German American Social Club of Cape Coral DER ANZEIGER January 2016 Volume 45, ISSUE 1 Board of Directors GEMÜTLICHKEIT GOOD FELLOWSHIP STIMMUNG President: GAIETY GESANG Joyce Amann SONG 1st Vice President: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - Joyce Amann (239) 574-2388 Bob Kraft 2nd Vice President: Dear Members, I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and I wish you a happy and healthy New Year. Bob Hildebrand Treasurer: Per our by-laws, all Chairpersons must resign from their appointed positions. I’d like to invite anyone with an interest in I want to thank you for the honor of serv- serving on a committee to contact me. ing as your president for the next two We’re having four Gartenfests this year, years. I hope to live up to the expectations of those that voted for me, and even- so we need everyone to pitch in to make them successful. They are scheduled for tually win over those that didn’t. Jan 17th, Feb 21st, March 13 and April I will be placing a suggestion box outside 17. our office. We have an enormous amount Our Maskenball will be held January of experience and wisdom within our th membership, but not everyone is comfort- 30 . I hope to see everyone in their Wild, able speaking up. I want to give everyone Wild, West costumes. the opportunity to contribute to the Club. Joyce Amann President Mary Edgar Secretary: Susie Zimmer-Sullivan Past President: Hubert Prem Director: Teresa Kohl Director: Mary Pakusch Director: Chris Pilsbury Director: Liebe Mitglieder, Dorothy Tamedl Director: Heinz Theuretzbacher Director: Barbara Wilken Inside this issue: Events P. 3 Donations P. 9 Calendar P. 17 Christmas Concert P. 11 Kulturgesellschaft P. 19 Ich hoffe, Ihr hattet alle einen wunderschönen Weihnachtsfest und wünsche ein Frohes und Gesundes Neues Jahr. Ich möchte mich bei allen für die Ehre Euch über die nächsten zwei Jahre als Eure Präsidentin zu repräsentieren bedanken. Ich hoffe, ich werde die hohen Erwartungen derjenigen erfüllen, die für mich gewählt haben und über Zeit auch diejenigen überzeugen, die nicht für mich gestimmt haben. Ich werde einen Vorschlagsbox vor unserem Office aufstellen lassen. Wir haben eine riesige Menge an Erfahrung und Wissen innerhalb unseres Clubs, wovon wir profitieren können, aber es gibt auch einige unter uns, die sich nicht wohl füllen, ihre Gedanken auch zu äußern. Ich möchte jeden die Möglichkeit geben, etwas zum Club beitragen zu können. Gemäß unserer "Bylaws" müssen alle "Chairpersons" am Jahresende von ihrem Amt zurücktreten. Ich möchten jeden bitten, der Interesse daran hat, an einem Kommittee zu dienen, sich bei mir zu melden. In diesem Jahr werden wir vier Gartenfests haben. Es ist also wichtig, dass jeder mit anpackt und hierbei hilft, damit sie ein Erfolg werden. Sie finden am 17. Januar, 21. Februar, 13. März und am 17. April statt. Unser diesjähriger Maskenball findet am 30ten Januar statt. Ich freue mich, Euch alle in Eurem Wilden West Kostüme zu sehen. Joyce Amann, Präsidentin PAGE 2 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 D E R A N ZE I GE R DER ANZEIGER Founded August 1972 as “NEWSLETTER” by Jack Fitzmaurice and renamed “Der Anzeiger” - June 1977 Published Monthly by: GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB OF CAPE CORAL, INC. P.O. BOX 150819 CAPE CORAL, FL 33915-0819 Phone: (239) 283-1400 ANZEIGER COMMITTEE Susie Zimmer-Sullivan, Editor (239) 282-0685 [email protected] (For email submissions, please put ANZEIGER in the subject line) Jim & Ann Walker, Reviewers [email protected] ADVERTISING : Happy New Year!!! Susie Zimmer-Sullivan IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLACE AN AD IN THE ANZEIGER, PLEASE CONTACT THE ADVERTISING MANAGER: In December, we gave special thanks to Susie Zimmer-Sullivan (239) 282-0685 [email protected] Marlene Kraft New prices effective as of September 2013 as our Volunteer of the Month! (1 year - 11 issues) Business card 1/4 page 1/2 page Full page $100.00 $300.00 $600.00 $900.00 Thank you for your dedication to the Club! GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB POLICY STATEMENT THE GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB IS OPEN TO ALL PERSONS WITHOUT REGARD TO RACE, CREED, CULTURE