… Saga$University Qui ckT im eý Dz G IF êLí£ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ u pge f A"Guide"to Japanese"Language"Program ⅡⅢ gtp t k ) . Spring$Semester$2016$ Application$deadline:$ $ 9:00$a.m.,$April$5$ Contents ifpgki ui i m Academic Calendar and Courses Time Schedule Syllabus u pgu u pg g gf k im Enrollment Procedures gk f e gf Inquiry 5 9 Do's and Don'ts Ⅳ 2 Supervisor of Each Level 17 18 23 23 f t t t i g g k g m u i t gk m g r u s l g je v f i f rf The Japanese Language Program offers a variety of courses in 6 levels. Read the following instructions carefully and register for the courses you prefer to take. ifpgki u i l m Academic Calendar and Courses gi f t Courses will start on April 8 (Fri.). Orientation Session v t gk gt r ② i t m rf All students who take the Japanese Language Program must attend the Orientation Session. u t k g gk gfm gi , . Date & Time : from 14:00 of April 7 (Thur.) until 15:00 Place : Rm 125 (levelK), 126 (levelL), 127 (levelM) 129 (level IV, V, VI) Center for General Education Bldg. 1 u u t k l gi i fi t g pg ① k g t g if u l g t k g t g if u l g u f t v Ⅴ i gi g t g if u l g t k g t g if u l g t g if u l g t g if u l g gk g f t k Ⅴ gk u t g gu l g v v v g g if i t i k g g j gt u v g ( g k k if gk g vg gt k l f g if t m v v f Ⅴ if rm g if ③ 1 f t u l g Ⅱ v Ⅴ y ③ 1 ③ 1 ③ 1 v k 1 gt ②j e k 2 hh f ef u pg ef u pg j f k f k fp j k fp j v gt e ②j hh fp f v 1 je v j 2 fp ( k je v Classes Level Number of Class name classes (week) Remarks Grammar Begining 3 3 classes per week Speaking Begining 2 2 classes per week Kanji Begining 1 Survival Japanese 3 5 weeks intensive from May Grammar Begining II 3 3 classes per week Speaking Begining II 2 2 classes per week Kanji Begining II 1 Grammar Intermediate I 2 2 classes per week Speaking Intermediate I 2 2 classes per week Kanji Intermediate I 1 Reading&Wrtiting Intermediate I 1 Listening Intermediate (A) 1 Grammar Intermediate II 1 Speaking Intermediate II 1 of Inter- Kanji Intermediate II 1 mediate Reading Intermediate II 1 Writing Intermediate II 1 Listening Intermediate (A) 1 Writing Advanced I (A) 1 Listening Advanced (A) 1 Writing Advanced II (A) 1 Listening Advanced (A) 1 Level V students also take this class 1 Enrollment capacity is limited. 1 Enrollment capacity is limited. 1 Refer to remarks in Japanese 1 Refer to remarks in Japanese First Half of Beginning ( ) Second Half of Beginning ( ) First Half of Intermediate ( ) Second Half ( ) Advanced Level IV students also take this class Level III students also take this class Level ( ) Superior Level VI students also take this class Level ( ) All Levels Level (II) to (VI) Seminar (A) Tutorial Seminar (B) Activity Academic Japanese (A) Level (IV) to (VI) Reading Academic Japanese (B) Presentation ) ui u l u o u o u o u o k gt Time Schedule gui 3 LL BI LM LL BI - LL BI ( ( LL BI ( )MB LL BI )) )( 3 LL IIG , - ( 78 ) k g gk gfm gi k g gk gfm gi 3 M @I 5 4 MCI 2 A 3 M @I 5 4 MCI 2 A 2 B 3 LL BI 7B K 5H 4 K 7 3 LL 6 LM 37 7J7A7 7 G B K MI 3 LL IIG t 7 k g First Half of Beginning Level 2 B 7B K K 7 7AA7 K L 37 7J7A7 5H 4 7 6 8 B K 37 7J7A7 4H 7AA7 K 7AA7 K 27BF .7J7F 4 7 B K F 7 7 7B F 4787A7GFH 4 A B7 M 5 H 37 7J7A7 ( 4H 7 4H 7 7 7B F 7 7B F 4787A7GFH 4787A7GFH t 7 k g Second Half of Beginning Level 2 B 5H 6 8 L f K 5 H L t L d ( d ( h ( L h L ( i e h L l M L y h ( gk 7 ( g First Half of Intermediate Level 2 B M ( 5H r r h K 6 8 M f ) 5 H M t ) ) i e h jy L ) M M f t ) h s fa y ( ) M M Second Half of Intermediate Level 7 N K ) N N L N N M ( Advanced Level 7 K 12 L M ( Superior Level 7 K 12 L M ( , - Syllabus m S f g r j tf fjmjm f …… e a b im t m rf For more information of the classes, see the online syllabus at Student Center HP. c7 t k g First Half of Beginning Level d K Japanese Grammar Beginning 1 K This class is for the student who had not learned Japanese formally. We have 3 classes in a week. You must participate all 3 classes. The intention of the class is 1) to enhance students understanding of Japanese grammar, 2) to develop skills to deal with daily Japanese life. Students are required to drill the Japanese grammar rules, memorize vocabulary in and outside classroom, participate class activities. Textbook An integrated course in Elementary Japanese Genki I oa(CD-ROM I ), The Japan Times Japanese Speaking Beginning I This class is for the student who had not learned Japanese formally. We have 2 classes in a week. You must participate both 2 classes. Aims of this class is to develop