00 b302 Energy and Particle Core Transport in Tokamaks and Stellarators compared •Marc Beurskens, Clemente Angioni, Craig Beidler, Andreas Dinklage, Golo Fuchert, Matthias Hirsch, Thomas Puetterich, Robert Wolf P 22.1 11:00 — 11:30 b305 Fluid-kinetisches Hybrid Modell für Plasmarandtransport in He-Plasma am Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X •Michael Rack, Detlev Reiter, Felix Hasenbeck, Yuhe Feng, Petra Börner P 24.1 14:30 — 15:00 b305 Design and characteristics of the COST Reference Microplasma Jet for bio-medicine •Judith Golda, Julian Held, Volker Schulz-von der Gathen Sessions P 21 11:00 — 12:55 b302 Magnetic Confinement II P 22 11:00 — 13:10 b305 Theory and Modelling III 41 Thu Invited Talks P 23 14:30 — 16:25 b302 Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma II P 24 14:30 — 16:25 b305 Low Temperature Plasmas II P 25 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Theory and Modelling P 26 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Plasma Diagnostics Quantum Optics and Photonics Division (Q) Sessions Thu Q 45 11:00 — 13:00 a310 Ultrashort Laser Pulses I Q 46 11:00 — 12:45 e001 Quantum Gases: Bosons V Q 47 11:00 — 13:00 e214 Quantum Information: Quantum Computing and Communication I Q 48 11:00 — 13:00 f107 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC III (with A) Q 49 11:00 — 13:00 f342 Optomechanics I Q 50 11:00 — 13:00 f428 Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions II (with A) Q 51 11:00 — 13:00 f442 Quantum Effects: QED I Q 52 14:30 — 16:30 a310 Ultrashort Laser Pulses II Q 53 14:30 — 16:45 e001 Quantum Gases: Fermions I Q 54 14:30 — 16:30 e214 Quantum Information: Quantum Computing and Communication II 42 Q 55 14:30 — 16:30 f303 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC IV (with A) Q 56 14:30 — 15:45 f342 Optomechanics II Q 57 14:30 — 16:30 f442 Quantum Effects: QED II Q 58 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Quantum Optics and Photonics IV Q 59 16:30 — 19:00 Empore Lichthof Poster: Symposium Biomedical Optics (SYBO) Exhibition of Scientific Instruments and Literature 09:00 — 17:00 Lichthof Thu __________________________________________________ 43 Friday, March 4, 2016 Plenary Talks PV XII 09:00 — 09:45 e415 Quantum Computing to advance Artificial Intelligence: Where do we stand? •Hartmut Neven PV XIII 09:45 — 10:30 e415 Polaritons in two dimensional semiconductors •Atac Imamoglu Symposium Advanced Concepts for High Peak Power Ultrafast Lasers (SYUL) Invited Talks Fri SYUL 1.1 11:00 — 11:50 e415 Exawatt laser concepts for extreme field science •Chris Barty SYUL 1.2 11:50 — 12:20 e415 Generation of short pulses with ultra-high temporal contrast at the PHELIX petawatt facility •Vincent Bagnoud SYUL 1.3 12:20 — 12:50 e415 Petawatt lasers for particle acceleration at HZDR Dresden •Ulrich Schramm SYUL 1.4 12:50 — 13:20 e415 High-intensity few-cycle pulses with ultrahigh temporal contrast •Stefan Karsch, Alexander Kessel, Christoph Skrobol, Mathias Krüger, Christoph Wandt, Sandro Klingebiel, Olga Lysov, Izhar Ahmad, Sergei Trushin, Vyacheslav Leshchenko, Zsuzsanna Major, Ferenc Krausz SYUL 2.1 14:00 — 14:30 e415 Coherent Combination of Ultrafast Fiber Lasers •Jens Limpert 44 SYUL 2.2 14:30 — 15:00 e415 Cryogenic multipass amplifiers for high peak and average power ultrafast lasers •Luis E. Zapata SYUL 2.3 15:00 — 15:30 e415 Multi-TW infrared laser using Frequency domain Optical Parametric Amplification •Bruno E. Schmidt, Philippe Lassonde, Guilmot Ernotte, Mathieu Giguere, Nicolas Thire, Antoine Laramee, Heide Ibrahim, Francois Legare Sessions SYUL 1 11:00 — 13:20 e415 Advanced Concepts for High Peak Power Ultrafast Lasers I SYUL 2 14:00 — 15:30 e415 Advanced Concepts for High Peak Power Ultrafast Lasers II Atomic Physics Division (A) A 39.1 11:00 — 11:30 f303 Enhanced ionization of embedded clusters by electron transfer mediated decay in helium nanodroplets •A. C. LaForge, V. Stumpf, K. Gokhberg, J. von Vangerow, N. V. Kryzhevoi, P. O‘Keeffe, A. Ciavardini, S. Krishnan, K. C. Prince, R. Richter, R. Moshammer, T. Pfeifer, L. S. Cederbaum, F. Stienkemeier, M. Mudrich Sessions A 37 11:00 — 13:20 e415 Advanced Concepts for High Peak Power Ultrafast Lasers I A 38 11:00 — 13:00 f107 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC V (with Q) A 39 11:00 — 13:15 f303 Interaction with VUV and X-ray light 45 Fri Invited Talk A 40 11:00 — 12:45 f428 Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions III (with Q) A 41 14:00 — 15:30 e415 Advanced Concepts for High Peak Power Ultrafast Lasers II Molecular Physics Division (MO) Invited Talks 11:00 — 11:30 f142 Rotational state thermometry of hydroxyl anions at the Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) •Christian Meyer, Arno Becker, Klaus Blaum, Christian Breitenfeldt, Sebastian George, Jürgen Göck, Manfred Grieser, Florian Grussie, Philipp Herwig, Jonas Karthein, Claude Krantz, Holger Kreckel, Sunil Kumar, Jorrit Lion, Svenja Lohmann, Preeti M. Mishra, Oldřich Novotný, Aodh P. O‘Connor, Roland Repnow, Kaija Spruck, Stefan Schippers, Dirk Schwalm, Lutz Schweikhard, Stephen Vogel, Robert von Hahn, Andreas Wolf MO 21.6 12:30 — 13:00 f142 Infrared Spectroscopy of mass/charge selected biomolecules in liquid helium droplets •Gert von Helden Fri MO 21.1 Sessions MO 20 11:00 — 13:00 f102 Femtosecond Spectroscopy 4 MO 21 11:00 — 13:00 f142 Cold Molecules & Helium Droplets 2 Mass Spectrometry Division (MS) Invited Talk MS 11.1 46 11:00 — 11:30 f128 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at AARAMS •Jesper Olsen Session MS 11 11:00 — 12:45 f128 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Applications III Plasma Physics Division (P) Session P 27 11:00 — 12:45 b305 Low Temperature Plasmas III Quantum Optics and Photonics Division (Q) Sessions 11:00 — 13:00 a310 Laser Applications I Q 61 11:00 — 13:15 e001 Quantum Gases: Fermions II Q 62 11:00 — 12:45 e214 Quantum Information: Quantum Computing and Communication III Q 63 11:00 — 13:00 f107 Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC V (with A) Q 64 11:00 — 12:30 f342 Nano-Optics III Q 65 11:00 — 12:45 f428 Precision spectroscopy of atoms and ions III (with A) Q 66 11:00 — 12:45 f442 Quantum Effects: QED III Q 67 14:30 — 15:15 a310 Laser Applications II Q 68 14:30 — 16:30 e001 Quantum Gases: Fermions III Q 69 14:30 — 16:00 e214 Quantum Information: Quantum Computing and Communication IV Fri Q 60 47 Q 70 14:30 — 16:00 f342 Quantum Gases: Bosons VI Q 71 14:30 — 16:30 f442 Quantum Effects: QED IV Q 72 15:30 — 16:30 a310 Ultrashort Laser Pulses III Fri 48 Profitiere als Mentee von erfahrenen Physiker/innen im Berufsleben. DPG Mentoring Programm 2016 Jetzt anmelden unter: mentoring.dpgphysik.de Anmeldeschluss: 30. April 2016 Begleiten Sie als Mentor/in junge Physiker/innen beim Berufseinstieg. 