Behandlungszentrum Vogtareuth - Success Story

Paediatric Orthopaedics
in Behandlungszentrum
The new Clin ie for Paediatrie Orthopaedies at Behand lungszentrum
Vogtareuth opens its doors in January 2008. Herewith Behandlu ngszentrum Vogta reuth, already renowned
for the high ly qualified treat ment in
its speeialised eli nies, com plements
its spectrum of activity in the therapy
of children and adoleseents.
Dr Sean Nader M.D., Head Physieian
of the new department, has many
years of experience in the treatment
of orthopaedic diseases in children as
weil as in adults and he sets a high
va lue on individual treatment coneepts.
With the establishmen t of the Cli nic
for Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
and due to the dose cooperation
with other specialised fields of the
treatment centre, espeeially with the
departments of Neuropaediatrics,
Spine Surgery and Intensive Care, a
reliable all around eare of the young
patients can be ensured. The age
speetrum ranges from infants to adolescents and young adults. Thanks to
his many years of experience in the
field of adult orthopaedics and the
cooperation with the other speeialised clinics of Behandlungszentrum
Vogtareuth, Dr Sean Nader M.D.
renders possible the uninterrupted
advaneed care of pat ients also after
reaching adulthood.
Due to the concept, which is unique
in Germany, of multidiseiplinary assistanee, we have been abl e to eoncent rate the en t ire treatment range
of paediatric orthopaedics under one
roof. Short ways between the examinations and an experience of many
years in the treatment of children
facili t ate fast diagnosis and targeted
t herapy, without long waiting times,
annoyi ng journ eys or double eonsultations, both for the yo ungest patients
and for the fully-grown adolescents.
In this process we not only want to
eompetently accompany ehildren
from the beginning along the necessary therapies that often stretch over
years, but we also wish to be a reli able help for pa rents in t heir life wi th
their child, providi ng t hem eomprehensive information and indications
of various treatment methods.
Dr Sean Nader M.D.,
Head Phys ician of the Clini e
for Paediatri c Orthoped ie Surgery
Postdoctoral Edueation
1982-85 Moorpark College,
Cal ifornia USA
1985-88 University of CaJifornia
Dur range of special ty eomprises t he
Los Angeles (UCLAl,
diagnosis and the rapy of eongenita l
California USA
and aequired extremity maIforma - 1989-90 Technische Universität
t ions, sports injuries and disorders
München - El ektrot echnik
of the musculoskeletal system in syn- 199 1-97 Ludwig-Maximiliandromie diseases.
Universität München
- Medizinstudium
In paediatr ic orthopaedi cs, the con - 1996
Universi ty of California
servative treatment occupies a large
Los Angeles (U CLAl-School
field. Its foeuses are represented by the
of Medieine University
individually coordinated physiotherapy,
of Harvard-Sehool of
ergotherapy, whieh is accommodated
Medicine, MA USA
to the prog ress of the patient, and last 1997-99 General Surgery,
but not least the different orthopaedicKrankenhaus Agatharied
technical possibilities, from the elemen- 1999-01 Orthopaedie Surgery,
tary splint to the eomplex extremity
Behandlun<JSZentrum Vogtatarlh
substitute prosthetics.
2001-03 Spinal Surgery,
Behandlungszentrum Vogtareuth
The ope rative treat ment speetrum 2003-07 Paediatrie Orthopaedic
rang es from minimally invasive surSugery, Orthopädische
geries and simple ten don lengthening
Kinderk lini k Aschau
over complex axia l corrections and 2008
Head Physician of the Clinic
leng t hening with the help of external
fo r Paediatrie Orthopedie
fixation an d osteotomy, up to multiSurgery,
dimensional pelvic re constructions.
Behandlungszef1trum Vogtareuth
The operat ive proce dures are always
accompanied and complemented by
conservative measures.
Therapeutic focuses of congenital dis-
eases : art hl'Ogry posis mu lt iplex conge ni ta l (AMC), spina bifida (MMC),
Cerebral Pa lsy CCP), longi t ud ina l
malformations of the lower ext rernity
(PFFD, fibula def eet, ti bia defeet),
t ransversa l mal f ormations, skeletal
dyplasias of various genesis, Po nseti
treatment of clubfoot, all foot deformit ies, eongen ital knee luxat io n,
rnuscuJa l' diseases, syn daetylism,
t ibia pseudarthrosis, con ge nital dis loeat io n of hi p, oste ocho ndr ornatosis,
torticol lis (wryneck) .
uppe r and lower ex tremities, slipped
eapital femo ral ep iphys is, Pe rthes'
disease, osteoehond rosis disseeans,
pat ella luxat ion .
The rape utic f oeuses of aequ ir ed dis eases : diagno stie and t hera peu t ic a rthroscopy, post-t raumat ic extrem ity
shortening, axial mal posi t ion of t he
In the f oll owing one of our young fe male patien t s teils about her destiny
and how she is eop ing with the long
therapy of her seve re inbo rn disease: