GISNEWSLETTER June 3, 2015 - German International School New

GISNEWSLETTER June 3, 2015__________________________________________
Certificate of Excellence 2014
On Friday, May 29th, during the 28th graduation ceremony, General Consul Brita Wagener awarded our
school the second "Certificate of Excellence for German Schools Abroad". The certificate is signed by the
President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Joachim Gauck. Mr. Weghoff, Head of School, accepted
the award and thanked his colleagues, parents and students who were involved in the evaluation. The
school received the first "Certificate of Excellence" in 2009.
Buchwoche 2015 mit Karen Köhler
Vom 8. bis 11. Juni ist die gebürtige
Hamburger Autorin, Schauspielerin,
Illustratorin und Performance-Künstlerin
Karen Köhler an der GISNY zu Gast. Die
Klassen 9 bis 11 werden mit der
Schriftstellerin kreativ arbeiten und am Ende
der Woche im Rahmen des Literarischen
Cafés Ergebnisse der Workshops vorstellen.
Es gibt zwei Gelegenheiten, Karen Köhler
persönlich kennenzulernen: Sie wird am
Montag, dem 8.6., von 10.20 bis 11.30 Uhr,
für die Klassen 8 bis 11 sowie für interessierte
Gäste im Auditorium aus ihrem Band mit
Erzählungen „Wir haben Raketen geangelt“
Am Donnerstag, dem 11.6.2015 findet von
14.15 bis 15.45 Uhr das Literarische Café statt, ebenfalls in der Aula. In diesem Rahmen gibt es für die
jugendlichen und erwachsenen Zuhörer neben der Lektüre aus den Texten der Autorin Einblicke in die
Schreibwerkstatt der Schüler.
Dr. Ellen Oswald
From June 8th – 11th, author, actor, illustrator and performer Karen Koehler will visit GISNY. Students in
grades 9 – 11 will have the opportunity to work closely with Ms. Koehler and at the end of the week
exhibit their work at the literary café.
GISNEWSLETTER June 3, 2015__________________________________________
There will be two opportunities to meet Ms. Koehler: on Monday, June 8th from 10.20 – 11.30AM in the
auditorium and on Thursday, June 11th between 2.15 – 3.45PM at the literary café. Please join us!
Congratulations to 2015 graduates Lars Eckenberg, Anjali Pitti, Bhavani Pitti and Niklas Rehn who
have solidified plans to pursue higher education here in the United States. Lars Eckenberg, a National
Merit Bayer Scholar, has enrolled at Penn State University -- University Park, where he will delve more
deeply into the biological sciences and scientific research. Anjali and Bhavani Pitti have both selected
the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, a small college within New York University (NYU). The
Gallatin School was one of the first US colleges to allow students to design their own independent
studies program according to their goals and interests, including practical experience and
internships. Niklas Rehn has accepted a dual offer from the Steinhardt Honors Program and the Dean’s
Global Scholars Program at NYU, where he will marry his interest in economics with his passion for
viola. Hopefully, these students’ proximity will mean some visits to GIS! Thank you to everyone in the
school community who supported these students, and will continue to support all of our recent
graduates, as they create their exciting futures.
Tahira Copland
Geographie Wettbewerb " Diercke Wissen 2015"
Auch in diesem Schuljahr beteiligten
sich Klassen der GISNY am Wettbewerb
"Diercke Wissen", in dem der / die
bundesweit beste Geographieschüler / in festgestellt werden soll. Die deutschen
Auslandsschulen nehmen dabei als "17.
Bundesland" teil. Im Januar / Februar
wetteiferten die Schüler / - innen der
Jahrgangsstufen 5 und 6 bzw. 7 bis 9 um
den Titel des besten Geographieschülers
an unserer Schule.
Die Fragen sind lehrplanunabhängig und
berücksichtigen auch Allgemeinwissen.
Somit wird bei dem Wettbewerb ein
gröβeres Wissen abgefragt, als im Unterricht vermittelt werden kann.
Zunächst wurden die Klassensieger ermittelt:
GISNEWSLETTER June 3, 2015__________________________________________
Julia Brandl (5a), Julius Degenhardt (5b), Moritz Bergmann (6a), Lennart Martens (6b), Noah Vogel
(7a), Isabel Weber (7b), Paul Rothfuss (8a), Vinaya Roehrl (8b), Adrian Frank (9)
Aus den Gewinnern der Jahrgangsstufen 7 bis 9 wurde
in der zweiten Runde der Schulsieger
ermittelt. Nach der Beantwortung von Fragen zur Geographie Deutschlands wurde auch Wissen aus
dem Bereich Europa und der ganzem Welt getestet. Vinaya Roehrl konnte sich hier gegen ihre
Schulkameraden erfolgreich durchsetzen und vertrat unsere Schule in der dritten Runde im März, in
einem Vergleich mit den deutschen Auslandsschulen.
Ganz herzliche Glückwünsche den Klassensiegern und unserer Schulsiegern!
Geography Competition
Our students from grades 5 - 9 participated again in the "Diercke Wissen 2015" competition, together
with students in Germany as well as from other German schools abroad.