49 Index of Exhibitors Hannover 2016 Location: Leibniz Universität Hannover, Lichthof, Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover Company Stand No. AHF analysentechnik AG 26 Kohlplattenweg 18, 72074 Tübingen Optical filters and filter sets for spectroscopy and laser applications, Precise ultranarrowband filters, < 1 nm bandwidth, LED light sources 365 – 770 nm AMS Technologies AG 39 Fraunhoferstraße 22, 82152 Martinsried AMS Technologies APE Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH 36 Plauener Straße 163 - 165, Haus 13, 13053 Berlin Die A·P·E GmbH ist ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der optisch parametrischen Oszillatoren, der Diagnostik und Handhabung von ultrakurzen Pulsen, der Generierung Harmonischer wie auch der Akustooptik. attocube systems AG 31 Königinstraße 11 A, Rückgebäude EG, 80539 München Positioniersysteme, Kryostate, Mikroskope, Abstandsmesssysteme Avantes BV 2 Exhibition Oude Apeldoornseweg 28, 7333 NS Apeldoorn, Netherlands Avantes ist eine der führenden Firmen im Bereich kostengünstiger Spektroskopie und faser-optischer Applikationen. Wir bieten Ihnen Miniatur-SpektrometerSysteme an, die z. B. aus einer Lichtquelle, einer faseroptischen Sonde und einen Spektrometer, für Analyse im UV-, VIS- und NIR-Bereich bestehen. Bernhard Halle Nachfl. GmbH & Co. Optische Werkstätten Hubertusstraße 10, 12163 Berlin Polarisationsoptik, Linsensysteme, Optische Komponenten 50 25 Coherent (Deutschland) GmbH 34 Dieselstraße 5 b, 64807 Dieburg Festkörperlaser, Ultrafast-Laser, CO2-Laser, Excimer-Laser, Lasermesstechnik Dr. Iva Cermakova CGC Instruments 14 Hübschmannstraße 18, 09112 Chemnitz Dr. Iva Cermakova CGC Instruments Edwards Ltd. Crawley Business Quarter 51 Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9LW, United Kingdom R&D products GWU-Lasertechnik Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH 32 Bonner Ring 9, 50374 Erftstadt Abstimmbare Lasersysteme & OPOs; Kristalle (Laser, nichtlineare) Hamamatsu Photonics Deutschland GmbH 23 Arzbergerstraße 10, 82211 Herrsching Photomultiplier Tubes & Modules, MCP, Hybriddetektoren, MPPCs und weitere Halbleiter-detektoren, Lichtquellen HORIBA Jobin Yvon GmbH 37 Neuhofstraße 9, 64625 Bensheim Ihr Partner für instrumentelle Analytik und innovative Spektroskopie Hositrad Deutschland 5 CF, KF, ISO, UHV-Vakuumbauteile, Elektrische Durchführungen, Membranbalgen, Special Products Hübner GmbH & Co. KG 41 Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 2, 34123 Kassel THz-Spectrometer, tunable laser , C-Wave, T-Spectralyzer, THzTDS 51 Exhibition Lindnergasse 2, 93047 Regensburg ISEG Spezialelektronik GmbH 49 Bautzner Landstraße 23, 01454 Radeberg / Rossendorf Hochspannungsversorgungen, Hochspannungsnetzgeräte, HV-DC/DC- Konverter Laser Quantum GmbH 42 Max-Stromeyer-Str. 116, 78467 Konstanz Dauerstrichlaser, Ultrakurzpulslaser, Ti:Saphir-Laser, Pumplaser, Spektroskopie LD DIDACTIC GmbH 1 Leyboldstr. 1, 50354 Hürth Anbieter von physikalisch-technischen Lehr- und Ausbildungssystemen insb. in Mechanik, Thermodynamik, Elektrik, Optik, Photonics, Atom-, Kern- und Festkörperphysik für Uni, FH, Schulen LIOP-TEC GmbH 29 Industriestraße 4, 42477 Radevormwald Gepulste Dye-Laser, Optomechanik, Sonderanfertigungen, Vakuumkomponenten Litron Lasers Ltd. 6 8 Consul Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1PB, United Kingdom YAG Laser LOT-QuantumDesign GmbH 48 Im Tiefen See 58, 64293 Darmstadt Exhibition Optische Kryostate, Magnetometer, supraleitende Magnetsysteme M Squared Lasers Ltd West of Scotland Science Park, Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 0SP, United Kingdom All Lasers 52 7 mechOnics AG 16 Papferding 44 a, 85461 Bockhorn Mikro-/Nanopositionierer – auch für Vakuum- und Tieftemperatureinsatz – mit Piezoträgheitsantrieb, Piezo- und Schrittmotorsteuerungen. Neu: DSP 50 mit 1 nm Auflösung, Stellkräfte bis zu 15 N Menlo Systems GmbH 28 Am Klopferspitz 19a, 82152 Martinsried Optical Frequency Combs and Ultrastable CW Lasers for Metrology, Femtosecond Lasers, Microjoule Lasers, Phase Stabilization of Few-Cycle Pulses, Ultrafast Detectors, Terahertz Time Domain Solutions, Antennas and Components. MOG Labs Europe 24 Goethepark 9, 10627 Berlin RF-synthesizer, AOM driver, ECDL-100kHz Cateye, Opt. Amplifier, Wavemeter, ECDL Controller Mountain Photonics GmbH 2 Albert-Einstein-Straße 18, 86899 Landsberg am Lech AFM, Interferometer, Spektrometer, Polarisationskamera, Polarimeter, Mikroskopkamera MRC Systems GmbH Medizintechnische Systeme 30 Hans-Bunte-Straße 10, 69123 Heidelberg Nanyang Technological University 17 21 Nanyang Link 04-16, Singapore 63161325, Singapore Scholarships; Internships; PhD-Program Newport Spectra-Physics GmbH 35 Guerickeweg 7, 64291 Darmstadt Motion Control, Opto-Mechanik, Optiken, Laser, Lichtquellen, Optische Tische, Schwingungsisolation 53 Exhibition Laser-Strahlstabilisierungen für Strahllagen, schnelle Positionsdetektoren (alle Wellenlängen), LaserspiegelAktuatoren (0.5 – 4-Zoll Spiegel), stabilisierte Fasereinkopplung, Shutter, kundenspezifische Lösungen NKT Photonics GmbH 3 Schanzenstr. 39, 51063 Köln Schmalbandige Faserlaser, Supercontinuum, SuperK, optische Fasern, PCF Ophir Spiricon Europe GmbH 35 Guerickeweg 7, 64291 Darmstadt Laserstrahlanalyse, Laser Beam Analysis, Laserstrahldiagnose, M2 Messung, Beam Propagation Factor Gauss Fit, Leistungsmessung, Energiemessung, Powermeter Optoprim Germany GmbH 22 Boschstr. 6, 82178 Puchheim Optoprim Germany GmbH Owis GmbH Feinmechanische und 38 Im Gaisgraben 7, 79219 Staufen i. Br. Strahlführungssysteme, Positioniersysteme PCO AG 53 Donaupark 11, 93309 Kelheim PCO, ihr Spezialist für wissenschaftliche HighendKamerasysteme. Niedrigstes Ausleserauschen, höchste Bildraten, Belichtungszeiten beginnend bei Nanosekunden und Detektion von UV- bis NIR-Licht Pearson Deutschland GmbH 57 Lilienthalstraße 2, 85399 Hallbergmoos Fachliteratur englisch- und deutschsprachig Exhibition Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG 46 Auf der Römerstr. 