GLEIM_18.Edition_2015 - Institut für Interne Revision

Auditing Exams
International Legal + Financial Bookstore
Certified Internal Auditor, 18th edition
Irvin N. Gleim
CIA Review
Most popular
Course I: Internal Audit Basics
Course II: Internal Audit Practice
Course III: Internal Audit Knowledge Elements
Books & Test Prep – Bank of Multiple-Choice Questions: Interactive
web-based test bank with thousands of questions and books. Includes IIAreleased questions from prior years‘ CIA exams. Unlimited practice exams that
emulate the Pearson VUE environment.
Gleim Online: A self-study exam prep course covered by the Gleim Guarantee.
Includes detailed outlines (digital book) and audiovisual presentations. Receive
access to quizzes and to our team of accounting experts. Interactive and intuitive
study planner. Exam-emulating practice exams.
Audio Review Lecture: Study on the Go! Conveniently available to download
or stream. Covers main topics of the CIA exam.
Exam Rehearsal: Full-length, timed practice exam that emulates the Pearson
VUE testing environment. Perfect for a final review of the material.
Irvin N. Gleim Ph.D., CFM, CIA, CMA, CPA, Professsor emeritus
1 I Gleim CIA Review: Books + Test Preps I-III
3 Bücher + 3 Test Preps
Paket: alle 3 Kurse............................................. EUR 380,– EUR 134,–
4 I Gleim CIA Review: Books + Test Preps
+ Audios + Online Courses
+ Practice Rehearsals I-III
3 Bücher + 3 Test Preps + 3 Hörbücher + 3 Online Kurse +
3 Probeexamen
2 I Gleim CIA Review: Online Courses I-III
3 Online Kurse
Paket: alle 3 Kurse............................................. EUR 590,–
Kurs I und II..................................................... je EUR 198,–
Kurs III................................................................. EUR 225,–
Paket: alle 3 Kurse............................................. EUR 749,–
Kurs I II............................................................ je EUR 265,–
Kurs III................................................................. EUR 299,–
5 I Gleim CIA Review: Practice Rehearsals I-III
3 Probeexamen
3 I Gleim CIA Review: Audios I-III
3 Hörbücher
Paket: alle 3 Kurse................................................EUR 97,–
einzeln............................................................... je EUR 34,–
Paket: alle 3 Kurse............................................. EUR 320,–
einzeln.............................................................. je EUR 112,–
Schweitzer Fachinformationen I Schweitzer Sortiment oHG I [email protected]
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr. 41-43 I 80687 München I Tel: +49 89 55134-350 oder -351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz 1 I 80333 München I Tel: +49 89 55134-150 oder -160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Sophie Bernhardt I Tel: +49 89 55134-242 I [email protected]
Seite 1
Stand Juli 2015
Bestellschein CIA 18th edition(Gleim)
perFax+49 89 [email protected]
1IGleimCIA Review: Books + Test Preps I-III
alle3Kursezusammen(vergünstigterSetpreis)............................................................................................................................ EUR380,–
2IGleimCIA Review: Online Courses I-III
alle3Kursezusammen(vergünstigterSetpreis)............................................................................................................................ EUR590,–
3IGleimCIA Review: Audios I-III
Kurs3........................................................................................... jeEUR112,–
4IGleimCIA Review: Books + Test Preps + Audios + Online Courses + Practice Rehearsals I-III
Kurs3......................................................................................................................................................... EUR299,–
1IGleimCIA Review: Practice Rehearsals I-III
alle3Kursezusammen(vergünstigterSetpreis)............................................................................................................................... EUR97,–
Datum, Unterschrift
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr.41-43I80687MünchenITel:+498955134-350oder-351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz1I80333MünchenITel:+498955134-150oder-160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: SophieBernhardtITel:[email protected]
Seite 2
Stand Juli 2015
International Legal + Financial Bookstore
Fast Forward
The 3-part CIA Review
• Unlimitedaccessuntiltheexamispassed
• Freeupdates
3 Books: Followcurrentexamspecificationsandformatwiththeintelligentand
Study Bank: Includes2900MultipleChoicequestionsandpreviouslyreleased
