Bildungskonferenz Referenten und Themen 2015 Speakers and Topics 09. und 10. Oktober 2015 " ) ! " $ # ) 9 $ % & ' 67 ' % 6- ' + 6 +& 6% ( ' % $ 8 0 ' ) + % $ $ $ $ * & ! ) % 0 1 2 + #+ % 3 4 $ ) ( ) ) , + ".%% & 5''+ 8 $ $ $ % -#-%/ $ $ $ ! " & % $ # $ % + ,, ' . % ! ) ( / * $! - 00 " 1 2 , % $ & % ! & 3 " $ 78 , 5 9 , % ; , - :: ; 2 - - - 2 ! 9 5 % / 3, 00 % 6 2 & % $ 3, " -! , ( , - " ' - ) , * $ " , 2 , 2 " 4 ! ! - , Workshop Zwischen Dürfen und Müssen: Rechtsfragen im pädagogischen Alltag Der Legal Workshop zeigt die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für ein rechtssicheres Handeln im Schul- bzw. Kita-Alltag und beantwortet alltagsrelevante Rechtsfragen wie z.B.: Wie erfülle ich meine Aufsichtspflicht richtig? Wem darf ich welche Auskunft über das Kind geben? Wer darf das Kind abholen? Wer haftet für entstandene Schäden? Was ist grobe Fahrlässigkeit? Darf ich urheberrechtsgeschützte Werke im Unterricht verwenden? Anhand von häufigen Fallkonstellationen und konkreten Beispielen werden Handlungsempfehlungen für rechtssicheres Handeln im pädagogischen Alltag gegeben. Between allowed an required: legal questions in everyday pedagogy The legal workshop will explain the legal framework to act legally compliant in school and daycare institutions and will answer day to day questions like: How do I fulfill my supervising duty correctly? Whom am I allowed to give information about a child? Who is allowed to pick up the child? Who is liable fo r damages? What is gross negligence? Am I allowed to use copyright material in class? Melanie will use counterfactual situations and examples to recommend how to act legally compliant in your daily work. ! " # ! $% % ( )*+, ( - 2 - 2& # 2' " # . / ( - . $ 0 $ " 0 & # '( $ 1 - . 0 - - & ! % 2' - # ( 2 & 0 2 & 3 $ 2& & & ' . $ ' / - Workshops Energizing Strategies for Engaged Learning: Using Movement, Rhythm to Facilitate Classroom Learning. It comes as no surprise that children today exercise, move, and play outdoors less often than any previous generation, while at the same time engaging in ever more screen-time and “virtual reality.” The troubling result of is sometimes referred to as an “evolutionary experiment” can be seen in the rise of problems related to attentional focus, concentration, impulse control, and in-depth learning. Movement, rhythm, and creative play are the primary mechanisms by which the dynamic attentional systems of the brain self-organize during childhood and come to fruition during the teen years. This interactive presentation briefly surveys the theory and research that stands in support of the importance of movement—including those involving rhythm and play —that serve to engage, integrate and enhance the developing brains of children. v Moving Students Beyond Risk to Resiliency. A Protective-Factor Approach Linking Academic Success to Student Well-being. For the last half-century, the phenomenon of human resiliency -- the innate capacity to bounce back from adversity and creatively adapt to stress -- has been systematically studied and it’s underpinnings revealed through research in the behavioral- and neurosciences. The result of this protective factor research has been to provide policy-makers, educators and preventionists with clearer guidelines on how best to affect positive youth development. When applied consistently and mindfully in the school setting these strategies can positively affect school climate, student well-being and academic success. This presentation offers a summary view of the findings and focuses on three critical protective factors affecting student wellbeing and success. Mindful Stress-Reduction for Teachers (and students!). Mindfulness can be described as a state of active awareness and open attention on the present. Commonly associated with certain practices common to the world’s great religions, in the past 30 years scientific investigations have produced a large body of evidence demonstrating the efficacy of such practices on the ability to mindfully