Title Studies on the Roles of Folate and Betaine in the Metabolism of Homocysteine( 本文(FULLTEXT) ) Author(s) 劉, 穎 Report No.(Doctoral Degree) 博士(農学) 甲第577号 Issue Date 2012-03-13 Type 博士論文 Version publisher URL http://repository.lib.gifu-u.ac.jp/handle/123456789/42963 ※この資料の著作権は、各資料の著者・学協会・出版社等に帰属します。 studies on Metabolism (*t->x51J1 in the of Folate and Betaine of IIomocysteine the Roles >f%#8=B8J8*#tJ<9Jf VL Bgla >0@5g 8f9%) 2011 The United School Graduate Gifu Science of of Agricultural University BiologicalResources (Shizuoka University) LIU YING Science, ABBREVIATI ONS casein diet 10C lO% 10CCD choline-deprived 10CFD folati-deprived1 0C 20C 20% 20CCDFD choline 20CFD folate-deprived 25S 25% 25SCD choline-deprived BHMT betaine-homocy CBS cystathiomine I)MG N, N- dimethyl glycine PC pho sphatidylcholine PE phosphatidylethanol MS methionine SAH S-adenosylhomocy SAM S-adenosylmethionine 5-MTHF 5 VLDL very low - 10C casein diet and folate-deprived e 20C protein diet -soybean m 20C 25 S steine S-methyltransferase P-synthase amine synthase steine thy 1tetrahy drofol ate density lipoprotein CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL CHAPTER INTRODUCTION I of Betaine Effects Folate on I I.2 Matgrialsand 1.3 Results Deficiency in rats 14 Method 17 I.3.1 Effect of betaine supplementation I.3.2 Effect of choline and (experiment 1) (experiment 2) folate deprivation 17 24 28 Discussion Effects 2.1 Choline 10 Introduction Supplementation of Dietary with folate Hyperhomocysteinemia Deficiency-induced Choline on 34 in rats Introduction 2.2 Matirials 2.3 Results 2.3.I Effect and on deprivation 2.3.2 Effect on deprivation 2.4 Method hyperhomocysteinemia of 10C induced by choline 41 (experiment 1) hyperhomocysteinemia induced by choline 48 (experiment 2) of 25S 52 Discussion 56 CONCLUSION AcKNOWLED and Hyperhomocysteinemia Deficiency-induced 1.1 1.4 CHAPTER Supplementation 59 GMENTS 60 REFERRENCES 3 GENERAL INTRODUCTION is Homocysteine differing cysteine, has been plasma 1% total, only disulfides. by to 2% disulfides, occurs defined as of the total is bound hyperhomocysteinemia increases Homocysteine NADH/NADPH with auto-oxidized hydrogen that potentially affecting of LDL promote metal directly degrade (low events cardiovascular and density may Decreased decrease NO in the vascular oxygen the expression bioavailability the pfoliferation was of vascular 4 including though LDL that (1) superoxide shown has many induce may (NO). as such has also been NO atherosclerosis synthase to be enhances and predictive to produce muscle to characteristic Homocysteine shown also shown smooth an wall via of endothelial has been It is mechanisms: species (8-10). (3) Homocysteine factor, nitric oxide a (7). (2) Homocysteine dysfunction This process (ll-13). (4) Homocysteine stimulate by duplicate , lipoprotein). Oxidized relaxing be It has been process reactive and hydroxylradical. disease, vascular (1 3-6). production ions, generating atherogenesis which NO. anion is (1). might disease leads to endothelial which endothelia1-derived lipid peroxidation dysfunction trace peroxide oxidation atherosclerotic superoxide oxidase, Alzheimer's and innuences peripheral and protein forms: blood. (>100uM) that hyperhomocysteinemia suggested stroke, dementia in human severe and with of other mixed amounts level of homocysteine (30-100pM) bonds of Hyperhomocysteinemia (2). disulfide is the form disulfide minor Of this (1). in non-protein-bound more and acid levels in 98% remaining through disulfide, risk factor for cardiovascular atherosclerotic, The to protein of the amino individuals in healthy occurs high a moderate have of studies number by characterized homologue a total homocysteine the remainder whereas (15-30pM), mild independent by The e.g., homocysteine-cysteinylglycine condition promote group. the thiol homocysteine. as 75% It is of 5-15uM to be in the range homocysteine-cygteine medical anion, methylene additional in albumin, mainly homocysteine, an acid. amino sulfur-containing reported Perhaps cysteines, A a of endothelial cells and other cells. the formatioh It is also increased in vessel sclerotic process is Homocysteine by two metabolized a walls physiological, clinical and instance, such Furthern10re, are synthase (1,3,4). We also have induces of the deficient due hyperhomocysteinemia A number human been hyperhomocysteinemic betaine is based concentration betaine-BHMT administration on and reported animal BHMT dietary or have also have and supplementation (18). deficiency, due to betaine are number reported 5 of choline, (20). to suppress effect of betaine (23-27). The hepatic homocysteine of studies the aim in in increases folate with with a by also required effects of betaine there by stimulates a is of homocysteine-metabolizing the compound been such deficiency be easily prevented treatments also been B-6 vitamin that deprivation demonstrated can vitamins some since folate and activity and mutations The (21, 22). (28) affect the of homocysteine-lowing the plasma by which activity There defects models the mechanism system. or to genetic on (MS) deficiencies but other For leads to hyperhomocysteinemia hyperhomocysteinemia vitamins, of studies have subjects cause by vitamin caused deficiency hyperhomocysteinemia, of methionine activity B-6 nutritional concentration. that deficiencies shown co-factors Hyperhomocysteinemia enzymes. has been and leads to hyperhomocysteinemia of homocysteine vitamin compound, administration (MTHFR) B- 12 and factor of the CBS vitamin-like reports nutritiona1, (CBS) Cystathionine-P-synthase to pathway genetic, hyperhomocysteinemia, cause may which dues including homocysteine plasma reductase -to methionine, Several folate, vitamin B-12 on Plasma (Fig. 1). these factors, genetic metabolism of homocystinura error factors (1,3,4). Of innuence in homocysteine affect the transsulfuration vitamin a greater of homocysteine inborn an (19). co a the promote It is normally (17). transsulfuration and by various 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate as which as defects genetic remethylation And to have thought are or activate metabolism of methionine lifestyle factors may (14-16). other tissues is affected which matrix, i.e. remethylation pathways, concentration and intermediate normal homocysteine factors of extracellular on efficacy of betaine removal the effect of of decreasing plasma by the homocysteine by which mechanism yet been not in humans concentration homocysteine but closely connected with the MS a affect the BHMT pathway. increased significantly roles and a In fact, it has been is currently between relationship pathway is DMG available the BHMT is not Thus we which might was concentration deficiency, B-12 reported in the DMG of DMG, serum but not by vitamin litter information compensatory that are (38,39). of BHMT consumption reported (37). to pathways participate acceptor inhibitor is catalyzed It has been (DMG). methy1-group an two that the BHMT suggested decreased cause might by folate deficiency' subjects(40,41). However, specific as but also reaction that folate deficiency The pathway. N, N-dimethylglycine N-methylglycine and The paid attention we folate, since tetrahydrofolate requires betaine. or Recently, the MS investigations through pathway of the BHMT product Some related. system of DMG assumed has methionine the latter reaction and (BHMT). and pathway to generate (5-MTHF) (MS) synthase synthase the BHMT that the betaine-BHMT metabolism by methionine S-methionine between separately is remethylated homocysteine pathway' is catalyzed the relationship only the of homocysteine the concentration reduces of either 5-methyltetrahydrofolate group reaction by betaine (29-36). However, models clarified. the methyl former animal folate supplementation In the remethylation using and that the concerning pathway in human and the MS pathway. Therefore, metabolism in the present of homocysteine. supplementation and For this purpose, deficiency choline hyperhomocysteinemia to determine hyperhomocysteinemia could system. of betaine Since investigated we study, effect of dietary anticipated be suppressed with in the the effects of betaine folate deficiency-induced by betaine the hepatic through hyperhomocysteinemia to differ depending supplementation firstly investigated betaine folate deficiency-induced whether folate deficiency-induced were on we the roles of folate and on betaine dietary at a high 6 and casein level the supplemental level, (1%) betaine-BHMT we investigated in rats fed effect the low folate-deprived (10%) the effects of dietary hyperhomocysteinemia betaine-BHMT folate status. and 25% soybean investigated induced source deprivation (25S) hyperhomocysteinemia of Cl units for 5-MTHF secondly of low methionine in obvious supplementation in rats fed 10C with and (42). 7 25S investigated deprivation-induced choline pathway hyperhomocysteinemia diet resulted the effects of dietary on we the other remethylation whether impaired-induced choline diets. Then casein folate with to determine protein (20%) standard supplementation pathway) Since and 10% as on diet with choline or casein (10C) (20),we hyperhomocysteinemia folate by be suppressed could diet such (the deprivation- without serine, a main { Homocysteine cBSr Ser Cystathionine i cy/steine GSH + Tau,,ine Fig. I Metabolism of methionine s-methyltransferase (EC N-dimethylglycine; FA, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate S-adenosylhomocysteine; serine ; THE, and 2. l. 1.5); CBS, folic acid; MS, ; PC, SAM, homocysteine. cystathionine methionine phosphatidylcholine S-adenosylmethionine; tetrahydrofolate. 8 i.2_ BHMT, betaine-homocysteine b-synthase synthase ; PE, (EC (EC 4.2. 1.22); DMG, N, 2. 1. 1. 13); 5-MTHF, phosphatidylethanolamine Sar, sarcosine ; SAH, (N-methlglycine) ; Ser, I CHAPTER Effects of Betaine Supplementation Deficiency-induced and Choline Hyperhomocysteinemia 9 Deficiency in rats on Folate Introduction l.1 is Homocysteine number be two (MS) synthase (BHMT). the transsulfuration pathway, homocysteine and deprivation of choline, deficiency to suppress The efficacy effect of betaine hepatic removal in hyperhomocysteinemic betaine concentration by the betaine-BHMT on and in human animal the mechanism BHMT activity system. 