GERMAN MCA IN LONDON Schubertiade: Schubert Society Singer Prize Winner Lo-Co: Bowling at the Brooklyn Bowl Faith Talk: Money & Value The Programme February - March 2016 2 What is the German YMCA in London? Founded in 1860, the Association is one of the oldest YMCAs in London and has been part of the English YMCA movement since that time. We are also one of the largest charities with German roots operating in England and support the German-speaking and local community in a variety of ways, from organised events and programmes, assistance to individuals in crisis situations, to material and practical support for other organisations. On the following pages you will find details of our regular programmes and events: our Parent-Toddler group, the au pair Tea Morning, the Members’ Luncheon Club, Schubertiade Concerts, trips and visits, and much more. Our home has been in the Lancaster Gate, Bayswater area north of Hyde Park in central London since 1959. Here, in Craven Terrace, is our Association’s centre and the Lancaster Hall Hotel. The hotel was opened in 1973 by the German YMCA and offers both the tourist and business traveller an ideal base in central London at affordable prices. Who can take part in our programmes? We are a Christian movement and stand for respect and freedom for all, tolerance and understanding between people of different faiths, opinions and race. About Us We welcome people of different Christian traditions, those of other faiths and those of none. Although, because of our Association’s heritage, the name contains “German”, “Young” and “Men”, we welcome anyone of any age and nationality, male and female. Our doors are open to all, members and non-members alike. What other services do we offer? Through our Youth Secretaries and the Programme Secretary (who is also the Association’s Chaplain) we aim to give advice to individuals, to those in crisis situations and those just in need of general advice. These could be long-term residents of London in need of ongoing support, an au pair who has to leave her host family at short notice, a student seeking long-term accommodation or a young person seeking advice on employment in the United Kingdom. We also offer an au pair placement service in cooperation with IN VIA, Germany. We try to create a network of people who, through direct contact with each other, are able to support one another on an ongoing basis outside the activities in our centre. 3 Wir wünschen ein Frohes Osterfest! Happy Easter to everyone! Fasching Tuesday 9 February, 12:45 Food and fun with a hat p8 Peter’s Music Live Wednesday 9 March, 14:00 SCHUBERTIADE Diana Brekalo (piano) Sunday 21 February, 15:00 Schubert Society Singer Prize Winner Peter Aisher (tenor) accompanied by Lucy Colquhoun (piano) p8 Sunday 13 March, 15:00 Cornelia (zither) p9 & Clara Mayer (soprano) Concerts in association with The Schubert Society of Britain p9 Faith Talk Thursday 24 March, 19:30 Chaplain Udo Bauer on Money & Value p9 About Us2 Regular Programme: for young adults for young families 4 5 General Programme: Bring & Buy for young adults for everyone Saturday 5 March, 12:30 Fundraising for West London Day Centre p8 6 8 News10 Text For The Month12 German-Speaking Organisations/Churches14 Voices in Harmony Thursday 7 April, 19:30 Music show for a good cause p9 Services and Contacts15 Accommodation and Map16 Published by: German Young Men’s Christian Association © Copyright 2016 Editorial Team: Uwe Maynard, Alice Melsheimer, Udo Bauer, Rachel Shilson, Barbara von Alten - Layout: Markus Hildebrandt Regular Programme: 4 for young adults 5 for young families TEA MORNING Jeden Donnerstag treffen sich Au Pairs zum Tea Morning in unserer Youth Lounge, 31 Craven Terrace. STRUWWELPETER jeden Donnerstag, ab 10:30 Bei Tee, Kaffee und Keksen könnt ihr Kolleginnen, vielleicht auch einen Kollegen kennenlernen, euch unterhalten und Erfahrungen austauschen. Hier könnt ihr Pläne zur Erforschung Londons schmieden. Infos haben wir reichlich. Mütter und Väter mit kleinen Kindern treffen sich jeden Mittwoch beim deutschsprachigen “Struwwelpeter”, der Eltern-Kind-Gruppe im German YMCA. , ittwoch jeden M 2:00 1 10:00 - Während die Kinder erste Kontakte zu Gleichaltrigen aufnehmen und ihr Umfeld erkunden, haben die Eltern Gelegenheit, es sich bei einer Tasse Kaffee gemütlich zu machen und sich auszutauschen. Call Rachel or Barb ara on 020 3238 2197 for more details After School Club Lo-Co London Connection for Kids & Parents For children from about 3 to 6 years Younger siblings are welcome up to For everybody who the age of 30 e in tim spends some on. nd and around Lo Call Luca or Bri tta on 020 