1. August 2015 14.00 - 19.30 Uhr Liebe Limmudniks, Dear Limmudniks, es ist mir eine Freude, euch alle zum diesem besonderen Limmud-Tag zu begrüßen. Wir sind wieder zurück in Berlin zu einem Festival jüdischen Lernens, zusammen mit den European Maccabi Games 2015, bei denen wir heute dankenswerterweise zu Gast sein dürfen, um mit ihnen diesen Tag gemeinsam zu gestalten. it is a pleasure to welcome you all to this special Limmud Day in Berlin. Together with the European Maccabi Games 2015, who generously host us today, Limmud is back in Berlin for another festival of Jewish learning. Weltweit gibt es mehr als 80 Limmud Gruppen, die tausende Juden mit unterschiedlichsten Hintergründen zum jüdischen Lernen zusammenbringen. Mit den hunderten Maccabi Clubs auf der Welt verbindet sie die Hingabe zum ehrenamtlichen Engagement, und der Enthusiasmus, unser jüdisches Erbe auf aktive Weise zu stärken. So wie sich Athleten immer wieder mit neuen Herausforderungen antreiben, so bringt Limmud durch das Lernen jede und jeden Einzelnen einen Schritt weiter auf dem eigenen jüdischen Weg. Es ist daher wundervoll, dass diese zwei großen jüdischen Organisationen die Möglichkeit haben, sich zu treffen und von und miteinander zu lernen. Ich möchte den Angehörigen des Organisationskomitees der EMG 2015 für all ihre Hilfe und Unterstützung danken, um diesen Tag Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Und mein besonderer Dank gilt dem Limmud-Tag Team und all den Freiwilligen, die es Limmud durch zahllose Stunden für die Organisation dieses Ereignisses oder durch Beiträge im Programm ermöglichen, ein weiteres Mal zu einem Ort zu werden, an welchem der Wunsch zu lernen und der Wille zu lehren ein so natürliches Spielfeld erhalten. Schabbat Schalom, und möge nun der Marathon jüdischen Lernens beginnen! Jonathan Marcus Vorsitzender Limmud Deutschland Dear Limmud participants, dear friends, welcome to this special event during these amazing and unique days of the European Maccabi Games 2015 in Germany! This Limmud Day gives all of us the opportunity to take a break from competing at sports, and instead unite us at heart through Jewish learning. As Maccabi athletes, Jewish values are a fundamental element and source of our strength. This is why we are particularily happy about the Limmud Day and the opportunity for our delegates from 36 countries to meet and learn with fellow Jews from Berlin and all over Germany. That this may happen in this city is in itself a miracle, and a victory for all of us. I therefore want to give my heartfelt gratitute to all volunteers, both from Limmud and the European Maccabi Games, for making this learning experience happen. Furthermore, I wish all participants many unforgettable memories, new friendships and most of all a lot of joy in the many opportunities for learning that are waiting for you. Maccabi chai. Alon Meyer President Maccabi Germany There are more than 80 Limmud groups worldwide, engaging thousands of Jews from all walks of life in the study of Jewish topics. And with the hundreds of Maccabi clubs around the globe, we share a commitment to volunteerism, and an enthusiasm for strengthening our Jewish heritage in an active way. Just as athletes strive to challenge themselves again and again, Limmud is powered by learning, taking each individual a step further on their own Jewish journey. It is thus wonderful that two such big Jewish organizations get a chance to meet and to learn with and from each other! I want to thank the Organisation Committee of the EMG 2015 for all their help and support in making this day possible. And my special thanks go out to the Limmud Day team and to each and every volunteer. It is through their countless hours of organizing this event, or by contributing to the program, that allows Limmud to become yet again a place where the desire to learn and the willingness to teach can so naturally find a proper playing field. Shabbat Shalom - and now may the marathon of Jewish learning begin! Jonathan Marcus Chair Limmud Germany Programmübersicht | Program overview 1 14 - 15 Uhr 2 - 3 pm 15.15 - 16.15 Uhr 3.15 - 4.15 pm 17 - 18 Uhr 5 - 6 pm 18.15 - 19.15 Uhr 6.15 - 7.15 pm ECC A-D Yusupov | ARVUT - Winning together, competing together - and not against each other Vinokur | ARVUT - Leadership and Vision in Judaism fostering visionary leadership Admoni | ARVUT - The best of traditional Jewish upbringing. Cultivating successful familial relationships Marinic | ARVUT - Man and Woman The Shechina between them. Choosing the path of connection and partnership ECC Raum 3 Beck | Deutschland, Israel 50 Jahre danach Movchin | Olympia-Attentat 1972 Tapiero | Can Israel be both Jewish and democratic? Schiller | Die Deutsch-Israelische Sicherheitskooperation: Ein politisches Wunder und Erfolgsstory Paris Sklarski | ”Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?