第20回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 両面印刷 /20) 点数( 12 問から 10 問選択 (1) 彼にそれほど才能があるとは思いません。 (he / I / is / talented / think / so / don't). I don't think he is so talented. (2) 私はめったにクラシック音楽を聞きません。 (to / classical music / rarely / listen / I). I rarely listen to classical music. (3) 彼女がここにいさえすればなあ! (she / here / if / were / only) ! If only she were here! (4) もう新しい自転車を買ってもいい時期だよ。 (bicycle / bought / it's / a / you / new / time). It's time you bought a new bicycle. (5) 明日雨が降らなければいいんだが。 (rain / it / I / tomorrow / hope / won't). I hope it won't rain tomorrow. (6) 私は彼の言っていることをほとんど理解できなかった。 I (hardly / saying / understand / was / what / he / could). I could hardly understand what he was saying. (7) もし音楽がなかったら,人生は退屈だろう。 If it (would / for / life / were / music, / be / not) boring. If it were not for music, life would be boring. (8) もしシートベルトをしていなかったら,私は死んでいたところだ。 If (for / I / my seat belt, / it / killed / had not been / would have been). If it had not been for my seat belt, I would have been killed. 21 (9) 先生は,私にイヤリングをしないようにと言った。 My teacher (not / earrings / told / wear / me / to). My teacher told me not to wear earrings. (10) もう2度とジェットコースターには乗らないよ。 (ride / I / never / again / will / a roller coaster). I will never ride a roller coaster again. (11) 公園には子どもが1人もいなかった。 (in / there / the park / no / were / children). There were no children in the park. (12) 私たちは電車で学校に通っていない。 We (do / come / train / school / not / to / by). We do not come to school by train. 22 第19回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 両面印刷 /20) 点数( 13 問から 10 問選択 (1) あんな高いバッグを買わなければよかったなあ。 I (expensive bag / hadn't / an / I / such / wish / bought). I wish I hadn't bought such an expensive bag. (2) 夢がなければ,人生には意味がなくなるだろう。 (life / for / have / would / dreams, / no meaning / but). But for dreams, life would have no meaning. (3) 彼女の電話番号を知っていればなあ。 I (her / knew / wish / telephone number / I). I wish I knew her telephone number. (4) もしぼくが君なら,彼女をデートに誘うけどな。 (I / her / you, / ask / I would / for / were) a date. Were I you, I would ask her for a date. (5) もし彼が考えを変えるようなことがあれば,私に電話してくるだろう。 If (call me / change / he / would / should / he / his mind,). If he should change his mind, he would call me. (6) 君はまるで幽霊でも見たかのような顔色だよ! You (as / had / look / a ghost / if / seen / you) ! You look as if you had seen a ghost! (7) もし 10 分早く出発していたら,列車に乗り遅れることはなかっただろうに。 If (I would / ten minutes earlier, / not / left / missed / I had / have) the train. If I had left ten minutes earlier, I would not have missed the train. (8) 君のゴールがなかったら,試合に負けていただろう。 (have / the game / would / your goal, / lost / we / without). Without your goal, we would have lost the game. 19 (9) 明日雨が降ったら,ピクニックは中止にします。 If (we / rains / cancel / tomorrow, / the picnic / it / will). If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic. (10) 彼はまるで経済学の専門家であるかのように話す。 He (were / talks / economics / as / an expert / if / in / he). He talks as if he were an expert in economics. (11) たくさんお金があったら,島を買うんだけどな。 If (buy / money, / I had / an island / a lot of / I would). If I had a lot of money, I would buy an island. (12) 彼の準備ができていれば,出かけるのになあ。 If (go / we / were / would / he / ready,). If he were ready, we would go. (13) もし宝くじに当たるようなことがあったら,どうしますか。 If (to / you do / win / you were / what / the lottery, / would) ? If you were to win the lottery, what would you do? 20 第18回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 (1) 点数( /20) 7時に私がシャワーを浴びていると,その時明かりが消えたんだ! I was (out / taking / when / the lights / at seven, / a shower / went) ! I was taking a shower at seven, when the lights went out! (2) だれが電話をかけてこようと,私は電話に出たくない。 Whoever (to / don't / calls / want / I / me,) answer the phone. Whoever calls me, I don't want to answer the phone. (3) 私は本当に甘いものが好きです。そういうわけで歯が悪いのです。 I really like sweets. (teeth / my / why / bad / that's / are). I really like sweets. That's why my teeth are bad. (4) これが私のおばが働いている病院です。 This (where / works / the hospital / my aunt / is). This is the hospital where my aunt works. (5) そのようにして,彼はビジネス(business)に成功した(succeeded in)のです。 