2015 年度「英語教員夏季ワークショップ」 時間割および講座の概要 7 月 29 日(水) 時間(教室) A 概 要 B 概 要 C 概 要 D 概 要 講師名 講座名 Creating speaking opportunities for reading-based English classes It is widely accepted that language skills are processed and acquired not separate from one another, but rather intertwined, with each skill helping to strengthen another. In many classes that emphasize reading, speaking skills are often ignored, inhibiting development. This workshop will examine how teachers can implement speaking activities into reading-based classes. Using a principle-based approach, participants will be given a chance to create speaking activities using common classroom textbooks that focus on reading skills. Comparative Analysis of Language Teacher Training Abroad 11:10~12:40 橋内 武 (外国語教員養成の国際比較) 英語を含む外国語の教員は世界各国でどのように養成されているだろうか。ヨーロッパとアジアの代 表的な国々での外国語教員養成制度を比較しながら、日本における外国語科教員養成の問題点を 指摘したい。 参考文献:大谷泰照編〈2015〉『国際的に見た外国語教員養成』、東信堂 (橋内は「シンガポール」と「コラム 教師像の変遷」を分担執筆) 9:30~11:00 Steve Silsbee 13:30~15:00 Steve Silsbee Writing activities for all levels When thinking of writing, many students often think of highly structured paragraphs or long essays. The truth is that writing does not have to take a great deal of effort or time. The truth is that there are many writing exercises which allow students to foster creativity and develop writing skills without following the traditional five paragraph essay model. In this workshop, participants will learn about and develop writing activities that can be accomplished by learners of all levels. Let's Enjoy English Word Games 15:10~16:40 橋内 武 (英語のことば遊びを楽しもう) 英語のことば遊び (word games) にはどのようなものがあるだろうか。Augarde (2003) には、27 のこ とば遊びが紹介されている。ここでは、その中から代表的な5種を選び出し、具体例に即して学習し てみたい。5 分、10 分のわずかな授業時間を使って、ことば遊びを楽しもう! 参考文献: Tony Augarde(2003 ) Oxford Guide to Word Games, Oxford University Press. 7月30日(木) E 時間(教室) 講師名 9:30~11:00 Warren Decker 講座名 Group Building in the English Language Classroom This workshop will focus on practical English language activities that teachers can use to create a 概 positive and supportive atmosphere in their classrooms. Participants will be asked to take part in these 要 activities and also share their own ideas. Please be prepared to take an active role. F 11:10~12:40 釣井 千恵 「多読を取り入れた英語学習・指導」 「使える」英語を習得するためには、「わかっている」ことまたは「知っている」知識を自動化させること が重要であり、自動化を促進する訓練として、多読がとても効果的だと言われています。しかし、た 概 だ単に多読用教材を読めばそれでいいのかといえばそうではなく、意図した力をつけるためには適 要 切な読み方で読む必要があります。本ワークショップでは、具体的にどのように読めばよいのか、眼 球運動研究からの知見を簡単に説明し、いくつかのアクティビティを紹介します。 G 13:30~15:00 Warren Decker Creative English Activities This workshop will provide practical creative activities that can be used to teach English and stimulate the imaginations of students. Many students have few chances to use English creatively and may initially 概 find the process very difficult, but in this workshop we will consider techniques for gradually guiding 要 students into the often unfamiliar realms of their own creative minds. Participants will be asked to take an active role in this workshop. H 15:10~16:40 釣井 千恵 「シャドーイングを取り入れた英語学習・指導」 シャドーイングとは音声を聞いて、音声は止めずに、流れている音声を聞きながら、すぐにそのまま 概 聞いた内容を言う練習法です。発音やリスニング力のアップに効果があることはわかりやすいので 要 すが、リーディングの学習や指導にもぜひ取り入れたい練習法です。本ワークショップでは、簡単に その理由を説明し、さまざまなレベルのシャドーイング練習法を紹介します。 7月31日(金) 時間(教室) 講師名 講座名 Brandon Principles of Classroom Assessment for Student Learning Kramer Everyone remembers the stress of taking tests when they were students in school. Tests are an unavoidable part of teaching, so using them well should be a goal of every teacher. This presentation will 概 talk about how tests can be used for checking how much students have learned throughout a semester, as 要 well as how they can help encourage learning and encourage the students to reach new levels. Different kinds of tests as well as recommended test-making strategies will be introduced, as well as a discussion of the concepts of validity, washback, and fairness. I J 概 要 K 概 要 9:30~11:00 Michael Understanding Can-do statements Carroll The Common European Framework of Reference - Japan (CEFR-J) is a version tailored to the Japanese context of the European Framework, a set of concrete descriptions that we can use to measure what learners at different levels can actually do in the target language. The difficulty in this kind of measurement, though, lies in understanding can-do statements in relation to the actual language tasks that students are carrying out in their classrooms. This workshop will look at how teachers can use cando statements to make classroom tasks meaningful to students, and to allow them to assess their students abilities, to encourage students to assess themselves, and to evaluate the effectiveness of those classroom tasks. Brandon Corpus-Based Vocabulary Learning and Instruction 13:30~15:00 Kramer “Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed” (Wilkins, 1972, p. 111). Everyone knows that vocabulary is very important for language learning, but it is much more difficult to decide what vocabulary our students should study for the most efficient progress. This presentation will discuss how corpus-based vocabulary learning can be applied in your classroom as well as give some tips for how to teach the most efficient vocabulary learning that you can use yourself or with your students. Helpful programs and classroom activities will be introduced, as well as the theories behind them. 11:10~12:40 Michael Teaching grammar in engaging ways Carroll If we ask students, and even some teachers, ‘Do you like grammar?’ the response is almost always, ‘No, it’s boring.’ Since there's no getting round the fact that students do need to learn grammar, this workshop 概 looks at ways of getting students to acquire grammatical ability unconsciously through activities that 要 engage their interest, and even to come to see grammar from a new perspective, as something interesting that they want to know more about. Michael 16:50~17:20 修了認定テスト Carroll 教員免許状更新受講者対象 L 15:10~16:40
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