Information on the modules in Psychology University of Würzburg Institute for Psychology PD Dr. Wolfgang Lenhard 2016-02-27 Department of Psychology Courses in English Language – Summer Term 2016 The following list includes the list of courses held in English language. Often, there are several different groups within one course and one of them is held in English. Some of these courses are mixed in language (partly German, partly English) and you can contribute in English. For Bachelor students: Course Module Lecturer Link Lie to me: Die Psychologie der Lüge (The psychology of lying) Gesundheitspsychologie und emotionale Störungen (06-PSY-GueS/-1) Dr. Kristina Suchotzki Course Module Lecturer Link The heart-brain connection, a highway towards psychological disorder? Gesundheitspsychologie und emotionale Störungen (06-PSY-GueS/-1) Dr. Stefan M. Schulz Course Übung: Diagnostik, Testtheorie und Testentwicklung (Excercise in Diagnostics, Test Development and Test Theory) Diagnostik, Testtheorie und Testentwicklung (06-PSY-DTT) Dr. Marko Paelecke, Dipl. Psych. Johannes Rodrigues Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Differentielle Psychologie und Persönlichkeitsforschung (Differential Psychology and Personality Research) Differentielle und Persönlichkeitspsychologie (06-PSY-DuPPSY) Prof. Dr. Johannes Hewig Course Module Lecturer Link Differentielle Psychologie und Persönlichkeitspsychologie Differentielle und Persönlichkeitspsychologie (06-PSY-DuPPSY) Dr. Uta Kraus, Dipl. Psych. Johannes Rodrigues Course Module Lecturer Link Course Multimodale Diagnostik (Multimodal Diagnostics) Diagnostik, Testtheorie und Testentwicklung (06-PSY-DTT) Dr. Uta Kraus, Dr. Patrick Mussel Module Lecturer Link Diagnostik, Testtheorie und Testentwicklung (Diagnostics, Test Development and Test Theory) Diagnostik, Testtheorie und Testentwicklung (06-PSY-DTT) Prof. Dr. Johannes Hewig Course Module Lecturer Link Learning and Memory Allgemeine Psychologie I (06-PSY-APSY1) Constantin Schmidts Course Lernstörungen: Diagnose und Intervention (Learning Disabilities) Pädagogische Psychologie 2 (06-PSY-PaPSY-2) Dr. Wolfgang Lenhard, Catharina Tibken, Madlen Mangold Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Verhaltensstörungen: Diagnose und Intervention (Behavioral Disorders in Childhood and Youth) Pädagogische Psychologie 2 (06-PSY-PaPSY-2) Dr. Wolfgang Lenhard, Dr. Frank Niklas, Darius Endlich Course Module Lecturer Link Decision-making at work - Entscheidungen im Wirtschaftskontext Entscheidungen im sozialen Kontext (06-PSY-EisK) Prof. Dr. Tanja Bipp Course Module Lecturer Link Neurofeedback-Therapy (Gesundheitspsychologie) Gesundheitspsychologie und emotionale Störungen (06-PSY-GueS/-1) MSc Loic Botrel Course Module Lecturer Link Moral judgement Sozialpsychologie (06-PSY-SozPSY) Stepan Bahnik Course Module Lecturer Link Emotionale und motivationale Einflüsse auf Urteile und Entscheidungen (Emotional and Motivational Influences on Judgement and Decisions) Sozialpsychologie (06-PSY-SozPSY) Berit Lindau Course Module Lecturer Link Journal Club: What's new in work and organizational psychology? Wirtschaftspsychologie (06-PSY-WiPSY) Dr. Andrea Beinicke For Master students: Course Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Forschungsorientierte Vertiefung Differentielle Psychologie (Research Oriented Elaborations on Differentiel Psychology) Interindividuelle Unterschiede (06-PSY-MA-IU) Dr. Patrick Mussel Seminar for doctoral students and associate member of SFB-TRR-58 "Fear, anxiety, anxiety disorders" and selected master students" Biologial and clinical psychology (no module specified) Prof. Dr. Paul Pauli Psychologische Diagnostik und Begutachtung: das psychologische Gutachten (Psychological Diagnostics and Surveys) Diagnostik (06-PSY-MA-Dia/-1) Dr. Marko Paelecke Course Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Projekte und Methoden (Projects and Methods) Wahlpflichtbereich III Projektarbeit: Motivation und Emotion (06-PSY-MA-ME), Soziale Kognition (06-PSY-MA-SK), Experimentelle Wirtschaftspsychologie (06PSY-MA-EW) Prof. Dr. Roland Deutsch Kognition und Verhalten (Cognition and Behavior) Wahlpflichtbereich III Projektarbeit: Kognition und Verhalten (06-PSY-MA-KV) Dr. Oliver Herbot, Dr. Roland Pfister Projektarbeit Klinische Psychologie und experimentelle Psychotherapieforschung (Project Thesis in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Research) Wahlpflichtbereich III Projektarbeit: Klinische Psychologie und experimentelle Psychotheraieforschung (06-PSY-MA-KLI) Prof. Dr. Petra Platte Projektarbeit (Project Thesis) Wahlpflichtbereich III Projektarbeit: Verhaltensanalyse und Verhaltensregulation (06-PSY-MA-VV) MSc Loic Botrel, Matthias Eidel Familienpsychologie im Entwicklungs- und Bildungskontext (Family Psychology in Developmental and Educational Contexts) Wahlpflichtbereich I und II: Bildung, Entwicklung & Lebenslanges Lernen (06PSY-MA-BELL) Dr. Frank Niklas Course Module Lecturer Link Course Module Lecturer Link Selbst und Emotionsregulation (Self and Emotion Regulation) Wahlpflichtbereich I und II: Klinische Psychologie, Intervention & Neurowissenschaftliche Grundlagen (06-PSY-MA-KlN) Prof. Dr. Petra Platte; Victoria Cabello González Sustainability for today’s workforce Wahlpflichtbereich I und II: Arbeits-, Kognitions- und Sozialpsychologie (06-PSYMA-AKS) bzw. Entscheiden, Handeln, Arbeiten (06-PSY-MA-EHA) Prof. Dr. Tanja Bipp Finding the Courses in the Course Catalogue The course catalogue is available online via SB@Home. Usually the courses are made public in the mid of the semester for the following semester (e.g. at the beginning of July for the following winter term). Please visit to retrieve the courses. You do not need to log in the system. For this, you need a university account, which you receive after coming to Würzburg. Step 1 Please choose the correct semester in the course catalogue. You can choose between winter term (beginning in October) and summer term (beginning in April). Step 2 Enter the course catalogue Step 3 Navigate to the courses in psychology “Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften“ -> “Psychology“ and choose the degree Bachelor or Master. The courses that are in English language, or where you can contribute in English are additionally listed under “International Study Programme” (under development): After clicking on the degree, you get the list of modules and the according courses, f. e. for the Bachelor degree: Step 4 We are almost there. Click on the modules you are interested in and you either get the submodules or the concrete courses. Navigate through the courses in order to plan your stay. Most courses are held each semester, but the times and persons may vary. Please do not forget to come to Würzburg in time in order to be able to register for the courses you want. Further Information
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