Lehrstuhl für Städtebau und Wohnungswesen Chair of urbanism and housing Studio Krucker Bates - TU Munich The House and the City. „Mitten drin!“ Short design January 2010. 7th Baumeister student competition in Munich Bachelor project WS 2015/16 Introduction Winter Semester 2015/2016 „Mitten drin!“ 7th Baumeister student competition in Munich Introduction Studio Krucker Bates is concerned with exploring the condition of the European city and beyond. Both Professors teach together, developing a studio environment of discussion and dialogue. The Studio is a place of experimentation where convention and preconceived methodologies are challenged, historical and everyday reference is widely used and preference is given to a way of designing spatially and without linearity of scale. Contrary to the competition text, which is rather general, we do not expect simplistic solutions from your work. The act of replacing and adding, of creating new objects simply through demolition, is a strategy that requires specific consciousness and a responsibility towards the existing condition. It is important to recognise the cultural implications of such a strategy and the implications and relation to sustainability. Therefore demolition should always be carefully considered. Sometimes working with elements of the existing, overworking them, using them and adding to them is more successful than the idea of the ‚tabula rasa‘. In all cases new buildings should be part of a vibrant urban situation, as part of a larger ensemble and not as a solipsistic manifestation. We would expect careful analysis work through the making of plans, photographs and sketches and we will be open-minded for surprising changes and improvements to the city of Munich. This semester we have chosen the 7th Baumeister student competition - „Mitten drin!“. The site will be an area southwest of the main station. A dense area of different sizes of blocks with nearly complete built-over inner part of these blocks. In such a site the theme “Mitten drin!” can find various typological interventions. „The transient population as permanent phenomena for the future of western Europe is the main aspect for this project.“ Herzog & de Meuron, Hebelstraße, Basel You can find the programme under download: www.lsw.ar.tum.de Introduction Winter Semester 2015/2016 Introduction Winter Semester 2015/2016 Brief Winter Semester 2015/2016 Brief Winter Semester 2015/2016 BAU ME ISTER Studentenwettbewerb SPONSORED BY Mitten drin 7. Baumeister-Studentenwettbewerb in Kooperation mit Allplan Die Integration von Flüchtlingen, sowohl räumlich in der Stadtmitte, als auch sozial in der Mitte der Stadtgesellschaft ist Thema des diesjährigen Studentenwettbewerbs. Wir suchen originelle Wege für ihre Unterbringung als Alternative zu den üblichen Heimen – um sie nicht an die Peripherie zu verbannen, aufs Land abzuschieben, sondern um Orte mitten in der Stadt für sie zu finden. Einige Universitäten behandeln dieses Thema ja bereits. Die Aufgabe Finden Sie Lösungen im Bestand: Auf-, An- und Umbauten, Lückenfüller, Restflächen und Umnutzungen in Ihrer Stadt. Wie kann außerdem die räumliche und soziale Begegnung von Bevölkerung und Flüchtlingen gefördert werden, damit ein gesellschaftlicher Wandel stattfindet? Bewertet werden sowohl die architektonische als auch die soziale Idee. Geforderte Unterlagen Unabhängig von den an Ihrer Hochschule geforderten Leistungen erwarten wir für den Wettbewerb der Vergleichbarkeit wegen folgenden Beitrag: je Arbeit einen Plan in der Größe 1400 x 1100 mm (Hochformat). Weitere Unterlagen können nicht berücksichtigt werden. Darüber hinaus sind einzureichen: • ein Datenträger mit allen Inhalten des Plans, jeweils als Einzeldateien: • mindestens eine räumliche Darstellung in 300 dpi wie erwähnt • Grundrisse, Ansichten und Schnitte in 1200 dpi als vektororientierte Pdf-Datei oder im Eps-Format • den Gesamtplan als Pdf-Datei (hochauflösend sowie in 200 dpi, maximal 700 x 550 mm) • Erläuterung des Konzepts als Word-Datei (maximal eine DINA4-Seite) • Angabe der verwendeten CAD-Software • Kontaktdaten der Bearbeiter mit Anschrift und E-Mail-Adresse Bitte bedenken Sie bei der Gestaltung Ihres Plans, dass dieser im Fall einer Auszeichnung in einer Ausstellung veröffentlicht wird. Zur Bearbeitung der Aufgabe stellt Allplan eine Studenten-Version der Software Allplan zu Verfügung. Registrieren Sie sich hierfür auf www.allplan-campus.com. Teilnahme & Preise Ab dem 15. September 2015 können sich Dozenten zur Teilnahme unter [email protected] anmelden. Die ersten 20 Lehrstühle, die sich anmelden, werden zum BaumeisterStudentenwettbewerb zugelassen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Teilnahme an dem Wettbewerb nur im Rahmen einer Betreuung durch den angemeldeten Lehrstuhl möglich ist. Eingereicht werden können pro Lehrstuhl mindestens zwei Arbeiten, abhängig von der Zahl der insgesamt teilnehmenden Lehrstühle. Informationen dazu erhalten die teilnehmenden Lehrstühle Mitte Januar 2016. Die Jurysitzung findet im April 2016 statt. Insgesamt werden Preise und Anerkennungen in Höhe von 5.000 Euro vergeben. Außerdem erhält jeder, der eine Arbeit zum Wettbewerb eingereicht hat, ein Jahresabonnement des Baumeister. Die ausgezeichneten Arbeiten werden im Baumeister veröffentlicht. Die Teilnehmer erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass die Sponsoren ihre Zeichnungen unter Angabe der Verfasser für ihre Marketing-Maßnahmen verwenden. Einsendeschluss ist der 1. März 2016 (es gilt der Poststempel) an: Der Plan soll eine nachvollziehbare Erläuterung des