Anthony Gell School specialist sports college GERMAN HOMEWORK TASK 1 Autumn 2015 Hallo, ich bin’s! Hallo, ich heisse Dash. Ich bin zehn Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Amerika. eins, zwei, drei, los! GERMAN HOMEWORK TASK 1 This week you must complete one of the following tasks. Homework must be handed in to your German teacher in your first German lesson next week. You must spend at least 2 hours on the task and should select the level of task that will best challenge you. TASK A Produce a leaflet about Germany. You must write in your own words and keep your work neat. You can hand write the leaflet or do it on the computer. You should use a mixture of words and colourful pictures and present your work under headings and sub-headings so it is clear and well organised. You must cover at least two of the following topics: the geography of Germany e.g. a map, the main towns, rivers, mountain ranges etc German history e.g. the World Wars, the Berlin Wall, the Weimar Republic, the 100 Year War German food and drink e.g. sausage, cheese, wine , beer, famous German dishes Famous German people e.g. Beethoven, Claudia Schiffer, Michael Schuhmacher, Arnold Schwarzenegger German festivals e.g. Weihnachten (Christmas), Fasching (Shrovetide), Oktoberfest (Octoberfest) Mr Richards in the library has lots of good books ready to show you and you may find the following websites useful: Possible useful websites: Extension Level: You will cover at least 3 topics and will write in detail. You will use several websites and books. You could use a German dictionary or to find 5 German words connected to each of your topics e.g. geography (river), history (king). TASK B Make a 3D model of a famous German landmark or tradition for display in your classroom. You should also do some research on it and write at least 5 bullet points about it so that people admiring it will understand what it is and its importance in Germany. Some possible landmarks and traditions are listed below: Brandenburger Tor Brandenburg Gate Schloss Neuschwanstein Neuschwanstein Castle Berliner Mauer Berlin Wall Kaffee und Kuchen Coffee and Cakes Schwarzwald Black Forest Weihnachtsmarkt Christmas Market Kölner Dom Cologne Cathedral Deutscher Wein German Wine Apfelstrudel Apple Strudel Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte Black Forest Gateau Extension Level: You will write at least 10 bullet points about your model and will try to find out ten German words in connection with it in a German dictionary or at . TASK C Find a recipe for a typical German dish to bring in and share with your class. Some examples of dishes are below, but you could find other dishes on the Internet. You should also do some research on it, write out the recipe and write at least 5 bullet points about it. (A good tip is to pay a trip to Lidl – it is full of German food!) Pflaumenkuchen – Plum Cake Apfelkuchen – Apple Cake Apfelstrudel – Apple Strudel Bienenstich - a type of German cake Donauwellen – a type of German cake Schwarzwälder Kirsch Torte – Black Forest Gateau Wurst – sausage Zwiebelkuchen – “Quiche” Frikadelle – Meatballs Kartoffelsalat – potato salad Schnitzel – breaded chicken or pork Reibekuchen – potato cakes Extension Level: You will write at least 10 bullet points about your recipe and will try to find out ten German words in connection with it in a German dictionary or at WEEKLY GERMAN HOME WORK LEARNING NEW VOCABULARY Learning new words is essential to learning a language so we expect you to learn on average 10 words a week in addition to the homework tasks you will be given. The following list of words covers what you will be expected to know in your first vocabulary test. Your teacher will give you plenty of notice of the date of this test but start learning them now so that you don’t have too many to learn at once! Hallo! Meeting and