Journal Club Konstantinos A. Toulis,* Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar,* Ronan Ryan, Tom Marshall, and Karla Hemming Bisphosphonates and Glucose Homeostasis: A Population-Based, Retrospective Cohort Study J Clin Endocrinol Metab, May 2015, 100(5):1933–1940 doi: 10.1210/jc.2014-3481 2015年8月20日 8:30-8:55 8階 医局 埼玉医科大学 総合医療センター 内分泌・糖尿病内科 Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University Sellami Mnif Houda Since 2006: Unexpected functions played by the skeleton in whole-organism physiology the importance of skeleton as an endocrine organ which regulates some metabolic pathways, in particular, insulin signaling and glucose tolerance Ocn-deficient mice show few beta cells, great fat mass, and decreased insulin sensitivity 1-2 The decarboxylation of Ocn is dependent on bone resorption: insulin signaling in OBs favors the differentiation of OCs and the formation of resorption lacunae by inhibiting the expression of OPG . The low pH present within these lacunae promotes the decarboxylation of Ocn and consequently its activation 1- increase GLP-1 secretion 2-, Ocn promotes beta cell proliferation passage of Ocn into circulation 3- Ocn increases insulin sensitivity in liver, muscle, and adipose tissue by upregulation of adiponectin gene expression in adipocytes 1-The osteoblast: an insulin target cell controlling glucose homeostasis. J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Apr;26(4) 2- Skeleton and Glucose Metabolism: A Bone-Pancreas Loop . International Journal of Endocrinology Volume 2015 (2015) -TOC and uOC : lower in patients with diabetes - TOC and uOC : insulin resistance indices. -Bisphosphonates, potent inhibitors of osteoclastic activity: suppress bone turnover (PH increase) and decrease systemic uOC levels T2Diabetes? On the contrary, incident T2DM was found to be modestly lower in individuals treated with alendronate in a retrospective cohort study Objective - to investigate the effect of exposure to bisphosphonates on the risk of incident type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) , Considering the widespread use of bisphosphonates in the treatment of osteoporosis Methods The study is open Cohort Period : from first January 1995 to December 31, 2010 . Inclusion Criteria: 1) Age: 60 years at the index date, 2) No diagnosis of diabetes mellitus at the their index date, 3) More than 1 year of treatment with a bisphosphonate (defined as one or more prescriptions for four consecutive quarters) INDEX DATE 4) remained at their practice at least 1 year after their index date. Duration of exposure calculated from the index date 1 exposed patient up to 4 unexposed (control) matched to cases on gender, age, index date, BMI, Data synthesis 162 447 individuals included 35 998 subjects (22.2%) : exposed to bisphosphonates, 126 459 subjects : unexposed age/ gender/ BMI-, and GP-matched controls -The median follow-up period: approximately 42 month -The primary outcome : new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus -Analyses were performed to detect age, gender, BMI, and medication specific effects . - Adjustment for patient level covariates (age, gender, BMI, presence of hypertension, smoking status, deprivation quintile, steroid treatment) -Covariates selected for relevancy : the presence of hypertension, cardiovascular disease (CVD), smoking status, deprivation quintile, and oral steroid treatment RESULTS: Similar effect whatever BMI/Steroids use - The risk of incident T2DM was significantly lower in those exposed to bisphosphonates compared with controls, independent of the specific agent used -the greater the duration of exposure, the lower the chance of developing diabetes mellitus . - the risk of incident T2DM in the first quartile (1–2.52 y) : significantly higher in those exposed to bisphosphonates . CONCLUSIONS -Patients exposed to bisphosphonates showed a significant 50% lower risk of developing diabetes mellitus