The Fort Worth Japanese Society Newsletter Sept. - Oct. 2015 Cormorant Fishing – flames attract fish to the surface so that trained cormorant birds can catch them. Sept. 13th Luncheon Pot Luck and a Movie Our Mission: To foster understanding between Japanese and Americans by providing an opportunity to learn about Japan, it’s people, language and culture. September Luncheon Sunday, Sept. 13th - From 12:30PM at the Yamagata Center Pot Luck and an Emmy Award Winning Movie We will have pot luck for this luncheon, and as always, those attending will be bringing their favorite food preparations. It’s always a treat so don’t miss out. While we are enjoying the food, we will play the short movie “The Legacy of Heart Mountain,” an Emmy Award-Winning documentary story about the Japanese internment during WWII. Ten internment camps were established in California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas. There were other facilities throughout the country, including in Texas – Crystal City, Kenedy, Ft. Sam Houston and Seagoville. Eventually these camps held over 120,000 persons. Please don’t hesitate to bring your children – we will also show Japanese anime in the front classroom for them during the same time. -2- Fall Festival in the Japanese Garden Sat. Oct. 24th – Sun. Oct. 25th Volunteers Needed Place your name on the sign-up sheets at the Yamagata Center or contact the leads for each activity below: Origami – Irene Koscal: 817-294-4633 [email protected] Calligraphy – Wes Noles 817-847-5821 [email protected] Japanese Games – Elishia Flowers 817-534-6236 [email protected] Kimono Dress-up – Haruko Herness 817-560-8761 [email protected] Kamishibai - William Winston 817-370-2343 [email protected] -3- SOCIETY NEWS - RECENT EVENTS We hope all of you have had a wonderful summer. As you can see from our Recent Events section, we’ve had a number of activities this summer and are busy preparing for the fall season. Our September luncheon is coming up soon and will be pot luck and a movie. Also, please note that we are moving our Bazaar from December to November this year. July Luncheon – Tanabata Festival Over sixty of us enjoyed our luncheon celebrating this festival as Chef Julia Dunaway cooked and organized our various food stations, including the popular takoyaki stand with Akiko Sonnenmann and Mikako Daniel. Chef Kevin Martinez brought out his food truck again and served yakitori. He also had a friend make red bean ice cream which was praised by all. Marcia King led us in making kirigami (paper cutting), Lisa Meyer played the Japanese part of the Tanabata story and Lisa Reinhart played the English version with our kamishibai theater. And of course, all of us had a chance to hang our wish, tanzaku, on our wish tree. Tanzaku (wishes) were placed on our bamboo wish tree at our Tanabata Luncheon Texas Rangers “Japan America Friendship Night The Texas Rangers set aside Monday, August 17th as “Japan America Friendship Night.” The heat kept most of us away, but our Dondoko Taiko Drummers were dramatically greeting Ranger fans with the sound of their drumming. The Rangers won that evening beating the Seattle Mariners 4 to 3. Gift of Hagoita Paddles Two beautiful hagoita paddles were donated to our society by Masashi Yanagisawa, a professor in the School of Medicine at University Tsukuba. Some may remember him at the person who entertained us with his flute playing several years ago. We will find a nice place to add them to our décor. Sendai Students Visit Fort Worth Six high school students with their adult supervisors visited Fort Worth on August 6th and had lunch at Joe T. Garcia Mexican restaurant. These were student ambassadors from the Dallas/Sendai Sister City program and they wanted