Practice Exams: Getaccesstounlimitedpracticeexams:Functionsjustlike
in the Pearson VUE test environment, gives complete exam analysis, in-depth
performance review and lets you know when you are ready to take and PASS
Community Support: Usetheadvantagesofacommunity:haveimmediate
1 I FastForwardAcademy Books + Online
............................................................................ EUR495,–
2 I FastForwardAcademy Online Only
............................................................................ EUR450,–
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr.41-43I80687MünchenITel:+498955134-350oder-351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz1I80333MünchenITel:+498955134-150oder-160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: SophieBernhardtITel:[email protected]
Seite 3
Stand Juli 2015
Bestellschein CIA (Fast Forward Academy)
perFax+49 89 [email protected]
FastForwardAcademy Books + Online.................................................................................................................................. EUR495,–
FastForwardAcademy Online Only......................................................................................................................................... EUR450,–
Datum, Unterschrift
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr.41-43I80687MünchenITel:+498955134-350oder-351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz1I80333MünchenITel:+498955134-150oder-160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: SophieBernhardtITel:[email protected]
Stand Juli 2015
Wiley CIA Exam Reviews
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2015
Focus Notes: Complete Set
4. Auflage 2015, 3 Bände
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review
2015: Complete Set
2015, 3 Bände
ISBN 978-1-119-09520-0.................................... EUR 202,–
The CIA exam tests a candidate‘s knowledge of current internal auditing
practices and understanding of internal audit issues, risks, and remedies.
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review
2015, Part 1: Internal Audit Basics
2015, 288 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-119-09429-6.................................... EUR 67,90
ISBN 978-1-119-09533-0.................................... EUR 109,–
The Wiley CIA Exam Review Focus Notes are developed for each of the
three parts of the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam sponsored by the
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). The purpose of the focus notes is to
digest and assimilate the vast amounts of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) tested on the CIA exam in a clear, concise, easy-to-read, and
easy-to-use format. Each of the focus notes book topics is organized in
the same way as the Wiley CIA Exam Review book topics, that is, one
focus-notes book for each of the four-volume review books. The Focus
Notes books will supplement and complement the existing Wiley CIA
Exam Review books.
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2015
Focus Notes, Part 1: Internal Audit Basics
4. Auflage 2015, 304 Seiten
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review
2015, Part 2: Internal Audit Practice
ISBN 978-1-119-09526-2.....................................EUR 36,90
2015, 528 Seiten
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2015
Focus Notes, Part 2: Internal Audit Practice
ISBN 978-1-119-09430-2.................................... EUR 67,90
4. Auflage 2015, 352 Seiten
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review
2015, Part 3: Internal Audit Knowledge
2015, 1104 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-119-09431-9..................................... EUR 67,90
ISBN 978-1-119-09525-5....................................EUR 36,90
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2015
Focus Notes, Part 3: Internal Audit Knowledge
4. Auflage 2015, 800 Seiten
Vallabhaneni, Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2015
Test Bank: Complete Set
ISBN 978-1-119-09519-4.....................................EUR 36,90
2015, Software
ISBN 978-1-119-09522-4..................................... EUR 352,–
The Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review Test Bank provides multiple choice
questions for all three Parts of the e Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam
sponsored by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). Each question comes
with an explanation of why an answer is correct as well as explanations
why an answer is incorrect.
