How to Book Please return the booking form to us with your conference fee, NOW!! 21 – 22 March 2015 …… and is there someone you know who might like to come? Especially a Japanese friend who is already a Christian or who is seriously exploring the Christian faith? Then please pass on this invitation – or ask us to send them one. Practical Details Registration will be from 10.00-10:30am on Saturday 21 March. Overnight accommodation and all meals and refreshments up to and including tea and refreshments at around 3.30-4.00pm on Sunday are provided. Costs are shown in the enclosed booking form, where you will see that there is a good discount for students. It is also possible to attend as a day visitor on the Saturday or Sunday. Please contact us if you would like to explore any options not shown on the booking form. JCL – Who are we? We were founded as the Japan Evangelistic Band (or JEB) in 1903. Since then, through God’s grace, JEB’s work has led to the establishment of over 150 churches and the Kansai Bible College in Japan. In 1999 the mission adopted the new name of Japan Christian Link. The former JEB work in Japan is now directed independently by our Japanese colleagues, supported by JCL missionaries as required. From the UK we are both supporting the work in Japan and building our outreach to overseas Japanese. We are Interdenominational, with most of the main traditions represented, and we are International, with workers from several different countries including Japan itself. We are also Inclusive, seeking to cooperate with other missions as well as working on our own. Our work is carried out by a mix of full-time missionaries, ‘tent-maker’ missionaries and part-time volunteers. Visit us at to find out more and follow us at and JCL’s vision is to help make a significant difference in the progress of the gospel among the Japanese people during the first half of this century. Come and join us in March ! JCL, P O Box 68, Sevenoaks, KENT, TN13 2ZY Tel/Fax 01732 455453 E-mail [email protected] JCL is a registered UK charity (no. 213834) 世界を変える! JCL Japan Weekend Conference at All Nations Christian College クリスチャンの存在と 活動がどのように世界に インパクトを与えるのか Do you: - Want to hear how God is working in Japan? - Wonder how you can share your faith with Japanese friends? - Wish you understood Japan and the Japanese people better … and want to pray more effectively for them? - Want to understand more about being a Japanese Christian and to have some new perspectives on how to reach other Japanese with the good news of Jesus and help them grow in faith? 海外で信仰を得て、クリスチャンになったばかりの方々!日本への帰国に際して不安 をかかえていませんか?どの教会に行けばいいのか?「帰国者」ネットワークはある のか?そんな疑問をお持ちのあなたにぴったりのコンファレンスです。 … then JCL’s Japan Weekend Conference is for you! . お待ちしております! Our venue is All Nations Christian College in Hertfordshire with its beautiful grounds and gardens and historic main house. (see opposite) Our guest speaker, Mitsuo Fukuda from Osaka, is a specialist in designing training, whether on child-raising for parents, human resource development for companies and schools, or disciple-making programmes for new believers. He is also an encourager of the house church movement in Japan. Inevitably, some of his views have proved controversial. However, he will certainly make us think and perhaps re-examine which of our own views on church and mission are Biblically coherent, and which might simply reflect centuries of Western church culture and tradition! His books include "Mentoring like Barnabas," "Upward, Outward, Inward" and "Developing a Contextualized Church as a Bridge to Christianity in Japan." This conference is for Japanese as well as for British-or other overseas Christians. It will especially benefit Japanese who have recently come to faith in Christ or who are seriously exploring the Christian faith. So do invite your Japanese friends too - there will be plenty of input in Japanese! The programme will include workshops, worship songs, testimonies and good time to relax, chat and get to know one another. One of the great benefits will be the chance to meet many different people involved formally or informally in outreach to Japanese. It’s also a great time to make new friends and renew old acquaintances, as well as to learn about mission among Japan. I look forward to seeing you there! Selvan Anketell, JCL Director ら し て く だ さ い 。 ま す 。 皆 さ ん 是 非 い 中 らべ 自ジ種プ せ ん 森 の を時予ーグ か の ど楽間定クラ ? 散 か し に し や ム 策 なみ はて メ と も 自なおおッ し 出 然がし りセ て 来 の ゃ 、 ー各 、 、 り由をト ロ 友 情 と 信 仰 を 深 め ま 交 わ り の 時 を 持 ち 、 国 人 ク リ ス チ ャ ン と 日 本 に 関 心 を 持 つ 英 リ ス チ ャ ン や 、 英 国 在 住 の 日 本 人 ク 世界を変えるために クリスチャンであるあなたは、イエス様に従う決心をしたときに永遠の 生命を約束されましたが、同時に世界を創造された「王であるイエスさ ま」から尊いミッションを与えられました。 それは、世界を変革するという使命です。たとえば、帰国する人は、 日本を変革するためにイギリスから派遣される者です。 どこにいても、あなたが行くところに、王であるイエスさまが一緒に 行かれ、あなたを通して人々に、ご自身の愛と真理と力を注ぎ出そうと しておられます。 この神からの招きを受け取り直し、神の国のプロジェクトのために準備 しましょう。 福田充男さんは、家族の中で、コミュニティの中で、さらには、教育界、 ビジネス界、政界などの広い世界で、クリスチャンの存在と活動がどの ように世界にインパクトを与えるのかを、ご自身の経験を通して教えて くださいます。 Conference Venue All Nations Christian College is set in extensive grounds in the beautiful Hertfordshire countryside. Accommodation is full board with single, twin and double rooms available. No children’s programme is provided, but there will be a lounge, with sound relayed through from the main meetings, where parents may supervise their children. The College is accessible by public transport – trains run from Liverpool Street to nearby St Margarets station. Full details will be sent with your booking confirmation, but please contact us if you would like any more information now.
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