INSIRUMEN EAIRLIGHT trN(:onP(trrAIt()tN N S W, FAIRLIGTI A{I SCIJNDLIBRARY REVISION 1.3 Ccxnpiled h4r: Peter Wielk FAIRL IGHTIN STRUMENTS PTY.LI MI TED l5 BOUNDARY ST. RUSHCUTTERS , BAYN. S. W20 l I A U S T R A L I Ap.H O N E (: 0 2 )3 3 1 - 6 3 3 3T E L E XA : A 2 7 9 9 8 F A X (: 0 2 )3 32 - 3 3 6 2 FAIRLIGHT CI"II SCIJNDLIBRARY Tiris sounrl .library is constantfy being wi l.t lx: .r' bo keep your librarry Please not-e t-l)e follolinq l.L l, If l iül Z I.-/\]J, - RIn/ I.3 upXated and i-mproved. Revision up-todate. disks conventlons: LCI^/I-oW t-O'v.l (bottorn of keyboard) (middle of keyboard) - *?t* n_LLfl _ (top of keyboard) HIGfI HIGfI RE-SY].ITIIESISED SOUND S]W.TTGIASITVATED PORTAI'&VIO so'-:nd names tl'ia[ erd with the above retters approxi.maLe "useful" range of ttre sound. (L,pl,H) denotes a sourd ttrat has been analyzed A "2" suffix in the re-slmLhesis of the original sourd. i\ "FAl ,L" ,;uffix clenotes a control .ionrnwards por tamento - , usurally irdicate the ard conputed resulting Slv^IITQl2, patched to activate a Frlename "PAGERBI',D.IN"is a "skeleton" file ttrat when loaded wiII allcr"r i--o instrr-unent files tre easily created on Page 3 for use on Page R. Tl're sor-incieftects' ranges have not been stipulated, as the authenticity Lhe solrnd rs only preserved at the sanpled note (which can easily be es Labl i sherl through experimentation) . of Most of Liie sounds presently forming the Iibrary were sampled in our Sydney we studio, alLhorigh,-::casionally receive sourds from users thrat are of crrf f ini ant-rrr l,i,7lr quality to warrant inClusion. Shor-rld yotr have a sound, or sounds, that you feel might meet this high standard, we welcome your submissions, with the prospect of any sound rnclurled treinq given full- credit in this nrcst prestigious collection. Soun<-lscan be Lorwarded to myself , at the address below; Special Lharks to carry Visontay for his invaluable help, and to Will A-Lexander, of Fairfight USA, who supplied us with a huge selection of really first class sourds. Fairlight Instruments Australia 15 Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay. N-S.W. 2Olt AUSTRALIA INDD( --DISK I Kfl\TJOARDI DISK.26 AT{I},IAT.S DISK 2 KEYINARD2 DISK 27 EFTECISI DISK 3 PI.:\NO DISK 28 EFFI]CTS2 DISK 4 GJITARSI DISK 29 EF'FECTS3 GJ.I'|ARS2 DISK 30 EFFEgrs4 DISK 5 UISI{\ r O I]ASS DISK 31 MACXIINES DISK 7 DRUMSI DISK 32 I"I)DEI DISK 8 DRUMS2 DI S K 9 CYl"tsAI-SI DI S K IO CTN4RAIS2 I-JISK II PEI{CUSNT t) r sK .1?l PIJRLIJSIN2 I)ISK i J I4I\LJ,L-]'S DI S K } 4 . irsirillic UIS K FIISTRTNG I) DISK 16 STRTNGS3 DISK 17 BRASSI DISK 18 tlt(AbSz I")ISK t 9 RFflDSI DISI( 20 tü_:Lt.^>z DISK 2I WINI) DISK 22 I{UMANS] DISK 23 HUMANS2 Uj .Jr\ S BE T ,T ^7- 1t ZA -A DISK 25 ANAI-OG DISK KEYBOARDI SOJND DESCRTPTIOI{ BASSORG bass syntJr BEIT,SYN CRELT,oRG bell ensemble sourd [r feadirg syntJres izer nnnufactwer witJ. loop csrbell DIIITCL.AV page 6 created EIECORGI Baldwin electric organ i,,l,ll(f )l.l(12 Ilalclwin electric organ AT T fil,ricotlG3 ualdwin electric organ ALL til,li(I)tr.G4 i'rr:rght organ r-rl,r.rKORG Ja;=nese ctrrornatic FLUHARP FI'l flute hr,arpsicord llARI,lf,l.lIJM acoustic harnxrnium TIARPSII'4] harpsichord ALL I{ELODIUM melodium L/14 ORGANl church organ L/M ORGAN2 church organ ALL ORGAT.T3 guicar sounding ORGAT{4 pipe organ ()RGAN5 synthesizer