7723 56 84 for more detai ls Whether you are an au pair, student, volunteer or young employee, we would like to invite you to get together, exchange work and life experiences, as well as going out and having fun... Films, arts and crafts, outings, picnics, and more depending on season Parents or carers must stay and are responsible for their children Suggestions, ideas or wishes are most welcome When: Where: Languages: Costs: We serve: every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 15:30 to 17:00 here at the German YMCA English, German, French, the more the better! a donation of £2 minimum per session would be appreciated coffee, tea, juice and some biscuits or pop-corn 6 General Programme: 7 for young adults Sa 13.2. BBC Broadcasting House 10:15 Step inside the exciting world of broadcasting and peek behind the scenes of the dynamic live broadcasting hub. On the tour some of the things you’re likely to experience include a camera’s eye view via their big screen into some of the studios broadcasting to the nation, including television and radio news studios, as well as hearing about the rich history of the building and the BBC. You’ll even have the chance to try your hand at reading the news and weather yourself on their interactive news set! Booking: now open, limited tickets Price: £10.00 Meeting point: Regent’s Park underground station, behind the ticket barrier So 14.2. Tipp: Chinese New Year Parade Neujahr ist schon längst vorbei? Nicht in China! Da es in London eine große chinesische Gemeinde gibt, findet hier traditionell die grösste Neujahrsfeier ausserhalb Asiens statt mit einer großen Abschlussparade, zu der viele Künstler extra aus China anreisen. Für mehr Details oder andere Webseiten. Sa 20.2. Lo-Co: Bowling at the Brooklyn Bowl 15:45 Diesen Samstag findet wieder unser monatliches LoCo-Event statt und diesmal geht es zur O2, allerdings nicht in die groβe Arena, sondern zum Bowling ins Brooklyn Bowl. Dort werden wir eineinhalb Stunden einen schönen sportlichen Nachmittag verbringen. Wer möchte, kann sich auch im dazugehörigen Restaurant mit Essen und Trinken versorgen. Anmeldung: ab sofort bis zum 6.2. Preis: £13 inklusive Bowlingschuhe Treffpunkt: Haupteingang der O2-Arena, Peninsula Square, SE10 0DX Tu 23.2. Musical: The Phantom of the Opera 19:30 Booking: Please book and pay by 15.2. Price: £35 Meeting point: Her Majesty’s Theatre, Haymarket, London SW1Y 4QL Dare to Differ: British Journalism 11:30 We 16.3. Wicked – The Musical 19:30 Wicked tells the incredible story of an unlikely but profound friendship between two girls who first meet as sorcery students at Shiz University: the blonde and very popular Glinda and a misunderstood green girl, Elphaba. This spectacular, multi award-winning stage musical has become the most spellbinding and successful new musical in years. Booking: now open Price: £35, please pay when booking Meeting point: Apollo Victoria Theatre, 17 Wilton Rd, London SW1V 1LG Sa 19.3. Dare to Differ: Living German – British History 15:00 From the Jewish orphanage in Berlin to becoming a world renowned Immunologist Prof. Leslie Brent will recount his life. Coming over to Britain with a ‘Kindertransport’ Leslie started his life in Britain as a refugee from Nazi-Germany. His story is a relevant and powerful tale for our time. Booking: guests please book Price: £3.00 for guests Meeting Point: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Lo-Co: Unseen Camden Tour 13:00 Die meisten von euch denken bei Camden bestimmt hauptsächlich an den Camden Lock Market. Dieser interessante Stadtteil Londons hat jedoch noch viel mehr zu bieten und ist besonders für seine Musik-, Kunst- und Modeszene bekannt. Mike, ein ehemaliger Musikproduzent, wird uns 90 Minuten lang durch Camden führen und mit zahlreichen Insiderinformationen zu Stars wie Amy Winehouse oder Daniel Craig versorgen. Buchung: ab sofort bis zum 1.3. Preis: £7 Treffpunkt: vor der Chalk Farm Tube Station, Adelaide Road, NW3 2BP 15:00 Sunday Times Style journalist Marie-Claire Chappet discusses the UK press and the history and status of the newspaper and magazine industry, from freedom of the press and hacking scandals to the importance of Instagram and the emergence of the cult of blogging. Booking: Guests please book Price for guests: £3 Meeting point: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, W2 3EL Tip: St. Patrick’s Day Parade Saint Patrick is one of the patron Saints of Ireland and is celebrated with a parade through Central London, a free festival in Trafalgar Square and many more special events. This year the colourful and entertaining parade will make its way down Piccadilly on a 1.5 mile route passing some of London most iconic Landmarks. More information for example at: So 20.3. Far beneath the majesty and splendour of the Paris Opera House, hides the Phantom in a shadowy existence. When the owner of the opera house changes the situation gets out of hand - a fantastic story of love, passion and rejection. Sa 27.2. Su 13.3. Gesegnete Ostern und allen, die nach Hause fahren wünschen wir eine schöne Zeit und gute Erholung! 