一般社団法人 ディー・アイ・エー・ジャパン 〒106-0041 東京都港区麻布台 1-11-10 日総第22ビル7階 TEL: 03-5575-2130 FAX: 03-3583-1200 E-mail: [email protected] 【 出展案内 Tabletop Exhibit Outline 】 1. 名称: Name: 第 4 回 DIA CMC フォーラム 4th DIA CMC Forum in Japan 2. 期間: Period: 平成 27 年 7 月 2 日(木) July 2, 2015 3. 展示会場: Venue: KFC ホール前ホワイエ (KFC ビル 3F) Foyer for KFC Hall (KFC Bldg. 3F) 4. 募集枠: 8 ブース # of Booths: 8 booths 5. 展示時間: Exhibition hour: 7 月 2 日(木) Thursday, July 2 11:45 - 13:00 ランチブレイク 14:30 - 15:00 コーヒーブレイク 17:00 - 18:30 情報交換会 11:45 - 18:30 Lunch break Coffee break Networking reception ランチブレイク及びコーヒーブレイク、情報交換会のいずれかの時間帯に、一社につき 5 分間のプレゼ ンテーションタイムを設けます。どこの時間帯になるかは申込企業数やプログラムに基づいて後日設 定いたします。貴社ブース内で、マイクのみを使ったプレゼンテーションとなります。(モニターや PC の 準備はありません。) A 5 minute presentation slot will be given to each exhibitor during the lunch break, coffee break or networking reception (will be decided later depends on program and # of exhibiting companies) using a microphone at your tabletop space. AV items such as a monitor and PC will not be provided. 6. 展示スペースと展示資材: 展示スペースは、1 小間を約 2300mm (間口)×1700mm(奥行)とし、机 1 台(1800mm×450mm) と椅子 2 脚 をご用意します。もしくは各自机と椅子の持ち込みをご希望の方は事前にご相談ください。原則として机上での 展示をお願いします。パネル(幅 2300mm 以内)などを持ち込まれる場合は机の後ろに設置してください。パネ ルの高さに制限は設けておりませんが、常識の範囲内でお願いします。机の両脇への設置は隣接スペースの 視界の妨げとなりますのでご遠慮願います。イメージムービー等、音の出る物を使用される場合は、隣接する 出展者様の迷惑にならない音量でお願いします。ホール壁面への貼付、鋲留は一切禁止されておりますので ご留意ください。電気は1小間につき、5A までとし、コンセントは 2 口使用可。ホワイエでは Wi-Fi が利用可能 です。 Tabletop space and materials: One 1800mm x 450mm table and two chairs will be provided per space (size: 2300mm in width x 1700mm in depth). Or can be prepared by Exhibitors’ own upon request and the size needs to be within the space. Table must not be removed. Please place your materials on the table. Additional equipments such as a panel (less than 2300mm in width) may be placed behind the table only so as not to block neighbors’ view. Please set the volume to the minimum, if you display image movies. It is prohibited to thumbtack, or tape exhibiting materials on the wall. Two 5-amp power supplies are available per tabletop space. (Japanese standard plug only) Free Wi-Fi is available in the foyer. 7. 出展費: 1 スペース 108,000 円(税込) 出展費には、会議参加 1 名および展示担当要員 2 名が含まれています。展示担当要員の追加は 1 名につき 12,960 円を申し受けます。 Exhibit Registration fee: JPY108,000 (incl. consumption tax) per table Exhibition includes one complimentary full-meeting registration and two booth personnel badges. Additional booth personnel badge may be purchased for JPY12,960. 8. 出展企業概要: 出展企業の簡単な紹介文および連絡先を、参加者に当日配布するハンドアウトに掲載いたします。 Exhibitor’s Profile: Exhibitor’s profile will be printed in a conference handout which is distributed to all attendees on site. 1 EXHIBITOR LIST AND FLOOR PLAN Exhibit Area Layout D E F C G B H A Exhibiting Companies Company............................................................. A Company..............................................................E Company..............................................................B Company..............................................................F Company..............................................................C Company............................................................. G Company............................................................. D Company............................................................. H Application and Contract for Tabletop Display 4th DIA CMC Forum in Japan July 2, 2015 KFC Hall | Tokyo, Japan Company Contact Information Exhibiting Company Name (for signage and directory listing) Billing Information Check here if billing address is the same as the contact’s address Billing Company Name (for invoice) Contact Name (all correspondence will be sent to the contact information provided below) Contact Name Address Line 1 Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 2 City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country Telephone Number Email Address (where invoice should be sent) Email Address (required for confirmation) Payment Options and Information Exhibit Space Rates and Information Each 2,300 x 1,700 mm space includes one (1) complimentary full-meeting registration and two (2) exhibit booth personnel registrations. Additional exhibit booth personnel may be purchased for ¥12,000 each (plus Japanese Consupmtion Tax). Limit of three (3) additional exhibit booth personnel per