1942 – 1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) Germans

1942 – 1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
#S1-1854.....2291 SONDERMELDUNG 26. Dezember 1942 I. Die Offensive der...
10x14 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 12.1942 – description: [Special announcement 26th December
1942 I. The offensive of the Soviet troops at the river Don continues...]. Euro 8
#S1-1855.....2296 SONDERMELDUNG vom 28. Dezember 1942 Der Vormarsch der...
10x14 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 12.1942 – description: [Special announcement of 28th December
1942 The advancement of the Soviet troops in the South of Stalingrad...]. Euro 14
#S1-1856.....2301 An die im Raum von Stalingrad
eingekesselten Offiziere und Soldaten der...
14x20 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 12.1942 – see
part illustration – description: [To the officers and soldiers of
the German Wehrmacht in the pocket of Stalingrad...].
Euro 34
#S1-1857.....2303 SONDERMELDUNG vom
29. Dezember 1942 KOTELNIKOWO von...
7x11 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 12.1942 –
description: [Special announcement of 29th December 1942
Kotelnikowo taken by Soviet troops...]. Euro 14
#S1-1858.....2306 Ergebnisse von sechs Wochen Offensivkämpfen der Truppen der Roten...
20x26 cm – 4 – paper: green or rose – preservation: 1 – 12.1942 – description: [Results of six weeks of
offensive of the Red Army in the erea of Stalingrad...]. Map of Stalingrad and area. Euro 17
#S1-1859.....2306 Ergebnisse von sechs Wochen Offensivkämpfen der Truppen der Roten...
As above, but without Map of Stalingrad and area. Euro 15
#S1-1860.....2311 Sondermeldung vom 1. Januar 1943 Welikije Luki von der Roten Armee...
10x14 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – description: [Special announcement of 1st January
1943 Welikije Luki taken by Soviet troops...]. Euro 8
#S1-1861.....2331 Was geschah im Süden Rußlands?
Soldaten der Mittelfront! During 19th...
10x14 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 –
description: [What happened in the South of Russia?...].
Map: Stalingrad far away from the front line. Euro 16
#S1-1862.....2334 Sondermeldung vom 5. Januar 1943...
10x14 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 –
description: [Special announcement of 5th January 1943
Maltschik... taken by Soviet troops...]. Euro 10
#S1-1863.....2336 Nr. 3245 VERZEICHNIS der
deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in der UdSSR...
13x19 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 12.1942 –
description: [Register of German PoW’s in the Soviet-Union
German soldiers! Use the addresses given here to inform the
relatives of your comrades that they are feeling fine in Soviet
captivity...], see also leaflet code 2289. Euro 29
#S1-1864.....2337 Die Katastrophe der Hitlerarmee hat
begonnen DEUTSCHE SOLDATEN! Das...
15x23 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – see
illustration of title page – description: [The catastrophe of
Hitler’s army has started...].
Euro 16
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-1865.....2338 Die haben weitergekämpft und
wurden vernichtet!...
19x21 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: [They
continued to fight in Welikije Luki and were
destroyed. They laid down their arms and will
return home /What happened in Welikije
Luki?...]. Euro 36
#S1-1866..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet
code 2338 with date and copies printed]. Euro 24
#S1-1867.....2341 Die Wahrheit über Welikije...
14x22 cm – 4 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 –
1.1943 – description: [The truth about Welikije
Luki...]. List and facsimiles of signatures of PoW’s
Euro 15
#S1-1868..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet
code 2341 with date and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-1869.....2342 Sondermeldung vom 6. Januar..
10x12 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 –
1.1943 – description: [Special announcement of
6th January 1943 144 150 soldiers and officers of
the German Army have surrendered in the area of Stalingrad...]. Euro 12
#S1-1870.....2349 Was hat Roosevelt gesagt?... On 7th January 1943 Roosevelt, the President of...
13x19 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – description: [The American President Roosevelt
promised on 7th January, 1943 to produce within one year: 48,000 aircraft... 56,000 tanks... 670,000 machine
guns and bring the strength of the US-Army to 7 million men...]. Euro 12
#S1-1871.....2350 Sondermeldung vom 11. Januar 1943 Georgijewsk, Mineralnye Wody...
11x15 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – description: [Special announcement of 11th January 1943 Georgijewsk, Mineralnye Wody... have been taken by the Red Army...]. Map of the Caucasian region. Euro 10
12x16 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – see part illustration –
description: [You will not escape the blows of the Red Army...].
Drawing: [Soldiers! It will be also your turn!]. German soldiers
sitting in a bunker will also be flushed out by Red Army troops.
Euro 18
#S1-1873.....2356 IHR WERDET UM DIE SCHLAGE (sic)...
As above, but preservation: 2. Euro 15
#S1-1874....2358 Wie war es?... Die Delegation der...
11x15 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 –
description: [How did it come about?... The delegation of the
German soldiers agree with the Russians to become PoW’s...].
Photograph: German soldiers. Euro 10
#S1-1875....2359 Wie war es?... Eine Gruppe deutscher...
11x15 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 –
description: [A group of German soldiers is surrendering...].
Photograph: German soldiers. Euro 10
#S1-1876....2360 Wie war es?... Deutsche Soldaten geben...
11x15 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 –
description: [How did it come about?... German soldiers are
surrendering...]. Photograph: German soldiers. Euro 10
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series ¤ Germans
#S1-1877....2364 SONDERMELDUNG vom 16. Januar 1943
19x26 cm – 4 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – description:
[Special announcement of 16th January, 1943. German defence line
near Voronesh broken. Liquidation of German troops in the
Stalingrad pocket to be ended...]. Euro 19
#S1-1878....2370 SONDERMELDUNG vom 18. Januar 1943
Die Blockade Leningrads von der Roten Armee...
13x16 cm – 4 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – see part
illustration – description: [Special announcement of 18th January, 1943. The Red Army broke the blockade of
Leningrad ...]. Two maps, one is illustrated here. Euro 17
#S1-1879....2373 Wie sieht es an der sowjetisch-deutschen Front aus? Aus den Mitteilungen...
14x20 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – description: [What is the situation at the SovietGerman front? The blockade of Leningrad is broken...]. Map: Charkov–Stalingrad. Euro 13
#S1-1880....2376 Befehl des Obersten Befehlshabers der Roten Armee... J. Stalin...
14x20 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – description: [ Stalin order... 25th January, 1943]. Map:
Charkov – Stalingrad. [Frontline 25th January 1943.]. Euro 15
#S1-1881....2378 SONDERMELDUNG vom 26. Januar 1943 Die Liquidierung... Stalingrad...
14x20 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – description: [Special announcement of 26th January,
1943. Liquidation of the Fascist German troops in the pocket of Stalingrad almost completed...]. Euro 23
#S1-1882....2379 Englisch-amerikanisches Kommuniqué Am 27. Januar wurde in London und...
10x15 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 1.1943 – description: [English-American announcement.
On 27th January... Meeting of Churchill and Roosevelt in Casablanca... Offensive against Germany and Italy will
start in 1943...]. Euro 12
Warum weinst
du, Mutti?...
19x15 cm – 2 – blue –
preservation: 1 –
2.1943 – illustration of
title page – description: [Mama, why do
you cry?
/Erich Weinert
Mama, why do you
cry?...]. Photomontage, poem,
commentary [In the
last three months the
Red Army destroyed
112 fascist German
divisions... 700 000
dead and 300 000
soldiers captured...].
Euro 42
#S1-1884..[Official printed translation in Russian for
leaflet code 2380
giving date and copies
printed]. Euro 22
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-1885...2381 SONDERMELDUNG vom 29. Januar 1943
10x14 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – description: [Special
announcement of 29th January, 1943. I. Successful offensive of Soviet troops
near Voronesh...]. Map: Charkov-Stalingrad. [Frontline on 29th January 1943.].