Schweitzer Fachinformationen I Schweitzer Sortiment oHG I [email protected]
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr. 41-43 I 80687 München I Tel: +49 89 55134-350 oder -351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz 1 I 80333 München I Tel: +49 89 55134-150 oder -160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Sophie Bernhardt I Tel: +49 89 55134-242 I [email protected]
Seite 5
Stand Juli 2015
Bestellschein Wiley CIA Exam Reviews
perFax+49 89 [email protected]
Vallabhaneni Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2015
alle3Titelzusammen(vergünstigterSetpreis).............................................................................................................................. EUR202,–
Volume3...................................................................................... jeEUR67,90
Vallabhaneni Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2015 Test Bank: Complete Set (Software)
Komplettkurs................................................................................................................................................................................... EUR352,–
Vallabhaneni Wiley CIAexcel Exam Review 2015 Focus Notes
Part3............................................................................................ jeEUR36,90
Datum, Unterschrift
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr.41-43I80687MünchenITel:+498955134-350oder-351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz1I80333MünchenITel:+498955134-150oder-160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: SophieBernhardtITel:[email protected]
Stand Juli 2015
Ergänzende Literatur –
Auditing allgemein
Galloway, Internal Auditing: A Guide for the
New Auditor
3. Auflage 2010. 81 Seiten
ISBN 978-0-89413-691-7....................................... EUR 66,Hahn, Berufsgrundlagen für die berufliche
Praxis der Internen Revision
A1 Poster (840 x 594 mm), gefaltet.................... EUR 14,80
Prepares new internal auditors by providing an overview of the internal
audit profession. It will be a useful guide for new internal auditors as they
enter the exciting and rewarding profession of internal auditing.
Von Dr. Ulrich Hahn, CIA, CISA (IIR Deutsches Institut für Interne Revision
e.V.), Frankfurt.
Sawyer/Dittenhofer, Sawyer’s Internal Auditing:
The Practice of Modern Internal Auditing
5. Auflage 2003. 1.446 Seiten
Kincaid/Sampias, Certified Financial Services
Auditor (CFSA®) Study Guide
ISBN 978-089413-509-5..................................... EUR 125,–
2005.: 2 Bände. 791 Seiten
ISBN 978-0-89413-592-7.......................................EUR 71,–
Die Autoren
Lawrence B. Sawyer, JD, CIA, PA
Mortimer A. Dittenhofer, PhD, CIA
Introduction – techniques – scientific methods: reporting; administration;
other matters relating to internal auditing.
Die Autoren
James K. Kincaid, CIA, CGAP, CFSA
William J. Sampias, CISA, CFSA Al Marcella, Ph.D., CFSA, CISA
Provides a general overview of the topics that will be covered in the exam.
Sawyer, Sawyer’s Guide for Internal Auditors
6. Auflage 2012. 3 Bände
ISBN 978-0-89413-721-1.................................... EUR 238,–
Gives overview of the internal audit profession. Offers practical information on conducting engagements, report development, internal control,
risk-based auditing, control self-assessment, and much more.
Volume 1: Internal Audit Essentials
Volume 2: Internal Audit Processes and Methods
Volume 3: Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance Essentials
International Professional Practices Framework
Kincaid/Sampias/Marcella, Certified Financial
Services Auditor (CFSA®) Study Guide on CD
2006. CD-ROM
ISBN 978-0-89413-604-7...................................... EUR 82,–
Die Autoren
James K. Kincaid, CIA, CGAP, CFSA
William J. Sampias, CISA, CFSA Al Marcella, Ph.D., CFSA, CISA
Al Marcella, Ph.D., CFSA, CISA
2013. Hardback & CD-ROM
Kincaid/Sampias/Marcella, Certification in
Control Self-Assessment (CCSA®) Study Guide
ISBN 978-0-89413-701-3...................................... EUR 86,–
2004. 242 Seiten
IPPF is the conceptual framework that organizes authoritative guidance promulgated by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). It
presents current and relevant information required by internal audit professionals worldwide. Includes Mandatory Guidance and
Strongly Recommended Guidance. All IPPF elements on CD-ROM.
ISBN 978-0-89413-535-4 .....................................EUR 71,–
Die Autoren
James K. Kincaid, CIA, CGAP, CFSA
William J. Sampias, CISA, CFSA Al Marcella, Ph.D., CFSA, CISA
Provides a general overview of the topics that will be covered in the exam.