10 number as folate, models by which and (1,3,4).Furthermore, deficiencies but other treatments defects or of studies mutations due been have also been reported are be also of (21,22). reported stimulates The (23-27). increases the compound thereby can to the plasma on have subjects (28) these plasma hyperhomocysteinemia by vitamin vitamins, a on such vitamins factors co to genetic of (1,3,4). Of since these vitamins caused due factors innuence of certain of the out cysteine by various greater also induces Results enzymes. is based a enzyme of the deficient hyperhomocysteinemia of betaine as compound, administration homocysteine-lowering effects of betaine of homocysteine by the first step of toward lifestyle factors hyperhomocysteinemia, cause of either is catalyzed catalyzes is affected deficiencies group pathway, by betaine-homocysteine flows to have Hyperhomocysteinemia homocysteine-metabolizing reaction is catalyzed thought are vitamin-like (20). by easily prevented a former clinical and For instance, B- 12 in the metabolism the methyl concentration factors nutritional vitamin and using sulfur of methionine homocysteine concentration. B-6 participate required by which has In the remethylation (CBS) Cystathionine-P-synthase nutritiona1, physiological, genetic, factors, genetic betaine Plasma cycle. The a concentration (1,3,4). Homocysteine disease methionine betaine. or homocysteine transsulfuration. and (17) (Fig. 1. 1),but metabolism plasma the latter reaction and s-methyltransferase methionine elevated to generate (5-MTHF) 5-methyltetrahydrofolate methionine of methionine risk factor for cardiovascular is remethylated homocysteine vitamin an rates, i.e.,remethylation metabolic including that suggested independent an intern1ediate normal have of studies might a homocysteine BHMT THF 5-MT-HF SAM Betaine + + 5-MTHF T:cH.F Choline + PC.+ cH3-:]^[Pi sfH THF+ T +/ Diet FA+Diet Homocysteine Serine i CBS Cystathionine + G[utathione Fig. l.I Metabolism of methionine S-methyltransferase (EC N-dimethylglycine., FA, and 2. 1. l.5)., CBS, folic acid; MS, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate; PC, S-adenosylhomocysteine; SAM, THF, Cysteine ++ + ,+ Taurine, homocysteine. BHMT, cystathionine b-synthase methionine phosphatidylcholine; S-adenosylmethionine; tetrahydrofolate. ll synthase PE, SO42- betaine-homocysteine (EC (EC 4.2. 1.22); DMG, N, 2. 1. l. 13);5-MTHF, phosphatidylethanolamine; Sar, sarcosine SAH, (N-methlglycine) ; one of the representative folate deficiency hyperhomocysteinemia homocysteine due to decrease a to duplicate decreasel a in hepatic of CBS activator by due However, (45). decrease the betaine-BHMT system, of the 5-MTHF-MS system issue appears (DMG) to be folate, since requires deficiency might deficiency, increased by DMG on DMG In the present study, the function investigated increased Of inhibitor an of BHMT et al. (48) renal failure patients these findings, they postulated that folate deficiency might However, system. and investigated hyperhomocysteinemia of the hep?tic not the effect of dietary only l2 status whether system. with DMG serum B-12 DMG was a significant BHMT activity due to renal failure the 5-MTHF-MS on system the significance hyperhomocysteinemia. determine supplementation a only In fact, in chronic the effect of betaine betaine-BfMT is not total homocysteine plasma there is little information to that folate that there that reduced in folate deficiency-induced system that plasma reported and impair (46,47). but not by vitamin to hyperhomocysteinemia contribute we (38,39). by folate deficiency, McGregor the capacity of N,N-dimethylglycine interest is that DMG concentration concentration deficiency-induced impairs but also than (37), suggesting acceptor DMG might suggests in the metabolism pathway. plasma but also the betaine-BHMT of hepatic thgBHMT in.chronic between Based This patients. methyl-group subjects(40,41). correlation inhibition a significantly was concentration. as by be fully compensated the fact that the betaine-BHMT participates an folate activities in the liver of rats their enzyme at least in part by solved reaction in human concentration positive judging from is which of why to be greater is thought of which of transsulfuration (SAM), cannot metabolism a induces (2) decreased and is remethylation raise the question explanations the capacity also affect was concentration concentration of S-adenosylmethionine these tetrahydrofolate of the BHMT product (1,43):(1) disturbed in homocysteine N-methylglycine and in 5-MTfiF in rodents models that folate deficiency thought mechanisms concentration deficiency-induced This It has been (43,44). model hyperhomocysteinemia experimental For betaine on folate folate deficiency this purpose, at a high level actually we (1%) in rats low fed folate-deprived we investigated folate-deprived (10%) and standard the effect of choline standard casein diets (20%) deprivation casein (experiment 1). in rats fed folate-sufficient (experiment 2). 13 diets and In addition, I.2 Materials Method and 1.2.I Chemicals Betaine folic acid and succinylsulfathiazole were chemicals were were was ingredients of the diet 1.2.2 Animals and Six-week-old Japan). in room isolated an Lighting was and 25% a rats They kept a were 12:h were two separate (10CFD), 10CFD (20C), folate-deprived 20C (20CFD), and 572.26; cornstarch, mixture mg/g), was casein folate-free four consisted 200, sucrose, corn succinylsulfathiazo16, raised lactose diet groups: to 200 was 20C, g/kg used. + Yeast were obtained from from mixture (Tokyo). humidity and to 19:00 six diet groups: betaine 1% + ingredients at the expense In experiment 20C of cornstarch. 2, rats were (20CCD), 14 20CFD, assigned and conducted. In 10% diet casein diet casein of the casein, 100; (33.3 vitamin-free In folate-deprived randomly to water folate containing In 20C, starting 35; vitamin (AIN-93G), 20. powder, cages access One (g/kg):vitamin-free bitartrate, 2.5; lactose cellulose 20% (20CFDB). mixture Before free were (10CFDB), wire SLC (40-60%). h). given experiments betaine Japan stainless-steel 07:00 animal oil, 50; mineral lO; and choline-deprived (23-25oC) 1% 20CFD of the following (AIN-93, folate-free),10., choline 0.24; Oriental in hanging to the following assigned lOC (lOC) vitamin from to the facility for 5 d and acclimated folate-deprived diets housed (lightson cycle randomly strain temperature (10C), control and Wako. the Wistar individually diet. In this study, 1, rats experiment were on all rats casein Sigma-Aldrich or (AIN-93G), mixture purchased from (l20-140 g) of at a controlled maintained the experiments, were purchased (Osaka, Japan) mineral All other (Irvine,Cal). diets male (Hamamatsu, Chemical powder were Biomedicals casein, cellulose (St.Louis, Mo). Sigma-Aldrich MP Pure Vitamin-free (AIN-93, folate-free),and Other Wako from grade. of analytical from purchased purchased from purchased diets, to the following choline-deprived and folate-deprived and 20C increased. was cornstarch by intestinal bacteria and 20CCD) to according folate at contained a to the experimental.diets access 10:00 did not affect lasting treatment was study were 1.2.3 Tissue Blood blood, the whole cut into two ice-cold The was liver One containing at 4oC. The rinsed frozen of the liver portion acid solution betaine, in 4 volumes KCl, between (50). Use This the animals and of Laboratory concentration, w'as lipids extracted an was and by the method a 10 mM sodium to enzyme et al. 15 phosphate centrifuged assays. of the liver homogenate (51). other (vo1/wt) of g for 10 min x buffer for (pH 7.4) at 14,000 lyophilized, at of the liver portion For the assay was of until -80oC subjected The x filter paper, to assays was serine. was on at stored at lO,000 then centrifuged homogenate of Folch and at 2,000 collection in 4 volumes homogenized and After saline, blotted in ice-cold subjected aliquot for analysis. liver homogenate (vo1/wt) of by centrifugation in liquid nitrogen, dimethylglycine the resulting and supernatant triglyceride were given that dietary shown and blood whole until needed of the deproteinized metabolites, 0. 15 M at -30oC quickly trichloroacetic homogenized were University, for the Care 20C, to make in humans of Shizuoka heparinized quickly removed, weighed, supernatant methionine from stored was portions, 0.3 M (10C, fractionation and separated and for analysis. needed min was at 4oC Committee diets killed by decapitation and concentration the "Guidelines with folate synthesis University. collection plasma g for 15 min was in accordance of Shizuoka Animals" homocysteine Use vitamin-free Rats (49). report omitted was level of AIN-93, since it has been deprivation, plasma by the Animal approved maintained 4oC. prior food 1 l:00 h without and for 4 wk water and four-fold a to a previous according and Folate-sufficient (49). report level of 8 mg/kg, a clear the effect of folate deficiency free previous mixture vitamin in the diet to suppress included was succinylsulfathiazole casein, antibiotic to folate-free In addition bitartrate diets, choline In choline-deprived (20CCDFD). x g for 10 of hepatic and total 1.2.4 Biochemical analysis The concentrations cysteine in the plasma The (52). liver and concentration deproteinized and in the liver (DMG) The activity of BI-IMT was used in the assay assav I of the reaction triglyceride E-Test (60) was bovine using The Wako). serum in the liver protein as albumin was concentration a standard. mean j= (55) a using (Model Huang et a1. (56). (58), but HPLC was (59). et a1. The (55). et a1. kit commercial measured by et al. (57), but HPLC Laryea Einarsson et al. the and following Finkelstein following Cook N,N-dimethylglycine and acid autoanalyzer et a1. and by HPLC measured amino Mudd enzymatically following et a1. following following cystathionine, were measured DMG, of SAM Laryea following product, measured an was measured measured product, concentration Wako, was by subtracting concentrations of betaine following by by HPLJC liver and measured was of the reaction in the liver activity of CBS the in the liver The et al. using measured estimated measured concentrations was activity of MS Hitachi). The were by HPLC measured of serine in the liver concentration L-8500; were was in the plasma et a1. (54). The of Shimoda was and of Durand the method using total homocysteine. of 5-MTHF concentrations the method by HPLC homocysteine in the liver (SAH) homocysteine non-protein-bound) homocysteine from homocysteine plus measured protein-bound s-adenosylhomocysteine The were of non-protein-bound plasma, non-protein-bound (53). (protein-bound of total The used hepatic (Triglyceride to Lowry according et a1. 