The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. Breeze 5 月号 企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会)・マンスリーレポート Kiyukai Japanese Business Association Monthly Report 1987 – 2015 2015 年 4 月 22 日 (水 )開催ビジネスネットワーキング 企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会) ◆◆ 5月号トピック ◆◆ 1. 理事会からのご挨拶 ! 企友会理事 中谷 陽里 2. ビジネスネットワーキングご報告 1 . 理事会からのご挨拶 VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE IS TOO EXPENSIVE !? Our young and vibrant City has had a short but colourful history. Vancouver, at the time of incorporation in 1886, had a population of just 1,000 residents and the City was essentially just the small area in downtown surrounding Gastown. Today, only 129 years later, the city has reached over 640,000 residents and the Metro Area has surpassed 2.4 million. In this Kiyukai Breeze - Page 1 The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. Breeze 5 月号 企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会)・マンスリーレポート Kiyukai Japanese Business Association Monthly Report 1987 – 2015 City we call home, minorities are the majority, and it’s hard to come across a second let alone third or fourth generation local. Through it all, we’ve found a balance between the Bohemians and the Businessmen to build a unique and distinct Vancouver and to find the common values that define what it is to be a Vancouverite. Earlier this month, an Art Wholesaler stopped by our office wanting to clear out some framed, Old Vancouver photographs left over from a bulk purchase by one of our neighbours. I snapped up several of them, one of which was a picture of English Bay in the early 1900’s. A week later, I enjoyed a late afternoon seeing the sunset at English Bay. In the photo, taken 100 years ago, houses still lined Beach Avenue, where today there are a row of apartments and condos. The early English settlers with the men adorning top hats and ladies with long dresses had all gone, and been replaced by a sea of languages and cultures representing every continent. The only thing that remained the same, other than the beautiful Bay, was the old-world charm of the Sylvia Hotel. Just as much as one of the homes lining Beach Avenue was imaginably unaffordable to many Vancouverites back then, in today’s market it seems any house in this City is now unimaginably unaffordable to most. When we look at the sudden increase of real estate prices, those who have benefited most are those who had lived and owned in this City from decades ago. Those who struggle the most are the young buyers and new immigrants who have to scrimmage a reasonable down payment without the capital gains of long term residents. In the past 15 years or so, Metro Van has experienced some serious growing pains. From the water cooler to the headline news, “Vancouver Real Estate” and “Too Expensive” have become household slogans. Today, houses on the sought after Westside now have a Benchmark Price of just under $2.5 Million and Eastside homes have now surpassed the $1M benchmark. What’s perhaps not highlighted, however, is that within a one hour commute to Vancouver City Centre, detached homes can still be found in the $500K-$600K range in the suburbs like Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge and Surrey. Just this past weekend, a rally was held downtown where protestors spoke on public concerns about unaffordability in the City, and made note of the huge increase in real estate prices as compared to salaries. But what’s perhaps overlooked is that with changing property types and increased densities, pre-sale condos including micro lofts priced in the $100K range have emerged in Surrey, in Richmond/Burnaby/North Vancouver/New Westminster, brand new one bedroom condos can still be purchased for $200K-$300K, and within the City of Vancouver in the $300K-$400K range. In fact, in the past 5 years, the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver, Apartment (Condo) Benchmark price has only raised 3% on average. The immense growth of the City and Metro area has also resulted in our growing sky train and public transit network, the extension of our