to include Fort Worth in their area sightseeing. Their entire visit was organized by Cori Hallock, a member of the FWJS board who is now the Program Manager for the Japan American Society of DFW. -4- Society News – continued UPCOMING EVENTS September Luncheon – Sunday Sept. 13th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We will have pot luck for this luncheon, and while we are enjoying the food, we will play the movie “The Legacy of Heart Mountain,” an Emmy Award-Winning documentary story about the Japanese internment during WWII. Please don’t hesitate to bring your children – we will also show Japanese anime in the front classroom for them during the same time. Japanese Garden Fall Festival Sat. Oct. 24 to Sun. Oct. 25 The Fall Festival in the Fort Worth Japanese Gardens is a great opportunity to share what we know of Japanese culture to the general public. And – everyone who volunteers has a great time. Sign-up sheets are at the front table at the Yamagata Center or you can contact the head of each activity, listed on another page of this newsletter. Annual Bazaar – Sun. Nov. 29th We have in the past had our Bazaar in December, but for this year, we are moving it up to the last Sunday in November. The Japanese Palace Restaurant has always graciously allowed us to have our event there, and so it will held there again. This very popular event will feature okonomiyaki and yaki-soba, grilled at the cooking tables (teppan), obento (one type including nigiri sushi with raw fish, and one type with all cooked foods), bake sale featuring many Japanese sweets. More information will be provided in our next newsletter. Fort Worth Japanese Society Nagaoka Exchange Scholarship We are announcing a scholarship for a society member student which will help pay to join the Fort Worth Sister Cities summer student exchange program for 2016. Please see another page in this newsletter for more details. This scholarship is for students from 8th to 12th grades. Applications due Oct. 17th, 2015. Japanese Language School Mr. Makio Nishida has been the principal of our language school for many years now, and has requested to retire from this position. Harvey Yamagata will act as the principal beginning this fall semester. We are very thankful that Nishida-sensei has been supporting our school for so long. -5- 日本人会会報—最近の出来事 皆さん、素晴らしい夏を過ごされたことと思います。「最近の出来事」 でご覧のように、今年の夏は多くのイベントを行い、今は秋に向けて 忙しく準備を進めています。9月のランチョンはもうすぐです。今月は ポットラック、そして映画鑑賞。そして今年のバザーは12月から11 月に変更したので、ご注意ください。 7月のランチョン:七夕祭り シェフ、ジュリア・ダナウェイさんが、明子ソネマンさんとみかこダニ エルさんによる人気のあるたこ焼きスタンドを含めた様々なフードス テーションの調理をし、まとめてくださり、60人以上の参加者 誰も が楽しみました。 Marcia King led us in シェフ、ケヴィン・マルチネスがまたフードトラックを持ってきてくださ making kirigami to hang on り、焼き鳥を焼いてくれました。彼の友人による小豆アイスクリーム our wish tree は絶品でした。マルシア・キングさんが切り紙を教えてくださり、リ サ・マイヤーさんが日本語で、リサ・レインハートさんが英語で 七 夕物語の紙芝居を披露してくださいました。そしてもちろん、みんな で短冊に願い事を書き、笹の葉に飾りました。 テキサス・レンジャーズ「日米フレンドシップナイト」 テキサス・レンジャーズは8月17日(月)を「日米フレンドシップナイ ト」として確保しました。熱気は、私たちから遠ざかりましたが、どん どこ太皷は、彼らの奏でる太鼓の演奏でレンジャーズファンを感動 的に歓迎しました。この日の試合はレンジャーズがシアトルマリナー ズを4対3で下しました。 Lia Meyer and Lisa 羽子板の贈り物 Reinhart performs with our kamishibai theater 2つの美しい羽子板が 現・筑波大学国際統合睡眠医学研究・機構 長、教授の柳沢正史氏よりわが日本人会に寄付されました。何年 か前にフルートを演奏してくださったことを覚えていらっしゃる方もお られるでしょう。どこか良い場所に飾りましょう。 仙台の学生、フォートワースを訪問 8月6日に、大人の引率者と共に6人の高校生がフォートワースを 訪れ、ジョーTガルシアで昼食をしました。彼らは、ダラスと仙台の姉 妹都市プログラムからの学生大使で、フォートワースも地域観光に 含めたかったのです。これらの全訪問は、FWJSのボードメンバー でもあり、現在DFWの日米協会のプログラムマネージャーでもある コーリ・ハーロックさんによって手配されました。 Hagoita paddles donated by Masashi Yanagisawa -6- 予定されているイベント 定例ランチョン:9月13日(日)12時半から 今月はポットラックです。食事を楽しんでいる間に、エミー賞を受賞したドキュメンタリー映 画「The Legacy of Heart Mountain」(邦題:証言-ハートマウンテン収容所の遺産)第二 次世界大戦の間の日本の抑留について)を鑑賞します。お子さんも是非連れてきてくださ い。子供達に日本のアニメを同じ時間に教室で見せます。 日本庭園 秋祭り・10月24日(土)10月25日(日) フォートワース日本庭園での秋祭りは、一般の人たちに私たちの日本文化の知識をシェ アできる素晴らしい機会です。