booth space. Any additional staff would be required to register as conference attendees. Booth rental fees also include one (1) 1,800 x 450 mm table, two (2) chairs, one (1) 5A (ampere) electrical outlet, and internet access. Additional expenses associated with the exhibit, including special booths, drayage, lights, phone, carpeting, additional electical capacity, etc., will be the responsibility of the exhibitor. Payment may be made by credit card or bank transfer. Please note that exhibit space will not be assigned without payment in full. Companies with an outstanding balance will be prohibited from moving in at KFC Hall. Credit Card payments by Visa or MasterCard ONLY: VISA MC Cardholder’s Name: Card Number: Exp. Date: Tabletop Rental Fees: 1 tabletop space (¥100,000 + 8% Consumption Tax) = ¥108,000 2 tabletop spaces (¥200,000 + 8% Consumption Tax) = ¥216,000 Signature: Bank Transfers should be made to: MIZUHO BANK LTD., Kamiyacho branch, Toranomon 45 MT Bldg, 5-1-5 Toranomon Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 Japan DIA Japan Ordinary Account Number: 1273382 SWIFT Code: MHCBJPJT Company name, as well as the Meeting ID 15304 must be included on the transfer document to ensure payment to your account. Payment does not denote approval of your application to exhibit. If application is denied a full refund will be processed. All local and overseas charges incurred for the bank transfer must be borne by payer. Services/Products to be exhibited: Cancellation and Downsizing Policy Cancellations/Downsizing requests MUST be in writing and may be emailed to [email protected]. Cancellations/Downsizing requests received on or before: May 2, 2015 will receive a 75% refund. Cancellations/Downsizing requests received on or before: June 2, 2015 will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations/Downsizing requests received after: June 2, 2015 will receive NO refund. Booth rental fees are non-transferable. Exhibition Contact: DIA Japan Tomoko Nakamura Phone: +81 3 5575 2130 Fax: +81 3 3583 1200 email: [email protected] www.diahome.org | www.diajapan.org Nisso 22 Building 7F 1-11-10 Azabudai Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0041 Japan Contract Signature The undersigned hereby authorizes DIA to reserve exhibit space in the KFC Hall for use by the above company or organization during the 4th DIA CMC Forum in Japan. DIA reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to reject any application that in its judgment does not enhance the purpose of the 4th DIA CMC Forum in Japan and its associated Exposition or is in direct competition with DIA. This contract shall be deemed accepted by DIA when received, together with the required payment. However, no contract shall be deemed accepted if the contracting exhibitor has outstanding financial obligations to DIA, of which DIA is aware, for booth space, advertising, or any service(s) provided by DIA. Authorized signature Date Fax completed form to +81 3 3583 1200 or scan and email same to [email protected] Exhibit Booth Personnel Registration Form 4th DIA CMC Forum in Japan July 2, 2015 KFC Hall | Tokyo, Japan Each booth space purchased includes one (1) Full Meeting Registration and two (2) Exhibit Booth Personnel Registrations. Additional Exhibit Booth Personnel may be purchased (up to 3 per booth space) for ¥12,960 using the Additional Exhibit Booth Personnel Registration Form. One (1) Full Meeting Registration (access to conference sessions) Last Name Dr. Mr. Ms. Job Title First Name M.I. Company Address (as required for postal delivery to your location) Address Line 2 City State Phone Number Zip/Postal Country Email (required for confirmation) Two (2) Exhibit Booth Personnel Registrations (no access to conference sessions) Dr. Mr. Ms. Last Name First Name M.I. Job Title Company Address (as required for postal delivery to your location) Address Line 2 City State Phone Number Dr. Mr. Ms. Zip/Postal Country Email (required for confirmation) Last Name First Name M.I. Job Title Company Address (as required for postal delivery to your location) Address Line 2 City State Phone Number Zip/Postal Country Email (required for confirmation) Email completed form to [email protected] or fax same to +81 3 3583 1200
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