Mazel - Elaine Serling

“From the Heart”
Words and Music by: Artie Wayne, Jack Beekmann
Just a little mazel,
That’s the only thing you need.
You gotta have a little mazel, mazel means good luck
Cuz with a little mazel, you’ll always make a buck
And if you have no mazel,
Although you’re on the ball
You’ll try and try and can’t get by
You beat your head against the wall
Don’t ever try to figure why
You seem to be to blame
Why some folks have a million
And can’t even write their name
That’s why you gotta have a little mazel
Mazel means good luck
Cuz with a little mazel’
You’ll always make a buck
A mentsh muz hobn mazel
Dos iz dokh fest-ge-shtelt
Az me hawt a bisl mazel
Gehert dir di gantse velt
Un bistu a schil-mazel
Un shtreckst du aus di hant
Du loyfst ahin du loyfst aher
Mit dem kop du hakst in vant
Mi-ken meshuge veren, un klern freg ich dich
Far vus hawt eyner millionen
Un ken nisht..........................unter-shraybn zich
A mentsh muz hobn mazel
Dos iz doch fesgeshelt
As me haut a bisl mazel
Is me kaynmol oh-ne gelt
You gotta have a little mazel
Mazel means good luck
Cuz with a little mazel
You’ll always have a buck
And if you have no mazel
Although you’re on the ball
You try and try and can’t get by
You beat your head against the wall
Don’t ever try to figure why
You seem to be to blame
Why some folks have a million
And can’t even write their names
Oi-mazel, mazel. Mazel
Es iz dos fest- ge- shtelt
Tsum glik- lach zayn, chabbi
Iz mazel mer vi gelt!!!! Mazel