ORGAIi6 ORGANT synthes izer py cupany Fi"1digital also produces notorrycles Hamnrrnd organ ORGAT{B full ORC'AbI9 Page5 created TOYORGAIT cheap nass-produced synthesizer manufacturer calculator pipe RANClE (Sycrc-Lcdon) L/M Gennan sound (P. Wielk AI.L ALL - Sydney) ALL nT r M ALL tuner (P- Wiefk) mixture (Syco-Lordon) ( Syc.o-Lordcrr ) AI;L ALL ALL organ I"l/H ALL organ organ AI-L ttrat ALL AI,L (Syc.o-Lordon) ALL organ sound (P- Wielk) by fanous ALL L/Iq t-_,,IJr\ ICYBOARD2 SONi) DESCRIPIION B E T , i ,PIA N bell-like CFJ,ESI'I] acoustic celeste (nairtigtrt CTIIJRl{ORG autjrentic CIAVORGl clavinet CIAVORG2 Fluldiqital CTAVORG3 also produces nrotorrycles IJSA) (rairlight ru c]ävinet RANGE piano (Fairlight L/14 usA) AT T ru USA) church organ (Fairlight USA) ALL USA) (f'airtigtrt by aompany ttnt synthesizer r ./pt ALL ALL electro-meclnnical piano ( nairtigttt USA) AI,L F:nEKryB2 electro-mectnnical piano ( nairtigtrt Uöf\,, ALL ENSEPtsI,E FM ensemble (n'airtighL IÄSLIEl organ through ORGAb]].0 organ (Fairlight oRGAlitl- organ ORGAI.II2 authentic ORGAT\]I3 P5 and P6 created organ (l.Wiefk) ALL ORGAT{I4 P5 and P6 created organ (P.WieIk) ALL otlcAlü5 P5 and P6 created organ (P.wielk) ALL ORGAI{I6 P5 and P6 created organ (P-wielk) nr T ru t oR(*li\JOR rnä,lor organ chord (nairtignt L/M IlEGAI, Slnnish I I SPINLT I. authentic STRIV]At}{T So) i na-t1pe b/IiISPIAN whistling WURLI electro-mechranical I'If,L^L I I I I L I I lll- speakers rotating (rairtigrrt AtL usA) (USA) USA) AI;L usl\) r,/pl pipe-organ organ cirea (nairligrrt USA) USA) ITIO (P.wielk) ALL ALL AI,L spinet string piano ivt l\,1 ensernble (rairtignt piano r,/t"t usA) (F'airf ignt USA) ALL DISK 3 PIANO 9gj}rD__--____iE99ryllg ___$Ngq FT,ECI?I : HOüA1 : piano by crurpany tlnt electric produces guitars dedicated to,I"Irs. Mills PIANOuI : ac-oustic arard (Alberts Studio - Sydney) H PIANOLI : acoustic Arand (Alberts Studio - Slainey) L PI\NOr,T,'| : acoustic.gtard - Sydney) LL - Sydnql) LL PIANOLL2 PIANOLI3 PIANOI,O : : : TOY?IAI-\O : acoustic arand acoustic.grard acoustic (Alberts.Sttrdio (Alberts (Fairfight Arand. (Alberts mellour acrcustic piano Stduio also ALL AL;L . ii: lrj 't. ri ;t! USA) i;: t, M i. i: Studio - SlnJney) I i, M i: ALL il --, / ' 1 DISK GJIT.ARSl SCXINI) DESCRIPIION I.'LANGI'11] ,Japanese gn:itar (C. Visontay _ Sydney) M r.'l-Iu\Gl I{2 ,Ia;xrrese guitar (C. Visontay - Sydney) M T1JZZYNI.I fuz,z guiLar faII (Syco-torrlon) FIJZZFAI2 fuzz guitar fall (Syco--Londar) FUZZGTR]. ,Japanese gn:itar (C. Visontay _ Sydney) M FUZZCIR2 Japanese guitar (C. Visontay _ Sydney) M F-IIZZGIR3 fnge 6 addition of two guitars FIIZZG|I.\4 fuzz gn:itar (Syco-Iondon) lttJT,zcil'P,5 lurzz guitar with (II-!iI]PI,AI' i';ur tar with loop repeat G'IRHII chorus guitar (peter Crosbie - l,Ielbcxrrne) L/t4 rJ I .c(rl.t z crKJrus gu].rar /Y crosbie _ Melbor:rne) L/yl GfItITI3 chorus guitar (f'airtigtrt GTiri{I4 gui tar G1'RLl classical acoustic auitar M \r I lUrZ classical acor:stic Auitar H classical acoustic auitar GTITMI ^ L ^ - , '^ : -,.:!