Ich packe meinen Koffer Checklist

Ich packe meinen Koffer ...
a. Kredit- / EC-Karte
plane ticket
2. passport
b. Führerschein
3. credit / cash card
c. Reisepass
4. driver’s license
d. Bargeld
5. cash
e. Flugticket
6. bikini / swim trunks
7. sun hat
g. Sportbekleidung
8. pyjamas
h. kurze / lange Hose
9. T-shirts
10. shorts / pants
11. cardigan
k. Sonnenbrille
12. sports wear
13. anorak
m. Sonnenhut
14. hiking boots
n. Strickjacke
15. sandals
o. Regenjacke
16. sunglasses
p. Bikini / Badehose
17. suncream
q. Zahnpasta / Zahnbürste
18. shampoo & shower gel
19. tooth paste / tooth brush
s. Reiseapotheke
20. first aid kit
21. camera
u. Strandhandtuch
22. books
v. Schlafsack
23. games
w. Taschenlampe
24. flashlight
x. Bücher
25. beach towel
y. Kamera
26. sleeping bag
z. Spiele
Shampoo & Duschgel
© Foto: Thinkstock/iStockphoto
 1.
1. e. 2. c. 3. a. 4. b. 5. d. 6. p. 7. m. 8. j. 9. f. 10. h. 11. n. 12. g. 13. o. 14. i. 15. l. 16. k. 17. r. 18. t. 19. q. 20. s. 21. y. 22. x. 23. z. 24. w. 25. u. 26. v.
© Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Stuttgart 2013 | www.klett.de | Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet.
Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten.
Kopiervorlage zu Englisch für den Urlaub
ISBN 978-3-12-525315-5
Ich packe meinen Koffer ...
Your turn!
1 Vocabulary
Variation 1
Make a copy of the checklist for each student.
Hand out the checklists. Divide students into
groups of two. Tell students to match the
English words to the German words. Ask students to add words to the list that they already
know. Check solutions in class.
To make the game a bit more challenging, all
items that are packed into the suitcase, have to
be listed in alphabetical order. This makes
finding an item trickier but memorizing the
items easier:
2 I packed my suitcase…
Set up a circle of chairs, so that there is a chair
for every student. Each students takes along
his / her checklist.
“I packed my suitcase and I packed a
bikini and a camera.”; “I packed my suitcase and I packed a bikini, a camera and a
first aid kit, ...” and so on ...
The first student starts off the game by saying:
“I packed my suitcase and I packed a hat.”
Then the second student repeats the same
phrase and adds a new item:
“I packed my suitcase and I packed a hat
and some games.”
The third students does the same:
“I packed my suitcase and I packed a hat,
some games and my hiking boots.”
The game continues like that. Each student
adds something to the suitcase and repeats all
of the items that the other students have put
in the suitcase. If a student forgets an item or
mixes up the items, the game starts from the
Variation 2
Play the game as a fun, interactive get-toknow activity. The first students says his / her
name and an item which starts with the
same letter:
“My name is Barbara and I packed my suitcase and I packed a beach towl.”
The next student says his / her name, repeats
the sentence and adds another item, which
starts with the same letter as his / her name,
and so on.
3 Be creative!
You can vary this game in all kinds of ways.
Instead of packing things that you need on
your next vacation, you can pack all kinds of
other things: free-time activities; things you
would take to a deserted island; things you
need for a picknick at the beach and many
others. Be as creative as you can!
By the way: You can use the checklist
to get yourself organized for your next
trip. Packing your suitcase never has
been easier!
© Ernst Klett Sprachen GmbH, Stuttgart 2013 | www.klett.de | Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet.
Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten.
Kopiervorlage zu Englisch für den Urlaub
ISBN 978-3-12-525315-5