That's how he succeeded in business. (6) 地球上に恐竜が生きていた時代がありました。 There (on / a time / dinosaurs / was / when / the earth / lived). There was a time when dinosaurs lived on the earth. (7) 彼女はニューヨークへ引っ越し,そこで音楽の勉強をした。 She (to / music / where / moved / New York, / studied / she). She moved to New York, where she studied music. (8) 休日には,いつでも好きな時に起きることができる。 On holidays, (to / we / up / get / want / whenever / we / can). On holidays, we can get up whenever we want to. (9) 君がいつ来ようと,歓迎するよ(welcomed) 。 You will be welcomed whenever you come. (10) 今日,そんなにうれしそうな顔をしている理由を教えてよ。 (so happy / you / me / why / look / the reason / tell) today. Tell me the reason why you look so happy today. 18 第17回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 (1) 点数( /20) 彼には,奥さんが歌手の友人がいる。 He (wife / is / a friend / a singer / whose / has). He has a friend whose wife is a singer. (2) 私にはボストンに住んでいる友人がいます。 I (Boston / lives / have / who / a friend / in). I have a friend who lives in Boston. (3) 彼らは自分たちが見たものを信じられなかった。 They (believe / saw / couldn't / they / what). They couldn't believe what they saw. (4) 彼は病院で出会った女性と結婚した。 He (met / who / at / a woman / he / married / the hospital). He married a woman who he met at the hospital. (5) この腕時計はまさに私がほしかったものだ! This watch is just what I wanted! (6) 私が通りで出会った男性は,銀行で働いている。 The man (on / a bank / whom / the street / met / at / I / works). The man whom I met on the street works at a bank. (7) 私を不安にさせるのは,試験の成績のことだ。 What (me / the result / is / the exam / worries / of). What worries me is the result of the exam. (8) 彼は,アンがファンレターを送った俳優だ。 He (to / a fan letter / the actor / who / sent / is / Ann). He is the actor who Ann sent a fan letter to. (9) 私は,図書館から借りた本を読んでいる。 I'm (I / the library / borrowed / a book / from / which / reading). I'm reading a book which I borrowed from the library. (10) これは,私が生まれた町だ。 This is the city which I was born in. 17 第16回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 (1) 学べば学ぶほど,それだけ知識が増える。 (I know / the more / I study, / the more). 点数( /20) The more I study, the more I know. (2) アラスカほど大きな州は合衆国にない。 No other (as / is / in the United States / as large / state) Alaska. No other state in the United States is as large as Alaska. (3) 5万羽もの鳥がここで冬を越す。 As (fifty thousand / many / here / spend / the winter / as / birds). As many as fifty thousand birds spend the winter here. (4) できるだけ早く医者を呼んでくれ! (the doctor / soon / as possible / as / call) ! Call the doctor as soon as possible! (5) その木はますます高くのびている。 The tree ( and / is / taller / growing / taller). The tree is growing taller and taller. (6) これがこの店でもっとも高くないコンピュータです。 This is (this store / least / in / computer / expensive / the). This is the least expensive computer in this store. (7) 医者は(The doctor)できるだけ急いで(quickly)やってきた。 The doctor came as quickly as he could. (8) アラスカは合衆国のほかのどの州よりも大きい。 Alaska (is / any / larger / state / other / than) in the United States. Alaska is larger than any other state in the United States. (9) この車はあの車ほど値段は高くない(less expensive)。 This car is less expensive than that one. (10) アラスカより大きな州は合衆国にない。 No other (is / than / in the United States / state / larger ) Alaska. No other state in the United States is larger than Alaska. 16 第15回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 (1) 点数( /20) ここは,このホテルでもっともよい部屋の1つです。 This is (of / the hotel / the / rooms / nicest / in / one). This is one of the nicest rooms in the hotel. (2) 彼はこの学校でもっとも速い短距離走者(sprinter)です。 He is the fastest sprinter in this school. (3) 彼は私たちの中でもっとも速く泳ぐ。 He swims fastest of us all. (4) この部屋はあの部屋の2倍の大きさだ。 This room is twice as large as that one. (5) この家は私の家よりもずっと(much)大きい。 This house is much larger than mine. (6) スーはティムより3歳年下だ。 Sue (years / Tim / is / than / younger / three). Sue is three years younger than Tim. (7) この石はあの石よりも重い(heavy →比較級に)。 This stone is heavier than that one. (8) ヘンリーはこのクラスで2番目に背の高い学生です。 (in / is / student / Henry / the / tallest / second) this class. Henry is the second tallest student in this class. (9) 彼女はこの国で抜群に歌のうまい歌手だ。 