www.tsi-congress.com www.tsi-congress.com Full details are available Save the Date Asset Based Finance – Europe‘s business financing in transit from bank to capital market financing on our website! Kapitalmarktunion - Die Harmonisierung der euro- Capital market union – a new stage in the päischen Integration der Finanzmärkte geht in ein harmonisation of European financial market Just click on the icon and neues Stadium. Es geht um die Finanzierung der integration. What is at stake is business finance, the TSI Congress 2015 Wirtschaft, um Investitionen in Europas Zukunft. investment in the future of Europe. At the cor of meetings will be added Und im Zentrum des Programms steht die Erleich- the programme is the need to ease credit to your c alendar on 23 terung des Kredittransfers: Ein besserer Rahmen transfers. There is a pressing need to address and 24 September für Privatplatzierungen von Krediten und Kredit- the provision of a better framework for private 2015. portfolien sowie Kreditfonds, vor allem aber die placements of loans and loan portfolios and credit Revitalisierung des europäischen Verbriefungs- funds, and especially to revive the European marktes sollen mit Nachdruck angepackt werden. securitisation market. Standardisation, trans- Standardisierung, Transparenz, regulatorisches parency and establishing a level regulatory „level playing field“ für die verschiedenen Instru- playing field for the different instruments are mente sind nur die ersten Schritte, weitergehende just beginning; more far-reaching harmonisation Harmonisierungen sind angedacht. measures are envisaged. Der TSI Kongress widmet sich all diesen Themen The TSI Congress has long been focusing its seit Jahren. Erwarten Sie für 2015 eine hoch- attention on all issues. In 2015 you can look aktuelle, spannende Veranstaltung rund um die forward to an enthralling, up-to-the-minute Kernthemen der Asset Based Finance Märkte und event that deals with the core topics associated der Kapitalmarktunion und nutzen Sie die vielfäl- with the asset based finance markets and the tigen Optionen für Austausch und Networking. capital market union You will also be able to take advantage of a wide range of different discussion and networking opportunities. TSI Congress 2015 … where the community meets! 02 Inhalt | Content Inhalt | Content 03Eröffnungsforum Opening forum 04 Die Themen im Überblick Topic overview 06Schlußforum Closing forum 07 Wen Sie auf diesem Kongress treffen Who will you meet at the Congress? 07 Der Kongress im Überblick Congress at a glance 08 Round Tables & Business Events 08Rahmenprogramm Supporting programme 09 Unsere Partner und Sponsoren Our partners and sponsors 10Anmeldeformular Registration Congress language Please note that the Congress language is German. All panels, w orkshops and supporting programme, that are held in English are marked with a Union Jack. These events will be conducted in English. Events marked with this symbol are suitable for both German and English-speaking participants. 03 Die Themen im Überblick | Topic overview Eröffnungsforum | Opening forum Eröffnungsforum | Opening forum Bedeutung von Verbriefungen und Kreditfonds und andere Formen des Kredittransfers für die Schaffung einer europäischen Kapitalmarktunion Auf zwei Beinen steht es sich besser: Nach der Bankenunion nun die Kapitalmarktunion. Doch die Ausgangsbedingungen auf den Kapitalmärkten Europas und den USA unterscheiden sich fundamental. Folgerichtig bekommt der Kredittransfer über Verbriefungen, Kreditfonds oder auch anderen Formen des Kredittransfers in Europa ein hohes Gewicht. Doch was können diese Instrumente leisten? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen für ein dynamisches und nachhaltiges Wachstum gegeben sein? Was stellen sich die Marktakteure dazu? Durch die Diskussion führt Dr. Michael Weller, OF Counsel, Clifford Chance. Moderation Dr. Michael Weller, Partner, Clifford Chance Teilnehmer Dr. Günther Bräunig, Mitglied des Vorstands, KfW Michael Bücker, Mitglied des Vorstands, BayernLB Dr. Levin Holle, Abteilungsleiter Finanzmarktpolitik, BMF Frank Fiedler, Chief Financial Officer, Volkswagen Financial Services Weitere Infos im Web TSI Fachnews TSI kompakt Dr. Bräunig Bücker Fiedler Dr. Holle Dr. Weller 04 Die Themen im Überblick | Topic overview Die Themen im Überblick | Topic overview Aktuelle Trends Asset Based Finance Märkte Kreditfonds – eine Alternative jenseits von STC Verbriefungen? Erfolgsvoraussetzungen der privaten Infrastrukturfinanzierung in Deutschland Die Potentiale von Private Placements von Krediten und Kreditportfolien in Deutschland und Europa Neue Industriestandards für europäische Schuldscheindarlehen: Ausprägungen, Marktentwicklung, Potential Green Bonds auf dem Vormarsch Die Zukunft von Leveraged Loan Transaktionen Regulierung der Asset Based Finance Märkte im Spiegel der Kapitalmarktunion Aktuelle Regulierungen und Regulierungsvorhaben mit ABS Bezug Bestandsaufnahme Finanzmarktregulierung - Grundlage und Handlungsfelder für eine erfolgreiche Kapitalmarktunion Standard, transparent and comparable securitisations (STC securitisations) – definition, differentiation, future treatment in the Basel framework and harmonisation with other regulations ECB monetary policy – use of TLTRO and the purchase programme – impact on banks and capital markets Zukünftiges Baseler Rahmenwerk für Verbriefungen für Banken bei ABS Investments – neue Methodenhierarchie, Rolle von externen Ratings und EK-Gewichte The restricted/frustrated investor: Solvency II / Investment Regulation – In what