Development and validation of a high-sensitivity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for specific measurement of glucagon Mattias Gäreskog, Annika Carlsson, Maria Schwanbeck, Eleni Karamihos, Carolina Gäredal, Lisa Grufman, Hanna Ritzén, Magnus Simonsson, Eva Ludvigsen and Robert Gunnarsson Research and Development, Mercodia AB, Uppsala, Sweden. CONCLUSION The novel ELISA is sensitive and highly specific for glucagon, with no need for sample extraction. AIM The correlation between glucagon and glicentin in Sprague Dawley rats is weak. Our aim was to develop a highly sensitive ELISA for specific measurement of glucagon. Different methods of sample preservation and extraction were also investigated. Specific measurement of glucagon assists in further understanding the physiological function of this peptide. HSQGTFTSDYSKYLDSRRAQDFVQWLMNT Oxyntomodulin HSQGTFTSDYSKYLDSRRAQDFVQWLMNTKRNRNNIA Glicentin, human RSLQDTEE KSRSFSAS QADPLSDP DQMNEDKR HSQGTFTSDYSKYLDSRRAQDFVQWLMNTKRNRNNIA Glicentin, mouse HALQDTEE NPRSFPAS QTEAHEDP DEMNEDKR HSQGTFTSDYSKYLDSRRAQDFVQWLMNTKRNRNNIA 1 = serum 2 = EDTA 3 = EDTA + aprotinin 4 = EDTA + protease + esterase + DPP-4 inhibitor (p800) 5 = EDTA + DPP-4 inhibitor (p700) Proglucagon 1-61 GLP-1 IP-2 GLP-2 Glicentin Oxyntomodulin Proglucagon 1-61 POSTTRANSLATIONAL PROCESSING M5F9S Y L-intestinal cells E6A11K Y L2B4G Brain IP-1 Glucagon levels The glucagon concentration range was 5.1 – 26.9 pmol/L in 10 non-fasted rat samples and 4.9 – 22.2 pmol/L in 10 fasted rat samples. For mouse samples, the glucagon range was 5.5 – 23.4 pmol/L in 10 non-fasted mouse samples and 3.3-13.1 pmol/L in 10 fasted mouse samples. 1st screening Glucagon Glicentin (pmol/L) 5.2 ± 0.9 39 ± 5.1 5.1 ± 7.1 46 ± 5.5 4.4 ± 1.0 6.4 ± 1.2* – 47 ± 5.6 56 ± 7.1* – 2nd screening Glucagon Glicentin (pmol/L) – – 9.9 ± 2.1* 65 ± 14.8* 20 20 0 0 – 15 ± 3.2 15 ± 3.0 S-‐1 S-‐1 S-‐2 S-‐2 E-mail [email protected] [email protected] S-‐4 S-‐4 8080 S-‐5 S-‐5 72 ± 16.7 73 ± 16.2 S-‐7 S-‐7 S-‐8 S-‐8 S-‐9 S-‐9 S-‐10 S-‐11 S-‐12 S-‐13 S-‐14 S-‐15 S-‐16 S-‐17 S-‐18 S-‐19 S-‐20 S-‐10 S-‐11 S-‐12 S-‐13 S-‐14 S-‐15 S-‐16 S-‐17 S-‐18 S-‐19 S-‐20 4040 S-‐1 S-‐2 S-‐3 S-‐4 S-‐5 S-‐6 S-‐7 S-‐8 S-‐9 S-‐10 S-‐11 S-‐12 S-‐13 S-‐14 S-‐15 S-‐16 S-‐17 S-‐18 S-‐19 S-‐20 Sample ID Figure 1. Glicentin and glucagon in EDTA samples from Sprague Dawley rats. 140 140 p<0.05, ANOVA (n=8). Extraction Extraction by acetonitril may be used to concentrate samples, but extraction is not needed for specific capture of glucagon in this assay. S-‐6 S-‐6 00 * p<0.05, ANOVA (n=10). Glicen8n 60 2020 1st screening p800 tubes were the most stable method of sample preservation. 