conference programme - of the 6th International

Translation and Meaning 2015
The 6th International Maastricht-Łódź Duo Colloquium
University of Łódź, Faculty of Philology, Pomorska 171/173
Friday, 18 September
8:30 – 10:00
conference opening
plenary lecture
10:10 – 11:10
What do they think they're doing? What translation means to computer scientists
Dorothy Kenny
room 1
Thinking or re-thinking the translator trainer
competence. Balancing professionalization
11:15 – 11:45
and locale constraints
Maria Piotrowska
11:50 – 12:20
room 2
Interpreting for the health: terminology
glossaries and their contribution to the
pedagogy of community interpreting
teaching techniques
Effrossyni Fragkou
What types of errors do undergraduate
students make depending on
Marta Chodkiewicz
Ease of use of data collection instruments in
The English Past Perfect tense
Ad hoc synonymy in conversation –
process-oriented translation research
in translation into Polish
implications for translation
Urszula Paradowska
Janusz Wróblewski
Jerzy Tomaszczyk
Translation quality assessment:
Volunteer translation, collaborative
12:25 – 12:55
room 3
knowledge acquisition and what is likely
Institutional agency and meaning in
the application of the argument
to follow
press translation
macrostructure model to texts across
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk &
Łukasz Bogucki
Jolanta Osękowska-Sandecka
different fields
Rafat Y. Alwazna
13:00 – 14:00
lunch break
Remapping meaning: exploring the
14:00 –14:30
Content simplification in subtitles for the
process of translating conceptual
Die Nezessität als prägender Faktor in der
deaf and hard of hearing
audiovisuellen Übersetzung
Paweł Aleksandrowicz
Marcin Michoń
Gary Massey &
Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow
Cross-linguistic non-alignment
14:35 – 15:05
and translation automaticity
Mikołaj Deckert
Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms
Wann kann Stalin zu Einstein werden?
(1929): literal translation and the
Deonymisierte Eigennamen in
audiovisueller Übersetzung
Krzysztof Kosecki
Krzysztof Sakowski
Computer competence
15:10 – 15:40
in the translation classroom
Michał Kornacki
Translation/interpreting as embodied
experience – sense and meaning as
Analyse des deutschen und polnischen
knowledge by identity
Manuskripts für den Film Imagine von
Michaela Albl-Mikasa
Andrzej Jakimowski
Małgorzata Korycińska-Wegner
plenary lecture
15:45 – 16:45
Translation process analysis revisited. Thirty years of research into translation processes
Wolfgang Lörscher
16:45 – 17:15
17:15 – 17:45
coffee break
An interdisciplinary approach to translation:
Corpus-based studies on semantic
Geht es mit der Wirtschaft rauf oder
reconciling antagonistic orientations in
equivalence on the example of ridiculous
runter? Börsenberichte in Augen der
modern Translation Studies
and its Polish dictionary equivalents
Lucia Salvato
17:50 – 18:20
Meaning in Walter Benjamin’s theory of
Anna Juszko-Urbaniak
Translation techniques and the question
of uniformity applied in the translation
Agnieszka Stawikowska-Marcinkowska
Normativität von Gesetzesbestimmungen
“Literal Translation”
und Rechtsübersetzung
into English of proper names of tertiary
education institutions in Poland
Mojtaba Golmohammadi
Gerhard Edelmann
Alina Szwajczuk
Zur Problematik der
Translators in search of a self(-concept):
illusionism and disillusion in the field of
18:25 – 18:55
computerunterstützten Übersetzung der
How to sneeze off the papers
Fachtexte unter besonderer
from the desk in Polish translation
Berücksichtigung der stilistischen und
Jacek Tadeusz Waliński
Gys-Walt van Egdom
terminologischen Einheitlichkeit
Łukasz Plęs
Translation studies in Lithuania: quality of Terminologische Interferenzen zwischen
Women as the muses of psalter translators
19:00 – 19:30
Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik
studies vs expectations of stakeholders
der Gesetzes- und Juristensprache am
aka are needs of the translation industry
Beispiel der Bezeichnungen für
successfully and expediently satisfied
zivilrechtliche Verträge. Deutsch und
Saulė Petronienė, Jolita Horbačauskienė
& Ramunė Kasperavičienė
Karolina Kęsicka
conference dinner, Klub Spadkobierców, Piotrkowska 77
Saturday, 19 September
plenary lecture
9:00 – 10:00
Grammar, culture, translation
Elżbieta Tabakowska
room 1
10:05 – 10:35
room 2
room 3
room 4
Early-stage researchers panel
To what extent can a different
From etymology to register: the
Traduire en français la construction Conceptual discrepancies of
style increase the readability of
experience of translating Ottoman
à verbe mieć (avoir) suivi d’un Polish-English terminology.
a text in the target language?