Euro 14
#S1-1886...2392 SONDERMELDUNG vom 3. Februar 1943
11x14 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – illustration of reverse
of leaflet – description: [Special announcement of 3rd February, 1943. The Red
Army occupied the towns Krasny Liman...]. Map: Charkov-Stalingrad.
[Frontline on 3rd February 1943.]. Euro 15
#S1-1887...2393 An das deutsche Volk!... /...Generalfeldmarschall Paulus...
24x16 cm – 2 – rose – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – see part illustration – description: [To the German people...
“Geralfieldmarshal Paulus carried two revolvers and poison while in Stalingrad... As shown here, Generalfieldmarshall Paulus is in Russian captivity and he is feeling well and healthy...]. Photograph: Interrogation of
Generalfieldmarshal Paulus by a Russian Marshal and a General.]. Euro 35
#S1-1888...2393 An das deutsche Volk!... As above, but preservation: 2. Euro 29
#S1-1889..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2393 with date and copies printed]. Euro 17
#S1-1890...2399 SONDERMELDUNG vom 6. Februar 1943
11x16 cm – 2 – paper: green or rose – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – description: [Special announcement of 6th
February, 1943. Soviet troops continued their offensive on all fronts...]. Map: Charkov-Stalingrad. Euro 9
#S1-1891...2400 Generalfeldmarschall Paulus in russischer Kriegsgefangenschaft Von links...
14x12 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – description: [Generalfieldmarshal Paulus in Russian
captivity...]. Photograph, see leaflet code 2393 above. Euro 14
#S1-1892..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2400 with date and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-1893...2401 Die Sowjettruppen besetzten Kursk und nähern sich Charkow (Ergebnisse...
11x16 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – description: [The Soviet troops occupied Kursk and
approach Charkov...]. Map: Dnjepropetrowsk – Stalingrad. Euro 16
#S1-1894..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2401 with date and copies printed]. Euro 13
#S1-1895...2404 SONDERMELDUNG vom 12. Februar 1943
13x20 cm – 2 – paper: green or rose – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – description: [Special announcement of 12th
February, 1943. Soviet troops occupied the towns of Krasnodar, Schachty, Woroschilowsk and Krasnoarmejskoje...]. Map: Dnjepropetrowsk-Stalingrad. Euro 9
#S1-1896..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2404 with date and copies printed]. Euro 9
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
#S1-1897...2405 24 deutsche Generäle in russischer Gefangenschaft... /Was ist vor Stalingrad...
21x27 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – description: [24 German generals in Russian captivity...
/What happened near Stalingrad?...]. 26 portrait photographs of German PoW-generals, two drawnigs. Euro 29
#S1-1898...2405 24 deutsche Generäle... As above, but preservation: 2, Euro 24
#S1-1899...2408 Warum ist Großadmiral Raeder gegangen?
Deutsche Matrosen! Am 30. Januar 1943 hat Hitler den...
15x21 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – description: [Why
did Admiral Raeder go? German sailors!... More than half of the German fleet
has been sunk or is not serviceable...]. Euro 31
#S1-1900...2414 Illustriertes Blatt [Nr. 1 Februar 1943]
18x24 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – see part illustration – description:
[Illustrated Paper German PoW’s in Soviet-Russia No. 1 February 1943],
running number and date are not printed on the leaflet: [German soldiers!
Of the 330,000 soldiers in the pocket of Stalingrad 91,000 have saved
themselves by becoming Russian PoW’s...]. Euro 33
#S1-1901..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2414 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-1902.....2415 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 196
17x21 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 2.1943 – see part
illustration – description: [What is happening in Germany?
No. 196... Hitler is sending 15 year olds to the front... The fate of
a German family... German workers are forced to work 14 hours
daily...]. Photomontage: Mama, why do you cry?. Drawing by
Erich Weinert: [Air raid shelter]. Euro 29
#S1-1903..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2415 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-1904.....2417 WAS HAT STALIN IM BEFEHL Nr. 95...
19x15 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – description:
[What did Stalin say in his order No. 95?... Does the Red Army
really intend to destruct Germany?...]. Euro 25
#S1-1905..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2417 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-1906.....2420 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 220
17x21 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – see part
illustration – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from
Foreign Countries No. 220... Another German strong point
taken... 1943 is the year of the two-front-war... The ItalianGerman block is tumbling...]. Caricature: [Are these the reserves
of Hitler?.]. Euro 23
#S1-1907..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2420 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-1908.....2422 Frontnachrichten Nr. 224
16x21 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from the Front No. 224...
Situation on the Soviet-German front on 10th March 1943... The
fortress of Demiansk is liquidated... Successes of Soviet troops in
the South...]. Map: Königsberg–Moskow.].
Euro 21
#S1-1909..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2422 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 12
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-1910.....2424 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 197
16x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – description: [What is happening in Germany? No. 197... Enormous
destructions in Berlin... Hamburg bombed... Attack on Saarbrücken... What a German soldier on furlough found
at home...]. Drawing, German civilians are fleeing a bombed city. Euro 24
#S1-1911..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2424 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-1912...2426 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 2
18x24 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 –
3.1943 – see part illustration – description:
[Illustrated Paper German PoW’s in Soviet-Russia
No. 2 March1943], running number and date are
not printed on the leaflet: [German soldiers!
Contrary to the lies of the Goebbels propaganda, it
is a fact hundred thousands of your comrades are
feeling well in Russian captivity... An officer is
speaking. Lieutenant Heinrich Graf von Einsiedel,
a great-grandson of Bismarck says: “The Russians
fight not against defenceless men. They respect the
human rights of each PoW.”]. Four photographs, see illustration Ltn. Einsiedel, second from left. Euro 31
#S1-1913..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2426 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 14
#S1-1914.....2432 Was ist vor Stalingrad geschehen? DEUTSCHE MÄNNER UND...
13x19 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – description: Dissemination was intended in Germany,
see addressee [German men and women!...]. The leaflet is printed without a safe conduct. German civilians are
being told about the debacle of the German Wehrmacht suffered in Stalingrad. Euro 23
#S1-1915..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2432 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 11
#S1-1916.....2433 Alles mal herhören! Das letzte Aufgebot der Führung heißt jetzt:...
13x20 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – description: [You all listen!...]. Dissemination was
intended in Germany, see addressee [German women and girls!...]. The leaflet is printed without a safe conduct.
German women are being told what total mobilization will mean for them. Text and poems by Erich Weinert.
Euro 25
#S1-1917..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2433 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 11
#S1-1918.....2438 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 198
17x21 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – see part illustration – description: [What is happening
in Germany? No. 198... Soldiers children are left alone...]. Drawing: Erich Weinert. Euro 29
#S1-1919..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2438 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series¤Germans
#S1-1920.....2439 “Ist nicht Vati!”
17x21 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – illustration of
title page – description: [This is not my Papa!...]. A child sees a
German soldier and is disappointed it is not her father.
Photomonage, see illustration. Euro 29
#S1-1921..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2439 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 26
#S1-1922.....2440 Frontnachrichten Nr. 225
17x21 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 –
description of leaflet newspaper: [News from the Front
No. 225... The situation on the Soviet-German front on 20th
March 1943... Spring 1942 — Spring 1943... Smolensk in
danger...]. Two photographs: “cemetery” of destroyed German
tanks, German PoW’s in Stalingrad. Euro 22
#S1-1923..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2440 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 19
#S1-1924.....2446 Entlarvte Lügen des DNB...
14x23 cm – 2 – paper: green – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 – description: [Lies of the German News Agency are detected... The German counterfeiters will continue...]. Euro 17
#S1-1925.....2447 So begann Frau Reisinger ihren Brief.
Da klingelte es... Erst am nächsten Tag
konnte sie den Brief fortsetzen. Hier folgt...
12x13 cm – 4 – red, yellow – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: this pornographic
leaflet tells the detailed story of a soldier’s wive and how an
SS-man was having intercourse with her, infects her with
veneral disease and ridicules her and her husband. The
leaflet is well made in causing anger in the mind of the
reader against Nazi officials. On page four just one short
sentence asks: [What will happen now?]. Two drawings.