focus and attend, the starting place not only for all learning but for the growth of new neurons (neurogenesis) as well. The presentation provides an overview of these findings along with several opportunities to engage in the actual practice. In addition to enhancing your own wellbeing, you will want to consider integrating these practices into your classroom teaching as well. Your students will thank you! The Anatomy of Possibility. Integrating Brain, Body, and Heart Intelligences for Enhanced Learning, Performance, Creativity, and Health. This two-part, 90-minute session provides an overview of three neural systems described in the scientific literature that undergird creative achievement and vital wellbeing. The science is straightforward and clear, interesting and engaging and provides an excellent framework for understanding the role of authentic education. Strategies for Enhanced, Engaged Teaching and Learning. In this session we explore the role of movement, rhythm, imagination and play in childhood brain integration and maturation. The session combines didactic mini-lectures that facilitate a deep understanding and appreciation of the playful movements and rhythms, and imaginative activities that are included in these enjoyable sessions. The Amazing Teen Brain. A Work In Progress. Scientists increasingly refer to the teen brain as a “work in progress.” This is due to recent discoveries that reveal several important areas of the brain that undergo significant “upgrade,” beginning with puberty and continuing for another decade or more. This presentation covers the basic architecture of the changing teen brain, the meaning of the significant reorganization taking place, and how best to support these changes. Peak Performance brain tips are provided, designed to help adolescents improve and enhance brain function. These include the roles of diet and hydration, movement and exercise, downtime and sleep; the damage caused by binge drinking; stress management; and, mindfulness meditation practices and brain function. Early Childhood Development and the Screen-Time Dilemma. Brain experts, early childhood scientists, educators and parents have become increasingly concerned about the indiscriminate encroachment of screen technologies in the lives of children. While still hotly debated, evidence continues to accumulate suggesting maladaptive changes taking place in the young brain when over-exposed to these powerful technologies. The childhood need for slow-time in enriching natural and social environments has not changed; what has changed are the cultural forces that contrive to hurry childhood and substitute passive, virtual “experiences” for the real thing. This presentation makes a compelling case for the latter while making clear the dangers of the former. Barbara Coloroso Workshops • Teaching with Wit and Wisdom • The Bully, the Bullied and the Bystander • Just Because It's Not Wrong, Doesn't Make it Right: helping kids to think and act ethically Barbara Coloroso is an international bestselling author and f or the past 44 years an internationally recognized speaker and consultant on parenting, teaching, school discipline, positive school climate, bullying , grieving, nonviolent conflict resolution and restorative justice. She has appeared on Op rah, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and NPR and has been featured in the New York Times, Time, U.S. News & World Report, Newsweek, and other national and international publications. Her uniquely effective parenting and teaching strategies were developed through her years of training in sociology, special education, and philosophy, as well as field-tested through her experiences as a classroom teacher, laboratory school instructor, university instructor, seminar leader, volunteer in Rwanda, and mother of three grown children. She is the author of four international bestsellers: kids are worth it! Giving Your Child the Gift of Inner Discipline; Parenting Through