
Volker Wulf
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Positions
Since 2015
Managing Director of the School of Media and Information
(iSchool), University of Siegen
Since 2011
Dean of Faculty III: Economic Science, Business
Informatics and Business Law, University of Siegen
Co-Director of the research focus “Communicating
Disaster” at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF),
University of Bielefeld
2007 - 2011
Speaker of the German Science Research Consortium
"Kontextadaptive Interaktion in kooperativen
Wissensprozessen" (“Context-adaptive Interaction in
Cooperative Knowledge Processes”)
Fulbright Scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
and Guest Professor at Stanford University, Palo Alto
2006 - 2015
Managing Director of the Institute for Media Research,
University of Siegen
Since 2004
Full Professor in Information Systems and New Media,
University of Siegen, Germany (with tenure)
2002 - 2004
Associate Professor in Information Systems, University of
Siegen, Germany (with tenure)
Associate Professor in Media Informatics, Faculty of
Computer Science, TU Chemnitz, Germany
Visiting Scholar at Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA, USA
Since 2000
Head of the research group "User-Centered SoftwareEngineering (USE)" at the Fraunhofer FIT institute, St.
Augustin, Germany
Visiting Professor at the Institute for Software Engineering,
Department of Computer Science, University of Hamburg
1997, 1999
Visiting Professor at the Institute of Computer Science and
Society (IIG), University of Freiburg, Germany
Volker Wulf
1994 – 2000
Head of the research group on HCI and CSCW (ProSEC)
at the Institute for Computer Science, University of Bonn,
Germany (group consisting of eight research associates,
12 research assistants and one administrator)
1991 - 1993
Research associate at the Institute for Computer Science,
University of Bonn, Germany
12 / 2000
Habilitation degree at the department of Computer
Science, University of Hamburg, Germany (Thesis: “Zur
anpassbaren Gestaltung von Groupware” [“The Tailorable
Design of Groupware”])
01 / 1996
PhD degree at the Department of Computer Science,
University of Dortmund, Germany (Thesis:
“Konfliktmanagement bei vernetzten Systemen”
[“Managing Conflicts within Networked Systems”])
12 / 1990
Diploma degree in Business Administration at RWTH
Aachen, Germany
10 / 1989
Diploma degree in Computer Science at RWTH Aachen,
from 1982
Studies in Computer Science and Business Administration
at RWTH Aachen, Germany
1981 - 1982
Military Service
1972 - 1981
Junior and High School: Friedrich-Leopold-Woeste
Gymnasium in Hemer, Germany
1968 - 1972
Elementary School: Osemundgrundschule Hemer-Ihmert,
External Activities
Since 1998
Spin-off of IT Start-Up Companies, especially Agenda
Consult GmbH, Sankt Augustin and expeer GmbH, Bonn
Founding of the International Institute for Socio Informatics
(IISI), Bonn
Volker Wulf
Research Interests
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), Knowledge Management (KM),
Computer Supported Cooperative Learning (CSCL), Communities and Technologies
(C&T), Participatory Design (PD), End User Development (EUD), Human Computer
Interaction (HCI), Information Systems (IS)
Professional Activities
Subarea Co-Chair ‘Beyond the Individual’ of ACM Conference on Computer Human
Interaction (CHI 2012)
Co-Chair of the programme committee of the European Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2011) in Aarhus (DK)
Co-Chair of the programme committee of the “Theory and Methods Information
Systems Research” track at the German IS Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI
2011) in Zürich (CH)
Co-Chair of the programme committee of the Conference on the Design of
Cooperative Systems (COOP 2010) in Aix en Provence (FR)
Co-Chair of the programme committee of the “11th International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2009)” in
Bonn (GER)
Co-Chair of the “Second International Symposium on End User Development (ISEUD
2009)” in Siegen (GER)
Co-Chair of the programme committee of the “Knowledge Management in Action
(KMIA 2008)” track, IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC 2008), Milan (IT)
Co-Chair of the programme committee of the ACM Conference on Organizational
Computing and Groupware Technologies (GROUP 2007) in Sanibel (FL, USA)
Associated Chair of the programme committee “ACM 2006 Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2006)” in Banff (CN)
Co-Chair of the programme committee for the “Communities and New Forms of
Organization” track of the 14th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS
2006) in Göteborg (SW) and the track “Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)” of the
22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2014) in Tel Aviv (IS)
Volker Wulf
Co-Chair of the programme committee for the track “Collaborative Business” at the
“Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2006)” in Passau (GER)
Associated Chair of the programme committee “ACM 2004 Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2004)” in Chicago (USA)
Co-Chair of the programme committee for the “Communities in E-Business” track at
the “Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2004)” in Essen (GER)
Chair of the programme committee of the “International Conference on Communities
& Technologies (C&T 2003)” in Amsterdam (NL)
Conference Co-Chair of the Seventh European Conference on “Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2001)” in Bonn (GER)
Co-Chair of the programme committee of “Vernetztes Lernen mit digitalen Medien (DCSCL 2000)” in Darmstadt (GER)
Member of International Steering Committees
- International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD) (since 2009)
- ACM-CSCW Conference Series (2008 - 2012)
- International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP) (since
- International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T) (since 2003)
- European Conference on Computer Support Cooperative Work (ECSCW) (since
Member of Programme Committees:
- ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (2016,
2014, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998)
- ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI) (2016, 2015, 2014, 2012,
2011,2010, 2009, 2008)
- European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ESCW) (2015,
2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1997)
- International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T) (2015, 2013,
2011, 2009, 2007, 2005)
- ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Groupware Technologies (GROUP) (2013,
2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999)
- International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP) (2016,
2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998)
- International Workshop on Groupware (CRIW)
- Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) (2011, 2009, 2005, 2002)
Volker Wulf
- International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) (2004)
- IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT) (2013, 2011, 2009,
2005, 2003, 1999)
- ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (2010, 2006, 2000)
- IEEE Symposium on End-User Programming and Domain Specific Programming
(EUP) (2003)
- Conference on Participatory Design (2006, 2004, 2002)
- Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference on Critical Computing: Between Sense and
Sensibility (2005)
- International Conference on Entertainment Computing (2005; 2004)
- European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) (2011, 2010, 2008, 2003)
- Mensch & Computer (German HCI Conference) (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006,
2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001)
- WI and MKWI (German IS conferences) (2014, 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008,
2007, 2006, 2004, 2003)
Journals: IEEE Software, ACM Transactions on Human Computer Interaction
(ToCHI), International Journal on Human Computer Studies (IJHCS, Elsevier),
Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT, Taylor & Francis), Management
Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Journal (ISJ, Blackwell),
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE Software, The Information
Society (TIS, Taylor & Francis), Interacting with Computers (IwC, Elsevier), ACM
Computing Surveys, The Visual Computer (Springer), Information and Software
Technology (Elsevier), Universal Access in the Information Society (Springer), IEEE
Transactions on Learning Technologies, Research and Practice in Technology
Enhanced Learning (RPTEL), ACM-SIGGROUP-Bulletin (ACM-Press)
Academic Publishers: MIT-Press and Springer
Funding Agencies: German Science Foundation (DFG), German Ministry for
Education and Research (BMBF), German Ministry of Economics and Labour
(BMWA), European Commission (DG-IST), European Science Foundation (ESF),
Austrian Science Fund, Swiss Science Fund, Danish Council for Strategic Research
Grants (over the last ten years)
Ubiquitous Environment Information Systems (UUIS)
The Ministry of the Environment of the German federal state of NorthRhine Westphalia (NRW)
Project Partners:
University of Siegen (Jun.-Prof. G. Stevens, Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partners:-Statmath GmbH, Siegen
- Devolo AG, Aachen
Volker Wulf
Project Staff:
- ASEW, Düsseldorf
- Sparkasse Siegen
01.11.2013 – 31.10.2016
3.0 academic employees
2.1 mio. € (University of Siegen: 690,000 €)
Project Description: The aim of the project is to analyze the potentials of ubiquitous
environmental information systems (UUIS) towards the improvement of ICT-supported
energy management and to explore their usability prototypically. Research and development
based within the framework of a Living Lab focuses on the areas “private”, “production” and
“office / administration”, to be developed along the entire technology stack including the
associated range of services regarding ubiquitous environmental information system
solutions. Furthermore, in real-world explorations and test environments, smart energy
technologies, energy analysis and mathematical models made accessible through living labs,
action-centered energy visualization and sustainable business processes and value chains in
the sense of integrated information processing of UUIS systems should be requested and
new technologies developed together with users.
TOPIC – The Computer-Supported Platform for Carers
EU and BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Within the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP)
Project Partners:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partners:- TU Vienna, Austria, Dr. Hilda Tellioglu
- UT Troyes, France, Prof. Dr Myriam Lewkowicz
- ilogs mobile software GmbH, Klagenfurt, Austria
- SOZIAL GLOBAL corporation, Vienna, Austria
- SOPHIA Franken GmbH & Co. KG, Bamberg, Germany
- AVINOTEC GmbH, Siegen, Germany
- E-Seniors, Paris, France
- Lokeo, Lesquin, France
- Webinage, Neufchatel-Hardelot, France
01.08.2013 – 31.07.2016
Project Staff:
2.0 acedemic employees
Project Volume:
2.5 mio. € (University of Siegen: 460,000 €)
Project Description: The European project TOPIC initially sets out to obtain a profound
understanding of the daily life and care in families and households by means of qualitative,
socio-scientific-accompanying research and the Siegen "Living Lab" approach. The result is
that older carers help to identify which specific requirements are necessary to support them.
Building on this, a computer-assisted information and communication platform will be
developed in the medium term, designed to support caregivers in everyday life and
especially within their familiar living environments.
Neighborhood: Help and Advice for Tenants
BMFSJF (German Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens,
Women and Youth)
Project Partners:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf, Jun.-Prof. Dr. C. Müller)
Cooperation Partners:- WSG Wohnungs- und Siedlungs GmbH, Düsseldorf
- WohnBund-Beratung NRW GmbH, Bochum
01.07.2012 – 31.12.2014
Project Staff:
1.0 academic employees
Project Volume:
0.9 mio. € (University of Siegen: 490,000 €)
Volker Wulf
Project Description: New IT-supported methods are researched and designed together with
the tenants of a neighborhood in Dortmund, Germany. The goal is not only to support the
social participation, autonomy and independence of older people but is also aimed towards
strengthening the community spirit for everyone who lives in the neighborhood.
Sehr Mobil 100: Mobility Platform for the Region of Siegen-Wittgenstein
BMBF (German Federal Ministry for Education and Research)
Project Partners:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf, Martin Stein)
Cooperation Partners: - German Red Cross, Section Siegen-Wittgenstein
- Infoware GmbH, Bonn
- District of Siegen-Wittgenstein
- City of Siegen
- BAGSO Service GmbH
- University of Heidelberg, Gerontology Dept.
- International Institute for Socio-Informatics, Bonn
01.03.2012 – 28.02.2015
Project Staff:
2.0 academic employees
Project Volume:
1.9 mio. € (University of Siegen: 480,000 €)
Project Description: Unrestricted individual mobility is crucial for social exchange and social
participation. For the elderly, preserving mobility impacts their quality of life massively. This
project is to develop an internet-based mobility platform suitable for the requirements of the
elderly in the model region of Siegen-Wittgenstein. The idea is to draw attention to the range
of mobility services on offer as well as to support organizations already operating on a local
level. At the same time, the system allows intergenerational interaction by building a
community comprised of both older and younger generations.
iStopFalls: ICT-based System to Predict and Prevent Falls
EU Commission, DG IST
Project Partners:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf, Dr. R. Wieching)
Cooperation Partners: - German Sports University of Cologne, Germany
- Austrian Institute of Technology
- Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia, Spain
- Philips Research Europe, Netherlands
- Kaasa Solutions GmbH, Germany
- Neuroscience Research Australia
Project Staff:
Project Volume:
01.10.2011 – 31.09.2014
2.5 academic employees
590,000 €
Project Description: Whether climbing stairs, a slippery surface or uncertainty when walking
due to age-related physique deterioration, falls and their consequences represent an
immense health-related problem which is growing continually. Active fall prevention plays a
fundamental role here, particularly through the use of specific movement and training
programmes. When tailored to the target group, modern information and communication
technology (ICT) from the areas of telemedicine and home entertainment (Xbox/Kinect) as
well as sensory technology help to support suitable activities as they are increasingly being
used at home by the elderly. The aim of the project is to develop ICT-based technology
which can be integrated easily and affordably into the lives of older people.
Volker Wulf
Koordinator: Ubiquitous Sensor and Information System for Firefighters
BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Project Partners:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partners: - University of Karlsuhe, Teco (Prof. Dr. W. Jüling)
- Dresden elektronik GmbH
- VOMATEC International GmbH
- Fire Institute of North-Rhine Westphalia, Münster (Germany)
Project Staff:
Project Volume:
01.06.2011 – 31.11.2014
2.0 academic employees
1.4 mio. € (University of Siegen: 500,500 €)
Project Description: This venture aims to incorporate technical infrastructure in order to
support and improve processes of communication and coordination between firefighter
squads inside burning buildings and senior staff based outside. The project relies on the
ubiquitous navigation structure of the Landmarke research project.