-- steel-strung RANGE L-t L/t4 L r ./vt (Sycelondon) vibrato lpeter trl (Fairlight L/M USA) USA) M L/t4 L/Nr guitar playing (fairtigtrt octaves USA) M L/M DI S K GJITARS2 SOUNL) BAIJJO DLSCRTErIIC}i acoustrc Danlo KOTON'ISM instrument Indonesian stringed (S;=ncer Iee - Sydney) Japanese acor:stic instrument t.raditional (Nic i-yon - sydney) tradi f-ional Japanese acor:stic instrument (Nic Lyon - SyCney) koto ensemble MA\IDOLIN acoustic nrandolin AI,L SI'fAIiL acoustic sitar lr TWELVIST .lcoustic twelve-string KiGIAPEE KOT'O1 K.CT[\]BiJND guiter (Sy<:l-ondqr) M ALL ALL AIiL r ALL r r -." Ir DISK B/-\SS - SüJND DESCRIPTIOT{ ACCSASSl acoustic ACCBASS2 bcxaredbass ll- -' l- F F F T I F I I I I I I t t l l l l !!q+:-:::]-- RANGE doublebass L L electric bass - bass slap (Feter Crosbie) M BASSIÄP2 e.lectric bass - bass slap (peter Crosbie) !l BASSTAP3 electric bass - bass slap (peter Crosbie) M IJLlLöfL))I. plucked doublebass M F:I,F,RA*S.S1 plucked el-ectric bass L EX,EBASS2 slapped electric bass L Ei,EBASS3 mellct.r electric bass LtILLß45S4 mellcxnr el-ectri.c bass L ljlJ]BI\SS5 me.l. Lcw electric bass L r.l ,r.l1l\D>() plucked r.l ,F.nFLt):) / ]-e; ELEBASSS slairperl electric F.t ,f,.1<A\5y bass hy pete and waI, SINBASSI s\rnthesized SYIVBI\SS2 melfcvl syntttesized SYNBASS3 slmthesized bass L n ^.- r Y ^ .Llft:\Jl_+\rr nl ur ^ 1r^L r r yr electric bass L L-^^ ,6JD L bass - A. Tolmie (Sydney) sample Lry wiff bass L/Iq F\LL L bass L S)TlBASS4 : synthesized bass ALL S)1.IBASS5 : slmthesized bass AI,1, 5)ß18A.556 ; synthesized bass (fairtigtrt SYNBASST : bj.g synth bass (nairlighr WA1il]ASS ; ':lectric bass with filter USA) USA) sweep H L/M L I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I t I t I I - :'-^.. t./t-J^ DRL]MS] SCXJND DESCRTPTISI KICK] bass drum KtCK2 frcx KICK3 srgq M drum nrachine M fronr digital drum nachine M KICK4 from digital drum nractrine M K-TCK5 basketball KICK6 bass drum M KICKT bass drum M SNAREl acoustic SNARL:2 acr.>ustic snaLre SNARE3 digital SNARE4 arr'.bient digital drum snare M SI{ARE5 arnbient digital drum snare I,r SNARE6 diqital SI'TARE/ acoustic SNAJlEs orgital SNARE9 compressed accx,rstic snare SNARIIAIO snare drum (Fairlight USA) M SLU\RIAI1 snare drum (r'airlight USA) I\,1 SNARI]A12 sn.rre drum (Fairlight USA) M SNARE.A].3 sorrre drum (l'airlight USA) PI digital tJ.ud (Fairfight USA) M snare drum M M -qnare artd clap M drum snare M sruLre (rairtigfrt drum srnre usA) M (Cru Italy) (Fairlight t4/H USA) M U.L5K DRLIMS2 SCXN{D DESCRIPTIOI{ lv[I,BDäUI'] mi J itary RT}41 rimshot M RIM2 rimshot M RII"L3 rimshot M ROI-L] rlrum roll I1OLL2 r--onstant snare roll ROI,I; snare roll ROTgI"CM acoustic STIC--K] strck on snare M 5 1 -L LÄ.z stick on sna-re M .SYivK.lCK RANGE bass drum (alberts M ,studio) (Cma Italy) I,4 (Fairlight and end (Fairfight USA) M USA) rototoms I,I M/H SY]VISNAI{L .fanious hexagonal synthetic (Peter Crosbie) hexagonal snare as above SV!-[ON"LI hexagonal ton as above u/u SYVT'OIV]2 hexagonal tom as above M/H swrtCIvl3 hexagonal tcrn as above L'y n S).I{DRLII"II ambient TOI\tl acoustic 1'C)v2 d ri \J r li ! t: \r Lq! I T()',13 tom (Fairfight USA) M IK)U4 tonr (Fairlight USA) M T0l'15 tom Tr$4Ä tom hexagonal tcrn as above ton dr r wLt rm ur bassdrum I\4 I{ M t"l uuttl M M M cr^ßArsl DISK sg4P_ _ _ __- _rls_qry_ryIoN CYMBALI : cymbal CY]!ßAI-Z : rymbal CYMBAL3 : clrml-ral cri\ßAt4 ". c\flbaI Hlclr$äl- : stick on closed hi-hat ^ r - r 'r a rlt-1LLJ._lör-z strck on closed hi-hat I.1r1L-LTJi)IIJ strck on closed hi-hat IjHCLJSE4 .li FIHCI-OSE5 digrtal t lt lLl_t closed hi-tnt r r. r-rr rn öIto r- ^--nnL-l_J.