HOST2HOST FILE INTERFACE Erste Group Bank AG Head Transaction Banking Sales Robert Konrad Tel.: +43 (0)5 0100 - 16654 E-mail: [email protected] Seite 1/2 s Fileservice – Host2Host File Interface s Fileservice s FILESERVICE– Host2Host File Interface Product core features Produktmerkmale & Vorteile Product core features & advantages & advantages –– Zahlungsverkehr für grosse Datenmengen How does How doeswork? s Fileservice s Fileservice work? The customer benefits are: The customer produces automatically payment orders out of his – – Gesicherter Filetransfer The customer benefi ts are:basierend auf genormten Internetprotokollen The customer payment orders out of his accounting-, human produces resourcesautomatically (HR) or treasury management –– vollautomatische – Mass payment channel Datenübermittlung accounting-, or ctreasury management system. Payment fihuman les are resources stored in a(HR) specifi file directory – unterschiedlicher Formate – – Unterstützung Massbased payment – Technology on channel secure internet communication system. files areservice storedcan in athen specifi c file directory connected to s Payment Fileservice. The automatically – aktuelle Kontoinformationen und Datenabholung camt xml, pdf) – –automated Technology based on secure internet communication(MT 940, MT942, – Fully processing capabilities to stransfer Fileservice. The service can then automatically initiateconnected the payment to Erste Group. Alternatively the – – Schnittstelle für Kontoauszüge von Drittbanken – Fully automated processing – Multiple payment initiation formatscapabilities accepted initiate payment toto Erste Group. Alternatively the customer can the upload the filetransfer manually the bank using a web – oder nachträgliche elektronische Zeichnung möglich customer can upload the file manually to the bank using a web – – Direkte Multiple payment accepted – Account statements andinitiation reportingformats based application. Once having received the authorized pay– Account statements (MT940, MT942, camt xml,and pdf)reporting based application. Oncethese having the authorized ment instructions at the bank willreceived be executed immedi- paycamtfrom xml, third pdf) party banks – Hub for(MT940, accountMT942, statements ment instructions at the bank these will be executed immediately. The following payment initiation formats are supported: – Hub for account statements from third party banks – Direct or post-transmission electronic authorization ately. The following payment initiation formats are supported: – Direct or post-transmission electronic authorization – EDIFACT – XML EDIFACT – SEPA – SEPA XML – MT101 Authorization is also possible via – MT101 – Customer specific formats Die Signaturapp ist über die via Erste Netbanking app – Customer specific formats Erste netbanking on smartphone. Authorization is auch alsoyour possible Erste netbanking app möglich on your smartphone. über Ihr Smartphone s Fileservice can also be used to transfer account statements s Fileservice can also used to transfer and transaction reports to thebecustomer. As with account paymentstatements orders and transaction reports to the customer. As with Erste Group can transfer statements automatically into payment a specificorders Erste Group transfer automatically file directory at the can customer forstatements an automated import intointo thea specific file directory at the customermanagement for an automated import customers accounting or treasury system. Withinto thisthe accounting treasury management system. With this respectcustomers Erste Group can evenoract as a consolidator of account respect Erste Group can from even third act as a consolidator of account statements received via SWIFT party banks. statements received via SWIFT from third party banks. Seite 2/2 Wie funktioniert s FILESERVICE? Der Kunde erzeugt automatische Zahlungen in der Buchhaltung, Personalverrechung (HR) oder im Treasury Management System. Die Datensätze werden in einem speziellen, mit dem s Fileservice verbundenen Datenverzeichnis gespeichert. Das Service kann somit automatisch den Zahlungsverkehr zur Erste Group veranlassen. Alternativ kann der Kunde auch händisch die Daten über eine webbasierte Anwendung hochladen. Nachdem die Bank die freigegebenen Zahlungsanweisungen erhalten hat, werden diese umgehend durchgeführt. Folgende Zahlungsformate werden unterstützt –EDIFACT – SEPA XML –MT101 – kundenspezifische Formate Über s Fileservice können auch Kontoauszüge und Transaktionsberichte (Zahlungsverkehrstransaktionen) an den Kunden übermittelt werden. Die Erste Group kann Kontoinformationen für einen automatisierten Import in das Buchhaltungs oder Treasury Management System des Kunden zur Verfügung stellen. Insofern kann die Erste Group sogar als Verwalter von Kontoinformationen die sie über SWIFT von anderen Banken erhält agieren. Fileservice process process ss Fileservice s FILESERVICE Prozess File-Server Customer Kundenserver File-Server Customer Public Internet VPN, Public Internet VPN, sFTP, https etc. VPN, sFTP, https etc. sFTP, https etc. @ @ XFB Fileservice Server sIT XFBsssFileservice Fileservice Server XFB ServersIT sIT Aktiver (POP) Active Modus mode (POP) Active mode (POP) Customer Kunde Customer Passive mode (PUSH) Passiver (PUSH) Passive Modus mode (PUSH) Routing for processing weiterleiten zur Routing for processing Durchführung Umsetzungsprozess: Implementation Process: – Defintion von Internet Protokoll und System Parametern Implementation Process: Where can can II fifind nd out out more more about about Where the ss Fileservice Fileservice solution? solution? the – s Fileservice Vertrag unterzeichnen – Implementierung der technischen Schnittstelle für upload/download – Define technical internet protocol and system parameters derprotocol Zugangsdaten – Defi– ne Übermittlung technical internet and system parameters – – – – – – Sign s Fileservice contract Sign s Fileservice contract Implement technical interface for upload/download Implement technical interface for upload/download Provide user credentials to customer Provide user credentials to customer If you are interested in using our s Fileservice, please contact If you are interested in using our s Fileservice, please contact your account manager or our Group Transaction Banking your account manager or our Group Transaction Banking Sales Team. Sales Team. Wo erhalte ich mehr Information über s FILESERVICE? Robert Konrad Robert Konrad Head of Transaction Banking Sales Head of Transaction Banking Sales Tel: +43 (0)5 0100 - 16654 Tel: +43 (0)5 0100 - 16654 Wenn Sie Interesse an unserem S Fileservice haben wenden E-Mail: Sie [email protected] bitte an Ihren Kundenbetreuer oder E-Mail: [email protected] an unser Erste Group Transaction Banking Team.
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