beautiful seawall, new city parks, major sports teams, headlining concerts, and brand new neighbourhoods complete with community centres and schools in urban areas. The city of thousand has grown to a Metro area of millions. And when you share a community with an increasing number of people you must make compromises and concessions. In the last 15 years, it seems it is the compromises and concessions that were not given the time needed to keep up with the prices. Metro Kiyukai Breeze - Page 2 The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. Breeze 5 月号 企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会)・マンスリーレポート Kiyukai Japanese Business Association Monthly Report 1987 – 2015 Vancouverites must compromise on expectations of what is an affordable property. Just the same the policy makers have started looking at concessions on zoning and taxation that helps affordability and families stay in the Metro area. The reality of the Vancouver Real Estate market is that prices have increased immensely, and these prices are here to stay. Vancouver Real Estate is expensive as a result of the free and open market we live in. Whether it is too expensive, is apparently a matter of personal experience. And if the new Vancouver is not your cup of tea, the reality is one can still find the Vancouver from decades ago - in many areas of Beautiful British Columbia, just not within our city limits. And if Vancouver is still the place for you, one must make compromises and accept that a family home is no longer a white picket fence, but maybe a condo or a townhouse. City of Vancouver Archives, English Bay 1914 企友会理事 中谷 陽里 2. ビジネスネットワーキングご報告 2015 年 4 月 22 日(水)、バンクーバー公立図書館にて第 2 回ビジネスネッ トワーキングが開催されました。昨年の 7 月以来 9 ヶ月ぶりとなりました が、異業種の会員の皆様をお招きし、座談会形式で 6 社のご紹介をいただ きました。 当日のスピーチ順に、お名前、会社名と業務内容等を説明いたします。 Kiyukai Breeze - Page 3 The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. Breeze 5 月号 企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会)・マンスリーレポート Kiyukai Japanese Business Association Monthly Report 1987 – 2015 1. 美香スミス 氏 My Roundtable My Roundtableでは若者から企業役員まで幅広くパーソナルコーチサービスを提供して います。スピーチでは、コーチングを皆様に理解していただくために、白い紙をお配 りしました。目を閉じ、「紙を半分に折って下さい」「右上をちぎって下さい…」等 の美香氏の指示に従い、最後にその紙を開くと、人それぞれ形が違い、日頃の個人の 思い込みや受けとり方がコミュニケーションにどう影響するのか、気づきを促されま した。 2. Tajiri Junichi 氏、小茂田 勝政 氏 Coast Hotel Ltd. Coast Hotel Ltd.はカナダで急成長中のホテルチェーンです。バンクーバー五輪の2010年 にオープンしたCoast Coal Harbour Hotelは、日本国総領事館の向かいにあり、大臣の方 々にもご好評いただいているとのことです。昨年の当会主催日系ビジネスアワード& クリスマスパーティもこちらのホテルで開催されました。親会社は岡部株式会社(東 証一部上場)で、主な事業は建設や自動車関連製品となっております。 3. 横山ブルース 氏 Royal Pacific Realty Royal Pacific Realtyは不動産事業を行っています。現在、バンクーバーでは不動産価格 が高騰していますが、サレーやコキットラムで家を持つことは可能です。投資対象と しての不動産の利点について、専門的な内容を図やグラフを用いてわかりやすくご案 内いただきました。また、横山氏は当会の第1回Meetingに参加されており、熱気の凄 さにコミュニティの需要を感じたと当時の様子をお話しいただきました。 4. Yujiマトソン 氏 DLA Piper (Canada) LLP DLA Piper (Canada) LLPはグローバルな法律事務所です。2015年4月にDavisLLPと合併 しました。DavisLLPは日本との関わりが深い法律事務所で、東京に高橋&デイビス法 律事務所がありました。Yuji氏は当会の顧問であるGaryマトソン弁護士のご子息です 。日本へのご留学を経て、昨年より弁護士として移民法に関わる業務を担当されてい ます。日本人だけではなく、多国籍な案件を取扱っておられるとのことです。 5. 荒木大輔 氏 ARA Professional Travel & Support ARA Professional Travel & Support はカナダ専門のオーダーメイドツアーで No.1 を 目指しています。荒木氏はワーキングホリデーでレイクルイーズに行かれ、現地ツア ー会社でガイドとしてキャリアをスタート、日本でのご勤務を経て 2012 年に独立さ れました。会社名とロゴマークを決める際には奥様や同僚の方のアドバイスがあった そうです。口コミでロングステイのお客様のご利用が増えているとのことです。 6. 和田健治氏 P.J. Trading Kiyukai Breeze - Page 4 The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. Breeze 5 月号 企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会)・マンスリーレポート Kiyukai Japanese Business Association Monthly Report 1987 – 2015 P.J. Tradingは木材の製材・輸出の貿易事業を行っています。主に日本、韓国やアルバ ータ州向けの木材を取り扱っています。小さな工場で特殊な製材を作ることで、大手 業者との差別化を図っています。現在は減ってきているそうですが、ビジュアル的に わかりやすいということで、丸太輸出の写真を用いてお話いただきました。また、ア パレル商品のお店を経営されていた時代のお話もお伺いすることができました。 いくつかの質疑応答の後、来場の皆様とスピーカーが自由に交流できる和やかな会と なりました。 参加者44名(内訳:理事9名、会員14名、非会員12名、ボランティア9名) 企友会ボランティア 貝嶋 環 編集・発行 企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会) P.O. Box. 48494,Bentall Station, Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1A2 お問い合わせ:[email protected] FAX: (604) 688-0126 ウェブサイト Kiyukai Breeze - Page 5
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