“ Soto | WZO - Beit Ha'am: Feminism in Israel Szekely | WZO - Tachles: Te’amim A taste of Israel Szekely | WZO - Tachles: Kivunim The game that gives you directions Ben Dor | WZO - Beit Ha'am: Monopolity Fun Yantian/Poliakow | How YOU can be a winner. Szikra | Krav Maga als Erlebnis für alle! Bogomolni | Tanz in den Tag Crowne | Jews of Future Past: the X-Men, stereotypes and life as a minority Tapiero | Faith after the Holocaust: Can humankind still believe in God after earth became hell? Levtov | Anführer in der jüdischen Geschichte: von Josef bis zu Ben Gurion Campbell | Everything I needed to know I learned during 68 years of baseball umpiring Soto | WZO - Beit Ha'am: Living in a Movie Ben Dor | WZO - Beit Ha'am: This object is me - Between the individual and the group Kantor | WZO - Beit Ha'am: The Jewish Voice Kantor | WZO - Beit Ha'am: Hanoch Piven. Scholars and Scientists Ponomarov | Shabbes als Weddingplanner? Dubova | Betzavta - Demokratie interaktiv erleben Langer | Torah in Practice The acts of loving kindness Poplavskaya | Skills for future Madrichim Alter | P.Z BREWRYA Social Zionism Grant | Secrets of the Samaritan Torah Magall | Jüdisches Leben in Berlin nach 1945 Schapiro | Rationale Theologie im Judentum Engel-Yamini | Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion, Freuds Erklärungsmodell des Antisemitismus Schwarz | Who were Hitler's voters? A statistical analysis 304 27 Seriakova/Dyskin | Theater of the Oppressed! Try it out! Seriakova/Dyskin | Theater of the Oppressed! Try it out! (cont.) Seriakova/Dyskin| Yes! We can change the world! Step forward towards inclusion. 304 41 Weiner | The Higher Torah: Elitism in Rabbinic Judaism Ehrenberg | Die ursprünglichen Makkabim Mathey | Was machst du hier? Über echte Individualität ECC Raum 1 ECC Raum 4 2 ECC Raum 5 304 10 304 12 304 25 4 Pause | Break | 16.15 - 17 Uhr | 4.15 - 5 pm 0 Raum room Eröffnung | Opening | 13.45 Uhr |1.45 pm Etage floor Krajewsky | Jerusalem Express, a reading Kloke| Throwing it all away? and introduction from my novel about Remembering Lili Henoch in Berlin an assimilated family from Hamburg Meirovich | The battle for tolerance and pluralism in Judaism: Past and Present Abschluss | Closing | 19.20 - 19.30 Uhr | 7.20 - 7.30 pm Gemeinsame Veranstaltungen im Foyer 1+2 | joint events in Foyer 1+2 Programmdetails | Program details Das Foyer 1+2 bildet das Zentrum des Limmud-Tages: Ein Ort für ein Wiedersehen mit alten Freunden und das Kennenlernen neuer Bekannter. Hier finden Sie auch immer jemanden, der Ihnen weiterhelfen kann. Die Räume ECC A-D und der ECC Raum 3 befinden sich im Erdgeschoss des Konferenz & Messe Center. EEC Raum 1 befindet sich in der 1. Etage, die Räume EEC Raum 4 und 5 sind in der 2. Etage. Der Raum Paris befindet sich im Erdgeschoss des Flügel 3 des Hotels, die Räume 304 10-41 befinden sich in der 4. Etage. The Foyer 1+2 is the centre of the Limmud-Day: It is a place to meet old friends and new acquaintances. Here you also always find someone if you need some help. Rooms ECC A-D and ECC room 3 are located on the ground floor (EG) of the Konferenz & Messe Center. ECC room 1 is located on the first floor (1 OG), Rooms ECC room 4 and 5 are on the second floor (2 OG). Room Paris can be found on the ground floor of wing 3 of the hotel (EG). Rooms 304 10-41are located on the fourth floor (4 OG). 1.45 pm | 13.45 Uhr Foyer 1+2 | alle, everybody | Begrüßung | Opening | English, Deutsch 2 - 3 pm | 14 - 15 Uhr ECC Raum 5 | Nina Nitzan Soto | WZO - Beit Ha'am: Living in a Movie | Workshop | English What is Israeli cinema? How does the conflict and life in such a stressful environment affect the movies and their creators? Is the Israeli movie industry changing along with Hollywood and the rest of the world? We will learn about the movie industry and famous Israeli movies through games and fulfilling discussions. 304 10 | Shraga Ponomarov | Shabbes als Weddingplanner? | Shiur | Deutsch Der Ablauf vom Shabbat gleicht dem einer Hochzeit. Was ist die tiefere Bedeutung dessen? 304 12 | Yanir Alter | P.Z BREWRYA - Social Zionism | Lecture | English Combining Sports, Beer, and…Good Deeds! Tribe. Gather good people to pay it forward. Good is how it should be: good ideas create good times and all for a good cause. As peers in the community - give what you can and do it because you want to not because you need to. 304 25 | Ellahe Engel-Yamini | Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion, Freuds Erklärungsmodell des Antisemitismus | Vortrag | Deutsch Es gibt viele Versuche Antisemitismus zu erklären. Freuds Zugang stützt sich darauf, Juden haben mit den 10 Geboten einen entscheidenenden Kulturbeitrag zur Zivilisation geleistet. Dies sei der Ursprung der Modernität und der Aufklärung. Die Menschen seien jedoch im Herzen nicht bereit zum Triebverzicht. Juden würden dafür ewig gehasst werden. ECC A-D | Eduard Yusupov | ARVUT - Winning together, competing together and not against each other | Workshop | English Through an empowering experience of connection games the participants will learn the intrinsic value of winning together - the genuine core of the Jewish culture. True sportsmen are leaders who know how to develop and work with a team aiming for shared success, where everyone feels like a winner. 