坂倉輝俊 助教 Terutoshi SAKAKURA Assistant Professor 東北大学多元物質科学研究所 Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Tohoku University 計測研究部門 Division of Measurements 単結晶 X 線結晶構造解析 電子密度分布 多重散乱 波動関数 Single-crystal X-ray diffraction Electron density distribution Multiple diffraction Wave function 単結晶 X 線回折法における技術開発 Technical study of single-crystal X-ray diffraction 物質内の電子密度をとても明瞭に捉える新しい技術が今日必要とされています。原理上、そのような分析手法として最も有 力なのは単結晶 X 線回折法です。多重散乱等のあらゆるノイズを除去する事ができれば、単結晶 X 線回折法を用いて結晶 内のたった一個の価電子の空間分布までも捉える事が可能となります。 Novel techniques to capture electron densities in materials quite clearly are required nowadays. In principle, the most promising probe of this kind is single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). If any kinds of contaminations such as multiple-diffractions (MDs) are eliminated, single-crystal XRD can capture spatial distribution of even only one valence electron in crystals. 波動関数ベースのデータ解析ソフトウェアや多重散乱を抑える測定法の開発をする事で、古くからの X 線回折技術は結晶内 の電子密度を測定する優れたツールへと変わり得ます。この分野におけるこのような技術的困難や煩雑さを克服していくこ とを研究の目標としています。 Through the development of wave-function-based refinement software and data collection technique reducing contaminations due to multiple diffractions, conventional XRD technique can become a sophisticated tool to investigate electron density distribution in crystals. Our objective is to overcome such technical difficulties and complexities in this field. Fig.1. Comparison of structure factor squared measured in MD-avoided and no MD-avoided methods for YMn2O5. For weak or forbidden reflections, most of the no MD-avoided reflections are larger than MD-avoided ones in a few orders due to MD. Acta Cryst. B,67,193(2011). Fig.2. Experimentally observed orbital order of Ti-3d1 electrons in YTiO3. For no MD-avoided measurement (b), lobes of 3d electrons, which is clearly observed in MD-avoided measurement (a), cannot be observed. Isosurface level is ±1.3eÅ-3. Sky-blue is negative and yellow is positive, ISOTOPES 誌, 60(3),131 (2011). Acta Cryst. E,66,i68(2010). [email protected] http://db.tagen.tohoku.ac.jp/php/forweb/outline.php?lang=ja&no=4015 Fig.3. Electron density of ψ(t2g2,1A1) orbital illustrated by inverse Fourier transformation of structure factor calculated by our developing wave-function based refinement software for a virtual crystal isostructural to YTiO3. Acta Cryst E,66,i80(2010).
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