Neurologie – Klinische Forschung, Stand 15. Juni 2015 Laufende klinische Versuche Aim Principal Investigator Status Research Area Bassetti recruiting Sleep 2590 183/14 Bassetti recruiting Sleep 2734 016/15 Insel-ID KeK-Nr. 3 AUTOREST 1: To compare daytime and nighttime autonomic function and cardiovascular risk markers in patients with RLS to healthy control subjects AUTOREST 2: The effects of Pramipraxole versus Placebo on daytime and nigthtime autonomic function and selected markers of cardiovascular risk in patients with RLS eSATIS: Investigation of the impact of obstructive, central and mixed SBD and its early treatment with Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) on patients’ rehabilitation from stroke within the first 3 month following stroke onset. Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep (PLMS) and excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) - Effect of a treatment with dipamine agonists. Mathis recruiting Sleep 1082 154/03 4 Thrombolysis or anticoagulation for cerebral venous thrombosis (TO-ACT). Arnold recruiting Stroke 2434 159/13 5 Biomarkers and antithrombotic treatment in cervical artery dissection (TREAT-CAD). Arnold recruiting Stroke 2478 192/13 Arnold recruiting Stroke 2501 194/13 recruiting Stroke 2577 163/14 recruiting MS 2525 054/14 1 2 8 A Randomized, Double-Blind, Multinational Study to Prevent Major Vascular Events with Ticagrelor Compared to Aspirin (ASA) in Patients with Acute Ischaemic Stroke or TIA. SOCRATES: Acute Stroke Or Transient Ischaemic Attack Treated with Aspirin or Ticagrelor and Patient Outcomes. Randomized trial comparing best medical treatment vs decompressive hemicraniecotmy in spontaneoaus intracerebral hemorrhage, SWITCH (joint projekt of neurology and neurosurgery) Teriflunomide in RRMS patients Assessing Clinical benefit and patient reported Outcomes in real-life practice 9 Influencing implicit task sequence learning and consolidation with transcranial stimulation Müri recruiting Neurorehabilitation 2694 179/14 10 Interactions between attentional networks and their influence on perception: a project in healthy subjects and hemispatial patients (AtNet) Müri recruiting Neurorehabilitation 2764 36/15 6 7 Fischer Beck Kamm Laufende Forschungsprojekte Aim 11 12 Principal Investigator Schindler Krestel Status Research Area recruiting recruiting Epilepsy Epilepsy 2521 1979 051/14 165/10 Krestel recruiting Epilepsy 2360 038/13 Schindler recruiting Epilepsy 2431 154/13 Meier recruiting Movement 2712 285/14 Schüpbach recruiting Movement 2365 021/13 Insel-ID KeK-Nr. 16 A Bayesian Inference Approach to Intracranial EEG Seizure Dynamics. Spike-getriggertes Reaktionszeit-EEG, ein zusätzliches Entscheidungsinstrument für die Beurteilung der Fahreignung bei Epilepsie? Gezielte "next-generation" Sequenzierung von Kandidatengenen und selektiertem Transkriptom in der Temporalllappenepilepsie - Ausdehnung von genomischen Methoden auf die RNA Pharmakotherapie-resistenter Epilepsien Die Rolle mediotemporaler Ripples in der Konsolidierung von bewusst und unbewusst enkodierten episodischen Gedächtnisspuren. International, multicenter, non-interventional, prospective, longitudinal study to investigate the effictiveness of Botulinum Toxin A (Dysport®) injections in patients suffering from post-stroke arm spacticity with respect to early, medium or late start of treatment (AS-NIS early BIRD). Study of mechanism of deep brain stimulation for tremor by means of peri- and posoperative accelerometric recordings. 17 BETAEVAL_GLOBAL - The new BETACONNECT TM auto-jector: Adherence and EVALuation of MS patients treated with Betaferon. Kamm recruiting MS 2627 214/14 18 A prospective, multicenter, observational study to assess the correlation of EDSS with quality of life in MS patients treated with natalizumab Kamm recruiting MS 2707 254/14 19 Weltweites Register zur Beobachtung von Schwangerschaften unter Gilenya. Kamm recruiting MS 2248 081/11 20 Nicht-interventionelle Beobachtungsstudie von Patienten unter Gilenya und anderen DMTs Kamm recruiting MS 2364 208/12 21 Schweizweites Register von MS-Patienten Kamm recruiting MS 2456 131/12 22 Validierung eines Fragebogens für manuelle Geschicklichkeit bei MS-Patienten (AMSQ) in Deutsch Kamm recruiting MS 2506 028/14 13 14 15 NCTU_laufende Studien Neurologie 15. Juni 2015 1 Laufende Forschungsprojekte Aim Principal Investigator Kamm Status Research Area recruiting MS 2515 055/14 Insel-ID KeK-Nr. 23 Analyse von Bewegungen von MS-Patienten mit Kinect 24 Stellenwert der „Cutaneous silent period“ für die Diagnostik der distalen Small fiber Neuropathie im Vergleich zu Hautbiopsie und QSART Kugler recruiting Neuromuscular 1840 012/10 25 Swiss Pompe Registry Rösler recruiting Neuromuscular 2121 119/11 26 Rösler recruiting Neuromuscular 2195 097/08 Müri recruiting Neurorehabilitation 1842 002/10 28 Einsatz bildgebenden Ultraschalles zur Positionierung von Nadelelektroden bei