Crisis—Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief and Change; The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander—From Pre-School to High School, How Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle of Violence; and Just Because It’s Not Wrong Doesn’t Make It Right—From Toddlers to Teens, Teaching Kids to Think and Act Ethically. Barbara’s latest book is Extraordinary Evil: A Brief History of Genocide and Why it Matters. She also has two critical ly acclaimed video programs Winning at Parenting without beating your kids and Winning at Teaching without beating your kids. Workshops Teaching with Wit and Wisdom Solid practical advice on how to create a school climate i n which students can become self-disciplined, compassionate, responsible, resourceful, resilient human beings who can act in their own best interest, stand up for themselves, and exercise their own rights while respecting the rights and legitimate needs of others. Barbara will discuss the keys to good teaching; treating kids with respect; giving them a sense of positive power in their own lives; giving them opportunities to make decisions, take responsibility for their own actions, and learn from their successes and mistakes. • Positive school climate • Simple rules to help stop trouble before it starts • Power struggles—what, how, why and when not to engage • Six critical life messages • Discipline and punishment —why one works and the other only appears to work • RSVP—reasonable, simple, valuable, practical consequences • Mistakes, mischief and mayhem • Resrorative justice—a productive alternative to suspension • Three kinds of schools—brick wall, jellyfish and backbone • Keeping your cool without putting your feelings on ic e • Teaching Through Crisis, helping students in times of loss, grief and change • Seven strategies for growing your students brains The Bully, the Bullied and the Bystander A powerful way to understand bullying that explains why current approaches to the problem - at home, at school, and in our communities -- have often failed. B arbara debunks the misconceptions and explains what school boards, administrators, teachers, parents, and other caregivers can do to recognize and help bullies and their targets before the violence becomes entrenched or tragically escalates. • What the Bully is and isn't • The differences and similarities between Boy and Girl bullies • The short and long-term impact on the Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander • Three apparent psychological advantages that come with contempt allowing kids to harm others without feeling shame, empathy, or compassion • Cyber Bullying and its impact • Four Antidotes to bullying • Warning Signs a student is being bullied • The differences between Telling and Tattling; Reporting and Ratting; Teasing and Taunting; Flirting and Sexual Bullying • Six Scenes from the tragedy and how to rewrite the script • The roles Bystanders play and a healthier alternative • It runs in the family: how family dynamics can feed into a cycle of violence or help create larger circles of deep caring • The Three P's: Strong antibullying policies, procedures, and programs • The difference between Punishment, Rescuing, and Discipline • How Community-wide solutions can work effectively. Just Because It's Not Wrong, Doesn't Make it Right: helping kids to think and act ethically Solid practical advice on how to use the stuff of ever yday life to teach students to act with integrity, civility, and compassion. Beginning with the idea that it is in u s to care, that we are born with an innate capacity for compassion, Barbara Coloroso shows educators how to nurtu re and guide student's ethical lives from preschool through high school using everyday situations at school, in social settings, and in the world at large. • How to develop an ethic rooted in deep caring with principles, virtues, and values that are in the service to and at the service of that caring • The why and how to teach our students to think and act