1.2.5 Statistical analysis Each ANOVA value (experiment l) or experimental When is expressed groups variances logarithmically Tokei-Kaiseki were among the two-way Data ANOVA the experimental before (version SEM. were were groups ANOVA. 1.5; Esumi, test whei not 16 a one-way differences the F value homogeneous, Statistical analysis Tokyo). by analyzed (experiment 2), and by the Tukey analyzed transformed software as was was among the significant. data were pel-formed in with Mac I.3 Results I.3.1 Effect of betaine Body gain weight did n.t differ among (93.5%) (Fig. 1.2, was increase 10C the extent 20C, (48.5%) than (Fig. 1.2, homocysteine significantly betaine an SAH of dietary was significantly irrespective tended by betaine lower betaine rats fed or 10C to increase increased (Fig. l3, (Fig. 1.3, by folate deprivation of folate deprivation concentration, (Fig. 1.2, fed 20C and 17 diets and (Fig. 1.3, B). was Hepatic this increase was Hepatic A). and ratio was was diets slightly increased supplementation homocysteine by restored panel SAM:SAH Hepatic E). by folate deprivation panel betaine C). measured panel diets than in rats fed the control although panel was in rats fed folate-deprived to be increased supplementation the ratio those of either to that of total by folate deprivation and tended supplementation, 5-MTHF fed rats supplementation concentration supplementation decreased in rats fed folate-deprived of betaine significantly significantly increased decreased greatly betaine irrespective Plasma D). panel level and in both supplementation increased (61).,was 10C in both in rats fed 10C similarly total cysteine in rats fed than folate exists in the form and while in rats fed 20C suppressed smaller deprivation Plasma C). (Fig. 1.2, casein was concentration further or in rats fed 20C concentration betaine B and was of homocysteine types fed 20C, concentration homocysteine Plasma than significantly was concentration those and (126.7%) suppression (2). Folate of both of folate status irrespective of increment panels 10C 10C total homocysteine (69.7%). supplementation index SAM higher in rats fed supplementation non-protein-bound the concentrations affected as in rats fed 20C or protein-bound and while rats fed intake food whereas total homocysteine in both than in rats in rats fed 20C supplementation, 1. 1). Plasma in plasma deprivation-induced and betaine or greater Betaine A). panel higher significantly by folate deprivation of the increase the magnitude were (Table the groups increased significantly liver weight and of folate deprivation irrespective fed 10C (experiment 1) supplementation concentration suppressed or tended was to by betaine be suppressed Hepatic betaine MS activity rats fed 10C a Folate the magnitude of CBS, was Hepatic DMG l.5, panel B). that of hepatic panel of MS, was higher lower (Fig. 1.5, relatively greatly A). panel in rats fed 20C Hepatic increased Betaine Since the profile of plasma DMG concentration, D). panel (Fig. 1.4, activity, although a of serine, concentration (Fig. I.4, by folate deprivation substrate F). panel in both rats fed 10C suppressed significantly of the effect partial. Betaine:DMG the supplementation was diets without the correlation coefficient positive C). l8 betaine correlation ratio (Fig. supplementation was concentration was a by folate the enzyme total homocysteine significant of betaine, than in rats fed 10C 10C in supplementation (Fig. 1.4, in rats fed was activity concentration supplementation than BHMT to be decreased tended or small. but the extent a Hepatic to decrease in rats fed folate-deprived was by betaine tended lower There C). panel Hepatic A). panel by folate deprivation Hepatic B). panel increased in rats fed 20C was concentration, or decreased by unaffected and (Fig. 1.4, fed 20C greatly by betaine decreased was by folate deprivation those decreased significantly D). panel (Fig. 1.4, (Fig. 1.4, increased concentration of six groups. (Fig. 1.5, was significantly markedly and significantly significantly of the effect in DMG increase and fed 20C deprivation fed 20C th.se 10C supplementation greatly activity rats fed substrate those was was and CBS banelE). values and of BHMT, deprivation was significantly by folate deprivation substrate and decreased by betaine unaffected Hepatic was of 5-MTHF, unaffected both (Fig. 1.3, in both supplementation concentration and supplementation estimated between similar using the two to mean variables Table Body intake gain, food weight. diets experimental of rats fed the liver weight and (experiment 1) Body Diet 1.I wt intake Food gain Liver d g/28 wt g body g/100 4b,1 460 j= 17 3.55 j= 0.07b 4b 436 i 13 3.69 j= 0.04b 60t4b 408 i 17 3.64 i 0.04b 20C 100i3a 461 i 12 4.28 j= 0.06a 20CFD lO7 19 4.31 iO.l2a 16 4.25 j= 75 10C 66 1 0CFD 10CFD 20CFD lEach j= + + 1% l% Bet is the value letter differ, P < diet, respectively; respectively; 95 Bet mean 0.05. 10C 10CFD j= j= 4a 448i j= 5a 410 i SEM, and and 20C, n 20CFD, = 8. j= without casein diet and 10% Values folate-deprived Bet, betaine. 19 lOC wt 0.06a a common 20% and casein 20C, I BED E23 F=D+1%Bet gO E a a I i O d) E n a 10C 2OC 20 J a >= O O E 3 E 15 5 A O A I I E= = O -A 10 100 0 O J3 I) dl E E ul 5 u) cO A 50 a. EL i 10C 20C lOC 20C 200 0 E E= LL 150 E = Lb ∼ loo E q) a EL 20C 10C Fig. 1.2 and n - Effects other variables 8, 20% Means casein homocy in rats fed lO% in apanel Hcy, and 20% Bet, betaine; homocysteine; casein diets with 5-MTHF, bound betaine diets (experiment letterdiffer, withoutacommon diet, respectn,ely: folate-deprived; of folate-depr"ed of supplementation Hey, P <0.()5. 10C protein-bound 5-methyltetrahydrofolate; steine. 20 ( l%) I). Each and on plasma is die value 20C, homocystehe; unbound concentration 10% mean casein j= SEM, dietand FD. Hey, protein-unbound I control DFD FDB+1%Bet 5tD 0 O 5 0 E E E= E: = I u) u) < < 4J > d> J .2 IJ 0 ∼ d1 5tD O E = < E: u) < > i) I O Ll E 4) > 4I > = = Fig. I.3 Effects fed 10% without and 20% a common See the legend diets with offolate-deprived of supplementation of S-adenosylmethionine 1 0C 20C 1 0C diets (experiment letter differ, P ofFig. < 0.05, I). Each SAH, betaine (l%) hepatic on (B), their ratio (C), and homocysteine (A), S-adenosylhon10CySteine casein 20C value is themean S-adenosylhomocysteine; 2 for other abbreviations. 21 j= SEM, SAM, n 8. Means - concentrations (D) in rats in apanel S-adenosylmethionine. Il control DFD Cg FD+1%BBt 20 - tn 5 0 E 5 1S LL. I 5.o 0 > 6 = 10C 20C > '5; O d) E I a) d) > J <tn > a O P a) A 5 3 => 0 E= 2 = d> O U 0 > JJ 0 > = 10C Fig. 1.4 enzymes and common Effects of homocysteine 20%casein diets p-synthase, MS, metabolism and (experiment 1). Each letter differ, P < methionine 0.05. 1 0C 20C BHMT, synthase, hepatic value concentrat10nS is the meant betaine-homocysteine See the legend 22 20C diets with betaine offolate-deprived ofsupplementation 1 ofFig. (l%) Of enzyme SEM, n - on hepatic substrates 8. Means S-methyltransferase; activities of in rats fed IO% in apanel CBS. 2 for other abbreviationsL withouta cystathionine A Control DFD g FD+1%Bet 0 ∼ a) L U = E) d} E: 'jio J) 0 > '= 10C 20C a-o E -I 5 ,r > O I //+ d} E ∼) q a r=0.929 P<0.Ol o 0.2 0.6 0.4 Liver DMG Fig. 1L5 plasma value is the Means in a offolate-deprived (A). betaine.DMG homocysteine panel ratm concentration SEM, meanj= (A and n - 8 1 OLmOVg) Effects ofsupplementation concentration 0.8 (B), and (C) banels B) without relationship in rats fed I O% Aand a common diets with betaine (1%) B). between 2O% and h. panel 23 casein C, each letter differ. P < hepatic DMG diets DMG, hepatic DMG and concentration (experlment 1). represents value 0,05- on Each the meanvalue. N,N-dimethylglycine. 1.3.2 Effect The was of choline deprivation effect of choline in order investigated choline deprivation weight gain food and homocysteine homocysteine total cysteine folate-deprived SAM Hepatic alone SAH was and Consequently' deprivation. Hepatic was further Hepatic was concentration SAM:SAH homocysteine increased MS decreased by choline decreased by folate deprivation did not choline differ among deprivation irrespective the four groups. deprivation. Hepatic CBS deprivation. Hepatic serine activity by choline was concentration and was deprivation. choline folate. and deprivation Hepatic folate or alone folate and and folate by folate deprivation alone decreased increased by choline was significantly was further further was Hepatic was concentration decreased decreased significantly 24 and was concentration deprivation. of choline and alone 5-MTHF Hepatic Iiepatic betaine folate deprivation and of both by folate deprivation folate deprivation. and The folate deprivation. and decreased was and concentration deprivation choline was plasma enhanced of choline markedly concentration by choline activity was ratio total in rats fed the choline- 5-MTHF increased significantly plasma to that of total homocysteine. by deprivation further decreased was in rats fed the increased markedly diets irrespective by was did not affect plasma lower diets. Plasma 1.2. Body weight non-protein-bound similar decreased significantly deprivation. and in rats fed other Liver diet than alone significantly in rats fed folate-deprived concentration deprivation were in Table significantly profiles of plasma was concentration alone effect between summarized are folate deprivation concentrations diet than lower markedly The concentration. interacting an the four groups. deprivation and hyperhomocysteinemia folate-deprived and choline Choline concentration. total homocysteine results folate deprivation concentration, protein-bound The in rats fed the choline- total homocysteine there exists whether did not differ among diet. Although choline-deprived plasma to detetmine intake higher significantly folate deprivation-induced on folate deprivation. and (experiment 2) folate deprivation and higherin BHMT activity decreased by choline by choline markedly and and by folate folate rats fed the choline- and significandy by folate deprivation increased folate deprivation. folate-deprived measured. Hepatic and between DMG the four experimental and triglyceride folate-deprived concentration groups was concentration and plasma (Fig. 1.6). 