1, 76228 Karlsruhe Nano- und Mikropositioniertechnik, Hexapode, Piezoaktoren PINK GmbH Vakuumtechnik Gyula-Horn-Straße 20, 97877 Wertheim Vakuum- u. UHV-Kammern, Beschleunigerkomponenten, Vakuumtechnische Anlagen u. Systeme, Manipulatoren 54 33 Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co. KG 27 Königsallee 23, 37081 Göttingen Präzisionsoptik und Mechanik, Faseroptik, Aufbausysteme Quantel 45 2 bis avenue du Pacifique, BP 23, 91940 LES ULIS cedex, France EYLSA fiber lasers by Quantel, highly reliable and user friendly high performance CW IR and visible fiber lasers dedicated to scientific applications such as spectroscopy, atom cooling, biotechnology qutools GmbH 55 Geissacher Straße 18, 81371 München Produkte zur Quanteninformationsverarbeitung, z. B. verschränkte Photonenpaarquellen Radiant Dyes Laser Acc. GmbH 18 + 19 Friedrichstraße 58, 42929 Wermelskirchen Dye Laser cw & gepulst, Ti:Sa Laser cw & gepulst, Excimer Laser, Optomechanik, Laserzubehör SAES Getters S.p.A. 52 Viale Italia, 77, 20020 Lainate (Milan), Italy UHV NEG-Pumpen, Alkalimetall-Dispenser, Hochvakuumpumpen, Getter Schäfter + Kirchhoff GmbH Optics, Metrology and Photonics 4 Faseroptik-Komponenten, Laser-Liniengeneratoren, Zeilenkameras SI Scientific Instruments GmbH 9 Römerstr. 67, 82205 Gilching Spektrometer, Lock-In Verstärker, Detektoren, Massenspektrometer, Restgasanalysatoren, CCD-Kameras 55 Exhibition Kieler Straße 212, 22525 Hamburg Single Quantum B.V. 50 van der Waalsweg 8, 2628CH Delft, Netherlands Single Quantum SNSPD (superconducting nanowire single photon detector) system Entropy closed-cycle cryostats for Kelvin and milliKelvin temperature range Sirah Laser- & Plasmatechnik GmbH 8 Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 11, 41516 Grevenbroich Farbstofflaser, Titan:Saphire-Laser, abstimmbare Lasersysteme, Optik, Zubehör SOLITON Laser- und Meßtechnik GmbH 10 Talhofstraße 32, 82205 Gilching Laser, optische Messtechnik, Sensoren, Laserzubehör Springer-Verlag GmbH 15 Tiergartenstraße 17, 69121 Heidelberg Wissenschaftliche Bücher und Zeitschriften Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover (TIB) 11 Welfengarten 1B, 30167 Hannover Wissenschaftliche Fachliteratur TEM Messtechnik GmbH 43 + 44 Großer Hillen 38, 30559 Hannover Laserelektronik, Messtechnik, Entwicklung THORLABS GmbH 12 + 13 Hans-Boeckler-Straße 6, 85221 Dachau Exhibition Über 11.000 Produkte von Optischen & Opto-Mech. Komponenten bis Motion Control & Strahldiagnose TOPAG Lasertechnik GmbH Nieder-Ramstädter-Straße 247, 64285 Darmstadt Laser und Optische Messtechnik 56 54 TOPTICA Photonics AG 20 + 21 Lochhamer Schlag 19, 82166 Gräfelfing / München Tunable Diode Lasers with New Digital Control Electronics, Amplified and Frequency-Converted Diode Lasers, Femtosecond/Picosecond Fiber Lasers, Wavelength Meters TTI GmbH TGU LG-Instruments 47 Unterbrüdener Straße 14, 71549 Auenwald Elektronische und optische Messtechnik, kundenspezifische Lösungen, Prototypenbau www.lk-instruments.com von Gegerfelt PHOTONICS GmbH 40 Hermann-Löns-Straße 4, 64625 Bensheim High performance lasers Zurich Instruments AG Marketing and Sales 56 Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland Exhibition UHFLI 600 MHz Lock-in Amplifier, HF2LI 50 MHz Lock-in Amplifier, MFLI 500 kHz/ 5MHz Lock-in Amplifier, HF2IS 50 MHz Impedance Spectroscope, UHF Boxcar, HF2PLL 50 MHz PhaseLocked Loop 57 Industrie- und Buchauss Leibniz Universität Hannover, Welfe 4 13 20 21 19 22 18 23 17 24 16 25 15 26 7 3 6 12 2 5 1 11 10 9 Exhibition 8 58 14 27 Welfengarte sstellung Hannover 2016 engarten 1, 30167 Hannover - Foyer 48 28 42 29 41 30 40 43 39 31 56 49 44 50 51 54 55 57 52 38 32 45 33 37 34 36 53 Exhibition 46 47 35 en / Eingang 59 60 Parking place for disabled persons Level 0, 1, 3 and 4 Driveway Elevator for disabled persons WC Entrance Foyer east entrance stairs Cloakroom WC WC only to E 214 and E 415 Elevator for disabled persons Lecture hall E 001 Ground Floor (Source: Pressestelle Leibniz Universität Hannover) Map Level 0 and Guide for disabled persons 61 Stairs Map Level 1 Elevators (Stairs) Main entrance Exhibition Lichthof (Source: Pressestelle Leibniz Universität Hannover) Conference office C 109 Great physics lecture hall E 214 62 Stairs Map Level 3 Lecture hall Press office Web Editorial Office F 342 Small physics lecture hall (Source: Pressestelle Leibniz Universität Hannover) E 415 63 Stairs Map Level 4 (Source: Pressestelle Leibniz Universität Hannover) E 415 490 Neustadt Neustadt 440 491 Osterwald Stöckendrebber 460 Esperke Berenbostel 450 N43 Bordenau 461 Engelbostel 470 Langenhagen Flughafen CARDZONE HANNOVER 2 572 571 0 136 Wunstorfer Str. Ahlem 10 Doggerweg Davenstedter Holz Droehnenstr. Altes Dorf Freboldstraße Leinaustr. Davenstedter Platz 120 580 Am Großmarkt Übergang zu RegionalExpress, RegionalBahn und S-Bahn Interchange with regional/suburban train 64 0 50 Wettbergen 129 3 7 130 500 Ronnenberg Gehrden Stand: Dezember 2015 www.gvh.de hn P er wa Ja Gr ab pl be at str z . 0 20 Göttinger Str. Gronostr. 360 363 365 N31 17 Wallensteinstr. Hangstr. An der Kirche 0 13 Stadtbahn Tram line Pater-Kolbe-Gang Lohfeldweg Aarhushof 9 12 NachtLiner am Wochenende Night line service at weekend Beckstr. Charlottenstr. 500 Nenndorfer Chaussee Canarisweg Mühlenberger Markt 581 N56 N56 Barsinghausen Wennigser Mark Abweichender Fahrweg Line only at special times Tarifzonen Fare zones Leuschnerstr. Deisterplatz/ Allerweg Deisterplatz /Bornumer Str. 1 Buslinie mit Haltestelle Bus route with stop 129 Sporlederweg 0 10 Petermannstr. Im Dorfe Hudeplan 129 E./Bahnübergang Empelde / Schilfweg Zur Sternwarte 580 Am Soltekampe 58 9 Empelde Schwarzer Bär An der Martinskirche Schulzentrum Badenstedt Benther Stern- Im Born Berg heimweg 12 Humboldtstr. Lindener Marktplatz BernhardCaspar-Str. Woermannstr. Krö Am Küchengarten Bardowicker Str. Am Lindener Hafen Nieschlagstr. Südfeldstr. Steintor 700 Kötnerholzweg 0 120 In der Steinbreite 30 Rebhuhnfeld Ungerstr. Stollenweg Königsworther Platz 16 Gerberstr. Goetheplatz Glocksee Peperfeld Im Hellerloh Distelborn Konradstr. Poggendiek Grundschule Wettbergen Neue Str. Luise-Fi Allerweg 1 Stadionbrücke Bf. Linden / Fis Menzelstr. 