Salamasick, Auditing Outsourced Functions:
Risk Management in an Outsourced World
2012. 160 Seiten
Kincaid/Sampias/Marcella, Certification in
Control Self-Assessment (CCSA®) Study Guide
on CD
ISBN 978-0-89413-725-9...................................... EUR 66,–
2004. CD-ROM
Der Autor
Mark Salamasick, CIA, CRMA, CISA, CSP, MBA
ISBN 978-0-89413-602-3..................................... EUR 82,–
Identify risks with outsourcing - especially outside your organization’s
home country. Establish a control structure that ensures outsourced functions are effective and efficient.
Die Autoren
James K. Kincaid, CIA, CGAP, CFSA
William J. Sampias, CISA, CFSA Al Marcella, Ph.D., CFSA, CISA
Al Marcella, Ph.D., CFSA, CISA
Schweitzer Fachinformationen I Schweitzer Sortiment oHG I [email protected]
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr. 41-43 I 80687 München I Tel: +49 89 55134-350 oder -351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz 1 I 80333 München I Tel: +49 89 55134-150 oder -160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Sophie Bernhardt I Tel: +49 89 55134-242 I [email protected]
Seite 7
Stand Juli 2015
O‘Connor/Morgan, CGAP® Exam Study Guide
4. Auflage 2012. 320 Seiten
Hillson/Murray-Webster, Understanding and Managing Risk Attitude
ISBN 978-0-89413-722-8...................................... EUR 96,–
2. Auflage 2007. 180 Seiten
Die Autoren
Thomas F. O’Connor, CIA, CGAP, CGFM, CDFM, CPA, CMA, CFE
Stephen L. Morgan, CIA, CGAP, CGFM, CFE
Ideal for the U.S. or the international version of the exam. A comprehensive and highly readable study guide for passing the CGAP® exam.
O‘Connor, Certified Government Auditing Professional® (CGAP®) Exam Study Questions
ISBN 978-0-566-08798-1................................... EUR 40,80
Will help you understand the human aspects of risk management and to
manage proactively the influence of human behaviour on the risk process.
Introduces a range of models, perspectives and examples to define and
detail the range of possible risk attitudes.
Moeller, COSO Enterprise Risk Management:
Establishing Effective Governance, Risk, and
Compliance Processes
ISBN 978-0-89413-683-2..................................... EUR 59,–
2. Auflage 2011. 366 Seiten
Features over 230 sample CGAP questions along with expanded solutions.
O‘Connor, Certified Government Auditing Professional® (CGAP®) Exam Study Questions on
2010. CD-ROM
ISBN 978-0-89413-693-1...................................... EUR 76,–
The Model Practice Exam program simulates the testing environment by
covering the four domains in the actual examination. There are two distinct options for preparing: A timed test with a score at the end and an
untimed exam preparation tool.
ISBN 978-0-470-91288-1.................................... EUR 67,90
Enables organizations to understand and better manage their risk environments and make better decisions through use of the COSO ERM framework. Offers expert advice on how to carry out internal control responsibilities more efficiently. Updates you on the ins and outs of the COSO
Report and its emergence as the new platform for understanding all aspects of risk in today‘s organization.
Fraser/Simkins, Enterprise Risk Management:
Today‘s Leading Research and Best Practices
for Tomorrow‘s Executives
2010. 600 Seiten
ISBN 978-0-470-49908-5...................................EUR 93,90
The book introduces you to the wide range of concepts and techniques for
managing risk in a holistic way that correctly identifies risks and prioritizes
appropriate responses, offers an overview of different techniques while
focusing on the principles that determine business success.
CRMA Examen
2005. 269 Seiten
Abkowitz, Operational Risk Management:
A Case Study Approach to Effective Planning
and Response
ISBN 978-0-471-69053-5................................... EUR 81,90
2008. 278 Seiten
Spencer Pickett, Auditing The Risk Management Process
Shows auditors how to audit and report on risk management and covers
the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley and new COSO guidelines. Brings together
the latest thinking and guidance on internal control and how it pertains
to the audit function. Risk maps and process models provided to make
it easy to understand where topics discussed fit within an overall audit
framework and aid in the reporting process.