304 27 | Natalia Seriakova; Stanislav Dyskin | Theater of the Oppressed! Try it out! | Workshop | English Workshop on fighting against any kind of discrimination and inequality in our society, including anti-Semitism and the exclusion of religious, ethnic and gender or sexual minorities. Tool: Theater of the Oppressed Methodology: theater warm ups, role play, forum theater, reflection/debriefing Duration: 2 hours AVRUT (Mutual Guarantee) is a social movement focused on generating a positive shift in Israeli society and Jewish communities around the world; a shift toward happier and more sustainable societies, and creating a better environment to thrive in together. The goal is to improve the quality of life in the society we live in by increasing the values of mutual guarantee and collaboration. (www.arvut.org) 304 41 | Josh Weiner | The Higher Torah: Elitism in Rabbinic Judaism | Shiur | English Rabbinic Judaism is supposed to be fairly democratic: anyone can follow the rules of the Torah and be a fine Jew. But in several places in our textual history we find references to another Torah, beyond the superficial one of the common people; a Torah for the elite. We will examine and discuss texts, and try to understand their relevance. ECC Raum 3 | Eldad Beck | Deutschland, Israel - 50 Jahre danach. | Diskussion | Deutsch Welche Zukunft für die deutsch-Israelischen Beziehungen? 3.15 - 4.15 pm | 15.15 - 16.15 Uhr Paris | Ilana Sklarski | ”Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?“ with specials | Spaßpeolah | English We will play ”Who Wants to Be a Milllionaire?“ with questions about your knowledge of Judaism and about a lot of other aspects of life. Plus, there will be special, unexpected challenges. I promise you, it will be fun ;) See you! ECC A-D | Eli Vinokur | ARVUT - Leadership and Vision in Judaism: Fostering Visionary Leadership | Workshop | English Jewish history, from Abraham to Herzl, is a story of inspiring leaders demonstrating perseverance and vision. Today, more than ever, Jewish youth is in need of guidance in all walks of life. The lecture offers fascinating insight into Jewish leadership, providing educational tools for nurturing leadership qualities among youngsters and adults. (www.arvut.org) ECC Raum 1 | Merav Ben Dor | WZO - Beit Ha'am: Monopolity Fun | Workshop | English Do Israeli politics confuse you? Do you understand what happens in the elections and why? Monopolity is a fun interactive game that explores the complexities of Israeli society and government. We will debate and discuss some of the major issues in Israel today: state vs. religion, peace and security, immigration, and Israel-Diaspora relations. ECC Raum 3 | Michael Movchin | Olympia-Attentat 1972 | Workshop | Deutsch Das Trauma von München: Sie sollten der Welt das neue Deutschland zeigen, doch die Olympischen Spiele 1972 gingen in Tod und Terror unter. Wie es dazu kommen konnte und wer dabei versagt hat. ECC Raum 4 | Ben Crowne | Jews of Future Past: the X-Men, stereotypes and life as a minority | Lecture | English One of the most popular modern science fiction series - the X-Men - was inspired by a great Jewish rivalry of the twentieth century, and features open Jews, secret Jews, part-time Jews and non-Jews based on Jews. What does this all mean? Why does it matter? Come along and find out. Paris | Nina Nitzan Soto | WZO - Beit Ha'am: Feminism in Israel | Workshop | English Have you ever thought about Israel in a feminist aspect? Since roughly half of Israel's population is female, feminism is a very important subject. During the session we will get to know a few of the strongest feminists in Israeli history and culture, discuss their achievements and the problems that the feminist movement in Israel has had to face. ECC Raum 1 | Mischa Yantian; Arthur Poliakow | How YOU can be a winner - The key to success in life and interpersonal dealings | Workshop | English, Deutsch The better question is: ”How hard can you get hit and how much can you take and keep moving forward“. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows and sooner or later you have to stand on your own feet. We are all united at heart, with equal roots, but also we are individuals with our own chosen paths in life. But how can you choose your right path? ECC Raum 4 | Carlos Tapiero | Faith after the Holocaust: Can humankind still believe in God after earth became hell? | Discussion | English Extreme evil, human existence, Creation, God - alive or dead. Where do you stand? A reading of Eliezer Berkovitz's prologue from his extraordinary ”Faith After The Holocaust.“ ECC Raum 5 | Merav Ben Dor | WZO - Beit Ha'am: This object is me - Between the individual and the group | Workshop | English This unique learning session is presented by the World Zionist Organization to encourage discussion of identity and attitudes. We will delve into such questions as: Who am I? What “makes” me a Jew? How do I belong to the society I live in? It is inspired by the work of Israeli artist Hanoch Piven. Participants will use their creativity to explore the complexity of Zionist and Jewish identity. 