ethically • The possibilities and pitfalls of character education p rograms • Nurturing in students the three antidotes (care deeply, share generously, help willingly) to the virulent agents that are ripping apart the fabric of our human relationships (hating, hoarding, and harming ourselves and others) How rigid moral absolutism and shifting moral relativism interfere with raising ethical human beings Media: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, and the Indifferent—how we can help students use these tools and not be used or consumed by them. Claudia Eichner-Orb Beitrag • Schutzauftrag bei Kindeswohlgefährdung Claudia Eichner-Orb ist Erzieherin, Sozialmanagerin, Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, Erziehungs- und Familienberaterin, Business-Coach für pädagogische Führungs – und Fachkräfte. Sie verfügt über eine Weiterbildung in systemischen Ansätzen, langjährige Berufs –und Leitungserfahrungen in pädagogischen und psychosozialen Arbeitsfeldern sowie Kinderschutz und -missbrauch. Claudia Eichner-Orb war freiberuflich als Coach, Bildungsreferentin und Fachberaterin, sowie in freier Praxis als Erziehungsberaterin und Therapeutin nach dem Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie-Gesetz tätig. Ab März 2012 leitete sie die Kindertagesstätte von Phorms Education in Hamburg. Seit August 2015 ist sie die offizielle Kita-Fachberatung von Phorms Education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orkshops Einsatz von Erklärvideos: Mehr Zeit im Unterricht mit der Methode "Flip the Classroom“ Dafür drehen wir den Unterricht um – Flip the Classroom. Die Lernenden eignen sich zuhaus e in ihrem eigenen Tempo die theoretischen Grundlagen mit von uns erstellten Erklärvideos an. Anschließend wird im Unterricht mit verschiedenen Methoden und Aufgabenstellungen geübt und das in den Videos vermittelte Wissen vertieft, ergänzt und verknüpft. Das Konzept wird im Detail vorgestellt und an konkreten Beispielen wird gezeigt und diskutiert, welche Arten von Erklärvideos es gibt und wie diese im Unterricht eingesetzt werden können. Außerdem wird die Möglichkeit aufgezeigt wie man mit von Schülern selbst erstellten Erklärvideos die Schülerinnen und Schü ler aktiv in den Lernprozess einbinden kann. Konzeption und Erstellung von Erklärvideos mit dem Tablet Erklärvideos sind in der Alltagswelt vieler Schülerinnen und Schüler bereits fester Bestandteil. Auf informieren sie sich über Kochen, Kosmetik und Lösungshilfen zu Computerspielen. Im schulischen Kontext allerdings spielen Erklärvideos bisher nur eine untergeordnete Rolle. Dort bieten sich unterschiedlichste Verwendungsmöglichkeiten wie zum Beispiel die Methode „Flip the Classroom“, die Erstellung von Erklärvideos durch Schüler oder der gezielte Einsatz einzelner Videos zur Wiederholung, Differenzierung und Vorbereitung auf den Unterricht. In dieser Fortbildung wird mit Hilfe der plattformü bergreifenden Software "Explain Everything" (Windows, Android, iOS) gezeigt, wie mit einfachen Mitteln in kurzer Zeit eigene Erklärvideos erstellt werden können. Dabei wird es nicht nur um die technische Umsetzung, sondern vor allem auch um die Grundlagen der generellen Konzeption und des Aufbaus von Erklärvideos gehen. Ziel ist es, dass jede Teilnehmerin und jeder Teilnehmer am Ende der Fortbildung sein eigenes Erklärvideo mit nach Hause nehmen kann. Im Rahmen des Workshops stehen allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern Tabletts zur Verfügung. !"# $ ( ) *++, ' # % &% ' . ! ;( ( # 4 ; =( 5 " #& < ( ( > - 1 2 ( / ) " 3 5 0 $ / $" " " / # / 5 - - 1 3 / 6 " - / 0 / ( 9 :# / ) ) ) 1 # &) /# & - 5 - # # 8 / # ) "- 4 3 & 4# . 