100 200 Am Grünen Hagen Stadtfriedhof Ricklingen W./ Saarstr. Westerfeld/ Deveser Str. 363 365 36 W Be est rli erf ne . / r Kö We Str. lln st br erf He ink . / m we Am mi g n Sp gen o / Schnepfenweg 581 Velber / Bornstr. 120 Velber / Am Wehrgraben 9 10 0 Steinfeldstr. Tegtmeyerstr. le 581 N57 N70 Ca 570 574 200 120 Celler Str. Am Klagesmarkt 100 Velber / Hasselfeldstr. Welfenstr. Lilienstr. Christuskirche 0 Seelze 572 Werders Kopernikusstr. Tegtmeyerallee 70 Richard-Lattorf-Str. Velber / Engl. Friedhof Am Asphaltberge N70 Weidendamm 300 1 Barsinghausen 570 135 Voltastr. An der Strangriede Mohrmannstr. en 58 Grundschule Ahlem Gehrden 580 Wennigsen 136 ld tr. rS an 0 574 121 Martin-Luther-Kirche Stadtfriedhof Ahlem Moorkamp Bf. Nordstadt 11 Haltenhoffstr. TICKETZONE HANNOVER Göxe N57 121 Fenskestr. Goetheschule 136 Willy-Spahn-Park Letter / Erich-Kästner-Str. Nied sachsenrin 133 Voltmerstr. Herrenhäuser Gärten Zum Buchengarten Melanchthonstr. Scheelenkamp hr . es m Wendlandstr. 70 Letter / Am Kalkofen CARDZONE HANNOVER 1 Friedenauer Str. Schaumburgstr. Letter / Alfred-Nobel-Str. Gehrden 571 Wohlenbergstr. Eibenweg Burgweg Culemeyertrift Kabelkam Va ke Fle Altenauer Weg Letter/Kurze Wanne Letter / Klöcknerstr. Letter / Albert-Einstein-Str. Wiesena Alter Flughafe öc 1 St Gretelriede Letter / Windelerstr. Dedensen N70 135 Pappelweg Industrieweg Mogelkenstr. Am Fuhren- Bogenstr. kampe Innersteweg Am 58 str h ac rB ne Gr o f M ße ar Pra ie nk Ho nwe e lle rd rit er ha lle e ho ied Fr Hilshof Letter / Schäferweg Seelze 574 Dedensen Wunstorf 700 Mecklenheidestr. Heusingerstr. Verdener Platz Bf. Ledeburg Weizenfeldstr. Auf der Klappenburg Dörpefeld tr. 491 N 43 ns 490 Stelinger Str. 581 Bf. Vinnhorst 461 47 460 Schloß Ricklingen N41 Altgarbsen/ 126 Am Blauen See Nordhafen 6 0 5 46 ne 470 elm Jädekamp 135 ge N41 126 136 m 440 450 Hansastr. 46 1 Rü 420 5 Stöcken Im Garbsen-Mitte 420 491 N 43 Wissenschaftspark Marienwerder 490 Forst Heidehaus 13 Schwarze Heide Forst Mecklenheide 4 Garbsen Lg h Au . / An to d ba er Lg hn h. /U hl an ds tr. Lg h Be ./Au be gu l-S sttr. TICKET-/CARDZONE UMLAND Bennigsen 360 Pattensen Schulenburg N31 300 366 Pattensen Bus Hannover N 62 620 Großburgwedel Peiner Str. 123 134 366 123 128 134 Holthusenstr. Friedhofs2 allee Döhren/Bhf Kastanienallee Aug.-Holweg-Platz 6 ld . f str ho nh nt eim ze ld fe rte Ga 1 63 r. . str ch 0 35 ng 12 4 12 4 125 rb lri de be Ro No 13 7 rS 12 7 124 Hi n sc den hl bg Kl euse ..H ol zh äg e Ne ru rg a Os rten tfe ld st be Kö r. rg nig er sRi ng Tie 124 123 0 330 Bemeroder Rathausplatz Wülferoder Str. Kronsberg Johanneskamp 340 tr. 36 36 tr. rfs Do rie tfe / ld Bö ./ ./ g m CARDZONE HANNOVER 2 Brabeckstr./Am Gutspark d l ar éa ev tr ul on Bo e M e n en d n io we He 5 330 Wülferoder Platz 341 Messe/Ost (Expo-Plaza) 6 16 Kirchbichler Str. 330 Lühnde at ell rN La 340 341 Laatzen Pattensen go hn de sc Rethen 2 Sarstedt 1 124 ica 350 se 350 Gehrden 124 Am Brabrinke Laatzen/ Ulmer Str. ße m Sudetenstr. 8 18 Messe/Nord Ch Jugendgästehaus 370 Mehrum 125 Anderten Kleiner Hillen Am Mittelfelde 123 124 es He Ostergrube Großer Hillen Emslandstr. ra Pattensen 365 Im Wiesenhof Hinter dem Dorfe Katzenwinkel Raupertstr. Lerchenfeldstr. Paderborner Str. M 5 Neisser Weg Am Kindergarten Angerstr. St Hem./ Döhrener Str. 36 Stadtfriedhof Seelhorst Bf. Anderten-Misburg Bleekstr. Claudiusstr. Karlsruher Str. Lehrter Platz 3 Hem./ KGS Elsenborner Str. Hoher Weg Max-Kuhlemann-Str. Annastift 0 Brückstr. Dorfstr. 370 Liebrechtstr. Wolfstr. Roßkampstr. Zeißstr. Eupener Str. Höltjebaumstr. Wülfeler Bruch 134 Mergenthalerweg Hartmannstr. Nackenberg 33 Neckarstr. Landwehrstr. 66 or 128 363 Misburger Str. Bünteweg / Lange-Hop-Str. La a M tzen ün / ch en e 20 0 100 e scherhof St dan -L An der Engesohde 124 33 370 inke-Weg 127 Bf. Bismarckstr. A.d.Tiefen- Streseriede mannHildeallee Schneider-Allee HDI Arena Stadionbad Altenbekener Damm 137 Am Pferdeturm Kreisstr. Blumhardtstr. Lothringer Str. Kerstingstr. Am Hafen Bf. Karl-Wiechert-Allee Kantplatz Brehmstr. Menschingstr./ Kinderkrhs. 123 kr Vin a z La nke enz ng nh e- au Fe s ld -S tr. au 121 Ge ach h s tfe Re äg tr. ld hm est da er r. m Fe m ld ue ve Braunschweiger Platz th Ra Rathaus/ Bleichenstr. Maschsee/ Sprengel Museum Bf. Kleefeld K au ind Zu f de erkr sc r B hs . hl Bü ag ult nt str ew . eg TiH /T i Ho o W / es tfa len Ru ho te f nb er gs tr. 200 100 Fr Plathnerstr. St ll wa hs ric ied er at W Aegidientorplatz 10 17 1 12 en be lo rg op er lat St z r. 120 s/ M ss a t Lu rien r. St ther str. ol str z . H estr . . H. -H einr ein .e- Kirc St he r. 20 Heidering Heidjerhof Lathusenstr. Schaperplatz Gneisenaustr. La 200 lfe an z Sü er W nd e er g n lle str. n Bo brin th k Ki fel rch de r L.- weg Sie ve rsRi ng To Hannover Congress Centrum St. Johanniskirche Grenzstr. Soltauer Str. Medizinische Hochschule Misburg 7 St. Anna-Kirche An der Breiten Wiese TICKETZONE HANNOVER 11 Zoo Thielenplatz / Schauspielhaus 100 rg Emmichplatz / Musikhochschule Königstr. öpcke nb ad 128 Kröpcke/ Theaterstr. Le St 700 s e Ka nst tr. ise r. ra lle e 500 ied Hauptbahnhof/ Ernst-August-Platz bu 300 en 134 Baumschulenallee Ludwig-Jahn-Str. 127 Milanstr. 7 13 8 18 Fr Pl at z ge Ise ne rnrS tr. ha 100 121 Wedekindstr. Lärchenstr. 134 Regenwalder Str. Freienwalder Str. Weidetorstr. Pinkenburger Str. Telemax Haberhof Osterfelddamm 4 Roderbruch rst Lister Platz Dreifaltigkeitskirche 124 Pappelwiese 133 Meersmannufer Silberstr. Gr.-Buchh. Str. Fehrsweg 133 ge 12 8 137 Vier Grenzen Spannhagengarten Paracelsusweg Hesemannstr. 3 12 Hbf./ ZOB Welfenplatz 0 Bussestr. lü 20 Stadtfriedhof Misburg Pasteurallee Pf Moltkeplatz Riethorst 135 133 122 Jakobi-/ 134 Voßstr. Flüggestr. Kriegerstr. Apostelkirche 134 ffe Sc ift str Cr Lister Kirchweg Dragonerstr. Rosenbergstr. str. Constantinstr. Immengarten 631 n te ar str. sG p er Kam berg ey el Zum d M Se lan r. Am ok St ro ov. er B äs nn lln Ha Bo tr. - Str. S en in5 Sv ed 12 H r. 133 Le Alvenslebenstr. -G Br reis üd in Lil er- g-W ie G e G. ncr rimm g -E on ng st Sc elk r. h. H e-S Go inri tr. r c h ch -F srin Kl oc in k- g ge St r. rst r. ib n M izsc en hu ge le nd am m Linsingenstr. 123 Stadtfriedhof Lahe/ Haupteingang 135 Luise-Blume-Str. Noltemeyerbr. G. Sahlkamp nd derng Wietzegraben 134 Hi 128 Möckernstr. Höfestr. 3 Altwarmbüchen Gernsstr. Laher Kirchweg Klein-Buchholzer Kirchweg 125 5 13 Nordring Gradestr. 