Euro 52
#S1-1926..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2447
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 19
#S1-1927.....2448 Was haben die Deutschen vom
Frühjahr und Sommer zu erwarten?
13x20 cm – 2 – paper: gren – preservation: 1 – 3.1943 –
description: [What can Germans expect from spring and
summer 1943?... It is evident the German army will get
weaker and the Soviet army will get stronger...]. Euro 12
#S1-1928..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2448 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-1929.....2451 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 199
17x21 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description: [What is happening in Germany?
No. 199... Who is in Hitler’s Germany the lucky and who is the unlucky one?... The total mobilisation is the ruin
of the middle classes...]. Photomontage: [The fate of a German family.]. Euro 17
#S1-1930..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2451 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-1931.....2452 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 221
16x21 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from Foreign
Countries No. 221... Rommel’s army in retreat...]. Map: Tunesia. Euro 14
#S1-1932..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2452 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-1933.....2453 Die Ergebnisse des Winterfeldzugs der Roten Armee...
17x21 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description: [Results of the winter campaign of the Red
Army... Enemy losses from 10th November 1941 to 31st March 1943: 343,525 PoW’s, dead more than 850,000
soldiers and officers...]. Map: Russia, territory liberated. Euro 17
#S1-1934.....2455 Denkt einmal nach! DEUTSCHE...
10x14cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description: [Think about it!... What is the total result?...]. Euro 11
#S1-1935..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2455
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
#S1-1936.....2456 DIE GERETTETEN VON
STALINGRAD Ganz Deutschland, Front und...
13x20 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 –
description: [The saved from Stalingrad... Against Hitler’s order
91 000 German soldiers and officers found their way from the
Stalingrad pocket to life... Who are the lucky ones?... Don’t
hesitate a moment and send the message of joy to all
concerned...]. A list of German PoW’s and their home addresses
is published on the leaflet. Euro 27
#S1-1937..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2456
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-1938.....2457 10 Antworten an Goebbels...
15x21 cm – 2 – paper: rose or green – preservation: 1 – 4.1943
– see part illustration – description: [10 answers to Goebbels...].
A fictitious German soldier is answering Goebbels who had
asked rethorically the German people if they wanted total war.
Author of the text is Erich Weinert. Photomontage. Euro 34
#S1-1939..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2457 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 15
#S1-1940.....2459 Jeder “total mobilisiert”
auf seine Weise...
21x19 cm – 2 – paper: yellowish –
preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – see part
illustration – description: [Everybody is
“mobilizing totally” in his own way.]
Goebbels has many women at his disposal,
on the other hand elderly women have to
work in a factory. Photomontage: Goebbels
in the company of women. Photograph:
old women at work. Euro 34
#S1-1941..[Official printed translation in Russian for
leaflet code 2459 giving date and copies
printed]. Euro 8
#S1-1942...2460 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 3
16x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 –
description of [Illustrated Paper German
PoW’s in Soviet-Russia No. 3 April 1943.
They escaped the hell of war. You can see
their suffering... But soon they show a
happy smile...]. Six photographs, PoW’s are
having a good time. Euro 23
#S1-1943..[Official printed translation in Russian for
leaflet code 2460 giving date and copies
printed]. Euro 11
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
#S1-1944...2468 Hitler verdammt Euch zum sicheren Untergang Matrosen der deutschen
U-Boot Flotte!
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description: [Hitler condemned you to a certain decline... Hitler’s
army has already lost the war. The war will end with the sinking of your fleet and you own decline!]. The leaflet
is printed without a safe conduct, a sailor on a U-boat had been hardly able to use one. Euro 31
#S1-1945..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2468 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 11
#S1-1946.....2479 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 200
16x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description: [What is happening in Germany? No. 200... Himmler
has ordered this... SS-men can make babies everywhere...]. Two drawings by Erich Weinert.
Euro 32
#S1-1948.....2482 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 222
17x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description of
leaflet newspaper: [News from Foreign Countries No. 222...
North Africa - the start for the Second Front in Europe...
München looks like a war scene...]. Map: German cities
bombed by British and Soviet airplanes. Euro 39
#S1-1949..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2482
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
#S1-1950.....2485 Die Toten an die Lebenden...
15x24 cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – illustration
of title page – description: [The dead to the living
“Comrades! Where ever you are... we step in front of you, we,
the shadow of Stalingrad!... Believe, what we did not believe!...
Believe this voice, comrades!” The shadows of Stalingrad are
speaking to you!...]. No safe conduct i.e. intended dissemination inside Germany. Photomontage, see illustration.
Euro 39
#S1-1951..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2485
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 17
#S1-1952.....2489 10 Gebote die jeder deutsche Soldat...
10x22 cm – 4 – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description: Ten
commandments every German soldier has to know. Keep in
mind, how you can save yourself... Watch out for traitors,
informers and SS-men...]. Ten drawings by Erich Weinert.
Euro 18
#S1-1953..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2489
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 13
#S1-1954.....2490 Laßt Euch STALINGRAD eine Lehre...
14x21cm – 2 – preservation: 1 –
5.1943 – see part illustration –
description: Let Stalingrad be a
reminder to you!... Now they tell
you the crisis at the Eastern Front
has passed... Do not give in to
illusions... These are the lessions
from Stalingrad... You can go a
different way...]. Euro 22
#S1-1955..[Official printed translation in
Russian for leaflet code 2490
giving date and copies printed].
Euro 14
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-1956.....2491 STALINS Maibefehl Deutsche Soldaten! Der Oberste Befehlshaber der...
14x20cm – 4 – paper: rose, printing: red – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description: Stalin’s order No. 195 on the
occasion of May first... Preconditions for victory over Hitler have been set... Hitler’s clique is in a heavy crisis
and at the edge of a catastrophe... Stalin says: [“The Hitlers come and go but the German people, the German
state will remain.”]. Euro 20
#S1-1957..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2491 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-1958.....2494 Die zweite Front kommt! DEUTSCHE SOLDATEN! SAGTEN WIR EUCH...
14x20cm – 4 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description: The Second Front is coming!... Didn’t we tell you...
So it happened...]. Euro 17
#S1-1959..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2494 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 13
#S1-1960...2495 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 4
17x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 4.1943 – description of [Illustrated Paper German PoW’s in Soviet-Russia
No. 4 May 1943. PoW’s in the Soviet-Union are not convicts but state prisoners and are treated accordingly...].
Five photographs: PoW’s are at work. Euro 15
#S1-1961..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2495 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 11
#S1-1962.....2496 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 223 Mai
17x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – see part
illustration – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from
Foreign Countries No. 223... The blows against Germany
from the East and the West have been united... America is
producing 100 000 airplanes per year...]. Caricature: The
Allies are crushing Mussolini and Hitler. Euro 23
#S1-1963..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2496
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-1964...2501 “Auf jeden Dezember folgt wieder...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description:
[Every December is followed by the month of May”... With
the help of this song they consoled you last winter, and what
happened in May?... Make contact with comrades who have also enough of this war...]. Euro 16
#S1-1965.....2504 Die zweite Front kommt! DEUTSCHE
13x19cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – see part
illustration – description: [The Second Front is coming!...
Didn’t we tell you... So it happened...]. Euro 16
#S1-1966.....2505 Frontnachrichten Nr. 226
17x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from the Front No. 226...
Losses of the German air force at the Eastern front...]. Photomontage: [Germany is becoming a war zone.
Today in the air Tomorrow on the land]
Euro 17
#S1-1967.....2514 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 224
17x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description of
leaflet newspaper: [News from Foreign Countries
No. 224... The Allies will land in Europe very soon...
The Nazis are afraid of the coming of the Second
Front..]. Caricature: Hitler is being crushed by the Allies
[The Second Front is coming]. Euro 15
#S1-1968.....2516 Soldaten fallen Generäle...