25 diets. was fatty infiltration triglyceride significant total homocysteine choline lower significantly positive and in rats fed was concentration increased significantly a by increased Since diet, hepatic folate-deprived diet. There was was concentration further ratio diets than in rats.fed folate-sufficient fed the cholinehepatic DMG DMG was and alone the betaine: Consequently, visible in rats fed the cholinewas Hepatic diet than in rats fed other diets. folate-deprived only in rats correlation concentration among Table Effects of choline rats fed a 20% folate deprivation and/or diet casein on 1.2 homocysteine plasma and other variables concentration in (experiment 2) ANOVA2 20CCD 20 C Body wt Food intake, g/28 Liver wt, 98 d gain, g/28 d 107i= 5 105j=3 18 467j= l4 452 4.l9iO.lob 4.27iO.07ab wt 20CFD 41 i= 452j= g body g/100 20 CCDFD j= CF 99i3 l9 454 j= 8 4.36i=0.13ab 4.62iO.08a F Plasma: Total Hey, Hey, Unbound Bound Hey, Unbound FLmOl/i Hey, Total FLmOl/L, Hey, Bound 13.5 FLmOl/i, Cys, % % 0.5c 26.6 i 0.8b 45.4 j= 0.7a C, F, CF 6.6 i 0.3c 10.3 i 0.2b 25.4 j= 0.8a C, F, CF 8.0 j= 0.5c 16.3 j= 0.8b 20.0 j= 1.Oa F, CF j= 1.3ab 56.Oj= 1.8a C, F 13ab 44.Oj= 1.8c C, F 2c C,F 0.5c C,F, CF CF l4.6 4.3 j= 0.3d 9.l iO.3c 32.1 j= 1.9c 45.3 j= 2.2b 39.0 67.9 j= l.9a 54.7 j= 2.2b 6l.Oj= 146 j= 3a 131 j= 2b 136i J210 j= 4.1a 198 j= 43b 6.4 FLmOl/L, 5-MTHF, j= 0.4c j= nmol/i, 3ab 119j= j= 0.4c 6.6 j= Liver: SAM, nmol/g 88.4 j= 1.3a 49.2 j= 2.4b 46.4 j= 0.9b 21.7j= 1.Oc C,F, SAH, nmol/g 17.3 j= 0.4bc l5.0 j= 0.4c l9.1 j= 0.5b 29.8 1.2a C, F, CF 5.13 j= 0.12a 3.I)_7j= 0.lob 2.44 j= 0.09c o.73j=0.05d i 0.2b j= 0.003b SAM:SAH Hey, MS ratio 3.I i:0.1c nll-lOl/g 0.218 activity3 BHMT CBS 1.36i activity3 6.02 activity3 -i 0.20l i 0.005a o.145 7.4 l.29 i 0.03 1.37 j= 0.03 1.39 0.24a 5.26 i 0.24a 5.29 j= 0.17a 3.29iO.13b 0.4a l5.I j= 0.5b FLmOl/g 1.72 j= 0.12a 1.32 j= 0.08b l.24 j= 0.07b 0.84 Serine,.LLmOl/g o.43 j= 0.02b o.52 i 0.07b o.62 j= 0.06b DMG, 0.20 i 0.02c 0.19 j= 0.03c o.79 j= 9.38i 1.12a 8.16i l.28a 1.69 23.l.i 0.4b 25.7 0.5b 26.3 Betaine:DMG ratio FLmOl/g Triglyceride, lEach casein value is the diet; 20CCD, folate-deprived 2Two-way < 0.05., CF, 3Expressed mean j= n = ANOVA., See the legend C, affected interactively affected nmo1/(min. mg 8. Values 20C; choline-deprived 20C. as SEM, 20CFD, of Table by i without 1.1 j=0.lc a 1 for other deprivation, P by choline deprivation and 26 0.07 c,F,CF C,F C, F I.07i 0.10a C, F, CF 0.08b I.54j= 0.05a C, F, CF j= 0.2lb o.55j=0.03b F i 0.3b 61.3 C,F, differ, P < 20C., 20CCDFD, j= i= I.9a 0.05. choline 20C, 20% and abbreviations. choline protein). j= 0.04c commonletter folate-deprived C,F,CF 1.OiO.1c j= FLmOl/g C, F, CF 0.4a 0.05 16.5 Betaine, j= c,F 0.090j=0.004c nmol/g 5-MTHF, P 0.06a i 4.5 3.1 j=0.1c j= < 0.05; F, affected folate deprivation, by folate deprivation, P < 0.05. CF I I I <^ I I I -o I JJ E I I I 1 I ∼ I, > O I I I I a ,I. I I E I- O a -i r= 0.998 P<0,01 0.5 0 Liver Fig. 1.6 Relationship concentration value between hepatic in rats fed the experimental of the group. DMG, 1 DMG N,N-dimethylglycine diets 1,5 (FJmOL/g) concentration (experiment 2). Each N,N-dimethylglycine. 27 and plasma homocysteine closed circle represents the mean 1.4 Discussion In the present we study' is defined hyperhomocysteinemia 100 Hence, (1). pM) present was study Furthermore, elevation guanidinoacetic dietary plasma homocysteine 10CFD casein might a contain small of folate than plasma 5-MTHF of three enzymes did rats fed cysteine plasma through the enhancement decreasing suppressing deficiency homocysteine rats fed However, because higher increased (65). levels of casein thought of 5-MTHF, remethylation to induce a In any are not be a larger since Another to increase tended The possible the activities third possible in rats fed 20CFD (1). The case, thereby and the present effect study suggests to folate deficiency. hyperhomocysteinemia present in casein major reason rat groups. in rats higher two-fold a less susceptible methyl-group 28 being about of than elicits its hypohomocysteinemic cysteine cysteine or by also suppressed of homocysteine. was concentration the two protein (62,63). in rats fed 20CFD this may increased the metabolism soybean for the phenomenon ingested 20CFD this, with is that vitamin-free reason folate against of homocysteine, possible 10CFD, with is generally the concentration One 10CFD. of plasma that rats fed diets containing lower significantly in the 20C, and or was reasons possible several did not differ between compared homocysteine, reduced concentrations the sole precursor folate and amount that participate.in is that plasma Folate are being of Met, concentration is that 20CFD, reason There (64). the intake amount reason level than in rats fed 10CFD. rats fed 20CFD homocysteine hyperhomocysteinemia acid-induced concentration despite levels of casein (> severe and Consistent concentration. higher that diets containing plasma 10C level led to resistance casein of magnitude observed in rats fed (26.5 yM) mild homocysteine of plasma The (30-100 yM) moderate and mixture hyperhomocysteinemia dietary but rather decreased raising fed and that increasing demonstrated did not increase (15-30 yM), mild (34.I pM) moderate deprivation-induced previously as vitamin folate deficiency. convenient folate deprivation-induced indicating respectively, we to induce succinylsulfathiazole antibiotic casein, folate-free vitamin-free used mainly donor for MS, study demonstrated and by thereby that folate decreased deprivation not that the 5-MTHF-MS indicating folate deficiency severe in rats. This 1.23 hepatic 0.08 ymo1/g j= hepatic has not been the increased o.76 by hepatic 0.07 j= 0. 19 DMG concentration, in a similar SAH group, is known as here, for the first time impair hepatic not only DMG to our system of rat BHMT and in the 10CFD ymo1/g inhibit BHMT 0. 14 of various knowledge, supporting some significance types but also the betaine-BHMT of the objectivesof the present study was 29 to examine Hence, group In addition whether to in the BHMT Thus, markedly that folate deprivation system and in vivo, of methyltransferase. that folate deprivation the concept was transmethylation and hyperhomocysteinemia. One was in the 10C high. also considerably also have Km for DMG reaction 0.01 pmo1/g i and that the of BHMT, ratio in SAM-dependent inhibitor an demonstrated at 1 mM. 0.04 were group' group by90% groups, ratio may concentration, the 5-MTHF j= 10CFD of rat BHMT mM, by betaine that the reaction strongly to the SAM:SAM we increased 0.90 in control the betaine:DMG where the Ki value atO.1 might in-the 20C reactions, report by76% decreased the reported inhibitor an also et a1. (38) reported concentrations fashion and than &e the other hand, product concentrations, 0.02 jimO1/g j= and On that showed in the higher stillone-order is by folate deprivation, 0.07 ymo1/g +- Although atO.02mM, DMG DMG group reaction 19% 1.55 (67). reaction in the 20CFD ymol/g hepatic although 120 pM Finkelstein reported, study in hepatic the decrease whether that showed since choline to be tended or activity, phosphocholine and concentration, decreased were group' a choline In fact, the present concentrations, by folate deprivation. by DMG inhibited betaine betaine (66) et al. of hyperhomocysteinemia to the -induction of DMG, increased markedly it is uncertain for betaine, concentration in rats. significantly in the 20CFD of rat BHMT value was of hepatic for hepatic especially However, contributed since decreased depletion secondary concentration folate deprivation. concentration caused Kim depressed. greatly MS but also hepatic concentration was system to betaine, betaine 5-MTHF to be also the case appears easily metabolized hepatic hepatic only folate thereby might induce hyperhomocysteinemia deficiency-induced An important finding of the present low a diet. It appears casein hyperhomocysteinemia at a level of 0.34% supplementation hyperhomocysteinemia o.28% to be to liver. This concentration BHMT and between activity being hepatic hand, the present DMG folate deprivation-induced increased decreased synthesis hepatic or SAH tended concentrations groups study (Fig. 1.5, showed that decrease to be decreased The betaine while C) panel hepatic (Fig.1.3). These system might supports partial increase of hepatic a such a in hepatic significant concentrations On possibility. and homocysteine concentration enhanced One betaine completely results suggest or be fully not concentration be significantly 30 may homocysteine supplementation SAM insufficient. was restored significantly was that methionine by betaine is betaine activity in the not despite existence and plasma in hepatic concentration, by the betaine-BHMT was in vivo the effect of betaine, enhanced. Indeed, BHMT is that folate deprivation-induced interfere with the six experimental among other might both. or of folate deficiency. the condition under is needed effect of betaine concentration by BHMT catalyzed level of study experiment and level of betaihe homocysteine plasma supplementation for the phenomenon reason concentration on in the present activity, concentration that l'% supplementation that the actual reaction by betaine stimulated betaine a at supplementation used BHMT concentration, both the effect of betaine suggesting correlation betaine by betaine dose-response a is solely due that guanidinoacetic that the hypohomocysteinemic assume increased also suggests Nevertheless, limited, in hepatic to although in deprivation-induced level of betaine to elicit its effect, suppress partial, especially suppressed by betaine suppressed was effect of betaine completely that choline and supplementation markedly supplementation DMG 1% high enough increase an possible completely this. It is reasonable to confirm due Therefore, (20). appears was (27) could demonstrated previously almost supplementation. supplementation that the limited