8 General Programme: for everyone We9.3. Peter’s Music Live: Diana Brekalo14:00 9 The pianist performs music by Skriabin, Brahms and Schwinge. Th10.3. Anglo-German Circle: Rosemary Clooney Tu2.2.Feierabend Club: Drei Männer im Schnee14:00 Komödie nach Erich Kästner mit Paul Dahlke (no subtitles). Th4.2. Anglo-German Circle: Games We have a number of games to choose from: UNO, Mensch Ärgere Dich Nicht, Scrabble, … Bring a friend! Su13.3. 19:30 19:30 Frank Knight speaks about the life of the actor and singer. Schubertiade: Cornelia & Clara Mayer15:00 Cornelia Mayer plays music by Lanner, Karas, Schubert and others on her Zither. Clara (soprano) joins her for some songs. Tu15.3. Feierabend Club: Sein letztes Rennen14:00 Sa6.2.Glühwein bei Heidi14:30 We are invited to an afternoon with mulled wine in the cosy atmosphere of Heidi Corbridge’s home. £4, please book Tragikomödie mit Dieter Hallervorden: Paul will nicht im Altenheim versauern und nochmal den Berlin Marathon laufen ... (no subtitles, sorry). Mo8.2. Skattunier19:00 We16.3. Skattunier Skat zugunsten des German Welfare Councils. £5 Mindestspende. Skat zugunsten des German Welfare Councils. £5 Mindestspende. Tu9.2. Faschingslunch12:45 Th17.3. Our traditional lunch, this year salmon and mashed potatoes. Bring your best fancy hat (and a sketch/joke, if you have one). Please book by 4.2. (two courses & wine £7; guest £9) Th11.2. Anglo-German Circle: Weimar Wir sehen einen Film über die Stadt der klassischen deutschen Literatur (sorry, no subtitles). Th18.2. Anglo-German Circle: German Carnival Volunteer Luca gives a talk about German carnival traditions. Su21.2. Schubertiade: Schubert Society Singer Prize Winner Tenor Peter Aisher sings Schubert, Schumann, Duparc and Respighi, accompanied by Lucy Colquhoun (piano). Th 25.2. Anglo-German Circle: Volunteers of the German YMCA The new volunteers we sponsor at Action Reconciliation Service for Peace speak about their work and experiences. 19:30 Anglo-German Circle: Easter Handicraft Th24.3. Anglo-German Circle: Faith Talk – Money & Value 19:30 Th31.3. Anglo-German Circle: Challenges of Life 19:30 19:30 15:00 Documentary film on survival strategies of animals and plants. Forthcoming Events: 19:30 Mo 4.4. 19:30 Visit at the Royal Parks Foundation in Hyde Park 13:00 Please book; small donation for the host would be nice. Tu5.4.Feierabend Club: Billy Elliot14:00 Th7.4.Dinner (two courses £7, booking now)18:30 German meatballs with mashed potatoes Th7.4. Sa5.3.Bring & Buy12:30 All funds raised go to the West London Day Centre, a homeless charity in Marylebone. We will be serving refreshments (Bratwurst, cake …) as an added attraction. Retreat to the Monastery of Christ our Saviour, Turvey, Bedfordshire. We meet the monks and enjoy the company and peaceful surroundings. £75. We meet at the hotel reception. On Maundy Thursday our Chaplain looks at how we see money. Monks try not to be drawn into the conflict between the government and islamists in Algeria (French with subtitles). We make something for Easter to be sold at the Bring & Buy. 19:30 Fr 18-20.3. Turvey Abbey14:30 Tu1.3.Feierabend Club: Of Gods and Men12:45 Th3.3. Anglo-German Circle: German Hymns We look at the development of church singing in Germany. 19:00 Anglo-German Circle: Voices in Harmony Conversation and Culture Classes: German (advanced) every Monday to 21.3. at 10:00 German (lower intermediary) every Tuesday to 22.3. at 10:00 German (upper intermediary) every Tuesday to 22.3. at 12:30 German (beginners plus) every Tuesday to 22.3. at 15:00 German (beginners) every Tuesday to 22.3. at 18:00 Italian (lower intermediary) every Monday to 21.3. at 12:00 19:30 Peter’s Music every Wednesday at 14:00 News 10 Christmas Market DVDs for Seamen’s Mission This year the Market on Saturday was so successful, that many lines were already gone before we opened the Shop on Monday. The live music and children’s entertainment were very well received. The Christmas Market and Christmas Shop took a combined total of £8,047 enabling us to donate the profit of £3,314 to St James for their roof fund. Many thanks to donors, customers, musicians and helpers! If you have free DVDs from newspapers