21x19cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: [soldiers die
Generals surrender... /What the generals can do, you can
do also, soldier!...]. Euro 19
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR ¤ Germans...
#S1-1969.....2517 Frontnachrichten Nr. 227
16x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – see part
illustration – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from
the Front No. 227... We will never live through the third
Russian winter... Massive air attack on Duisburg... The end
of Hitler’s adventure in Africa...]. Caricature: [The
commander of German troops in Africa is caught by the
Allies. Rommel fled from Africa and is rewarded by Hitler
with a special knights cross.]. Euro 27
#S1-1970..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2517
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-1971.....2518 Es gibt einen Ausweg für Euch...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description:
[There is a way out for you... You did much harm to the
Russian people... Break this develish spider net... The
soldier who surrenders on his free will takes away from him
and his family the responsability for Hitler’s war and the
misdeeds of the Hitler bandits...]. Euro 12
#S1-1972.....2521 So war’s gedacht für die zu Hause...
21x20 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: [This is the way
those at home should see it (Stalingrad)... This is the way
it really looked like...]. Note: Soviet propaganda
maintained the German Wehrmacht never had even
entered Stalingrad. Poem by Erich Weinert on reverse of
leaflet. Euro 42
#S1-1973..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code
2521 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 23
17x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description:
[Africa is the stepping stone to the Second Front...
Soldiers! Do you know what happened in Africa?...
What does Hitler’s defeat in Africa mean?...]. Map:
North Africa. Euro 13
#S1-1975..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code
2523 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-1976.....2528 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 225
17x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – see part illustration –
description of leaflet newspaper: [News from Foreign Countries
No. 225... Germany in a ring of fire... Partisan warfare in Europe...].
Caricature: [1940 – Hitler: where can we land best (in England)? 1943 –
Hitler: where will they land?]. Euro 27
#S1-1977..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2528 giving date
and copies printed]. Euro 9
Notes on leaflets for sale:
Aerial propaganda leaflets offered here are weapons of warfare and have mostly
been used in combat. The buyer will accept in “preservation: 1” imperfections like
creases or small damage on edge.
For more details see chapter “Information on Leaflet Preservation.”
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-1978.....2529 Wer ist der Stärkere? Soldaten!
Ein ehernes Gesetz des Krieges lautet:...
14x20 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description:
[Who is the strongest?... The Russian winter offensive has shown, the
Germans have become weaker but the Russians have grown
stronger...]. Euro 28
#S1-1979..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2528 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-1980.....2531 Was hat Churchill gesagt? Soldaten!
Mitte Mai fand in Washington eine...
14x20 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – description:
[What did Churchill say?... We have met here to start preparations to
fight our common enemy in Europe without loosing one day...]. The
leaflet is reporting on a meeting of Roosevelt and Churchill in
Washington. Euro 28
#S1-1981..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2531 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-1982.....2533 Der Führer sagte... Eure Offiziere haben
Euch befohlen, auf alle Flugblätter das Wort
FEINDPROPAGANDA zu schreiben...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 5.1943 – illustration of title page –
description: [The Führer said... Your officers ordered you to inscribe all leaflets with the word ENEMY
PROPAGANDA. As you can see we did that for you already. This leaflet contains Hitler’s words. Evidently
every word is a blatant lie. Enemy propaganda is: he who lies to his own people is an enemy... ]. Euro 43
#S1-1983..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2533 giving date and copies printed. The code printed on
the official translation was erroneously 2339.]. Euro 7
#S1-1984.....2537 Die zweite Front kommt!...
16x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: [The Second
Front is coming! /...Didn’t we tell you, Hitler
would not win his Blitzkrieg in Russia?...].
Caricature: Hitler is being crushed by the fists of
the Allies. Euro 33
#S1-1985.....2538 Die Toten an die Lebenden...
14x22 cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: [The dead to
the living. “Comrades! Whereever you are... we step
in front of you, we, the shadow of Stalingrad!...].
No safe conduct! Photomontage, see leaflet code
2485 and illustration of title page, different text.
Euro 32
#S1-1986.....2547 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 5
18x23 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 –
description: [Illustrated Paper German PoW’s in
Soviet-Russia No. 5 June 1943. German generals
captured in Stalingrad are enjoying their good
health... German soldier! Your generals and officers
who demand your death in battle are the first to
break with Hitler and surrender. What your
generals do, you can do also!]. Eight photographs
of PoW’s. Euro 19
#S1-1987..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet
code 2547 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 13
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
#S1-1988.....2549 Wohin? Mit Hitler Ohne Hitler Was bringt der Sommer 1943? Das fragst...
17x22 cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – see part illustration – description: [Where to? With Hitler
Without Hitler. What will the summer 1943 bring? Don’t you ask yourself the same question?... It depends on
you!... Hitler’s downfall, Germany’s liberation, your rescue! Again: all this depends on you and your decision!].
Photomontage. Euro 41
#S1-1989..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2549 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 13
#S1-1990.....2550 10 FRAGEN UND ANTWORTEN...
14x18 cm – 4 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – see part
illustration – description: [10 questions and answers.
1. Why do we drop bombs and leaflets at the same time?
Bombs – as an answer to Hitler’s assault on our homes
and to destroy his war machine. Leaflets – to tell you the
truth about the war... Do the Russians intend to destroy
the German people and the German state?... What shall
German soldiers do now? Take action. Get up to fight
against the war...]. Euro 32
#S1-1991.....2550 10 FRAGEN UND ANTWORTEN...
As above, but preservation: 2. Euro 27
#S1-1992..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code
2550 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-1993.....2551 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 6
18x22 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description:
[Illustrated Paper German PoW’s in Soviet-Russia No. 6 June
1943. German soldiers! These German generals and officers lied to
their soldiers, they told them they would be killed in Russian
capitivity. They themselves did not believe such lies. Taking the first
chance they capitulated and became Russian prisoners. Have a look
how they live in their officers camps...]. Six photographs of officer
PoW’s. Euro 15
#S1-1994..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2551 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 26
#S1-1995.....2557 Frontnachrichten Nr. 228
16x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – see part illustration –
description of leaflet newspaper: [News from the Front No. 228...
Decisive blows of the Soviet, English and American air force...].
Drawing: [Increasing English and American “deliveries” to
Germany.]. Goebbels, shown as usual as an ape, covered his head
with a kitchen pot. He and an SS-general is taking cover in an air raid shelter. Euro 19
#S1-1996..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2557 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 26
#S1-1997.....2558 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 226
17x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – see part illustration – description
of leaflet newspaper: [News from Foreign Countries No. 226... All hopes of
the German High Command for a victory has been smashed... The hope to
win the U-boat war is lost...]. Caricature: [Hitler: where will the Allies land???].
Goebbels, shown as usual as an ape, is watching sitting on a lamp. Euro 18
#S1-1998..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2558 giving date and
copies printed]. Euro 19
#S1-1999.....2559 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 202
16x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: [What is happening in
Germany? No. 202... The German armament industry is being destroyed by
aerial bombardment... Total mobilization led to a decline of productivity...].
Caricature: Goebbels is hiding behind Hitler. Euro 26
#S1-2000.....2560 Zwei Jahre Ostfeldzug DEUTSCHE...
13x17 cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: [Two
years of campaign in the East. German soldiers! What brought two
years of war in the East for you? One word says it: “STALINGRAD”
is a symbol... Denounce Hitler your obedience...]. Euro 18
#S1-2001..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2560 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 25
#S1-2002.....2562 WER IST SCHULD an Stalingrad...
