2016 年 Global Point & K.O. Tournament Guidance 2016/04/02 (国際大会要項 手引き TEBIKI) 正式名 第5回 GLOBAL POINT & K.O. 国際空手道選手権大会 NAME The 5th Global Karate-Do Point & Knock –Out Tournament 1. Basic Concepts (基本理念 KIHONRINEN ) This tournament is a Karate competition on an global scale, in which both Karate men who have made outstanding achievements in Karate Tournaments all over the world and the prize winners of the 30th All-Japan Karate-Do Tournament pit their techniques against each other and cultivate an international exchange of friendship. 全日本大会で入賞した日本国選手と諸外国で活躍してる空手家同士が、国境を超え、国際交流と友好を育 み、技を競い合うためのものとして行われる。 2. Entree Fee (参加費用 SANKA HIYOU ) Overseas fighters(海外の選手)FREE(無料) 3. The Term (海外選手受け入れ期間) 2016 / March / 30th to 2016 / April / 2nd 3/30(Wed) ARRIVAL 3/31(Thu) ORIENTATION 4/1 (Fri) TOURNAMENT FOR CHILDREN 4/2(Sat) GLOBAL POINT & K.O. TOURNAMENT 4/3(Sun) DEPARTURE 4. Teams and Conditions (海外選手公式受け入れ条件 UKEIRE JYOKEN ) About Competitor & Coach ① ② ③ Classification of teams (チーム分けの定義) The number of Competitors for each team. (各グループ参加人数) The teams are classified by nationality (各グループは国別に分けます) Per-team (Country) 2 to 3 competitors. (MAX 3)(各国 2 名~3 名迄) The number of the coach for each team. (各グループ同伴コーチ人数) (Per-Dojo) ONE COACH (各チームコーチ 1 名) Can a non-Japanese competitor living in Japan participate ④ in an international team? (在日選手は、海外チームに参加可能?) YES Can participants of different nationalities, even if they come from the same Dojo、 make two teams? ⑤ (同じ道場でも出身国が異なる場合、2 カ国(2 グループ)として参加可能?) YES (The teams will be divided by nationalities not by DOJO.) (本トーナメントは、国別対抗になります。よって流派は同じ者同士でも参加可能です) (Ours is an international team competition, not a Dojyo one.) Qualifications ① ② ③ ④ Black Belt for KARATEDO (a qualified person) (空手道の黒帯有資格者) The willingness to fight fair with respect for each other on the Bushi-Do spirit. (国際交流として武道精神にのっとり正々堂々と戦える方) Every fighter is supposed to observe the Point & K.O. rules. (POINT&K.O.ルールを厳守し試合を行う事) Every fighter is required to be insured for accidents in Japan. (日本で有効な傷害保険に加入する事) The Costs Not provided ① ② ③ Travel Fee from your country to Narita Airport. (国際交通費) At your own cost. (自己負担) Travel Fee from Narita Airport to return to your country. At your own cost. (国際交通費) Insurance bills or fees of medical treatment for any accident in Japan. (自己負担) At your own cost. (各種保険・医療) (自己負担) The Costs of the contents offered We provide the following services to2013 Global Champion(1) and his coach(1). Travel Fee from your country to Narita Airport. ① ( Round trip / Economy Class/ Champion & Coach) ※Only the champion of the global tournaments under the POINT&K.O. Rules (1) and his coach (1) are provided. Total 2passengers. (チャンピオン&コーチのみ) We provide following services for all accredited international teams. (公式海外選手団) ② Food Expenses (食 費) Accommodations ③ At your own cost. (自己負担) 2016 / March / 30th to 2016 / April / 3rd (5 days and 4 nights)(4 泊 5 日) (宿 泊 施 設 ) March 30th (Wed) ・Arrival to Japan March 30th ① TOYOKO INN HOTEL ASAKUSA SENZOKU To April 2nd ② YMCA Ashia Youth Center YMCA Hotel (Wednthday to Satday) April 3rd ③ Holel MUSTAYS Kameiido ※ It's made self-paying besides our society designation hotel. ・Check out. (Sunday) March 30th March 31th At your own cost. (自己負担) Welcome launch present bye NPO karate Do POINT&K.O Rules Asosciation The hotel where you're staying National Yoyogi Stadium(T he 2nd Gymnasium) Narita ④ ⇔ Tokyo At your own cost. April 2nd (自己負担) THE 稽古 KEIKO Let’s The practice From the National Olympics Memorial Youth April 3rd Center to Narita Airport. *As for other transportations, please arrange individually. (上記以外の交通に関しては、各自でご用意ください。) Other Events The orientation is held on April 26th(Fri) at 14:00 at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center. ⑤ Orientation ※This is mandatory. All teams need to attend this. (4/26 14:00) (オリエンテーションを 4 月 26 日(金)14:00 より、オリンピックセンター にて実施。大会に参加するチームは必ず出席) ⑥ SAYONARA Party On the 28th, after the tournament, we will have a SAYONARA Party. 