We was by betaine but the effect unlikely level of betaine. to the supplementation acid-induced is that betaine study hyperhomocysteinemia, folate deficiency-induced rats fed be suppressed can the Hence, supplementation. effect of betaine 2, is determined not the choline synthesize SAM:SAH ratio deprivation did not 10C 25% induction and a while condition. folate deprivation homocysteine deprivation The present deprivation homocysteine diet protein results clearly caused alone deprivation caused and appeared study under we rats We used (20). increase In other words, concentrations, MS several and CBS variables considered effect under deprivation in rats fed 20C, concentration enhanced This the and deprivation. deprivation in the liver, e.g., SAM, DMG indicates effect of choline by choline of choline and plasma and, conversely, reinforced activities, and 31 it was of choline the hyperhomocysteinemic that the combination diet to avoid (26.6 pM). of folate deprivation diets methionine interacting homocysteine or diet, casein (45.4 yM) synergistically was intake the control an is N-methylation 25% a alone, since hyperhomocysteinemia mild also demonstrated as give rise to plasma folate deprivation affected 20C SAM that choline fed low hyperhomocysteinemia the condition fed The using to methionine were deprivation may the PE and were (68). N-methylation that the combination showed did not only when choline since choline intake demonstrated rats when cause not methionine, responds previously effect of folate deprivation synergistically (PC) which choline moderate alone concentration. hyperhomocysteinemic The of this, folate deprivation and deprivation choline that choline In support soybean folate deprivation and concentration, hyperhomocysteinemia deprivation that choline such SAM does (PE) of phosphatidylcholine folate on but also by methionine intake hyperhomocysteihemiaby of deprivation levels of dietary high hyperhomocysteinemia cause marked as such (69-71). it caused while moiety by hepatic mainly regulated deprivation is that phosphatidylethanolamine basis of this phenomenon can by choline only studies. Choline bf relatively the condition under be cannot concentration the effect of choline hyperhomocysteinemia. deprivation-induced status by further the insufficient underlying homocysteine plasma investigated we mechanism of another to be clarified remains In experiment deficiency on supplementation This excluded. the possibility SAH triglyceride and and folate Some concentrations. homocysteine plasma inhibition of BHMT the betaine fed 20CCDFD, BHMT for betaine decreased and, conversely, increased in such decreased and rats. This in rats fed 20CCDFD deprivation, a treatment supplementation hepatic but it seems significant positive homocysteine The when hepatic DMG as DMG a of be not markedly significantly consumption high level in rats BHMT reaction betaine whereas in experiment shown is associated mechanism The the with fact that there existed concentrations DMG 1. The is currently concentration that hepatic by choline reinforced concentration, homocysteine of plasma might inhibited was folate deprivation. and system value plasma and is concentration concentration, a one of the under especially of folate deficiency. combination choline a that such (Fig. 1.6)suggests for alterations fatty liver, while of both between correlation concentrations variables influences the Km in rats It is of interest that folate concentration to assume deprivation betaine DMG b'etaine status reasonable effect of choline condition decreased betaine concentration concentration hepatic than at relatively maintained DMG DMG also decreased concentrations in rats fed 20CFD. as well that decreased synergistic the key hepatic in hepatic significantly by which mechanism as increase deprivation-induced was concentration are results in concentration that hepatic suggests It is likely that higher fed 20CCDFD. SAM in activities concentration still higher homocysteine and assumption betaine thereby SAH CBS and concentration was hepatic since the increase with the betaine-BHMT However, above. hepatic betaine 0.84 ymol/g, in rats fed 20CCDFD, in vivo uncertain, hepatic concentration, described as functional in vivo Although MS DMG increased and metabolism, reaction. decreased For instance, concentration. for homocysteine unfavorable to be associated thought are of these changes deprivation single deprivation and relatively infiltrations of choline caused of choline folate synergistically high and enhances level of methionine by nutritional or treatments, folate deprivation folate did not, hepatic is contained indicating triglyceride deficiency, development of that deprivation even concentration in the diet. Most e.g., choline 32 induced are of the hepatic due to PC fatty deficiency (62). lipoprotein (VLDL), which lipoprotein particle. Therefore, (71). The of PC CDP-choline Hence, on and pathway the PE synthesis ratio and Although PE via the PE an exclusively there increase when that marked N-methylation decreases and pathway liver. 33 density for PC is not synthesis, PC supplied in hepatic of VI-DL SAM cause by the i.e., the synthesis from development mainly the diet. concentration in rats fed 20CCDFD thereby of the phospholipid also explained (69,70), hepatic choline concentration to be pathways pathway pathway in SAH appears two surface major low of very is essential for the secretion of PC are N-methylation to assume an as active synthesis N-methylation it is reasonable SAM:SAH pc synthesis. PC in rats fed 20CCDFD fatty liver observed depression depends contains the liver in the form from is secreted Triglyceride might and suppress of fatty I CHAPTER Effect of Dietary Supplementation -induced with Folate Hyperhomocysteinemia 34 on Choline in rats Deficiency 2.I Introduction A concentration is homocysteine is also and factors genetic (MS) the methyl using cystathionine is catalyzed some a co diets also methionine is formed which (1,3,4).We factor of CBS when from considering impairment of with supplementation deprivation effect The was of homocysteine, betaine that betaine or partial results suggested have been with folate with a number limited on (lO%) we significantly despite the aim on (lOC) suppressed could or plasma investigated (20%) standard level being be fully homocysteine 35 cause B-6 vitamin of betaine, the effect of dietary by dietary casein dietary folate diet. The but the relatively high (1%). by betaine. overcome or whether by stimulating the hyperhomocysteinemia, not shown of low to the deficiency be compensated the effect of administration of decreasing and deprivation induced betaine supplemented that folate deficiency of studies can previously diet B-6 vitamin it is of interest to know the hyperhomocysteinemia casein It has been (20). choline pathways to this line, of betaine. group factors of MS due mainly the metabolism remethylation co synthase by or and that choline compound in rats fed low results showed demonstrated the vitamin-like According the other pathway. have B-12, are to either by methionine P-synthase(CBS). B- 12 vitamin concentration, serine with the methyl folate, vitamin as such and the concentration on (5-MTHF) using hyperhomocysteinemia cause of the two one condensed (BHMT) since folate and hyperhomocysteinemia, or by cystathionine vitamins innuence greater is remethylated S-methyltransferase of a to methionine Homocysteine impairment homocysteine plasma of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate group synthesis that deficiencies to have thought is remethylated betaine-homocysteine is are (1,3,4). Plasma disease of cognitive factors affecting Of the many (72). homocysteine plasma risk factor for cardiovascular (Fig. 2. 1) (17). cystathionine elevated an risk factor for the development a Homocysteine (73). that suggested independent an disease Alzheimer7s nutritional have of studies number There supplementation concentration, especially in humans However, (29-34). deficiency-induced Therefore, folate soybean 5-MTHF on protein on the effect of folate betaine on hyperhomocysteinemia. in this study choline there is littleinformation we investigated deprivation-induced diet (42), the (25S). Since the effects of dietary in rats fed lOC hyperhomocysteinemia serine is thought effect of serine alone or serine-in investigated. 36 to be a main combination with supplementation source with of Cl folate and 25% units for was also DMG BHMT Betaine + :][pi:< + tc. + CH3-X pc+ THF + + FA+ -> sfH Diet ChoLine i +/ Diet Homocysteine SerlL ne i CBS Cystathionine + cystleine + Taurine, Fig. 2.1 of methiomine and homocysteine. (EC 2. 1. 1.5);CBS, cystathionine Metabolism s-methyltransferase SO42- N-dimethylglycine; FA, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate., S-adenosylhomocysteine; folic acid; MS, PC, methiomine phosphatidylcholine; SAM, BHMT, P-synthase(EC 4.2.l.22);DMG, synthase (EC THF, N, 2.1. 1.13);5-MTHF, PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; S-adenosylmethiomine; 37 betaine-homocysteine tetrahydrofolate. SAH, Materials 2.2 Method and Chemicals 2.2.1 Folic acid and choline All other chemicals were sigma-Aldrich and (AIN-93G), vitamin yeast (Tokyo). Other diets male rats Japan). They (Hamamatsu, isolated Lighting kept room was the experiments, and a 25% diet. In this study, I, forty rats were rats 25S (5) and were 10C (2) choline-deprived L-serine, 10CCD randomly folate + (20 (g/kg): vitamin-free (AIN-93G), powder, 20. In 25S, choline-deprived folate + (20 (20 diet)+ 2.5% animal + was mg/kg at a to 19:00 The 582.5; level of 250 was 2.5% omitted 38 were 10C, 2.5% + 2, forty L-Serine, of 10C corn and as was (5) follows oil, 50., mineral bitartrate, 2.5; cellulose g/kg at the expense with (1) In experiment 2.5% 200; 10; choline In conducted. diet),(4) 10CCD composition sucrose, to water (1) 25S, (2) choline-deprived + increase in starting access five diet groups: L-Serine. SLC cages wire Before free given mg/kg diet),(4) 25SCD (AIN-93), diets, cholinel bitartrate (20 Japan (40-60%). h). experiments five diet groups: L-Serine. mixture used folate diet)+ 100; cL-COrnStarCh, 35; vitamin 07:00 to the following lOCCD mg/kg folate + mg/kg SPI (3) to the following casein, mixture separate from humidity to the facility for 5 d and two (10CCD), from (lightson Fuji Oil stainless-steel and Oriental Wako. purchased in hanging (23-25oC) randomlyassigned assigned (25SCD), (3) 25SCD 25SCD 12-h cycle acclimated were all rats casein experiment a from were strain by supplied purchased housed temperature controlled on maintained were from purchased kindly or mixture mineral were powder the Wistar individually were casein, (SPI, Fujipro)was g) of (Osaka, Japan) Chemical cellulose of the diet (120-140 a at Pure (St.Louis, Mo). Sigma-Aldrich Vitamin-free and isolate ingredients and six-week-old an protein Wako grade. (AIN-93), mixture from purchased from of analytical Soybean Animals were purchased were (Izumisano, Japan). 