She (far / in this country / best / the / is / by / singer). She is by far the best singer in this country. (10) 彼は私の父より若いということはない。 (my father / is / he / not / than / younger). He is not younger than my father. 15 第14回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 (1) 点数( /20) 月曜日だったので,その理髪店は閉まっていた。 It (being / the barber shop / closed / Monday, / was). It being Monday, the barber shop was closed. (2) 率直に言って,この仕事は退屈だと思う。 Frankly (boring / I / speaking, / think / is / this work). Frankly speaking, I think this work is boring. (3) 私の弟は,私の父と同じくらいの身長です。 (my father / as tall / is / as / my brother). My brother is as tall as my father. (4) かばんからかぎを取り出して,彼はその箱を開けた。 Taking (his bag, / a key / from / opened / he / out) the box. Taking out a key from his bag, he opened the box. (5) 私は妹ほど歌がうまくない。 I (as well / don't / my sister / sing / as). I don't sing as well as my sister. (6) 簡単な英語で書かれているので,この本は理解しやすい。 Written (to / this book / is / in simple English, / understand / easy). Written in simple English, this book is easy to understand. (7) 原作を読んでいたので,私はすでにその映画の結末を知っていた。 Having (knew / I / read / already / the ending / the novel,) of the movie. Having read the novel, I already knew the ending of the movie. (8) 数人の女の子が,話をしながら道を歩いている。 Some girls (down / to / other / walking / talking / the road / each / are). Some girls are walking down the road talking to each other. (9) 子どもと言えば,娘さんは今いくつですか。 Speaking (old / of / your daughter / how / children, / is) now? Speaking of children, how old is your daughter now? (10) 何を言えばよいのかわからず,彼は黙っていた。 Not (silent / say, / kept / what / knowing / to / he ). Not knowing what to say, he kept silent. 14 第13回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 (1) 点数( /20) あそこで / 絵を / 描いている / 少女は / だれですか。 Who is the girl painting a picture over there? (2) 小さな少女によって描かれた絵が,コンテストで優勝した。 The picture (a / painted / the contest / little / won / girl / by). The picture painted by a little girl won the contest. (3) 警察は / その車の中で / 盗まれた | お金を / 見つけた。 (stolen / the / in / money / found / the car / the police). The police found the stolen money in the car. (4) そのコメディアンは(the comedian) / 人々を / 笑わせた(笑う+させた)。 The comedian had the people laughing. (5) 彼は / 私を / 40 分間 / 待たせた(待っている+そのままにした)。 He kept me waiting for forty minutes. (6) だれかが / あの燃えている家 | の中に / いるぞ! Someone is in that burning house! (7) 私たちは,いつもその窓のかぎはかけておく。 (keep / locked / usually / the window / we). We usually keep the window locked. (8) 私たちは鳥が巣を作っているのを見た。 (a nest / saw / building / a bird / we). We saw a bird building a nest. (9) 彼の目は閉じられたままだ。 (closed / eyes / remain / his). His eyes remain closed. (10) 私は / 小さな女の子が / 母親 | によって / しかられる / のを見た。 (a little / by / I / scolded / her mother / saw / girl). I saw a little girl scolded by her mother. 13 第12回 Forest Benchmark English Grammar ID No. 名前 (1) 点数( /20) その男の子は,自分で朝食を作ることに慣れている(is used to)。 The boy is used to making his own breakfast. (2) 過去のことをくよくよしてもむだだよ。 It (is / the past / about / no / worrying / use). It is no use worrying about the past. (3) マサコは留学する(study abroad)ことを決めた(decided)。 Masako has decided to study abroad. (4) 寝る直前に食べるのは避けるべきだ。 You (just / go to bed / should / before / avoid / you / eating). You should avoid eating just before you go to bed. (5) 彼女に会ったことは決して忘れません。 I'll never forget meeting her. (6) 将来何が起こるかはわからない。 There is (happen / what / no / will / knowing ) in the future. There is no knowing what will happen in the future. (7) 彼女はオリンピックでメダルを獲得したことを誇りに思っている。 (having / proud / a medal / is / won / of / she) at the Olympics. She is proud of having won a medal at the Olympics. (8) 彼女に会うのを忘れないでね。 Don't forget to meet her. (9) 私は子ども扱いされるのは好きではない。 I (don't / being / like / treated / a child / like). I don't like being treated like a child. (10) またお会いするのを楽しみにしています。 I'm (to / you / forward / seeing / looking) again. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. 12
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