Chokri Ghezal
verbe lexical à l’infinitif
Turkish and Pure Turkish in
Tutunamayanlar into Brazilian
Małgorzata Nowakowska
Designing a corpus of
telecommunication and computer
science for scientific translation
Marco Syrayama de Pinto
Aleksandra Makowska
Stylistic analysis of source text
10:40 – 11:10
Lexical bundles in native and non-
and target text as an instrument
An approach to the translation of
for quality assessment of
Thomas Bridge's Yaghan-English
Les néologies terminologiques du
native texts of academic journals
translation (example of Latvian
dictionary into Spanish as a way to
langage juridique en traduction
of biology – implications for
translation of Ulysses by James
revitalize a dying language in Chile
Ksenia Gałuskina
Bartosz Łuczak
Catalina Büchner & Elena Soto
Sigita Ignatjeva
Extra-textual expertise
knowledge and decoding the
11:15 – 11:45
meaning in medical texts
Ewa Kujawska-Lis
Maintenance of the message in the
translation of literary texts: a
contribution or an onslaught to
traduction de l’humour verbal
in simultaneous interpreting:
a case study
Patrycja Wojtania
Cordelia Khoza
coffee break
room 1
Service provision competence
room 2
Creativity in the translation of slang
as an educational challenge in
into Portuguese: the example of
T&I education
W. Sutcliffe’s The Love Hexagon
Konrad Klimkowski
12:50 – 13:20
Rendition of formulaicity
Magdalena Szeflińska-Baran
African languages
11:45 – 12:15
12:15 – 12:45
Les facteurs d’équivalence dans la
The role of generic competence
Ana Sofia Saldanha
Reading J.K. Rowling’s The Casual
room 3
Dimension polysystémique de la
traduction spécialisée
Barbara Walkiewicz
Métonymie – est-elle un obstacle
room 4
Early-stage researchers panel
Domestication or foreignization?
Discussion based on examples of
animated movies translated into
Irmina Liczbik
Is the source culture redundant?
and professional expertise in
Vacancy in Polish: can
legal translation. The case of
questionable aspects of the target
English and Polish probate
text result from apt translation
Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski
Talent, education or practical
Anna Czekaj
Translation and meaning:
a reflection in the novel
Beata Śmigielska
Katarzyna Kubiszowska
Olga Łabendowicz
Relation d’inclusion et la traduction
interpreters of less translated
Shifts of meaning in audiovisual
Magdalena Kizeweter
experience? The case of
13:25 – 13:55
pour la traduction automatique ?
Munzhedzi James Mafela
L’intraduisibilité des aspects
culturels dans les traductions de
la langue italienne en polonaise
Katarzyna Kowalik
Translation as mediation or
14:00 – 14:30
– On the meaning of the term
Quelques réflexions sur le
traitement automatique des
predecessors, and
contemporaries in Medieval
Magdalena Perz
Joanna Esquibel
14:30 – 15:30
lunch break
plenary lecture
15:30 – 16:30
16:35 – 17:05
Professionalisation in the translator training curriculum
Marcel Thelen
A methodology for formative
Translating intertext and intermedial
When paratext is not meant to be
assessment: feedback tools in
meanings: problems with Alice
translated: the case of a bounteous
the translation classroom
Smiljana Narančić Kovač
production of paratext in
Paulina Pietrzak
intralingual retranslations of the
Greek classics in modern Greek
Effrossyni Fragkou
Problems of translation – intercultural studies – East and
17:10 – 17:40
Indira Priyanka Veernala &
Korada Subrahmanyam
Figuratively allusive: the aesthetic
meaning of literary translation from
Chinese into English
Kar Yue Chan
Grammar transformations in a 17th
century Morisco translation of the
Daniela-Corina Chiru