Franz Pöchhacker Publications

Franz Pöchhacker Publications
Simultandolmetschen als komplexes Handeln. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 1994
[Lan- guage in Performance 10].
Dolmetschen. Konzeptuelle Grundlagen und deskriptive Untersuchungen.
Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000 [Studien zur Translation 7].
Introducing Interpreting Studies. London/New York:
Routledge, 2004 (translated into Japanese, Korean
and Chinese)
Translation Studies – An Interdiscipline (with Mary Snell-Hornby & Klaus
Kaindl). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1994
[Benjamins Translation Library 2].
Translationswissenschaft. Festschrift für Mary Snell-Hornby
(with Mira Kadric & Klaus Kaindl). Tübingen:
Stauffenburg, 2000.
The Interpreting Studies Reader (with Miriam Shlesinger). London/New
York: Rout- ledge, 2002.
Healthcare Interpreting: Discourse and Interaction (with Miriam Shlesinger).
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007 [Benjamins
Current Topics 9].
Interpreting Studies and Beyond: A Tribute to Miriam Shlesinger (with
Arnt-Lykke Jakobsen & Inger M. Mees). Copenhagen:
Samfundslitteratur Press, 2007 [Copenhagen Studies in Language
Doing Justice to Court Interpreting (with Miriam Shlesinger).
Amsterdam/Philadel- phia: John Benjamins, 2010 [Benjamins
Current Topics 26].
Aptitude for Interpreting (with Minhua Liu). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
Benja- mins, 2014 [Benjamins Current Topics 68].
Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies. London/New York:
Routledge, 2015.
"Beyond Equivalence: Recent Developments in Translation Theory", in: D. L.
Hammond (ed.) Coming of Age. Proceedings of the 30th
Conference of the American Translators Association (pp. 563-571)
Medford NJ: Learned Information, 1989.
"Einige Ü berlegungen zur Theorie des Simultandolmetschens".
TEXTCONTEXT 6:1 (1991), 37-54.
"The Role of Theory in Simultaneous Interpreting", in: C. Dollerup & A.
Loddegaard (eds) Teaching Translation and Interpreting. Training,
Talent and Experi- ence (pp. 211-220) Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
John Benjamins, 1992.
"Contrastive Frame Semantics for Translation: Problems and Prospects", in:
Ch. Mair & M. Markus (eds) New Departures in Contrastive
Linguistics (pp. 131-142) Innsbruck: Department of English,
University of Innsbruck, 1992.
"On the 'Science' of Interpretation". The Interpreters' Newsletter no. 5 (1993),
52-59. "From Knowledge to Text: Coherence in Simultaneous Interpreting", in:
& J. Tommola (eds) Translation and Knowledge (pp.
University of Turku Centre for Translation and Interpreting, 1993.
"'This isn't funny.' A note on jokes in simultaneous interpreting", in: C.
Picken (ed.) Translation - the vital link. Proceedings of the XIIIth
World Congress of FIT, vol. 1 (pp. 455-464) London: Institute of
Translation and Interpreting, 1993.
"Simultaneous Interpretation: 'Cultural Transfer' or 'Voice-over Text'?" in: M.
Snell- Hornby, F. Pöchhacker & K. Kaindl (eds) Translation Studies
– An Inter- discipline (pp. 169-178) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
Benjamins, 1994.
"Quality Assurance in Simultaneous Interpreting", in: C. Dollerup & A.
Lindegaard (eds) Teaching Translation and Interpreting. Aims,
Insights, Visions (pp. 233-242) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
Benjamins, 1994.
"Sight Translation and Interpreter Training", in: Y. Gambier & M.
Snell-Hornby (eds) Problems and Trends in the Teaching of
Interpreting and Translation. KOINÉ . Annali della Scuola Superiore
per Interpreti e Traduttori "San Pellegrino" IV (1994), 127-137.
"Simultaneous Interpreting: A Functionalist Perspective". Hermes. Journal of
Lin- guistics 14 (1995), 31-53.
"Quality in TV Interpreting" (with Ingrid Kurz). Translatio. Nouvelles de la
FIT – FIT Newsletter N.s. 14:3/4 (1995), 350-358.
"'Those who do...' - A profile of research(ers) in interpreting." Target.
International Journal of Translation Studies 7:1 (1995), 47-64.
"Slips and shifts in simultaneous interpreting" in: J. Tommola (ed.) Topics in
Inter- preting Research (pp. 99-124) Turku: University of Turku
Centre for Trans- lation and Interpreting, 1995.
