23-06-2015 NORDIC WALKING SUMMER 2016 WORKBOOK N.C.S. Glove N.C.S. Strap NORDIC CLICK SYSTEM NORDIC CLICK SYSTEM Snake Carbon TECNOLOGY N.C.S. strap N.C.S. GLOVE ROADSTER 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 Integrated strap and glove with Nordic Click System. Combining the C.P.S. system with the glove allows for levels of comfort hitherto unimaginable, allowing you to push evenly down with your whole hand and thus avoiding those nasty stress points. The sensation of lightness and wellbeing is conducive to the natural movement of the NW, thus boosting the athlete’s performance and staying power. Sistema integrato lacciolo e guanto con sistema NCS. Con il sistema C.P.S. abbinato al guanto si raggiunge un livello di comfort fino ad ora inimmaginabile. La distribuzione della spinta avviene in modo uniforme su tutta la mano evitando punti di stress fastidiosi. La sensazione di benessere e leggerezza che ne deriva, favorisce il naturale movimento del NW aumentando conseguentemente la performance di durata del gesto atletico. Integriertes System Schlaufe und Handschuh mit NCS-System. Durch das mit dem Handschuh kombinierte System C.P.S. wird ein bis jetzt unvorstellbares Niveau an Komfort erreicht. Die Verteilung des Schubs erfolgt gleichmäßig auf der ganzen Hand und vermeidet somit unangenehme Stresspunkte. Das sich daraus ableitende Gefühl des Wohlbefindens und der Leichtigkeit fördert die natürliche Bewegung des Roadster Pad 1_Push the plastic edge till the end of the hole (you will hear a click). Inserire completamente la testa in plastica del passamano nel foro dell’impugnatura (si deve sentire un “click”). Drücken Sie den Kunststoffstift bis zum Ende der Öffnung (Sie werden einen Klick hören). 2_The strap is now fixed. Il passamano ora è fissato all’impugnatura. Die Griffschlaufe ist jetzt fixiert. 3_Release your hand from the pole by pushing the top button N.C.S Premere il pulsante in testa all’impugnatura per rilasciare il passamano N.C.S. Lösen Sie die Hand aus dem Stock durch drücken des oberen Knopfes. 4_Your hand is now free! La Vostra mano ora è libera! Ihrer Hand ist jetzt frei! The recent “Snake Carbon” technology applied to the latest models developed by Gabel combines the excellent resistance of high modulus carbon fibre with a distinctive geometric structure, adding an innovative type of crystallisation technology. This process has made it possible to make the tubes 20% lighter, as well as boosting resistance by 18%. The combination of HD technologies with these new processes and materials has thus allowed us to introduce an outstanding new product onto the market. La recente tecnologia “Snake Carbon” applicata agli ultimi modelli sviluppati da Gabel, unisce l’elevata resistenza del tessuto in carbonio ad alto modulo ad una particolare struttura geometrica, abbinata ad una innovativa tecnologia di cristallizzazione. Tale processo ha permesso la riduzione di peso dei tubi di circa il 20%, aumentandone la resistenza del 18%. L’abbinamento, quindi, delle tecnologie HD con questi nuovi processi e materiali, ci ha consentito di introdurre nel mercato una novità di altissimo livello. Die kürzlich entwickelte, bei den neuesten von Gabel ausgearbeiteten Modellen angewandte Technologie “Snake Carbon” verbindet die hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit des Carbon-Gewebes mit hohem Modul mit einer besonderen geometrischen Struktur, kombiniert mit einer innovativen Kristallisierungstechnologie. Dieses Verfahren ermöglichte die Verminderung des Gewichts der Rohre um ca. 20%, bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhung der Very light, it absorbs impact on hard surfaces and optimises push off in order to support the proper Nordic Walking technique. The special design of the tread allows for three times longer life than the traditional products. Estremamente leggera, la nuova “scarpetta” assorbe l’impatto con i terreni duri e ottimizza la spinta rendendo più efficace la