304 10 | Alona Dubova | Betzavta - Demokratie interaktiv erleben | Workshop | Deutsch Der interaktive Workshop gibt den Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit das israelische Erziehungsprogramm ”Betzavta“ kennenzulernen und eine Übung selbst auszuprobieren. Im Fokus stehen die Fragen: Wie gehen wir miteinander um und wie verläuft eine Entscheidungsfindung? 5 - 6 pm | 17 - 18 Uhr ECC A-D | Moshe Admoni | ARVUT - The best of traditional Jewish upbringing. Cultivating successful familial relationships | Workshop | English The word “Jewish” has always been a synonym for good upbringing and excellent education, but modern living has altered familial dynamics and challenged Jewish values. The lecture will reveal the main assets of the traditional Jewish educational method, designed to bolster the family unit as a pillar of society and a source of warmth and identity. (www.arvut.org) ECC Raum 3 | Carlos Tapiero | Can Israel be both Jewish and democratic? | Discussion | English The question of the National State... Is this Apartheid? A reading of Ruth Gavison's article. Paris | Revital Szekely | WZO - Tachles: Te’amim – A taste of Israel. | Workshop | English Have you ever been to the shuk? Would you like to know how to bargain the Israeli way at the market? Be a ‘customer’ and a ‘store owner’ for just one day. Invent your own Hebrew recipe and enjoy the making of Israel’s most popular dessert. A unique and active game that offers to you all that and more. Join us and taste Israel. ECC Raum 1 | Csaba Szikra | Krav Maga als Erlebnis - für alle! | ”Buzz workshop“ | English, Deutsch Krav Maga wird spielerisch unterrichtet - gleichzeitig für die ganze Familie. ECC Raum 4 | Marianna Levtov | Anführer in der jüdischen Geschichte: Von Josef bis Ben Gurion | workshop | English, Deutsch Der Workshop ist ein Rollenspiel, in dem die Teilnehmer nicht nur die wichtigsten Ereignisse der jüdischen Geschichte kennenlernen, sondern sie werden auch die Rollen berühmter Juden übernehmen. Das Ziel dieses Workshops ist es, zu zeigen, dass Anführer-Eigenschaften in jedem einzelnen entwickelt werden können. 304 12 | Michael Grant | Secrets of the Samaritan Torah | Lecture | English The Samaritans split from the Jews between two and three thousand years ago, and have their own variant on the Torah. Come and discover the insights the presenter picked up from its differences with ours: What light does it shed on our Torah, and is it possible (whisper it!) that they have the original, not us? ECC Raum 5 | Anita Kantor | WZO - Beit Ha'am: The Jewish Voice | Workshop | English ”The future of the relationship between Israel and world Jewry is dependent on claims of meaning and importance.“ Do you agree? 304 25 | Claus-Henning Schwarz | Who were Hitler's voters?: A statistical analysis | Lecture | English The main topic of this lecture will be an analysis of the electoral statistics presented by the author Jürgen Falter in his book ”Hitlers Wähler“ (”Hitler's Voters“). This analysis will then be put into the context of the process of the Nazi rise to power with its many now forgotten secrets. Finally, the results will be discussed with the audience. 304 10 | Armin Langer | Torah in Practice - The Acts of Loving Kindness | Shiur | English If you open the Chumash at random, you will probably find a scene about people killing each other or a very precise description of how to build a sanctuary. Still, the middle verse of Torah is the commandment to love your neighbor. Based on traditional sources we will have a closer look at the Rabbinical interpretation of this verse. 304 27 | Natalia Seriakova; Stanislav Dyskin | Theater of the Oppressed! Try it out! (cont.) | Workshop | English Workshop on fighting against any kind of discrimination and inequality in our society, including anti-Semitism and the exclusion of religious, ethnic and gender or sexual minorities. Tool: Theater of the Oppressed Methodology: theater warm ups, role play, forum theater, reflection/debriefing 304 12 | Miriam Magall | Jüdisches Leben in Berlin nach 1945 | Vortrag / Lecture | English, Deutsch Jüdisches Leben in Berlin nach 1945 spielte sich anfangs recht unauffällig ab. Nach der Wiedervereinigung und dem Zustrom von bis zu 20 oder 30 000 Israelis hat jüdisches Leben in Berlin einen großen Aufschwung genommen. Es gibt praktisch etwas für jeden - jüdischen - Geschmack. Davon möchte ich erzählen. 304 41 | Yitshak Ehrenberg | Die ursprünglichen Makkabim | Shiur | Deutsch Welche Rolle spielen die ursprünglichen Makkabim in der jüdischen Geschichte? Welchen Einfluss können sie auf die jüdische Identität damals und heute haben? 4.15 - 5 pm | 16.15 - 17 Uhr Foyer 1+2 | alle everybody | Pause | break Erfrischungen | Refreshements 304 25 | Jakob Krajewsky | Jerusalem Express, a reading and introduction from my novel about an assimilated family from Hamburg | Lesung / Reading | English, Deutsch Jerusalem Express is a story of an assimilated Jewish family that moved from Silesia to Brazil around 1900. Julius was a printer and got stuck in Hamburg on his way to Rio de Janeiro. His wife died while delivering their third daughter and Julius ordered his sister Marie back from Rio to raise his kids in Hamburg. He died in 1914 and left Marie with nothing. 