Konzepts und des gewählten Orts (Foto oder Skizze) sowie die Neuplanung mit folgenden Inhalten darstellen: • Lageplan • Grundrisse, Schnitte und Ansichten • mindestens eine räumliche Darstellung (Renderings, Perspektiven, Handzeichnungen oder ggf. Modell-Fotos) • unten rechts Angabe der Hochschule, des Lehrstuhls und des Bearbeiters Maßstab ist frei zu wählen für die bestmögliche Darstellung. Georg D. W. Callwey GmbH & Co. KG Redaktion Baumeister Kennwort „7. Studentenwettbewerb“ Streitfeldstraße 35 81673 München Die Unterlagen werden nicht zurückgesendet, stehen aber zur Abholung unter oben genannter Adresse bis 1. Juni 2016 bereit. Ansprechpartnerin ist Julia Hinderink, [email protected] Brief Winter Semester 2015/2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise one: a study of atmosphere Exercise two: survey The first exercise we wish you to undertake is intended to become familiar with the particular atmosphere of living in a dense area with small urban spaces for the people which live there. We would like you to choose a space that you know and that you believe holds a strong atmosphere of this condition. It could be a small communication space for coffee, part of living accomodation or part of a work space at school or at work. You must be able to gain access to the space to photograph and survey it. In the second exercise we wish you to provide useful references for your project work, based on a close observation of the chosen neighbourhood and the given theme. You will be asked to select a building or part of a block with an urban space which provides accomodation for cross-cultural community . The aim is to create living spaces that integrate, not isolate, people in our society. The theme is NOT to create quick buildings but finding ways to identify different people and circumstances. Having made your choice, you will need to study the space carefully and find a good position to photograph it, taking care with the light level and composition of the photograph. You will then make a model of the space at a scale of 1:10 based on a print of the photograph you have taken. The model should accurately recreate everything that can be seen in the print. Having done this, you will photograph the model from the exact viewpoint of your first photograph. Care should be taken to recreate the lighting levels and atmosphere you observed in the space chosen and in the photograph you took. You will then present the original photograph and the new image together each on an A3 sheet. An introduction to this exercise will be given in the first weeks of the semester. Hand in of two finely composed photographs at A3 You will need to produce carefully made drawings. The choice of subject needs to take into account the value of the building/block selected in the development of your project later in the semester. Exercise three: urban strategy The beginning of this excercise requires you to finish the 1:200 block model in grey card of your site and of the wider surrounding area. The model will be produced as a group work, which requires both accuracy and careful coordination. The model produced should then be used as a tool to help develop a concept for your project. Consideration should be given to the scale of the building and the relationship it establishes with the host building. While priority will be given to an extensive exploration of different massing possibilities, you will be expected to produce drawings to assist your studies in the form of sketches, plans, sections and elevations. Brief Winter Semester 2015/2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise four: building and urban space Exercise seven: atmosphere/images This exercise is intended to build upon the understanding you have begun to develop from the previous stage of work to refine your project further and again this exercise focusses on the plastic qualities. With the knowledge and intention you have established for your project you will then make one or two images, depending on the project and the personal ambition of each project pairing. It may be possible to select a single view which captures foreground, middle ground and background, or a view that shows both the character of the facade and interior in one image. Alternatively you may choose to make one image only of the exterior and the other of the interior. The drawings should be constructed from carefully made photographs and/or models or set up completely by computer using 3D modeling and light rendering. You are asked to produce study models at a scale of 1:50 exploring the facade composition and massing qualities in greater detail. As in the previous exercise, while priority should be given to the making of models that explore ideas about form, volume, facade and internal organisation of the building, the process should be supported by drawings. Exercise five: building organisation At this stage in the development of your project we now ask you to study the internal organisation of your building at a larger scale. Study models that investigate the internal spatial organisation of your project and the interconnection of different rooms should be produced at a scale of 1:50 and 1:20. The position of doors and windows, the spatial possibilities of stairs and varied ceiling heights should be very carefully considered. The view should be taken at eye level and all vertical lines should be precisely vertical (no wide angles or distorted views are acceptable!) The images should be of a high standard or composition and technique and should be made with the intention