elitenetzwerk Bayern Forum

Bernhard-Ilschner-Hörsaal (H14)
Martensstr. 5/7, 91058 Erlangen
Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) is an international
master‘s programme at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. It has
been supported by the Elite Network of Bavaria (ENB) since
2005. Its unique combination of chemical and biological
­engineering and materials science offers an interdisciplinary
education for the next generation of successful engineers.
Further information for registration is provided under
Elitenetzwerk Bayern
Monday, 30 May 2016, 17:30
Bernhard-Ilschner-Hörsaal, H14
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Martensstraße 5/7, 91058 Erlangen
Prof. Dierk Raabe
The Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials
is the only interdisciplinary research collaboration of its type
in Germany focusing on fundamental and applied aspects of
designing and creating novel high-performance materials and
processes in nanoelectronics, catalysis, optics & photonics
and lightweight construction.
Materials Engineering through the Ages:
from the Battle of Kadesh
to Atomic Scale Materials Design
Bernhard-IlschnerHörsaal (H14)
SFB/Transregio 103
Elite Master‘s Programme Advanced Materials
and Processes ( MAP )
The Collaborative Research Center SFB/Transregio 103 “From
Atoms to Turbine Blades” is a joint effort of 19 research groups
based at five academic institutions, including FAU ErlangenNürnberg and Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). We aim to
develop the scientific basis for next generation single crystal
superalloys by combining materials science, solid state physics
and multiscale materials modelling with materials processing
Haberstr. 2, 2nd floor, 91058 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-28619 / 28620
Fax: +49 9131 85-25245
Email: [email protected]
p rogram
Materials Engineering
through the Ages:
from the Battle of Kadesh
to Atomic Scale Materials Design
Prof. Dierk Raabe, Max-Planck-Institut
für Eisenforschung GmbH, Düsseldorf
Materials have shaped mankind‘s history throughout the
ages, as illustrated by the eras of Stone, Bronze and Iron
Age. The developments of novel materials and corresponding processes have always been part of our technological
­history and continue to improve our lives in countless ways.
The design of advanced materials forms the backbone of
­modern industries and has enabled technological advances
in a huge range of applications. Examples include thin
film solar cells and thermoelectric materials for renewable
energy harvesting, ultrahigh strength steels and other metal
alloys for light-weight and energy efficient transportation,
as well as advanced actuators and sensors for novel bio­
medical devices.
Since the Bronze Age the design of new materials was
rooted purely in trial and error because of the complexity
of the physical and chemical mechanisms and the i­nvolved
process conditions. Additionally, the sheer number of
­chemical elements leads to an essentially infinite number
of compounds and alloys to explore.
This presentation reveals some of the critical pathways
along which ancient materials processing matured into
a ­science, aiming to understand and manipulate single
atoms and ­electrons to form optimal compounds for
­innovative products with the help of quantum mechanics,
atomic-scale microscopy and cutting-edge synthesis
17 30 BegrüSSung
Prof. Erik Bitzek · Prof. Nicolas Vogel
MAP Sprecher, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Ministerialrätin Beate Lindner
Leiterin der Geschäftsstelle des Elitenetzwerk Bayern
Prof. Günter Leugering
Vizepräsident für Internationale Angelegenheiten,
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Wolfgang Peukert
Koordinator, Cluster of Excellence Engineering
of Advanced Materials (EAM), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Elite Master’s Programme
in “Advanced Materials and Processes” (MAP)
Prof. Erik Bitzek
MAP Sprecher, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Materials Engineering through the Ages: from the
Battle of Kadesh to Atomic Scale Materials Design
Prof. Dierk Raabe
Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
1845 Stehempfang
Besichtigung der Einkristallgießanlagen
Prof. Dierk Raabe
Dierk Raabe holds Dr.-Ing. and
Habilitation degrees in physical
metallurgy and metal physics from
RWTH Aachen. After working at
Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA, he became Director of
the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung in Düsseldorf, where he
heads the department ‘Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design’.
His research focusses on understanding mechanical properties of metal alloys. By blending
theory with advanced characterization methods, Raabe aims
at integrating quantum mechanical simulations into enginee­
ring materials design and property predictions. He authored
more than 400 peer reviewed publications and several books,
including ‘Computational Materials Science’ (1998), ‘Continuum
Scale Simulation of Engineering Materials’ (2005), and ‘Crystal
Plasticity FEM in Materials Science and Engineering’ (2010).
Raabe has received numerous awards including the GottfriedWilhelm-Leibniz-Award (2004), the Lee Hsun Lecture Award
of the Institute of Metal Research of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences (2010), the Weinberg Lecture Award of the University of British Columbia (2011) and an Advanced Grant of the
­European Research Council (ERC). Since 2010 he has been
a member of the Science Advisory Board of the German
Government (Wissenschaftsrat).
Elitenetzwerk Bayern:
Excellent Support for the Best
The Elite Network of Bavaria (ENB) aims to identify and support
the most promising talents at the Bavarian universities in the
best possible way. Excellent pupils with the best grades at
the final secondary-school examinations have the opportunity
to take an extra exam to get accepted into the Max-WeberProgram of Bavaria, which supports students at university
level. Advanced students are supported by Elite Graduate
Programs, Internatio­nal Doctorate Programs and independent
Research Scholarships. For postdoctoral researchers, the ENB
has established International Junior Research Groups. Thus,
the Elite Network of Bavaria provides support and an excellent
scientific environment or outstanding talents at all levels of
higher education.