compared with matched controls - Results may be related to only duration of exposure. - Hypothesis: This effect may be explained by a favorable change in the uOC / TOC ratio, induced by long-term exposure to bisphosphonates, and promoting insulin sensitivity (after a short first stable period) *. -Ultimately, a relatively higher decrease in TOC (compared with uOC), which would favor insulin sensitivity, might occur after a longer exposure to alendronate treatment - Alternative speculations : the bisphosphonate-induced disruption of prenylation of small-molecular-mass G proteins / the reduction of the proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 and IL-6) / the presence of functional mutations in the receptor of gastric inhibitory polypeptide FURTHER INVESTIOGATIONS * explain the brief increase in the risk of incident T2DM (1–2.5 y * Schafer AL, Sellmeyer DE, Schwartz AV, et al. Change in undercarboxylated osteocalcin is associated with changes in body weight, fat mass, and adiponectin: parathyroid hormone (1– 84) or alendronate therapy in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis (the PaTH study). J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011;96:E1982–E1989 Limitations: 1- The theoretical possibility of differentially increased weight gain in cohort groups 2- Misclassifying patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus as T2DM 3- The potential effects of concomitant medications 4- Suboptimal persistence with osteoporosis medications and the intensity of exposure (dose related effects) were not captured 5- lmportant confounders such as family history of diabetes were not included Message ギリシャの陸軍総合病院の研究グループは、"Journal of clinical endorinology and metabolism"誌で2015年2月19日に報告した。 2型糖尿病のリスクに対するビスホスホネートの効果を検討した。具体的には、1995 年から2010年までの期間で集団を追跡していく研究で、1年以上ビスホスホネートを 使っていた60歳以上の約3万6000人と、年齢、性別、BMI、その他の条件を合わせ たビスホスホネートを使っていない12万6000人強を比較するというものだ。 その結果、2型糖尿病のリスクはビスホスホネートを使っていた人では使っていない 人と比べほぼ半減していると分かった。統計学的にも意味のある差と判定できた。男 性では2割強の減少、女性では半減、肥満の人でも半減、ステロイドを使っている人 でも半減と一貫した結果が出てきた。 スタチンなどの投薬による交絡因子を否定しきれない後ろ向き研究ですが、ビスホス ホネートの服用期間と糖尿病のリスク低下が関連していることや「リスク半減」という 大きな効果を考えると、メカニズムは別として、ビスホスホネート服用で2型糖尿病リ スクが低下するのは本当かも知れません。 Journal Club Kramer CK, Zinman B, Choi H, Connelly PW, Retnakaran R The Impact of Chronic Liraglutide Therapy on Glucagon Secretion in Type 2 Diabetes: Insight from the LIBRA Trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Jul 31:jc20152725. 2015年8月20日 8:30-8:55 8階 医局 埼玉医科大学 総合医療センター 内分泌・糖尿病内科 Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University 松田 昌文 Matsuda, Masafumi 63 participants stopped taking all antidiabetic medications and completed an overnight fast before undergoing a 2-h 75-g OGTT the next morning. After OGTT, they began a 4-week course of multiple daily insulin injection therapy comprising basal insulin detemir and premeal insulin aspart, with starting total daily doses of 0.2–0.4 units/kg consisting of 60% bolus and 40% basal insulin. Study medication (liraglutide or placebo) was administered by daily subcutaneous injection in the morning and titrated over a 3-week period from 0.6 mg daily (first week) to 1.2 mg daily (second week) to 1.8 mg daily (third week), with the third-week dose maintained for the 48-week treatment period. At 48 weeks, all participants stopped their study medication before undergoing a washout OGTT 2 weeks later to evaluate for persistence of effects. Retnakaran R, Kramer CK, Choi H, Swaminathan B, Zinman B.: Liraglutide and the preservation of pancreatic β-cell function in early type 2 diabetes: the LIBRA trial. Diabetes Care. 2014 Dec;37(12):3270-8. doi: 10.2337/dc14-0893. Kramer CK, Zinman B, Choi H, Connelly PW, Retnakaran R.: The Impact of Chronic Liraglutide Therapy on Glucagon Secretion in Type 2 Diabetes: Insight from the LIBRA Trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Jul 31:jc20152725. Context: In patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), impaired