Social Media
The federal state of North-Rhine Westphalia within the “HighTechNRW”-competition
Project Partners:
University of Siegen and Fraunhofer FIT (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf, Jan Hess)
Cooperation Partners:- Buhldata GmbH, Neunkirchen
- Pixelpark AG, Cologne
- Nunet AG, Düsseldorf
- Odsoft GbR, Bochum
01.07.2009 – 30.06.2012
Project Staff:
5.5 academic employees
2.2 mio. € (University of Siegen: 1.2 mio. €, Fraunhofer FIT: 160,000 €)
Incentives for Semantics (INSEMTIVES)
Commission of the EU, DG IST, support program: Digital
Libraries and Content
Project Partner:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf, Dr. M. Rohde)
Cooperation Partner: University of Innsbruck, Austria (Coordinator)
University of Trento, Italy
Seekda Web Service, Austria
Peppers Ghost Productions, UK
Ontotext, Bulgaria
Telefonica, Spain
01.04. 2009 – 31.03. 2012
Project Staff:
2.5 academic employees
570.000 €
ARTOS – Articulation work in offshoring projects of small and medium sized
companies in the software sector
Volker Wulf
Project Partner:
Project Staff:
DFG (German Research Foundation)
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
01.09.2008 – 31.08.2010
1.0 academic employee
125,000 €
Partial project: MixedMediaInteract – Technical support of adaptivity and
adaptability in cross-media knowledge work
Project Partner:
DFG (German Research Foundation)
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf and Jun.-Prof. Dr. V.
Cooperation Partner:- RWTH Aachen (Prof. Dr. M. Jarke)
- University of Hagen (Prof. Dr. J. Haake)
- University of Duisburg-Essen (Prof. Dr. J. Ziegler)
01.09.2007 – 31.08.2011
Project Staff:
1.0 academic employee
850,000 € (University of Siegen: 225,000 €)
COMPOSITE: Comparative police studies in the EU
Commission of the EU, support program: Security Research
Project Partner:
Fraunhofer FIT (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf, Sebastian Denef)
Cooperation Partner:
Project Staff:
Erasmus-Universität Rotterdam (Netherlands), project
- University of Utrecht, Netherlands
- Politieacademie, Apeldoorn, Netherlands
- Fachhochschule der Polizei des Landes Brandenburg,
Oranienburg, Germany
- University of Durham, Great Britain
- Sheffield University, Great Britain
- Capgemini Telecom Media Defense, France
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
- University of Antwerpen, Belgium
- Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
- Fondazione per la Ricerca sulla Migrazione e sulla Integrazione
delle Tecnologie, FORMIT, Rom, Italy
- ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
- Masaryk Universität, Brno, Czech Republic
- University of St. Kliment Ohridski, Skopje / Bitola, Macedonia
01.03. 2011 – 28.08. 2015
1.0 academic employee
Project Volume:
490,000 €
Volker Wulf
INA: Innovative concept of working groups for the integration of informatics
and professional independence for young women
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Project Partner:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:
University of Flensburg (Prof. Dr. I. Ebbers)
01.07.2011 – 31.08.2012
Project Staff:
2.0 academic employees
Project Volume:
0.5 Mio € (University of Siegen: 206,800 €)
Fosible - Fostering social interaction for the well-being of the elderly
EU and BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
within Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP)
Project Partner:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:- University of Duisburg-Essen (Prof. Dr. J. Ziegler)
- Fraunhofer IMS, Duisburg
- Mauser Einrichtungssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
- Kaasa Solution GmbH
- Makakoff-Médéric Centre Les Arcades, France
- CURE - Center of Usability Research and Engineering, Austria
- AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
- UTT Troyes (Prof. Dr. M. Lewkowicz), France
01.08.2010 – 31.07.2013
Project Staff:
1.0 academic employee
Project Volume:
2.4 mio € (University of Siegen: 180,000 €)
AMi-AlzheimerMonitoring - Technical support systems for the ageing society
BMWI (Federal Ministry of Economics)
Project Partner:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner: - itss, Cologne
01.08.2009 – 31.07.2011
Project Staff:
1.1 academic employee
Project Volume:
145,000 €
Landmarke – Navigational infrastructure for firefighters
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Project Partner:
University of Siegen and Fraunhofer FIT (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:- University of Karlsruhe, Teco (Prof. Dr. W. Jüling)
- University of Bremen, BIBA (Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Scholz-Reiter)
- Interactive Wear AG, Starnberg
- Dräger Safety AG and Co KGaA, Lübeck
- Waldemar Winckel GmbH und Co. KG, Bad Berleburg
Volker Wulf
Project Staff:
Project Volume:
- Berufsfeuerwehr Cologne
- Institute of the Fire Brigade NRW, Münster
01.07.2008 – 30.06.2011
2.5 academic employees
2.4 mio € (University of Siegen: 1.1 mio €, Fraunhofer FIT:
240,000 €)
Social Impacts of ICT: Social impacts of computer technologies
European Union, DG InfoSoc
Project Partner:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:
- Oxford Internet Institute
- University of Twente
- University of Budapest
- Empirica GmbH, Bonn
- Work Research Center, Dublin
1.11.2008 – 31.12.2009
Project Staff:
1.0 academic employee
Project Volume:
400,000 € (University of Siegen 85,000 €)
EUDISMES: End-user development in small and medium enterprise software
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Project Partner:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:- SAP Research, Darmstadt
- Buhl Data GmbH, Neunkirchen
1.10.2005 – 30.09.2008
Project Staff:
3.0 academic employees, 5.0 student assistants
Project Volume:
1.5 mio € (University of Siegen 650,000 €)
CoEUD: Component-based end-user development
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Project Partner:
Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin (Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:- Pixelpark AG, Cologne
- C1 WPS GmbH, Hamburg
- ObiTeam GmbH, Sankt Augustin
- Expeer GmbH, Bonn
1.06.2006 – 30.09.2009
Project Staff:
1.8 academic employees, 2.0 student assistants
Project Volume:
1.3 mio € (Fraunhofer FIT 650,000 €)
comeIN: Intercultural learning with computer supported project work
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Volker Wulf
Project Partner:
Project Staff:
Project Volume:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
15.08. 2008 – 30.06.2011 (2nd phase); 15.08.2005 – 14.08.2008
(1st Phase)
1.0 academic employee, in the second phase 2.0 academic
1.0 student assistant
325,000 € (2nd phase); 210,000 € (1. phase)
Partial project B10: Designing computer systems by the user
Project Partner:
Project Staff:
Project Volume:
DFG (German Research Foundation) within the des SFB/FK 615
„Medienumbrüche“ at the University of Siegen
University of Siegen
Prof. Dr. V. Wulf
01.07.2005 – 30.06.2010
1.0 academic employee
330,000 €
KA-Mobile: Context-sensitives end-user development
Project Partner:
Project Staff:
Project Volume:
Deutsche Telekom AG, T-Labs in Berlin
University of Siegen und Fraunhofer FIT (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
01.09.2004 – 31.08.2007
3.0 academic employees, 6.0 student assistants
920,000 €
wearIT@work: Empower the mobile worker by wearable technology
Project Partner:
European Commission, DG-IST, Integrated Project
Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin (Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf and
Markus Klann)
Cooperation Partner:
- University of Bremen (coordinator)
- ETH Zürich
- SAP Research
- Microsoft EMIC
- HP Research
and about 30 further partners of industry and science
1.7.2004 – 31.05.2009
Project Staff:
1.8 academic employees
Project Volume:
14.6 mio € (Fraunhofer FIT: 1.1 mio €)
ContextTV: Recommender systems in digital TV
Buhl Data, GmbH, in Neunkirchen
Volker Wulf
Project Partner:
Project Staff:
Project Volume:
University of Siegen
01.03.2006 – 28.02.2007
0.5 academic employees
40,000 €
WIN: Knowledge management in informational networks
Support program “WissensMedia”
Project Partner:
University of Siegen,
Cooperation Partner:- VDMA/VFI (VDMA Society for Research and Innovation mbH)
- RAUCH Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH
- IQM-Europe GmbH – Institute for Qualification and LearnMedia
1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006
Project Staff:
1.0 academic employee, 1 student assistant
Project leader
Project Volume:
2, 3 Mio € (University of Siegen: 200.000 Euro)
ViSEK: Virtual software engineering competence centre
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Project Partner:
Fraunhofer FIT, St. Augustin (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:- Fraunhofer IESE, Kaiserslautern (coordinator)
- Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin
- Fraunhofer ISST, Berlin
- Fraunhofer IITB, Karlsruhe
- TU München (Prof. Dr. M. Broy)
1.4.2001 – 31.12.2006
Project Staff:
2.5 academic employees, several student assistants
Project leader at Fraunhofer FIT
Project Volume:
11.5 mio € (Fraunhofer FIT 1.8 mio €)
WissPro: Knowledge project systems of informatics in context - linked learning
communities in design and IT oriented studies
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), support
program: New media in Education
Project Partner:
International Institute for Socio Informatics (IISI), Bonn
(subcontract at the Institute for Business Informatics of the
University of Siegen)
Cooperation Partner:- University of Hamburg (coordinator)
- Medical University of Lübeck
- University of Tübingen
1.4.2001 – 31.12.2003
Project Staff:
1.0 academic employee, 2.0 student assistants
Acquisition and project leader
Project Volume:
2.7 Mio € (IISI and University of Siegen 260,000 €)
EUD-Net: End-User Development – Empowering people to flexibly employ
Volker Wulf
advanced information and communication technology
European Commission, DG-IST, Network of Excellence
Project Partner:
Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin (Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:- CNR Pisa, Italy (coordinator)
- UMIST Manchaster, UK
- University of Bari, Italy
- Philips Research, Eindhoven, Netherlands
- Telecom Italia, Turin, Italy
- SAP, Walldorf, Germany
1.7.2002 – 30.11.2003
Project Staff:
0.5 academic employee
Project leader at Fraunhofer FIT
Project Volume:
350,000 € (Fraunhofer FIT: 70,000 €)
TANE: Tele Athletic New Experience – Computer Supported Cooperative
Sports (CSCS)
MEXT (Japanese Ministery for Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technologies)
Project Partner:
University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:- SportKreativWerkstatt at the Technical University of Munich
- Stanford University, Paolo Alto, USA
- Tokio Institute of Technology, Japan
- Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, Mexico
1.10.2002 – 30.09.2003
Project Staff:
2 diplomates
Project leader at the University of Siegen
Project Volume:
10,000 €
KoKoBel: Process and system configuration for cooperative operational
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Project Partner:
Fraunhofer FIT, St. Augustin (Prof. Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner:- Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart
- Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt
1.4.2001 – 31.12.2002
Project Staff:
1.5 academic employees, several student assistants
Project leader at Fraunhofer FIT
Project Volume:
3.5 mio DM (Fraunhofer FIT 1.5 mio DM)
e-QF: e-Qualification Framework
Project Partner:
BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Fraunhofer FIT
Volker Wulf
Cooperation Partner:- Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (FhG-IGD)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Working economy and Organization
- Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Publication Systems (FhGIPSI)
- Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering
1.11.2000 – 31.12.2002
Project Staff:
1.0 academic employee, 1.0 student assistant
Project leader of the partial project of FhG-FIT, department ICON
Project Volume:
FIT: 1.3 mio DM
ORGTech: Organizational development by introducing computer supported
tele-cooperation in small and medium-sized engineering companies
EU-commission und MAGS (Ministry for Work, Health and Social
Matters of the State NRW), support program: ADAPT
Project Partner:
University of Bonn, Institute for Informatics III (Dr. V. Wulf)
Cooperation Partner: -Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (Prof. Dr. J.