-^>rr I I I t I I I I l +--,__ / -i pl +=r Är ,.r m 1-,.i-hi at drum hi-hat closed hi-tnt ^-f( 1 rlr1\-LL,/.)Lö cl-osed hi-hat M FHOPEI.lI digital drum hi-hnt P1 ItrIOPEN2 digital drum hi-trat iiiJOPFJ.IJ open hi-hat RIDECYM] r-i ruE -1^ gyrtj€I ^ *L-1 RIDECTM2 !-ll^rus \_yrrtltJcl,l. --L^f RIDECYI',I3 d in if,a I RIDECYY4 rLde qmbal IlIDECI{I"6 ride ilII)ECYI'i6 rrde qrmbal (Fairlj.ght | t RANGE ftafr dnrm (Fairlighr USA) v/n M M M ri fu Lri o nm]-qi I\4 vl 'r l tl 4 r (Fairlight USA) M rynrbal (Fairlight USA) M USA) 1"1 DISK I I0 CYI'ßAI,S2 SOLn{D DESCRTP.IIOIT CRSHCYIVII crash rynbal M CRSHCN'I2 crash cymbaf M CRSI{CYI,,I3 nr-r nrmlu M g)rJGl --^^.,^!.i dULrLlJ ch Lf L RANGE i Fl yu Y Aong (Fairlight ,31\c2 acoustic Fil{IAI"B hi-hat PANG acoustic RIDEBETJ, rrde SHOI]1"CfM shoi:t ride with tambourine USA) on top pang qarnbaf qnnbal ptayed cymbal on bell 14 M M M I\4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 1I DI S K DESCRTPf]ONi SCIIND ^n \-.f\_tlt\öA,L -t -n PERCIJST.IT l RANffi cabasa I\4 CABASA2 cabasa (Fairtight CLAP] Japanese drum nractrine clap caAPZ' Cigitaf drum trandclap M citAP3 digital drum trandclap I't (-tiÄP4 riic;ital drum tr,andclap (fairlight USA) FI CLAPI, ciigitat drum trandclap (nairlight USA) M CIAVtr.SI acoustic claves 1,1 CIA\i'ES2 acoustic claves M CIAVDS3 digital drum claves G}^IBELLl father of GELLORG CO^IBEIT,? csrbell cobtsErL3 digital GUit<f l t atin American percussior instrument M ,lJIRt)l t atin American percussion instrunrent M qJIRO3 t atin American percussion instrunrent i"I C,{JIRO4 as above (nairtigtrt TII"P1 orchestral hIf,]DBtÄI. acoustic USA) M l'1 M Ll n L/n drum cowbell tiryrani woodblock M USA) M L M I DISK t I t t I I T I I I I I I I I I I r I L2 PERCU${2 RANGE DESCRIPTIOT{ qPnbals FL\GCYVI Inclian finger RffftIM] rhythm looP I'4 RTüTHM2 rirythm loop M RHYTI{'43 rhythm loop M 'IABIA fanous Indian TAMBI acousLic tambq:rine TAl"ts2 acoustic tarnbourine TIMBALtrl Limbale M IIM3A[.E2 timbale M TII"tsALE3 timbale ;rercussion (nairtigtrt i,4 instrunrent M M (Fairlight USA) USA) M L k.-' I I I I I I I I I : UI 13 DT\ DIiSCRTPTIOSl BASSMAR]. bass marimba - a very BIGDINK addition (}IIII{IISI chrmes CHII"ES2 chimes (nairtignt GAIVBq)NG lnclones ian instrunent L/M GENDtrR Indonesian L/r4 GIOCK]- glockenspiel AII GICCiGtril very high glockenspiel ALL KAI,IM Indonesian L/tq MARßII{]K nnrimba ALL r''lAiUI'ü',A,I ]xlr(russive nrarimba ( C.n.u. -rTALy) ALL t I I I I I I I of several popular sourd instruments ALL ALL ALL USA) ALL instrument instrument ' na::jmba (Fairlight 'YARJYAA2 I IV]AI,I;ETS USA) AL;L srl'FrFtf,nRL : fanrous Janaican percussion instrument AI,L STEEI,DR2 : fanxcus Janaican ;:ercussion instrument M sT].:Ei,nR3 : fanrous Janraican percussion instrument L/r4 STEE.L]OP : foo@ SYNVIL]EI : 'Japanese FM qrntJresizer AI,L acoustic vibraphone ALL Vf BESI,]. steel drum ALL VIBESM] : acoustic vibraphone ALL VIEESM2 : acorrstic vibraphore ALL VIBESM3 : acoustic vibraphone At,L VIBESI,I4 : synthesised vibraphone (f'airtigfrt USA) A,L;L r -ffi-ir, t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I t I DISK L4 I-OSTRING RANG SCXJNI) DESCRJPTIOIJ BIGSTRNI page 6 ccrnbined strings T.l M i]IGSTRNZ page 6 crcmbined strings ALL tsOhDBASS bcxived double CELT-O} bcyed cello |./M CELJ-O2 bot^red cello I\4 ai|jt.tn_] ,:eIIo II)STIUJ I sixrr:t low violin