We are pleased to announce the students who received class awards:
Julia Brandl (5a), Julius Degenhardt (5b), Moritz Bergmann (6a), Lennart Martens (6b), Noah Vogel
(7a), Isabel Weber (7b), Paul Rothfuss (8a), Vinaya Roehrl (8b), Adrian Frank (9)
Vinaya Roehrl received the school award in Geography.
Congratulations! GISNY very much appreciates the participation of all the Geography classes.
Karin Kast-Meinhardt
Känguru Math Competition
851,770 students in Germany have participated in this
year’s Känguru math competition and as usual, our school
was part of this group. I’m very happy to be able to
present seven students who have shown such good
performance that they won special awards:
1. Prize: Oliver Dingens (5b) and Lennart Martens (6b)
2. Prize: Evelyn Schrader (4a) and Aidan Morgan (5b)
3. Prize: Amalie Kraft (4b), Lukas Schmalhofer (6a) and
Stefanie Gschwind (7b)
Franz Ganglbauer
GISNEWSLETTER June 3, 2015__________________________________________
!! Library Information !!
Liebe Familien der GISNY,
bitte beachten Sie mit dem bevorstehenden Ende des Schuljahres folgende Termine:
10. Juni 2015 -Letzter Ausleihetermin
17. Juni 2015 -Letzter Abgabetermin.
Alle in der Bibliothek ausgeliehenen Medien müssen ausnahmslos bis zum letzten Abgabetermin
zurückgebracht werden,
ansonsten kann am letzten Schultag das Zeugnis nicht in Empfang genommen werden.
Für verlorene, beschädigte oder nicht zurückgebrachte Bücher / DVDs / CDs fallen entsprechend unserer
Bibliotheksordnung folgende Gebühren an:
$ 25 für Taschenbücher, $ 35 für gebundene Bücher / DVDs / CDs und $ 50 für Kunst- und Bildbände.
Unsere Familien und Schüler, die im September 2015 wieder an die GISNY zurückkehren werden,
können in der letzten Schulwoche (22.-26. 06. 2015)
nach Rückgabe aller zuvor ausgeliehenen Gegenstände
bis zu 3 Bücher über die Sommerferien ausleihen.
Ein entsprechendes Formblatt hierzu finden Sie unter
Viel Spaß beim Lesen und einen schönen Sommer,
Gerhild Roth, GISNY Bibliothek
GISNEWSLETTER June 3, 2015__________________________________________
!! Library Information !!
Dear Families of GISNY,
With the school year coming to an end, please note the following dates:
June 10, 2015 -last day to take out items
June 17, 2015 -final date for all returns.
All items on loan have to be returned by the final date without exception.
Otherwise, report cards will not be handed out on the last day of school.
If books / DVDs / CDs are lost, damaged, or not returned, the following fees will be charged according to
our school policy:
$25. for paperback books, $35. for hardcover books / DVDs / CDs and $50. for art / illustrated books.
Families and students returning to GISNY in September 2015 can take out up to
3 books for their summer reading during the last week of school (June 22–26 , 2015)
after all items previously borrowed have been returned.
Please find the corresponding form at life/library.
Happy reading and enjoy your summer,
Gerhild Roth, GISNY Library
GISNEWSLETTER June 3, 2015__________________________________________
We are thrilled to announce the sixth season of the annual Chelsea Music Festival. It will take place
on June 12-20, 2015 in various locations across Manhattan, mainly Chelsea NYC.
Behind the Festival are two German School New York alumni, Ken-David Masur and Carolin Wagner
(both are class of 1997).
Ken-David is the Artistic Director together with his wife Melinda Lee Masur. Carolin has been heading
the PR since the launch of the Festival in 2010.
A large pool of volunteers is excited to support the Festival. People come to NYC from across the world
every year, many of them former GISNY students.
The Festival’s motto is Hear | Taste | See, and has a different theme every season.
This year the Chelsea Music Festival will celebrate Finland and Hungary with an innovative programming
that features leading artists in the performing, visual and culinary artists.
Over 75 international artists will join this year for concerts with music ranging from baroque to jazz,
Saturday morning family events, late night events and daytime open air concerts.
The New York Times calls Chelsea Music Festival “a gem of a series”.
For more information on the program and to buy your tickets, please visit the
GISNY families are very welcome and receive 10% off the performances on June 16, 17 & 18 when
entering the ticket discount code GISNYCMF2015
We encourage you to plan a group visit where Ken, Melinda and Carolin are happy to do a private meet
& greet with a number of artists!
For a group discount and for any other inquiries, please contact:
Carolin [email protected]
Wishing all a great time at the Festival, and thank you for spreading the word about it!
The Search for Odysseus
by Charles Way
theater II june 5/6 7h
This play, based on Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey, centres on the hero's son,
Telemachus, and his quest to find his lost father.
The situation in Ithaca is nasty because Odysseus is believed to be dead.
Euremachus, a nobleman, wants Odysseus’ wealth and wife and is ready to kill young
Telemachus to get what he wants.
Fortunately, the Gods intervene on Telemachus’ behalf.
Athene, disguised as a servant, accompanies Telemachus
on his dangerous journey.
Tickets at the box office,
Library, 9149486513 and
[email protected] S