304 27 | Natalia Seriakova; Stanislav Dyskin | Yes! We can change the world! Step forward towards inclusion. | workshop | English Workshop on social inclusion and human rights. Fight against discrimination and make this world a better place. Methodology: meditation, role play, reflection/debriefing 304 41 | Chava Maya Mathey | Was machst du hier? Über echte Individualität | Shiur | Deutsch In einer Welt wo alle individuell sein wollen, sind leztendlich alle wieder nur Teil einer grauen Masse. Und wie ist es überhaupt möglich das religiöse Juden, die vom äußeren Anschein alle so gleich wirken, individuell sind? Ist es nicht eine Welt der Begrenzungen, wo man seine Individualität nicht ausleben kann? Die jüdische Sicht auf Individualität. 304 25 | Ari (Wendy) Kloke | Throwing it all away? Remembering Lili Henoch in Berlin | Virtual Berlin Memorial Exploration | English Join a Women's World Frisbee Champion for an interactive virtual memorial exploration of some spots in Berlin commemorating Lilli Henoch - an internationally renowned athlete who loved to throw things (i.e. discus, shot put), until the day she was deported. 6.15 - 7.15 pm | 18.15 - 19.15 Uhr 304 41 | Harvey Meirovich | The battle for tolerance and pluralism in Judaism: Past and Present | Shiur | English What is the difference between Tolerance and Pluralism? Does Judaism fit more into the category of ‘tolerance’ or ‘pluralism’? How might Judaism's ancient sources offer guidance towards understanding and solving the tensions between various groups of Jews today? ECC A-D | Damir Marinic | ARVUT - Man and Woman - The Shechina between them. Choosing the path of connection and partnership | Workshop | English ‘Love is an animal that feeds on mutual concessions’, therefore if we want to foster loving relationships we must first understand our true nature and the psychological differences between men and women. The lecture will offer a fascinating Jewish approach to achieving a beautiful, mutually empowering, sustainable partnership. (www.arvut.org) ECC Raum 3 | David Schiller | Die Deutsch-Israelische Sicherheitskooperation: ein politisches Wunder und Erfolgsstory | Lesung / Reading | English, Deutsch Hier geht es um die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Verteidigungssektor, die lange vor der Aufnahme der diplomatischen Beziehungen aufgenommen wurde und Israel entscheidende Unterstützung lieferte. Es begann mit einer Uzi-Lieferung an F.J. Strauß anno 1957 und dauert bis heute an... Paris | Revital Szekely | WZO - Tachles: Kivunim - The game that gives you directions | Workshop | English Walk through the streets of Tel Aviv with this interactive game. Become familiar with Jaffa port, Tel Aviv museum of art, Suzan Dallal center, Dizingof center, Rabin Square, Metzitzim Beach and other sites. Learn the directions in order to manage the streets of Israel. Join us and find out what Yashar, Yaminah, Smolah, Atzor, Acharey etc. mean. ECC Raum 1 | Elisabeth Bogomolni | Tanz in den Tag | Workshop | Deutsch Im Workshop wird es darum gehen, die wichtigsten Grundschritte im Standarttanz und Lateintanz zu lernen. Je nach Wunsch der Teilnehmer, können die Tänze variieren. Vor allem habe ich an den langsamen Walzer und Wiener Walzer gedacht. Im Latein könnt Ihr euch frei aussuchen, was wir machen sollen. Ich freue mich auf Euch und hoffe auf viel Spaß! ECC Raum 4 | Richard Eli Campbell | Everything I needed to know I learned during 68 years of baseball umpiring | Discussion | English Join me for some humorous anecdotes and serious life lessons learned during 68 years of baseball umpiring in the U.S., Germany, Europe and while working for the Major League Baseball International Umpire Development Program. ECC Raum 5 | Anita Kantor | WZO - Beit Ha’am: Hanoch Piven. Scholars & Scientists | Workshop | English A short introduction to Hanoch Piven and his works. What do we see in his art? Do we see a connection between his art and the Jews in Germany? 304 10 | Alisa Poplavskaya | Skills for future Madrichim | Workshop | English Workshop especially for future Madrichim: Collaboration games and ice breakers vs group dynamics. Learn and apply. 304 12 | Hella und Boris Schapiro | Rationale Theologie im Judentum | Vortrag | Deutsch Die Rationale Theologie im Judentum stellt eine Spezifizierung unserer Konzeption der Rationalen Theologie im Allgemeinen dar. In unserem Vortrag verfolgen wir die historische Entwicklung der Rationalen Theologie im Judentum und referieren ihre neueste Entwicklung. 