2015.8 消費税に係るリバースチャージ方式の導入

Sakurai & Co.
法律の改正によって、2016/4/1 以降国外の芸能人や芸能法人(職業運動家を含む)が来
※ 上記リバースチャージ方式は、経過措置により当分の間課税売上割合が 95%未満であ
課税売上割合が 95%以上及び簡易課税制度が適用される事業者については、課税標準
<A new Japanese Consumption Tax (“JCT”) regime>
Under the 2015 tax reform program, foreign entertainers and entertainment corporations
(including athletes) that come to Japan after April 1, 2016 and provide services to business
enterprises in Japan are subject to JCT.
This JCT is to be collected by way of a reverse charge system. So, Domestic promoters, which
are typical business enterprises in this case, are responsible to file a consumption tax return for
such entertainers and corporations and pay JCT at 8% on payments such as guaranteed fees
and prize money. Therefore, the Japanese promoters will deduct JCT in addition to existing
withholding income tax (20.42% or 15.315%), when they remit the guaranteed fees to the
foreign entertainment corporations for their services to be provided in Japan after April of 2016.