of conveying the atmospheric character of the project. An introduction to this exercise will be given in Week 8 on 30th of Nov. of the semester. Exercise six: project Final review With the knowledge you now have of your project you will work again in your group to make a 1:50 greycard model of your project. One side of your model should be removable so that it is possible to present the sectional qualities of your proposal as well as the compositional and detail of the facade. The manner in which this model is made and the techniques employed to give detail and texture should be given very careful attention. The final review will consider all the components of the work produced during the semester. You will be asked to prepare a Pdf - presentation of your project. It is important that you are able to describe the development of your work accurately and precisely and include models of your final project at 1:200 and 1:50, the image of the exercise one you made at the outset, the final images of your space, as well as drawings describing it. Calendar Winter Semester 2015/2016 Date Event To do ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 1 12th/13th/14th October Introduction to Semester 10am, 12th Oct. Professor BK studio presentation 2pm, 13th Oct. site visit 2 pm, 15 th Oct. Commence with intro by BK exercise one: a study of atmosphere 1:10 site visit ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 2 19th/20th October Introduction lecture Urban Habitat 11.45pm 19th Oct. Assistant tutorials 2pm, 20th Oct. study of atmosphere 1:10 surrounding model 1:200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 3 26th/27th October Lecture by Professor BK 11.45am, 26th Oct. 1st Pin up with Professor BK exercise two: survey precise photographs of site and atmosphere 3pm, 26th Oct. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 4 2nd/3rd November Assistant lecture/workshop Assistant tutorials 2pm, 3rd Nov. 11.45am, 2nd Nov. exercise three: urban strategy 1:200 beginning to develop 1:200 massing studies ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 5 9th/10th November Lecture by Professor BK 11.45am, 9th Nov. 2nd Pin up with Professor BK presentation: massing model studies 1:200 exercise one, two and three 3pm, 9th Nov. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 6 16th/17th November Assistant lecture/workshop Assistant tutorials 2pm, 17th Nov. 11.45am, 16th Nov. exercise four: building Massing model studies 1:200, building 1:50 and urban space ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 7 23rd/24th November Lecture by Professor SB 11.45am, 23rd Nov. 3rd Pin up with Professors BK/SB 3pm, 23rd Nov. exercise five: building organisation presentation: 1:200 massing final, draft models and plans 1:200, 1:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 8 30th Nov./1st Dec. Assistant lecture/workshop 11.45am, 30th Nov. models and plans 1:200 Assistant tutorials 2pm, 1st Dec. draft models and drawings 1:50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Week 9 7th/8th December Lecture by Professor BK 11.45am, 7th Dec. 4th Pin up with Professor BK 3pm, 7th Dec. exercise six: project 1:50 presentation: models and plans 1:200, 1:50 Calendar Winter Semester 2015/2016 Date Event To do -------------------------------------------------------------------Week 10 14th/15th December Assistant lecture/workshop 11.45am, 14th Dec. Assistant tutorials 2pm, 15th Dec. exercise seven images/atmosphere (counts as shortdesign) -------------------------------------------------------------------Week 11 21st/22nd December no lecture no tutorials -------------------------------------------------------------------Week 12 Christmas/ New Year holidays -------------------------------------------------------------------Week 13 Christmas/ New Year holidays . -------------------------------------------------------------------Week 14 11th January Assistant lecture/workshop models, plans, exercises seven Assistant tutorials 2pm, 12 th Jan. -------------------------------------------------------------------Week 15 18th/19th January Lecture, Presentation Munich Plan 11.45am, 18th Jan. presentation all work: plans, models 1:200/1:50 exercise seven 5th Pin up with Professor BK 3pm, 18th Jan. -------------------------------------------------------------------Week 16 25th/26th January no lecture All work Assistant tutorials 2pm, 26th Jan. -------------------------------------------------------------------Week 17 1st/2nd February Final crit/BA-Thesis Colloquium with Professors BK/SB 2pm, 1st Feb. Conclusions and remarks Project marking Apero presentation: complete work on individual sheets and all study models -------------------------------------------------------------------- People and Places Bachelor Project/Bachelor Thesis Winter Semester 2015/16 -------------------------------------------------------------------Studio Krucker Bates Lehrstuhl für Städtebau und Wohnungswesen TUM Professors Bruno Krucker and Stephen Bates Website E-mail www.lsw.ar.tum.de [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------Professors Assistant Bruno Krucker [email protected] Claudia E. Düll-Buchecker [email protected] Stephen Bates [email protected] Korr. Assistants Alexander Richert [email protected] Werner Schuehrer [email protected] Edda Zickert [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------Chair location Studio location Rooms 1345 Thierschbau 2 Arcisstrasse 21 D - 80333 München Gabelsbergerstraße 43 (Entrance) Luisenstrasse VI 1. Stock
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