"Writings and Research on Interpreting: A Bibliographic Analysis." The
Interpreters' Newsletter no. 6 (1995), 17-31.
"Dolmetschtheorie: Handeln, Text und Kognition", in: A. Lauer, H.
Gerzymisch- Arbogast, J. Haller & E. Steiner (eds)
Ü bersetzungswissenschaft im Umbruch (pp. 291-300) Tübingen:
Gunter Narr, 1996.
"(Vom-)Blatt-Ü bersetzen und (-)Dolmetschen", in: N. Grbic & M. Wolf (eds)
Text - Kultur - Kommunikation. Translation als Forschungsaufgabe
(pp. 217-230) Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1997.
"'Clinton speaks German': A case study of live broadcast simultaneous
interpreting", in: M. Snell-Hornby, Z. Jettmarová & K.
Kaindl (eds) Translation
Intercultural Communication (pp. 207-216) Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
John Benjamins, 1997.
"'Is There Anybody Out There?' Community Interpreting in Austria", in: S.E.
Carr, R. Roberts, A. Dufour & D. Steyn (eds) The Critical Link:
Interpreters in the Community (pp. 215-225)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1997.
"Unity in Diversity: The Case of Interpreting Studies", in: L. Bowker, M.
Cronin, D. Kenny & J. Pearson (eds) Unity in Diversity? Current
Trends in Translation Studies (pp. 169-176) Manchester: St. Jerome,
"Simultandolmetschen", in: M. Snell-Hornby, H.G. Hönig, P. Kußmaul & P.A.
Schmitt (Hg.) Handbuch Translation (pp. 301-304) Tübingen:
Stauffenburg, 1998.
"Situative Zusammenhänge" [Beschreibung des Dolmetschprozesses], in: M.
Snell- Hornby, H.G. Hönig, P. Kußmaul & P.A. Schmitt (Hg.)
Handbuch Translation (pp. 327-330) Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1998.
"Vermittlung der Notizentechnik beim Konsekutivdolmetschen", in: M.
H.G. Hönig, P. Kußmaul & P.A. Schmitt (Hg.) Handbuch
Translation (pp. 367-372) Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1998.
"Teaching practices in simultaneous interpreting". The Interpreters'
Newsletter no. 9 (1999), 157-176.
"The Hospital Cleaner as Healthcare Interpreter" (with Mira Kadric). The
Studies in Intercultural Communication 5:2 (1999), 161-178.
"'Getting Organized': The Evolution of Community Interpreting". Interpreting
4:1 (1999), 125-140.
"Language Barriers in Vienna Hospitals". Ethnicity & Health 5:2 (2000),
113-119. "Dolmetschen – ein Kinderspiel? Eine klinische Fallstudie".
(2000), 153-179.
"Dolmetschwissenschaft: Zu Gegenstand und Gliederung der Disziplin", in: S.
S. Buhl & H. Gerzymisch-Arbogast (Hg.) Dolmetschen: Theorie,
Praxis, Didaktik (pp. 3-18) St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag.
"Kulturelle und sprachliche Verständigung mit Nichtdeutschsprachigen in
Gesund- heitseinrichtungen", in: M. David, T. Borde & H.
Kentenich (Hg.) Migration
– Frauen – Gesundheit. Perspektiven im europäischen Kontext (pp.
155-176) Frankfurt: Mabuse, 2000.
"The Community Interpreter's Task: Self-Perception and Provider Views", in:
R. R. P. Roberts, S. E. Carr, D. Abraham & A. Dufour (eds) The
Critical Link 2: Interpreters in the Community (pp. 49-65)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.
"Quality Assessment in Conference and Community Interpreting". Meta 46:2
(2001), 410-425.
"Translationskultur im Krankenhaus", in: G. Hebenstreit (Hg.) Grenzen
erfahren - sichtbar machen - überschreiten. Festschrift für Erich
Prunc zum 60. Geburtstag (pp. 339-354) Frankfurt: Peter Lang,
"Dolmetschen und translatorische Kompetenz", in: A. F. Kelletat (Hg.)
Dolmetschen: Beiträge aus Forschung, Lehre und Praxis (pp. 19-37)
Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2001.
"Working within a Theoretical Framework", in: D. Gile, H. V. Dam, F.
Dubslaff, B. Martinsen & A. Schjoldager (eds) Getting Started in
Interpreting Research (pp. 199-219) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
Benjamins, 2001.
"Interpreting Needs in Europe: A Millennial Perspective", in: L. Schena & L.
T. Soliman (eds) Prospettive linguistiche della nuova Europa (pp.
153-164) Milano: Egea, 2002.