students' verbal communication skills. The class will use daily situations that students encounter with so that they can deal with real life better. Textbook Marugoto A1 starter Activities, Sanshusya Marugoto A2 Elementary 1 Activities, Sansyusya . I, Japanese Kanji Beginning I v a jd j d v d t u v h (You will learn and acquire the basic kanji and vocabulary for at the first half of the beginning level, aiming at being able to read and write in Japanese regarding familiar things or situations around you in daily lives.) IW L12 T (Reading and Writing Part) v I L1 I j Textbook An integrated course in Elementary Japanese Genki I oa(CD-ROM An integrated course in Elementary Japanese Genki Workbook I (CD-ROM ), The Japan Times ) , The Japan Times Survival Japanese y j You will learn basic greetings and conversational expressions. h j You will learn Japanese daily life-style and customs. hu hu v h j You will study here in peace after understanding the environment around Saga university. You will get the useful information for living in Saga city. l h j You will get the handout in every class. t c7 k g Second Half of Beginning Level d II, Japanese Grammar v d yd t Beginning II u v h jd j v (You will learn and acquire the latter half of the grammatical patterns at the beginning level, aiming at being able to read, write, listen and speak in Japanese regarding familiar things or situations in daily lives.) IIW L13 II L14 3 t 1 y v II j u y d (If you cannot attend any of the three (3) classes per week regularly, you CANNOT take this course.) An integrated course in Elementary Japanese Genki II oa(CD-ROM ) , The Japan Times An integrated course in Elementary Japanese Genki Workbook II (CD-ROM II i oa d Japanese Speaking Beginning II l d ) , The Japan Times t t yd y t y u h j You talk about yourself, your family and daily life with classmates. h i i j We have 2 classes in a week. You must attend 2 classes every week. h sua f You should buy textbooks. Textbook e d W A2 e d W A2 Japanese Kanji Beginning II II u i a y u j i y p t a h IIW j y v T i y i y (Reading and Writing Part) L13 L23 j Textbook An integrated course in Elementary Japanese Genki II oa(CD-ROM An integrated course in Elementary Japanese Genki Workbook II (CD-ROM ), The Japan Times ) , The Japan Times v gk c7 g First Half of Intermediate Level d e r K h a 7 7 v t v hp y r d m FG h y j e d vj y Wvj r K ri l t y i v ip v h h j yh h su i u h su tp h j daf d h h d t v j y j h h T h h e r d f 2/B1 t j K T j k sua j d h hua j f T e s fa r K r m h FG 7 t (texts) p y h hu h h j Wvj v (essay) j y f r r A p l y d a t h h p j y h y j i d a K sh L v h j j i 40W p W 40W Second Half of Intermediate Level d c7 e r L r t d 7GG 7 v h y h j p (texts) t h j h W y Wvj L ri l t f g i u Sy lt v i y h tp v d v h h i j t y u dy l j 1 dy y t p u i h h h j i a l e j i e r L h i ah al e ah i hp gj a e h a e h a N2 vj ah t v i e i h i y v i v y i h j t p ah i v e e v ah i N2 p tasp a h t N3 ( h u j vj j e s r lt L p h au h r v ua h k h h j t u d h y t hu e fa e y lu v y y ua u y h h ah h h h j j j f r L n hy h j d yd v t u hy j y h a j j a l j Advanced Level d c7 K hu v ay a v u ja p j h y Sy j s y y h p su h j h j h j ) v l y v A u y d j a h LM su e T j h j vj a vyaT j h j l j Superior Level d c7 L d v u v a u j v y t j at p j t h j fl j t u j c7 d A (Japanese Seminar(A)) a a v u pt n a j isd h a h j sh a n n y v hp h j d v ah al p pt h t u p j sh v h sp h o d j In this class, students set his/her own goal of studying Japanese and plan the way to get the goal. Students carry out the own plan, adjust it and evaluate his/her own achievement. Teacher will consult all those process to make more efficient. It is recommended that student help and encourage each other. c7 d (Japanese Seminar(B)) u h d v h u y t v j u j y v c7 j l d y p t v j p y t vj j T T v hu T su vj L v h y j j u pgu g k git ( if … uu gk Do's and Don'ts fjmifi m t gf g j f fk il u pg g i gtp gf ※ u u ) u gt u l g k gpg t k u gt h i l g v pg l g mt Ⅵ nfu t g t t m t f g p t Ⅳ k i v w t nfu imu p k Ⅰt pg v imu gk k w g i f l i v l u f g k v k n g j ki fif t r gp m u y m rf g t m p gpm gf g rf k t m rf rf m t t m m rf rf 1) Textbooks, if any, can be purchased from the COOP bookstore on the 1st floor of University Hall. Every student is expected to purchase textbooks for him/herself. 2) Students are not permitted to register the classes after the application deadline, unless they have a justifiable reason. 