I-OV6TRJ- Icx* string ensenble L/t4 1,^_rvb I I(z Iol string ensemble r.l u I/JWSTR3 Lcxarstring ensenrble bl I.Ci^lSTR4 ioa string ensernble L/14 T,OWST}{5 1n.r anqg111j 3l g tch/sTR6 Icvr solo violin Loy6TR7 lcxr string PIZZTJJTTL plucked string PI'ZZ'LfJrf2 Io^' plucked violin (Fairlight USA) ru ^t PI7,',/,L{-tN3 low plucked violin (rairtigrrt usA) STRCHOIR page 6 addition STrcJGN.]S I14 synthesizer VTOLINL1 solo lcxr violin bass M ensemble (Fairlight e{ - r ina r./u USA) (Fairlight USA) (Fairlight USA) ensemble (Fairlight USA) AI,L LJl L'r L't t./u M of strings string and ctroir ensenürle Y r./u AIÄ M @ I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I UI) T\ I5 HISTRING RANGE SCXJND DESCRTPTION HISTRNG] string ensemble L/v\ HISIR}iG2 string ensemble L/t4 iIISTRNG3 string ensemJtrIe L/M HISTIT{GA string ensemble L/r4 HISTT{N{Gs string ensemble L/M HISTrc']G6 string ensemble (Syco-LondPn) L/M HlSTRNGT string ensemble (SYceLordon) L/M P T Z Z HTL plucked high string ALL P I Z Z Lf i z plucked high string AI;L P I Z Z HI 3 plucked high string (JJAl(l'E;i" auLhentic QtiARrfl il. p.rge 6 addition sol.os'tRl solo violin AI,L SOLOSTR2 solo violin AtiL S)1.rSTRi. strj-ng synthresizer bearing the name of tJ.e fatleer of analogue slnettresis L/M string (Fairtight USA) quartet of quartet AIiL t\lrlJ and histring L/M F ri,f F F l. I l tT I I ) I I I I t : I t6 DISK STRINGS3 tg\t\ur. SOJNI) DESCR]PIIObI ORGII snippet .-)R(}I2 rrrcirestral ui(ltJ ORGI4 "irccly" OR(}I5 ",ounchy" orchestra (Kl-aus Netzle{ernnny) L/M oRCri6 "punchyl' orchestra (Fairlight L/M ORGIT very expensive FM synth ut-(\-t-lö orchestra ORCrt!j r:rcfrestral ORGIIIO full rJRClüi] I as above oRctml2 full orchestra Tom stewart) full orchestra ^h- r r \JI1II|r-IJ a p)-aying of orchestra PI crash (fairtigfrt orchestra (Fairlight orchestra and flute crash L USA) (rairtigtrt (FairU.ght r./u USA) (Fairlight (fairtigtrt orchestra USe) uSe) USA) USA) usA) r./w M i'4 Ivl M (by the mul,ti-talented M playing t4 (rairligrrt usA) t]-irds rF F F I F F It t I t I t t t I t I I n DISK ,lJtG\)ör SCIJND DESCRTPTIOI BRASFALI brass BRASSI.JI sol-o trunpet 2,t HOI?Nm.rLL horn ensemble L/14 HORNEIIL2 horn ensemble L/Nl HORNINL3 horn ensemble playing FIORNENT{I mul.titrack flORNIi\t'I2 hcrrn ensemble playing HORT{FNM3 brrght HORNTNI'44 sax ensemble TRTTFIOMi horn stab TROi'4"11 . trombone TRL]MFALI trury:et TRUMPL] trunpet L/tq .i'RUI'PL2 f rr L/M iTRUMPMI trurnpet L/t4 TRUI'PM2 trumpet ALL TRLMPI{3 trumpet TRUI'4PI'I rrumper (nairtighr TUBAI,Ll tuba (Geoff Wilkes) I TUBALI,2 tuba L !,,L* LL]IJCI L TrJilAl,L3 : RANC'E SIfITG{2 activated with oötaves octaves L/l"l L/M ensemlcle ALL L/yl frcrn our favor:rite producer! (Syco-Lordon) with M L/M (C. Visontay) of horns brass portarTrento SItrITGI2 activated (Fairlight M L/M lnrtamento L/t4 USA) Lltq usA) Lh{ II I T t_ t tT I I I I I I I I I I I I I DISK IB IJIU\b 5 Z RANGE SCXJND DLSCRIPTIOI{ If IORIIIV\S synür brass ensemble L/M TIORNE'l'Hl soro cornet L/t4 cot<I'tE'1141 solo cornet L/14 UJOHORI{1 twin trury>ets (Geoff Wilkes - Brisbane) ALL FI,EIJCvIf f leuglehorn L/M F.I,EUGI"12 f I errcrl ehorn L/M .t- r r LUTALLIn- nr : ] as above with FRM.IG[-I1 frenctr horn L/M I I(LL\LI.IL-L french horn L/M FRNCTN\4] french horn L/M HORNDOO}i1 crchestral HUNTCALL hr:nting call SYLVIRL,t"IP slm-uhesised trunq:et LTPI]ONTLI uphonium ShrITCFi2 activated brass section (Fairlight ;rcrtamento (Fairlight M M USA) (Fairlight USA) L/M USA) ALL L mi: _-. _.