der sensiblen Neurographie. Einfluss der kontraläsionellen Hemisphäre auf die sprachlichen Leistungen der aphasischen Patienten – eine Transkranielle Magnetstimulation (TMS) Studie. Motion and spatial neglect: Visuelle Aufmerksamkeit und Bewegungswahrnehmung bei Patienten mit Neglektsymptomatik. Müri recruiting Neurorehabilitation 2184 076/12 29 Aphasie und Gestik. Müri recruiting Neurorehabilitation 2208 083/12 30 Rehabilitation kombiniert mit bihemispahrischer transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation in subakuten Hirnschlagpatienten mit dem Ziel, den motorischen Rückgewinn der oberen Extremitäten zu fördern. Müri recruiting Neurorehabilitation 2350 042/13 Müri recruiting Neurorehabilitation 2426 131/13 Müri recruiting Neurorehabilitation 2484 220/13 Humm recruiting other 1655 238/08 Gast recruiting other 2510 034/10 27 31 33 Improving dexterous skills in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized controlled trial. Neurokognitive Mechanismen der mentalen Vorstellung: okulomotorische und repräsentationale Aspekte. Projekt 1: Einfluss von mentaler Vorstellung auf die kortikale Erregbarkeit. Projekt 2: Vorstellung und Augenbewegungen. Projekt 3: Einfluss von transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation auf die mentale Arithmetik. Signifikanz eines Rechts-Links-Shuntes bei rezidivierenden Vasovagalen Synkopen. 34 Multi-scale intracranial EEG dynamics during wakefulness and sleep: implications for seizure generation. 35 Diagnostic study in order to differentiate between organic- and non-organic causes of daytime sleepiness by use of vigilance tests (retrospective part) Mathis recruiting Sleep 1267 185/06 36 Die Bedeutung des Tiefschlafes bei der Konsolidierung bewusst und unbewusst enkodierter episodischer Gedächtnisspuren. Mathis recruiting Sleep 1524 026/08 37 Mathis recruiting Sleep 1637 214/08 Mathis recruiting Sleep 1855 270/09 39 Untersuchung eines funktionellen Zusammenhangs zwischen genetischen Markern und Narkolepsie. Observation study on side 2ffects of Xyrem (Gammahydroxybutyrate) in narcolepsy-cataplexy. Post marketing non-interventional surveillance pharmacoepidemiology study (PMSS) to evaluate long-term safety, tolerability and compliance in administration of Xyrem (sodium oxybate) oral solution in patients who receive treatment with this medication in regular clinical practice. European Narcolepsy Network Mathis recruiting Sleep 1909 107/10 40 Swiss Intravenous and Intra-arterial Thrombolysis for Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke Registry (SWISS) Arnold recruiting Stroke 1446 233/07 41 The Role of Factor XIII Activation Peptide and D-dimer Values for the Diagnosis of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis. Arnold recruiting Stroke 1710 112/09 42 BioCad 2 Arnold recruiting Stroke 1739 112/12 43 Contrast Enhanced MRI in Spontaneous and Traumatic Cervicocerebral Artery Dissection (MRI-CAD). Arnold recruiting Stroke 2251 099/12 44 Symptomatic Atherothrombotic Vertebral Artery Stenosis (SAVAS)-Study. Arnold recruiting Stroke 2287 093/11 45 Thrombolysis or anticoagulation for cerebral venous thrombosis (TO-ACT). Arnold recruiting Stroke 2434 159/13 46 Biomarkers and antithrombotic treatment in cervical artery dissection (TREAT-CAD). Arnold recruiting Stroke 2478 192/13 47 Korrelation von klinischen und bildmorphographischen Parametern mit dem Outcome bei akuten zerebrovaskulären Erkrankungen. Arnold active Stroke 2611 231/14 48 Role of carotid anatomy, distension and displacement in the pathogenesis of carotid artery dissection (CADD-CAD). Prospective randomized, cross-over study to validate the effects of an outpatient secondary prevention program for stroke victims with minor or no residual deficits. Fischer recruiting Stroke 1775 186/09 Jung recruiting Stroke 2391 090/13 Jung recruiting Stroke 2400 078/13 32 38 49 50 Effect of epileptoform brain activity and spreading depression on penumbral evolution and outcome in acute stroke. NCTU_laufende Studien Neurologie 15. Juni 2015 2 Laufende Forschungsprojekte Aim Principal Investigator Jung Status Research Area recruiting Stroke 2561 155/14 Insel-ID KeK-Nr. 51 The brain heart interaction in acute stroke. 52 In vivo Detection of Vulnerable Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques: Co-Registration of Colour Mapped GSM Ultrasound Data and 3 Tesla MRI Images Mono recruiting Stroke 2340 184/12 53 Secondary Stroke Prevention In Patients With Patent Foramen Ovale: The Swiss PFO Consortium. Die Bedeutung der Endothel- und Blutplättchenaktivierung, Entzündung und Plaque-Morphologie in der Behandlung der Stenose der A. carotis interna mit Stent oder Endarteriektomie (BIO-PLAQUE). Obesity paradox Mono recruiting Stroke 1575 117/08 Mono recruiting Stroke 2377 080/13 Sarikaya recruiting Stroke 2738 367/14 54 55 NCTU_laufende Studien Neurologie 15. Juni 2015 3
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