2.2.2 bitartrate of cornstarch. in cornstarch. The In level of folate supplementation Rats mg/kg). were shown that non-fasting dietary treatment for the Care and 2.2.3 Tissue blood, in 4 volumes the resulting supernatant analysis 2.2.4 , HPLC homogenate was subjected and according to manufacture.s' the "Guidelines with in ice-cold After and at 14,000 The isolated x third portion using a x kit, ISOGEN at for assays homogenized was at 4oC. of the liver until g for lO min (pH 7.4) containing g for 10 min filter paper, (vo1/wt) of subjectedto of the liver portion x of at -80oC in 4 volumes was buffer on stored then centrifuged at 10,000 phosphate collection saline, blotted homogenized Another assays. was for analysis. liver homogenate at 2,000 was (Nippon 0.15 M KC1, The to subjected Gene, instructions. analysis of homocysteine the method S-adenosylmethionine by Committee by centrifugation in liquid nitrogen, and centrifuged to enzyme blood whole was serine. sodium total mRNA concentrations using and 10 mM Biochemical The acid solution a of mRNA, Tokyo) by was of the liver betaine (vo1/wt) of University. frozen quickly of the deproteinized metabolites, of Shizuoka rinsed removed, portion trichloroacetic in accordance until needed at -30oC quickly One maintained heparinized from stored was Use by the Animal approved killed since it has been liable to be affected was (2 fractionation weighed, supernatant methionine and liver were for 14 d and water deprivation, prior food was study level of AIN-93 ten-fold diets and concentration Animals" and was and for analysis. The This the animals separated portions, 0.3 M 1 1:00 h without a as to the experimental of Laboratory at 4oC determined was homocysteine (50). and was the whole ice-cold and collection cut into three 4oC. Use plasma needed 10:00 in humans University, g for 15 min access plasma of Shizuoka Blood free given between by decapitation (20 mg/kg) of Durand (SAM) and et a1. cysteine (52). The and S-adenosylhomocysteine 39 in the liver were measured in the liver were measured plasma and concentrations of (SAH) by HPLC following following HPLC were measured in the liver was was Laryea et al. by HPLC using the method measured by amino following measured reaction measured following following Mudd described method, P-actinin (60) the liver were Foster HPLC Th; amount probe and The serum primer for MS TaqMan Gene protein albumin for MS of mRNA as standard. i= SEM. product, for BHMT real-time PCR was Assay and by the same number: products (Applied according measured CBS as analysis also measured Expression was measured (assay identification concentration a was of mRNA was of the in the liver of the reaction amounts in the liver in the assay in the liver by quantitative measured used liver and serine concentration activity of MS The in the assay used et a1. (59). The were CA). (55). was activity of CBS was pre-designated City, bovine using The (56). HPLC The by measured activity of BHMT The acid autoanalyzer. (57), but (54). et a1. was in the plasma of 5-MTHF of Shimoda et a1. in the liver concentration concentrations et a1. Einarsson the validated where Biosystems, (58), but betaine Laryea et al. (74). previ.usly RnOO578368_m1) et a1. Huang following cystathionine, an follow-ing et al. The (55). Finkelstein DMG, product, relative to et a1. (53). The Cook to Lowry 2.2.5 Statistical analysis Each ANOVA, when is expressed value and differences the F value Tokei-Kaiseki was software as the among mean the experimental Data groups statistical analysis significant. (version l.5; Esumi, Tokyo). 40 were was were by analyzed analyzed performed with a one-way by the Tukey Mac test 2.3 Results Effect 2.3.1 on Body gain, food weight choline deprivation choline deprivation-induced i: Plasma respectively. 10CCD was 25.72 0.46, and of cysteine irrespective significantly decreased significantly increased hepatic homocysteine or serine SAH were activities of BHMT supplementation increase with folate supplementation significantly concentration Choline a deprivation Choline substrate (Fig. 2.i, panel B). increased of serine, a and Hepatic SAH substrate of CBS, was in SAM 41 and increase SAH A, C and concentration was hepatic tended or to hepatic slightly suppressed of 5-MTHF, (Fig. 2.4, panel increased and E). decreased this decrease folate, concentrations increased markedly in hepatic with decreased significantly panels serine deprivation by supplementation significantly with (61), ratio and, conversely, (Fig.2.3). The by folate supplementation the body within Choline SAM: in rats Plasma B). panel supplementation significantly deprivation of BHMT, (Fig. 2.2, i 46.2%, to be higher tended C). (Fig.2.4, of serine 29.6, 37.8, and or panel suppressed but not that of MS folate irrespective of betaine, and changes suppressed increment of were although concentrations significantly activities. extents of folate status (Fig.2.2, deprivation-induced CBS and index an concentration unaffected. these enzyme concentration was was concentration ratio SAM homocysteine and both, but choline SAM:SAH as the concentration hepatic The lOC by folate supplementation, also slightly increased alone is measured which increased in rats fed than by The A). panel significantly was slightly higher was increased folate plus serine to levels of 28.79 and respectively. concentration of supplements concentration, (Fig. 2.2, pmo1/L and folate plus serine alone, serine the experimental significantly homocysteine alone, 0.47pmo1/L, i 0.59 i= of plasma folate alone, serine with was concentration to 34.28 0.38 j= elevation by folate alone, suppression 5-MTHF 15.75 did not differ among liver weight and homocysteine from by supplementation o.73, 27.28 intake 2. 1). Plasma (Table groups MS, deprivation by choline (experiment 1) lOC fed induced hyperhomocysteinemia a D). substrate Hepatic by serine by of supplementation significantly (Fig. 2.4, increased relative levels of mRNA panel F). The relative level of mRNA by folate supplementation, for BHMT and CBS there among 42 was no for MS in the liver significant difference the experimental groups was in (Fig.2.5). Table Body gain, food weight intake 2.I of rats fed the experimental liver weight and diets Body Diet wt Food gain Liver d g/14 Experiment intake g/100 wt g body wt 1 10C 42 10CCD 39j=3 4.08 j= 0.04 239i8 4.15 i 0.06 234 21 +_ i: 7 10CCD + FA2 43 j=4 239i7 4.18 10CCD + SeI3 42i3 235i4 3.94i 10CCD + FA2 40 j=2 232i9 3.98 j= 0.08 25S 50j=3 219j=7 3.89 i 0.06b 25SCD 57 +_2 230 4.17 i 0.07a Experiment + set j= 0.09 0.l2 2 j= 6 25SCD + FA2 53 j=3 229i6 4.10 i 0.05ab 25SCD + Sef 49i2 212i5 4.04 j= 0.05ab 25SCD + FA2 48 j=3 221 4.04 i 0.05ab lEach differ, P 25% + is the value < 0.05. soybean ser3 mean 10C, protein lO% j= SEM, casein diet; 25SCD, 2supplemented at 3supplemented at a level of 25 3supplemented at a a n j=6 8. Values = diet; 10CCD, without diet. g/kg. level of 25 g/kg diet. 43 letter common choline-deprived choline-deprived level of 20 mg/kg a 25S., FA, 10C; 25S, folic acid. I D EnoccD.Ser FA EB 10CCD. 10C 10CCD 10CCD + ' Ser FA s[ 0 E 5 > tO O > I O 4 ∼ E E 0 a 0 6 a a s!O E E LJ- = I = I Lr) ∼ E 0 dl E Fig. 2.2 serine on Effects of supplementation plasma concentrations (experiment < o.o5. lOC, supplemented I). Each lO% to value casein the diet of choline-deprived of homocysteine is the mean diet; lOCCD, at levels of 20 j= SEM, (A), cysteine n = 8, choline-deprived mg/kg iO% Means lOC; diet and 2.5%, 44 casein diets With folate, sehne (B) and 5-methylteral1ydro[olale in FA, a panel without folic acid. respectively, folate plus (C) in rats letter differ, P a common Folic acid or and serine were L D U a 10C 10CCD 10CCD + 10CCD + Ser FA 10CCD. ' Ser FA 0 STD -o 5:2 E E L1 J= 5 I = < < e1 0 u) L 4J > 0 > -= = 0 0 tD 5 0 - ∼ LI I E < E= u) > = L} < I u) I_ 4) > LIt 0 > = = Fig. 2.3 serine on Effects of supplementatlOn hepatlC concentrations and hotnocysteine without See a common the legend (D) Of choline-deprived or S-adenosylnlethion.ne in rat_q (experinlent i). FACh letter differ, P of Fig. 2 for other < 0.05. SAH, abbreviations value 10% casein 45 folate, serine is the mean j= SEM, SAM, n = or folate plus (B), 1Jleir ratio (A), S-adenosylhomocysteine SJdenosylhonmcysteine., and note. diet With 8. MeaJIS in a panel S-adenosylmeth10nine- (C), I EZ310CCD.Ser 10C 10CCD 10CCD FA + Ser + FA 10CCD+ 5P O E 5 0 E: d7 S A) 0 > = 5D) > 0 > E = 'B: LL I > u) = = 4) > Lb 0 > J J > 5tD O > E i 5 a 0 E a) a) O 0 0 4J > dJ > = J Fig. 2.4 serine on Effects hepatic cystathlOmine serine common (F) in of supplementation actlVitleS Of betaine-homocysteine P-synthase(E) rats (experlment letter dlffer, P B-synthase; MS. meth10nlne < and hepatic 1). Each 0.05. 10% of choline-deprived BHMT, SynthaSe; is the Or mean j= betalne-homocysteine 5-MTHF, diet with S-ruethyltransferase concentrations value casein betaine SEM, (A), meth"nine or rotate plus Synthase (A), 5-ethyltetral1ydrofolate n = 8. Means S-methyltransferase; 5-methyltetral1ydrofolate. 