- .---_--- l9 lJIDI\ SOL]ND DESCRTPTIOI BASSOCNTl bassoon BASSOOI.I2 bassoon with BASSOOII3 bassoon ,/y BASSOOT{4 high bassoon L/M BASS@NT5 bassoon L/t4 BASSOAn6 bassocrn (rairtignt IJSA) L/t4 BASSOOIIT basson (Fairlight USA) tvH CXARINHI clarinet CIARINL1 clarinet M cl,AruInvlr clarinet M üARINM2 clari5ret G,ARINM3 clarinet HAR}OI-ICA lnrnonica L/yI OBOEIT1I cboe M/a OBOil'12 oboe 1{./n ()B(JEIvIl ohrce (Sycq-Lordqr) L/tq (JlJ()litvl,1 I I I t t : RANGE L/t4 vibrato L/r'l M/a . . (Fairlight USA) I'/M (Fairl,ight IJSA) L/M oh.:e (Fairlight USA) l'1 DISK 20 DESCRTHTIObI MRSAXT baritone saxaPhcte BARSA)C baritone saxaPtrte SAXI saxaphone t4 .SA)C saxaphcne ALL saiapttone L/tI vr/n , ' L/t4 : -f\ÄJ SAX4 saxaphore sru<nei,i, saxaptrone witJ: SWITCII2 activated SA)(SECTl saxaphone section L/t4 SAXSECT2 saxaphone section .L/M but,t(.>t\nl soprano TEIJRSAX]- tenor saxaplmte I./M T'N\TSA)(2 tenor saxaPtrcne L/t"l f\|'rlr . saxaphane faII 1"1 L/M %" t I I I I I I DISK 2I SCJJM) DESCRT TIOIJ RANG LTIGARI,DO indrgenous Australian FLUTEl f I ute FI-UIE2 flute (A1bert's Studio) M FI]I|E3 flute (nairtigtrt usA) ALL zuUTE4 lndian FUJIJ 5 flure (rairtigtrt Fl,UTRTI,L flute playing KATO Inclonesian instrunrent l) tt/tl (nairtignt flute USA) AtL USA) M (fairtigtrt trill USA) (Spencer Lee) instrunrent t"l M I I I I4ELOHORN rnelodium ALL REORDER descant ShIAMiEE] swannee whistle 'zA|4POf{A] Peruvian nose flute (P.Wielk e P.Farleigh) ALL ZAIVtrC]t.iA2 Peruvian nose ffute (P-Wj-elk & P.Farleigh) Lh4 recorder (Iva Davies-Sydnqg) (Steven Paine - Erglandl af,i, ALL lj%- I r T T t T T T t F ir F r F F F F F F I 22 DISK HUI.,IANSI FANGE SC{.IND DESCRIPTIOI{ A/\Flf{Ll hulr,:in voice l'Alt" "All" AMLILT hunrrn voice "AtI't AA Til,4 human ,roi.g "Ah" (pairtigtrt BAAA] hunnn voice "Baa" C}IOIRl choir CFIOIR2 chorr (}NIR:] choir GiotR4 chorr CHOIR5 choir CFIOIR6 chorr /TAFIL{,2 . LlM L/M LIM L/M USA) LIPl LIM L/M L/tl L/tq L/M L/rq M nranlY choir CHOIRT robust, T{}JOI human .vgigg "Do" oof+I1 human voice "ootl" L/M (nairtigtrt of Peter Wielk's L/tI USA) golden - Iarlmx PETER]- multitrack 1 r i L E t< L octaves PETER3 voice PETERT{I high nrale voice PETEFZ, re-synthesized voice SltllAR,n ir c.lmtLre voice box of Saratr Cohert (Sydney) ^r - .#64 l tt rrl L'L L/M as above "frozen" t in a digital delay (P.wiefis) (Peter Wielk) L/rq L/M AI,L ALL DISK 23 TÜMANS2 _ __?F_g|l!1i_cr{ ixXUI I I I I I I RANGE ,'Do,, : hltrrnn voice IIAPIBABY : a cute, TlF]-,|ß'Z : re-s)rnthesised L/M tnpp11 baby IAU'GIIt : solo SCREAI"II : fennle scream SCREAI"l2 : female screan laugh hello (p.Wielk) (p.Wielk) L f\l-rll L L L 24 lJIö-t\ BET,I .S SCXJI{]) DESCRIPIIOI{ AI,ARI"II burglar I3ELLl struck beII L/t4 B i I J ,2 struck bell AI;L öI,LLJ srruck bell (Fairlight USA)' AIÄ t1'. Lt l+ struck (Fairlight USA) L/M BILTRIIE1 lrc I I tree lJ/ ö5 Li,i(I.I!Z beII tree L/14 ut-ul t(E üJ bell tree L/14 Bi LTREE4 beII tree LJl DORCFIII'€ dcor bel] EATBCI^T,1 T'omStewart's GEDCIANG Indonesian .]INGEi LL s1eigh bells L/rq MT'SICI]OX musical bell ALL .SAUCNR struck SYNBET,I.1 FM digital synth SYTVEE LI,2 FI't digital slnntJe fron sYNBFtrr,3 FM digital synth SY1VB LL4 ulLra-expensive SYI.IBEIJ5 as above