14x22 cm – 2 – green – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – illustration of title
page – description: [Who is the guilty one for Stalingrad... You!... Not
you!... Adolf, the defeated! /Hitler is leading you to total
destruction...]. On a “green table” Hitler is debating with himself who
is the guilty one. Euro 43
#S1-2003..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2562 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 27
#S1-2004.....2563 “Wo stehen wir?” So fragt Ihr Euch besorgt...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: [Where are
we? This is what you are asking yourself after two years fighting in
the East?... Get out of foreign countries!... Spread the slogan:
“We want to go home!”... Prove by your action you are against Hitler!
If you want to save your life go into captivity...]. Euro 13
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
14x19 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: [What will bring you the third year of war in Russia?...
Somber thoughts occupy you... Hitler is not Germany...]. Euro 12
#S1-2006..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2566 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 19
#S1-2007.....2568 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 7
16x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description:[Illustrated Paper German PoW’s in Soviet-Russia
No. 7 June 1943. German soldiers and officers! Look at these pictures and convince yourself that the horror
stories put out by the German command are nothing but mean lies...]. Eight photographs about the life of
German PoW’s. Euro 14
#S1-2008..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2568 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2009.....2569 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 203
17x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: [What is happening in Germany? No. 203... German
towns terribly destroyed by air raids... We cannot longer tolerate the situation today...]. Two photomontages:
[The ones can go for a walk... The others are forced to produce shells]. Euro 13
22x15 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: [Why no letters of PoW’s arrive from Russia?... Hitler!
Is guilty of this unjust sacrifice!...]. Note: Neither Germany nor the Soviet-Union delivered letters of PoW’s. The
leaflet is reporting how Russian propaganda leaflets used PoW-letters, see photomontage above, showing leaflets
with lists of PoW’s: [Sergeant Kleinfeld sent one of our leaflets to the address of PoW’s from the town of
Rostock. The answer of the letter he received is reprinted on the photomontage reproduced above: “Dear
Werner! I have done some research on the PoW’s from Rostock mentioned on the leaflet you sent me... One
PoW I could not locate, his house was burnt down and nobody knew where his wive is... The house of the
other PoW was also destroyed but his parents were most pleased to hear from their son. They recognized his
handwriting... The parents thanked me again and again and told me to thank you for sending the leaflet.
Euro 54
#S1-2011..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2576 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-2012.....2577 Deutschland hört mit!
12x17 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – illustration of title page –
description: Germany is listening! (A short story) Mrs. Schön, the
wive of a German pilot received the message he did not return from
a flight to Stalingrad. Sad and mourning she ordered a mass to be
said in church for her dead husband on Monday next at 10 o’clock...
Listening to her radio she suddenly heard the name of her husband.
He was mentioned on Radio Moscow which was reporting about
German PoW’s in Russian captivity... On Monday she went to church
as if nothing had happened but nobody turned up for the service for
her husband. The priest came up to her and said: ”I think we should
not have this mass, I have heard it too..!” All over, Germany is now
listening to Radio Moskow...]. Euro 36
#S1-2013..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2577 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 11
#S1-2014.....[2579] Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 8
22x15 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description of [Illustrated
Paper German PoW’s in Soviet-Russia No. 8 June 1943. German
soldiers! Those who surrender on their free will receive preferential
treatment...]. Three photographs: life of German PoW’s. Euro 16
#S1-2015..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2579 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2016.....2580 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 227
16x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from Foreign Countries
No. 227... Sinister perspectives of the Axis nations... North Africa is a jumping board to Europe...]. Caricature:
Mussolini’s fate is tied to Italy. Euro 19
#S1-2017..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2580 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 19
#S1-2018.....2581 Siegen wird, wer stärker ist!...
16x26 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 –
see part illustration – description: [Victorious will
be the one who is stronger... The power of the
Allies is unsurmountable, but the power of
Germany will decline...]. Photomontage: [The
armament industry of the Anti-Hitler-Coalition
is producing each hour:..]. Euro 43
#S1-2019.....2581 Siegen wird, wer stärker ist!...
As above, but preservation: 2. Euro 39
#S1-2020..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet
code 2581 with date and copies printed]. Euro 7
#S1-2021.....2583 ZWEI JAHRE
17x21 cm – 4 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 –
description: [Two years of Patrial War of the
Soviet-Union...]. Euro 23
#S1-2022.....2583 ZWEI JAHRE...
As above, but preservation: 2. Euro 19
#S1-2023.....2586 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 9
14x19 cm – 2 – green, red – preservation: 1 –
6.1943 – description: [Illustrated Paper German
PoW’s in Soviet-Russia No. 9. Euro 14
#S1-2024.....2586 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 9
As above, but preservation: 2. Euro 11
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
#S1-2025.....2587 Frontnachrichten Nr. 229
17x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from the Front No. 229...
German soldiers and non-comissioned officers!...]. Photograph: [German deserters... Work under instruction of
a Russian in a vetgetable garden.]. Euro 14
#S1-2026..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2587 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 15
10x17 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: [For radio stations and loudspeaker installations... What
did you get for two years of war in the East?... Stalingrad!... There is a way out! Stalingrad and Tunis have shown
it...]. Note: This is not a leaflet! The text was used for vocal communication. Euro 14
#S1-2028.....2592 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 10
22x15 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: Illustrated Paper. German PoW’s in Soviet-Russia
No. 10. Euro 15
#S1-2029..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2592 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
#S1-2030.....2594 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 204
17x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description: [What is happening in Germany? No. 204... German
soldiers! Read, what total mobilization does to your families... Children of soldiers are being treated badly...
Inhuman working conditions...]. Photograph: [Woman mourning, her child has died]. Euro 13
#S1-2031.....2594 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 204 As above, but preservation: 2. Euro 11
#S1-2032.....2596 Frontnachrichten Nr. 230
16x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – see part
illustration – description of leaflet newspaper: [News
from the Front No. 230... What is the price of
Germany’s war in the East?...]. Drawing: [Every day
Hitler’s armed forces are loosing at the Eastern front.
Soldiers and officers...]. Euro 21
#S1-2033..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code
2596 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 16
#S1-2034.....2598 SOWJETGESETZE ÜBER...
15x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description:
[Soviet laws about PoW’s... In the face of future battles in
summer each of you is thinking: What is in store for me –
death?... Your officers have told you PoW’s are at the
mercy of the Russians. All this are lies and deceit...].
Euro 25
#S1-2035.....2603 Hitler ist bankrott DEUTSCHE...
15x23 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – description:
[Hitler is bankrupt... Do not believe Hitler... A defaulter at
the head of a state means: ruin of the people, ruin of the
nation, ruin of the state...]. Euro 17
#S1-2036..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2603 giving date and
copies printed]. Euro 11
#S1-2037.....2606 Glaubt Ihr dem Führer?...
13x19 cm – 4 – blue – preservation: 1 – 6.1943 – illustration of title page –
description: [Do you believe the Führer?... Hitler said... Take your courage and
come over to the Russian side...]. Collage of German newspapers. Euro 18
#S1-2038.....2606 Glaubt Ihr dem... As above, but preservation: 2. Euro 15
#S1-2039..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2606 giving date and
copies printed]. Euro 11
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-2040.....2607 Auslands-Nachrichten Nr. 229
16x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – see part illustration –
description of leaflet newspaper: [News from Foreign Countries
No. 229... The European hinterland is getting more dangerous
for Germany... The block of Axis power is disintegrating...].
Hitler caricature: The Allies are chipping away at the tree of the
Axis powers. Euro 22
#S1-2041..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2607
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
#S1-2042.....2608 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 205
17x21 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [What is
happening in Germany? No. 205... Heavy blows against the coal
industry in the Ruhr area... Distruction of Möhne dam...
Sabotage of foreign workers in German factories...].
Photomontage: British airplanes attack German cities. Euro 29
#S1-2043..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2608
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 6
#S1-2044.....2613 Eine neue Gemeinheit Hitlers... Stalingrad...