tecnica del “Nordic Walking”. Lo speciale design del battistrada consente una triplice durata rispetto ai prodotti tradizionali. Sehr leicht, dämpft Stösse auf harten Oberflächen ab und optimiert das Abdrücken zur Unterstützung der richtigen Nordic Walking Technik. CLASSIC/PERFORMANCE N.C.S. N.C.S. WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 COMFORT GRIP GRIP CARBON ACTIVE TIP CARBIDE REFLEX REFLEX FX-75 700835101 X-5 10PA 700835113 136 g / 4,80 oz 100-130 (5 cm) / 40”-52” (2”) 150 g / 5,29 oz 100-130 (5 cm) / 40”-52” (2”) Materiale / Material Ca 100 - Ø 16 mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Cork 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket Punta / Tip Aero + Active Carbide 05/44 + 08/5 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 Materiale / Material Ca 85 - Ø 16 mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Cork 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket Punta / Tip Aero + Carbide 05/44 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 10PA X-3 Red 700835105 X-3 White 700835104 X-3 Ocean 700835107 CLASSIC/PERFORMANCE WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 N.C.S. COMFORT GRIP CARBON CARBIDE REFLEX X-3 10PA 157 g / 5,54 oz 100-130 (5 cm) / 40”-52” (2”) Materiale / Material Ca 50 - Ø 16 mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Cork 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket Punta / Tip Areo + Carbide 05/44 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 X-2 silver 700834109 CLASSIC/SPORT CLASSIC/PROFESSIONAL WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 N.C.S. N.C.S. COMFORT COMFORT CARBON CARBON CARBIDE CARBIDE REFLEX REFLEX N.C.S. CARBIDE REFLEX X-2 green X-1.2 Light NCS 167 g / 5,89 oz 100-130 (5 cm) / 40”-52” (2”) 175 g / 6,17 oz 100-130 (5 cm) / 40”-52” (2”) 194 g / 6,84 oz 100-130 (5 cm) / 40”-52” (2”) Matériaue / Matériau Ca 35 - Ø 16 mm Impugnatura / Poignée Foam White 01/37 Passamano / Dragonne NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Rondelle Punta / Pointe Aero + Carbide 05/43 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 Materiale / Material Ca 20 - Ø 16 mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Tech Black-White 01/25 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket Punta / Tip Aero + Carbide 05/43 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 Materiale / Material ALU F45 - Ø 16 mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Tech Black-White 01/25 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket TR 03/37 Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Sport Pad - 05/33 700834108 700735113 700834136 10PA TWIST LOCK Cobra Re-Volution EXTENSIBLE/PERFOMANCE Cobra Re-Volution Cobra Re-Volution 25 cm size range 52 cm. TWIST LOCK TWIST LOCK N.C.S. N.C.S. COMFORT WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 GRIP GRIP T.P.L. T.P.L. CARBIDE 52 cm. CARBIDE REFLEX REFLEX 10PA Cobra Re-volution 700835130 184 g / 6,49 oz 105cm - 130cm / 42” - 52” Materiale / Material Ca 100 Ø 14/16 mm Impugnatura / Poignée Foam White 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket TR 03/37 Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 10PA Nordic-Revo Alu Carbon 700835134 200 g / 7,05 oz 105/130 cm / 42”/52” Materiale / Material Ca 100 + Alu - Ø 14/16 mm Sublimation Impugnatura / Grip Dual Cork 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket TR 03/37 Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 EXTENSIBLE/PERFOMANCE N.C.S. WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 GRIP T.P.L. CARBON CARBIDE REFLEX 10PA Carbon XT 3S-100 Carbon XT 2S-50 Inverso Ca 180 g / 6,35 oz 63/135 cm / 24”/54” 190 g / 6,70 oz 78/135 cm / 32”/54” 188 g / 6,63 oz 105/130 cm / 42”/52” Materiale / Material Ca 100 Ø 16/14/12 mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Cork 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket TR 03/37 Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 Materiale / Material Ca 50 Ø 16/14 mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Cork 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket TR 03/37 Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 Materiale / Material Ca 100 Ø 14/16 mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Cork 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket TR 03/37 Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 700835141 700835146 700835132 Fusion 700835150 Fusion XT 700834150 EXTENSIBLE/PROFESSIONAL COMPACT SIZE Ideal for travel T.P.L. T.P.L. N.C.S. WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 T.P.L. 16 PA 14 PA E.X.L. 20PA CARBIDE REFLEX Fusion Fusion XT 224 g / 7,90 oz 61/132 cm / 24”/52” 247 g / 8,70 oz 66/145 cm / 26”/58” Materiale / Material ALU F60 - Ø 18/16/14 mm Silkscreen Impugnatura / Grip Dual Tech - 01/25 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS NCS Adjustable - 02/7 NCS Rotella / Basket Power Race - 03/1F S.S.Power - 03/27F TR + 03/37F Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide - 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 Tip Protector - 05/36 Materiale / Material ALU F60 - Ø 18/16/14 mm Silkscreen Impugnatura / Grip Dual Tech - 01/25 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS NCS Adjustable - 02/7 NCS Rotella / Basket Power Race - 03/1F S.S.Power - 03/27F TR + 03/37F Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide - 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 Tip Protector - 05/36 700835150 700834150 Tour XT 700835152 220 g / 7,76 oz 59/130 cm / 24”/52” Materiale / Material ALU F56 - Ø 16/14/12 mm Sublimation Impugnatura / Grip Dual Tech Black-White01/25 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket 03/37F TR Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Carbide 05/15 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 EXTENSIBLE/PROFESSIONAL Instructor tool WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 N.C.S. T.P.L. N.C.S. COMFORT T.P.L. GRIP COMFORT CARBIDE CARBIDE REFLEX REFLEX 18PA Stretch Lite 700835252 200 g / 7,05 oz 75/130 cm / 30”/52” Materiale / Material ALU F56 - Ø 16/14 mm Silkscreen Impugnatura / Grip Dual Cork 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket 03/37F TR Punta / Tip Carbide 05/15 + Vario Fit 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 18PA Stretch 700835253 204 g / 7,20 oz 75/130 cm / 30”/52” Materiale / Material ALU F56 - Ø 16/14 mm Silkscreen Impugnatura / Grip Dual Tech Black-White01/25 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket 03/37F TR Punta / Tip Vario Fit+ Carbide 05/10 + 08/9 Walking pad Roadster Pad - 05/28 EXTENSIBLE SPORT N.C.S. GRIP WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 COMFORT N.C.S. L.L.S. L.L.S. REFLEX REFLEX JUNIOR 16PA 20PA Safe steel tip Vario S-9.6 Nordic Energy 196 g / 6,91 oz 75/130 cm / 30”/52” 178 g / 6,28 oz 60/100 cm / 24”/40” Materiale / Material ALU F45 - Ø 16/14mm Impugnatura / Grip Dual Tech - 01/25 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket TR 03/37F Punta / Tip Ultralite + Carbide 05/50 + 08/10 Walking pad Sport Pad - 05/33 Materiale / Material ALU F45 - Ø 16/14mm Sublimation Impugnatura / Poignée Foam White 01/37 Passamano / Strap NCS Comfort 02/36 NCS Rotella / Basket 03/37F TR Punta / Tip Vario Fit + Steel 05/15 + 08/8 Walking pad Sport Pad - 05/33 700735053 700734055 DISPLAY WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 Floor Display double side 100 pairs 98/17 7980981701000 B=70X50cm H= 1.93cm Floor Display double side 60 pairs 98/20 79809820006 B= 50X50cm H= 1.93cm -5cm 90°- 5cm USER GUIDE 08_09 user guide 60 - 80 80 - 95 1-3 days 2-3 days >3 days Weight oz < 60 Weight gr Instructor length open/close inches Active length open/close cm Moderate Frequenza utilizzo settimanale Frequenznutzung pro Woche 100-130 100-130 100-130 100-130 100-130 100-130 105-125 105-125 105-125 61-132 66-145 59-130 75-130 75-130 75-130 66-108 40”-52” 40”-52” 40”-52” 40”-52” 40”-52” 