122 Franz-Steineke-Weg An den Deichwiesen Uslarplatz 125 hn Ba Spessartweg Eifelweg 135 Alte Heide 2 122 135 Hirtenweg he ie Ika ntha Re ite Eck ru lst e sa r. r lle Va stad ner e hr io str. en n he Dr ide es r M de a Ha ne rk rS t lle s tr. Pl che au en Str. er St Le r. ip zi F.- ger Na St n r. Du sen na -Sc nt hu str le . Lil en mp Kiefernpfad 135 th . Langenforther Str. Tempelhofweg 631 Altwarmbüchen/ Schulzentrum N 62 Fasanenkrug 9 620 n 125 122 au Kahlendamm Am Rotdorn Große Heide Meierwiesen Hi Langenhagen/ 122 Im Gehäge Bo 1 Langenhagen TICKET-/CARDZONE UMLAND 65 RE 2 RegionalExpress mit Bahnhof Bremen RE 1 RE 8 Regional express with station RB 38 RegionalBahn mit Bahnhof Regional train with station S5 S-Bahn mit Bahnhof Suburban train with station S21 Expresslinie, hält nicht an jedem Bahnhof Express line, does not stop at all stations 4 So RB S2 Stadtbahn Tram line Nienburg S Bis Lan Hannover Flughafen S5 Hagen (Han) AR 1 Tarifzonen im GVH Fare zones Lan Außenringe für AR 1 Tarifzonen Cards im GVH-Regionaltarif Eilvese Fare zones for cards of the GVH-regional fare 5 Neustadt am Rübenbge. Stand: Dezember 2015 www.gvh.de 4 Lan Stöcken H-V Nordhafen 6 Garbsen H-L Poggenhagen AR 2 Wunstorf Dedensen/ S51 Gümmer AR 1 S1 Stadthagen Kirchhorsten Bückeburg C H-Leinhausen Seelze S2 HHaltenhoffstr. 11 Königsworther Platz 16 Bad Nenndorf Steintor TICKETZONE HANNOVER Bantorf S1 Letter Haste Lindhorst Kröpcke Ahlem 10 Minden Winninghausen Bielefeld Rheine RE 60 RE 70 Aegidiento S21 Barsinghausen Empelde 9 Kirchdorf (Deister) H-Bornum H-Linden / Fischerh Empelde 17 Ronnenberg Egestorf (Deister) Hessisch Oldendorf Wennigsen Lemmie (Deister) 7 Wettbergen Holtensen /Linderte TICKET-/CARDZO Völksen / Eldagsen Bad Pyrmont La Weetzen Bennigsen Emmerthal Wallensteinstr. CARDZONE HAN 3 TICKET-/CARDZ Springe AR 1 Bad Münder S51 AR 2 Hameln Coppenbrügge 66 Sch Lin Me Stufenloser Zu-/Abgang Step-free access Paderborn Ho AR 1 AR 2 Park+Ride S5 Wa Linsburg Übergang zum Bus Interchange with bus Bünde RB 77 AR 3 AR 2 AR 3 AR 3 Regionalzug und S-Bahn oltau B 38 alsrode odenhagen Uelzen RE 2 hwarmstedt ndwedel S4 Bennemühlen TICKET-/CARDZONE REGION AR 1 AR 2 ellendorf S6 Großburgwedel ssendorf ngenhagen-Kaltenweide Celle S7 Isernhagen TICKET-/CARDZONE UMLAND ngenhagen-Pferdemarkt ngenhagen-Mitte 1 3 Langenhagen Altwarmbüchen CARDZONE HANNOVER 2 Vinnhorst Ehlershausen 2 Ledeburg Alte Heide 9 Fasanenkrug Otze AR 1 AR 2 AR 3 RE 30 Wolfsburg CARDZONE HANNOVER 1 Burgdorf TICKETZONE HANNOVER -Nordstadt 7 Hannover Hbf Misburg Calberlah Gifhorn Leiferde Meinersen Aligse 8 18 4 11 Roderbruch Zoo Dedenhausen Dollbergen Immensen-Arpke H-Anderten / Ahlten H-Kleefeld H-KarlWiechert-Allee Misburg Lehrte AR 1 Hämelerwald Vöhrum Peine 10 17 orplatz H-Bismarckstr. 5 Sehnde Anderten hof 2 Döhren /Bhf. 8 18 NNOVER 2 6 16 Messe/ Nord aatzen/Eichstraße (Bahnhof) Messe/ Ost (Expo-Plaza) Algermissen Hannover Messe/Laatzen 1 Laatzen Harsum 2 Hildesheim Hbf Rethen 1 Sarstedt Barnten Emmerke ONE UMLAND Rethen (Leine) Sarstedt RE RE 2 RE10 2 ZONE REGION AR 1 Osterwald Voldagsen Braunschweig RE 60 RE 70 RB 77 Nordstemmen Elze (Han) AR 3 RE 2 S4 RE 50 RB 77 RB 79 Hoheneggelsen Hildesheim Ost Groß Düngen Derneburg Alfeld Freden Wesseln Bad Salzdetfurth Solebad Bad Salzdetfurth Bodenburg Göttingen RB 79 Banteln AR 2 S3 Braunschweig RE 50 Bad Harzburg RE 10 67 Stadtbahn mit Haltestelle Tram line with stop ar sh o ko f rp sc als d e io n g tr. rH a W is s or sse st en Jä sch af de ka t sp Au m p ar k M fd ar e ie n L a r Kl we a uc rd ke ppe er r th nb ur of g rs uf Ho er er Fr tr. Beneckeallee RE1 RE8 RE 60 RE70 S1 S 2 S51 Hainhölzer Markt Herrenhäuser Markt Tarifzonen Fare zones Fenskestr. Schaumburgstr. Schneiderberg/ W.-Busch-Museum S1 www.gvh.de An der Strangried 60 RE 70 Leibniz Universität Kopernikusstr. Christuskirche RE Königsworther Platz 16 TICKETZONE HANNOVER pl . ee he ks et oc rB at ze kt ar hw Beekestr. S5 1 B S2 1 Bartold-Knaust-Str. S2 S5 Am Sauerwinkel S1 Mühlenberger Markt Weetzen Tresckowstr. 7 CARDZONE HANNOVER 2 S5 S5 1 Wettbergen 3 TICKET-/CARDZONE UMLAND Paderborn S5 68 Döh Schünemannplatz Wallensteinstr. 17 Empelde 9 Bünde RB77 S Al Bf. Linden/ Fischerhof Hermann-Ehlers-Allee S1 S 2 S 21 Markth Landta Waterloo Sc de L in Allerweg Stadionbrücke Safariweg S1 Humboldtstr. är z Go Gl tr. pl gs la ar ch es ne Ni rM en af as rd de rn Be Am ha L in S 21 S2 Eichenfeldstr. pa rH ne Körtingsdorfer Weg Am Soltekampe r-S tr. Bauweg -C Barsinghausen S 21 Kröpcke Eh Ahlem 10 10 Steintor Clevertor Glocksee/Bhf. rh S1 S2 ( G ar t e d st r en . Br k st un ät te n Ha e nst A h lem r re nb . ) W erg un st er S Un orfe tr. ge r S r t Le str. r. in au Am str. Kü ch en ga r te n Minden S1 11 Appelstr. S2 Bahnhof Nordstadt Haltenhoffstr. Herrenhäuser Gärten Haste S1 Krepenstr. Bahnhof Leinhausen Seelze For lines 10 and 17 here no step-free access Bielefeld Rheine RE 60 RE70 Fuhsestr./Bhf. RE1 RE8 RE60 RE70 S1 S 2 S51 Wunstorf Friedenauer Str. hs Fu Stufenloser Zu-/Abgang Step-free access es Stadtfriedhof Stöcken Stand: Dezember 2015 6 Nordhafe Mecklenheidestr. Freudenthalstr. Park+Ride Für Linie 10 und 17 hier kein stufenloser Zu-/Abgang Stöckener Markt ie d fd fd Garbsen 4 S5 5 Stöcken RE 2 RB38 S4 S5 M Übergang zum Bus Interchange with bus Ho rs Suburban train Au S2 S-Bahn Au RE 1 RE 8 S 2 RB 38 RegionalBahn Regional train Hannover Flughafen fA S2 RegionalExpress t/ RE 2 S4 Nienburg Abweichender Fahrweg im Nachtsternverkehr Night service Pa 10 Ben Veranstaltungslinie Special service t/S 16 18 Solt RB Bremen RE 1 RE 8 Stadtbahn mit Tunnelstation Underground station ho 3 Hameln S51 TICKET-/CARDZONE REGION W Am Laatze von-Sie Laatzen Call for nominations or self-applications: Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics 2016 The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI) and the Joachim Herz Stiftung will jointly award the Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics 2016 in the research areas of atoms, molecules, and quantum optics as well as condensed matter. The award honors outstanding contributions of a highly accomplished international researcher with personal prize money of EUR 40,000. Previous awardees are Prof. Maciej Lewenstein, ICFO Barcelona (2010) Prof. Peter Zoller, Universität Innsbruck (2011) Prof. Shaul