that you don’t need we will happily collect and pass them on to lonely seafarers. On the ocean they usually don’t have TV reception. Bonhoeffer Day 2016 27. February 14:00-20:00 “Who am I?” Identity, Exile and Belonging Talks, music and dinner free of charge. For more information see Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church, Dacres Road, Forest Hill, SE23 2NR To attend please register at [email protected] or call 020 7794 4207 11 New Youth Website Street Money Welcome to our new website for au pairs, host families and volunteers. We are hoping that the new layout will attract more young people. Your feedback is welcome. If you are interested, we’ve also got a Facebook page where we’ve started a photo competition for au pairs and volunteers. Perhaps we could start another competition for our more senior members? A few people from the German YMCA have continued to collect money from the street. In 2015 they picked up every penny they found and donated £91 to The Connection at St Martin, the homeless charity in Trafalgar Square, together with the leftover Stollen and biscuits from the Christmas Market. £25 were from a squashed golden earing found in the streets. So, if you find money or jewellery in the street, our Chaplain will happily add it to the collection for 2016. Inheritance When our oldest member Hilda Sloan passed away at the age of 100 she had provided for our Association with a substantial sum in her testament, for which we are very grateful. The money will be in a special fund and from the interest we will set up a children’s musical theatre group. Zum Geburtstag wünschen wir von Herzen Gottes Segen: Geburtstage im Februar – Felicity Bhattacharyya, Maghy Cam, Katerina Carter, Walter Charters, Kai Essers, Lilli Evans, Eckard Geisler, Neil Grant, Antti Haatanen, Gordon Honey, Valerie Hopcraft, Marie Kamara, Trudy Khan, Joyce Mayor, Clara Monari, Carlos Ortega, Maria Prasad, Erich Rust, Sigrun Shahin, Ruth Sousa, Gundula Tottman und Barbara von Alten. im März – Lesley Alexander, Lora Boyadjieva, Christin Braatz, Micha Conzelmann, Tim Conzelmann, Michael Donohue, Mark Dunn, Marion Ford, Ellen Furness, Hildegard Fust, Robert Glean, Jeffrey Hartman, Norman Hasker, Bernd Hildebrandt, Bernard Latchford, Margaret Legemah, Margerita Lopez Ribena, Alice Melsheimer, Jonathan Norris, Maria Petri, Charles Schomburg, Helga Stephens, David StGeorge, Waltraud Tooby und Sally Yates. Happy Birthday to you all, Uwe Maynard In Memoriam Patricia Beale died 4 January 2016 aged 72. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family and friends. The Lord says: “I, even I, am he who comforts you.” Isaiah 51.12 12 February 2016 And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. Mark 11.25 In Jesus’s time it was customary to stand for prayer. But arguing whether standing, sitting, kneeling or indeed lying would be the right way of praying would be missing the point of this verse. Different people in different traditions may be helped to focus on God by a certain position of the body, but Jesus is more concerned with the inner attitude. It doesn’t matter much whether your head tilts upwards to expect to receive God’s grace or you look down in a show of your humility, the real crunching point is the heart and mind. Are they free to focus on God? ... , if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, ... That’s the right position to be in to be able to pray properly: Forgive anything you hold against anyone. This is an all-andeveryone-inclusive command. A pretty steep demand, isn’t it? I at least find it difficult to swallow. There are people who stepped on my toes or did something terrible to others, who would deserve some punishment rather than forgiveness to satisfy my sense of justice. This would only be fair, my natural impulse tells me. Occasionally I cringe when I think of stupidities I have committed myself. Even to myself I can be a bit unforgiving. And I shouldn’t exclude myself from the “forgive anyone/everyone”. Text For The Month It is a tall order indeed to forgive anyone to whom I hold anything against. How do you feel? Injuries to our property, our health or our pride are often very keenly felt. They stick with us and can niggle us for a long time afterwards. Whenever we meet the person who did it or just hear the name, it all comes back. This can develop a life of its own and grow over time rather than pale into insignificance. It can become the proverbial mountain from its humble beginnings as a mole hill. Is that good? Nursing a grudge locks us into negative emotions. It can turn us sour to life itself. It ties us to a bad event in the past