Invitation European Congress of Obesity

IBD Symposium
Inselspital Bern
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Prof. Dr. med. Andrew Macpherson
Prof. Dr. med. Andrew Macpherson
Universitätsklinik für Viszerale Chirurgie
und Medizin
Inselspital Bern
Special Guest!
Prof. Dr. med. Edouard Louis
University Hospital Liège (BE)
The Full Picture of Ulcerative
Colitis: The Burden. The
Patient. The Treatment.
Wednesday May 11th 2016
Rita Büttel Keller
Brand Account Manager
[email protected]
Ort: Rapportraum INO A318
AbbVie AG
Neuhofstrasse 23
6341 Baar
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Dear colleagues
We would like to invite you to the IBD Symposium with a top international
speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Edouard Louis from Liège.
08:00 – 08:10 Welcome and Introduction
Prof. Dr. med. Louis will give a comprehensive overview on the significant,
progressive disease burden, the impact on patient quality of life and the
treatment options in patients with Ulcerative Colitis (UC). Healthcare providers
and patients share similar treatment goals, even if these are not verbalised in
the same way, and clinicians need to fully understand the issues most
important to patients. Understanding and collaboration can improve
identification of meaningful treatment goals and overall disease management.
In real-world practice, patients should be categorised according to disease
characteristics and prognosis, and managed with appropriate, optimised
Andrew Macpherson
08:10 – 08:50 The Full Picture of Ulcerative Colitis: The Burden. The Patient.
The Treatment.
Edouard Louis
08:50 – 09:15 Discussion
Andrew Macpherson
We are very pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. med. Louis at the IBD Symposium
and look forward to your high attendance on Wednesday May 11th 2016 at the
Inselspital in Bern!
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Best regards
Prof. Dr. med. Andrew Macpherson
Universitätsklinik für Viszerale Chirurgie und Medizin
Inselspital Bern
Supported by