7 ( &) 9 # - - 1 " ) / 2 3D thinking: hands on approach through modular origami. Three dimensional thinking is an important part of the geometry lessons. The ability to think three dimensional, to literally think through a solid and to draw conclusions when calculating volume is very important in Mathematics. Students more and more lose the ability to look behind the surface, especially as most of our materials are two dimensional. Wooden or plastic models often focus on the outside, but do not support real understanding of the whole. Modular Origami is an easy, but very effective tool to support spatial thinking. At the same time it helps with concentration, precision and resilience. We are going to do some exercises before starting with one of the best known modules, which can be used for different kinds of solids. If we have some time left, you will get to know some more modules. Course material will be provided. ! " " ! % ' ) * . $ # " ! & ( ) -) # ) , * + $ " ) Workshop Math is More Than Numbers The word Math can instill fear into the young and the old alike. Confusing, frustrating and irrelevant is how most would describe the math curriculum as they were growing up and unfortunately not much has changed. Why is Math, a fundamental part of everyday life, seen as an abstract subject and taught in the same way? How many years of math education simply slip away as soon as we finish school? From my experience, when early childhood educators hear the word math, many of them recall their own first experiences of math education and most picture numbers problems, addition and subtraction. Ask them to “teach” math and educators can feel uncomfortable; math is not part of their responsibilities, it’s too early for young learners and they haven’t been trained to give math lessons. This is because math education in the past has been highly focused on rote memorization and abstract ideas and even though we use math in our everyday lives, we have a problem to see math as more than numbers and theorems. In order to develop a sound understanding of math from a young age, we need to start introducing concepts in sequence, through hands-on, concrete experiences that are meaningful. Educators most likely have been delivering important math lessons to young children without even realizing it but the sequence, consistency and context are often missing. When we skip a step in the developmental sequence or begin with numbers, we don’t give children anything to build on and their understanding often collapses. In order to keep up with classmates and compensate for their gap in understanding, children begin to memorize figures, symbols and number problems but the ability to apply understanding in new ways is lost. In this workshop, we will be reviewing the way in which we introduce math to the earliest of learners and looking at the possibilities for change in the way we teach math. You will get a chance to be the student and explore sample hands-on math activities and share ideas to develop a new approach to your next math module. Focus – Kita, Reception, Grade 1 %& ! "# # $% ' * % / + &" ( " ) ,- . 0 1 & % # 2 . • ? & 9 3 4( 35 4 ! • 6. " • 35 1# 7 . 84 # "# 70 9 $ " ( 2 ' " :; + >> $ = <; = 7 " Michael Köhler Workshops • Immunity to Change. • Autorität und Macht im Klassenzimmer: Tabu oder Ressource? Michael Köhler ist Partner von KONU und hat Führ Micha Führung am Massa Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), der EBS E Universität und der Ruhr-Universität Ru Bochum unterrichtet.. Er hat Politik, P Wirtschaft und Public Leadership an der Harvard Kennedyy School studiert (Abschluss Maste in Public Administration) sowie Sport Master ort und EEnglisch auf Lehramt in Marburg Mar und London. Er war McCloy-Stipendiat ipendiat und Stipendiat der Studie Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. Micha Köhler war über fünf Jahre für den Michael n Schultr Schulträger Phorms Educa Educa.on tä.g, vor allem in den Bereichen n Schulgr Schulgründung, Schule Schulentwicklung und Schulleitung, zuletztt als kauf kaufmännischer Leiter und Geschä1sführer G am Standort Frankfurt, wo er selbst wesentliche Veränd Veränderungsprozesse ini.iert und gestaltet tet hat hat. Zudem war er Deutsc Deutscher Meister im Rock ’n’ Roll und begleitet gleitet se seit über 15 Jahren als Coach Trainer und Choreograph Spitzensportler