Persönlichkeitskompetenz 2016/17 Learn How To Unlock Your Genius Thinking Into Results Stand: April 2016 Änderungen und Druckfehler vorbehalten! 1 Dear prospective participant! Learn how to unlock your genius! Have you left your greatest resource largely untapped? How do you tap into your intelligence, your initiative, your productive power latent in you? This breakthrough program provides the specific tools and step-by-step strategies needed to replace fear of the unknown with a success mindset and action steps for finding opportunities in the changing economy. Learn how to change your behavior, which in turn will change your results. Unlock the genius in you! What persuades me: Change my mindset to success Most people have generally left their greatest resource largely untapped. That resource is the intelligence, the initiative, the productive power latent in each and every one of us. This breakthrough program provides the specific tools and step-by-step strategies needed to replace fear of the unknown with a success mindset and action steps for finding opportunities in the changing economy. Learn how to change your behavior, which in turn will change your results. What supports me: Unlock your true potential By increasing our awareness of the talent and latent power that lies dormant in us, we are able to improve all aspects of our life. Where change is constant and inevitable, personal and professional growth is a choice. Trying harder is not necessarily the key to achieving more – learning to change your behavior is. This program will show you how. Management tools you’ll receive: Define and achieve goals Understand the difference between what you know and what you do Learn secrets to unlock your mind’s potential Identify and avoid toxic landmines that sabotage your thinking The magic of attitude - you must give energy to get energy back. It starts with you What your benefits are: Draw the most out of yourself, your biggest untapped resource. Create a more meaningful and purpose-driven life. Dramatically improve results, organizational culture and customer loyalty by closing the gap between knowing and doing. Participation prerequisites: Upper Intermediate to Advanced English knowledge is required. Maximum number of participants: We have limited the number of participants to 12 in order to meet the quality standards you expect. 2 Trainer: Charles LaFond, MBA Personal details born 1957 in USA 1 child, lives in Vienna Trainer, coach and business person Education Studied international Business at Thunderbird School of Global Management in AZ, USA (Marketing und Finance) Pedagogy and German at St. John’s University in MN, USA Specialization in presentation and negotiation skills licensed trainer for Mind Mapping, Memory and Speed Reading licensed trainer for LifeSuccess Coaching – Bob Proctor, USA Work Experience 2008 founding of “Charles La Fond & CO KEG”, Coaching und Training Institute for Communication Founding, development and expansion of own language school Business Language Center, Vienna from 1984 to 2008 Trainer and Coach for HPS Hierhold Presentation Services since 1997 Adjunct Professor at Webster University, Vienna since1992 Founder and Director of the Buzan Centre Austria 1992 – 2000 1981 – 1984 Management trainee at Berlitz Sprachschulen GmbH Director of a Berlitz Language school in Vienna Training focus Negotiation skills Presentation skills Mind Mapping Business English LifeSuccess Coaching Publications Trattnerhof Tratsch Newsletter since 1986 Present-Ability Newsletter (HPS) since 2003 The Pro-Am Caddie (Golfphrasen auf Deutsch und English) Presently writing the book “English for Negotiations” Cornelsen Verlag Short Course Series. English for Negotiating, Cornelsen Verlag, 2009 Motto Life ain’t fair, but it’s fun Other Enthusiastic skier and computer freak, loves to travel and enjoys speaking at international congresses and conferences. Languages English: Native speaker, German: excellent 3 Veranstaltungsort: WIFI MANAGEMENT FORUM am wko campus wien, Bauteil B, 5. und 6. Stock Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Wien Parkmöglichkeit in der Apcoa-Garage Erreichbarkeit mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln: U6 - Straßenbahnlinien 40, 41, 42 - Autobuslinien 37A, 40A Ein abweichender Veranstaltungsort wird in den jeweiligen Einladungen gesondert bekannt gegeben. Kosten: EUR 465,- (keine USt. enthalten) Im Preis enthalten: Seminarunterlagen sowie Vormittags-/Nachmittagspause und Mittagessen. Bei Veranstaltungen im WIFI Wien übernehmen wir Ihre Parkgebühr in der Apcoa-Garage (Zufahrt über Währinger Gürtel). Sie erhalten Ihr bereits bezahltes Ausfahrtsticket in der Veranstaltung, das jedoch nur am jeweiligen Veranstaltungstag gültig ist. Bitte verwenden Sie bei der Einfahrt in die Garage nicht Ihre Kreditkarte, da sonst das Gratisticket nicht genützt werden kann. Die Wirtschaftskammer ist als Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechts kein Unternehmer im Sinne des Umsatzsteuergesetzes 1994 (UStG) und somit gemäß § 6 Abs. 1 Z. 11 lit. a UStG von der Umsatzsteuer befreit. Die Teilnahmegebühr enthält daher keine Umsatzsteuer. Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des WIFI Management Forums Wien, nachzulesen unter Ihre Ansprechpartnerinnen: Kundenservice / Anmeldung: Kathrin Haider Tel: E-Mail: Fax: (01) 476 77- 5231 [email protected] (01) 476 77 - 95231 Produktmanagement: Mag. Alexandra Konrad Tel: E-Mail: Fax: (01) 476 77- 5234 [email protected] (01) 476 77 - 95234 4 Anmeldefax Fax-Nr. (01) 476 77 - 95231 [email protected] WIFI Management Forum Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Wien JA, ich melde mich an zu „LEARN HOW TO UNLOCK YOUR GENIUS - THINKING INTO RESULTS“ 25326/01-6 Mi 23. November 2016 wko campus wien EUR 465,- 25326/02-6 Mi 17. Mai 2017 wko campus wien EUR 465,- Nachname Vorname akad. Grad Abteilung Funktion Adresse Postleitzahl, Ort Tel.Nr. (privat - tagsüber erreichbar) Fax-Nr. privat E-Mail-Adresse Rechnung ist auszustellen an □ Privat □ Firma (bitte Daten ausfüllen) Firmenname Firmenadresse Postleitzahl, Ort Tel.Nr. (Firma - tagsüber erreichbar) Fax-Nr. E-Mail-Adresse Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des WIFI Management Forum Wien, nachzulesen unter Datum Unterschrift 5
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