suppression of postprandial glucagonemia is a metabolic defect that contributes to hyperglycemia. Treatment with a glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist can reduce hyperglucagonemia in the acute setting, but little is known about the durability of this effect with long-term treatment. Objective: To evaluate the impact of chronic liraglutide therapy on glucagon regulation in early T2DM. Design/Setting/Participants/Intervention: In this double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, 51 patients with T2DM of 2.6 ±1.9 years duration were randomized to either daily subcutaneous liraglutide or placebo injection and followed for 48-weeks, with serial assessment of the glucose, insulin, C-peptide, and glucagon responses to a 75g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) every 12 weeks. Main Outcome Measures: Glucagon response was assessed with the incremental area-under-the-glucagon-curve (iAUCglucagon) from measurements at 0-, 30-, 60-, 90- and 120-minutes on each OGTT. Each OGTT was performed in the morning after overnight fast, with the study medication was on the morning of the test, such that the last dose was administered24 hours earlier. During each OGTT, venous blood samples were drawn for measurement of insulin, Cpeptide, and glucose at fasting and at 10-, 20-, 30-, 60-, 90- and 120-minutes following ingestion of the 75g glucose load. Specific insulin was measured with Roche Elecsys1010 immunoassay analyzer and electrochemiluminescence immunoassay kit, and Cpeptide was measured with Roche Modular system and electrochemiluminescence immunoassay kit (Roche Diagnostics, Laval, Canada). Serum glucagon was measured from samples at fasting and 30-. 60-, 90- and 120minutes on eachOGTT by manual enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN). The samples were collected in chilled tubes with aprotinin and kept on ice before immediate storage at -80C. All samples from a given participant were run in the same assay. The assay has no significant cross reactivity with gastric inhibitory polypeptide, GLP-1, GLP-2, and glicentin-related polypeptide, and < 12% cross-reactivity with oxyntomodulin. The assay has a detection limit of 14.7 pg/ml and analytical range 31.3–2000 pg/ml. The interassay coefficient of variation (CV) was 11.22% at low concentration (QC1) and 12.61% at high concentration (QC2). The intraassay CV was 9.76% for QC1 and 9.72% for QC2. Whole-body insulin sensitivity was measured by Matsuda index (16) and hepatic insulin resistance was assessed by Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA-IR) (17). β-cell function was assessed with the Insulin Secretion-Sensitivity Index-2 (ISSI-2), a validated OGTT-derived measure of β-cell function that is analogous to the disposition index obtained from the intravenous (IV) glucose tolerance test (18, 19). A secondary measure of β-cell function was ISR0–120/gluc0–120 × Matsuda index (where ISR is the prehepatic Little or no cross-reactivity The Mercodia Glucagon ELISA shows very low or no cross-reactivity to the peptides oxyntomodulin, glicentin, mini-glucagon, GLP-1, GLP-2 and GRPP. Know What You Measure – Why measuring glucagon has been a challenge in the past In pancreatic alpha cells, the processing of pro-glucagon results in expression of GRPP, glucagon and major proglucagon fragment. In endocrine cells in the intestine, pro-glucagon is processed to GLP-1, GLP-2, glicentin and oxyntomodulin (see figure 1). Since all these peptides are derived from pro-glucagon, constructing specific antibodies against glucagon is a great challenge. Because of this, the majority of the commercially available immunoassays for glucagon have cross-reactivity to glicentin. The level of glicentin in plasma is often many times higher than that of glucagon (see figure 2) and the levels are not correlated, thus causing great problems with accuracy. Mercodia Glucagon ELISA Kitでは glucagonに加えてかなりの量のGlicentin(1-61)が測定されている。 