7.20 - 7.30 pm | 19.20 - 19.30 Uhr Foyer 1+2 | alle, everybody | Abschluss | Closing | English, Deutsch Presenter Moshe Admoni | One of the founders of the innovative Circular Education Method, Moshe Admoni lectures and provides expert counseling to numerous companies and institutions worldwide. He holds a BA in Psychology (cum laude) from Haifa University and is completing his Masters in Management of Educational Systems at the Gordon College of Education in Haifa. Yanir Alter | P.Z. BREWRYA Spokesman. Eldad Beck | Deutschland- und Europakorrespondent der israelischen Tageszeitung ”Yedioth Ahronot“, Autor des Buches ”Germany, Otherwise“. Merav Ben Dor | grew up in kibbutz Mishmar Hasharon and has worked as an educator (madricha) since she was 15 years old. Merav graduated with an MA (honors) in Democratic Education from Tel Aviv University (TAU), and later worked as a Hebrew teacher while learning to teach Pilates. She is married and has two lovely children. In her free time she dances and reads. Elisabeth Bogomolni | Elisabeth, aber nennt mich Lisa. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt, komme gebürtig aus Berlin und studiere zur Zeit. Nebenbei tanze ich lateinamerikanische und Standarttänze. Meine Familie ist ursprünglich aus der Ukraine, lebt jetzt zu großen Teilen in Israel. Daher auch meine Verbundenheit zu dem Land. Richard Eli Campbell | Professional Baseball Umpire Historian and VIP Guide, The BEET! Berlin Experiential Education Tours. (www.beettours.com) Ben Crowne | lives, works and teaches in London. He is a long-time Limmud volunteer, most recently co-chairing programming for Limmud Conference 2014. He thinks we should treat popular culture as seriously as we want to be treated by it. Alona Dubova | Ich bin Studentin der Kunst- und Bildgeschichte und der Kulturwissenschaft in Berlin, seit 2014 Stipendiatin des ELES. Nach dem Abitur machte ich einen Freiwilligendienst bei einer Bildungsinitiative; dort arbeite ich weiterhin als Teamerin für Seminare mit jungen Menschen im Bereich der Berufsorientierung und Sozialkompetenzentwicklung. Yitshak Ehrenberg | 1950 in Jerusalem geboren. 1975 Hochschule für Tora: Smicha zum Rabbiner. 8 Jahre Lehrtätigkeit an einer Yeschiwa in Jerusalem. 1989–1997 Rabbiner der Mizrachi Gemeinde Wien. Gemeinde-Rabbiner in München. Seit 1997 Gemeinde-Rabbiner der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin. Mitglied beim ständigen Ausschuss der Europäischen Rabbinerkonferenz. Michael Movchin | Mein Name ist Michael Movchin, ich komme aus München und wurde dort geboren. In München bin ich im IT- und Marketingbereich selbstständig und nun im vierten Jahr als Madrich im Jugendzentrum Neshama der IKG München tätig. Ehrenamtliche jüdische Jugendarbeit, das ist für mich tatsächlich eine großartige Ehrensache! Ellahe Engel-Yamini | Sozialarbeiterin, Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie- HPG-, Psychodramaassistenz und Systemische Familientherapeutin in freier Praxis in Witten. Langjährige Erfahrungsfelder: Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Kinderschutz und Beratung von Familien, Team- und Familienaufstellung. Arthur Poliakow | My name is Arthur Poliakow, I am 20 years old and I am studying Chemistry at the Free University of Berlin. I am always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life. Michael Grant | is guilty of thinking that reading books entitles him to present at Limmud. Still, he must be doing something right, as people have been coming, and indeed returning, to his talks for eight years. He has presented previously at the UK Limmud Conference and Newcastle Day Limmuds. One day he may be able to do so in German, but not yet! Shraga Ponomarov | wurde 1986 in Charkov geboren. Nach dem Schulabschluss wanderte seine Familie aus dem postindustriellen Topos der Ostukraine nach Deutschland aus. Die Skepsis der osteuropäischen Intelligenz äußerte sich in ihm als geistiger Durst, welcher in der Berliner Jeshiwa gestillt werden konnte. Shraga lernt seit 2013 im Rabbinerseminar zu Berlin. Anita Kantor | Teacher of Judaism. Was Hebrew and Talmud-Tora teacher for children in Budapest, Hungary. She is currently studying Rabbinical Studies at Abraham Geiger Kolleg in Berlin, and Jewish Theology at the University of Potsdam. Alisa Poplavskaya | Artist and creative educator. Ari (Wendy) Kloke | Women's and Girl's World Frisbee Champion, licensed social worker, Director of Education at The BEET! Berlin Experiential Education Tours. (http://beettours.com) Jakob Krajewsky | Journalist, author and pedagogue. Jakob Krajewsky has worked for Jewish Museum Berlin, KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme, former Israelitische Töchterschule Hamburg and foundations such as Koerber Stiftung as well as freelancing for leading German newspapers. Education: American and Jewish Studies at Brandeis, FU Berlin and Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg. Armin Langer | geboren 1990, studierte Philosophie an der Eötvös-Loránd-Universität in Budapest, parallel dazu besuchte er die Konservative Jeschiwa in Jerusalem. Seit 2013 ist er Rabbinerstudent am Abraham-Geiger-Kolleg und an der Universität-Potsdam. Er ist ELES-Stipendiat. Marianna Levtov | Politische Wissenschaftlerin, seit 2012 Entsandte der Jewish Agency for Israel und Direktorin des ”Masa Israel Journey“ Programms in Deutschland. Miriam Magall | ist Judaistin und auf jüdische Kunst spezialisierte Kunsthistorikerin. Bis 2005 hat sie 300 Bücher übersetzt und jedes Jahr ca. 100 Tage für internationale Organisationen in Europa gedolmetscht. Seit 2005 haben verschiedene Verlage 10 Sachbücher und 4 Romane, alle über Jüdisches bzw. Israelisches, von ihr übersetzt. Damir Marinic | PhD, is a senior research assistant at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia, and a founder of “Spajalica” Center for Integral Studies. Specializing in relationship building and development, Damir coaches various target populations including couples, groups and communities. Chava Maya Mathey | wurde in Nürnberg geboren und wuchs in Rostock auf. Nach dem Abitur entschloss sie sich mehr über das Judentum zu erfahren und zog nach Berlin. Sie ist das Gesicht von JCommunity - einer Community für jüdische Jugendliche aus ganz Deutschland. Chava ist bekannt für ihre ungezwungene offene Art und genau auf diese Weise gibt sie auch Shiurim. Harvey Meirovich | Currently the Visiting Professor of Halakha at Potsdam University and at the Geiger-Frankel College, Berlin. He is also a former Dean of the Schechter Rabbinical School, Jerusalem. Boris Schapiro | Physiker, Mathematiker und Schrifsteller, ehemaliger Prof. an der Uni Regensburg – gemeinsam mit meiner Frau Hella Schapiro beschäftigen wir uns mit Themen wie die Erneuerung des Judentums in unserem Zeitalter und entwickeln die ”Rationale Theologie im Judentum“. Hella Schapiro | Slavistin, Philosophin, Judaistin, Gymnasiallehrerin in Württemberg und Berlin – gemeinsam mit meinem Ehemann Boris Schapiro beschäftigen uns wir mit Themen wie die Erneuerung des Judentums in unserem Zeitalter und entwickeln die ”Rationale Theologie im Judentum“. David Schiller | promovierter Politikwissenschaftler, Jahrgang 1952, geboren in Berlin, israelischer Staatsbürger, Schwerpunkt Nahost/Terrorismus. Claus-Henning Schwarz | Student of History and of Political Science in Hamburg, Germany, with a main focus on Jewish history and the history of Nazism. Natalia Seriakova | was involved in EU Commission projects on social inclusion, working with national and religious minorities, gender, intercultural learning and human rights education around Europe. Program director at JuBuK e.V. Germany. SALTO and Euromed trainer at Erasmus+ programs given by the EU Commission. Director at Israel Experience Germany. Ilana Sklarski | is 19 years old. She currently studies Business Administration at HWR in Berlin. Ilana speaks Russian, German, English and French. In her free time she loves playing tennis, dancing, travelling and just going crazy with friends. Nina Nitzan Soto | was born in Haifa, Israel. She has been a guide and a counselor in the Israeli scouts. During high school she majored in media, filmmaking and public diplomacy. She also took an active part at the Gershon Avner program for young ambassadors, where she learnt about diplomatic skills, debating, giving speeches, workshops and rhetorical skills. Revital Szekely | has an M.A in expressive therapy. Founder of Kumsitz e.V, as well as the Director of the Hebrew school and co-writer of the educational program there. She had been an educational and emotional mentor for adolescents for the Israeli Ministry of Education, Madricha for a youth community, teacher soldier in the Israeli Defense Force and a Hebrew teacher at camps in America. Csaba Szikra | Csaba Gyula Szikra ist Sportpädagoge / Sozialpädagoge (Berlin - Budapest). Seit 2007 bin ich tätig als Trainer (Freiberufler) mit den Schwerpunkten Krav Maga und interkulturelle Erlebnispädagogik. Carlos Tapiero | Maccabi World Union Deputy-Director General and Director of Education. Former Community Director and Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Guatemala. He holds both a BA and MA from Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Bible, Philosophy and Contemporary Jewry) as well as a smichah as a Rabbi. He is a Fellow in the Jerusalem Fellows Program and is working on his doctoral thesis in Sociology. Eli Vinokur | is a PhD candidate in Education at the University of Haifa, and a Fellow of the ‘Mandel Scholars in Education program’ at the Mandel Leadership Institute in Jerusalem. He also holds a BA in Jewish Philosophy and History of the Jewish People, as well as an MA in Hebrew Culture. He is married, and the father of two children. Josh Weiner | Raised in Jerusalem and London, Josh currently lives in Berlin. He works as a teacher in the Masorti Kindergarten and as a tour guide in exotic Jewish locations. Next year, he will begin studies as one of the first rabbinical students at Frankel College in Berlin. Mischa Yantian | My name is Misha and I am a 19 year old guy from Berlin. I love playing and watching football, hanging out with friends and exploring the wonderful city of Berlin. Since I was little, Judaism was very dominant in my life. Jewish youth center and schools, machanot and synagogue are some examples, and now I am a Madrich with ZWST. Eduard Yusupov | the founder of KESHER initiative for empowering