そして、ボランテイァをする誰もが素晴らしい時間を過ごし ます。サインアップの用紙は山縣会館のフロントテーブルにあります。またはニュースレ ターに載っているそれぞれの活動のリーダーに連絡を取ってください。 毎年恒例のバザー・11月29日(日) 過去に毎年バザーを12月に行っていましたが、今年は11月最後の日曜日に変更しまし た。ジャパニーズパレスは いつもこのイベントのために場所を提供してくださり、今年も場 所は同じです。この人気のあるイベントでは、鉄板で作るお好み焼き、焼きそば、そしてお 弁当は、握り寿司の入ったお弁当と、すべて火の通った料理のお弁当の2種類。日本の 和菓子を含むベークセール。詳しくは次のニュースレターで。 フォートワース日本人会 長岡学生交流プログラ ム奨学金 2016年のフォートワース姉妹都市協会の夏の 学生交流プログラムに参加する日本人会メン バーの学生を支援する奨学金を発表いたします。 このニュースレターの別のページにて詳細をご 覧ください。この奨学金は8年生から12年生ま で。申し込みは2015年、10月17日(土)まで。 日本語学校 西田牧夫氏が長い間日本語学校の校長を務め てくださいましたが、この度校長を辞めること希 望され、この秋学期より山縣ハービー氏が校長 を引き受けます。 西田先生、長い間日本語学校をサポートしてくだ さったこと、心より感謝いたします。 -7- Our grateful thanks to Makio Nishida who is retiring after many years as the principle of our Language School. Scenes From Our Tanabata Luncheon Left: Julia Dunaway, Kevin Martinez and Alexis Moreno cook in the food truck Right: Joe Herness with hot freshly made food from the Yaitai Food Kart Left: Yakitori and Yakisoba on charcoal grill and griddle Right: Mikako Daniel and Akiko Sonnemann busily preparing takoyaki for hungrily awaiting fans Student Ambassadors from Dallas’ sister city Sendai visit Fort Worth Japanese students try their hand at putting together a Mexican fajita at Joe T’s in Fort Worth Sendai student ambassadors with Harvey Yamagata (top center) and Cori Hallock (top right) -8- $2,500 Scholarship The Fort Worth Japanese Society will award a $2,500 scholarship to a student who will proudly represent our society in the Fort Worth Sister Cities International student ambassador program to Nagaoka, Japan in 2016. Applications may be obtained by emailing [email protected] or by contacting Harvey Yamagata at 817737-9166. Applications due Oct. 17th, 2015. Fort Worth Sister Cities will select the award winner. Sister Cities’ student ambassadors with their Nagoaka counterparts in Japan Who is Eligible? Students from 8th to 12th grades with demonstrated leadership skills The student or his/her family must be a current member of the Fort Worth Japanese Society. Experience and willingness to participate in FWJS activities and other community service and volunteer activities Established academic accomplishments Ability to express ideas clearly both verbally and in writing Interest in international cultures What are the Benefits? Develop leadership skills by representing the City of Fort Worth and the United States. Learn diplomacy skills. Appreciation of volunteerism by participating in community service projects. Understanding of other cultures while living with a host family. New friendships expanding the potential for peace in the future. Youth Ambassador exchanges are fun and memorable as students make new friends while becoming globally fluent. Knowledge of the country’s language is not a requirement for these exchanges, only the desire to understand and respect other cultures. -9- Society Activities Dondoko Taiko (Drum Group) Drummers with Fort Worth Mayor Price and Nagaoka Mayor Mori at July 4th Celebration. This group performs at many metroplex festivals and special events. Practice every Sunday 6:00 to 8:30 PM. Contact: Asako Cosby 817737-6581 Japanese Language Class Adult classes Mondays 6:00-7:30pm. (There may be other evenings, depending on class size.) Children’s classes Mondays 4:45-5:30pm (must be over 3 years old). Very reasonable tuition. Visit our website at Contact: Harumi Sharp. Email [email protected] Students practicing calligraphy at our language school demonstration Classical Japanese Dance This is a relatively small group meeting at the Society every Monday morning from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The instructor is Mrs. Keio Miyamoto, an accredited master of Fujima School. If anyone is interested in Japanese dances, please come