OR ETHNIC BACKGROUND. ANY DISCRIMINATION, RACIAL COMMENTS, BIGOTED REMARKS BY MEMBERS OR GUEST, THEFT, AND WANTON DESTRUCTION TO CLUB ASSETS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED OR TOLERATED! FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS POLICY WILL RESULT IN DISCIPLINARY ACTION STATED IN SECTION VIII, F 5* OF THE GASC BY-LAWS. VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 3 MONTH AT A GLANCE CLUB EVENTS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY Friday, January 8th - General Meeting - Music by: Manni Daum Sunday, January 10th - Birthdays/Anniversaries Friday, January 15th - Casual Dinner & Dance Friday, January 22nd - Casual Dinner & Dance - Music by: Sepp & Heinz Diepolder Friday, January 29th - Casual Dinner & Dance - Music by: Peter & Edith Mueller Saturday, January 30th - Karneval - Maskenball - Music by: Alex Meixner Band Prinz Philip and Prinzessin Lorie invite you to join them at the (during the Victorian Era) Themed Event All costumes encouraged, especially those within the Theme!!! Annual Parade of Costumes and Contest PAGE 4 D E R AN Z E I GE R VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 We had a wonderful Christmas party. I can’t thank Peter DeFranco enough for the fantastic music he so generously provided for us all afternoon. It contributed greatly to the Christmas atmosphere. Thanks again Peter. There just isn’t a big enough Thank You that I can say to all the Ladies who helped make our Christmas so festive. I will not attempt to name them for fear of overlooking anyone, so thank you all very much. The new year is starting off just fine. Inge Freund The next Edison Parade preparations are underway and your assistance is needed. The current parade float needs to be disassembled and a new one needs to be built. If you can spare some time for the GASC, please come and get involved. This will be a good way for new members to meet new friends. Any interested persons, please contact Chris Kaelin at [email protected] or text at 239-565-6952. Any time that I can spare, I will be available for destruction/construction. The theme for the next float will be The Bavarian Bier Garten. We will need to construct a Maypole, benches, tables and the resemblance of buildings. So, mark your calendars for February 20, 2016 and come help us show what a great club the German American Social Club is! VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 DE R AN ZE IGER PAGE 5 INTRODUCING THE NEW ROSTER OF OFFICERS Joyce Amann - PRESIDENT Bob Kraft 1st VICE PRESIDENT Bob Hildebrand 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Mary Edgar Treasurer Susie Zimmer-Sullivan Secretary D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 6 NEW MEMBERS We’re looking forward to getting to know these new members! Les Adams Pat Adams Glen Bojar Sherry Bojar Carole Chinn Charles Farago Mary Farago Greg Hall Michelle Hall Earl L. Kreider VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 DE R ANZEIGE R PAGE 7 SUNSHINE Sunshine Report December 2015 Christa Stevenson underwent a serious surgical procedure in Tampa in mid-November. She is now at home recovering under the Stella Menaquale has been experiencing car- watchful eye of her husband, Jon. She is also a member of the Edelweiss Chorus and they diac issues as well as having fallen sustaining a spinal fracture. She went to Gulf Coast pray for her renewed health and her return to singing. for rehabilitation and is recovering her health. She would appreciate cards of well Roy Payne was diagnosed with an aneurysm wishing. when he went to the hospital on Nov. 22nd. Dorothea Degenhardt, our Kultergesellschaft He spent time in Gulf Coast Hospital ICU leader and chorus contributor was hospitalbefore being transferred to Health Park for ized in mid-November for stroke-like sympcardiac issues. We pray for his recovery and toms. She is on the mend and has returned to for strength for his wife, Edith, during this chorus. Her husband, Bodo, is also experistressful time. encing some health issues. Let’s pray for their quick return to good health. Linda Wabrek 239-573-1583 or The following members would welcome your prayers for their return to health: Hannalore Brown recently