- Institute for Software Ergonomics and Information Management
University of Bremen (Prof. Dr. J. Friedrich)
- MA&T, Sell and Partner GmbH, Aachen
- Hüttenwerke Krupp-Mannesmann, Duisburg
- Design department ASKU-Scholten, Duisburg
- Design department Wegmann, Düsseldorf
01.01.1998 - 31.12.2000
Project Staff:
2.0 academic employees, 3.0 student assistants
Project leader at the University of Bonn und professional
Project Volume:
2.2 mio DM (University of Bonn: 1.1 mio DM)
PhD Students
- Martin Stein (University of Siegen)
- Johanna Meurer (University of Siegen)
- Corinna Ogonowski, (University of Siegen)
- Cornelius Neufeldt (University of Siegen)
- Lin Wan (University of Siegen)
- Marén Schorch (University of Siegen)
- Niko Schönau (University of Siegen)
- Jingjing Liu (University of Siegen)
- Jan Hess (2014)
- Kai Schubert (2013)
Volker Wulf
Claudia Müller (2013)
Saqib Saaed (2012)
Alexander Boden (2011)
Gunnar Stevens (2009)
Christian Dörner (2009)
Tim Reichling (2008)
Markus Rohde (2006)
Markus Won (2003)
Lecture “Computer Supported Cooparative Work” (University of Siegen, Information
Systems graduate level course: since 2002)
Lecture “Software Development in Organizations” (University of Siegen, Information
Systems graduate level course: since 2002)
Lecture “Computer Supported Cooperative Learning” (University of Siegen,
Information Systems graduate level course: 2002 - 2010)
Lecture “Media Design and Technologies” (University of Siegen, Information Systems
graduate level course: 2002 - 2004)
Lecture “Development and Design of Software Applications” (University of Siegen,
Information Systems undergraduate level course: 2005)
Lecture “Entrepreneurship in New Media” (RWTH Aachen, Computer Science and
Systems Engineering graduate level course: 2001)
Lecture “Media Theories” (Technical University Chemnitz, Computer Science
undergraduate level course: 2001)
Lecture “Interactive Systems in Organizations” (University of Hamburg, Computer
Science and Information Systems graduate level course: 2000)
Tele-Lecture “Computers and Society” (University of Freiburg, Computer Science
undergraduate level course: 1997 and 1999)
Course “Development of Media Applications”, (University of Siegen in cooperation
with two local SMEs of the software industry: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)
Course “Mediengestaltung” (Technical University of Chemnitz, Computer Science
undergraduate level: 2001)
Course “Knowledge Networks for Software Development and Tailoring Activities”
(University of Hamburg, Computer Science and Information Systems’ graduate
level course: 2000)
Volker Wulf
Journal Articles
Benedikt Ley, Corinna Ogonowski, Mu Mu, Jan Heß, Nicholas J. P. Race, David
Randall, Mark Rouncefield, Volker Wulf: At Home with Users: A Comparative
View of Living Labs. Interacting with Computers 27(1), 2015, p. 21-35
Alexander Boden; Christian Dörner; Sebastian Draxler; Volkmar Pipek; Gunnar
Stevens; Volker Wulf: Tangible and screen-based interfaces for End-user
Workflow Modeling, in: IEEE Software, Vol. 31, Nr. 4, 2014, p. 65-71
Rafael Prikladnicki; Alexander Boden; Gabriela Avram; Cleidson R. B. de Souza;
Volker Wulf: Data Collection in Global Software Engineering Research:
Learning from Past Experience, in: Empirical Software Engineering, Vol. 19,
No. 4, 2014, p. 822-856
Benedikt Ley, Corinna Ogonowski, Jan Heß, Tim Reichling, Lin Wan, Volker Wulf:
Impacts of New Technologies on Media Usage and Social Behaviour in
Domestic Environments, in: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 33, No
8, 2014, p. 815-828
Mark Ackerman; Juri Dachtera; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Sharing Knowledge and
Expertise: The CSCW View of Knowledge Management, in: Computer
Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing
(JCSCW), Vol. 22, No 4-6, 2013, p. 531 - 573
Tobias Schwartz; Gunnar Stevens; Leonardo Ramirez; Volker Wulf: Uncovering
practices of making energy consumption accountable. A phenomenological
inquiry, in: ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction (ToCHI), Vol.
20, No. 2, 2013, paper 12
Anne Weibert; Thomas von Rekowski, Volker Wulf: Informatik erschließen: Ein
curricularer Ansatz für Mädchen. Informatik Spektrum Vol. 36, No. 3, 2013, p.
Volker Wulf
Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf; Aditya Johri: Bridging Artifacts and Actors: Expertise
Sharing in Organizational Ecosystems, in: Computer Supported Cooperative
Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing (JCSCW), Vol. 21, Issue 2-3,
2012, p. 261-282
Jan Hess; David Randall; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Involving Users in the Wild Participatory Product Development in and with Online Communities, in:
International Journal on Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Vol. 71, Issue 5,
May 2012, p. 570–589
Alexander Boden; Gabriela Avram; Liam Bannon; Volker Wulf: Knowledge Sharing
Practices and the Impact of Cultural Factors: Reflections on Two Case Studies
of Offshoring in SME, in: Journal of Software Maintenance Vol. 24, No. 2, 2012,
p. 139-152
Jan Hess; Christian Reuter; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Supporting End-User
Articulations in Evolving Business Processes: A Case Study to Explore Intuitive
Notations and Interaction Designs, in: International Journal on Cooperative
Information Systems (IJCIS), Vol. 21, No 4, 2012: p. 263-296
Fahri Yetim; Sebastian Draxler; Gunnar Stevens; Volker Wulf: Fostering Continuous
User Participation by Embedding a Communication Support Tool in User
Interfaces, in: AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 4,
Issue 2, 2012, p. 153-168
Leonardo Ramirez; Matthias Betz; Tobias Dyrks; Markus Scholz; Jan Gerwinski;
Volker Wulf: Landmarke - An ad hoc Deployable Ubicomp Infrastructure to
Support Indoor Navigation of Firefighters, in: Personal and Ubiquitous
Computing (PUC), Vol. 16, Issue 8, 2012, p. 1025 - 1038
Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Sozio-Informatik, in: Informatik Spektrum, Vol. 34, No. 2,
2011, p. 210-213
Saqib Saeed; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Analyzing Political Activists' Organization
Practices: Findings from a Long Term Case Study of the European Social
Forum, in: Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of
Collaborative Computing (JCSCW), Vol. 20, No. 4-5, 2011, p. 265-304
Kai Schubert; Anne Weibert; Volker Wulf: Locating Computer Clubs in Multicultural
Neighborhoods: How Collaborative Project Work Fosters Integration
Processes, in: International Journal on Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Vol.
69, 2011, p. 669–678
Schubert; Gregor Stuhldreier; Volker Wulf: come_IN: Interkulturelle
Computerclubs zur Förderung von Integrationsprozessen, in: Informatik
Spektrum Vol. 34, No. 3, 2011, p. 286-294
Volker Wulf
Christian Dörner; Fahri Yetim; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Supporting Business
Process Experts in Tailoring Business Processes, in: Interacting with
Computers, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2011, p. 226 - 239
Bendikt Ley; Matthias Betz; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Mixed Reality Tagging Optionen verbesserten Dokumentenhandlings in der Wissenschaft, in:
Informatik Spektrum, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2011, p. 165-177
Alexander Boden; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Operational and Strategic Learning in
Global Software Development - Implications from two Offshoring Case Studies
in Small Enterprises, in: IEEE Software, Vol. 27, No. 6, 2010, p. 58 - 65
Gunnar Stevens; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Appropriation Infrastructure: Mediating
Appropriation and Production Work, in: Journal of Organizational and End User
Computing (JOEUC), Vol. 22, Issue 2, 2010, p. 58-81
Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Infrastructuring: Towards an Integrated Perspective on
the Design and Use of Information Technology, in: Journal of the Association of
Information System (JAIS), Vol. 10, Issue 5, May 2009, p. 306-332
Alexander Boden; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Off-Shoring in kleinen und mittleren
Wirtschaftsinformatik, Nr. 265, 01/2009, 92 – 102
Christian Dörner; Sebastian Draxler; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: End-Users at the
Bazaar – Designing the next Generation of ERP Systems, in: IEEE Software,
Vol. 26, No. 5, 2009, p. 45 - 51
Gunnar Stevens; Volker Wulf: Computer-Supported Access Control, in: ACM
Transactions on Computer Human Interaction (ToCHI), Vol. 16, Issue 3, 2009,
Article 12
Volker Wulf; Volkmar Pipek; Markus Won: Component-based Tailorability: Towards
Highly Flexible Software Applications, in: International Journal on HumanComputer Studies (IJHCS), Vol. 66, No. 1, 2008, p. 1 – 22
Volker Wulf
Gerhard Fischer; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Community-based Learning: The Core
Competency of Residential, Research-based Universities, in: International
Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL), Vol. 2, No. 1,
2007, p. 9 - 40
Tim Reichling; Michael Veith; Volker Wulf: Expert Recommender: Designing for a
Network Organization, in: Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal
of Collaborative Computing (JCSCW), Vol. 16, No. 4 – 5, 2007, p. 431 - 465
Markus Rohde; Ralf Klamma; Matthias Jarke; Volker Wulf: Reality is our Laboratory:
Communities of Practice in Applied Computer Science, in: Behaviour &
Information Technology (BIT), Vol. 26, No. 1, 2007, p. 81 – 94
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller; Gunnar Stevens; Alex Thorogood; Shannon O’Brian; Volker
Wulf: Sports over a Distance, in: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC),
Vol. 11, No. 8, 2007, p. 633 - 645
Marleen Huysman; Volker Wulf: IT to Support Knowledge Sharing in Communities:
Towards a Social Capital Analysis, in: Journal of Information Technology (JIT),
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2006, p. 40 - 51
Volker Wulf; Helge Kahler; Oliver Stiemerling; Markus Won: Tailoring by Integration of
Domain-specific Components: The Case of a Document Search Tool, in:
Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT), Vol. 24, No. 4, 2005, p. 317 - 333
Marleen Huysman; Volker Wulf: The Role of Information Technology in Sustaining the
Relational Base of Communities, in: The Information Society (TIS), Vol. 21, No.
2, 2005, p. 81 – 89
Markus Klann; Daniel Humberg; Volker Wulf: Mobile Endgeräte als kontextsensitive
integrierte Bedien- und Hilfesysteme, in: WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 47.
Jg., Nr. 1, 2005, p. 36 – 44
Volker Wulf; Matthias Jarke: The Economics of End User Development, in:
Communications of the ACM (CACM), Vol. 47, No. 9, 2004, p. 41 - 42
Anders Mørch; Gunnar Stevens; Markus Won; Markus Klann; Yvonne Dittrich;
Volker Wulf: Component-based Technologies for End User Development, in:
Communications of the ACM (CACM), Vol. 47, No. 9, 2004, p. 59 - 62
Volker Wulf
J. H. Erik Andriessen, Marike Hettinga, Volker Wulf: Introduction to the Special Issue
on Evolving Use of Groupware, in: Computer Supported Cooperative Work:
The Journal of Collaborative Computing (JCSCW), Vol. 12, No. 4, 2003, p.
367 - 380
Gunnar Stevens, Volker Wulf: Elektronische Archive in virtuellen Organisationen:
Flexibilisierte Zugriffskontrolle auf Basis von Komponententechnologie, in:
Informatik-Spektrum, Vol. 25, Nr. 1, 2002, p. 12 - 21 (1-02-1)
Volker Wulf, Björn Golombek: Direct Activation: A Concept to Encourage Tailoring
Activities; in: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2001, p. 249
- 263 (1-01-1)
Volker Wulf, Volkmar Pipek, Andreas Pfeifer: Resolving Function-based Conflicts in
Groupware Systems, in: AI and Society, Vol. 15, 2001, p. 233 - 262 (1-01-2)
Gunnar Stevens, Volker Wulf: Elektronische Archive in virtuellen Organisationen:
Gestaltung im Spannungsfeld von Kooperation und Konkurrenz, in: InformatikSpektrum, Vol. 24, Nr. 6, 2001, p. 369 - 377 (1-01-3)
Volker Wulf: Exploration Environments: Supporting Users to Learn Groupware
Functions, in: Interacting with Computers, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2000, p. 265 - 299 (100-1)
Oliver Stiemerling; Volker Wulf: Beyond "Yes and No" - Extending Access Control in
Groupware with Awareness and Negotiation, in: Group Decision and
Negotiation, Vol. 9, 2000, p. 221 - 235 (1-00-2)
Oliver Stiemerling; Markus Won; Volker Wulf: Zugriffskontrolle in Groupware - Ein
nutzerorientierter Ansatz, in: WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 42. Jg., Nr. 4,
2000, p. 318 – 328 (1-00-3)
Helge Kahler, Anders Mørch, Oliver Stiemerling, Volker Wulf: Introduction to the
Special Issue on Tailorable Systems and Cooperative Work, in: Computer
Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing
(JCSCW), Vol. 9, No. 1, 2000, p. 1 – 4 (1-00-4)
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf: Evolving Cooperation when Introducing Groupware – A Self-Organization
Perspective, in: Cybernetics and Human Knowing, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1999, p. 55 75 (1-99-1)
Volker Wulf; Oliver Stiemerling; Andreas Pfeifer: Tailoring Groupware for Different
Scopes of Validity, in: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 18, No. 3,
1999, p. 199 - 212 (1-99-2)
Volker Wulf; Matthias Krings; Oliver Stiemerling; Giulio Iacucci; Paul Fuchs
Frohnhofen; Joachim Hinrichs; Martin Maidhof; Bernhard Nett; Ralph Peters:
Improving Inter-Organizational Processes with Integrated Organization and
Technology Development, in: Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 5,
No. 6, 1999, pS. 339 - 365 (1-99-3)
Mark; Volker Wulf: Changing Interpersonal Communication through
Groupware Use, in: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 18, No. 5, 1999,
p. 385 - 395 (1-99-4)
Armin B. Cremers; Helge Kahler; Andreas Pfeifer; Oliver Stiemerling; Volker Wulf:
POLITeam - Kokonstrutive und evolutionäre Entwicklung einer Groupware, in:
Informatik-Spektrum, Vol. 21, Nr. 4, 1998, p. 194 – 202 (1-98-1)
Volker Wulf, Markus Rohde: Reducing Conflicts in Groupware: Metafunctions and
their Empirical Evaluation; in: Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 15,
No. 6, 1996, p. 339 – 351 (1-96-1)
Markus Rohde; Andreas Pfeifer; Volker Wulf: Konfliktmanagement bei Vorgangsbearbeitungssystemen; in: WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 38. Jg., Nr. 2, 1996,
p. 199 – 209 (1-96-2)
Volker Wulf: Negotiability: Handling Access to Data in Groupware, in: Behaviour &
Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1995, p. 143 - 151 (1-95-1)
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf: Zur anpassbaren Gestaltung von Groupware: Anforderungen, Konzepte,
Implementierungen und Evaluationen [Design of Tailorable Groupware:
Requirements, Concepts, Implementations, and Evaluations], GMD Research
Series, Nr. 10/2001, St. Augustin 2001 (Habilitation Thesis University of
Hamburg 2000) (3-01-1)
Volker Wulf: Konfliktmanagement bei Groupware [Managing Conflicts in Groupware],
Vieweg, Braunschweig und Wiesbaden 1997 (PhD Thesis, University of
Dortmund 1996) (3-97-1)
Volker Wulf
Edited Books and Special Issues of International Journals
Volker Wulf; David Randall; Kjeld Schmidt (eds): Designing Socially Embedded
Technologies in the Real-World, Springer, London, 2015
Jan Hess; Hendrik Knoche; Volker Wulf (eds): Thinking beyond the Box: Designing
Interactive TV across Different Devices, Special Issue of Behaviour &
Information Technology (BIT), Vol 30, No 8, 2014
Sean Goggins; Isa Jahnke; Volker Wulf (eds): Computer-Supported Collaborative
Learning at the Workplace, Springer, London, 2013
Mark Ackerman, Carla Simone, Volker Wulf (eds): Knowledge Management in
Practice, Special Issue of the journal: Computer Supported Cooperative Work:
The Journal of Collaborative Computing (JCSCW), Vol. 21, No 2-3, 2012
Gabriela Avram; Volker Wulf (eds): Studying Work Practices in Global Software
Development, Special Section of Information and Software Technology (IST),
Vol. 53, No 9, 2011
Jörg Haake; Volker Wulf (eds): Kontextbasierte Interaktion, special issue of the
journal: Informatik Spektrum, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2011
Susanne Bødker; Niels Olof Bouvin; Volker Wulf; Luigina Ciolfi; Wayne Lutters (eds):
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2011), 24-28 September 2011, Aarhus Denmark,
Springer London 2011
Volker Wulf
Myriam Lewkowicz; Parina Hassanaly; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf (eds):
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Designing Cooperative
Systems (COOP 2010), May, 18th-21st, 2010, Aix-en-Provence, Springer
London 2010
Volker Wulf; Volkmar Pipek; Boris de Ruyter; Mary-Beth Rosson (eds.): End User
Development, Special Issue of the Journal of Organizational and End User
Computing (JOEUC), Vol. 22, Issue 2 und 3, 2010
Kai Riemer; Volker Wulf (eds): Real-time Collaboration (RTC) and Distributed Work,
Special Issue of the International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC), Vol. 6,
Issue 3, 2010
Volkmar Pipek; Mary-Beth Rosson; Boris de Ruyter; Volker Wulf (eds): Proceedings
of the Second International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD
2009), Springer, LNCS 5435, Heidelberg 2009
Reinhard Oppermann; Markus Eisenhauer; Matthias Jarke; Volker Wulf (eds):
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2009), ACM-Press,
New York 2009
Kai Schubert; Sigrid Schubert; Volker Wulf (eds): Interaktionen (Interactions), special
issue of the journal: Navigationen: Siegener Beiträge zur Medien- und
Kulturwissenschaft (Contributions from Siegen to Media and Culture Science),
8. Jg, Heft 1, 2008
Mark Ackerman; Rose Dieng-Kuntz; Carla Simone; Volker Wulf (eds): Proceedings of
the Conference on Knowledge Management in Action (KMIA 2008), IFIPSeries 270, Springer, Boston 2008
Markus Rohde: Gerry Stahl; Volker Wulf (eds): Computer Support for Learning
Communities, Special Issue of Behaviour and Information Technology (BIT),
Vol. 26, No. 1, 2007
Henry Lieberman; Fabio Paternó; Volker Wulf (eds): End User Development,
Springer, Dordrecht 2006 (2nd edition also appeared in 2006 as a paperback)
Volker Wulf
Marleen Huysman; Volker Wulf (eds): Communities and Information Technology,
Special Issue of The Information Society (TIS), Vol. 21, No. 2, 2005
Marleen Huysman; Volker Wulf (eds): Social Capital and Information Technology,
MIT-Press, Cambridge, MA 2004 (3-04-1)
Heimo H. Adelsberger; Stefan Eicker; Helmut Krcmar; Jan M. Pawlowski; Klaus Pohl;
Dieter Rombach; Volker Wulf (eds): Proceedings der Multikonferenz
Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2004), (Proceedings of the Multiconference in
Business Informatics), Essen, 9. – 11. 3. 2004, Band 1, Berlin 2004
Mark Ackerman, Volkmar Pipek, Volker Wulf (eds): Sharing Expertise: Beyond
Knowledge Management, MIT-Press, Cambridge, MA 2003
Marleen Huysman; Etienne Wenger; Volker Wulf (eds): Proceedings of the
International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T 2003),
Kluwer, Dordrecht 2003
J. H. Erik Andriessen, Marike Hettinga, Volker Wulf (eds): Evolving Use of
Groupware, Special Issue of the journal: Computer Supported Cooperative
Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing (JCSCW), Vol. 12, No. 4, 2003
Markus Rohde, Markus Rittenbruch, Volker Wulf (eds): Auf dem Weg zur virtuellen
Organisation: Fallstudien, Problembeschreibungen, Lösungsansätze, (On the
Way to Virtual Organization: Case Studies, Problem Descriptions, Solution
Approaches), Physica, Heidelberg 2001
Wolfgang Prinz, Matthias Jarke, Yvonne Rogers, Kjeld Schmidt, Volker Wulf (eds):
Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (ECSCW ’01), Kluwer, Dordrecht 2001
Volker Wulf
Stefan Uellner, Volker Wulf (eds): Vernetztes Lernen mit digitalen Medien
(Proceedings der Tagung D-CSCL 2000), (Interconnected Learning with
Digital Media – Proceedings of the D-CSCL), Physica, Heidelberg 2000
Helge Kahler, Anders Mørch, Oliver Stiemerling, Volker Wulf (eds): Tailorable
Systems and Cooperative Work, Special Issue of the journal: Computer
Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing
(JCSCW), Vol. 9, No. 1, 2000
Darek Erikson, Volker Wulf (eds): Self-Organization: A Challenge to CSCW, Special
Issue of the journal: Cybernetics & Human Knowing, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1999
Peter Mambrey, Michael Paetau, Wolfgang Prinz, Volker Wulf (eds): Groupware for
Self-Organizing Units, Special Issue of the SIGOIS Bulletins, Vol. 17, No. 1,
Hartmann, Thomas Herrmann, Markus Rohde, Volker Wulf (eds):
Menschengerechte Groupware - Software-ergonomische Gestaltung und
partizipative Umsetzung, (Groupware for Humans – software-ergonomic
Design and participative Implementation), Teubner, Stuttgart u.a. 1994
Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf; Abdramane Diarra (eds): Agricultural Transformation and
Social Change in Africa, Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M. u.a. 1992
Volker Wulf
Conference Papers and Book Chapters
Claudia Müller, Dominik Hornung, Theodor Hamm, Volker Wulf: Practice-based
Design of a Neighborhood Portal: Focusing on Elderly Tenants in a City
Quarter Living Lab, in: Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Human
Interaction (CHI 2015), ACM-Press, New York 2015, 2295-2304
George P. Yerousis, Konstantin Aal, Thomas von Rekowski, David W. Randall,
Markus Rohde, Volker Wulf: Computer-Enabled Project Spaces: Connecting
with Palestinian Refugees across Camp Boundaries, in: Proceedings of ACM
Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2015), ACM-Press, New
York 2015, 3749-3758
Claudia Müller, Dominik Hornung, Theodor Hamm, Volker Wulf: Measures and Tools
for Supporting ICT Appropriation by Elderly and Non Tech-Savvy Persons in a
Long-Term Perspective, in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth European
Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2015),
Springer, London 2015, 263-281
Oliver Stickel, Dominik Hornung, Konstantin Aal, Markus Rohde, Volker Wulf: 3D
Printing with Marginalized Children - An Exploration in a Palestinian Refugee
Camp, in: Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2015), Springer, London 2015, 83-102
Dominik Hering, Tobias Schwartz, Alexander Boden, Volker Wulf: Integrating
Usability-Engineering into the Software Developing Processes of SME: A
Case Study of Software Developing SME in Germany, in: Proceedings of the
CHASE Workshop at ICSE 2015 Conference, 121-122
Matthias Betz; Volker Wulf: EmergencyMessenger: A text based communication
concept for indoor firefighting, in: Proceedings of ACM Conference on
Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2014), ACM-Press, New York 2014, 15151524
Juri Dachtera; David Randall; Volker Wulf: Research on Research: Design Research
at the Margins: Academia, Industry and End-Users in: Proceedings of ACM
Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2014), ACM-Press, New
York 2014, 713-722 (Honorary Mentioned, 5% best papers)
Johanna Meurer, Martin Stein, Volker Wulf: Designing Cooperation for Sustainable
Mobility: Mobile Methods in Ridesharing Contexts, in: Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on Designing Cooperative Systems (COOP 2014),
Springer 2014: 345-359
Volker Wulf
Jingjing Liu, Alexander Boden, David W. Randall, Volker Wulf: Enriching the
distressing reality: social media use by Chinese migrant workers, in:
Proceedings of the ACM Conference of Computer Supported Cooperative
Work (CSCW 2014), ACM Press New York, 2014, 710-721
Alexander Boden, Frank Roßwog, Gunnar Stevens, Volker Wulf: Articulation spaces:
bridging the gap between formal and informal coordination, in: in: Proceedings
of the ACM Conference of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW
2014), ACM Press New York: 1120-1130
Lin Wan; Claudia Müller; Volker Wulf; David Randall: Addressing the Subtleties in
Dementia Care: Pre-study & Evaluation of a GPS Monitoring System, in:
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2014),
ACM-Press, New York 2014, 3987-3996
Johanna Meuerer; Martin Stein; David Randall; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Social
dependency and mobile autonomy – Supporting older adults’ mobility with
ridesharing ICT: in: Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Human
Interaction (CHI 2014), ACM-Press, New York 2014, 1923-1932
Johanna Meuerer; Martin Stein; David Randall; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf:
Mitfahrpraktiken älterer Menschen verstehen und gestalten: Ergebnisse einer
Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2014), Paderborn, 26. – 28. February 2014, CDPublication, in print
Volker Wulf, Kaoru Misaki, Meryem Atam, David Randall, Markus Rohde: ‘On the
Ground’ in Sidi Bouzid: Investigating Social Media Use during the Tunisian
Revolution, in: Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW 2013), ACM-Press, New York 2013, 1409-1418
Volker Wulf; Konstantin Aal; Ibrahim Abu Kteish; Meryam Atam; Kai Schubert;
George Yerousis; David Randall, Markus Rohde: Fighting against the Wall:
Social Media use by Political Activists in a Palestinian Village in: Proceedings
of ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2013), ACM-Press,
New York 2013, 1979-1988
Muhammad Adeel, Bernhard Nett, Turkan Gurbanova, Volker Wulf and David
Randall; The Challenges of Microfinance Innovation: Understanding ‘private
services’, in: Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Conference on
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2013), Springer, London
2013, 261 - 280
Corinna Ogonowski; Benedikt Ley; Jan Hess; Lin Wan; Volker Wulf: Designing for
the Living Room: Long-Term User Involvement in a Living Lab, in:
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2013),
ACM-Press, New York 2013, 1539-1548 (Honorary Mentioned, 5% best
Volker Wulf
Tobias Schwartz; Sebastian Denef; Gunnar Stevens; Leonardo Ramirez; Volker
Wulf: Cultivating Energy Literacy— Results from a Longitudinal Living Lab
Study of a Home Energy Management System, in: Proceedings of ACM
Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2013), ACM-Press, New
York 2013, 1193-1202
Lin Wan, Jan Heß, Benedikt Ley, Volker Wulf, Vitali Sjablow: Onegai: a demanddriven photo sharing tool with location reference. CHI Extended Abstracts
2013: 841-846
Claudia Müller, Cornelius Neufeldt, David Randall, Volker Wulf: ICT-development in
residential care settings: sensitizing design to the life circumstances of the
residents of a care home, in: Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer
Human Interaction (CHI 2012), ACM-Press, New York 2012, 2639-2648
Jan Heß, Benedikt Ley, Corinna Ogonowski, Tim Reichling, Lin Wan, Volker Wulf:
New technology@home: impacts on usage behavior and social structures, in:
Proceedings of EuroITV 2012: 185-194
Jan Heß, Lin Wan, Benedikt Ley, Volker Wulf: In-situ everywhere: a qualitative
feedback infrastructure for cross platform home-IT, in: Proceedings of EuroITV
2012: 75-78
Jonathan Lazar, Julio Abascal, Janet Davis, Vanessa Evers, Jan Gulliksen, Joaquim
A. Jorge, Tom McEwan, Fabio Paternò, Hans Persson, Raquel Oliveira
Prates, Hans von Axelson, Marco Winckler, Volker Wulf: HCI public policy
activities in 2012: A 10-country discussion, in: Interactions 19(3), 2012, 78-81
Jan Heß, Benedikt Ley, Corinna Ogonowski, Lin Wan, Volker Wulf: Flexible
Mediennutzung durch die Integration von Geräten und Diensten, in:
Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer (M&C 2012), Oldenburg,
München 2012, 253-262
Volker Wulf; Markus Rohde; Volkmar Pipek; Gunnar Stevens: Engaging with
Practices: Design Case Studies as a Research Framework in CSCW, in:
Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
(CSCW 2011), ACM-Press, New York 2011, 505-512
Saqib Saeed; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Communicating in a Transnational
Network of Social Activists: The Crucial Importance of Mailing List Usage. In
Proceedings of 17th International Conference (CRIWG 2011), Springer,
LNCS, Heidelberg, 2011, 81-88
Volker Wulf
Saqib Saeed; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Conducting ICT Research in Voluntary
Organizations: Reflections from a Long Term Study of the European Social
Forum, in: Journal of Community Informatics (JoCI), Volume 7, Issue 3, 2011
Ed H. Chi; Mary Czerwinski; David R. Millen; Dave Randall; Gunnar Stevens; Volker
Wulf; John Zimmermann: Transferability of research findings: contextdependent or model-driven. CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM-Press, New York
2011, 651-654
Anne Weibert; Volker Wulf: “All of a sudden we had this dialogue…”: Intercultural
computer clubs’ contribution to sustainable integration, in: Proceedings of the
Third International Conference on Intercultural Cooperation (ICIC 2010), ACMPress, New York 2010, 93-102
Peter Brödner, Volker Wulf: Perspektivwechsel auf IS: Von der Systemgestaltung zur
Strukturation sozialer Praxis, in: Proceedings der Tagung ‚Mensch und
Computer 2010‘, Duisburg, 12. – 15. September 2010
Muhammad Adeel; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Innovating the Field Level of
Microfinance – A Pakistan Case Study, in: Proceedings of the International
Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development
(ICTD 2010), IEEE-Press
Saqib Saeed; Markus Rohde; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Managing Nomadic
Knowledge: A Case Study of the European Social Forum, in: Proceedings of
ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2010), ACM-Press,
New York 2009, 537-546
Simon Plogmann; Muhammad Adeel; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: The Role of Social
Capital and Cooperation Infrastructures within Microfinance, in: Proceedings of
the 9th International Conference on Designing Cooperative Systems, May,
18th-21st, 2010, Aix-en-Provence, Springer, London 223-244
Tim Reichling; Benjamin Moos; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Toward Regional
Clusters: Networking Events, Collaborative Research, and the Business Finder,
in: D. Randall and P. Salambier (eds): From CSCW to Web 2.0: European
Developments in Collaborative Design, Springer, London 2010, pp. 43-61
Alexander Boden; Sebastian Draxler; Volker Wulf: Aneignungspraktiken von
Software-Entwicklern beim Offshoring: in: Proceedings der Multikonferenz
Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2010), Göttingen, 23. – 25. Februar 2010, CDPublikation
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf: Theorien sozialer Praktiken als zur Elemente zur Fundierung der
Wirtschaftsinformatik, in: Becker, J.; Krcmar, H.; Niehaves, B. (eds.):
Springer/Physika 2009, 211- 224
Volker Wulf; Florian F. Mueller; Eckehard F. Moritz; Gunnar Stevens; Martin Gibbs:
Computer Supported Collaborative Sports: An Emerging Paradigm, in: Pope, K.