15x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [A new nastiness of Hitler. To all officers and soldiers of
the German Wehrmacht! Comrades! Our division laid down our arms in the pocket of Stalingrad... Hitler’s new
nastiness is to declare we all had died in Stalingrad... He needs this lie of our death for his propaganda... Do a
good turn and tell our relatives we are alive... He who goes with Hitler will perish at the front. He who breaks
with Hitler and comes to the Russians will be far from the front in complete safety...]. Names and addresses of
former members of the 44th Infantry Division are given, officers are mentioned on top of the list! Euro 19
#S1-2045..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2613 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2046.....2618 Gebt Euch freiwillig gefangen! Deutsche Soldaten! In letzter Zeit geben sich...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [Go to captivity on your free will!... In recent times more
and more German soldiers went into captivity of the Red Army...]. Euro 13
#S1-2047.....2620 Was geht in Deutschland vor? Nr. 206
16x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [What is happening in Germany? No. 206... German
soldiers! Read, what the SS-men do in the German hinterland... The SS is in the hinterland, soldiers die at the
front (story illustrates this)... Himmler is favouring sexual excesses (an SS order is quoted)... SS is plundering the
property of bombed out families... SS is making fun of soldier’s wives...]. Photomontage with sexual
insinuations. Euro 29
#S1-2048.....2621 Die deutsche Offensive in Raum von Kursk und die Gauner aus dem...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [The German offensive in the Kursk area and the
swindler from Hitler’s headquarters... The offensive
of the Germans which started in July 5th has had no
success so far...]. Euro 19
#S1-2049.....2622 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 11
16x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – see part
illustration – description: [Illustrated Paper German
PoW’s in Soviet-Russia No. 11... This is the way they
looked when they surrendered at Stalingrad. This is
the way they look now in Russian captivity...]. Six
photographs: German PoW’s on their way from
capitulation to the safety of their camp and their
activity to influence their comrades still fighting for
Hitler. Euro 15
#S1-2050..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet
code 2622 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 14
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
10x14 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – see part illustration – description: [Hitler’s new adventure will fail...
On July 5th Hitler started his new offensive (near Kursk) with 15 tanks, one mechanized, and 14 infantry
divisions... Losses are unbelievable and the result is zero...]. Euro 16
#S1-2052..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2625 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-2053.....2626 ACHTUNG! Ein neuer Betrug! DEUTSCHE SOLDATEN! Tag für Tag...
10x13 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [Attention! A new fraud!... Day for day they tried to tell
you in the last months: “Time is working for us!” That was a lie and a fraud!...]. Note: On July 5th Hitler started
his new offensive (near Kursk). Euro 17
#S1-2054..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2626 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-2055.....2629 Illustriertes Blatt Nr. 12 Juli 1943
16x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – see part illustration – description of [Illustrated Paper No. 12.
German PoW’s in Soviet-Russia. Six Photographs: Note: PoW’s eating on tables covered with white linnen and
being served by a young Russian girl, see size of the pot of soup. Euro 17
#S1-2056..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2629 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-2057.....2637 Erklärung eines deutschen Oberleutnants, der auf die Seite der Sowjettruppen
20x27 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: First Lieutenant Hans Frankenfeld gives a curriculum
vitae and his observations in Russian captivity. Portrait photograph. Euro 16
#S1-2058.....2638 Vor Kursk haben die Illusionen der deutschen Soldaten ihr Grab gefunden...
11x17 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [In front of Kursk the illusions of German soldiers have
found their grave... The break down of the German summer offensive – is the decisive defeat of the German
army...]. Note: On July 5th Hitler started his new offensive (near Kursk). Euro 14
#S1-2059..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2638 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-2060.....2642 Warum ist die neue Offensive Hitlers zusammengebrochen? Am 5. Juli 1943...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [Why broke the new offensive Hitler’s down?!... Because
the time for Hitler’s successes is over. Euro 18
#S1-2061..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2642 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 6
More than 3,000 different Soviet leaflets disseminated for G ermans are available.
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-2062.....2644 Zwei Sommeroffensiven Am 5. Juli begann Hitler die Generaloffensive auf...
20x17 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – see part illustration – description: [Two summer offensives. On 5th
July Hitler began his general offensive in Kursk. In 10 days the Germans lost 1,392 airplanes, 2,818 tanks (more
than 700 “Tiger”), and about 100,000 soldiers and officers dead. Without the slightest success Hitler was pushed
to the defensive... On 12th July began the Russian offensive in the Orel area...]. Two photographs. Euro 18
#S1-2063..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2644 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 6
#S1-2064.....2645 Die Geschichte wiederholt sich (Juli 1943 – Juli 1918) DEUTSCHE...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [History is repeating itselve (July 1943 – July 1918...
Exactly 25 years ago, in July 1918, Kaiser Wilhelm tried also to start a last desparate offensive...]. Euro 16
#S1-2065..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2645 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 11
#S1-2066.....2646 Frontnachrichten Nr. 231
17x22 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from the Front No. 231...
The price of the new Hitler adventure... A cemetery of “Tiger” tanks...]. Euro 15
#S1-2067..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2646 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-2068.....2648 Aus ist’s mit dem Sommer für die deutsche Armee! Offiziere und Soldaten!...
11x16 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [The summer for the German army is over... Instead of
summer new defeats have arrived. What will come are autumn and winter and the unavoidable catastrophe of
the German army...]. Euro 13
#S1-2069..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2548 giving date and copies
printed]. Euro 10
#S1-2070.....2649 Achtung! Wichtig für jeden Soldaten an der Ostfront...
11x16 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – illustration of title page – description: [Attention! Important for every soldier at the Eastern front!... To prove, you
have lost this war already is self-evident. After Stalingrad and Tunis...]. Euro 14
#S1-2071..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2649 giving date and copies
printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2072.....[2650] “Wenn deutsche Soldaten und Offiziere sich ergeben...
14x10 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [“If German soldiers and
officers capitulate the Red Army makes them prisoners and saves their lives.”...
Stalin...]. Safe conduct with special conditions promised for those capitulating on
their free will...]. The leaflet is propagating desertion. Euro 13
#S1-2073.....[2651] Angriff oder Verteidigung? Deutsche Offiziere und...
19x18 cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: [Attack or defence?...
In Kursk Hitler hat tried to attack... Near Orel the Germans were in the defence...]. Two photographs Hitler’s,
one photomontage. Euro 17
#S1-2074..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2651 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2075.....2653 Frontnachrichten Nr. 232
21x16 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description of leaflet newspaper: [News from the Front No. 232...
The Soviet troops are advancing... Where German “Tigers” did not get through Russian tanks did... German
soldiers surrender with their lorries... Russian artillery is destroying “Tigers”...]. Photomontage: Destroyed
German tanks. Euro 12
#S1-2076..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2653 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-2077.....2658 Befehl des Obersten Befehlshabers an General der Armee Genossen...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – description: Stalin is promoting some of his generals. Euro 7
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
#S1-2078.....[2665] Er ist der Schuldige! Sterben muß er! Sonst gibt es bald kein Deutschland...
22x15 cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – illustration of title page – description: [He is the guilty one!
He must die! Otherwise Germany will soon cease to exist... /Soldier, your child is calling you... Soldier follow
the call of your child: Save yourself for your child, for your family...]. Photomontage. Euro 37
#S1-2079..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2665 giving date and copies printed].
Euro 9
#S1-2080.....2666 Österreicher! Soldaten der...
13x21 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 –
see part illustration – description: [Austrians!
Soldiers of the 2nd, 8th, 12th tank division and
the 262th Infantry Division!... The war is
coming closer to Austria... Austrians are in the majority on this
sector of the front, an armed majority in Hitler’s army... After the
war you will return to your home in an Austria which will no
longer be subjected by Hitler...]. Euro 32
#S1-2081..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2666
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 13
#S1-2082.....2676 Italiens erster Sieg
13x17 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 7.1943 – Reproduction of title
page –description: [Italy’s first victory /Mussolini (his name is
crossed out) German soldier! Read again the latest news...].