Mukamel, University of California (2012) Prof. Chris H. Greene, Purdue University (2013) Prof. Antoine Georges, Collège de France, École Polytechnique, Universität Genf (2014) Prof. Ignacio Cirac, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching (2015) The prize winner is expected to interact with CUI’s research groups and especially with young researchers (e.g. via lectures and seminars) during one or more visits to Hamburg. Additional funds will be available for these visits. CUI is a cluster of excellence at Universität Hamburg. Please send nominations or self-applications until March 31, 2016, to: Preiskomitee des Hamburger Preises für Theoretische Physik z. Hd. Dr. Hans Behringer ([email protected]) The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging Luruper Chaussee 149 – D-22761 Hamburg www.cui.uni-hamburg.de www.joachim-herz-stiftung.de Stadtbahn Hannover tau B38 nnemühlen TICKET-/CARDZONE REGION ng L a en n g ha en ge L a for n / ng th Ze e n e r P l n t ha r u g e at z m n / La ng Ku e n rt- hag Sc e hu n / m ac he r-A ll e e 4 Uelzen RE2 TICKET-/CARDZONE UMLAND Celle S6 S7 3 Altwarmbüchen 1 Langenhagen La RE 2 Langenhagen/Angerstr. 9 Fasanenkrug Bahnstrift Tempelhofweg Zehlendorfweg Papenwinkel Vahrenheider Markt Reiterstadion Großer Kolonnenweg Alter Flughafen Kabelkamp Windausstr. Büttnerstr. Altwarmbüchen / Zentrum 2 Alte Heide CARDZONE HANNOVER 2 Wiesenau Altwarmbüchen / Ernst-Grote-Str. Stadtfriedhof Bothfeld Kurze-Kamp-Str. Altwarmbüchen / Opelstr. Bothfeld Oldenburger Allee Bothfelder Kirchweg Buchholz/Bhf. Stadtfriedhof Lahe e Niedersachsenring S 6 S7 Berliner Platz p am tk rs Fo Am e tr. tr. as ie s lz s ho fk Ka elw pp Sc Pa er ce ra Pa hi St ü l su en ie b .S I. d No eg ck en ke üc br er tr. ey rs m lte ge in Kl an nh ag en n ze st r . en Gr li k Pe er an gs in Vi Sp tr. z la t rP te rtz L is Se da Werderstr. de Lo ns tr. /L is t Vahrenwalder Platz ga er r te M n e il Dragonerstr. sw en 7 Misburg TICKETZONE HANNOVER 11 Zoo 8 18 10 Hauptbahnhof 4 Roderbruch Roderbruchmarkt RE 30 Wolfsburg Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Congress Centrum ltenbekener Damm Kantplatz Uhlhornstr. 30 Bünteweg/ TiHo Großer Hillen August-Madsack-Str. e St ad Se t f ri e lh e d o ho A m r st f M it t elf eld RE Saarbrückener Str. Zuschlagstr. Tiergarten Ostfeldstr. Emslandstr. Königsberger Ring Brabeckstr. 2 Döhren /Bhf. Wiehbergstr. 8 18 Feldbuschwende 5 Anderten Kronsberg Messe/Nord Krügerskamp Stockholmer Allee m Brabrinke at a q ze n ua / La L a L aa at a t t zi P a ze n K r ze n u m rk / an / d La kenh L a er S at a at in N e ze n u s Z e ze n n e nt / ue / r r um L a Sc at hl G i ze n a g ns / t Re e r w th eg St en ein / fe ld L Re aat z th en en / er Re W No th in rd en / ke l Re th en Re / Bf. th en Gl / Ga eid lg . / O enb e r Gl eid p he r g w us e in we g Gl g e n /T g eid . / A hor st He m ise Le r. in d H e e / M ka m ar is e ie n p d S a e / L a bur ge rs te ng e d r K r Str Sa t / A . m amp rs te dt Bok /R s ön ber g tg en st r . 6 16 Messe/Ost (Expo-Plaza) Hannover Messe/ Laatzen 1 Laatzen 2 Rethen La n/Eichstraße (Bahnhof) RE 60 RE70 Bleekstr. Kinderkrankenhaus a. d. Bult Seelhorster Allee Bothmerstr. en / Werneremens-Platz Braunschweig Annastift Kerstingstr. CARDZONE HANNOVER 1 Fiedelerstr. Peiner Str. Nackenberg Freundallee S1 hrener Turm R S2 E 2 S 4 RE S 5 10 S2 1 S5 1 Geibelstr. 70 Schlägerstr. RE Marienstr. Braunschweiger Platz Lehrte 60 halle/ ag RE 30 RE60 RE 70 S3 S 6 S7 Bahnhof Karl-Wiechert-Allee Clausewitzstr. RE 10 17 Aegidientorpl. Misburger Str. S3 Thielenplatz / Schauspielhaus RE 2 RE10 S4 RB 77 S3 S4 RB77 RB79 RE50 1 Sarstedt Hildesheim Hbf RE50 RE10 RB77 Braunschweig S4 RE 2 RB79 RE10 Göttingen Bodenburg Bad Harzburg 69 Barsinghausen Bad Nenndorf Springe Wennigsen 3 REGION Pattensen UMLAND Hemmingen 5 TARIFZONE 4 Sarstedt Laatzen 2 1 Hämelerwald Sehnde Lehrte Dezember R1 Bielefeld Rheine www.gvh.de Stand: Tarifzonen Fare zones S2 S1 R13 Bünde S5 Paderborn S1 Haste Wunstorf Garbsen Nienburg R2 Minden 4 S2 Auf S2 R1 der Horst/Marsho Auf der Horst/Skorpio Friedhof f spark Marienwerde Hogrefestr. Stöcken Hemelingstr. Stadtfriedhof Osterwald 440 Neustadt 450 Berenbostel r der Klappenburg Lauckerthof R2 Körtingsdorfer Hannover Fuhsestr./Bhf. S4 R8 Stöckendrebber 460 Esperke Niedersachsenring UMLAND Büttnerstr. Windausstr. Kabelkamp Alter Flughafen Wiesenau Langenhagen/Angerstr. Platz Berliner Bennemühlen R4 Soltau 6 Nordhafen Mecklenheidestr. Beneckeallee Str. Friedenauer Krepenstr. S5 Flughafen 5 Stöcken Weizenfeldstr. Markt Fenskestr. 581 700 135 Richard-Lattorf-Str. Velber / Am Asphaltberge Wallensteinstr. Friedhof Tarifzonen Fare zones 16 str. Nordhafen 136 6 Bf. Vinnhorst Kolonnenweg 2 REGION Hannover Heide 2 Alte Bahnstrift Tempelhofweg Zehlendorfweg 1 Langenhagen Papenwinkel Markt Reiterstadion Vahrenheider HANNOVER 1 Langenhagen TICKET-/CARDZONE Langenhagen/ Im Gehäge 122 / / Langenforther S6 S7 R8 Celle Uelzen Lahe 620 Fasanenkrug Kahlendamm Am Rotdorn Große Heide 620 Großburgwedel 7 Schierholzstr. Str. Meierwiesen 122 125 Stadtfriedhof R9 9 Bus Hannover / Altwarmbüchen Opelstr. Allee Oldenburger Altwarmbüchen Ernst-Grote-Str. Altwarmbüchen Zentrum 3 Altwarmbüchen Kirchweg Buchholz/Bhf. Bothfelder Bothfeld Stadtfriedhof Bothfeld Kurze-Kamp-Str. 9 Fasanenkrug TICKET-/CARDZONE UMLAND Stadtbahn 470 Langenhagen Flughafen Großer CARDZONE CARDZONE Aegidientorpl.121 Scholl-Schule 10 17 Voltmerstr. Thielenplatz Str. Geibelstr. Wiehbergstr. Bothmerstr. Str. Wunstorfer Brabrinke Ungerstr. Am 700 Leinaustr. Tegtmeyerstr. Fiedelerstr. Str. Peiner Döhrener An der Altenbekener Strangriede Mohrmann- Damm str. Turm HANNOVER Tegtmeyerallee 135 Pappelweg S3 Industrieweg S6 8 18 Wohlenbergstr.10 Eibenweg Friedenauer Markthalle/ Landtag Burgweg Goetheschule Waterloo 11 Haltenhoffstr. Schlägerstr. 121 136 Herrenhäuser Gärten Allerweg Stadionbrücke TICKETZONE Fischerhof Linden/ Mogelkenstr. Bogenstr. heidestr. Am Fuhren- kampe Kröpcke Weg Humboldt- Schaumburgstr. Wendlandstr. Schünemannplatz Steinfeldstr. 700 N70 581 N57 Beekestr. 