Competing Embedded Clauses in German Matthias Schrinner Data Clause-final relative clauses (RC) and argument clauses (AC) may be serialized RC»AC or AC»RC. Haider (1994) notices asymmetry in grammaticality; claims that AC»RC is ungrammatical (Haider Asymmetry). (1) a. Es fiel letzte Woche einem Grammatiker auf [RC der das untersuchte ] [AC dass dieser Satz grammatisch ist ] It struck a grammarian last week, who analyzed it, that this clause is grammatical. Es fiel letzte Woche einem Grammatiker auf [AC dass dieser Satz grammatisch ist ] [RC der das untersuchte] b. Claim Constraints on Serialization Both serializations are grammatical. Haider Asymmetry persists in preference, not in grammaticality. When RC is extraposed out of subject and AC is object, there is no preference (Anti-Haider-Asymmetry-Context; AHA-Context). Relevant Principles for Word Order Principle of End-Recursion: Final-embedding structures are preferred over center-embedding structures. (Miller & Chomsky, 1963) Principle of Proximity: There is proximity between governors and dependents. There are no crossing dependencies. (Stowell, 1981; Ferrer i Cancho, 2006) Investigation Motivation: unclear empirical situation Haider (1994) notices asymmetry Keller (1994), concerned with extraposition in general, does not notice asymmetry Constraints Experiment: questionnaire 51 German native speakers were asked to rate sentences with extraposed AC and RC as well as (clearly) grammatical and ungrammatical filler sentences. Grammatical functions of clauses were permuted. Scale from 1 (best) to 6 (worst) (2) a. b. Results None of the structures is ungrammatical. In general, RC»AC is preferred. There is no Haider Asymmetry if RC antecedent is subject and AC is direct object. c. AHA-Context Haider Asymmetry Haider Asymmetry RC antecedent SUB AC DO DO SUB IO DO total fillers RC»AC 3.25 AC»RC 3.17 2.78 3.56 3.17 3.84 3.07 3.61 gramm. 1.95 ungramm. 5.15 d. E XTRAPOSITION (E XTRAP ) CPs with a [+extrap]-feature are extraposed. high ranked; eliminates non-extraposed clauses M ODIFIER A DJACENCY (MA) Assign one * per linearly intervening projection between a modifier and its licenser. favors RC»AC A RGUMENT A DJACENCY (AA) Assign one * per linearly intervening projection between an argument and its licenser. favors AC»RC *C ROSSING D EPENDENCIES (*C R D EP ) Surface structures do not exhibit crossing dependencies. Ordering MA over AA (MA»AA) will favor RC»AC serializations. Making use of Stochastic OT will allow AC»RC as well. Adding a lower ranked *C R D EP explains why in AHA-Context there is no preference of RC»AC (see below). Analysis in Stochastic Optimality Theory M ODIFIER A DJACENCY Assumptions Everything is base generated under VP. (Haider, 1993) Extraposition is rightward Chomsky-Adjunction to VP. (Guéron, 1980; Sternefeld & von Stechow, 1988; Grewendorf, 1988; Büring & Hartmann, 1995) Stochastic OT: Every constraint can be top ranked. (Boersma & Hayes, 2001) VP DP V Haider Asymmetry VP VP VP Argument Adjacency AA (5) RC»AC *! ☞ (6) AC»RC CP-relj CP-argi V′ DP RC»AC Es ist dem Grammatiker aufgefallen [CP der es untersuchte ] dass der Satz gut ist AC»RC Es ist dem Grammatiker aufgefallen dass der Satz gut ist der es untersuchte MA ☞ (3) RC»AC * (4) AC»RC **! V′ ej RC»AC Es ist dem Grammatiker [V aufgefallen ] der es untersuchte dass der Satz gut ist AC»RC Es ist dem Grammatiker [V aufgefallen ] [CP dass der Satz gut ist ] der es untersuchte ei (6) CPi [+extrap] VP (4) (5) CPj [+extrap] VP (3) *C ROSSING D EPENDENCIES AC»RC exhibits crossing dependencies. *C R D EP strengthens effect of MA»AA. V N . . . ej AHA-Context VP VP VP CP-argj CP-reli DP V′ N . . . ei ej V RC»AC exhibits crossing dependencies. *C R D EP weakens effect of MA»AA. N . . . ei Ranking References In Stochastic OT, the evaluation is carried out making use of selection points, which are normally distributed around a mean value (as given in the figure). At every utterance, new selection points are chosen and a new competition is run. The results of the competitions are equal to the judgements of the speakers. M ODIFIER A DJACENCY A RGUMENT A DJACENCY *C ROSSING D EPENDENCIES speakers’ ratings 1 or 2 Haider Asymmetry RC»AC 415 AC»RC 207 AHA-Context RC»AC AC»RC 80 98 simulation Boersma, Paul & Bruce Hayes. 2001. Empirical Tests of the Gradual Learning Algorithm. Linguistic Inquiry 45–86. Büring, Daniel & Katharina Hartmann. 1995. All right! In U. Lutz & J. Pafel (eds.), On Extraction and Extraposition in German, 179–212. Ferrer i Cancho, Ramon. 2006. Why do syntactic links not cross? EuroPhysics Letters 76. 1228–1234. Grewendorf, Günther. 1988. Aspekte der deutschen Syntax. Tübingen: Narr. Guéron, Jacqueline. 1980. On the Syntax and Semantics of PP Extraposition. Linguistic Inquiry 637–678. Haider, Hubert. 1993. Deutsche Syntax – Generativ. Tübingen: Narr. Haider, Hubert. 1994. Detached Clauses—The Later The Deeper. Arbeitspapier SFB 340 No 41. Keller, Frank. 1994. Extraposition in HPSG. Verbmobil Report No 30. Miller & Noam Chomsky. 1963. Finitary models of language users. In R. D. Luce (ed.), Handbook of Mathematical Psychology, 269–321. Sternefeld, Wolfgan & Arnim von Stechow. 1988. Bausteine syntaktischen Wissens. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. Stowell, Timothy A. 1981. Origins of Phrase Structure: MIT dissertation. Haider Asymmetry RC»AC 663 AC»RC 337 AHA-Context 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 RC»AC 508 AC»RC 492 Conclusion Serialization of embedded clauses in German is subject to preference. RC»AC is the preferred structure. In AHA-Context, there is no preference. Modelling should make use of a stochastic model of grammar. Acknowledgments I would like to thank Gereon Müller, Sandra Döring, Fabian Heck, Jonathan Bobaljik, Robert Truswell, and the anonymous commentators of ConSOLE and DGfS Annual Meeting for their useful commentaries, questions and support. I would like to offer my special thanks to Andreas Opitz for the assistance with the statistics in this project.
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