Profile: Prof. Dr. Ewald Wessling – Expert for Web 2.0 and Social

Profile: Prof. Dr. Ewald Wessling – Expert for Web 2.0 and Social Media
Social Media and Big Data – How the Internet is changing us
We all face the digital revolution and the changes affects everyone:
The questions are when, how strong, and what are the consequences.
Ewald Wessling explains the new rules of success in the Internet,
and he demonstrates how everyone can capture the inherent chances of the Web 2.0, if for private purposes, job-related, or for companies. To this end he implements neat examples and interesting
stories to inspire by now ten thousands of his listeners in more
than 250 speeches.
Ewald Wessling comes for his audience where they are standing:
The naive attendee will be divirtingly led into the new world, and the
expert will guaranteed take some new insights.
Watch videos on YouTube:
Customer’s voices
„Your contribution was brilliant! Customer’s
feedback is perfect!“
How Digitization Changes Customers and Communication
Management Meeting 2015 der KNF Global Strategies AG
Dr. Peter Conrady, Geschäftsführer J. Metzler GmbH
Communication in the Digital Change and the Impact on Companies
„I rarely experienced such a clear-sighted
analysis of the complexity of digitization.“
PHOENIX Contact Management Meeting
Peter Boudgoust, Intendant SWR
Distripress Executive Forum
„You fascinated our clients for more than
90 minutes. Congratulation!“
Harry Weiß, Vorstand Sparkasse Kulmbach-Kronach
Change Yourself – How to Profit in the Digital Revolution
Communication and Leadership in the Digital Change
NOVA Fall Meeting
Learning from Google – the Next Generation of Media Business
Ringier Management Congress
Revolution 2.0: How the Digital Change Affects the Use of Paper
Media response
IGEPA International Network Conference
TV report of an event of the Ostharzer
Volksbank eG:
Interviews: Breakfast-TV (SAT1), „Morgenecho“ (WDR 5), „Der Abend“ (SWR 1)
„The Internet works completely different to
the rest of the world. That he pointed out.“
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung
„Bridger into the new world.“
Bayrische Rundschau
UBS, Deutsche Bank, IBM, Union Investment, DG HYP, WGZ Bank, ORF, LBS, Axel
Springer, Schwäbisch Hall, R+V, Ferchau Engineering, DZ Bank, IHK Oberfranken ...
Ewald Wessling studied Economics, Philosophy, and Communication Sciences in Münster, Harvard and Stanford; he wrote his
doctoral thesis on „Information and Knowledge“.
As managing director at G+J he was responsible for the first
profitable online business of Europe’s biggest magazine company.
For more than a decade he is helping companies to transform their
strengths into the digital markets. He is professor for New Forms of
Communication at Hannover University and member of the boards
of Vogel Business Media (Deputy Chairman) and Seniorbook AG
Ewald Wessling is located in Hamburg and married with four kids.
Phone: +49 40 8060 7175
[email protected]