Coach, ortler un und Anfänger gleich gleichermaßen. Workshops Immunity to Change Through it all, these adults work hard to manage the often-competing demands of their various school constituencies, including students, parents and colleagues. Although flooded by this deluge of executive tasks, to their great credit, most still strive to maske helpful changes in their effort to promote their primary mission: to educate and prepare students for an ever-demanding world. To that end, most teachers and administrators set genuine improvement goals and then work hard to achieve them. However, all too frequently, and even with the best intentions, many encounter unforeseen – and unacknowledged – barriers that not only impede progress toward their goals, but also, that result in a return to “the way we do things around here,” an established pattern of well-reinforced ways of functioning. How can we recognize and understand these hidden barriers? Most importantly, how can we dislodge these barriers not only to make the changes we so desire, but also, to enrich our overall school functioning and fulfill the mission of educating and preparing our students effectively? In this workshop, participants will discover a rich theoretical framework ** and engage an associated interactive exercise designed specifically to help them recognize, understand and dislodge “hidden barriers” to their desired changes. Bolstered by this new information, teachers and/or administrators will be empowered to set new goals that respectfully bypass their previously hidden barriers, and that lead, ultimately, to deep, effective and lasting changes. ! " # ' " ! " ) -. 3 ! . # * / 1 ) 0 4# 3 4 ! 5 ! # , % ! ! +% " 2 6 7 -. ( # : 2 8 / ! - . # ! - ; + 0 1 + = " +% $ ! ! +% " & 6 ( # " + 9 ' #$ % ! & # ! 2 < 3 % 4 2 3 0 =" = 4 + + ; !"! # $ # % & & ' ( ) & * 0 + $ 2 5 2 , % 5, & 1 -. / 1 ' ( % ' ' ' -/ 1 ' ' ( * & 3 ' ( , 4 * Workshops Best Practice in Bilingual/Immersion classrooms This session will outline strategies and activities to enhance teaching in a bilingual/ immersion classroom, based on best practice. The goal is to provide the participant with a list of ideas which can then use and integrate into their own classrooms. Participants will also have an opportunity to interact and share ideas based from their own classroom experience. WS 1_Target Audience: Teachers & Teacher´s Assistants, Kita to Year 3 WS 2_Target Audience: Teachers & Teacher’s Assistants, Year 4 to Senior level WS 3_Target Audience: Teachers & Teacher’s Assistants, General/All Promoting positive Behaviour for Learning This session will explore approaches to promote posit ive Behaviour for Learning (BFL) within a school in order to reduce unwanted behaviours, improve relationships and enhance student learning. The focus will include a look at both teacher and student behaviours which can affect the learning environment, as well explore classroom based strategies, and sharing of ideas within the group. Participants will be asked to set goals which they can then implement to their own classroom. !" # $ % &' ( # , //0 & //1 // & / / //: . 3 ! ( 5* 3 !! 9 * 4 4% 8 ' 8 //: 6 /// & 11? & //: " * < 3 $ * +" ! 2 # $) 6 !7 3 !( !' . 3 5 ) - +6 9 ! F& * 3 . ) - " . # - * / 0 ) * ! ) +" 2 ; ; &. 3 3 - 7 =&' ( < ) + > ) 3 ( 3 . 3 6 ) % , 3 8 @ " 110 7 . //: / /& / : # 3 4; 4" B 3 $ 4 B ) 7 A>A 3 7 + B > 3 6 9C 3 4* 3 4 ) . # 5 5 / / 5 5 $% / / : 11E & / 0 / /& / E 9 + . 3 % * 6 , ( - # - # ( % "B ,* 5 - * $ D . 