World Wide News Announcements World Wide Alumni News technische universität dortmund Announcements | Service | Jobs Matthias Heise Maria & Pier Luigi in Sardinia, Italy May 2015 Dr. Pius S. Prasetyo (Dean, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) Dr. Mangadar Situmorang (Rector, UNPAR) International Alumni Newsletter Dr. Aknolt K. Pakpahan (Vice-Dean, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences) Prof. Dr. Christoph Schuck (Vice-Dean, Faculty of Human Sciences and Theology, Dortmund) Winter 2015 Prof. Dr. Bob S. Hadiwinata (Parahyangan Center for European Studies, UNPAR) Dr. Sylvia Yazid (Head of Department of International Relations, UNPAR) Maria & Lucia Zitnanska in Trnava, Slovakia Adrianus Harsawaskita (from left to right) erasmus never ends - Part II In the last newsletter edition, our alumna Maria Alefanti shared the first part of her article about her ERASMUS reunion trip throughout Europe. Read here what happened after she went to Turkey... As I was flying from Greece to Bratislava though Italy, I decided to spend some days of vacation in the sunny island of Sardinia where my best friend and alumni of TU Dortmund, Pier Luigi Cruccu. We spent a wonderful week there, visiting many places and it felt like we were in Dortmund again. Many thoughts that we were making during Erasmus period came up to our minds and we made the promise that in the near future, whatever it happens, we will follow our dreams, even though it takes a lot to sacrifice. Actually that was also the motto of Erasmus. You only live once so take the chance and do whatever you really want. After that week in Italy, it was the time to visit the cause of that whole trip, the wedding in Slovakia. I don’t have to say anything more, rather than in that wedding of TU alumni’s Lucia Žitnanská, we re-met five Erasmus friends from Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Greece. It was like a small Erasmus party after all. It is worth mentioning that 2010’s alumni, with the huge help and instructions of alumni Katarzyna Bialecka, a dancing video for congratulating the couple has been made in a small period of time. Many people all around the world, found precious time in their tense everyday’s schedule to make that small but with huge meaning International alumni newsletter - winter 2015 Strengthening the ties between Bandung and Dortmund video. That gesture shows that time for those you love can be found despite how busy you are. We all realized that friendships that grow up during Erasmus last though the years, are much stronger than any other friendship, as that time of our lives we used to be not only friends but also “family”. Everyone was there for the others whenever need came up. That is the strongest bond Erasmus offers to young people and lasts for a lifetime. These friendships can exist no matter what nationality, religion, language and distance sometimes separates people for a long time. My trip ended in Budapest with a meeting of another alumni, Dora Domokos. Just a few hours was that meeting of the three alumni Dora, Lucia and me Maria. But a few hours is enough for old friends to discuss and remember a lot of things and stuff that happened during the 6 months of Erasmus. In conclusion, that whole month full with meetings of old Erasmus friends was incredible and I couldn’t hesitate to say that even though we weren’t physically in Dortmund, our minds were and will always be in TU Dortmund. Somehow, there will be some circumstances in our lives that will remind us moments that we survived through our life-changing period of Erasmus. That’s why I would say that Erasmus never ends!!! Dedicated to our Erasmus family of Dortmund 2010-2011 Maria Alefanti 5 A long standing partnership between Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR) in Bandung, Indonesia and TU Dortmund University has been taken to a new level. The Institute for Philosophy and Political Sciences has been cooperating with the Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR), Bandung, Indonesia, for several years. Prof. Dr. Christoph Schuck accompanies this cooperation and formalized the long-standing contact in 2015 with a faculty-based cooperation agreement. When the EU tendered the “Mobility of individuals with partner institutions outside the EU” in the framework of the ERASMUS+ program this summer, the International Office applied for the exchange of Master students (incomings), PhD students (outgoings) and teaching staff (outgoings). The application was approved, and we can welcome the first UNPAR master students at TU Dortmund University in the summer semester. Interestingly, one of the key contact persons at UNPAR is a TU Dortmund Alumnus: Dr. Aknolt Kristian Pakpahan is a lecturer at the Department of International Relations and currently Vice Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. His academic career has already been very international: After attaining his Bachelor degree in International Relations at the UNPAR in Bandung, he finished his Master degree in Economics at New Mexico State University, USA. From 2009 to 2013, he continued his academic education as a PhD student in Dortmund. During his PhD studies at the Department of Philosophy and Political Science at TU Dortmund International alumni newsletter - winter 2015 Leave your mark! University’s Faculty of Human Sciences and Theology, he was an active member in the „PhD Network Indonesia Dortmund“ and the „Indonesian