46 llolate. serine in a (C) and (D) and a panel without CBS, cystath10nlne %10CCD a 10CCD lL 10C u 10CCD 10CCD + 'Ser ' FA 'Ser FA < Z Z J= EE E E = u) = = I EE) JN d) > Ll q) > J = < Z EE E u) EE) O L- 0 > .J 0< Effects Fig. 2.5 on plus serine meth10nlne SEM, of supplementation Of hepatlC relative amounts (B) SynthaSe 8. Means mean j= 2 and 4 for abbreviations n = and or choline-deprlVed cystath10nlne in a panel mRNA cascin diet with for betaine-hoJnOCySteine P-synthase(C) without lO% a common and note. 47 in rats folate or (A), S-methyltransrerase (experiment letter differ, P folate, serinc < I), Each 0-05. See value is the the legends of Figs. 2.3.1 Effect Body weight gain homocysteine 0.80 i of serine alone, (Fig. 2.6, was significantly folate plus serine The 27.2, 36.6, and 42.8%, were concentration concentration did not differ among SAM was concentration supplementation was with concentration homocysteine decreased panels supplementation both with A, C and with concentration (Fig.2.8, panel folate supplementation supplementation hepatic E). CBS The increased or this decrease Hepatic and hepatic panels induced both. was unaffected serine D and of 5-MTHF concentration F). 48 was was and although panel SAH and deprivation the increase markedly supplementation was in hepatic MS activities by decreased with significantly significantly were deprivation Choline and C). hepatic slightly suppressed deprivation by 0.71 Plasma B). decreased affect BHMT activity Choline concentration panel by choline by supplements. in CBS i cysteine hepatic both, although or suppressed decrease B). (Fig.2.8, significantly activity, but it did not folate, serine, and changes j= serine alone, (Fig. 2.6, the concentration folate, serine, to be tended concentration significantly betaine (Fig.2.7). These 26.l2 by folate supplementation, deprivation 14.79 profile of plasma (Fig. 2.6, ratio and, conversely, by supplementation homocysteine 1, choline SAM:SAH concentrations affected (Fig. 2.8, and increased Plasma folate alone, with l. Plasma groups 1). elevation 0.71, and i The whereas from by folate alone, respectively. slightly decreased to the results in experiment 0.58, 27.35 suppression the experimental significantly deprivation by supplementation i 2. (Table deprivation-induced to that in experiment similar serine alone by choline choline suppressed of increment extents homocysteine Similar The A). folate plus serine to levels of 29.2l and respectively. 5-MTHF panel groups, in rats fed than in rats fed 25S increased significantly the experimental to be higher tended or of supplements was pmol/L homocysteine of plasma higher significantly concentration to 34.61 pmol/L, was did not differ among intake diets irrespective choline-deprived o.58 food and relative liver weight or deprivation by choline (experiment 2) 25S not induced hyperhomocysteinemia on hepatic folate, serine, increased increased by by serine 25S 25SCD + Ser 25SCD 25SCD + FA 25SCD + Ser + FA i i 0 O E i 5 0 > O I > O 4 dl E E 0 4 0 a a a J ∼ -o E E u I I = Ln dl E 0 6 a Fig. 2r6 folate plus Effects of supplementation on serine panel without a common of homocysleine concentrations plasma 5-methyltetral1ydrofolate of choline-deprived (C) in rats (experiment letter dlffer, P < 0.05. 2), Each See 25% soybean (A), cyLqteine (B) value the legend 49 protein is the mean j= diet with folate, serine or and SEM, n = of Fig. 2 for abbreviations 8. Means and note. in a L D a g 25S 25SCD 25SCD 25SCD + Ser FA.Ser 25SCD. FA + BED 0 E E: I < W 20 0 > '3 10 0 ∼ ∼ 5tD 0 L I < u) E i > O < u) I E I_ 0 > 4) > = lJ Fig. 2.7 Effects folate plus serine of supplementation on hepatic Means in a abbreviations panel and without a common (D) in rats (experiment 2). letter dlffer. P 0.O5. < note. 50 Each See Protein dlet With folate-qerine (A), S-adenosylhonwcysteine or S-adenosylmethlOn.ne concentrations their ratio (C), and homocysteine I)-5%.qoybeiul of choline-deprived value is the the legends meaJl i SEM, or Figs- 2 and or (B), = n 3 Iror 8. ) D u g 25S 25SCD 25SCD + 25SCD 25SCD+ 0 i3 ・i d) E= gFg -Z3 e 5 0 E =i}5 E LL 10 I gf i BSE LL} 4) > E J E Q) i -i :-; O E A 1 N I) E 4) u) B E !.I; 3 d)5 > 0 = E 4) > E 8- Means lJ Effects of supplementation a panel P-synthase (E) and (D) withotlt 25% of choline-deprived activities of betaine-homocysteine hepatic (c) and cystathioninc in 15 I) E= 5methyltetrahydrofolate 1 J >4) synthase 2 i nf! on Ser 5 5a folate plus serine FA. D >.=4) or Ser FA :E Fig. 2.8 + and a serine COmmOn (F) in rats hepatlC 51 < 0.05. protein diet with S-methyltransferase CC.nCentratlOnS (expehment letter differ, P soybean 2), Each Of betaine value is the folate, serlne (A), methm.1lne (B), mean j= SEM, n = 2.4 Discussion our 10C study previous and therefore 25S in hyperhomocysteinemia resulted both used 10C deprivation, because of choline hepatic concentration increases (PC), phosphatidylcholine which dietary Thus, of the present BHMT MS pathway, serine, since serine is hyperhomocysteinemia folate alone, concentrations folate and/or dependent lOCCD on with study were similar on serine dietary supplemented be a in rats fed 10C choline protein elevation source demonstrated suppressed and The levels. In our of plasma homocysteine in the liver. The objective To in the the stimulate in combination or units for 5-MTHF (42). The deprivation-induced by dietary 25S, (69,70). depression supplementation indicating experiment, diet suppressed concentration with homocyseine of plasma that the effects of hyperhomocysteinemia preliminary 52 of Cl profiles rats fed 20 mg/kg of PE folate alone with of via the inhibits the reaction pathway. that choline deprivation-induced folate at levels of 5, 10, and deprivation-induced major folate plus serine. or of the MS conversely, endogenously, deprivation-induced choline be significantly could serine alone, were thought to in the present results obtained deficiency by stimulation diets choline-deprived betaine and, of the synthesis betaine SAH and Under concentration. since the reaction concentration serine homocysteine decreases further and pathway, whether be compensated can betaine results in depression choline accelerates to determine was study pathway with deprivation choline SAM by decreased caused concentration This (75). with that choline in hepatic SAM N-methylation hepatic on decrease a provides (PE) phosphatidylethanolamine depends to by choline in combination or as we study, hyperhomocysteinemia It appears is mainly hepatic deficiency, the condition N-methylation level. protein diets such methionine In the present (20). rats effect of folate alone due pathway of low diets to induce hyperhomocysteinemia via the BHMT SAH in basal as the dietary on deprivation-induced removal 25S and the supplemental differ depending may deprivation that choline showed were supplementation not of choline in a dose-dependent diet may mg/kg bring have harmful a (4-10 times was significant difference experiments 1 and homocysteine actually 0.7 mM serine, about It should It has been of rats stimulated &mbination of This conditions. the BHMT diets when folate and is also the of the MS pathway. pathway This these case enzyme one or lower was activities for the present be was to be saturated Km not increased uhcertainwhether the reported serine than value 53 reasons partial to exhibit or serine with of CBS for in even effect. in the liver by dietary the concept is far lower limited the maximal the activity of BHMT supporting metabolism of the only also innuenced were study, was tended serine, which for homocysteine might plasma concentration appears and into consideration. that the activity of MS shown since CBS reaction, that the effect of folate (78,46,47), although capacity CBS it is MS with rather than by serine concentration However, effect concentration, together 5-MTHF in both in Figs. 2.4 and decrease might no was little additive homocysteine plasma since hepatic serine. (77), is taken be stressed of the case with alone the results shown serine supplementation concentration, serine had concentration increasing hepatic by 5-MTHF 5-MTHF in rats fed serine-unsupplemented even serine hepatic the other hand, supplementation concentration the On hepatic by decreased that folate supplementation concentration increasing increased cohcentration. Judging from partially, by increasing activities. that folate and results indicate serine the effect of the effect of folate alone, there greater than to be is considered in Hence, (76). the hypohomocysteinemic the effects of folate plus serine and between 2. These 2.8, it is probable only Although range. significantly diet, which to of folate the carcinogenesis level of 20 mg/kg a a doses modest than 20 diet)tended 40 mg/kg in rats, while diet)suppressed mg/kg folate_ at homocysteine the plasma CBS 8-20 that shown the requirement, times carcinogenesis the nutritional within folate plus serine (e.g.,20 it has been However, fu;thereffect. colorectal used we study' dose though on effect level of folate higher that supplementation suggests of folate the requirement, the present maximal a about dose supraphysiological on This (data not shown). mannel- that the than the capacity for the insufficient effect of of folate deficiency of why MS folate alone with supplementation being pathway elevation homocysteine the plasma concentration p,.duct.f BHMT activities of both previous not and BHMT and based DMG bi dietary It has been support MS and and addition homocysteine concentration GAA-induced hyperhomocysteihemia: homocysteine due deficiency to decreased latter mechanism resembles fact, GAA-induced supplementation in rats to compulsive due cannot choline or betaine mechanisms are considered via the PE N-methylation suppleh.entation(unpublished data). These not results, together 54 by and plasma for the and (ii)betaine (27,64). The hyperhomocysteinemia. be effectively it was to SAH pathway deprivation-induced previous removal increased (38,39) (27), but our (GAA) to creatine could between acid of GAA that of choline DMG mutually. of SAM synthesis our effect of hepatic for homocysteine conversion hyperhomocysteinemia with Thus, be fully compensated At least two In at a relatively correlation concentrations. (i)accelerated metabolism PC even by increasing positive of guanidinoacetic (79,80). that for the insufficient reaction pathways a (TfIF)is (37),indicating betaine reasons significantly that the two pathways, that dietary shown a is hyperhomocysteinemia with homocysteine plasma the notion BHMT was DMG subjects(41). by folate deficiency. innuenced BHMT increases Tetrahydrofolate (38). acceptor of the impaired the fact that there concentrations remethylation, in human supplementation One but also the pathway that folate deprivation-induced (unpublished data). on studies the MS only methy1-group are of the likely the most proposed, of BHMT pathways be that folate deficiency might present a as the capacity the fact that folate deficiency on inhibitor an despite been not is based of DMG demonstrated in rats concentration, hepatic but also be fully suppressed level, l%, betaine the MS we study, have impair might there is the question so, for the folate deficiency-induced ofN,∼-dimethylglycine(DMG) reaction If serine. mechanisms concentration mechanism for the metabolism required high This (41). pathway could several is that folate deficiency mechanism BHMT Although with hyperhomocysteinemia causes generally small. of plasma in combination or suppressed suppressed with by dietary by folate the results in the present In study, that folate deficiency suggest has supplementation no hyperhomocysteinemia, There have of the MS been several the Km Another difference BHMT increased the dietary restriction also increased decreased as the dietary to dietary level the enzyme activity methiohinelevel in response facts, Finkelstein et al. (28,46,78,83) have pathway homocysteine catabolism should not pathway might and be ignored that the MS Cl units, which provides BHMT pathway not betaine of choline These could by_the features appear and in addition pathway are to removal regenerates by THE accepted by another with function hepatic (28). Based THF as level and a pathway in the metabolism MS these by that for Furthermore, the BHMT and, conversely, or on MS BHMT remethylation of homocysteine. the fact that pathway. 