financial products will insurance companies and pension funds still be able to invest in the future? ABSPP revisited - What has changed after one year? Why synthetic securitisation are essential for a proper functioning European CMU Was kann Deutschland vom Luxemburger Verbriefungsrecht lernen? Regulierungsvorhaben Asset Based Finance & beyond Erste Erfahrungen mit dem Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) SME credit transparency in Europe – the importance of the Analytical Credit Dataset (Ana) for the capital market union and credit trading Regulatorische und ratingspezifische Fragen beim Aufsetzen vom Kreditfonds und Investments Novellierung Prospektrichtlinie – Chance für Markterweiterung und Vereinfachung Schattenbank und Kapitalmarkt – wie passt die Schattenbankregulierung ordnungspolitisch in die Kapitalmarktunion? 05 Die Themen im Überblick | Topic overview Investor Special – ABS, Infrastructure Financing & beyond Project bonds – case study Could credit funds like ELTIF substitute CMBS and ordinary real estate finance the next few years? Auto ABS 2015: frontrunners in HQ securitisation Securitisation of shipping loans and aircraft – the next big asset class? ABS in China – the evolution of an upcoming securitisation market? After quantitative easing - Roadmap back to a functioning ABS and credit market Where is sustainable value in European ABS transactions? Corporate Special – Kapitalmarktunion und Auswirkungen auf die Corporates Kapitalmarkt vs. Bankfinanzierung: Was unterscheidet Europa von den USA? Verbriefung von Handelsforderungen – ein wichtiger Baustein im Zuge der Kapitalmarktunion Verbriefung von Leasingforderungen – Marktüberblick, Potential und Entwicklungen Supply Chain Finance – Alternative oder Ergänzung zur Verbriefung von Handelsforderungen Zukünftige Anforderungen an Conduit-Programme und Handhabung in der Regulierung Alternative Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für Corporates – Die Refinanzierungswelle rollt an Registration and contact Ansätze europäischer Wirtschaftsförderung in der Kapitalmarktunion Longterm Capital vs. Working Capital – Wo drückt der Schuh denn nun wirklich? Please note that the Congress language is German. All panels and workshops that are held in English are marked with a Union Jack. All other English text has simply been translated for your convenience! Simultaneous translation will not be provided. 06 Die Themen im Überblick | Topic overview Schlussforum | Closing forum Schlussforum | Closing forum Die neue Rolle von Verbriefungen in Deutschland in Europa Es bedurfte einiger Überzeugungsarbeit, doch schlussendlich haben alle Argumente in den letzten Jahren in Europa für Verbriefungen gesprochen. Und gerade in Deutschland hängen Wirtschaftsfinanzierung und Verbriefung eng zusammen. So war letztendlich der politische und regulatorische Meinungswandel vorgezeichnet. Doch haben Verbriefungen auch das Potential, zum Motor der europäischen Kapitalmarktunion zu avancieren? Und welche Voraussetzungen müssen dafür aus Sicht der Politik, der Wirtschaft sowie von Banken und Investoren gegeben sein? Berechtigte Fragen an wesentliche Marktakteure und Beteiligte unter der Moderation von Phillip Otto, Herausgeber der Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen. Moderation Philipp Otto, Herausgeber der Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen Teilnehmer Dr. Michael Meister, Staatssekretär im BMF Lars Hille, Mitglied des Vorstands, DZ BANK Norbert Mayer, Leiter Bereich Konzernfinanzwesen, BMW Hans-Jörg Mast, Leiter Treasury und Finanzierung, Claas Weitere Infos im Web TSI Fachnews TSI kompakt Dr. Meister Hille Mast Mayer Otto 07 Who will you meet at the congress? | Congress at a glance Wen Sie auf diesem Kongress treffen | Who will you meet at the Congress? The TSI Congress 2015 has the support of the entire securitisation and asset based finance industry as well as of politics and the business sector. It brings together specialists and management representatives, managing directors, partners and board members from the fields of credit and loan portfolio management, risk management, law, trade, treasury departments at banks, law firms, auditing companies, rating agencies, service providers and consulting companies as well as investors from Germany and other countries and treasurers from large corporates. As in previous years, many representatives of German business, politics and national and international supervisory authorities as well as academics working in this field will be taking advantage of the Congress as a platform to exchange professional views and experience. Given the importance of regulation for banks’ credit policy and therefore also for corporate finance, Further details online: Congress structure Topic overview egistration and R contact the TSI Congress is also becoming increasingly relevant to Treasurers and CFOs of larger German Mittelstand enterprises. More than 40 discussion forums and workshops together with many business events will provide extensive information as well as numerous opportunities to make contact with others. In its ninth year, the TSI Congress 2015 has now become THE platform where experts and management representatives meet. Thanks to the support of all leading German industry and trade associations, the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the Federal Association of German Leasing Companies (BDL), the German Further Events of the TSI Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign T rade and Services (BGA) and the Association