Greeting Wie heißt du? What’s your name? Ich heiße …. Und du? My name’s …. What about you? Hallo! Hi! Guten Tag! Hello! Tschüs! Bye! Auf Wiedersehen! Goodbye! Wie geht’s? How are you? Gut, danke. Und dir? Fine, thanks. And you? Nicht schlecht, danke. Not bad, thanks. Nicht so gut. Not so good. Das Alphabet The alphabet Wie schreibt man How do you spell „Apfel“? ‘apple’? „Apfel“ schreibt man You spell ‘apple’ A-P-F-E-L. A-P-P-L-E. Wie alt bist du? How old are you? Ich bin… Jahre alt I’m …(years old) Farben Colours Der Apfel ist (rot). The apple is (red). Die Uniform ist (blau). The uniform is (blue) Das T-Shirt ist (weiß). The T-shirt is (white) rot red blau blue gelb yellow braun brown grün green orange orange schwarz black weiß white grau grey lila purple rosa pink bunt multi-coloured hellblau light blue dunkelblau dark blue What does learning vocabulary mean? It means… learning what the German word means in English learning how to spell the word learning how to recognise the word when you see or hear it learning how to say the word Use the LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK strategy from your red books! Die Zahlen 0–19 Numbers 0–19 1 null 1 eins 2 zwei 3 drei 4 vier 5 fünf 6 sechs 7 sieben 8 acht 9 neun 10 zehn 11 elf 12 zwölf 13 dreizehn 14 vierzehn 15 fünfzehn 16 sechzehn 17 siebzehn 18 achtzehn 19 neunzehn Die Zahlen 20–69 Numbers 20–69 20 zwanzig 21 einundzwanzig 22 zweiundzwanzig 23 dreiundzwanzig 24 vierundzwanzig 25 fünfundzwanzig 26 sechsundzwanzig 27 siebenundzwanzig 28 achtundzwanzig 29 neunundzwanzig 30 dreißig 40 vierzig 50 fünfzig 60 sechzig Länder Countries Wo wohnst du? Where do you live? Ich wohne in … I live in … England. England. Schottland. Scotland. Wales. Wales. Irland. Ireland. Nordirland. Northern Ireland. Deutschland. Germany. Frankreich. France. Österreich. Austria. die Schweiz. Switzerland. Try to log on to the above website for a few minutes every week. Username: linguagell Password: langsgell Choose beginner and click enter, then “Hallo”. Schulsachen School Objects Was ist das? What is that? Das ist (ein Bleistift) That is (a pencil) ein Klebstift a gluestick ein Kuli a pen (a biro) ein Taschenrechner a calculator eine Diskette a disk eine Schere a pair of scissors eine Schultasche a schoolbag ein Buch a (text) book ein Etui a pencil case ein Heft an exercise book ein Lineal a ruler ein Wörterbuch a dictionary Hast du…? Have you got..? Ich habe einen Kuli. I’ve got a pen Ich habe eine Schere. I’ve got a pair of scissors Ich habe ein Lineal. I’ve got a ruler Ja Yes Nein No Die Monate – The Months Januar January Februar February März March April April Mai May Juni June Juli July August August September September Oktober October November November Dezember December Understanding what your teacher says in class Ruhe, bitte! Quiet, please! Hört zu! Listen! Macht das Heft auf! Macht das Buch auf! Seite zehn! Open the exercise books! Open the text books! Page 10! Macht das Buch zu! Close the books! Steht auf! Stand up! Setzt euch! Sit down! Alles einpacken! Pack everything away! Jetzt Partnerarbeit! Now work with a partner! Write it down! Schreibt es auf! Geburtsage Birthdays Wann hast du Geburtstag? When is your birthday? Ich habe am … Juni Geburtstag. My birthday’s on the … of June 1st ersten 2nd zweiten 3rd dritten 4th vierten 5th fünften 6th sechsten 7th siebten 8th achten 9th neunten 10th zehnten 11th elften 21st einundzwanzigsten 12th zwölften 22nd zweiundzwanzigsten 13th dreizehnten 23rd dreiundzwanzigsten 14th vierzehnten 24th vierund zwanzigsten 15th fünfzehnten 25th fünfundzwanzigsten 16th sechzehnten 26th sechsundzwanzigsten 17th siebzehnten 27th siebenundzwanzigsten 18th achtzehnten 28th achtundzwanzigsten 19th neunzehnten 29th neunundzwanzigsten 20th zwanzigsten 30th dreiβigsten st 31 einunddreiβigsten
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