"Researching Interpreting Quality: Models and Methods", in: G. Garzone & M.
Viezzi (eds) Interpreting in the 21st Century (pp. 95-106)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2002.
"Humour in Simultaneous Conference Interpreting" (with Maria Pavlicek).
The Translator. Studies in Intercultural Communication 8:2 (2002),
"The Current State of Interpreting Research", in: C. Szabó (ed.) Interpreting:
From Preparation to Performance (pp. 57-68) Budapest: British
Council Hungary, 2003.
"Enfoque funcional de la interpretación simultánea", in: A. Collados Aís & J.
A. Sabio Pinilla (eds) Avances en la investigación sobre
interpretación (pp. 105-122) Granada: Comares, 2003.
"Situationsanalyse und Dolmetschen", in: B. Nord & P. A. Schmitt (Hg.)
Traducta Navis. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Christiane
Nord (pp. 165-181) Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2003.
"Dolmetschen – Translation – Interaktion: Wege zu einem neuen Paradigma in
der Dolmetschwissenschaft”, in I. Müller (Hg.) Und sie bewegt sich
doch…: Translationswissenschaft in Ost und West (pp. 247-262)
Frankfurt a. Main: Peter Lang, 2004.
"I in TS: On Partnership in Translation Studies", in: C. Schäffner (ed.)
Translation Research and Interpreting Research. Traditions, Gaps
and Synergies (pp. 104-115) Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2004.
"Fachliche Entwicklung – persönliche Genese", in: W. Pöckl (Hg.)
Ü bersetzungs- wissenschaft. Dolmetschwissenschaft. Wege in eine
neue Disziplin (pp. 259265) Wien: Edition Praesens, 2004.
"From Operation to Action: Process-Orientation in Interpreting Studies". Meta
50:2 (2005), 682-695.
"Dolmetscher für Kranke", in: I. Kurz & K. Kaindl (Hg.) Wortklauber,
Sinnverdreher, Brückenbauer: DolmetscherInnen und
Ü bersetzerInnen als literarische Geschöpfe (pp. 77-85) Münster:
LIT-Verlag, 2005.
"Quality Research Revisited". The Interpreters’ Newsletter no. 13 (2005),
143-166. "'Going Social?' On Pathways and Paradigms in
Interpreting Studies", in: A. Pym, M. Shlesinger & Z. Jettmarová
(eds) Sociocultural Aspects of Translating and
Interpreting (pp. 215-232) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2006.
"Interpreters and Ideology: From 'Between' to 'Within'". Across Languages
and Cultures 7:2 (2006), 191-207.
"Research and Methodology in Healthcare Interpreting", in: E. Hertog & B.
van der Veer (eds) Taking Stock: Research and Methodology in
Community Inter- preting. (Linguistica Antverpiensia – New Series 5
(2006), 135-159.
"Introduction: Discourse-based Research on Healthcare Interpreting" (with
Miriam Shlesinger), in: F. Pöchhacker & M. Shlesinger (eds)
Healthcare Inter- preting: Discourse and Interaction (pp. 1-9)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007.
"Simultaneous Consecutive Interpreting: A New Technique Put to the Test"
(with M. Hamidi). Meta 52:2 (2007), 276-289.
"Critical Linking Up: Kinship and Convergence in Interpreting Studies", in:
C. Wadensjö, B. Englund Dimitrova & A.-L. Nilsson (eds) The
Critical Link 4: Professionalisation of Interpreting in the
Community (pp. 11-23) Amster- dam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins,
"Interpreter Translator Teaching Research: Miriam Shlesinger – Translation
Scholar", in: F. Pöchhacker, A.-L. Jakobsen & I. M. Mees (eds)
Interpreting Studies and Beyond: A Tribute to Miriam Shlesinger (pp.
5-16) Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur Press, 2007.
"Giving Access – or not: A Developing-Country Perspective on Healthcare
Inter- preting", in: F. Pöchhacker, A.-L. Jakobsen & I. M. Mees (eds)
Interpreting Studies and Beyond: A Tribute to Miriam Shlesinger (pp.
121-137) Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur Press, 2007.
"'Going Simul?': Technology-Assisted Consecutive Interpreting". Forum 5:2
(2007), 101-124.
"Coping with Culture in Media
Interpreting". Perspectives: Studies in
Translatology, 15:2 (2007), 123-142.
"Quality Standards in Interpretation: Theory and Application”. Chinese
Translators Journal 28:2 (2007), 10-16. (Repr. in W. Enmian & D.
Wang (eds) Towards Quality Interpretation in the 21st Century (pp.