画像のようにglicentin(1-69)が本来のglicentinでMercodiaのキットでも区別できます。しかしglucagonのC末端と Glicentin(1-61)のC末端が同じ構造になることが問題のようで、Glicentin(1-61)がglucagonとして測定されてしまうよう です。これはMercodiaのキットの抗体の性能が悪い(Dr.北村)。 保険適用のキット 抗グルカゴンウサギ血清(ウサギポリクローナル抗体) Euro-Diagnostica AB 当科のプロインスリン研究で用いているキット Guinea Pig anti-Glucagon Serum Mercodia Glucagon ELISA is a solid phase two-site enzyme immunoassay based on the sandwich technique, in which two monoclonal antibodies are directed against separate antigenic determinants on the glucagon molecule. Glucagon Quantikine ELISA Kit monoclonal antibody against Glucagon. Glucagon Microplate a monoclonal antibody against Glucagon conjugated to horseradish peroxidase with preservatives. Glucagon Conjugate SPECIFICITY This assay recognizes natural Glucagon. The factors listed below were prepared at 50 ng/mL in Calibrator Diluent and assayed for cross-reactivity. Preparations of the following factors at 50 ng/mL in a mid-range Glucagon control were assayed for interference. No significant cross-reactivity or interference was observed. Natural proteins: Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide Glucagon-like Peptide 1 Glucagon-like Peptide 2 Glicentin-related Polypeptide Oxyntomodulin cross-reacts < 12% in this assay. Figure 1. Changes over time in (Panel A) insulin response and (Panel B) C-peptide response to 75g OGTT at randomization, 12-weeks, 24-weeks, 36-weeks and 48-weeks in the liraglutide (black square) and placebo (open circle) arms. Means ± SEM are shown. Figure 1. Changes over time in (Panel A) insulin response and (Panel B) C-peptide response to 75g OGTT at randomization, 12-weeks, 24-weeks, 36-weeks and 48-weeks in the liraglutide (black square) and placebo (open circle) arms. Means ± SEM are shown. Figure 2. Changes over time in (Panel A) glucose response and (Panel B) glucagon response to 75g OGTT at randomization, 12-weeks, 24-weeks, 36-weeks and 48-weeks in the liraglutide (black square) and placebo (open circle) arms. Means ± SEM are shown. Figure 2. Changes over time in (Panel A) glucose response and (Panel B) glucagon response to 75g OGTT at randomization, 12-weeks, 24-weeks, 36-weeks and 48-weeks in the liraglutide (black square) and placebo (open circle) arms. Means ± SEM are shown. Figure 3. Changes over time in glucagon response to glycemia as measured by the incremental increase in glucagon per incremental increase in blood glucose in response to 75g OGTT at randomization, 12-weeks, 24-weeks, 36-weeks and 48-weeks in the liraglutide (black square) and placebo (open circle) arms. Means ± SEM are shown. P for linear trend RESULTS: As expected, compared to placebo, liraglutide induced a robust enhancement of the post-challenge insulin and Cpeptide response at each of 12-, 24-, 36- and 48-weeks, with a concomitant reduction in glycemic excursion. However, liraglutide also induced a paradoxical increase in postchallenge glucagonemia that first emerged at 12-weeks and persisted over the 48-week treatment period. Indeed, baseline-adjusted iAUCglucagon was significantly higher in the liraglutide group as compared to placebo at 12-weeks (170.2±34.9 vs 65.4±36.4 pg/ml*2h, P=0.04), 36-weeks (162.2±27.9 vs 55.7±30.4 pg/ml*2h, P=0.01), and 48weeks (155.5±26.5 vs. 45.7±27.0 pg/ml*2h, P=0.006). Conclusion: In contrast to its acute glucagon-lowering effect, chronic treatment with liraglutide is associated with increased post-challenge hyperglucagonemia in patients with early T2DM. Message リラグルチドかプラセボの投与後、48週間のフォローアップ、糖負荷試験後のグルカ ゴン値はリラグルチド群でプラセボより高値となる。 ・空腹時のグルカゴン値はブラセボと同等か低値 ・糖負荷後のグルカゴン値はプラセボより増強される。 ・グルカゴンのピークはプラセボより遅れる ヒトのグルカゴン受容体不活化変異は、α細胞のhyperplasia と高グルカゴン血症を もたらす。 リラグルチドによる長期のグルカゴン低下効果が、α細胞のcompensation と糖負荷試 験のグルカゴン過剰反応を起こしているかもしれない。 空腹時のグルカゴン抑制は維持されるが、糖負荷後のグルカゴン抑制はリラグルチド 投与12週より失われている。 空腹時と糖負荷後のグルカゴン分泌の決定要素は異なるようだ。食事負荷 (mixed meal) での評価が必要。 長期のGLP-1受容体作動薬に対するα細胞と膵島の反応をさらに明らかにする必要があ る。
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