3 3 48B 3 $ ) % ! @; ' ( + B 1988 – 2015 1993 – 2005 zahlreiche Fortbildungen in den gängigen stimmtherapeutischen Ansätzen: Schlaffhorst-Andersen, Coblenzer-Muhar, Stimmt`s /E. Haupt, Middendorf / Atemtherapie, Tonale Stimmtherapie, Feldernkrais und Stimme, Gindler-Jacoby-Arbeit und Sprechen etc. Behandlungsansatz nach Danis Bois (USA, Frankreich, England , Deutschland) Gindler-Jacoby-Arbeit nach Sophie Ludwig, Marianne Haag Verhaltensstudien bei Bewegung, Atmung, Regeneration, Sprechen und weitere Erfahrungen Workshops Rund um die Stimme - Fortbildung für Lehrer Aufklärung - Stimmtraining - Beratung Theorie: · Kurze Einführung in die Stimmfunktion (Vortrag ) · Parameter der gesunden Stimme · Zusammenhang: Stimme u. Stress (neueste Forschung) · Wie belastbar ist eine gesunde Stimme? · Erkältungsvorbeugung · Stimmerkrankung – was tun? · Stimmpflege – Prävention Stimmtraining · Atemvertiefung · Regulierung von Spannungszuständen im Körper · „warm-up“ für die Stimme · „cool down“ nach einem langen Sprechtag · Resonanzübungen · Sprechtempo · Atemführung – Satzbögen · Stimmkräftigung – Rufen · Sprechen bei Lärm Strategien im Schulalltag · Erarbeitung der individuellen Fehlerquelle / hohe Anforderungen im Schulalltag · Entwicklung von neuen Verhaltensstrategien (stimmlich / nicht stimmlich) · Stimmhygiene und Entlastungsstrategien · Einteilen der Stimmleistungen über den Tag Beratung Im Anschluss an die Fortbildung gibt es die Möglichk eit einer Kurzberatung zur eigenen Stimme (ggf. Abklärung - Stimmstörung). ! " # $ % 01 &'$ 2 $ 02 2 2 ( $ ) $ 03 $ * $ * . / # + # * ,* - * $ % '$ # 4 # 5 $$6 $- # % &'$ % # &'$ , , 6 $ 7 $ 8 # + # ( 1 * , 9 " , # . # + : * * / * * $) $ % '$ % '$ ;< 4 5 3 (, # $ $ # ;. 2 24 = ;6 " , * ;. 3 , + # = = ; ; 2 ) * # $ 2 ;< * ! " # $# ( ) ' * * , 2.! ( ) , 3( '* / , ( ) - ' ' * ' * '' , ' + * ) . ) )$ ) 0 ' ' ' - ) , ' - *- $ $ * . ' %& '' ' * ' * ' * * +* 1' 3 " # +456 ! ( 3 ! $ ! 7 ! % &' * ' ' 0 01 0 0* 0' . 0" ! 0 " ( +, ' )! - * ! % !" 2 . ! ! ! ! ! / ! $ ! ! ! %& # " ! ! # ! $ # ' . . / ! 3 Beyond Nice: Nurturing Kindness in Children Kindness is a touchstone for living. Although many of our children come to us with inherent tendencies shaped by their environment, teachers can explicitly teach kindness and foster a culture of compassion through a variety of activities, modalitie s, and strategies. We’ll try out some approaches and look at the underlying rationale behind encouraging kindness in us all. Arts Integration: A Curricular Approach Explore the definition at the center of the Kennedy Center’s educational approach in which students use art forms to demonstrate and synthesize understanding across a variety of curricular areas. Supported by research and designed to address the needs of 21st Century learners, arts integration is finding wider adoption in the United States and bey ond. Tableau: Demonstrating Understanding Through Simple Drama Techniques Tableau is a simple dramatic approach that teachers from grades k-12 can implement to help students work collaboratively to build understanding and demonstrate multiple perspectives using gesture, voice, focus, and physical elements of level, texture, and pose. The great advantage to tableau is how quickly teachers can learn its basics and how students can find new levels of engagement with each other and with academic or social material. Singing the Words: Lyric Writing to Further Understanding Music is a central part of most students’ lives; they listen, they sing, they dance. Teachers can use this natural affinity to motivate and engage students in the classroom. Participants will explore song structures and patterns that students can use to write, sing, rehearse, and perform original song lyrics. This creative process helps students demonstrate their understanding of any content area while experiencing the joy of music. No musical training is necessary; only an interest in singing is required. !" # $ %&&' ( ) !" %&*+ !" ( , / . / 6, - , - - $ - $ 0 $ 2 0 $ 5 , / . - 3 2 # 0 $ 4 4 / / / , $ - 3 - 1 - 3 # / . 