2nd screening p700 and p800 showed similar stability in sample preservation. Glucagon 60 – * Specificity Oxyntomodulin (human/rat/mouse) 4% Glicentin (human) 0.8% Mini-glucagon (a.a. 19-29) <0.1% GLP-1 <0.3% GLP-2 <0.3% GRPP <0.0005% S-‐3 S-‐3 100 100 S-17 EDTA + aprotinin p800 p700 40 40 S-16 A recovery between 80% and 120% is generally deemed to be acceptable to confirm selectivity and linearity of a method. Sample types Serum EDTA 120 120 S-15 Recovery Upon addition 96-101% (Mean 98%) Upon dilution 81-96% (Mean 86%) Sample types 60 60 S-14 Detection limit Detection limit is 1 pmol/L Glucagon Glucagon Glucagon Glicen8n Glicen8n Glicentin 140 140 S-13 RESULTS 80 80 S-12 Concentra)on Concentra)on (pmol/L) (pmol/L) 100 100 S-11 GLP-2 S-4 Proglucagon 1-61 GLICENTIN Mercodia Rat Glicentin ELISA: L2B4G Coated plate (Capture Ab) RG-OC5 HRP-Conjugate (Detection Ab) Mercodia120 Glucagon ELISA: M5F9S 120 Coated plate (Capture Ab) E6A11K HRP-Conjugate (Detection Ab) S-3 Glucagon GLP-1 S-2 GRPP MPGF Or visit: GLP-1(7-36)AMIDE GLP-1(7-37) S-1 GLP-2 Oxyntomodulin Concentra)on (pmol/L) GLP-1 Glucagon IP-1 140 140 Concentration (pmol/L) Pancreatic alpha cells Glicentin y=3.9268x + 7.0135 R2=0.36293 120 120 100 100 y = 3,9268x + 7,0135 R² = 0,36293 80 80 Glicen'n (pmol/L) Glucagon Glucagon IP-1 GLUCAGON RG-OC5 Glicentin (pmol/L) GRPP GRPP 5 Sample extraction using acetonitril was also evaluated. Want to know more? Scan here: S-10 Glucagon IP-1 S-9 GRPP S-8 Proglucagon 4 S-20 GLP-2 3 S-19 IP-2 2 S-18 GLP-1 S-7 Glucagon IP-1 S-6 GRPP S-5 PS HAPQDTEE NARSFPAS QTEPLEDP DQINEDKR HSQGTFTSDYSKYLDSRRAQDFVQWLMNTKRNRNNIA Y Preproglucagon 1 Y Glicentin, rat Glucagon and glicentin preservation was examined in five different sample types: Serum Glucagon p700 Monoclonal antibodies against mammalian glucagon were generated in mice. A solid phase two-site enzyme immunoassay was developed, using a N-terminal anti-glucagon clone for capture and a peroxidase-conjugated C-terminal clone for detection. Calibrators were prepared from synthetic glucagon calibrated against WHO 1st International reference preparation 69/194. Specificity was evaluated against oxyntomodulin and glicentin. Selectivity and linearity were evaluated by recovery studies. Glucagon and glicentin, in samples from Sprague Dawley rats, were measured in the Mercodia Glucagon ELISA and Mercodia Rat Glicentin ELISA (under development) that does not cross-react with glucagon. p800 Until today, it has been difficult to specifically measure glucagon in rat and mouse samples because of its shared sequence with the proglucagon-derived intestinal peptides glicentin and oxyntomodulin, found in blood. There is a need for a specific and robust glucagon assay that does not require labor-intense procedures of extraction. Our aim was to develop and validate a highly sensitive ELISA using a low sample volume, for specific measurement of glucagon. Different methods of sample preservation and extraction were investigated. EDTA + aprotinin METHODS EDTA BACKGROUND 60 60 40 40 20 20 00 0 0 5 5 10 10 15 15 Glucagon (pmol/L) 20 20 Glucagon (pmol/L) Figure 2. Correlation of glucagon and rat glicentin. 25 25 30 30
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