RANffi , alarm bell- q L't L'L L't r./u china boll percussive L/t4 betl ALL saucer (P.Wielk) ALL frcrn Japan AI;L Japan .fILL frcm Japan FM synth (nairtignt AL,L Uöf\/ L/t'l L/14 I I I l I t T r z) D]SK f\tv{Il-lg RANGE SOUND DESCRTPTION BASSY\]I very bright B1\SSYN2 mel.Icru bass solo BRASENSl brass syn*I BRASN{S2 brass ensefiJ:le with I]IiASSYN] brass ensemble ^- ^^74 z rr\ ulv{>ö Ff,1digital synth - brass wittr vibrato ALL BRASSY\I3 t.I',ldi-gital synth - brass with vibrato AL;L BRI\SSYI\]4 brass RlVtS.SYr\5 brass synth (Fairlight (It AVSYL'il- percussive ENSET'lllLl chorus effect t1\)Ät"löLz piano ensemble (C.E.I*4.-TTALY) ALL PIANSYI\TI piano synthesizer ALL PIANSY.'N2 piano synthesizer SA},PIHI,D sample arrd hotd 5Y!i,LHH.t-rI severe filter SYN5Tt_i bright SYNTNSi"II brass ensemble su{n{sM2 FM digital SYNüVSM3 i;rass ensemble wit]. SYbIH1 fi I eer sweep synth IAT{SYN sweeping wah synthesizer - . '^ - 1 6 ? - synt}I bass solo AT,L synth ALL ensemble ALL brass sweep ALL Ai.L (fairfigtrt synth filter sulotle USA) ALL USA) AL;L A+ synttr string L/NI enserrble (,t. -ITALY) - random notes ALL AI,L sweep enserni:Ie witj- (C.E.M.-ITALY) 5tf-s ALL AI;L slmth - brass ensenrble ALL L/rl vibrato. solo ALL ALL DISK AI.TII'4ALS CTYINTN DESCRTPTION RAI{6 BIRDl BIRD2 BIRD3 öIrg../.t ' BLI]VEIT,F'R cocicr CCIvtI " strainedr' ccrt CRCVi DOG DCNE F]TNPITAI\TT Gl\L:l-J-Jr GOOSE HOOVES }CNGREL "a classic'l " MUL-TImG PIqS ROOI€ ROOSTER SCIAL SHEEPI WIIDEOAR hmE from üre Austral,ian film i'Raigrback" ir t F F F F F F I lr F tI I I I I I I I 27 T-/I-JI\ EFT'ECTSI so{-t{D DESCRIPTIOII ALILN eery "alien" ARRCIaJ from the Australian BIZZARRE from a Frank Zappa albrm BOINK . springy BREAKGI,S breakirrg glass DIN cacophony DRIP 'nrater drip Lultt(r horror a RANGE sound Fitn & TV School (Tom stewart) scr:rd (tom stewart) "boink" (as above) loop movie arnbience FNART from the Australian INDIA "Indian" PEOPI,E . cro*d trHARi' rvind inslrurnent PCI]IT sor-u'Id of pouring RICttü-ttil from the Australian SAND{^I\IJ( walking SCREECI] car SMASH sm.eshing glass SPOOD{ slrcon dropping in cup of SiI'IR spcon stirrirrg in cup sv,lliü sword being TOYIOrvt{ kid's FiIm & TV Schol ambience toop of people (fcrn Ster^art) - a:r'bience top liquid Film on a Q:eenslard & TV School beach (eeter Wielk) screeclr tqfs renpved tea from scälcbard - ambience loop 'v'lL[ZZ : "\^lhizz" sourd WFIOOP : percussive filter sweep (Torn Stewart) DISK 28 EFFESIS2 SOJND DESCRIPITIA{ AI'IBCR1\SH : glass (lAJtSMl\SH : car (jA]?START : cc]r trying CRACI{EI : CUCKCO : fire crackle effect) cuckoo clock DIOR : door close RANGE snash and crord screech (Fairlight USA) ard srnash to start (frofa a fevr nötes for better ard meclr,anics FAIVFAIILI : horns playing C;IJRGU:; : Iiquid il@IER : air IJORN : car horn l"lf.tld- . : cat meowing (Fairlight.IJsA) intervals gurgle h@ter PINGF()NIG : , ,oingpong gane wittr RIP : panties SAI^/ : hlard saw surrourding ambience being ripped SCRATCI-I : rap sound a 1a Malcorn SHATTER : shrattered SIRE\II : American siren SIä-ni2 : English SITRPIAY : ,amltient sitar .r;NiOt<T : Torn Stewart SPOIG : pl-rcked biqlcle SWJOP : "faster than a speeding b:11et,' WATER ; water lr,lcclaren (p.Crosbie) glass siren splash sequence snorting slrcke (Syco-I-ondon) (peter Wielk) tu I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 