ISBN 978-0-470-25698-5................................... EUR 61,90
A case study approach to risk management to prepare for and prevent
manmade, natural, and terrorist acts. It equips risk managers with guidance to plan effectively against every kind of disaster and to enhance their
existing plans.
Sobel, Auditor‘s Risk Management Guide: Integrating Auditing and ERM
Nicholson/Baker, CRMA® Exam Study Guide
2013. Buch und CD-ROM
ISBN 978-0-89413-736-5...................................... EUR 96,–
ISBN 978-0-8080-3370-7................................... EUR 279,–
A comprehensive how-to book that guides the reader on performing risk
management-based audits. The book covers the Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO).
2013. Paperback. 264 Seiten
All you need to prepare for the Certification in Risk Management Assurance™ exam, with sample CRMA exam practice questions , for the four
exam domains: Organizational governance related to risk management I
Principles of risk management processes I Assurance role of the internal
auditor I Consulting role of the internal auditor
Schweitzer Fachinformationen I Schweitzer Sortiment oHG I [email protected]
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr. 41-43 I 80687 München I Tel: +49 89 55134-350 oder -351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz 1 I 80333 München I Tel: +49 89 55134-150 oder -160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Sophie Bernhardt I Tel: +49 89 55134-242 I [email protected]
Seite 8
Stand Juli 2015
Bestellschein Ergänzende Literatur - Auditing allgemein
perFax+49 89 [email protected]
Hahn Poster: Berufsgrundlagen für die berufliche Praxis der Internen Revision................................................... EUR14,80
Sawyer/Dittenhofer Sawyer’s Internal Auditing: The Practice of Modern Internal Auditing...................................EUR125,–
Sawyer Sawyer‘s Guide for Internal Auditors.................................................................................................................. EUR238,–
International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF)................................................................................................. EUR86,–
SalamasickAuditing Outsourced Functions: Risk Management in an Outsourced World.................................. EUR66,–
GallowayInternal Auditing: A Guide for the New Auditor............................................................................................... EUR66,–
Kincaid/SampiasCertified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA®) Study Guide................................................................EUR71,–
Kincaid/Sampias/MarcellaCertified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA®) Study Guide on CD...................................EUR82,–
Kincaid/Sampias/MarcellaCertification in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA®) Study Guide......................................EUR71,–
Kincaid/Sampias/MarcellaCertification in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA®) Study Guide on CD.........................EUR82,–
O’Connor/MorganCGAP® Exam Study Guide....................................................................................................................... EUR96,–
O’ConnorCertified Government Auditing Professional® (CGAP®) Exam Study Questions....................................EUR59,–
O’ConnorCertified Government Auditing Professional® (CGAP®) Exam Study Questions on CD.......................EUR76,–
SpencerPickett Auditing The Risk Management Process................................................................................................. EUR81,90
SobelAuditor‘s Risk Management Guide: Integrating Auditing and ERM................................................................EUR279,–
Hillson/Murray-WebsterUnderstanding and Managing Risk Attitude............................................................................EUR40,80
MoellerCOSO Enterprise Risk Management: Establishing Effective Governance, Risk,
and Compliance Processes.................................................................................................................................................... EUR67,90
Fraser/SimkinsEnterprise Risk Management: Today‘s Leading Research and Best Practices
for Tomorrow‘s Executives.....................................................................................................................................................EUR93,90
AbkowitzOperational Risk Management: A Case Study Approach to Effective Planning and Response......... EUR61,90
Nicholson/BakerCRMA Exam Study Guide............................................................................................................................ EUR96,–
Datum, Unterschrift
Kundenservice: Elsenheimerstr.41-43I80687MünchenITel:+498955134-350oder-351
Buchhandlung: Lenbachplatz1I80333MünchenITel:+498955134-150oder-160
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: SophieBernhardtITel:[email protected]
Stand Juli 2015