Caricature, see illustration. Euro 28
#S1-2083..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2676
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 13
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-2084.....2684 Befehl des Obersten Befehlshabers der Roten Armee an Generaloberst...
14x20 cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: Stalin is promoting some of his generals. Euro 6
#S1-2085.....2690 Liquidierung des Oreler Aufmarschgebietes der Deutschen und Einnahme...
13x19 cm – 4 – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: [Liquidation of the German attack and occupation of
Orel and Belgorod...]. Euro 8
The Soviet Government produced and disseminated a series of
miniature illustrated leaflets under the title “Gib Dich freiwillig
gefangen!” [“Surrender voluntarily!”...] The following codes were used:
2696, 2698 to 2704, 2706, 2857 to 2860, 2886 to 2893.
#S1-2086.....2696 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – illustration ot title
page – description: [Did you read the booklet of the “840”?...]. Euro 14
#S1-2087..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2696 giving date and copies
printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2088.....2698 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
14x11 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 13
#S1-2089..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2698 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2090.....2699 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
14x11 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 13
#S1-2091..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2699 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2094.....2700 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 13
#S1-2095..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2700 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2096.....2701 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – blue, red – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: life of German
PoW’s. Euro 13
#S1-2097.....2702 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 13
#S1-2098..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code
2702 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 9
#S1-2099.....2703 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 13
#S1-2100.....2704 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 12
#S1-2101.....2706 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 12
#S1-2102..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2706
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 16
#S1-2103.....2711 Wohin? Mit Hitler Ohne Hitler
/WÄHLE! Mit Hitler – das ist der alte Weg...
15x10cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: [Where to? With Hitler Without Hitler...]. Euro 33
#S1-2104..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2711 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 12
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series ¤ Germans
#S1-2105.....2712 Warum weinst du, Mutti?...
/... Warum ich weine? Mein armes Kind,...
16x11cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description:
[Why do you cry, Mama?...]. Photomontage, see also leaflet code
2380, poem by Erich Weinert. Euro 39
#S1-2106..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2712 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 13
#S1-2107.....2713 ERICH WEINERT
DENK AN DEIN KIND! Wohl diese Nacht...
11x15cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – illustration of title
page – description: poem on reverse
[Think about your child!
It is in this night
It is dreaming of you!
An if it is awakening tomorow,
Your child is asking for you:
Moth, is father not yet here?...].
Photomontage, see illustration and poem by Erich Weinert. Euro 43
#S1-2108..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2713 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 13
#S1-2109.....2714 Willst nach Hause du gelangen,...
ERMUTIGUNG Hör her, Soldat! Merk dir genau...
11x15cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – illustration of title
page – description: If you want to come home, Turn to Russian
Listen, soldier Remember well:!
If you want to see again child and wive,
Don’t be discouraged!...].
Drawing, see illustration and poem by Erich Weinert. Euro 43
#S1-2110..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2714 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 18
#S1-2111.....2715 LETZTE WARNUNG! Geht zurück,...
12x15cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: [Last warning!
Retreat, before it is too late!... Remember well, what we tell you: the
longer you stay on our land the more will your guilt grow... The
soldiers of the Red Army]. Euro 15
#S1-2112..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2715 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-2113.....2716 Was bedeutet die Evakuierung von Berlin...
14x19cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: [What does
the evacuation of Berlin and Hamburg mean?... Do away with Hitler
– he is guilty of this war, he has condemned your families to death –
and the war will be over!]. Euro 19
#S1-2114..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2716 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
Notes on leaflets for sale:
All illustrations of leaflets in this sales catalogue are marked
to protect the rights of buyer. On the leaflet itself is a different mark to guarantee authenticity.
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-2115.....2718 Wer drückt sich rum in der Etappe Als Staatselite und Nobless Und hat...
15x11cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – illustration of title page – description: [Who is hiding in the
hinterland... Who is amusing himself with the fiance of the soldier...SS /The sooner the better! German
soldiers! While you risk here your life, at your home your family is breaking apart. The SS-base wallah and their
fellow rogues approach your brides and wives... Don’t wait until your luck is broken. Save, what can be saved.
Leave the front...]. Photomontage, see illustration. Euro 41
#S1-2116..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2718 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-2117.....2721 Als er Abschied nahm... Als er wiederkam...
11x15cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – illustration of
title page – description: [When he took leave... When he
returned... /This song was found in the possession of a German
soldier who had died at the Eastern front...]. Photomontage, see
illustration and song. Euro 37
#S1-2118..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2721 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-2119.....[2726] KRIEGSKALENDER 1943 AUGUST
8. August 1918. DER SCHWARZE TAG der...
The code 2627 is printed erroneously on this leaflet – 14x17cm –
2 – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: [War calendar 1943
August 8th August 1918... Ludendorff: “August 8, 1918, was the
decline of the ability to fight... To fight the war took the character
of playing hasard... The war had to be ended... ”]. Euro 17
#S1-2120..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2726 giving
date and copies printed]. Euro 7
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
#S1-2121.....2727 Verluste der faschistischen deutschen Truppen an der sowjetisch-deutschen...
10x15cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: [Losses of the fascist German troops on the SovietGerman front from 5th July to 20th August 1943...]. Euro 13
#S1-2122.....2737 KRIEGSKALENDER 1943 AUGUST Vor 185 Jahren, am 25. August...
14x17cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: [War calendar 1943 August 185 years ago, on 25th
August 1758... Frederic the Great: “An army which should try to invade Russia further than Smolensk is
doomed.”]. Euro 18
#S1-2123..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2737 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
#S1-2124.....2739 Nach CHARKOW... 1943 AUGUST 30 MONTAG Operationsbericht vom...
14x18cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 8.1943 – description: [After Charkov. 1943 August. Report on operations of
the Red Army on 30th August...]. Euro 8
#S1-2125.....2740 KEINE ILLUSIONEN... DEUTSCHE SOLDATEN! Nach Stalingrad...
14x17cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 9.1943 – description: [No illusions... After Stalingrad they tried to console you...
It was evident the Germans can no longer attack in summer... They are not even able to defend themselves...].
Euro 14
#S1-2126..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2740 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-2127.....2742 Das “siegreiche” Viergespann am Scheidewege. /Deutsche Offiziere und...
15x11cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 9.1943 – yellow – illustration of title page – description: [The “victorious”
four-horse carriage at the decision... German officers and soldiers! This is the way the Hitler block is presenting
itself. Only a blind man does not see that Hitler’s case is lost... Put down your weapons! Go into captivity
voluntarily...]. Drawing similar to leaflet code 3196, only one “horse” i.e. Hungary, has remained. Euro 56
#S1-2128..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2742 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 12
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-2129.....2743 “Der Sturz Mussolinis ist eine innere
Angelegenheit Italiens.”...
11x16cm – 2 – yelow – preservation: 1 – 9.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: [“The toppling of
Mussolini is an internal affair of Italy” or: Mussolini’s today
is Hitler’s tomorrow. / German officers and soldiers! After
the Italian people had ousted Mussolini Hitler’s propaganda
did not have much to say... Put down your arms! Go to
captivity voluntarily...]. Euro 37
#S1-2130..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2743
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-2131... 2744 “Ruhe und Ordnung
herrschen in Deutschland.”...
11x15cm – 2 – green – preservation: 1 – 9.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: [“Quiet and
order rule in Germany” or HIMMLER is
appointed interior minister. / Hitler has sent you
to Russia to perish. Your families have been turned
over to Himmler the henchman...]. Euro 51
#S1-2132..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2744
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-2133.....2745 Hinter der Kulisse...
12x15cm – 2 – yelow – preservation: 1 – 9.1943 –
illustration of title page – description: [Behind the scene...].
The leaflet is reporting on a diplomatic note of the Allies to
neutral countries warning them not to grant asylum to Nazi
politicians. /[German officers and soldiers! Hitler is
completely bankrupt. Now he and his helpers are looking
for a hideout in neutral countries...]. Euro 37
#S1-2134..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2745
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 8
#S1-2135.....2747 KRIEGSKALENDER 1943
SEPTEMBER 1943 Vor vier Jahren, am...