55 Furthermore, betaine of the MS roles characteristic to bee reconciled be fully compensated might of hepatic the activity of the basal methionine pathway of BHMT. although methionine that homocysteine postulated BHMT or e.g., value in rats, (46). normal activity of hepatic The In contrast, levels of choline low, (81), Under (38). for value 1.7 pM was than the Km increased the roles and is the Km 12 pM level. increased to maintenance contribute remethylation sarcosine. or to dietary difference was lower was of BHMT in rats is relatively (46,83). was and for homocysteine methionine methionine types several of MS striking MS folate whereas hyperhomocysteinemia. for homocysteine activity increased the MS most is considerably is the response as The concentration (82), which 4 nmo1/g approximately on effect the distinct features BHMT homocysteine the hepatic conditions, limited of hepatic value of hepatic value or pathway. In rats, the Km homocysteine. partial on reports BHMT and a for folate deficiency-induced except pathway whereas than more obvious hyperhomocysteinemia, causes pathway of DMG impaihnent of and one and the BHMT pathway it CONCLUSION In this study, homocysteine. For this purpose, decrease in homocysteine system. Then we there is a hyperhomocysteinemia in decrease we rats investigated fed 10% The by 1% o.25% present Even hepatic supplementation, betaine is high deprivation-induced of betaine, The Hence, hepatic of DMG, deficiency-induced ih hepatic betaine an and was partial level of betaine concentration and of BHMT, hepatic DMG In fact, limited. study was high is that folate interfere with activity being to N-methylglycine it is likely that folate deficiency or in the present might the BHMT increased hyperhomocysteinemia for the phenomenon reason the hepatic and activity markedly folate deficiency-induced concentration inhibitor 1% by the betaine of 5-MTHF the BHMT of suppression DMG diets with of folate-deprived that folate deficiency-induced concentration possible in decrease system. the concentration supplementation One increase despite metabolism 1% We deficiency. deficiency-induced be fully compensated demonstrated to suppress enough choline find out that folate deficiency-induced to cannot the extent and folate on diet to determine casein by the 5-MTHF-MS by decreasing betaine betaine to elicit its effect. choline choline diets casein study mainly (unpublished data). Thus enough 20% remethylation hyperhomocysteinemia activity. whether on the effect of supplementation and in homocysteine supplementation. MS folate deficiency be compensated can metabolism Firstly, betaine to determine deprivation in rats fed standard the effects of folate status folate on stauts by the betaine-BHMT the effect of choline effect between synergtic thirdly investigated homocysteine investigated of folate deficiency-induced whether be fully compentated can hyperhomocysteinemia deficiency-induced whether to determine metabolism secondly the effect of betaine firstly investigated we hyperhomo6ysteinemia deficiency-induced in the metabolism the roles of folate and betaine investigated we requires concentration the effect enhanced. folate and (37). resultant yincreased inhibition of betaine-BHMT system by DMG could 56 not be fully mitigated even by betaine supplementation. Then investigated we in rats fed standard hyperhomocysteinemia deprivation folate deprivation and does deprivatibn cause diet, but choline casein folate-deprived standard also reinforced under combination which deprivation that homocysteine suggested markedly concentrations significantly be functional significantly are changes deprivation is also single deprivation while choline and concentration triglyceride precursor impairs important an choline choline was deficiency. homocysteine hepatic SAH hepatic and These hepatic deficiency as DMG increase that only findings not only index in plasma might casein diet. PC Since These homocysteine of choline increased, that deprivation the concept by the MS activity. concentration to represent support betaine and system the combination triglyceride decreased, concentration of the BHMT in standard an SAM several homocysteine and folate did not, indicating or measured metabolism finding hepatic that betaine-BHMT suggested that the affected activities significantly unfavorable, of demonstrated synergistically CBS the standard hyperhomocysteinemia study present under the condition induced the synergistic induced of choline folate induced which with folate deprivation and under mLight result in inhibition which There concentration. deficiency are homocysteine, to be associated thought deficiency and conversely increased, to remethylate increased, MS metabolism decreased, concentrations not hepatic instance, choline diet. The that choline homocysteine plasma folate deprivation and to find out (20C) folate deprivation deprivation the choline in the liver. For variables choline folate deprivation-induced on enhanced cause not diet and casein of choline diet casein synergistically deprivation Choline concentration. deprivation the effect of choline of both hepatic deficiency its or that folate deficiency but also by the BHMT pathway pathway. Finally, both on 25% soybean investigated we the effects of dietary deprivation-induced choline protein (25S) supplementation hyperhomocysteinemia diet to find out that choline 57 with in rats fed deprivation-induced folate, serine, 10% casein or (10C) depression in or the BHMT in the present we study, serine had folate and little additive of supplementation MS activities DMG The combination plasma deficiency system. of choline homocysteine might was Furthermore, supplemented system removal closely compared deficiency not only it has been with and the MS related, the impairn1ent Of these enzyme be one fTolate deficiency findings effectiveness hyperhomocysteinemia. synergistically the concept support system increased for incomplete reason in the betaine enhanced that fTolate but also the betaine-BIiMT found that the effect of fTolate supplementation betaine-BHMT was because pathway and pathway even of the lower of 5-MTIq-MS 58 two the BHMT could pathway. on also partial or limited The system. one effect that the activity of was the roles of folate and the 5-MTIq-MS serine, probably by remethylation, 5-MTHF that folate deprivation markedly hyperhomocysteinemia with serine folate deficiency-induced These concentration. impair deprivation-induced investigated in suppressing of betaine supplementation even conditions. finding might This concentration. with and range, for the insufficient in the liver of rats, although demonstrate to hepatic reason possible In fact, pathway. concentration, increased in combination or study of homocysteine One activity. by dietary the present homocysteine the plasma on of the MS the nutritional within serine significantly the MS also innuenced were metabolism with dose maximal effect folate alone with In conclusion, hepatic with a than the activity df BHMT lower was or alone together concentration folate at used folate supplementation by stimulation be fully compensated cannot pathway not capacity pathways pathway when choline folate for homocysteine are separately be fully compensated but by another ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would Department like to express whose of Applied expertise, Morita A very special a I could difference I would University thanks not in my like to thank and students also like to thank particular, I must assistance, I would my goes added and skill in many out Mori, of Agriculture, Shizuoka and areas, at all levels to study. to my considerably Prof. Takashi to Prof. Jian go abroad Sugiyama Feng, Hayakawa without experience. in writing and reports. Prof. Tatsuya project. whose Prof. Jian Fens University, graduate his assistance for the research of is the motivation one and teacher who truly life. students of Department of Chengdu family acknowledge not Faculty patience, provided Prof. Kimio supervisor and Prof. Makoto they to my Chemistry, knowledge for the assistance encouragement made Biological like to thank I also would gratitude understanding his vast I appreciate my have University for the support my of Applied they of Traditional Chinese Medicine. me through my provided friends, without finished this thesis. 59 BiologicalChemistry, whose encouragement Shizuoka I would entire life and and editing in REFERRENCE S 1) Shlhub J. 1999. 2) Ueland PM. 1995. Annu metabolism. Homocysteine as species RevNutr components 19: 217-246. redox thiol ofplasma Clin status. 41: 340-342. Chem 3) Refsum H, Ueland disease. Annu 4) De Homocysteine Bree BM, WM, Kromhout disease. Pharmacol Malinow MR, D, to what and the evidence heart 1998. 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