231-245) Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,
"Interpreting as Mediation", in: C. Valero-Garcés & A. Martin (eds) Crossing
Borders in Community Interpreting: Definitions and Dilemmas (pp.
9-26) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2008.
"Dolmetschtheorie: Kognition, Interaktion, Institution", in: L. Schippel (Hg.)
Translationskultur – ein innovatives und produktives Konzept (pp.
43-69) Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2008.
"Krankheit, Kultur, Kinder, Kommunikation: Die Nichte als Dolmetscherin".
Curare: Zeitschrift für Ethnomedizin und Transkulturelle
Psychiatrie 31:2/3 (2008), 133-142.
"Issues in Interpreting Studies", in: J. Munday (ed.) The Routledge
Companion to Translation Studies (pp. 128-140) London/New York:
Routledge, 2008.
"The Turns of Interpreting Studies", in: G. Hansen, A. Chesterman & H.
Gerzymisch- Arbogast (eds) Efforts and Models in Interpreting and
Translation Research (pp. 25-46) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John
Benjamins, 2008.
"Interpreting in Asylum Appeal Hearings: Roles and Norms Revisited" (with
W. Kolb), in: D. Russell & S. Hale (eds) Interpreting in Legal
Settings (pp. 26- 50). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press,
"Interpreting for Special Purposes", in: S. Cavagnoli, E. Di Giovanni & R.
Merlini (eds) La ricerca nella comunicazione interlinguistica:
Modelli teorici e metodologici (pp. 339-358). Milano:
FrancoAngeli, 2009.
"Interpreting for the Record: A Case Study of Asylum Review Hearings" (with
W. Kolb), in: S. Hale, U. Ozolins & L. Stern (eds) The Critical Link 5:
Quality in Interpreting – a Shared Responsibility (pp. 119-134).
Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2009.
"KrankenhausdolmetscherInnen: Bedarf, Probleme, Perspektiven", in: E.
Rasky (Hg.) Gesundheit hat Bleiberecht: Migration und
Gesundheit (pp. 117-123). Wien: Facultas WUV, 2009.
"Broader, Better, Further: Developing Interpreting Studies", in: A. Pym & A.
Perekrestenko (eds) Translation Research Projects 2 (pp. 41-49).
Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2009.
"Inside the 'Black Box': Can Interpreting Studies Help the Profession if Access
to Real-Life Settings is Denied?" The Linguist 48:2 (2009), 22-23.
"Dolmetschen im Wiener Gesundheitswesen", in: W. Schnepp & I. Walter
(Hg.) Multikulturalität in Pflege und Gesellschaft (pp. 205-214).
Wien: Böhlau, 2009.
"Conference Interpreting: Surveying the Profession". Translation and
Interpreting Studies 4:2 (2009), 135-149.
"Eye to IS: On Qualitative Research in Interpreting Studies", in: I. M. Mees,
F. Alves & S. Göpferich (eds) Methodology, Technology and
Innovation in Trans- lation Process Research (pp. 67-86).
Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur Press, 2010.
"Why Interpreting Studies Matters", in: D. Gile, G. Hansen & N. K. Pokorn
(eds) Why Translation Studies Matters (pp. 3-14)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benja- mins, 2010.
"Introduction: Doing Justice to Court Interpreting" (with Miriam Shlesinger),
in: M. Shlesinger & F. Pöchhacker (eds) Doing Justice to Court
Interpreting (pp. 17) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010.
"Entwicklungslinien der Dolmetschwissenschaft", in: N. Grbić, G.
Hebenstreit, G. Vorderobermeier & M. Wolf (eds)
Translationskultur revisited: Festschrift für Erich Prunč (pp. 84-97)
Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2010.
"The Role of Research in Interpreter Education". Translation & Interpreting
2:1 (2010), 1-10.
"Interpreting", in: Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (eds) Handbook of
Translation Studies. Volume 1 (pp. 153-157)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010.
"Interpreting Studies", in: Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (eds) Handbook of
Trans- lation Studies. Volume 1 (pp. 158-172)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Ben- jamins, 2010.
"Media Interpreting", in: Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (eds) Handbook of
Trans- lation Studies. Volume 1 (pp. 224-226)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Ben- jamins, 2010.
"Replication in Research on Quality in Conference Interpreting". T & I Review
[Ewha Research Institute for Translation Studies] 1 (2011), 35-58.
"Introduction: Aptitude for Interpreting" (with Miriam Shlesinger).
Interpreting: Inter- national Journal of Research and Practice in
Interpreting 13:1 (2011), 1-4.