14x17cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 9.1943. Euro 17
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 USSR, Soviet Central Series (continued) ¤ Germans
#S1-2136.....2751 Aus dem Befehl des Obersten Befehlshabers der Roten Armee vom 8...
11x15cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 9.1943 – description: A Stalin order and a report of German losses. Euro 13
#S1-2137.....2752 KRIEGSKALENDER 1943 SEPTEMBER 5. – 7. September 1812...
14x17cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 9.1943 – description: [War calendar 1943 September. 5th to 7th September
1812. Battle at Borodino, victory of the Russians and destruction of Napoleon’s army... Napoleon: “It is
possible to invade Russia but you cannot get out of it.”]. Euro 19
#S1-2138..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2752 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 7
23x16cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 10.1943 – see part
illustration – description: [German soldiers! Take our advice: Call
out to the Russians: “SDAJUS, TOWARISCHI, NE
STRELAJTE”.]. Photomontage, see leaflet code 1850. Reverse:
[Have a look at the map!...]. Euro 41.
#S1-2140..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2773
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 14
#S1-2141.....2793 Vom 19. bis zum 30. Oktober 1943 tagte...
DEKLARATION über die Verantwortlichkeit...
14x20cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 10.1943 – description: [From
19th to 30th October 1943 a conference took place in Moskow...
Declaration about the responsibility of the Hitler-Fascists for
committed bestialities... Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin.]. Euro 29
#S1-2142.....2794 ERGEBNISSE des Sommerfeldzugs der...
14x20cm – 4 – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – description: [Results
of the summer campaign of the Red Army... Losses of the
enemy during the summer campaign more than 2 700 000 dead,
wounded and PoW’s...]. Euro 12
#S1-2143.....2795 Vom 19. bis zum 30. Oktober 1943 tagte...
DEKLARATION über Italien...
14x20cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – description: [From
19th to 30th October 1943 a conference took place in Moskow...
Decalaration about Italy...]. Euro 14
#S1-2144.....2796 Englisch-sowjetisch-amerikanisches Kommunique über die Konferenz der...
14x20cm – 2 – preservation: 1 – 10.1943 – description: [English-Sovietish-American communique on the
conference of the three ministers in Moskow. From 19th to 30th October 1943 a conference took place in
Moskow... The Ministers declare the independence of Austria...]. Euro 19
#S1-2145.....2804 Vom 19. bis zum 30. Oktober 1943...
DEKLARATION über die Verantwortlichkeit...
16x23cm – 2 – blue, red – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – see part
illustration of title page – description: [From 19th to 30th
October 1943 a conference took place in Moskow...
Declaration about the responsability of the Hitler-Fascists for
committed bestialities... Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin.]. Euro 33
Do not throw away
“Leaflet Collectors”
they might be helpful
checking prices and finding
illustrations never seen before.
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
#S1-2146.....2809 VIER GEBOTE, um der Vergeltung zu entgehen...
16x21cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – see part illustration – description: [Four
commandments to avoid retaliation... We want to send you this warning: Everybody, taking
part in crimes committed by Hitler-Fascists will be dealt with severely... He who wants to
avoid retaliation should heed the following four commandments: 1 Do not commit murder!
2...], see illustration of four commandements. Euro 42
#S1-2147..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2809 giving date and copies printed].
Euro 6
#S1-2148.....2815 Und wo steht Euer nächster “Ostwall”?...
17x20cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – description: [And where is your
next “East Wall”?...]. Hitler is promising since 1942 a wall in the East but German troops
have been retreating ever since. Hitler caricature: “East Wall”. Euro 32
#S1-2149..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2815 giving date and copies printed].
Euro 6
#S1-2150.....2820 STALIN SPRICHT Die Hitlerarmee ist nicht mehr...
17x20cm – 2 – red, paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – illustration of title
page – description: [Stalin is speaking. Hitler’s army is not what it was...]. Euro 32
#S1-2151..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2820 giving date and copies
printed]. Euro 6
#S1-2152.....2821 STALIN SPRICHT Hitlerdeutschland vor der...
17x20cm – 2 – red, paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – description: [Stalin is
speaking. Hitler Germany is facing a catastrophe...]. Euro 16
#S1-2153..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2821 giving date and copies
printed]. Euro 6
#S1-2154.....2823 STALIN SPRICHT Festigung der Antihitlerkoalition...
14x24cm – 2 – red, paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – description: [Stalin is
speaking. Consolidation of the anti-Hitler coalition. Disintegration of the fascist
block...]. Euro 18
#S1-2155..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2823
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 6
#S1-2156.....2827 Die Russen über den Dnjepr!...
14x21cm – 2 – red – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – illustration of
reverse of leaflet – description: [The Russians are crossing the
Dnjepr river...]. Map: Russian gains until November 1943.
Euro 16
#S1-2157..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2827
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 10
#S1-2158.....[2828] “Zu Befehl!”...
19x21cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 11.1943 – see part
illustration – description: [“Yes. Sir!”... Blind obedience is the
duty of a soldier...]. Photomontage, see above. Euro 46
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1
1943 – 1944 USSR ¤ Germans...
#S1-2159.....2833 Worauf rechnet Ihr noch? Soldaten!...
16x22cm – 2 – blue – preservation: 1 – 12.1943 – illustration of title
page – description: [What are you counting on?... Are you counting on
a compromise peace?... Are you counting on wonder weapons... Even
on your retreat a Russian bullet is waiting for each of you...].
Photomontage, see illustration. Euro 37
#S1-2160..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2833
giving date and copies printed]. Euro 11
#S1-2161.....[2835] Konferenz der Leiter... in Teheran...
18x23cm – 2 – blue, red – preservation: 1 – 12.1943 – description:
[Conference of the leaders of the three united powers... Declaration
of the three powers... Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill]. Flags of the three
powers. Euro 23
#S1-2162.....2842 Vom 19. bis zum 30. Oktober 1943...
DEKLARATION über die Verantwortlichkeit...
16x23cm – 2 – blue, red – preservation: 1 – 12.1943 – see part
illustration of title page – description: [From 19th to 30th October
1943 a conference took place in Moskow... Declaration about the
responsibility of the Hitler-Fascists for committed bestialities... Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin.]. Euro 33
#S1-2163.....2842 Vom 19. bis zum 30. Oktober 1943... As above, but prservation: 2. Euro 19
Under the headline “Surrender voluntarily!” (“Gib Dich freiwillig
gefangen!”) the Soviet Government produced and disseminated
series of miniature and different illustrated leaflets. The following
codes were used: 2696, 2698 to 2704, 2706, 2857 to 2860, 2886 to
#S1-2164.....2857 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 12.1943 – illustration ot title
page – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 14
#S1-2165..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2857 to 2860 giving date
and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-2166.....2858 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 12.1943 – description: life of German
PoW’s. Euro 14
#S1-2167..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2857 to 2860 giving date
and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-2168.....2859 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 12.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 12
#S1-2169..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2857 to 2860 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-2170.....2860 Gib Dich freiwillig gefangen!...
11x14 cm – 2 – brown – preservation: 1 – 12.1943 – description: life of German PoW’s. Euro 14
#S1-2171..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2857 to 2860 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 12
#S1-2172.....2873 Erzwungene Eingeständnisse des Generals Dittmar SOLDATEN!...
14x21 cm – 2 – paper: rose – preservation: 1 – 1.1944 – description: a German military commentator is
describing the situation at the fronts in his speech on the New year 1944. [As a military expert general Dittmar
is conceeding Hitler has lost the war and to continue the war is to worsen the situation...]. Euro 12
#S1-2173..[Official printed translation in Russian for leaflet code 2873 giving date and copies printed]. Euro 19
The Leaflet Collector Sales List No. 1