571 574 570 Bf. Martin-Luther-Kirche 17 120 Strangriede An der 460 461 Kopernikusstr. Dörpefeld Christuskirche Mecklen- 460461 Heusingerstr.Platz Verdener Steintor Bf. Ledeburg Clevertor Culemeyertrift Altenauer Gretelriede Glocksee/Bhf. Innersteweg Weizenfeldstr. Platz 490 Zum Buchengarten Willy-Spahn-Park Letter / Windelerstr. Wanne Letter/Kurze Letter / Klöcknerstr. Letter / Schäferweg TICKET-/CARDZONE Dragonerstr. Platz 2 Bahnhof Vahrenwalder HANNOVER Nordstadt CARDZONE Werderstr. Hainhölzer 461 Engelbostel Markt Haltenhoffstr. Forst Mecklenheide 11 581 Str. Stelinger Jäde- Königsworther kamp Klappenburg Bauweg Letter / Erich-Kästner-Str. Ahlem Stadtfriedhof Ahlem Grundschule Eichenfeldstr. Safariweg 126 Heide Schaumburgstr. Schwarze Gärten 5 Stöcken Herrenhäuser Appelstr. W.-Busch-Museum 470 Universität 136 Leibniz Schneiderberg/Hansastr. 491 Forst Heidehaus Letter / Alfred-Nobel-Str. Weg Letter / Albert-Einstein-Str. / Am Kalkofen Soltekampe Letter Am 490 Neustadt 491 Osterwald Leinhausen Herrenhäuser Bahnhof N41 HANNOVER TICKETZONEAuf der 450 Wissenschaftspark Marienwerder 420 440 Dedensen 700 Wunstorf N70 Dedensen 574 10 Seelze10 Ahlem 420 Garbsen-Mitte N41 Schloß Ricklingen 126 Altgarbsen/ See Am Blauen 4 Garbsen 3 Altwarmbüchen 631 Altwarmbüchen/ Schulzentrum Franz-Steineke-Weg An den Deichwiesen Tempelhofweg Kiefernpfad Uslarplatz Lahe/ 135 Stadtfriedhof Wolfsburg 135 135 Haupteingang Gernsstr. Alte Heide 2 Laher Kirchweg 4 Roderbruch Stadtfriedhof Misburg Klein-Buchholzer Luise-Blume-Str. Kirchweg Wiesenau HANNOVER Roderbruchmarkt 124 Riethorst Spessartweg 135 Flughafen TICKETZONE Alter Hochschule Noltemeyerbr.R 10 125 135 Paracelsusweg R10 Lehrte 11 Zoo 135 Kabelkamp Medizinische Pappelwiese 122 R12 S7 R9 123 631 Regenwalder 133 127 R1 Str. Eifelweg S3 S6 7 Str. S7 Klinikum Misburger Schulzentrum Schierholzstr. Freienwalder Oststadt-Heidehaus Sahlkamp Nordring Scholandstr. Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof Str. Hannover Centrum Bussestr. Meersmannufer R10 Sahlkamp Karl-Wiechert-Allee Wilh-Tell-Str. Bollnäser 134 Silberstr. 128 Bahnhof Congress 1 Str. Hesemannstr. 127 Kafkastr. Gradestr. Ludwig-Jahn-Str. Fehrsweg HANNOVER Str. 133 Sven133 Heinrichstr. Möckernstr. Gr.-Buchh. Pflügerstr.Hedin-Str. Hirtenweg Rathaus Misburg Am Kampstr. Höfestr. Constantinstr. PinkenMelanchSeelberg Linsingenstr. Weidetorstr. burger Str. / Schauspielhaus Immengarten Meyers Garten thonstr. NiederUhlhornstr. Nackenberg 133 Brookland Haberhof 137 Telemax ClauseZum sachsenring Kantplatz St. Anna-Kirche Geschw.- 133 Annastift 122 125 Hannov. Alvenslebenstr. Osterfelddamm witzstr. Lister Kirchweg Roderbruch SpannhagenBleekstr. Str. Str. garten 4 St. Johanniskirche RosenVier Grenzen Dragonerstr. bergstr. Mettlacher Milanstr. Moltkeplatz 200 Am Hafen Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. MoorkampFreundallee Baumschulena. d. Bult Lister Platz Grenzstr. allee Hillen Kerstingstr. 123 Fenskestr. Großer BraunKreisstr. 134 Kinderkrankenhaus Jakobi-/ 137 Nordstadt schweiger Marienstr. Tiergarten Bf. An der Breiten Voßstr. TiHoFlüggestr. Zuschlagstr. Platz Wiese Wedekindstr. Hartmannstr. Ostfeldstr. Ring Bünteweg/ Str. Kriegerstr. Soltauer Königsberger Dreifaltigkeitskirche Apostelkirche Allee August-Madsack-Str. M.-Kuhlemann-Str. HANNOVER Voltastr. Seelhorster Lärchenstr. 134 TICKETZONE Han. ZOB Heidering CARDZONE Werderstr. 1 5 Anderten Medizinische Bf. Anderten-Misburg 134 Emslandstr. Weidendamm Hochschule Str. 300 HANNOVER Welfenplatz 134Brabeckstr. Misburger 128 123 124 Am Kindergarten 8 18 Feldbuschwende Kopernikusstr. 11 Zoo 500 700 Welfenstr. / Kronsberg Emmichplatz Heidjerhof Bf. Karl-Wiechert-Allee Im Wiesenhof Hauptbahnhof/ Lilienstr. Nackenberg MusikhochschuleAllee Krügerskamp Celler Str. Ernst-August-Platz Stadtfriedhof Hannover Lathusenstr. Christuskirche /Bhf. 8 18 Stockholmer Ostergrube Centrum (Expo-Plaza) Am Klagesmarkt Nackenberg Congress Schaperplatz Königstr. 2 Döhren Messe/Ost S4 S3 Annastift Messe/Nord Bf. Kleefeld 6 16 Gneisenaustr. Steintor Platz R14 / Schauspielhaus Plathnerstr. 370 R13 Bleekstr. Königsworther Thielenplatz Kantplatz Großer Hillen Mehrum 16 R15 Braunschweiger Platz 125 Lothringer Rethen Gerberstr. Str. Hildesheim GoetheKröpcke/ 2 5 platz R15 Anderten 137 127 Theaterstr. Hbf Brehmstr. 100 200 Glocksee 1 AmSarstedt Kröpcke Pferdeturm 1 Laatzen 120 R13 Braunschweig Kerstingstr. Göxe N57 R11 Kleiner Hillen S4 R11 Engl. 571 Bartold-Knaust-Str. 10 Hermann-Ehlers-Allee Küchengarten AegidienAm 120 Ahlem Gehrden Hannover / Menschingstr./ CARDZONE 2 R14 torplatz BüntewegBad Harzburg 121 / WernerSudetenstr. Kinderkrhs. 570 Sauerwinkel Messe/ Stollenweg Am Laatzen Lange-Hop-Str. R12 9 HANNOVER Humboldtstr. Kötnerholzweg Barsinghausen Markt 10 17 SchnepfenLaatzen Bodenburg Velber / Hasselfeldstr. von-Siemens-Platz weg Str. Empelde R12 In der Steinbreite Lindener Mühlenberger Bardowicker Angerstr. 370 Göttingen Wehrgraben 581 Velber / Am Marktplatz S4 R11 Rathausplatz Laatzen/Eichstraße (Bahnhof) Bf. Bismarckstr. Am Lindener 2 Holz Nieschlagstr. 330 Bemeroder Velber / Bornstr. Bär Tresckowstr. Damm Hafen Davenstedter Rathaus/ Schwarzer Rebhuhnfeld HANNOVER Südfeldstr. Davenstedter 120 Liebrechtstr. 121 Altenbekener Emslandstr. Bleichenstr. Droehnenstr. BernhardR13 Gutspark Platz StreseWolfstr. CARDZONE Caspar-Str. Maschsee/ A.d.Tiefen- mannBrabeckstr./Am 3 7 Altes Dorf Weetzen 120 Roßkampstr. Dorfe Doggerweg Museum riede S1 S2 allee 100 Sprengel Hinter dem Martinskirche Zeißstr. Wettbergen Str. Bruch Elkartallee Str. Höltjebaumstr. Deisterpl./ Katzenwinkel Wülfeler Freboldstraße Wülferoder Eupener Sternwarte Woermannstr. AWD Arena Allerweg Badenstedt Berg Raupertstr. Mergenthalerweg der Engesohde Kronsberg 134 Lindener Schulzentrum 370 An UMLAND Str. Stadionbad Charlottenstr. Soltekampe /Bornumer Lerchenfeldstr. Johanneskamp 580 Am Born Str. Deisterplatz 134 Holthusenstr. Str. Platz Stern- Im 500 Elsenborner 123 128 Sporthalle Paderborner Peiner Str. Benther heim330 TICKET-/CARDZONE 330 Wülferoder 580 Petermannstr. 580 Stadtfriedhof Berg FriedhofsREGION Str. Am Mittelfelde 134 weg Gehrden 100 Am Großmarkt Allerweg Göttinger Str. Im Dorfe allee Seelhorst 123 128 581 2 Kirchbichler 8 18 Hoher Weg Wennigsen Hudeplan 123 Gronostr. 363 366 Döhren/Bhf TICKET-/CARDZONE 124 340 341 Chaussee Stadionbrücke Messe/Nord Nenndorfer Neisser Weg / Fischerhof Str. Lehrter 363 Linden Bf. Messe/Ost 360 Dorfstr. Karlsruher Canarisweg Platz Markt Kastanienallee 330 Lühnde Boulevard (Expo-Plaza) Claudiusstr. 129 Mühlenberger Straße Chicago de 129 Messeschnellw 365 N31 9 Empelde Aug.-Holweg-Platz Neckarstr. Behnstr. Montréal Beckstr. 