L.; Kuhn, K.-A. L.; Forster, J. J. H. (eds): Digital Sports for Performance
Enhancement and Competitive Evolution, Hershey, NY, 2009, 136 - 149
Tim Reichling; Volker Wulf: Expert Recommender Systems in Practice: Evaluating
Semi-automatic Profile Generation, in: Proceedings of ACM Conference on
Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2009), ACM-Press, New York 2009, 59 – 68
Jan Hess; Volker Wulf: Explore Social Behavior around Rich-Media: A Structured
Diary Study, in: 7th European Conference on Interactive Television (EuroITV
2009), ACM-Press, New York 2009, 215-218
Michael Spahn; Volker Wulf: End-User Development of Enterprise Widgets, in: de
Ruyter, B.; Pipek; V.; Rosson. M. B.; Wulf, V. (eds): Proceedings of the
Second International Symposium on End User Development (IS-EUD 2009),
Springer, LNCS, Heidelberg 2009, 106 - 125
Michael Spahn; Volker Wulf: "End-User Development for individualized Information
Management", in: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems" (ICEIS 2009), Milan, Italy, May 6-10, 2009,
Springer Heidelberg, 843-857
Alexander Boden; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Trust and Social Capital - Revisiting
an Offshoring Failure Story of a Small German Software Company, in:
Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2009), Springer, London 2009, 123 - 142
Saqib Saeed; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Technologies within Transnational Social
Activist Communities: An Ethnographic Study of the European Social Forum,
in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Communities and
Technologies (C&T 2009), State College, PA, 23-25 June 2009, ACM-Press,
NewYork, 85 - 94
Gunnar Stevens; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Appropriation Infrastructure: Supporting
the Design of Usages; in: de Ruyter, B.; Pipek; V.; Rosson. M. B.; Wulf, V.
(eds): Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on End User
Development (IS-EUD 2009), Springer, LNCS, Heidelberg 2009, 50 – 69
Markus Rohde; Gunnar Stevens; Peter Brödner; Volker Wulf: Towards a Paradigmatic
Shift in IS: Designing for Social Practice, in: Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and
Technology (DESRIST 2009), ACM-Press, Article 15
Volker Wulf
Alexander Boden; Gabriela Avram; Liam Bannon; Volker Wulf: Knowledge
Management in Distributed Software Development Teams – Does Culture
Matter?, in: IEEE 4th International Conference on Global Software Engineering
(ICGSE'09), 13 - 16 July, 2009, in Limerick, Ireland, IEEE Press, 18 - 27
Tim Reichling; Volker Wulf; Benjamin Moos: Business Finder – A Tool for Regional
Networking among Organizations, in Proceedings of Knowledge Management
in Action (KMIA 2008), held in conjunction with the 20th IFIP World Computer
Congress (WCC 2008), 07–10 September 2008 in Milano, Springer, Boston
2008, pp. 151 - 164
Alexander Boden; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Articulation Work in Small-scale
Offshore Software Development Projects, in: Proceedings of the Proceedings
of the 2008 International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of
Software Engineering (CHASE 2008), ACM-Press, New York, pp. 21 - 24
Wendy Newsletter; Aditya Johri; Volker Wulf: Laboratory Learning: Industry and
University Research as Site for Situated and Distributed Cognition; in:
Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Science (ICLS 2008),
June 23-28, 2008, Utrecht, ISSN: 1819-0138, 8 pages.
Saqib Saeed; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Designing IT Systems for NGOs: Issues
and Directions, in: Proceedings of the First World Summit on the Knowledge
Society (WSKS 2008), Athens, Greece, September 24-26, 2008, Springer
(Communications in Computer and Information Science 19) 2008, S. 560-565
Michael Spahn; Christian Dörner; Volker Wulf: End User Development: Approaches
towards a flexible Software Design, in: Proceedings of the 16th European
Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008), 09-11 June 2008 in Galway,
Ireland, S. 482-493
Michael Spahn; Christian Dörner; Volker Wulf: End User Development of Information
Artefacts - A Design Challenge for Enterprise Systems, in: Proceedings of the
16th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2008), 09-11 June
2008 in Galway, Ireland, S. 303-314
Michael Veith; Kai Schubert; Volker Wulf: Fostering Communities in Urban Multicultural Neighbourhoods: Some Methodological Reflections, in: Foth, Marcus
(ed.): Urban Informatics: Community Integration and Implementation. Hershey,
PA: IGI Global 2008, S. 115 - 130.
Christian Dörner; Moritz Weber; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: End-user Development:
New Challenges for Service-oriented Architectures, in: Proceedings of the 4th
International Workshop on End-user Software Engineering (WEUSE '08), ACMPress New York 2008, S. 21-24
Volker Wulf
Tim Reichling; Benjamin Moos; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Towards Regional
Clusters: Networking Events, Collaborative Research, and the Business Finder,
in: Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on the Design of
Cooperative Systems (COOP 2008), 253-264
Matthias Betz, Benedikt Ley, Volkmar Pipek, Volker Wulf: Folksonomies for real things
- Tagging objects with RFID as a source for context-awareness, in: Hegering,
H.; Lehmann, A.; Ohlbach, H.; Scheideler, C. (eds.): Proceedings der GI
Jahrestagung (Band 2) 2008, LNI, Bonn, S. 789-795
Aneignungsunterstützung - Ein Konzept zur Integration von produkt- und
prozessorientierter Flexibilisierung, in: Proceedings der achten internationalen
Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2007) am 28.02. - 02.03. 2007 in Karlsruhe,
S. 823-840
Alexander Boden; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Coordination Practices in Distributed
Software Development of Small Enterprises, in: IEEE 2nd International
Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE'07), 27-30 August, 2007,
in Munich, Germany, IEEE Press, S. 235-244
Michael Veith; Kai Schubert; Volker Wulf: come_IN: Identity and Role Affiliation
mediated by an Inter-Cultural Computer Club, in: Proceedings of the IADIS
International Conference e-Society 2007, July 3-6, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal,
IADIS Press 2007, S. 144-151.
Michael Veith; Kai Schubert; Thomas von Rekowski; Volker Wulf: Working in an InterCultural Computer Club: Effects on Identity and Role Affiliation, in: IADIS
International Journal on WWW/Internet, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2007, S. 100 – 112
Matthias Betz; Mahmudul Huq; Volkmar Pipek; Markus Rohde; Gunnar Stevens;
Roman Englert; Volker Wulf (2007): An Architecture for Adaptive and
Adaptable Mobile Applications for Physically Handicapped People, in: 4th
International Conference on Universal Access in Human Computer Interaction
(UAHCI 2007), July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China, S. 335-344
Jan Heß; Volker Wulf: Community-orientierte Dienste für digitales interaktives
Fernsehen: Das Beispiel der „Find-a-Friend” Anwendung, in: i-com, Vol. 5, No.
3, 2006, S. 33 - 37
Joachim Hinrichs; Volker Wulf: Nutzungskontexte als spezifische Merkmale der
Dokumente: Empirische Befunde und Technische Lösungsansätze, in:
Proceedings der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2006), Band 1,
Bamberg, 20. – 22. Februar 2006, S. 333 – 348
Volker Wulf
Gunnar Stevens; Volker Wulf; Markus Rohde; Andreas Zimmermann: Ubiquitous
Fitness Support Starts in Everyday’s Context, in: Proceedings of the 6th World
Conference "The Engineering of Sport", July 11 to 14, 2006, München 2006
Markus Klann, Fabio Paternó, Volker Wulf: Future Perspectives in End-User
Development, in: Henry Lieberman; Fabio Paternó; Volker Wulf (eds.): End
User Development, Springer, Dordrecht 2006, S. 481 – 492
Markus Won, Oliver Stiemerling, Volker Wulf: Component-based Approaches to
Tailorable Systems, in: Henry Lieberman; Fabio Paternó; Volker Wulf (eds.):
End User Development, Springer, Dordrecht 2006, S. 127 – 153
Henry Lieberman, Fabio Paternó, Markus Klann and Volker Wulf: End-User
Development: an Emerging Paradigm, in: Henry Lieberman; Fabio Paternó;
Volker Wulf (eds.): End User Development, Springer, Dordrecht 2006, S. 9 – 16
Christian Dörner, Volkmar Pipek, Matthias Betz, Jan Heß, Markus Rohde Volker Wulf:
End User Development in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Empirical
Findings Concerning the Adaptation Process of Software Systems; in: C.