29 DISK EFTECIS3 DESCRIPIION SCXJND t(f\r,\uD APPIAUS : ARCTI(I : lundr-titrte c.oncert from a' Fairlight (nota few notes for better effect) ambience (Fairlight USA) arctic D!].SCEM| : descent ambience (Pairlight t)l AL l : [elephone dial DLI\LZ . Fc ionlr nna DIAL3 : Australian |,L/1Lft : American telephone FI,Ch/ : trickling FIARPARP : harp arpeggi"o JAILDOOR : ;ail M/\RCFIING : sournd of soldiers IU-ID : . giu::gling mud'bubbles t\r1*IfVES : : RAII{ (fhOnraS,I(aysef SEA]. ambient sticRD2 sulrcrd renoved SYNDRIPS synttresised ' f t B i 1' t ambient WFIIIü{Y horse whinnying $NVGFLITPS fierce USA) nrarctrirrg (fairiight anrlcience (Fairlight (Fairlight raygun effect : USA) USA) USA) (fhonras Kayser - Perttr) RAY.GUT\ WI]!D] scrr:rd (Fairlight are restless" night heavy rain Studio) engaged sigrral door slamming (Fairlight "ttre natives Ferth) - (Fairlight teleptone orctrestra tropical NIGIIT dial USA) USA) sea sourd from scabbard dripping "Tibetan" sourd sourdinq (nairtigtrt (Fairtight (Fairlight rhyttrm loop USA) ambient wind the sound of a flapping bird wing USA) USA) re- - I I I I I I I I I I I t ; t r t t I t I DISK 30 SO{JI'ID EFFECTS4 DISCRIP|IO|ü iii,r;lT,Rix : RANGE irorribl_e electricaj- noise Gl-1\Slv'l/:\Sl-j : srnrishing glass FiAiiPüJhAJ rloqn-rwards frarp arpeggio I.TARPUP you gtlessed it ff(|->>1 mechanical printing RC'IOCIJT rotory grinder SCRATCFi2 record scratch STEAM escaped watef :JY{BARK synthesised barking yoohoo with reverb YU)OHC€O : (Tcrn Stewart) (Fairüght USA) I press (Fairlight. (p.wiel_k) USA) vapou.r (Fairlight noise USA) (Fairlight (Mars r.a-ar) USA) &; I t DISK I SCIJ}ID t t I I 3I MAG]INERY DESCRTPIIOT{ BIIGBEII : bi.cycle E(llctl : from RANGE (Syco-I_ondon) beII the Australian FiIm BRENC{JT{ iJren gun \-.l1örlKr,Lt cash register with @CKING rifle action FACTORY "assembly line" ruaLl-\-r cacking helicopter li( & TV School drawer closinq sourd - ,l(Iaus Netzle rotor blades l T T t T T I I I I I I I I .IUJ]PASS a jet LJ'IEBULB explcding passing overhead light (Fairtight b,rlb l4c-iJNl : machine gLrn with fiGLiN2 : nrachine MISSILE : . .: mrssile RAGCARI : RACECAIU : racing car rernri'g engine (Peter l,,jielk) as above but with doppler RFLEAIIIO : automatic tlll:-LÄ.t : rifle recoil qun lnssing overhead. - at Brards effect ri fle shot wiür anrl:ience SFITqJN DrrvLYqr STARSHIP spaceship type noise SL]I]I\'{RINE subnarine sonar .1'RACTOR USA) a.l - .at- '- (fairlight USA) farm tractor TRAII.]TRX train TRAINhEL steam train Iiü\RGAivE : arcade video running over tracks (Tcrn Stewart) whistle game (C.n.M.ITAi,y) Hatch re, I I UTDI\ t 9-q4P-----!F-gg!tlct{ 32 MfD] 1 RANCiE taL! I I l I I I I BASSI : bright bass EY\SS2 : bright metallic t I I I I I I I I I BASSWLIP : bass with bass ALL sweeping harronics ALL : metallic.qlloPhone P4RFIYIIüU : joyous dittY R.ANDCI'I : cü SWIillr-L : bass sweep with Swru TZ : sweep with SWEEP3 : slot bass sweep with 5WE5 r+ : fast sweep with SW1EP5 : sampleo sweep sourd SNI(]AV : TANN : me1lcr,.l "orgart" !\iAvtr : percussive - synthetic (Fairlight high ALL sourd [.4ETA ALL USA) ALL rardom notes high AI;L harrncnics AL;L trarmqrics high "clavier" high trarncnics ALL trarnrcnics (n'airtigtrt USA) t14>e sound ALL AI,L AI,L sourd organ sor:rd AI,L (Sycfrlordcrr) ALL
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