"Assessing Aptitude for Interpreting: The SynCloze Test". Interpreting:
International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 13:1
(2011), 106-120.
"Simultaneous Interpreting", in: K. Malmkjæ r & K. Windle (eds) The Oxford
Hand- book of Translation Studies (pp. 275-293) Oxford/New York:
Oxford University Press, 2011.
"Consecutive Interpreting", in: K. Malmkjæ r & K. Windle (eds) The Oxford
Hand- book of Translation Studies (pp. 294-306) Oxford/New York:
Oxford Uni- versity Press, 2011.
"Conference Interpreting", in: K. Malmkjæ r & K. Windle (eds) The Oxford
Handbook of Translation Studies (pp. 307-324) Oxford/New York:
Oxford University Press, 2011.
"NT and CI in IS: Taxonomies and Tensions in Interpreting Studies", in: M. J.
Blasco Mayor & M. A. Jimenez Ivars (eds) Interpreting Naturally:
A Tribute to Brian Harris (pp. 217-236) Bern (u.a.): Peter Lang,
"Conference Interpreting: Surveying the Profession", in: R. Sela-Sheffy & M.
Shlesinger (eds) Identity and Status in the Translational Professions
(pp. 4963) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011.
"Researching Interpreting: Approaches to Inquiry", in: B. Nicodemus & L.
Swabey (eds) Advances in Interpreting Research: Inquiry in Action
(pp. 5-26) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011.
"Researching TV Interpreting: Selected Studies of US Presidential Material".
The Interpreters’ Newsletter No. 16 (2011), 21-36.
"Interpreting Participation: Conceptual Analysis and Illustration of the
Interpreter’s Role in Interaction", in: C. Baraldi & L. Gavioli (eds)
Coordinating Participation in Dialogue Interpreting (pp. 45-69)
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2012.
"Qualität, die man versteht: ein funktional-kognitiver Ansatz", in: B. Ahrens,
M. Albl- Mikasa & C. Sasse (eds) Dolmetschqualität in Praxis,
Lehre und Forschung. Festschrift für Sylvia Kalina (pp. 19-31)
Tübingen: Narr, 2012.
"Dolmetschen im Gesundheitswesen: Entwicklung und Stand der Forschung",
in: B. Ahrens, S. Hansen-Schirra, M. Krein-Kühle, M. Schreiber &
U. Wienen (eds) Translationswissenschaftliches Kolloqium II:
Beiträge zur Ü ber- setzungs- und Dolmetschwissenschaft
(Köln/Germersheim) (pp. 167-190) Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang,
"Interpreting Quality: Global Professional Standards?", in: W. Ren (ed.)
Interpreting in the Age of Globalization: Proceedings of the 8th
National Conference and International Forum on Interpreting (pp.
305-318) Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,
"Obama’s Rhetoric in German: A Case Study of the Inaugural Address", in: B.
P. A. Schmitt & G. Shreve (eds) Discourses of Translation:
Festschrift in Honour of Christina Schäffner (pp. 123-137).
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2012.
"The Position of Interpreting Studies", in: C. Millán & F. Bartrina (eds) The
Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies (pp. 62-75) London:
Routledge, 2013.
"Dolmetschen im Krankenhaus – aus translationswissenschaftlicher Sicht", in:
L. Kaelin, M. Kletečka-Pulker & U. H. J. Körtner (eds) Wie viel
Deutsch braucht man, um gesund zu sein? Migration, Ü bersetzung
und Gesundheit (pp. 103-117) Wien: Verlag Ö sterreich, 2013.
"Researching Quality: A Two-Pronged Approach", in: O. García Becerra, E.
M. Pradas Macías & R. Barranco-Droege (eds) Quality in
Interpreting: Widening the Scope (pp. 33-55) Granada: Comares,
"Remote Possibilities: Trialing Simultaneous Video Interpreting for Austrian
Hospitals", in: B. Nicodemus & M. Metzger (eds) Investigations in
Healthcare Interpreting (pp. 302-325) Washington, DC: Gallaudet
University Press, 2014.
"Socio-Translational Collaboration in Qualitative Inquiry: The Case of Expert
Interviews" (with Beate Littig). Qualitative Inquiry 20:9 (2014),
"Evolution of Interpreting Research", in: H. Mikkelson & R. Jourdenais (eds)
The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting (pp. 62-76) London/New
York: Routledge, 2015.
"Quality and Role in Conference Interpreting: Views from the East and South
of Europe ", in: C. Zwischenberger & M. Behr (eds) Interpreting
Quality: A Look Around and Ahead (pp. 269-296) Berlin: Frank &
Timme, 2015.