40”-52” 40”-50” 42”-50” 42”-50” 24”-52” 26”-58” 24”-52” 30”-52” 30”-52” 30”-52” 26”-43” 140 150 157 167 175 194 184 188 195 224 247 220 200 204 196 178 4,93 5,29 5,54 5,89 6,17 6,84 6,49 6,63 6,88 7,90 8,70 7,76 7,05 7,20 6,91 6,28 Trekking Beginner Peso kg-Gewicht kg Compact Livello di utilizzo-Umfang der Nutzung FREqUEncy OF USE pER wEEk wEIGHT kg Alpine Touring Perforance Prof. Sport Perforance Professional CLASSIC LINE EXTENSIBLE LINE FX - 75 X-5 X-3 X-2 X-1.2 LIGhT NCS CObra rEvOLuTION INvErSO CarbON NOrDIC EvO aLu CarbON FuSION FuSION XT TOur XT STrETCh LITE STrETCh varIO NCS NOrDIC ENErGy LEVEL OF USER Snow Shoes Modello-Modell Sport Categories WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 Winter use Model • • • • • • • • • • • • • • nordic walking categories PERFORM All the performance and lightness features required by the top experts in Nordic Walking. Only for those who dare! Toutes les caractéristiques de performance et légèreté demandées par les meilleurs experts de Nordic Walking. Seulement pour ceux qui osent ! Todas las características de performance y ligereza requeridas por los mejores expertos de Nordic Walking. ¡Sólo para los que se atreven! PRO For the most demanding sporties, and for those who want to quickly improve their technique. Comfort without compromise. Pour les plus sportifs et pour ceux qui souhaitent améliorer rapidement leur technique. Un confort sans compromis. Para los mejores deportistas, y para los que desean mejorar rápidamente su técnica. Una comodidad sin compromisos. SPORT For youngsters and beginners who expects quality and performance. Maximum reliability and lightness for all circumstances. Pourlesplusjeunesetpourlesdébutantsquiprétendentqualitéetperformance.Laplusgrandeutilitépratiqueetlégèretéentoute circonstance. Paralosmásjóvenesyparalosqueestándandosusprimerospasitos,peroexigencalidadyrendimiento.Elmáximodela practicidad y ligereza en cada situación. EXTENSIBLE Great for trainers, versatile for families, great travel companion for everyone. Simply adjust the height and you’re ready to go! Excellent pour les moniteurs, versatile pour la famille, extraordinaire compagnon de voyage pour tous. Il suffit de régler la hauteur et partir ! Óptimo para los instructores, versátil para la familia, magnífico compañero de viaje para todos. ¡Es suficiente regular la altura y partir! GLOVES Gabel Expert Green Gabel Expert Gray Gabel Fitness Gabel Lady 8015010200406/7/8/9/10 8015010300105/6/7/8/9/10 Gabel Lite 8015010200105/6/7/8/9/10 Gabel Expert Red 8015010200306/7/8/9/10 8015010200706/7/8/9/10 Gabel Sport 8015010200505/6/7/8/9/10 8015010200606/7/8/9/10 StrideLite 8015010100105/6/7/8/9/10 cm 16-17 inch 6,3”-6,7 size 5/5,5 18-19 7,09”-7,49” 6/6,5 GLOVES NCS 8015011200405/6/7/8/9/10 XS 20-21 7,88”-8,27” 7/7,5 S 22-23 8,67”-9,06” 8/9,5 M 24-25 9,46”-9,85” 9/9,5 L 10/10,5 XL 26 Gabel Expert Green NCS XXS 10,24” Gabel Lady 8015011200505/6/7/8/9/10 Blister Gloves Gabel Expert Red NCS 8015011200706/7/8/9/10 Gabel Sport Evo 8015011200605/6/7/8/9/10 ACCESSORIES Roadster pad 05/28 7905281305010 Sport pad 05/33 7905331305010 Gabel Fitness 8015010300001 WORK BOOK SUMMER 2016 NCS Comfort 02/36 size Small 7902023620011 NCS Comfort 02/36 size Medium 7902023620012 Reflective Sticker Be seen and be safe. Être visible et en sécurité. Visibilità durante la camminata. Gesehen werden und sicher sein. NCS Comfort 02/36 size Large 7902023620013 POLES LIGHTS 8010020000001 Stride Lite 8015010100001 POLES LIGHTS 8010020000001 Gabel poles bag 25 Pairs 25X150X23cm 8009010500001 NW20 8009010700001 Stride pole bag 2 pair 85X18cm 8009010500005 Stride pole bag 1 pair 130X12cm 8009010500002 Adjustable Trekking Bag Size 75x12cm black 8009010100007 Stride waist bag 1 bottle 8009010500101 Sacca borraccia da 1,5 l GABEL FLAG 8110000001200 - Size 2m 8110000001201 - Size 4m Stride waist bag 2 bottleS 8009010500102 Gabel Banner 8110000001005 Size 300 x 80 cm.
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