Hochberger and R. Liskowsky (eds.), Informatik 2006 - Band 1, Bonner Köllen
Verlag, Bonn 2006, S. 600 – 603
Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Wissensprozesse in der Softwarebranche - Eine
empirische Perspektive auf klein und mittelständische Unternehmen, in:
Gendolla, P.; Schäfer, J. (eds.): Wissensprozesse in der Netzwerkgesellschaft,
transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2005, S. 147 – 168
Marco Durissini; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Kompetenzentwicklung in kleinen
Unternehmen der Softwarebranche - Zur Praxisorientierung im SoftwareEngineering, in: C. Stary (eds.): Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer
2005: Kunst und Wissenschaft – Grenzüberschreitungen der interaktiven ART,
München, Oldenbourg 2005, S. 91 – 100
Joachim Hinrichs; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Context Grabbing: Assigning Metadata
in Large Document Collections, in: Proceedings of the Ninth European
Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2005),
Springer, Dordrecht 2005, S. 367 – 386
Tim Reichling; Michael Veith; Volker Wulf: Matching Human Actors based on their
Texts: Design and Evaluation of an Instance of the ExpertFinding Framework,
in: Proceedings of GROUP 2005, ACM-Press, New York 2005, S. 61 – 70
Markus Rohde; Ralf Klamma; Volker Wulf: Establishing Communities of Practise
among Students and Start-Up Companies, in: Proceedings of the International
Conference on Collaborative Learning (CSCL 2005), May 30 – June 4 in
Taipeh (Taiwan), 2005, S. 514 – 519
Gunnar Stevens; Michael Veith; Volker Wulf: Bridging among Ethnic Communities by
Cross-cultural Communities of Practice, in: Proceedings of the Second
Volker Wulf
International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T 2005),
Milano, 13-16 June 2005 Milano, Italy, Springer Dordrecht 2005, S. 377 – 396
Volkmar Pipek; Markus Won; Roman Englert; and Volker Wulf: Tailoring
Infrastructures: Supporting Cooperative Work with Configurable Email Filters, in
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2005),
September 25-29, 2005, Porto de Galinhas (Recife), LNCS 3706, Springer
Heidelberg 2005, S. 153 – 167
Volker Wulf: Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien und Methoden im
Gestaltungsprozess digitaler Medien, in: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft
und Linguistik, 34. Jg., Heft 133, 2004
Volker Wulf, Eckehard F. Moritz, Christian Henneke, Kanan Al-Zubaidi, Gunnar
Stevens: Computer Supported Collaborative Sports: Creating Social Spaces
Filled with Sports Activities, in: Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2004), Springer, Heidelberg,
S. 80 – 89
Marleen Huysman; Volker Wulf: Social Capital and IT - Current Debates and
Research, in: Huysman, M.; Wulf, V. (eds.): Social Capital and Information
Technology, MIT-Press, Cambridge, MA 2004, S. 1- 16
Helmut Krcmar; Volker Wulf: Communities in E-Business, in: Proceedings der
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2004), Essen, 11. – 13. März
2004, S. VII – VIII
Andreas Becks; Tim Reichling; Volker Wulf: Expertise Finding: Approaches to Foster
Social Capital, in: Huysman, M.; Wulf, V. (eds.): Social Capital and Information
Technology, MIT-Press, Cambridge, MA 2004, S. 333 – 354
Ralf Klamma; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Making Sense of Communities of Practice
at the University Level: Connecting Academia and Industries, in: Proceedings
der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2004), Essen, 11. – 13. März
2004, S. 324 – 335
Tim Reichling; Andreas Becks; Oliver Bresser; Volker Wulf: Koordinationswerkzeuge
zur Bildung von Lerngruppen, in: Haake, J.; Schwabe, G.; Wessner, G.: (eds.):
CSCL-Kompendium: Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten
kooperativen Lernen. Oldenbourg, München 2004, S. 80 – 85
Tim Reichling; Andreas Becks; Oliver Bresser; Volker Wulf: Kontaktanbahnung in
Lernplattformen: Ein Ansatz zur Förderung von Wissensprozessen, in:
Proceedings der Tagung „Mensch & Computer 2004 (MC 2004)“, am Paderborn, Teubner, S. 179 – 188
Markus Rohde; Ralf Klamma; Matthias Jarke; Volker Wulf: Praxisgemeinschaft als
didaktische Konzeption: Neue Ansätze medienunterstützter Projektarbeit in der
Volker Wulf
angewandten Informatik, in: i-com - Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative
Medien, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2004, S. 36 - 45
Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Pruning the Answer Garden: Knowledge Sharing in
Maintenance Engineering, in: Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference
on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2003), Kluwer, Dordrecht
2003, S. 1 – 20
Britta Hofmann; Volker Wulf: Building Communities among Software Engineers: The
ViSEK Approach to Intra- and Inter-Organizational Learning, in: Henninger, S.;
Maurer, F.; (eds.): Advances in Learning Software Organizations: Proceedings
of the International Workshop on Learning Software Organizations (LSO 2002),
Revised Papers, LNCS 2640, Springer, Heidelberg 2003, S. 25 - 34
Ralf Kalmar; Volker Wulf: Das virtuelle Software-Engineering Kompetenzzentrum
(ViSEK), in: Proceedings der sechsten internationalen Tagung
Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2003) am 17. - 19.9. 2003 in Dresden (Band II),
Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg 2003, S. 987-1006
Markus Won; Volker Wulf: Anpassungsumgebung für komponentenbasierte
Software: Kooperativ und lernförderlich, in: i-com - Zeitschrift für interaktive
und kooperative Medien, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2003, S. 28 - 34
Volkmar Pipek; Joachim Hinrichs; Volker Wulf: Sharing Expertise: Challenges for
Technical Support, in: Ackerman, M.; Pipek, V.; Wulf, V. (eds.): Beyond
Knowledge Management: Sharing Expertise, MIT-Press, Cambridge 2003, S.
111 - 136
Andreas Becks; Tim Reichling; Volker Wulf: Supporting Collaborative Learning by
Matching Human Actors, in: Ralph H. Sprague, Jr. (ed.): Proceedings of the
Thirty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(HICSS-36), January 6-9, 2003, Big Island, Hawaii, IEEE Computer Society,
ISBN 0-7695-1875-5, 2003, ohne Seiten
Joachim Hinrichs, Jürgen Friedrich; Volker Wulf: Zur Bedeutung des
Nutzungskontextes im Dokumentenmanagement: Empirische Befunde und
technische Lösungsansätze, in: Proceedings der Tagung „Mensch &
Computer 2003 (MC 2003)“, am 7.-10.09.2003 Stuttgart, Teubner, Stuttgart, S.
65 – 76
Ralf Klamma, Matthias Jarke, Markus Rohde, Volker Wulf: New Approaches to
Media-Supported Project Work at the University Level, in: Proceedings of
Third IEEE International Conferernce on Advanced Learning Technologies
(ICALT 2003), Athens, Greece, July 9-11, 2003, IEEE Learning Technology
Task Force, 2003, S. 356-357
Markus Klann, Markus Eisenhauer, Reinhard Oppermann, Volker Wulf: Shared
initiative: cross-fertilisation between situation aware and tailorable systems, in:
Volker Wulf
C. Stephanidis (ed.): Universal Access in HCI, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Mahwah 2003, S. 562 - 566
Gunnar Stevens; Volker Wulf: A New Dimension in Access Control: Studying
Maintenance Engineering across Organizational Boundaries, in: Proceedings of
ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2002),
ACM-Press, New York 2002, S. 196 - 205
Bettina Törpel; Volker Wulf; Helge Kahler: Participatory Organizational and
Technological Innovation in Fragmented Work Environments, in: Dittrich, Y.;
Floyd, Ch.; Klischewski, R. (eds.): Social Thinking – Software Practise, MIT
Press, Cambridge 2002, S. 331 - 356
Ralf Klamma; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Gemeinschaften und ihre technische
Unterstützung - Eine Vergleichende Buchbesprechung, in: WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 44. Jg, Nr. 5, 2002, S. 484 - 491
Ralf Klamma; Matthias Jarke; Volker Wulf: Das Virtual Entrepeneurship Lab (VEL):
Eine MPEG-7 basierte E-Learning Plattform für potentielle Gründer, in:
Schubert, S.; Reusch, B.; Jesse, N. (eds.): Informatik 2002 - 32. Jahrestagung
der Gesellschaft für Informatik (30. Sept. - 3. Okt. 2002 in Dortmund), Bonn
2002, S. 359-363
Torsten Engelskirchen; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Lebenszyklus einer Groupware
(Teil 1), in: Verwaltung & Management, 8. Jg., Nr. 3, 2002, S. 157 - 160
Torsten Engelskirchen; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Lebenszyklus einer Groupware
(Teil 2), in: Verwaltung & Management, 8. Jg., Nr. 4, 2002, S. 239 - 244
Torsten Engelskirchen; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Lebenszyklus einer Groupware
(Teil 3), in: Verwaltung & Management, 8. Jg., Nr. 5, 2002, S. 310 - 315
Ralf Klamma; Elisabeth Hollender; Matthias Jarke; Petra Moog; Volker Wulf: Vigils in
a Wilderness of Knowledge: Metadata in Learning Environments, in:
Proceedings of IEEE International Conferernce on Advanced Learning
Technologies (ICALT 2002), Kazan, Russia, September 9-12, 2002, IEEE
Learning Technology Task Force, 2002, S. 519 – 524
Bernhard Nett; Andreas Becks; André Stork; Arno Ritter; Iris Herbst; Marco Durissini;
Volker Wulf; Matthias Jarke: Unterstützung der Anlagenplanung durch einen
kooperativen Planungstisch, in: i-com - Zeitschrift für interaktive und
kooperative Medien, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2002, S. 17 - 28
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf; Björn Golombek: Exploration Environments – Concept and Empirical
Evaluation, in: Proceedings of GROUP 2001, ACM-Press, New York 2001, S.
107 - 116 (4-01-1)
Paul Fuchs-Frohnhofen; Bernhard Nett; Volker Wulf: Integrated Organizational and
Technological Development (OTD): The OrgTech Project, in: Proc. 7th
International Symposium Automated Systems Based on Human Skill,
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Pergamon Press,
London 2001, S. 229 – 232 (4-01-2)
Bernhard Nett; Paul Fuchs-Frohnhofen; Volker Wulf: Einführung von
zwischenbetrieblicher kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess, in: Rohde, M.;
Rittenbruch, M.; Wulf, V. (eds.): Auf dem Weg zur virtuellen Organisation:
Fallstudien, Problembeschreibungen, Lösungsansätze, Physica, Heidelberg
2001, S. 107 – 117 (4-01-3)
Uta Pankoke-Babatz; Wolfgang Prinz; Volker Wulf; Markus Rohde: Spezifika des
CSCW-Designs, in: Schwabe, G.; Streitz, N.; Unland, R. (eds.): CSCWKompendium, Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützten kooperativen
Arbeiten, Springer Berlin 2001, S. 373 - 394 (4-01-4)
Gunnar Teege; Oliver Stiemerling; Volker Wulf: Anpassbarkeit, in: Schwabe, G.;
Streitz, N.; Unland, R. (eds.): CSCW-Kompendium, Lehr- und Handbuch zum
computerunterstützten kooperativen Arbeiten, Springer Berlin 2001, S. 321 334 (4-01-5)
Bernhard Nett; Paul Fuchs-Frohnhofen; Volker Wulf: Obstacles to Telecooperation in
Engineering Networks of the Building Industry. In: Proceedings of the
Participatory Design Conference (PDC 2000), 29.11. – 1.12.2000, New York,
S. 143 – 147 (4-00-5)
Bernhard Nett; Giulio Iacucci; Volker Wulf: Inter-Organizational Telecooperation: A
Case Study in the German Steel Industry. In: Work in Progress, Participatory
Design Conference 2000, 29.11. – 1.12.200, New York, S. 305 – 309 (4-00-5)
Bernhard Nett; Karsten Spies; Volker Wulf: Partizipationsbeschränkungen als
Blockaden interorganisationaler Kooperation, In: R. Reichwald, J. Schlichter
(eds.), Verteiltes Arbeiten – Arbeit der Zukunft. B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart 2000,
S. 195 – 206 (4-00-5)
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf: „Let's see your Search-Tool!” – On the Collaborative Use of Tailored
Artifacts, in: Proceedings of GROUP '99, ACM-Press, New York 1999, S. 50 –
60 (4-99-1)
Volker Wulf: Conflicts and Negotiation in Multi–User Applications; in: Kent, A.;
Williams, J. G. (eds): Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, Marcel Dekker, New
Basel, Vol. 23, Suppl. 2, 1999, S. 63 – 88 (4-99-2)
Volker Wulf: „Why did that happen?“ – Building Appropriate Mental Models on
Groupware Functions, in: Bullinger, H.-J.; Ziegler, J. (eds.): Human-Computer
Interaction: Communication, Cooperation and Application Design, Lawrence
Erlbaum, Mahwah, 1999, S. 338 - 342 (4-99-3)
Volker Wulf: On Search for Tailoring Functions: Empirical Findings and Implications
for Design, in: Scott, J.; Dalgarno, B. (eds), Proceedings of OZCHI ´99,
November 28 - 30, 1999, Wagga Wagga, Australia, CSU-Publisher, S. 105-111
Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: A Groupware’s Life, in: Proceedings of the Sixth
European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW
’99), Kluwer, Dordrecht 1999, S. 199 – 219 (4-99-5)
Helge Kahler, Oliver Stiemerling, Volker Wulf, Jörg-Guido Hoepfner: Gemeinsame
Anpassung von Einzelplatzanwendungen, in: Proceedings der neunten GIFachtagung Software-Ergonomie´99, am: 3.3. - 6.3.1999 in Waldorf, Teubner,
Stuttgart 1999, S. 183 – 194 (4-99-6)
Giulio Iacucci, Oliver Stiemerling, Volker Wulf: Building the Premise of a Virtual
Organization: Obstacles and Enabling Conditions, in: Bullinger, H.-J.; Ziegler,
J.: Human-Computer Interaction: Communication, Cooperation and
Application Design, Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, 1999, S. 487 – 491 (4-99-7)
Volker Wulf: Applying Video Conferencing for Telelearning - An Evaluation of an Mbone based Toolset, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the
Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP´98), Vol. II, 26. - 29.5.1998 in Cannes,
INRIA, Sophia Antipolis 1998, S. 107 – 112 (4-98-1)
Volker Wulf; Britta Schinzel: Lecture and Tutorial via the Internet - Experiences From
a Pilot Project Connecting Five Universities, in: Proceedings of World
Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference
on Educational Telecommunication (ED-MEDIA & ED-TeleCOM 98), Freiburg,
Germany, June, 20 - 25, S. 1562 – 1567 (4-98-2)
Peter Carstensen; Volker Wulf: Common Information Spaces in Engineering Design:
An Analysis of the Structure and Use of a Project File, in: Proceedings of
Volker Wulf
Concurrent Engineering (CE 98), July 13 - 15, 1998 in Tokio, S. 127 – 135 (498-3)
Oliver Stiemerling; Volker Wulf: Beyond "Yes and No" - Extending Access Control in
Groupware with Awareness and Negotiation, in: Proceedings of the Third
International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP´98),
Vol. I, 26. - 29.5.1998 in Cannes, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis 1998, S. 111 – 120
Oliver Stiemerling; Volker Wulf; Markus Rohde: Integrated Organization and
Technology Development - The case of the ORGTech Project, in: Proceedings
of Concurrent Engineering (CE 98), July 13 - 15, 1998 in Tokio, S. 181 - 187
Giulio Iacucci; Ralph Peters; Oliver Stiemerling; Volker Wulf: Telecooperation
Systems in Engineering Companies Supplying the Metallurgy, in: Jacucci, G;
Olling, G. J.; Preiss, K.; Wozny, M. J. (eds): Globlization of Manufacturing in
the Digital Communications Era of the 21st Century - Innovation, Agility, and
the Virtual, Proceedings of PROLAMAT '98 - The Tenth International IFIP WG
5.2/5.3 Conference, September 9 - 12, 1998, Trento, Italy, Kluwer, Dordrecht
1998, S. 107 - 119 (4-98-6)
Silke Michels; Volker Wulf: Review des Buches „Virtual Teams“ von: J. Lipnack und
J. Stamps, in: ACM Computing Reviews, No. 7, 1998, S. 353 (4-98-7)
Volker Wulf: Storing and Retrieving Documents in a Shared Workspace: Experiences
from the Political Administration, in: Howard, S.; Hammond, J.; Lindgaard, G.