Students Association“. He also advised German students about studying abroad in Indonesia. In 2013, he received the DAAD Award for his outstanding academic achievement and remarkable social and intercultural engagement. In November 2015, Prof. Dr. Christoph Schuck and Matthias Heise from TU Dortmund University visited UNPAR and Dr. Pakpahan in Bandung. Matthias Heise about the future activities: “UNPAR has always been a reliable international partner. The cooperating faculties now take efforts in making the student and staff exchanges another success story that goes beyond the current joint activities in research and professonalization. We are about to welcome two visiting students in spring.” Imprint Newsletter Published by TU Dortmund University Welcome back! Welcome Message // Cultural Corner: German Movie History International Office, Emil-Figge-Str. 61, 44221 Dortmund Germany On and around campus Edited by Julia Pehle +49(0)231-7556370, [email protected] Conferences Photos: Maria Alefanti, Ranking: airdone/, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), ITMC der TU Dortmund, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Matthias Heise TU Dortmund heißt Flüchtlinge Willkommen // QS World University Ranking confirms TU’ Strong Position Portraits of the UA Ruhr Liaison Offices: The Moscow Office // Kick-Off for SFB/Transregio 160 in St. Petersburg World Wide News ERASMUS never ends - Part II Announcements Strengthening the Ties Between Bandung and Dortmund HInweis: Dieses Projekt wird durch den DAAD mit Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amtes der Bundesrepublik Deutschalnd gefördert. 6 Alumni International Welcome back! Conferences On and around campus Welcome back! On and around campus Conferences, Cooperations and Co. September 2015 Dear International Alumni And friends, Whether you are studying abroad, meeting new people or engaging in an exchange with others - you always leave a mark in people’s minds and hearts. You may not always be aware of it, but sometimes you learn afterwards how your actions inspired others. Just like our ERASMUS-alumna Maria Alefanti, who was triggered to finally start her trip visiting former ERASMUS friends when she heard that her Korean friend went on a journey through Europe. You read about her trip in the last newsletter; now you can read how she traveled on to Italy, Slovakia and Hungary. Sometimes, you can even use the marks that the people you met made on you and trans- form them into new ideas and concepts. In the “Announcements“-section, you can read about Ak- nolt Kristian Pakpahan, who back at his new workplace in Indonesia implemented some of the pro- grams he participated in when he was in Dortmund. So take the time to read up on the interesting topics and people in this newsletter edition - maybe you will get some inspiration, too! Alles Gute! International alumni newsletter - winter 2015 Moskauer Staatliche Hochschule für das Transportwesen (MIIT) September 2015 Cultural corner: German Movie history TU Dortmund heisst flüchtlinge willkommen QS world University Ranking confirms TU’s strong position Portraits of the ua ruhr liaison offices: the moscow office Kick-Off for SFB/Transregio 160 in St. Petersburg Did you ever watch a German movie? Films and movies are cultural artefacts and just like books, paintings or theatre plays, they are a means of expression. Die Technische Universität Dortmund heißt Flüchtlinge willkommen – mit einem eigenen Programm und wortwörtlich auf einer eigenen zweisprachigen Webseite. Unter dem Titel „Open Courses“ hat die TU Dortmund ein Programm aus Veranstaltungen zusammengestellt, die von allen Flüchtlingsfamilien mit ihren Kindern besucht werden können. Zudem eröffnet die Universität die Möglichkeit, unbürokratisch als Gasthörerinnen und Gasthörer Vorlesungen und Seminare zu besuchen. Zum Familienangebot gehören öffentliche Vorträge wie etwa „Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia“ mit Dozentinnen und Dozenten aus der Physik, die Reihe „Bild und Klang“ mit Beiträgen aus der Musikwissenschaft und Kunstgeschichte oder auch Veranstaltungen der KinderUni. The international QS World University Ranking 2015/16 was published September 15, and confirms TU Dortmund University’s strong position. Recently, the TU also scored well in a survey by the German business magazine “WirtschaftsWoche” and in the “Förderatlas” of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Throughout the world, TU Dortmund University still ranks among the Top 500 in the QS-Ranking – only one third of Germany’s 120 universities can claim this position. Among these, TU Dortmund ranks 34th. Our alumni are in demand – as shown in a “WirtschaftsWoche” survey among 540 personnel managers which also corresponds with the good QS scores in the category “Employer Reputation”. The Ruhr University Bochum, TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen are cooperating in the UA Ruhr Alliance. Together, they have established and operate liaison offices abroad in New York, Moscow, and Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo. In our last newsletter, we gave you an insight into the UA Ruhr New York Office. With a ceremonial act the German-Russian SFB/ Transregio 160 was officially opened September 21 in the venerable “House of Science” in St. Petersburg. Prof. Manfred Bayer, Chair for Experimental Physics - Solid State Spectroscopy at TU Dortmund University is the spokesperson for this large scale research project that is funded with seven million euros. TU Dortmund University’s Physics Faculty cooperates with the Russian Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute and the St. Petersburg State University (SPSU). Additionally, a working group from the Ruhr University Bochum and Paderborn University are involved. Historically, the cinematic history in Germany has seen a lot of changes and developments. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, Max and Emil Skladanowsky paved the way for many moviemakers as they succeeded in showing short scenes – like a train entering a railway station – with a “bioscop”, a simple film projector, in Berlin’s “Wintergarten”. In 1912, the “Studio Babelsberg” in Potsdam near Berlin was founded. It was the world’s first large film studio and a precursor for Hollywood. After World War I, there were already around 3000 cinemas in Germany and the viewers experienced the transition from silent to talking movies. During World War II, many film makers and actors – Marlene Dietrich, for example – emigrated from Germany and lots of creative talent was lost. A movie from that time that is still popular today is “Die Feuerzangenbowle” (1944). In the following decades, the German movie productions could not keep up with the popularity and variety of, for example, American films. The 1990 brought some changes and modernization with successful productions like “Lola rennt” (1998). The most popular film that was shot in the Ruhrgebiet cities Dortmund and Unna is “Bang Boom Bang” (1999), a caper movie that captures the special charm of the region. Movies like “Das Leben der Anderen” (2006) or “Good Bye, Lenin” (2003) also give you an insight into German history – be sure to watch them on your next movie night! 2 Mit einem zweisprachigen Flyer und Plakaten, die demnächst in den Einrichtungen verteilt werden, informiert die Universität Flüchtlinge über ihr Angebot. „Eine neue, sehr gute Idee entstand am Runden Tisch, nämlich die ehrenamtlich Aktiven in den Einrichtungen ebenfalls einzubinden. Sie können mit den Flüchtlingen konkret planen und sie auch begleiten“, resümiert Dr. Ute Zimmermann, Leiterin der Stabsstelle Chancengleichheit, Familie und Vielfalt der TU Dortmund. „Unser Angebot wird mit offenen Armen angenommen.“ Flüchtlinge, die sich über Studienmöglichkeiten an der TU Dortmund oder in Deutschland beraten lassen wollen, betreut das Referat Internationales der Universität. Das internationale QS World University Ranking 2015/16, das am 15. September veröffentlicht wurde, bestätigt die guten Platzierungen der TU Dortmund. Zuvor hatte die TU schon in einer Umfrage der WirtschaftsWoche und im Förderatlas der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) gut abgeschnitten. Weltweit zählt die TU Dortmund laut QS-Ranking weiterhin zu den Top 500 – das schafft nur knapp ein Drittel der 120 deutschen Universitäten. Unter diesen belegt die TU Dortmund den 34. Platz. Absolventen/-innen der TU Dortmund sind gefragt – dies hatte die WirtschaftsWoche bei einer Umfrage unter 540 Personalchefs ermittelt. Diese Erkenntnis deckt sich mit dem guten Abschneiden der TU bei QS in der Kategorie „Employer Reputation“. Mehr Informationen unter: More information: International alumni newsletter - winter 2015 The Russian Liaison Office was opened March 25, 2009, by the then North Rhine-Westfalian Minister of Science Andreas Pinkwart together with the rectors of the UA Ruhr universities. The UA Ruhr office in Moscow resides under the umbrella of the Russian-German Institute of the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering. For more than six years, the liaison office has been making an important contribution to the academic exchange and fostering the research cooperation between the three alliance universities and Russian institutes of higher education. The office’s main areas of activities are the initiation of academic contacts for research and teaching, marketing and public relations for the three universities in Russia and the organization and implementation of international conferences, seminars and events. As the office is involved in the current development of the Russian Higher Education landscape, it also partakes in the advancement of various effective cooperation formats like summer schools and internships. Currently, the UA Ruhr universities maintain cooperation projects with ca. 45 Russian partners. For upcoming events, see 3 International alumni newsletter - winter 2015 Together, almost 150 scientists plan to explore the topic of “Coherent Manipulation of Interacting Spin Excitations in Customised Semiconductors”. This quantum mechanical property, the so-called spin, affects the magnetic characteristics of materials. Spin excitations can be controlled in a targeted manner. Ultimately the group hopes to lay the foundations for spin electronics, spin optics and spinbased quantum information processing The German Research Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research will initially fund the SFB/Transregio 160 for four years. This is the first German-Russian Transregio, yet this cooperation continues the centuries-long tradition of German-Russian research cooperation. Already in 1724, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was involved in the foundation of the Russian Academy of Sciences as well as St. Petersburg State University. 4
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