fell and fractured a rib. She is a member of the Edelweiss Chorus and thankfully has returned to singing. [email protected] Karen Schnieder 239-599-2980 or [email protected] Carole Cornet 239-281-5434 or [email protected] PAGE 8 D E R AN Z E I GE R Inaugural Ball December 12, 2015 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 D ER A NZE I GER GASC Annual Donations to Charities in 2015 On the occasion of this year’s Inaugural Ball, the GASC gave back to the community by giving donations to the following recipients: Cape Coral Caring Center Cape Coral Historical Society Police Explorers Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary Hope Hospice Pine Island Food Pantry Power Squadron The Brotherhood Ride Caleb’s Crusade PAGE 9 PAGE 10 D ER A NZE I GER V OLU ME 4 5, ISSU E 1 GARTENFEST The club will be hosting a total of FOUR Gartenfests this year! As always, volunteers will be needed. Remember to ask your committee chairperson how you can help. And, bring your family and friends to have a great time. This year’s dates are: January 17th February 21st March 13 April 17. V OLU ME 4 5, ISSU E 1 D ER A NZE I GER Christmas concert PAGE 11 December 18, 2015 PAGE 12 D ER A NZE I GER V OLU ME 4 5, ISSU E 1 Volunteers Were Thank you to the wonderful Salvation Army Kettle Bell Ringers from our Club. There were 13 volunteer bell ringers, including the fellow from the North Pole who goes Ho Ho Ho. A wonderful volunteer group from the Haffenkapele played Christmas songs for the shoppers and Santa did a great job for the young and the not so young. It’s true, music does open peoples hearts. Thanks to all. Renate Bachmann Otto Bachmann Carol Cornett Peter Cornett Chris Horst Joe Kulnig Hubert Prem Eva Essmann Werner Wilken Carol Ostrowski Don Ostrowski Johanna C. Voss Hermann A. Voss Johanna C. and Hermann A. Voss V OLU ME 4 5, ISSU E 1 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 13 PAGE 14 VOL U M E 4 5 , I S S U E 1 D E R A NZ E I G E R Hafenkapelle Jim Walker, Kapellmeister [email protected] Hafenkapelle will use the month of January to rehearse new music. We have several new pieces of both German music and Big Band music. And, yes we also have some new Latin numbers which are favorite dance numbers for many club members. We will be playing for the February Gartenfest on February 21. We hope to see you there GASC Web Page / Jim Walker, Webmaster I hope everyone had a great holiday season. The club has several big events during the next four months. There are two Karneval dances, and four Gartenfests as well as many other events. The web page is the best place to get the latest information about these events. Email: [email protected] Sie sind herzlich eingeladen. Deutschsprachiger Gottesdienst jeden 4ten Sonntag im Monat um 15.00 Uhr. Danach gemütliches Beisammensein mit Kaffee und Kuchen. Rev. Dr. Kurt Jung (239) 433-5944 Cape Coral und Rev. Michael De Long (239) 594-7230 (Cell) in Naples Are you on Facebook? We are! Join our Group at gasc.capecoral/ Messiah Lutheran Church And checkout 2691 N.E. Pine Island Road Cape Coral, Florida VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 D ER A NZE I GER PAGE 15 VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 D E R A NZ E IGE R PAGE 16 VOL U M E 4 5 , I S S U E 1 VOL U M E 4 5 , I S S U E 1 D E R A NZ E I G E R PAGE 18 DANCE TICKET SCHEDULE Betty Johnson (239) 283-2264 PLEASE NOTE: When purchasing tickets for the dances, the person in whose name the table reservations are held, should purchase the tickets. Tickets are on sale every Friday night in the Von Steuben Hall from 5:00 –9:00 PM and on dance nights. PLEASE PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS IN ADVANCE DATE January 30, 2016 February 13, 2016 EVENT Maskenball Music: Alex Meixner Dress: Costume, Semi-formal Price: $6.00 Members, $10 Guests Prinzenball Music: TBA Dress: Formal Price: $6.00 Members, $10 Guests ON SALE January 1, 2016 January 1, 2016 TABLE CUT-OFF January 22, 2016 January 29, 2016 VOL U M E 4 5 , I S S U E 1 D E R A NZ E I G E R PAGE 19 Dorothea Degenhardt e-mail: [email protected] Am 19. Januar 2016 um 19.00 Uhr zeigt die Kulturgesellschaft ein wunderschönes Video: „Die Mosel, Faszination Wein“. Schöne landschaften und viel von Wein und Sekt. Wie immer mit Kaffee und Kuchen. The „ Kulturgesellschaft” will show a beautiful DVD-Video “The Mosel River, a fascination of wine”, a beautiful area and lots about wine and champagne-making. Tuesday January 19. 