(eds): Human Computer Interaction: INTERACT 97, Chapman & Hall 1997, S.
469 – 476 (4-97-1)
Volker Wulf: Handling Conflicts in Groupware: Concepts and Experiences made in the
POLITeam-Project, in: Howard, S.; Hammond, J.; Lindgaard, G. (eds): Human
Computer Interaction: INTERACT 97, Chapman & Hall 1997 S. 485 – 492 (497-2)
Volker Wulf: Organisatorischer Wandel bei Einführung von Groupware, in:
Proceedings der dritten internationalen Tagung "Wirtschaftsinformatik ´97" am
26.2. - 28. 2.1997 in Berlin, S. 167 – 182 (4-97-3)
Volker Wulf; Gloria Mark: The Emergence of Conventions within Processes of
Organizational and Technological Change, in: Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Elsevier,
Amsterdam 1997, S.293 – 296 (4-97-4)
Groupwareproduktes - Diskutiert am Beispiel der Reimplementierung eines
Suchtools; in: Proceedings der achten GI-Fachtagung Software-Ergonomie´97,
am: 3.3. - 6.3.1997 in Dresden, Teubner, Stuttgart 1997, S. 211 – 220 (4-97-5)
Volker Wulf
Gloria Mark; Volker Wulf: Coordinating Effective Work Routines with Groupware, in:
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1997, S. 73 – 76 (4-97-6)
Andreas Pfeifer; Volker Wulf: Negotiating Conflicts in Active Databases; in:
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Concurrent Engineering
(CE 97), Aug. 20 - 22 1997, Oakland University, Rochester, MI., Technomic
Publishing, Lancaster, Basel 1997, S. 443 – 450 (4-97-7)
Britta Schinzel; Volker Wulf: Televorlesung und -übungen ein Mittel zur Bereicherung
des Studienangebots? Erfahrungen aus einem baden-württembergischen
Pilotprojekt, in: it-ti, Sonderheft „Computerunterstütztes Lernen“, Nr. 6, 1997, S.
35 – 40 (4-97-8)
Volker Wulf; Volkmar Pipek; Oliver Stiemerling: Review des Aufsatzes "Floor Control
for Multimedia Conferencing and Collaboration" by H.-P. Dommel and J. J.
Garcia-Lunes-Aceves, in: ACM Computing Reviews, No. 10, 1997, S. 522 (497-9)
Oliver Stiemerling; Helge Kahler; Volker Wulf: How to Make Software Softer Designing Tailorable Applications, in: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on
Designing Interactive Systems, 18. - 20.8.1997, Amsterdam (NL), ACM-Press,
New York 1997, S. 365 – 376 (4-97-10)
Volker Wulf: Auf dem Weg zu gläsernen Telefonisten? – Betriebliche Fallstudien zum
Einsatz computer-integrierter Telefonie; in: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit,
20. Jg., Nr. 6, 1996, S. 340 – 349 (4-96-1)
Thomas Herrmann, Volker Wulf, Anja Hartmann: Requirements for a Human-centered
Design of Groupware; in: Shapiro, D.; Tauber, M.; Traunmüller, R. (eds):
Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware Systems,
Elsevier, Amsterdam 1996, S. 77 – 100 (4-96-2)
Andreas Pfeifer; Volker Wulf: Aushandelbarkeit als Konfliktregelungsstrategie in
gemeinsam genutzten Datenbanken; in: Brödner, P.; Paul, H.; Hamburg, I.
(eds.): Kooperative Konstruktion und Entwicklung - die Zukunft von CADSystemen, Rainer Hampp Verlag, Muenchen 1996, S. 215 – 239 (4-96-3)
Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: An Early Evaluation of Technical Mechanisms Supporting
Negotiations in Groupware; in: Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP´96), 12. - 14.6.1996
in Juan les Pins, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis 1996, S. 281 – 297 (4-96-4)
Armin B. Cremers; Andreas Pfeifer; Volker Wulf: Review des Aufsatzes "Usability
Engineering Turns" by Keith A. Butler, in: ACM Computing Reviews, No. 12,
1996, S. 653 (4-96-5)
Helge Kahler; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Einführung von Groupware im Prozeß
intergrierter Organisations- und Technikentwicklung; in: Brödner, P.; Paul, H.;
Volker Wulf
Hamburg, I. (ed.): Kooperative Konstruktion und Entwicklung - die Zukunft von
CAD-Systemen, Rainer Hampp Verlag, München 1996, S. 95 – 115 (4-96-6)
Ludwin Fuchs, Markus Sohlenkamp, Andreas Genau, Andreas Pfeifer, Helge Kahler
und Volker Wulf: Transparenz in kooperativen Prozessen – Der Ereignisdienst
in POLITeam; in: Krcmar, H.; Lewe, H.; Schwabe, G. (eds.): Herausforderung
Telekooperation (Proceedings der DCSCW´96, 30.9. - 2.10.1996 in StuttgartHohenheim), Springer, Berlin 1996, S. 3 – 16 (4-96-7)
Volker Wulf: Mechanisms for Conflict Management in Groupware; in: Anzai, Y.;
Ogawa, K.; Mori, H. (eds): Symbiosis of Human and Artifact, Elsevier,
Amsterdam 1995, S. 379 – 385 (4-95-1)
Volker Wulf; Markus Rohde: Towards an Integrated Organization and Technology
Development; in: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Designing Interactive
Systems, 23. - 25.8.1995, Ann Arbor (Michigan), ACM-Press, New York 1995,
S. 55 – 64 (4-95-2)
Volker Wulf; Markus Rohde: Integrated Organization and Technology Development –
An Approach to Manage Change; in: Brandt, D. (ed.): Proceedings of the 5th
IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems based on Human Skill – Discussion
Group V, Aachen 1995, S. 135 – 140 (4-95-3)
Andreas Pfeifer; Volker Wulf: Negotiability as a Strategy for Conflict Management; in:
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Concurrent/Simultaneous
Engineering Frameworks and Applications, 5. - 7.4.1995 in Lisabon (Portugal),
S. 333 – 343 (4-95-4)
Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Introducing a Telecooperative CAD-System – The
Concept of Integrated Organization and Technology Development; in: Anzai,
Y.; Ogawa, K.; Mori, H. (eds): Symbiosis of Human and Artifact, Elsevier,
Amsterdam 1995, S. 787 – 792 (4-95-5)
Volker Wulf: Das Konzept gestufter Metafunktionen - ein Mittel zur Moderation von
Konflikten in Groupware; in: Hartmann, A.; Herrmann, T.; Rohde, M.; Wulf, V.
(eds.): Menschengerechte Groupware - software-ergonomische Gestaltung und
partizipative Umsetzung, Teubner, Stuttgart u.a. 1994, S. 125 – 150 (4-94-1)
Volker Wulf: Anpaßbarkeit im Prozeß evolutionärer Systementwicklung; in: GMDSpiegel, 24. Jg., 3/94, S. 41 – 46 (4-94-2)
Volker Wulf; Anja Hartmann: The Ambivalence of Network´s Visibility in an
Organizational Context; in: Clement, A.; Kolm, P.; Wagner, I. (eds),
NetWorking: Connecting Workers In and Between Organizations, North
Holland, Amsterdam 1994, S. 143 – 152 (4-94-3)
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf: Negotiability: A Metafunction to Support Personable Groupware; in:
Salvendy, G.; Smith, M.J. (eds): Human-Computer Interaction: Software and
Hardware Interfaces, Elsevier, Amsterdam u.a. 1993, S. 985 – 990 (4-93-1)
Volker Wulf: Klassifizierung benutzungsrelevanter Aspekte asynchroner Groupware;
in: Rödiger, K.-H. (ed.): Software-Ergonomie ´93, Stuttgart 1993, S. 275 – 290
Volker Wulf: Gestaltungshinweise für die Computerunterstützung teilautonomer Arbeitsgruppen im Büro; in: Drisis, L.; Konradt, U. (eds.): Benutzungsoberflächen
in der teilautonomen Arbeit, Leske und Budrich, Köln 1993, S. 55 – 77 (4-93-3)
Volker Wulf; Ulrich Pordesch: Datenschutzprobleme bei computer-integrierter
Telefonie; in: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 17. Jg., Nr. 8, 1993, S. 438 –
446 (4-93-4)
Holger Berse; Volker Wulf: Aushandelbarkeit und aktive Objekte; in: Reichel, H. (ed.)
Informatik - Wirtschaft - Gesellschaft, Springer, Berlin u.a. 1993, S. 189 – 194
Thomas Herrmann; Volker Wulf; Anja Hartmann: Kriterien zur softwareergonomischen Gestaltung von Groupware; in: Müller, W.; SenghaasKnobloch,
Softwaregestaltung – Leitbilder, Methoden und Werkzeuge. LIT-Verlag,
Münster Hamburg 1993, S. 193 – 211 (4-93-6)
Hartmann; Helge Kahler; Volker Wulf: Groupware - Probleme und
Gestaltungsoptionen (Teil 1); in: Office Management, 41. Jg., Nr. 11, 1993, S.
72 – 76 (4-93-7)
Hartmann; Helge Kahler; Volker Wulf: Groupware - Probleme und
Gestaltungsoptionen (Teil 2); in: Office Management, 41. Jg., Nr. 12, 1993, S.
64 – 67 (4-93-8)
Volker Wulf: Gruppenorientiertes CAD - Ein Ansatz zur Technikunterstützung teilautonomer Arbeitsgruppen in der Konstruktion; in: Krause, F.-L.; Ruhland,D.;
Jansen, H. (eds.): CAD ´92 – Neue Konzepte zur Realisierung
anwendungsorientierter CAD-Systeme, Springer, Berlin u.a. 1992, S. 93 - 107
Volker Wulf: The Effect of the Lomé Conventions on LDAC; in: Raffer, K.; Salih, M.
(eds): The Least Developed and the Oil-rich Arab Contries - Dependence,
Interdependence or Patronage, Macmillan, London u.a. 1992, S. 64 – 81 (4-922)
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf: The Effects of Joint European Policy on Food Self-Suffiency in SubSaharan Africa; in: Nett, B.; Wulf, V.; Diarra, A. (eds.): Agricultural
Transformation and Social Change in Africa, Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M. u.a.
1992, S. 223 – 238 (4-92-3)
Anja Hartmann; Volker Wulf: Integrierte Organisations- und Technikentwicklung - ein
Ansatz zur partizipativen Gestaltung der Arbeitswelt?; in: Langenheder, W.;
Müller, G.; Schinzel, B. (eds.): Informatik cui bono?, Springer, Berlin u.a. 1992,
S. 233 – 237 (4-92-4)
Volker Wulf; Paul Fuchs: Läßt sich CAD-Arbeit menschengerecht gestalten?; in: CIM
Management, 2/1990, S. 57 – 63 (4-90-1)
Volker Wulf
Further Publications
Jan Heß, Hendrik Knoche, Volker Wulf: Thinking beyond the box: designing
interactive TV across different devices, in: Behaviour & Information
Technology, Vol 33, No 8, 2014, 781-783
Pernille Bjørn, Jakob Bardram, Gabriela Avram, Liam J. Bannon, Alexander Boden,
David F. Redmiles, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Volker Wulf: Global software
development in a CSCW perspective. CSCW Companion 2014: 301-304
Johanna Meurer, Martin Stein, Volker Wulf, Markus Rohde: Gestaltung von
Mitfahrsystemen für ältere Erwachsene, in: i-com 13(2): 32-37 (2014)
Matthias Betz, Tobias Dyrks, Volker Wulf: Emergency Messenger als
Kommunikationskonzept für Notfallarbeit/ EmergencyMessenger as a
Communication Concept for Emergency Response Work. i-com 13(1): 4-11
Muhammad Adeel, Bernhard Nett, Volker Wulf: Microfinance in the South - from
money processing to community building, in: IJSTM 19 (1/2/3): 81-98 (2013)
Jonathan Lazar, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Jan Gulliksen, Tom McEwan, Loïc
Martínez Normand, Philippe A. Palanque, Raquel Oliveira Prates, Janice Y.
