Professor Christopher Robin Lowe 1. ご所属 Emeritus Professor / Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK 2. ご略歴 1989 Pierce Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Affinity Chromatography 1991 David Curnow Prize in Clinical Chemistry 1994 Schlumberger Stichting Prize 1996 Queen's Award for Technological Achievement 2002 Silver Jubilee Medal – Chromatographic Society 2003 Henry Dale Medal and Prize: The Royal Institution (London) 2006 Dade-Behring Award for Clinical Chemistry 2006 “Most Entrepreneurial Scientist of the UK” Award: UKSEC 2007 Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education: The Royal Anniversary Trust 2010 Officer of the British Empire (OBE): New Year Honours 2011 BBSRC Commercial Innovator of the Year 2013 Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Bath (UK), Lund (Sweden) and the Australian National University (ANU) 3. 研究内容 バイオ医薬品、診断薬、微生物テクノロジーといったヘルスケアバイオテクノロジ ーに携わってこられた先生で、仕事の内容は多くの学問領域(分子生物学、生化学、 細菌学、化学、物理学など)にわたっています。近年、ホログラフィーの原理に基 づく革新的なバイオセンシング技術の開発を進められており、特に連続グルコース 計測の分野への応用が注目されています。 Professor David Klonoff 1. ご所属 1995-Present Clinical Professor of Medicine at University of California, San Francisco 2000-Present Medical Director of the Dorothy L. and James E. Frank Diabetes Research Institute of Mills-Peninsula Health Services in San Mateo. 2006-Present Founding Editor-in-Chief, Journal of diabetes Science and Technology 2016/March- Visiting Professor, Global Innovation Research Organization, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology 2. ご略歴 2010 FDA Director’s Special Citation Award (outstanding contributions related to diabetes technology) --- In top 1% of endocrinologists in the USA (Castle Connolly Medical Ltd.) --- Best endocrinologist in San Mateo County, (Bay Area Consumer Checkbook) 2011-Present Cited as being in the top 1% of endocrinologists in the US by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. 2012 Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) --- In top 1000 / In top 2% of bioengineers in the world 2012 Gold Medal Oration and Distinguished Scientist Award (Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre and Madras Diabetes Research Foundation of Chennai, India) 糖尿病に関するテクノロジーの開発や認可に初期からかかわって来られた。 3. 研究内容 内分泌科の医師で糖尿病や糖尿病に関するテクノロジーに携わってこられた先生で、 外来患者用クローズド・ループ・コントロール型人口膵臓、インスリン・パッチ・ ポンプ、糖尿病用遠隔医療情報システムなどをはじめ、多くの糖尿病に関するテク ノロジーの開発や認可に初期からかかわってこられた。 Professor Fred Lisdat 1. ご所属 Professor, Director of the Institute / Technical University Wildau, Institute of Applied Life Sciences, Germany 2. ご略歴 1987 Karl Marx Fellowship 1992 PhD, Humboldt University Berlin, Nernst Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Germany Since 2000 President of BioHyTec Association Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany 2001 Guest Professorship at the University of Tokyo Since 2003 Scientific Committee of the German Biosensor Symposia 2004 Habilitation, University of Potsdam, Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, Analytical Biochemistry, Germany Since 2011 Scientific Advisory Board of DiagnosticNet Berlin Brandenburg 2010-14 Scientific Advisory Board of the Centre of Molecular Diagnostics and Bioanalysis Since 2011 Scientific Committee of the Dresdner Sensor Symposia 2012-2014 Scientific Committee of German Electrochemistry Conference Since 2012 Advisory Board of the Journal “Bioelectrochemistry” (Elsevier) Since 2013 Secretary General of the Bioelectrochemical Society Since 2015 Chair Elect of the Bioelectrochemistry Division of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 3. 研究内容 生体分子の電気化学的特性解析、金属・カーボン電極等の表面との結合性や相互作 用やそれらの技術を用いてのバイオラジカル・代謝物・核酸・抗体等の検出用セン サーの開発に携わってこられた先生です。
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