Netstudien – Infos on demand – Recherche Ausgangsbasis: Gekürzte Datenbasis Sie können eine Ausgangsbasis für ausgedehntere Recherchen bilden. Im Fundus befinden sich 5 000 solcher Datensätze. Die Baring-Familie: Die bedeutenste britische Bankfamilie des 17./18 Jahrhunderts Sie musste1991 den Zusammenbruch ihrer ehrwürdigen Bank durch Fehlspekulationen erleben Zielgruppe: Autoren und Journalisten 1 Netstudien – Infos on demand – 1 Die Baring - Familie Die Familie stellte im 19./20. Jahrhundert u.a. 2 Schatzkanzler, 1 Generalgouverneur von Indien und einen von Ägypten, einen Gouverneur von Kenia und einen Lordkämmerer Adelstitel in der Familie: Lord Northbrooke Earl of Cromer Lord Revelstoke, Lord Asburton__ Lord Howick Bedeutenste Bank / 19. Jahrhundert neben Rothschild Finanzier des Zaren und der Staaten Südamerikas “There are six great powers in Europe," the Duc de Richelieu famously remarked in 1810. "England, France, Russia, Austria, Prussia and the Baring Brothers." But the Barings weren't merely powerful. For more than two centuries—until a bad bet by a 28-year trader in Singapore brought the whole house crashing down in 1995—succeeding generations of strong, sensible, self-reliant Baring men financed the dawn of European trade, funded England's emergence as a great mercantile power, helped Thomas Jefferson finance America's Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and funded America's first entrepreneurs prior to the Civil War. “ Baring, Franz (1522 Venlo- ) - lutherischer Generalsuperintendent in Sachsen-Lauenburg. Seine Nachkommen wanderten über Bremen nach England aus Baring, John (1697 Deutschland -1748) Merchant, Textilmanufaktur grgründet Sohn: Baring, Francis (1740-1810) - founded (1763) the John and Francis Baring Company, which he renamed Baring Brothers and Company in 1806. At first the firm acted as import and export agents for others, but it soon became an independent merchant bank. - he was regarded as the first merchant in. Europe. - Dir. und 1792/93 Chmn East India Company - Bankgründer (Aufstieg zu einer der bedeutensten britischen Banken) - close associate of William Pitt the Younger - helped finance the Napoleonic Wars and underwrote marine insurance - französische Reparationen nach Waterloo finanziert - 1784-1806 M.P. geadelt: 1. Bariton Northbrooke - 7 Mio Pfund Verm. (einer der allerreichsten) * Sir Thomas Baring (1772- ) M.P., 2nd bt. Northbrooke - art-patron. and collector 2 Netstudien – Infos on demand – * Thomas Baring (1799-1873) - 1848-73 Bankchef - 1844-73 M.P. * Francis (1796-1866) - 1826-65 M.P. - 1849-52 1. Lord Admiral - 1. Baron Northbrooke * Thomas George (1826-1904) - Lord Admiral - 1872-76 Gouv./Indien - 1. Earl Northbrooke * Francis George (1850-1929) - 1880-92 M.P. - 2. Earl Northbrooke - kinderlos * Francis Henry (1850- ) - 2nd Baron northbrooke * Francis Arthur ( -1947) 3rd Lord Northbrook * Francis John (1915- ) 4th Lord Northbrook * Francis Thomas (1953- ) 5. Lord Northbrook - Landbesitz/London 1997 und 1998: 20 Mio Pfund Verm. * Henry Baring (1776-1848) - Bankchef - einer der mächtigsten und reichsten Männer in Großbritannien * Cecilia Annetta Baring # Baron Suffield * Henry Baring (1804-66) - Bankier - 1831-68 M.P. * Evelyn (1841-1917) - Generalgouverneur/Ägypten - 1. Earl of Cromer # Ethel Errington # K. Thynne * Rowland (1877-1953) - Dir. Baring-Bank 2nd Earl of Cromer # Ruby Florence Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound * George Rowland (1918- ) 3 Netstudien – Infos on demand – 3rd Earl of Cromer Man. Dir. Baring-Bank - 1961-66 Gov. Bank of England - 1967-71 Chmn IBM/UK - 1974- Dir. Shell, 67-71 Union Carbide, P&O, Suez - 1971-74 Botschafter/USA - right-wing politician # Tochter des Presse-Tycoons Lord Rothermere (Daily Mail) * Evelyn (1946- ) - Viscount Evvington * Windham (1880-1922) - Dir. Bank, # Cavendish * Evelyn (1903-73) Baron Howick of Glendale (1960) - 1942-44 Gouv./Rhodesien - 1944-51 Hochkommissar/Südafrika - 1952-59 Gouv./Kenia * Charles E: (1937- ) 2nd Baron howick - 1969-82 Man. Dir. Baring-Bank - Dir. London Life * Charles (1829-90) * Godfrey (1871-1957) 1. Baron Baring - M.P., Staatssekretär * Edward Charles BAring(1828-97) - 1873 Bankchef Baring-bank 1. Baron Revelstoke (1885) The house of Baring then stood at the height of its prosperity. “During the following years a large amount of English capital was advanced to the Argentine Republic, Barings undertaking the loans and guaranteeing the interest. Through the continued default of the Argentinegovernment, B arings became seriously involved, their heavy obligations precipitating a general financial crisis. Towards the end of 1890 it became known that the firm was on the eve of suspending payment, with liabilities amounting to £21,000,000. The prompt action of the Bank of England, which in conjunction with the leading joint-stock banks of the United Kingdom took over these liabilities, averted further disaster, and the firm of Baring Brothers was subsequently reorganized as a limited company with a capital of £1,000,000. “by 1890 its importance to the British government was such that the Bank of England guaranteed their debts to save them from bankruptcy when Argentina defaulted (1890) on bond payments “ # Louisa Bulteel * John (1863-1929) 2. Lord Revelstoke - Baring-Bank - 1898-1929 Dir. Bank of England - persönlicher Freund von König George V und des Finanziers Ernest Cassell 4 Netstudien – Infos on demand – - sehr großer politischer und wirtschaftlicher Einfluß in der City - 2,558 Mio Pfund vererbt - kinderlos * Margaret Baring (1868-1906) # Charles Robert Spencer Earl Of Spencer (1857-1922) * Cecil (1864-1934) 3rd Lord Revelstoke - Dir. Baring-Bank # Maude Lorillard (reiche Tabakerbin aus den USA, Tochter von Pierre Lorillard) * Rupert (1911-) 4th Lord Revelstoke * Daphne Baring * Calypso Baring * Edmund - General * Hugo (1876-1949) - Baring-Bank - Dir. Westminster Bank * Francis (1909-40) * Nicholas (1934- ) - 1963- Man. Dir Baring-Bank - Dir. Commerical Union - Dir. Swasiland Settlement * Peter (1935- ) - Chmn Barings PLC (Bankchef zusammen mit seinem Bruder Nicholas und seinem entfernten cousin John Francis Baring (Ashburton) * Alexander (1774-1848) - He succeeded his father of chief of the bank - pioneer in the financing of United States trade - 1834Pres. Board of Trade in the first administration of Sir Robert Peel - British commissioner sent to the United States in 1842 to negotiate the WebsterAshburton Treaty. - Dir. Bank of England - 36000 acres 1835 geadelt: Lord Ashburton Handelsminister Botschafter / USA 1842 # Anna Louisa Bingham (USA, Senatorentochter--- aus einer reichen Familie-- secured him considerable influence with the American commercial community) * Harriet ( -1892) # Henry Frederick Thynne Capt Rn * William Bingham Baring (1799-1864) 5 Netstudien – Infos on demand – 2nd Lord Ashburton 1826-48 M.P., Minister 1845 Schatzkanzler der Armee # Harriet M. Montagu # Louisa Caroline Stewart-Mackenzie * Mary # Marq. Of Northampton * Francis (1800-68) 3rd Lord Ashburton, M.P. # Maret * Mary # 6. Duke of Grafton * Alexander Hugh Baring (1835-89) 4th Lord Ashburton. M.P. # Leonora C. Digby ( -1930) * Frederick Arthur Baring (1867- ) # Laura Hobson * Alexander Henry Baring (1869-1948) * Francis Denzel (1866-1938) 5. Lord Ashburton # Mabel Hood # Frances Donnelly * Aleander Francis (1898- ) 6. Lord Ashburton - 1928-62 Man.Dir. Baring-Bank - 1932-68 Dir. Alliance Insurance # Doris harcourt * Robin Alexander Baring ____ * John Francis Baring (1928- ) - 7. Lord Ashburton - 1974 Bankchef (mit 2 cousins) - Dir. Bank of England 83- , Dunlop 81-84, Pye Holding 6679, Vice- Chmn Royal Insur. 1975-82 - Dir. 82- + Chmn 1992 BP * Tochter # Lord Harcourt (Morgan Grenfell-Bank) ____ 1991 Bankrott der Baring-Bank durch gigantische Fehlspekulation 6 Netstudien – Infos on demand – 2 Datenbasis für Großbritannien Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 GESCHICHTE/POLITIK 1.1 LONDON 1.2 KÖNIGE/QUEENS 1.3 PREMIERMINISTER 1.4 AUßENMINISTER 1.5 NORMANNEN 1.6 DYNASTIE ANJOU-PLANTAGENET 1154- 1399 1.7 ROSENKRIEGE 1455- 85 1.8 TUDOR 1485- 1603 1.8.1 HEINRICH VIII. 1509- 1547 1.8.2 ELISABETH I. (1558- 1603) 1.9 DYNASTIE STUART 1603- 48 1.10 REPUBLIK 1649- 60 (CROMWELL) 1.11 STUART-RESTAURATION 1660- 88 1.12 DYNASTIE HANNOVER 1714- 1901 1.13 SCHOTTLAND 1.14 REICHSTE IN GB 1.14.1 SUNDAY- TIMES LISTE 1992 1.14.2 SUNDAY TIMES LISTE 1996: 1.14.3 19. JAHRHUNDERT 1.14.4 THE 10 RICHEST IN 1799 1.14.5 THE 20 RICHEST IN 1899 1.14.6 THE 10 RICHEST IN 1949 2 BILDUNG 2.1 INTELLEKTUELLE ARISTOKRATIE 2.2 UNIVERSITÄTEN 3 STIFTUNGEN 3.1 GRÖßTE STIFTUNGEN 1995/96 4 KONZERNE 4.1 PRIVATISIERUNGEN 5 ADEL 5.1 GRÖßTE GRUNDBESITZER / GB 5.2 GRÖßTE GRUNDBESITZER / GB 1970 5.3 HOCHADEL 5.3.1 ENGLISCHES ADELSMODELL 5.4 DUKES 7 Netstudien – Infos on demand – 5.4.1 ENGLAND 5.4.2 SCOTLAND 5.4.3 GREAT BRITAIN 5.4.4 IRELAND 5.4.5 ALTE CLANS IN SCHOTTLAND 5.5 MARQUESS 5.6 EARLS 5.6.1 ENGLAND 5.6.2 SCHOTTLAND 5.6.3 IRLAND 5.6.4 GREAT BRITAIN 5.6.5 UNITED KINGDOM 5.7 VISCOUNTS 5.8 BARONE, BARONETS 5.9 NATIONAL TRUST 6 STÄDTE/REGIONEN 6.1 MANCHESTER 6.2 BIRMINGHAM 6.3 SCHOTTLAND 7 RELIGIONEN 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 JUDEN HUGENOTTEN QUÄKER HEILSARMEE 8 FINANZWESEN 8.1 BANKFAMILIEN / FINANZIERS (VOR DEM 20. JHT.) 8.1.1 QUÄKER- BANKFAMILIEN 8.2 JÜDISCHE BANKFAMILIEN / FINANZIERS 8.3 NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK 8.4 SONSTIGE BANKEN / BANKIERS 8.5 FINANZIERS 9 AUTO / FAHRZEUGE / ZUBEHÖR 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 FLUGWESEN MOTORRACE SHIPPING TRANSPORT AUTOHANDEL AUTOPRODUZENTEN 10 MASCHBAU/ZULIEFERER/ENGINEERING 11 HANDEL 11.1 KAUFHÄUSER 8 Netstudien – Infos on demand – 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 LEBENSMITTEL/SUPERMÄRKTE TEXTILHANDEL BAUMÄRKTE/MÖBEL ELEKTRO DROGERIEN 12 MEDIEN 13 TRANSPORT 13.1 P & O 13.2 SONSTIGE 14 SPEKULANTEN / LANDBESITZER / DEVELOPER / BAU 14.1 PROPERTY 14.2 BAUWESEN 15 LEBENS- / GENUßMITTEL 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 BRAUEREI/SPIRITUOSEN IMPERIAL TOBACCO BAT INDUSTRIES TATE & LYLE UNILEVER SONSTIGE 16 STAHL / RÜSTUNG 16.1 BRITISH STEEL 16.2 BTR 16.3 SONSTIGE 17 CHEMIE / ÖL 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 SHELL BP AMOCO ICI GLAXO SONSTIGE 18 TEXTIL/BEKLEIDUNG 19 BODENSCHÄTZE 20 MATERIALIEN 21 ELEKTRO/COMPUTER/INTERNET 22 UNTERHALTUNG/ HOTEL / TOURISMUS 9 Netstudien – Infos on demand – 22.1 PRODUZENTEN 22.2 MUSIKER 23 VERSICHERUNG 24 MEDIZIN/HEALTHCARE 26 KONGLOMERATE/MANAGER 27 SONSTIGE DIENSTLEISTUNGEN 28 SONSTIGE 29 IRLAND 10
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