of German Treasurers (VDT), we are expecting a further increasing number of participants from the corporate segment. Der Kongress im Überblick | Congress at a glance The annual TSI Congress has now become firmly established as a key Berlin-based event in the securitisation and asset-based finance markets. The 2015 Congress will be the ninth in the series. With 75 sponsors, media partners and supporting organisations together with just under 650 delegates, broad participation by, for example, the Deutsche Bundesbank, the ECB, politics, EU representatives, investors, business associations and the press, the 2014 Congress was the largest to date. 08 Round Tables & Business Events | Supporting programme Round Tables & Business Events TSI and some sponsors provide an opportunity for expert discussions with guests from business and politics over breakfast or lunch in a pleasant setting. The limited number of participants creates a private atmosphere with plenty of opportunity for an exchange of views between delegates and speakers and chance for you to engage in an intensive dialogue with guests. Investor Kick-off Euro Lunch Break Corporate Special Kick-off: Round Table Full details of our “WirtschaftsWiesn” – Corporate Special Round Tables & Business Events are available soon on our website! Rahmenprogramm | Supporting programme TSI joins forces with some sponsors to provide an extensive supporting programme at the TSI Congress 2015. The success of a congress is partly due to the provision of ample networking opportunities and time to discuss matters with clients in a relaxed atmosphere. TSI’s supporting programme, which starts on the evening immediately preceding the congress with a reception given by KfW on 22 September 2015, provides many opportunities to meet clients or to expand personal networks over a glass of wine and light refreshments or on a sightseeing tour. KfW Reception Networking Reception Wine Evening Chill-out and Get-together Visit to the Reichstag – evening tour Visit to the Neues Museum – highlights of the Egyptian Museum Visit to UNESCO World Heritage site Museum Island Click here for full details of our supporting programme! Visit to Otto Bock Science Center Berlin Closing Reception Our partners and sponsors Sponsors Zusammen geht mehr Media partners In addition, the Congress is supported by As on 24 July 2015 By fax to +49 (0)69 2992-1717 Registration YES, I would like to take part in the TSI Congress 2015 TSI Congress 2015 “Asset Based Finance – Europe‘s business financing Asset Based Finance – Europe‘s business financing in transit from in transit from bank to capital market financing” on bank to capital market financing 23 and 24 September 2015 at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Date 23 and 24 September 2015 Venue Radisson Blu Hotel, Berlin Berlin. Online registration now available Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 3, 10178 Berlin, Germany Room reservations To reserve your room, please contact the hotels listed under this link: Hotel reservation TSI Congress 2015. A limited number of rooms have Standard participation fee per person EUR 1,980* Reduced registration fee per person EUR 1,485* If four or more participants from one company register at the same time, they will be given a 25% discount on the standard registration fee. Please use a separate registration form for each participant, making copies of the form as needed. Corporate participation fee per person EUR 490* * Plus 19% VAT been reserved for you at special prices under the code “TSI Congress 2015”. Participant’s address/Billing address Conditions of participation The participation fee for the two-day Congress including lunch, snacks, soft drinks and Congress documents is EUR 1,980 plus VAT. Partici Dr/Mr/Ms/First name/Surname Company pation in all Round Tables & Business Events as well as the supporting programme is also included but separate registration is required for Position certain events (indicated in the programme). All Congress delegates will be sent separate invitations to the supporting programme around Department six weeks before the start of the Congress. Once your registration has been received, you will receive a letter of Street confirmation and an invoice. The full Congress fee will be charged for cancellations received in the last 14 days before the start of City and postcode the Congress. The same applies to non-participation in the event. A replacement delegate may, of course, be sent. The registration is subject to our Tel/Fax General terms and conditions. Email address Organised by True Sale International GmbH (TSI) Place and date, Signature Mainzer Landstrasse 51, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Billing address (if different) ! w No ine onl Sign up easily using the online form to the Congress 2015: www.tsi-congress.com/1/anmeldung Alternatively, complete the adjacent form and fax it to us. Please do not forget to sign it! I would like to pay the registration fee by credit card: Visa Ihre Ansprechpartnerin Your contact Monika Simm person Monika+49 Simm Telefon: (0)69 2992-1733 Telefon:+49 +49(0)69 (0)692992-1717 2992-1733 Telefax: Telefax: +49 (0)69 2992-1717 [email protected] [email protected] MasterCard Credit card number Expiry date Check digit Security: We are concerned to ensure that your personal data are protected. All data forwarded by TSI will be transmitted over a safe link and are protected against external interference by modern encryption technology.
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