Jewish Communities and a co-founder of JAD BEJAD youth organization, is an expert in team building and connection games for all ages. With an MBA in International Business Administration, Edi promotes innovative programs for joyful learning in businesses, schools and communities. Wherever you find yourself, Limmud will take you one step further on your Jewish journey. Limmud Mission Statement Learning | Everyone should be a student and anyone can be a teacher. Learning embraces personal development, knowledge and skills. Learning changes people, inspires action and opens new worlds. We encourage the creation of a learning environment in which people are able to reflect and grow. There are many inspirations that can offer opportunities for learning. Expanding Jewish Horizons | We strive to create individual, collective and communal experiences, through which we strengthen and develop our Jewish identity. Enabling Connections | We aim to create opportunities for communities and individuals to connect. We recognise the strength of providing a space where spiritual, emotional and intellectual connections are made. Participation | Volunteerism is a key feature of almost everything we do. We are all responsible for each other and for the communities we create – everyone has an important contribution to make. We encourage participants to take an active part in all we do. Empowerment | We inspire people to be ambitious about their contribution. We challenge people, and trust them to rise to that challenge. We see the potential of individuals and communities, and support their development. We empower people to make choices and provide the information they need to inform those choices (including in the biographies which we ask presenters to provide). Diversity | We value the rich diversity among Jews, and so we seek to create cross-communal and intergenerational experiences. We value accessibility, and aim to be accessible to all. We value choice in form, content and style in our programmes. We encourage people not to stereotype others. Community and Mutual Responsibility | Limmud is a community of learning. We can achieve more together than we can individually. We gain from, and should give something back to, the Jewish and wider community. The Limmud Day Berlin Team Toby Axelrod, Eva Frenzen, Jonathan Marcus, Frauke Ohnholz, Anastassia Pletoukhina, Estelle Rappaport, Meli Solomon | We thank Lena van Hooven, Oren Osterer und dem gesamten Organisationskomittee der EMG2015, Estrel Convention Center. Limmud-Tage sind ein Teil der Aktivitäten von limmud.de. Limmud e.V. | c/o Bambinim | Brandenburgische Str. 46 | 10707 Berlin www.limmud.de | [email protected] | www.limmud-tag.de | [email protected] Registriert unter 26333 B beim Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg und als gemeinnützig anerkannt. Spendenkonto: Commerzbank | SWIFT BIC DRES DE FF100 | IBAN DE92 1008 0000 0416 2523 02 Gestaltung: Simone und Markus Frank, Atelier Frank | Jonathan Marcus, Frauke Ohnholz Berlin, 1. August 2015 | Änderungen vorbehalten Respect | No-one is more important than anyone else. We expect all participants to be respectful of one another, and to recognise that all volunteers are also participants. Personal attacks are not acceptable in any Limmud context, especially within sessions at events. Arguments for the Sake of Heaven | We recognise and appreciate that ‘arguments for the sake of heaven’ can make a positive contribution to furthering our education and understanding. We do not participate in legitimising or de-legitimising any religious or political position found in the worldwide Jewish community. Anyone coming to Limmud seeking opportunities for this will not find them. We have no part to play in the debates between/across denominations. Sessions which encourage vigorous debate are entirely acceptable but we will seek to avoid religious or political conflict. Sessions should be educational, and not polemical. Religious Observance | We seek to create an inclusive environment for all participants whatever their religious observance practices. We believe in the importance of enabling Shabbat and kashrut to be kept in all public areas as far as possible, so that Jews do not have to separate themselves one from another. We recognise that in private areas, people will behave as they wish. We ask that in matters of Shabbat and kashrut all participants behave in a way which is respectful of the religious observance of others. Limmud – Save the dates! … in Germany Limmud-Tag Essen 13 December 2015 Limmud.de Festival 2016 5 – 8 May 2016 www.limmud.de| www.limmud-tag.de … in Europe Limmud Barcelona 25 October 2015, Spain Limmud Conference 27 – 31 December, UK Limmud Stockholm 14 – 15 November, Sweden and in France, Turkey, Italy, Finland, Czech Republic, Baltics, Ukraine, Russia and many more www.limmud.org | www.limmudinternational.org … and around the world Israel, USA, Canada, Argentina, Australia, South Africa, China and many more www.limmudinternational.org
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