and blocks out the good ones that might be ahead. Life is full of little injuries we suffer and we inflict on others. Do we need to collect them until they block out the sun, until we get a dark outlook on life? ... , if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, ... That could be the way forward, the liberation from all the negative perspectives we have. I don’t think we can forget the bigger problems we faced or caused, but that should hopefully help us avoid them in the future. Having said (or written) that, these parts of our history could come without the emotional baggage, if we can forgive, if they have changed to episodes we remember as something past that has taught us something rather than open wounds we still feel like yesterday (or even stronger than when they first occurred). And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so 13 that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. It sounds rather like God would only forgive once we have done our part of the deal. I’m not sure how much hope there would be for me, if that was the case. Luckily instead of condemning us Christ rather died on the cross himself in our place. There on the cross and in the resurrection God wants to show us that he is rather forgiving than punishing to us. This is what we celebrate every Easter. “Your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins” even before you have started to be forgiving yourself. God help us to follow his example! März 2016 Jesus Christus spricht: Wie mich der Vater geliebt hat, so habe auch ich euch geliebt. Bleibt in meiner Liebe! Johannes 15,9 „ ... geliebt hat” – wieso Vergangenheit? Ist das denn vorbei? So ist es wohl nicht gemeint. Vielleicht kann man es so verstehen: „Wir haben unseren Teil getan. Der Vater hat mich geliebt, ich habe euch geliebt. Jetzt seid ihr dran diese Liebe mit Leben zu erfüllen.“ Jesus hat Gottes Liebe gelebt und sie den Menschen in allem, was er tat, gezeigt. Jetzt ist es an den Menschen, zu zeigen, dass sie dieses Vorbild verstanden haben. Wie geht das? In den folgenden Versen findet sich die Antwort: „10 Wenn ihr meine Gebote haltet, so bleibt ihr in meiner Liebe, gleichwie ich meines Vaters Gebote halte und bleibe in seiner Liebe. 11 Das sage ich euch, damit meine Freude in euch bleibe und eure Freude vollkommen werde. 12 Das ist mein Gebot, dass ihr euch untereinander liebt, gleichwie ich euch liebe. 13 Niemand hat größere Liebe als die, dass er sein Leben läßt für seine Freunde.“ Der letzte Vers weist auf Christi Tod an Ostern hin, was ja passend ist in diesem Monat. Aber mir wäre es lieb und ich hoffe, dass sich für uns nie die Gelegenheit ergibt, die Nächstenliebe bis zum letzten zu leben und vor eine Entscheidung auf Leben und Tod gestellt zu werden. Auch im weniger drastischen Bereich gibt es ja genug für jedermann zu tun und zu lassen um in Christi Liebe zu bleiben und sie am eigenen Leibe zu leben. Und im weniger Drastischen kann – wird – es sogar Spass machen Nächstenliebe zu üben, jeder in seinem Umfeld. Fröhliche Ostern! Udo Bauer The saints are the sinners who keep on trying. Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) German-Speaking Organisations 14 German-Speaking Churches, London Austrian Cultural Forum London 28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ Tel: 020 7225 7300, Deutschsprachige evangelische Gottesdienste in St Andrew’s Church Road, Petersham TW10 5HG Tel: 020 8876 6366 Gottesdienst jeden 2. und 4. Sonntag im Monat 16:30 Uhr Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) 1 Southampton Place, London WC1A 2DA Tel: 020 7831 9511, Deutsche Botschaft 23 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PZ Tel: 020 7824 1300, German Historical Institute 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NJ Tel: 020 7309 2050, German Saturday School Central London 2 Rowington Close, W2 5TF Tel. 07542 733 974 German School London Douglas House, Petersham Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10 7AH Tel: 020 8940 2510, German Welfare Council 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Tel: 020 7262 2463, Goethe Institut 50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PH, Tel: 020 7596 4000 Hostel for young women Lioba House, 42-44 Exeter Road, London NW2 4SB, Tel: 020 8438 9628 [email protected] Österreichische Botschaft 18 Belgrave Mews West, London SW1X 8HU Tel: 020 7344 3250, Schweizer Botschaft 16-18 Montagu Place, London W1H 2BQ Tel: 020 7616 6000, Deutschsprachige Katholische Gemeinde St. Bonifatius London 47 Adler St., London E1 1EE Tel: 020 7247 9529 Gottesdienst jeden 2., 4., 5. Sonntag im Monat 11 Uhr. 1. und 