Course Memorandum April 11, 2016 Course Course No. Instructor Subject Case Study (Finance and Development in Emerging Asia II) 5140724 / S Semester 2016 Toshiro Nishizawa Class assignments Dear Students, For your background information to help you search for a case or a topic of your interest in line with the course objectives, I would suggest having a browse through the following report. Asian Development Bank (ADB). 2016. "Asia's Potential Growth." In Asian Economic Outlook 2016: Asia's Potential Growth, 43-84. Manila: ADB. Accessed April 11, 2016. [Readings 01, 02, and 03] As the first set of class assignments, I would like you to do the following by Saturday, April 16. 1. Please provide your background information as well as describe your motivation to take this course by filling out the attached form (see Attachment to this memorandum). The same form is readily available in a Word file format on the Student Bulletin Board. 2. Please prepare a note (no more than 600 words) summarizing the factors, as you perceive, behind the "miraculous" growth performance of economies in East Asia (eight "HPAEs") in 1960s-1980s based on your reading of: World Bank. 1993. "Overview: The Making of a Miracle." In The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy, 1-26. New York: Oxford University Press. Accessed April 11, 2016. [Reading 04] 3. Please submit both the form and note to the following addresses by e-mail before 18:00 on Saturday, April 16 Toshiro Nishizawa [[email protected]] CC to Mr. Ilhom Umrzakov [[email protected]] To help me not to miss your incoming e-mails, please start the subject line of your e-mail with the course number 5140724, for example, 5140724_Umrzakov. For Day 2 (April 18), you are expected to read the following article (but do not need to prepare a note on this article) to be ready for class discussion. A hard copy of this article will be made available at Graduate School Office or upon request to Mr. Umrzakov by e-mail. Krugman, Paul. 1994. "The Myth of Asia's Miracle." Foreign Affairs 73, no. 6 (Nov/Dec): 6278. [Reading 05] Best regards, Toshiro Nishizawa Attachment GraSPP—5140724 2016S—Nishizawa Course Memorandum, April 11, 2016 ATTACHMENT 5140724 / S Semester 2016 Case Study (Finance and Development in Emerging Asia II) CLASS ASSIGNMENT DUE BY SATURDAY, APRIL 16 First name: ここをクリックしてテキストを 入力してください。 Family name: ここをクリックしてテキストを 入力してください。 Nick name, if any: ここをクリックしてテキストを 入力してください。 Nationality: ここをクリックしてテキストを 入力してください。 E-mail address: ここをクリックしてテキストを 入力してください。 Affiliation other than GraSPP, if any Photo ここをクリックしてテキストを入力してください。 Education (e.g., … University, School of …, B.A. in …, 20xx) ここをクリックしてテキストを入力してください。 Work experience (e.g., … Inc., Assistant Manager, 20xx-20yy) ここをクリックしてテキストを入力してください。 Language (e.g., Japanese: native, English: fluent, Chinese: basic) ここをクリックしてテキストを入力してください。 Please explain briefly your motivation for taking this course (in 200 words or less). ここをクリックしてテキストを入力してください。 Please list one or a few topics that you might be interested to work as a case of "Finance and Development for Emerging Asia" and explain why you choose them (in 200 words or less). ここをクリックしてテキストを入力してください。 *** GraSPP—5140724 2016S—Nishizawa Course Memorandum, April 11, 2016
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