and join us. The group enjoys dancing with other Fort Worthians at the spring and autumn Japanese Festival. Contact: Teruko Green Cell: 817-723-3213 Kurumi Ningyo This group makes Japanese crafts and meets from 10:00am to 2:00pm every other Wednesday. Contact: Nobuko Foshee - 10 - Join the Fort Worth Japanese Society MEMBERSHIP FORM for 2015 Tel: 817-294-5004 Date ____________ Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Current Address: No. & Street _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________ Tel. No. Home ______________________________ Work _____________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________ I would like to receive my newsletter by (check one): Mail eMail I would like to be notified of coming events by (check one): Telephone eMail If you will let us know what activities are of interest to you, such as Japanese Dance, volunteer at our the Fall and Spring Japanese Garden Festival, etc., let us know. Also, if you wish, let us know your age range and we will let you know what activities might be of interest to you. Your comments: ___________________ ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Annual Membership Dues (please mark (x) in front of the classification you are joining). ____ Family Membership $40.00 ____ Single Membership $30.00 ____ Associate Membership (Students) $20.00 Make check payable to Fort Worth Japanese Society. Mail to: Fort Worth Japanese Society c/o Harvey Yamagata 4220 Ridgehaven Road Fort Worth, TX 76116 Optional: Membership dues do not cover all expenses such as maintaining our building which facilitates all our activities. These expenses are augmented by donations and fund raising events. If you wish to make a donation at this time, please mark (X) in front of the level of donation. ___ Maple $10.00 - $49.99 ___ Ginko $50.00 - $99.99 ___ Sakura $100 and over. Donations will be recognized in our newsletter. The Fort Worth Japanese Society is a not-for-profit organization and contributions are tax deductible. - 11 - Local Business Supporters Arigato Gozaimasu [email protected] Natsuko E Piano Studio 3209 Lawndale Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76133 Tel. (818) 481-1384 Piano lessons for all ages and levels. Over 10 years of teaching experience. 5121 Pershing Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 737-8568 Would you like to advertise in our Newsletter? Contact Harvey Yamagata at [email protected] - 12 - Fort Worth Japanese Society 3608 Park Lake Fort Worth, TX 76133 SAVE THE DATE September Luncheon – Sunday Sept. 13th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We will have pot luck for this luncheon, and the Emmy Award winning movie “The Legacy of Heart Mountain,” about the Japanese internment during WWII. Please don’t hesitate to bring your children – we will also show Japanese anime in the front classroom for them during the same time. Japanese Garden Fall Festival Sat. Oct. 24 to Sun. Oct. 25 The Fall Festival in the Fort Worth Japanese Gardens is a great way to have fun volunteering. Sign-up sheets are at the front table at the Yamagata Center or you can contact the head of each activity, listed on another page of this newsletter. Annual Bazaar – Sun. Nov. 29th at the Japanese Palace Restaurant This year’s Bazaar will be in November. This very popular event will feature okonomiyaki grilled at the cooking tables (teppan), hot ramen, obento (one type including nigiri sushi with raw fish, and one type with all cooked foods), bake sale featuring many Japanese sweets. More information will be provided in our next newsletter. Fort Worth Japanese Society Tel: 817-294-5004 3608 Park Lake Drive Fort Worth, TX 76133
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