2016 at 07.00 p.m. Coffee and cake as usual after the program. For Dorothea Degenhardt: Hubert Prem, Past President PAGE 20 D E R A NZ E I G E R VOL U M E 4 5 , I S S U E 1 . To the following VOTING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: FAY CHALFIN JEAN EDELMANN RAY ERDMANN CHRIS HORST CHRIS KAELIN SUZANNE MIRANDA MAMIE PATANTA BILL PECKHAM BARBARA WILKEN who always prove their outstanding ability, THANK YOU! Also, to the OFFICE SECRETARY, MARGARETA BELL, who diligently spends days compiling the necessary Membership LIST to perform our job—THANK YOU!! Most sincereley, Mildred Tabertshofer JUDGE OF ELECTIONS Any questions, call (239) 945-0307 VOL U M E 4 5 , I S S U E 1 D E R A NZ E I G E R PAGE 21 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Annual Membership dues are $50.00 per person. Membership dues for 2016 can be paid at the January Friday night meeting from 6:00 PM to 8:00PM. The deadline is the February General meeting. Dues paid after this date must include a 50% delinquent fee as per our bylaws. (Article V, Paragraph E) You can also mail your dues by check or money order to P.O. Box 150819, Cape Coral, FL 33915-0819. Include a self addressed stamped envelope. You will receive your new card and sticker. Please remember, wearing your badge is mandatory, It helps serving you better and avoids misplacing the new sticker. Thank you. Raymond Pencherek GASC KITCHEN: With the New Year 2016 upon us I want to express to ALL of our kitchen volunteers personally and in the name of our great club members a THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK DURING THE YEAR 2015. It is surely very much appreciated. Anna and I want to wish all of you a very happy and healthy new year. Heinz Theuretzbacher. PAGE 22 DER ANZEIGER VOLUME 45, ISSUE 1 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Teresa Kohl ( 239) 540-0411 The G.A.S.C. honors members’ birthdays and anniversaries at a monthly party. If you wish to participate in this celebration, please notify Teresa Kohl to make your reservation. The next B & A event will be on January 10 at 3 pm. Anniversaries Birthdays Kerry Ann & Stephen Bauer, Dec. 29. 15 years Lorie & Philip Vanwinkle, Nov. 11, 10 years Diana & Gerhard Veith, Nov. 2, 13 years Anna & Anton Wolf, 59 years Dieter & Monika Lohff, 54 years Heinz Theuretzbacher, Dec. 5 Rose Marie Beierl, Dec. 30 Hans Rudnick, Dec. 10 Bill Bojan, Dec. 7 Betty Denner, Dec. 6 Günter Denner, Dec. 4 Angela Kellner, Dec. 26 Brigitta Conrad, Dec. 16 Conrad Horst, Dec. 6 Hallo! Ich heisse Renate Schertek. Ich komme aus Wien und bin Friseurmeisterin. Ich lebe seit neustem in Cape Coral und bin daran interessiert, meine Friseurkünste für ein älterers Klientell weiter auszuüben. Ich komme gerne ins Haus oder Ihr kommt zu mir. Ich freue mich auf Eure Interesse. Hi! My name is Renate Schertek. I moved to Cape Coral recently from Vienna. I am a master hairdresser. I would love to offer my hairdressing skills to an older client base here. I would come to your home or you are welcome to come to mine. Thank you for your interest. Call me at: 239-849-9431 For Sale: Club’s red vest, size 42. Please call: 239-945-0317 For Sale: Beautiful “Hummel” pictures in counted cross stitching. You have to see it to appreciate it. Please call: 239-945-0317 VOL U M E 4 5 , I S S U E 1 D E R A NZ E I G E R WHAT’S COMING UP THIS MONTH? DON’T MISS OUT ON THE FUN! Don’t miss the first of four Gartenfests this year, scheduled for January 17th! Das Prinzenpaar Prince Philip and Princess Lorie of the House of VanWinkle cordially invite you to the Maskenball on January 30th featuring Alex Meixner. The theme of the evening is Wild Wild West. PAGE 23 GE RMA N AM ERI CA N SO CIAL CLUB OF C APE COR AL 2101 Pine Island Road Cape Coral, FL 33991 Mailing Address: PO Box 150819 Cape Coral, FL 33915-0819 Phone: 239-283-1400 Fax: 239-283-5511 E-mail: [email protected] G.A.S.C. Member TO:
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