3) Each student is responsible for informing his or her academic supervisor that he or she is enrolled in the Japanese Language Program. 4) Students are requested to attend classes regularly throughout the course and also to notify their language teacher if and when they miss a class. 5) Students are expected to follow class instructions and always prepare for class. 6) Please watch the notice board regularly for notifications reporting "No Class", "Change of Classroom", etc. , u pg u pg k g t Enrollment Procedures p Application Procedures … p j jm f… f Students who have never studied Japanese previously p19 u l g g n p e jm … f Students who registered for the Japanese Language Program in Saga University in past semesters p20 u rj fjm u … l g g n jm … f Students who have never take the Japanese Language Program in Saga University except students p21 - jm … p j f f… (Students who have never studied Japanese previously) " pmrfi u gtp " " u pg t a nki u pg j gtp t i . i m gu p g b k j " a. gn t ( a m rf ) t g gk t j i k g gy b gfm gi ft t i hp i k u k i . t u m rf v v r i v Fill out the Jukoo Mooshikomi-sho (application form) and submit it to the International Affairs Division. b. The application will be accepted starting 13:00, March 29 (Tue.) until 9:00, April 5 (Tue.). c. d. You may register for the courses of the First Half of Beginning Level ONLY. Attend the Orientation Session from 14:00 to 15:00 of April 7 (Thur.) at Rm125, Center for General Education Bldg.1 Step1/2 Submit the Jukoo Mooshikomi-sho to International Affairs Division Step2/2 Attend the Orientation Session . u l g g jm n p e f … (Students who registered for Japanese language Program in Saga University in past semesters) " pmrfi u u " l g im pmrfi u gtp " t gn nfu t nf u m t a t m u pg i pg gtp t gu p g b ( rf gi m k g g u b j t g k rf u ) i a nki " r r ft t t m rf i v i i t k g gk gfm gi . v 9 r t w g Confirm the courses which you can register for by referring to the Jukoo a. kanou kamokuhyoo (Japanese Course List for Continuing Students) posted on the notice board at the International Affairs Division. Fill out the Jukoo Mooshikomi-sho (application form) and submit it to the b. International Affairs Division. c. The application will be accepted starting 13:00, March 29 (Tue.) until 9:00, April 5 (Tue.). d. Attend the Orientation Session from 14:00 to 15:00 on April 7 at Rm126 to 129, Center for General Education Bldg.1. (See P1.) 1/3 i T Step1/3 d a Refer to the Jukoo kanou kamokuhyoo Step2/3 2/3 daf i T d hd h j Submit the Jukoo Mooshikomi-sho to International Affairs Division Step3/3 3/3 f j Attend the Orientation Session u rj fjm u l g g … jm n f … (Students who have never taken the Japanese Language Program in Saga University except students " pmrfi u a u j " n t g i ) gtp a g b n m r u n n u v b gu p g k i k r g t rf i vf " g im i t t j m rf pmrfi u m rf t t g nfu g g i v m " t p a ) u pg gtp r i t b gu p g k g t ft t n i f t m t nfu i rf t v Fill out the Pureesumento Tesuto Mooshikomi-hyoo (sign up sheet for a. Japanese placement test) at the International Affairs Division. Then you will receive the Juken-hyoo (your admission ticket to the placement test). b. Take the Placement Test which will be held from 10:00, April 5 (Tue.). (See below.) c. Confirm the level of your Japanese language by referring to the result of your placement test which will be announced on the Notice Board at the International Affairs Division. It will be announced from 10:00, April 6. d. Attend the Orientation Session from 14:00 to 15:00 on April 7. Then, fill out the Jukoo Mooshikomi-sho (application form) and submit it to the coordinator of your course level. The room number of your session will be announced together with the above mentioned result of your placement test. . Placement Test u if u g k g gk gfm gi Date & Time: April 5 (Tue.) 10:00 Place gk gt 11:30 : Rm 125, Center for General Education Bldg. 1 1/4 Step1/4 hd j i j Take the Japanse Placement Test Step3/4 3/4 u the Japanese Placement Test Step2/4 2/4 s Sign up for i a j Refer to the result of the Placement Test and confirm your level Step4/4 4/4 f j Attend the Orientation Session im gk Ⅳ s gf : k g CLI I@ 4 B7 @ h 3 1 9 2 -- 6 . s u np yg -- 6 . mj c 7 - 05 h 073143 -- 6 . s - 05 h 14. s 7 w @ - 05 7 - 05 h 373441 -- 6 . s 7 @ h s 94 1 8 f e pmrfi Inquiry International Affairs Division Phone . 4 G C ti pg t - - - A E 0G C GC L A Japanese Language Program lecturer / Yoshikawa Phone 4 G C . - -.- I)E P 0 ( L A -- 6 . 7 - 05
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