6 16 100 200 581 N56 der Bf. Wülfel Lane Laatzen/ Hameln Leuschnerstr. Landwehrstr. Nationen E./Bahnübergang 17 Wallensteinstr. Ulmer Str. Menzelstr. / Schilfweg Pater-Kolbe-Gang eg UMLAND Brückstr. Empelde Hagen Am Grünen Jugendgästehaus 124 Bad Pyrmont 129 Lohfeldweg N56 Ricklingen TICKET-/CARDZONE 340 341 Aarhushof Hem./ KGS Stadtfriedhof Hem./ 124 350 Str. Laatzen Barsinghausen mit Haltestelle Döhrener Mark W./ Saarstr. 363 365 366 Hangstr. Kirche Pattensen 135 Buslinie Am Brabrinke Wennigser with stop Konradstr. 129 130 An der Bus route 365 2 Wettbergen Fahrweg Wilhelmstr.Wettbergen 1 Rethen Westerfeld/ 130 Abweichender times Grundschule 3 7 at special Sarstedt Deveser Str. Line only Neue Str. am Wochenende Peperfeld weekend Gehrden N70 NachtLiner service at Im Hellerloh 365 350 Night line Distelborn Pattensen 500 360 300 9 Stadtbahn Bennigsen Pattensen Ronnenberg Tram line N31 366 Gehrden Schulenburg Veranstaltungslinie Pattensen 16 18 und Special service zu Regionalbahn Übergang train 2012 Dezember S-Bahn Stand: with regional/suburban Interchange www.gvh.de S1 der Auf Pascalstr. Bremen 2012 Park+Ride Zu-/Abgang Stufenloser access kein Step-free 17 hier 10 und Für Linie Zu-/Abgang no stufenloser 17 here 10 and For lines access step-free S-Bahn train Suburban zum Bus Übergang with bus Interchange Regionalbahn train Regional Veranstaltungslinie service Special Fahrweg Abweichender im Nachtsternverkehr service Night S2 R2 R1 Stücken mit Haltestelle Stadtbahn with stop Tram line mit Tunnelstation Stadtbahn station Underground r. 10 Hintzehof 3 Gartenheimst 16 18 Fuhsestr. 491 Herausgeber: GVH – Großraum-Verkehr Hannover GmbH Karmarschstraße 30/32 · 30159 Hannover Dank der GVHApp für Ihr Smartphone oder Tablet fin den Sie immer die schnells te Verbindung. Dafür den QRCode rechts scannen oder den Link www.efa.de/app/ aufrufen. Ergänzende Netzpläne fin den Sie unter www.gvh.de. Zwei Wege um noch schneller ans Ziel zu kommen Paracelsuswe ule Hannover Hbf 6 7 8 Immelmannst er /An Autobahn der HANNOVER 9 Hollerithallee Lgh./Uhlandst Platz Lister 10 TARIFZONE Gehrden Ronnenberg Seelze Pelikanstr. ngasse Horst Wissenschaft Pranke Marienwerder 490 Str. Ungerstr. Am Str. Stöckener S2 Meile Jädekamp Ehrhartstr. L.-Sievers-Rin 9 Noltemeyerbr Hallesche Markt 10 Reiterstadion 5 Bach Flemesstr. Leinaustr. r-Str. 470 4 Marktplatz Rügener Str. Bär Küchengarten Am Nieschlagstr. Wunstorfer Hafen Bernh.-Caspa 135 Haste Dedenhausen Scheffelfeld Bothfelder Kirchweg Hinrichsring r. Gorch-Fock-St TARIFZONE Goethepl. Schwarzer Ricklinger 581 Am Glocksee Lindener Harenberger 574 Lindener Str. r. Klingerstr. Garbsen G.-Greising-W Burgdorf g Auf Brunnenstr. S1 S2 S5 Friedhof Große S5 R1 Sieben I. d. Pappelwiese 122 ücke Plauener Str. S6 S7 Bothfeld Feld UMLAND Tollenbrink R4 R8 S4 S5 136 Str. F.-Nansen-Sch Mengendamm TARIFZONE Spannhageng Platz Wunstorf HDI Arena Gilde Parkbühne Swiss Life Hall Capitol Herrenhäuser Gärten r. Roderbruchstr R9 631 . Nobelring 7 Lortzingstr. 100 8 Grenzen Lgh./August-r. Bebel-Str. Vier Jahnplatz 6 Klingerstr. arten Vahrenheider Str. 128 Messe TUI Arena HCC Opernhaus Theater am Aegi 124 Langenhagen Langenforthe / Langenhagen r Platz Zentrum / Langenhagen Kurt-Schumac / her-Allee Sedanstr./List Lgh. R11 S2 R12 S4 S1 200 120 Grabbestr. Vahrenwalder 3 Hindenbg.schleuse 2 137 127 m Neue-Land-St Boksberg 1 www.gvh.de Königsberger Uetze Ostfeldstr. Isernhagen Flughafen Langenhagen Altwarmbüchen efa-Links zu einer Auswahl von Veranstaltungsorten 124 125 Ring Lenbachstr. Kaiserallee Heisede/Mari Leinkamp Ehlershausen Holzhägen Kl. Dunantstr. ZOB / Mittelfelde Am 300 Zentrum r. Friedenstr. Gleid./Am horstr. Großburgwedel 500 enburger Heisede/ Hindenburgst H.-Heine-Str. Gleidingen/T sweg Neustadt LeipzigerStr. Leibnizschule Rethener rstr. Mellendorf 124 Vinzenzkrankenhaus Lange-Feld-St Gehägestr. Stadtfelddam Rehmer Langer Kinderkrhs. Sarstedt/Am Bennemühlen Weg Sündernstr. r. S3 Rutenbergstr. REGION Bahnstrift Lutherstr. Rethen/Galge Marienstr. 200 S5 100 TARIFZONE Tiergarten 124 Raschpl./ Rethen 200 Nord Hagen Der GVH bietet für zeitlich begrenzte Veran staltungen Sonderfahrausweise in Form von GVHKombiTickets an. GVHKombiTickets sind in der Regel am aufgedruckten GVHLogo zu erkennen und mit einem entsprechenden Texthinweis versehen. Sie gelten im gesamten GVHTarifgebiet (2. Wagenklasse) mit den Tarifzonen Hannover, Umland und Region, sofern nichts anderes vermerkt ist. Geltungsbereich im GVH-Tarifgebiet 123 GVH-KombiTicket Stand: 09.2013 r. 330 Stadtfriedhof Seelhorst Laatzen/ aquaLaatzium tgenstr. TiHo/ o Westfalenhof Str. S1 Cranzer 125 g 100 121 366 Str. auf Kamp der Zuschlagstr. Bult Sarstedt/Rön Bünteweg/TiH Laatzen/ Münchener Lavesstr. Rethen/Bf. 363 Brüder-Grimm Liliencronstr.eg G.-Engelke-St-Sch. Heinr.-Kirche Stolzestr. Gleid./Orpheu St. nbergweg 350 Laatzen/ Steinfeld 200 Hem./ Laatzen/ Park der Laatzen/Sinne 300 Rethen/ /Culemannstr. Rathaus/Oste Hemmingen/ Am Sportfeld Laatzen/ Krankenhaus Westerf./ Berliner Winkel 100 Hem./ Börie Dorfstr. hagener Isern- Friedrichswall Ginsterweg Str. Waterlooplatz Laatzen/ Neuer Calenberger Schlag Laatzen/ Str. Westerf./ Köllnbrinkweg 70 20. DEUTSCHE PHYSIKERINNENTAGUNG 3. – 6. November 2016 Hamburg Fach- & gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Vorträge Mit Physikerinnen in Forschung, Wirtschaft & Industrie Schülerinnenprogramm Laborführungen Peer-Coachings (Wissenschaft, Industrie, Schule) Weitere Infos folgen unter www.physikerinnentagung.de ehrenDu willst Dich lüchtlinamtlich für F eutschge in ganz D en? land engagier Du kennst Fluc htlingseinrichtun gen in Deiner Region, die teilnehmen möc hten? Dann melde Dich hier zum „Physik für Flüchtlinge“Newsletter an und erfahre, wie es weitergeht! Mehr Infos: pff.dpg-physik.de „Physik für Flüchtlinge“ bringt Kindern und Jugendlichen in Flüchtlingsunterkünften deutschlandweit Physik spielerisch und anhand einfacher Experimentier-Aufgaben näher. Die Experimente werden unter Anleitung freiwilliger Helferinnen und Helfer nachgemacht. Das physikalisch-spielerische Experimentieren soll eine Ablenkung vom Alltag bieten und eine Geste der Willkommenskultur vermitteln. gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr gramme Sh Programme Short Progr Programme Short Progr
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