Tsai, Marco Winckler, Volker Wulf: Workshop on engaging the humancomputer interaction community with public policymaking internationally. CHI
Extended Abstracts 2013: 3279-3282
Simone; Mark Ackerman; Volker Wulf: Guest Editorial: Knowledge
Management in Practice, in: Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol 21,
No 2-3, 2012, 109-110
Manfred Tscheligi, Alexander Meschtscherjakov, Astrid Weiss, Volker Wulf, Vanessa
Evers, Bilge Mutlu: Exploring collaboration in challenging environments: from
the car to the factory and beyond, in: Proceedings of ACM-CSCW 2012
(Companion) 2012, 15-16
Saqib Saeed, Markus Rohde, Volker Wulf: Civil Society Organizations in Knowledge
Society: A Roadmap for ICT Support in Pakistani NGOs. IJABIM 3(2): 23-35
Saqib Saeed, Markus Rohde, Volker Wulf: IT for Social Activists: A Study of World
Social Forum 2006 Organizing Process. IJABIM 3(2): 62-73 (2012)
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf: Experiencing the Sendai earthquake while travelling in China, in: ZiFMitteilungen, No. 2, 2011, 8 – 9
Gabriela Avram, Volker Wulf: Guest Editorial: Studying work practices in Global
Software Engineering. Information & Software Technology, Vol. 53, No 9,
2011, 949-954
Jörg Haake, Volker Wulf: Kontextbasierte Interaktion, in: Informatik Spektrum, Vol.
34, No. 2, 2011, 117-118
Stefan Klein; Volker Wulf: Editorial des Tracks ‚Theorie und Methodik der
Wirtschaftsinformatik‘, in: Proceedings der zehnten internationalen Tagung
Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2011) am 16. - 18.2. 2011 in Zürich, Zürich 2011, pp.
1155 - 1156
Arnie Lund, Jonathan Lazar, Volker Wulf: Standards and policy SIG. CHI Extended
Abstracts 2011: 215-218
Christopher Scaffidi, Margaret M. Burnett, Maria Francesca Costabile, Simone
Stumpf, Volker Wulf: European-American Collaboration Workshop. IS-EUD
2011: 409-412
Ralf Klamma, Volker Wulf, Matthias Jarke, Anna Glukhova: Software Engineering
within Social Software Environments (SENSE 2009). Software Engineering
2009, 207-208
Anna Hannemann, Hans-Jörg Happel, Matthias Jarke, Ralf Klamma, Steffen
Lohmann, Walid Maalej, Volker Wulf: Social Aspects in Software Engineering.
Software Engineering (Workshops) 2009, 239-242
Kai Schubert; Sigrid Schubert; Volker Wulf: Interaktionen. Ein Vorwort, in:
Navigationen, Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften, Interaktionen.
Jg. 8 Heft 1, 2008, S. 7 – 10
Jörg Beringer, Roman Englert, Michael Koch, Gerhard Schwabe, Volker Wulf:
Vorwort: Kooperationssysteme / Cooperation Systems. Multikonferenz
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008
Volker Wulf
Saqib Saeed, Tim Reichling, Volker Wulf: Applying Knowledge Management to
support networks among NGOs and donors, in: Kommers P. and Isaías, P.
(eds): Proceedings of IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008, S. 626 628
Saqib Saeed, Markus Rohde, Volker Wulf: ICTs, an Alternative Sphere for Social
Movements in Pakistan – A research framework, in: Kommers P. and Isaías,
P. (eds): Proceedings of IADIS International Conference e-Society 2008, S.
523 - 526
Kai Schubert; Michael Veith; Gunnar Stevens; Volker Wulf: Spielerisches
Konstruieren im virtuellen Medium: Digitale Baukästen in interkulturellen
Computer Clubs, in: Navigationen, Zeitschrift für Medien- und
Kulturwissenschaften, Interaktionen. Jg. 8 Heft 1, 2008, S. 103 – 121
Volker Wulf: Theorien sozialer Praktiken zur Fundierung der Wirtschaftsinformatik:
Eine forschungs-programmatische Perspektive, in: International Reports on
Socio-Informatics (IRSI), Vol. 4 Iss. 1, 2007
Markus Rohde; Gerry Stahl; Volker Wulf: Introduction to the Special Issue on
Computer Support for Learning Communities, in: Behaviour & Information
Technology (BIT), Vol. 26, No. 1, 2007, S. 1 – 3
Jan Hess; Volker Wulf; Gerd Flender; Thomas Becker: Supporting users to customize
complex entertainment systems, in: Proceedings of the Workshop “Supporting
non-professional users in the new media landscape”, ACM-CHI 2007
Conference Supplements 2007
Jan Hess; Tim Reichling, Volker Wulf; Steffen Rump; Gerd Flender: Using text
matching to recommend TV shows, in: Workshop Supplement auf European
Conference on Interactive TV (EuroiTV 2007)
Aditya Johri; Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf; Michael Veith: Bridging artifacts and
actors: supporting knowledge and expertise sharing work practices through
technology, in: Poster Section of the ACM 2007 Symposium on Computer
Human Interaction for the Management of Information Technology
Gerhard Fischer, Markus Rohde and Volker Wulf: Spiders in the Net: Universities as
Facilitators of Community-based Learning, in: Journal on Community
Informatics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2006 (J. M. Carroll, A. Bishop (eds): Special Issue on
Learning Communities)
Volkmar Pipek, Mary Beth Rosson, Gunnar Stevens and Volker Wulf: Supporting the
Appropriation of ICT: End-User Development in Civil Societies, in: Journal on
Volker Wulf
Community Informatics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2006 (J. M. Carroll, A. Bishop (eds):
Special Issue on Learning Communities)
Bernhard Nett; Gunnar Stevens; Volker Wulf: Zur Unterstützung von
Wissensprozessen in Unternehmensnetzwerken – Eine Fallstudie
kontextgerechter Technikgestaltung, in: Isenhardt, I.; Hees, F. (eds.): Der
Mensch in der Kommunikation mit der Technik, Aachen 2005, S. 191 - 206
Yvonne Dittrich, Anders Mørch, Volker Wulf (eds.): Proceedings des Workshops
„Tailoring Cooperation“ auf der ECSCW 2003, 14.9.2003, in Helsinki
(Finnland), Bleking Institute of Technology, Research Report 2003:04, 2003,
ISSN: 1103-1581
Gunnar Stevens; Michael Veith; Volker Wulf: Come_In: Using Computers to Foster
the Integration of Migrant Communities, in: ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, Vol. 24,
No.3, December 2003, S. 66 – 72
Ralf Klamma; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Supporting Communities of Practise in
Applied Computer Science, in: ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, Vol. 24, No.3,
December 2003, S. 60 - 65
Christine Zimmer; Lea Meyer; Volkmar Pipek; Britta Schinzel; Andrea Wegerle;
Markus Won; Volker Wulf: Erfahrungsbericht zur Telelehrveranstaltung
„Informatik und Gesellschaft“ im Sommersemester 1999, in: Müller, G.;
Schinzel, B.; Strube, G. (eds.): Berichte des IIG - Institut für Informatik und
Gesellschaft, Universität Freiburg, 1/2000, Freiburg 2000 (5-00-1)
Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: Methodisches Vorgehen bei der Technikeinführung, in:
VOP, 21. Jg., Nr. 3, 1999, S. 39 – 42 (5-99-1)
Volkmar Pipek; Volker Wulf: POLITeam – Konzepte zur Einführung von Groupware,
in: Kubicek, H. u.a. (eds.): Multimedia@Verwaltung – Jahrbuch Telekommunikation und Gesellschaft 1999, Hüthig, Heidelberg 1999, S. 389 – 390
Volker Wulf
Volkmar Pipek; Markus Won; Volker Wulf: POLITeam - Ein Modell für ITEinführungsprozesse, in: telekom praxis, Bd. 76, Nr. 12, 1999. S. 29 - 34 (599-3)
Anders Mørch; Oliver Stiemerling; Volker Wulf: Tailorable Groupware: Issues,
Methods, and Architectures, in: ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, Vol. 19, No.1, April
1998, S. 4 – 7 (5-98-1)
Oliver Stiemerling; Volker Wulf; Armin B. Cremers; Christine Buelens; Gert Boulliard;
Martin Maidhoff; Ralph Peters; Clive Bancroft; Francis Fricker; Charles
Durand: TransIT – Investigating SME co-operation across borders in Europe,
ACM SIGGROUP-Bulletin, August 1998, S. 34 – 36 (5-98-2)
Engel, A.; Mambrey, P.; Oldenburg, S.; Wulf, V.; Ziegler, J. (eds.): Telekooperation in
der Öffentlichen Verwaltung - Organisatorische Leitsätze für Anwender,
Abschlußbericht des POLIKOM-Arbeitskreises „Organisatorische Aspekte“ im
Auftrag des BMBF, Bonn 1998 (5-98-3)
Volker Wulf: Three Research Issues in the Field of CSCW, in: SIGGROUP Bulletin,
Vol. 18, No. 2, August 1997, S. 14 – 16 (5-97-1)
Volker Wulf; Britta Schinzel: Erfahrungsbericht zur Televorlesung und Teleübung
„Informatik und Gesellschaft“, in: Müller, G.; Schinzel, B.; Strube, G. (eds.):
Berichte des IIG - Institut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Universität Freiburg,
3/97, Freiburg 1997 (5-97-2)
Vidar Hepsø; Gloria Mark; Wolfgang Prinz; Volker Wulf: Introducing Groupware in
Organizations: what leads to successes and failures?, in: ACM SIGGROUP
Bulletin, Vol. 18, No.3, December 1997, S. 39 – 41 (5-97-3)
Gloria Mark; Wolfgang Prinz; Volker Wulf: The POLITeam Project: Groupware
Introduction in a Government Environment, in: ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin, Vol.
18, No.3, December 1997, S. 64 - 69 (5-97-4)
Volker Wulf: Konfliktmanagement bei Groupware, in: Ergonomie und Informatik, Nr.
27, März 1996, S. 18 – 19 (5-96-1)
Volker Wulf: Some Remarks on the Article „Usability Engineering Turns“, in:
Ergonomie und Informatik, Nr. 29, November 1996, S. 24 – 25 (5-96-2)
Volker Wulf
Volker Wulf: Groupware within the Process of Integrated Organization and
Technology Development; in: ACM SIGOIS Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 1, April 1996,
S. 24 – 25 (5-96-3)
Helge Kahler, Andreas Pfeifer, Volker Wulf: POLITEAM - Kokonstruktive Entwicklung
einer Groupware-Anwendung, in: Ergonomie und Informatik, Nr. 29, November
1996, S. 33 – 35 (5-96-4)
Peter Mambrey; Michael Paetau; Wolfgang Prinz; Volker Wulf: Bericht über den
Workshop „Groupware for Self-Organizing Units“, in: Ergonomie und Informatik,
Nr. 27, März 1996, S. 21 – 23 (5-96-5)
Peter Mambrey; Michael Paetau; Wolfgang Prinz; Volker Wulf: The Autopoietic Turn
in Organization Science and its Relevance for CSCW, in: ACM SIGOIS
Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 1, April 1996, S. 2 – 4 (5-96-6)
Helge Kahler; Michael Paetau; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Entwicklung komplexer
Systeme im Spannungsfeld von Organisation, Arbeit und Informationstechnik;
in: FiFF-Kommunikation, 1/95, S. 36 – 42 (5-95-1)
Volker Wulf: Rezension des Buches "Kommunikationssysteme – Normung und
soziale Akzeptanz" von Heinzpeter Höller; in: Kubicek, H.; Müller, G.; Raubold,
E.; Roßnagel, A. (eds.): Jahrbuch Telekommunikation und Gesellschaft, C.F.
Müller, Heidelberg 1994, S. 305 – 306 (5-94-1)
Michael Paetau; Markus Rohde; Volker Wulf: Das Maschinenmodell wird zum
Auslaufmodell; in: Wechselwirkung, 16. Jg., Oktober 1994, S. 19 – 23 (5-94-2)
Anja Hartmann; Michael Paetau; Volker Wulf: Organisationsentwicklung und
Software-Ergonomie - Gestaltungsfelder der rechnerunterstützten Gruppenarbeit; in: Dutke, S. (eds.) Ergebnisse der 12. Arbeitstagung MenschMaschine-Kommunikation (MMK) vom 15.-18.11.1992 in Berlin, Berlin 1993,
S. 31 – 39 (5-93-1)
Anja Hartmann; Michael Paetau; Volker Wulf: Gestaltung als "Selbstgestaltung". Die
Bedeutung des OE-Ansatzes für die Technikentwicklung; Moderatorenpapier
zur 12. Arbeitstagung zur Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation MMK 1992, vom
15.-18. November in Berlin (5-91-1)
Volker Wulf
Thomas Herrmann; Volker Wulf: Entwicklung von Gestaltungsanforderungen bei
vernetzten Systemen; in: Ergonomie und Informatik, Nr. 13, Juli 1991, S. 45 –
47 (5-91-1)