3. Sonntag am Vorabend-Samstag 18 Uhr Deutschsprachige römisch-katholische Gottesdienste in St Thomas Aquinas Ham Street, Ham, Richmond TW10 7HT Tel: 020 8332 1036 Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11:30 Uhr Evangelische Christuskirche 19 Montpelier Pl., London SW7 1HL Tel: 020 8876 6366 Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11 Uhr Evangelische Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kirche 50 Dacres Rd., Forest Hill, London SE23 2NR Tel: 020 7794 4207 Gottesdienst jeden 2. Sonntag im Monat 15:30 Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 10:30 Uhr Evangelische St. Marien-Kirche 10 Sandwich St., London WC1 9PL Tel: 020 7794 4207 Gottesdienst jeden 2., 3. Sonntag im Monat 11Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 15 Uhr Swiss Connection, Swiss Church 79 Endell St., London WC2H 9DY Tel: 020 7836 1418 Gottesdienst jeden 1., 3. Sonntag im Monat 11Uhr Services and Contacts 15 Au Pair Services The German YMCA offers an au pair placement service in co-operation with the IN VIA association in Germany. To find the right family for the right au pair and vice versa is one of our aims. To facilitate exchange between cultures is another. With our programmes, which include social-cultural events especially addressed to au pairs, we aim to give a broad experience of country, history and culture. We also offer the intercultural qualification course “Dare to Differ”. Telephone Contact With the support of the trustees of the former German Old People’s Home “Homelands” we have a project for anybody who is a native German speaker and lives in the UK. If you can not meet other German speakers in person this is an opportunity to talk to someone in your language. For further information please phone Ursula Mitchel on 01268 551 931. Volunteer Placement Services In co-operation with other organisations we offer young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad for a period of three to twelve months. Project themes could include: youth, sport, culture, social care, environment. Our aim is to provide young people with an intercultural learning experience and to encourage social integration. For further information, or if your organisation would like to host a volunteer, please contact Alice Melsheimer by phone or e-mail (see below). Office Hours The office is open from Monday to Friday 9am - 12 and 1 - 5pm. In case of an emergency please contact the duty manager of the Lancaster Hall Hotel on 020 7723 9276. Programme Booking If you would like to take part in our activities you can book in person, by telephone or e-mail. The German YMCA is a Christian movement which welcomes people regardless of their gender, age, religion or ethnic background. Chief Executive: Uwe Maynard Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 9276 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 Programme Manager: Alice Melsheimer Tel: +44 (0)20 3287 8195 [email protected] Chaplain & Prog. Secretary: Udo Bauer Programme Office: Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 5684 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 [email protected] Youth Secretaries: Rachel Shilson Barbara von Alten Youth Office: Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 [email protected] Au Pair Services: Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 [email protected] Volunteer Placement Secretary: Alice Melsheimer Volunteer Placement Services: Tel: +44 (0)20 3287 8195 [email protected] Volunteers (on placement): Luca Daniel [email protected] Campsheide GERMAN MCA IN LONDON German YMCA, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Founded in London 1860 Reg. Charity No. 250118 Accommodation: Hotel Rooms Youth Wing Conference Facilities LANCASTER HALL HOTEL Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 9276 E-mail: [email protected] LONDON W2 ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL S POST OFFICE LO PADDINGTON STATION N D O R A E R D S U N R . S G S T. TE R . TE R TE R LL C R AV HI . EN TE R . G ATE LANCASTER GATE UNDERGROUND A D R O MARBLE ARCH NE THE FOUNTAINS KENSINGTON GARDENS R T E W A Y S B A T. RD S LA TE R OXFO RK CAS UNDERGROUND PA LAN L A N C A ST ER T E R. . EN MARBLE ARCH HOTEL R E AV D IN E TE IR GERMAN YMCA LANCASTER HALL HOTEL HALL LANCASTER A R N ES SH N O P S X R S R U E TE U C N CR Offices and Youth Lounge: 31 Craven Terrace R E O S S A R TB U O A D R N W O S A O A E G TB G E D D S T. A UNDERGROUND E LO EV R E E PADDINGTON W G D C V R E E N E P T MainNEntrance and Reception: Lancaster Hall Hotel 35 Craven Terrace T THE SERPENTINE HYDE PARK
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