2 - $ - # , 3 ! - - 5 - $ 2 # Prof. Dr. Sylvia Wächter Sylvia Wächter, Prof. Dr. phil., lehrt an der Universität der Künste Berlin Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation und Angewandte Linguistik im Studiengang Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftskommunikation. Sie weilte zu längeren Forschungs- und Arbeitsaufenthalten in den USA und Japan. Vortrag und Workshop Vortrag und Workshop • Zur kulturellen Prägung von Kommunikation • Interkulturelle Kommunikation Vortrag Zur kulturellen Prägung von Kommunikation Das Äußern einer Bitte, das Formulieren einer Ablehnung, die Aufforderung zum Teetrinken - all dies sind Situationen, die für einen Menschen, der in seiner kulturellen Prägung eher zu direkter Kommunikation neigen wird, missdeutet werden können, indem er die Aussagen als das interpretiert, was ihm erscheint und nicht als das, was gemeint ist. Das Gesagte ist oft eben nicht das Gemeinte. Der Grad an Direktheit ist kulturell geprägt. Wie direkt darf ich sein, wie indirekt muss ich sein? Der Vortrag thematisiert kulturelle Prägung verbaler und nonverbaler Kommunikation, Schwerpunkte bilden Indirektheit und Direktheit von Kommunikation sowie das Äußern von Lob und Kritik, welche im schulpädagogischen Alltag zu den zentralen kommunikativen Handlungen gehören. Workshop Interkulturelle Kommunikation Der Workshop bietet im Anschluss an den Vortrag „Zur kulturellen Prägung von Kommunikation“ die Möglichkeit, in Gruppen Aspekte kultureller Prägung von Kommunikation zu diskutieren, Beispiele aus der Praxis gemeinsam zu analysieren und Beispiele für den schulpädagogischen Einsatz kennenzulernen. • • • "# • • 7 7/ 7& 1% 72 % # 7' # " 7 # 8 7& 1% 79# % $# ! ! %# # & ! ( ' ) ! & ,& ! - #* " -% + # , % 1 . % . # . 1 .2 . # # / 0# !# 2 ! # % ! " / ! ! % 3 $ ! & # + , / % 4 # ! ,& ! & / # , 5# 63 / # & # , 3 " & # , Gesundheitsmodul Stresstypenbestimmung Jeder Mensch reagiert entsprechend seiner Persönlichkeit ganz individuell auf Stress . Die Stresstypbes"mmung soll helfen, den eigenen Stresstyp zu iden"#zieren. So wird es möglich, sich seines eigenen Verhaltens in belastenden Situa"onen bewusst zu werden. Mit diesem Bewusstsein können fortan bes"mmte Anforderungen neu bewertet werden und es fällt leichter, eigene Verhaltensmuster zu verändern. Insgesamt werden vier Stresstypen voneinander unterschieden. Die Stresstypbestimmung hilft Ihnen, sich selbst einzus tufen und sich selbst, aber auch andere besser zu verstehen. Gesundheitsmodul Entspannungscoaching Stress führt zu erhöhter Energiebereitstellung als Reak"on auf eine vom Körper wahrgenommene „Gefahr“. Über eine Herzratenvariabilitätsmessung kann dies gemessen werden. Dabei wird eindrucksvoll verdeutlicht, was passiert, wenn der Körper auf Stress reagiert und mit welchen einfachen Mi$eln diese „Alarmbereitscha!“ abgebaut werden kann. Der Test ist sinnvoll für alle Berufsgruppen, die am Arbeitsplatz belastende und stressige Situationen erleben. Kurzentspannung Progressive Muskelentspannung (PMR) Einzelne Muskelgruppen werden in einer bes"mmten Reihenfolge bewusst angespannt, intensiv gespürt und anschließend gezielt wieder entspannt . Indem Sie Ihr Gefühl für den Gegensatz aus Anspannung und Entspannung schulen , nehmen Sie auch besser wahr, wann Ihre Muskulatur sich stressbedingt verspannt. Dann können Sie durch ak"ves Entspannen gezielt dagegen angehen. Die progressive Muskelentspannung ist einfach zu erlernen und zeigt in der Regel schnell positive Wirkung. Kurzentspannung Autogenes Training (AT) Mit einfachen Übungen lernen Sie %autogen% einen Entspannungszustand herbeizuführen. Die Übungen können Sie nach ein wenig Training überall anw enden - zu Hause, im Büro oder in der Schule. Auf diese Weise erhöhen Sie langfris"g Ihre Stresstoleranz und verringern gleichzei"g körperliche Stresssignale wie beispielsweise erhöhten Blutdruck. Was ist eine Bio-Impedanz-Analyse (BIA)? Mit der Bioelektrischen Impedanz Analyse (BIA) lässt sich mi$els hochpräzisen Lei&ähigkeitsmessungen Fe$gewebe, Muskelmasse und der Wassergehalt des Körpers analysieren. Die Analyse dauert nur wenige Minuten, #ndet im Liegen, durch Anbringen von Messelektroden auf de#nierte Punkte an Hand und Fuß sta$ und ist ungefäh rlich (sowie absolut schmerzfrei). Durch die BIA können Aussagen zum Ernährungs- und Fitnessstatus getro'en werden, sie gibt u.a. Aufschluss über den Wasserhaushalt, den Grundumsatz und die Höhe des Körperfe$anteils.
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