5. Notes (注意点 ) If your team needs to have a cheerleader, sponsor and other supporting staff, please provide for them on your own. We cannot place or provide support for these additional staff members. (選手団以外 (応援、スポンサー、その他) の方については、当協会は来日のお手伝いは出来かねますので、 各自負担、各自手配でお願いします。) We will not be able to provide you any other services in addition to those introduced above (accommodations, food expenses and transportation) (当協会でご用意しているも以外の旅費、食費については、各自負担でお願いします。) Any participant who received an invitation letter for your VISA from us, please keep your period of stay strictly in mind. Please do not use the VISA for any other purpose such as to work in Japan. (VISAの発行のための招待状を出した国については、期間の厳守と仕事を併用することを固くお断りいたします) 6. About POINT & K.O. Tournament ( PINK & K.O 国際大会について ) All the fights in POINT&K.O. Tournament is officially umpired by qualified referees. ① (POINT&K.O.のルール、公式審判がジャッジをする大会であること) POINT & K.O. Tournament is held by KARATE-DO POINT&KNOCK-OUT RULES ② ASSOCIATION, with President Mr. Katsuaki Sato. (本大会は、認定委員長(理事長 佐藤勝昭)の下で実施される事) POINT & K.O. Tournament is open to any school of Karate. ③ ④ (流派は問わず、オープンであること) No professional fighter is given entry. (アマチュアの試合である事) 7. If you are injured in the tournament. (国際大会時の怪我について ) Without exception, any injury sustained during the tournament is your responsibility. The POINT& KNOCK-OUT RULES ASSOCIATION and your opponent will not take any responsibility for any injury. To ensure compliance, you need to make an oath with us before the tournament. If you are injured during the tournament, we will help you as much as possible. However, we cannot cover any expenses. We will not bear any responsibility for any cost due to injury. You will also be required to take any advice from the tournament doctor during the tournament. The tournament doctor can stop any fight anytime if deemed necessary. Also, when the doctor calls an emergency for an injury, you need to follow any instruction received. 基本条件として、怪我は各自の責任として、当協会、相手選手には一切の迷惑をかけない事を誓約頂きます。 また、不幸にも怪我をした場合は、費用以外の日本でのケア―は出来る限りお手伝いいたします。 大会ドクターからの指示でドクターストップ、救急車出動には、必ず従っていただきます。 8. Request for all (皆様へのお願い) Currently, in Japan a campaign is being carried on for the inclusion of Karate as an event in the Olympic games. In an ardent desire to pass on full-contact Karate, which is the essentials of the Bushido spirit, to the next generation, Katsuaki Sato, (the) Chairman of KARATE-DO POINT&KNOCK-OUT RULES ASSOCIATION, respectfully solicits your cooperation. We do welcome a Karate fighter from every part of the world. 現在、日本では大きく空手をオリンピック競技までに育てるため各団体と協議を詰めております。日本の武 道として、素晴らしいフルコンタクト空手を未来に残すために、理事長である佐藤勝昭は諸外国の皆様にも ご協力を期待しております。 是非とも、多くの選手団の来日をお待ち申し上げています。 9. The KEIKO (practice) Dear Foreign Fighters and the People Concerned: At the good opportunity of the 5th Global Karate Tournament let’s get together and practice the Odoh school of Karate-Do founded by Grand Master Katsuaki Sato which is the source of the Point & K.O. Rules, together with, and under the guidance of, this legend and the founder, with the fervent hope that Karate will grow through the Tokyo Olympic Games to be a still more wonderful and attractive sport. supported by Toshikazu Sato ( Champion of the 8th All-Japan Karate Tournament and Shihan of Shin Kyokusinkai) Nobuyuki Kishi (a Japanse Representative of the 1st Global Karate Tournament and Master of Kishi Karate) sponsored by Karate-Do Point &.K.O. Rules Association Tatsuo Tachizaki (Chief Director of the Rules Association and Assistant Master of Sato-Juku) KEIKO The 稽古(The Practice) Nothing will be a better and more memorable celebration of Grand Master Katsuaki Sato’s 70th birthday than for every devotee and fan of Karate from all over the world to get together and practice this splendid martial arts on the same dojo of the venue of the Global Karate Point & K.O. Rules Tournament. The practice under the guidance of the now 70-years-old Master will let you really feel, not through words but through sweats, that you are all brothers of the love of Karate. Let’s gather on the venue after the Tournament! Date: on April 2, 2016, after the end of the 31st Global Karate Point & K.O. Rules Tournament Venue: The 2nd Gymnasium of the National Yoyogi Stadium Entry Qualification: Karate person in the Karate clothing
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